Music: Warriors by Ronan Hardiman
The night drew to an end. All the Guild Masters and their parties thanked their host for an enjoyable evening as they took their leave. Some left by way of portals and others mounted steeds and wagons accordingly. They left the Crimson Blades complex happy, full of good food, and in some cases a little intoxicated.
Sauren watched as Belaen and two of his recruits left the grounds. His jaw tightened. It seemed the Sigil of Shadow was missing one of their own. He glared at Brett. "I thought I told you to keep an eye on them."
"I did," Brett replied defensive.
"Then where are they?"
"Not where you think anyway." Brett held his ground, and he knew it would probably cost him, but primarily, he did not want the night to end irrevocably for Tiene and Camnath.
Sauren called on his two henchmen, Don and Reed, who he issued orders to in a hushed voice. The two men dutifully shot out of the main hall to search the grounds.
"Why were you not watching them closer?" Sauren hissed, turning back to Brett.
But, the second in command had been watching them. Although Brett suspected the night was not going to end as the young couple hoped, he nevertheless gleaned a little comfort in the knowledge Don and Reed would not be the ones to find them. Brett gritted his teeth, agitated - he had no choice but to tell Sauren where Tiene and Camnath were. "I saw them heading for the library," he said.
Sauren stared at him, eyes, dark. After a few moments, his mood lifted, and a grin crossed his mouth. "Good! Let's go to them. I have some news to share."
Somehow, Brett sensed the 'news', was anything but good, but he followed in silence as they headed to what had become Tiene's favourite place in the complex.
The two men entered the library and found the young couple sitting together, enjoying a last glass of wine. Oblivious of their observers, they were laughing lightly, inching closer, lips almost touching. Sauren signalled for Brett to stay a few steps behind as he approached Tiene and Camnath.
"I am afraid the evening is over," Sauren announced, bold, pinching his cuffs and flexing his fingers.
The couple started at the sudden intrusion. Camnath put down his glass and stood, respectful. Inclining his head, he apologised and glanced at Tiene. The young elf appeared to be a little awkward.
The Guild Master stared at him, waiting.
Tiene stood and moved beside Camnath, her face showing uncertainty. Camnath placed his arm around her waist, protective, and as if stating a claim.
Sauren's mouth tightened at the intimacy. "I trust you caught up in stories of home, family and whatever, then?"
"Yes, we did," Camnath replied, wary by the Guild Master's tone but still smiling at Tiene.
Behind, Brett shifted uneasily - he sensed the tension in the air. But, he was not prepared for what his leader said next.
"Good! Then may I suggest you remove your arm from my intended."
A shocked look passed between the couple, disbelief at what Sauren had just said. "What?" Camnath gasped. He did not move from Tiene's side. Stunned, rendered speechless, Tiene pressed herself against him, her arm sliding around his waist.
"I think you heard me clearly enough young man."
Still, Camnath remained where he was. "I - I don't understand."
The Guild Master's hand slid to the inside pocket of his jacket, and he pulled out the correspondence he'd received earlier in the evening. "You see," he explained, holding the letter up. "I have a letter from Tiene's father, granting me permission to court her."
"No!" Tiene said, finally finding her voice. "That cannot be!" A sense of dread flowed through her.
"Oh, but it is," Sauren replied, his eyes softening as he looked at her. "It arrived just before this evening's festivities begun."
Camnath stepped forward. "You lie," he growled.
"Do I?" He opened the letter and held it close enough for the ebony-haired elf to see Yathas' signature. Camnath's shoulders slumped. "I assure you - " Sauren continued, "- Had I thought for one moment, she still harboured feelings for you, I would not have approached her father requesting her hand." He re-folded the letter and placed it back in his pocket.
"No!" The young elf still refused to accept the news. "We have been writing to each other since she arrived here and there was never any mention of this." Camnath was angry but, at the same time, shocked.
He glanced at Brett, who stood a few feet behind Sauren, hands clasped in front. The older rogue frowned and gave the minimalist shake of his head, his eyes flitting towards his master and back to Camnath. The ebony-haired elf clenched his fists and shifted his weight on both feet, agitated.
"Ask yourself Camnath," Sauren said, absentmindedly picking at an imaginary piece of fluff on his jacket sleeve. "How come I had to ask your name?" He looked at the elf, waiting for the seed of doubt to take root. The boy's eyes dulled. "Exactly. She does not speak of you. I understand you are close friends, coming from the same city and training together - what - over a year ago? But..." He held out his hands, shrugging.
Camnath faltered. He turned to Tiene, his arm slipping from her waist. "Tiene?" he whispered, looking for an explanation. Tiene turned to him.
Her mouth was dry; voice lost once more. Slowly, she shook her head at the allusion - it could not be possible what she was hearing. Why was Sauren so mean? And, it was not that she chose not to speak of Camnath, her feelings were private, there was no-one who she could talk to about him, at least not in the way she wanted to. Not since Lexie left anyway. Yet, she could not find the words to explain this. She watched, with increasing pain as her ebony-haired beau showed signs of doubting her.
Memories of a girl sitting on a hospital bed, warning her of things to come, ran through her mind. Tiene had gradually come to think of Lexie's warnings as mere vexations of a girl who was no longer part of her lover's life. She had to re-think it all now.
"Her letters to you, however," Sauren continued, enjoying the uncertainty in the elf's face, "do mention my name, don't they? A lot!"
Tiene stepped forward; the situation had taken another turn. Still reeling from the news her father had given his permission for Sauren to court her, this latest revelation flipped a switch. "You read my letters?" Her voice, although trembling, was sharp.
Sauren merely smirked but looked away.
Tiene stood clenching and unclenching her fists, tears threatening, both from anger and disbelief. She looked back at Camnath. His eyes were full of hurt and doubt. Did he believe him? "Camnath! He is lying. It is not as he says... " she pleaded.
"Is he? " Camnath asked. "He has a point Tiene. Your letters do always speak of him. And now I learn you do not even mention my name in the passing?"
"Camnath! Please! Do not listen..." Tiene stepped closer, but the young elf moved back, the recoil, a stab to her heart.
"Now he has been given your father's blessing." Camnath's voice faltered. Then he whispered, "I thought you loved me."
"I do. Camnath. I do!" Desperation hitched her voice.
Camnath shifted back another step, his mind reeling, heart, breaking. Tiene's letters had always been so tender, so full of love for him - or so he'd thought. Then again, he reasoned, they had not seen each other for a year.
Looking back at Sauren, he acknowledged she had, however, been in the company of the affluent rogue before him, one who could offer her the world. Camnath could not hope to compete with someone like him - he'd been foolish to have even thought he could.
Brett shifted uncomfortably. He hated this. The torture he saw in the young couple's faces was disturbing to watch. The letter Sauren had from Yathas, was news to him. He could not understand how Yathas would agree to such a thing, especially without telling Tiene or even mentioning it to him first. It did not sound like the man he knew; the man he called a friend. Regardless, Sauren was cruel beyond words approaching the subject like this.
"Camnath! Please, do not listen to him." Tiene moved towards the ebony-haired man, holding out her hand in desperation. "This is not happening!"
He took another step back. "Obviously, it is Tiene." Then, swallowing hard, he cleared his throat. "I hope you will be very happy." With one last agonising, tear-filled look at her, he turned and left the hall.
"No! Camnath. Please..." her voice trailed off as she watched his back receding from her view.
Sauren smirked with satisfaction. That had gone easier than he'd imagined. Turning his head to the side, he hissed orders to Brett. "Make sure he leaves the grounds." Then he turned his eyes to Tiene, who had slumped to her knees, sobbing.
Music: Lament Ronan Hardiman
Brett ran after the young elf, who strode quickly towards the stables for his horse. Camnath was wasting no time leaving the Crimson Blade.
"Camnath!" Brett shouted after him. "Wait!"
The young elf ignored the man and vaulted onto his saddle. Tugging on the reins, he turned his horse towards the portcullis.
"Camnath!" Brett reached him and clasped the reins before the elf kicked the beast into a gallop. "Do not believe him!" He gasped, out of breath, having tried to keep up with the younger man. "He is lying, I am sure of it."
"I saw Yathas' name with my own eyes! Besides, why would he lie about it?" Camnath's voice was hoarse from holding back the hurt he felt. His eyes held unshed tears.
"Yet you think Tiene would lie to you?" Brett reasoned with him.
Camnath glared down at him, his hurt blurring all ability to think straight. The Blade's second in command, however, seemed to believe more in Tiene than he did his Guild Master.
Catching his breath, Brett continued. "He covets her, yes, but I do not believe that letter is what he said it was. It could well be from Yathas..."
"It was! I saw his signature!"
Brett conceded. "Alright, but it is doubtful to contain what Sauren made out it did. He and Yathas do communicate, yes, but I would know if the subject was marriage! Yathas is my friend. Hell, don't you think Tiene would know? She was as stunned as we were. She is innocent in this."
Camnath took a moment to consider. "That still does not explain why she never mentions me. I talk about her all the time." The horse whinnied and jerked sideways. Camnath pulled on the reins to steady it.
"For goodness sake, lad! For one thing, she has few in here who she can call true friends to confide in such things. Sauren saw to that by having her placed in chambers set aside for his..."
The elf noted the man's hesitancy. "His what?"
Brett sighed, knowing he had said too much already, but that there was no turning back. "They were his wife's quarters."
"Wife? He is already married?" Camnath's eyes burned. "Hardly something that can be kept a secret, surely!"
"I know, but it is not a proper marriage, hasn't been for almost four years now. Piper does not stay nor visit here anymore. He sent her away when she failed to produce an heir."
Silence. The young elf chewed over the older rogue's words, his face contorting in disgust. "He is a callous man," he commented.
"Yes, although he was not always so - at least not quite as cruel."
Camnath stared at Brett, a look of dubiety creasing his brow. "I will take Tiene with me..."
"No!" Brett grabbed the reins tighter. "You cannot. She must stay according to the contract signed by her father."
"She is of age to decide what she wants to do..." Camnath protested.
"Yes, but a contract is still a contract. And Sauren is no fool, Camnath. He knows what he is doing. She must stay here for a minimum of five years."
Camnath leaned down. "Or what!"
"Or - the cost to her family will be everything they own. And I mean, everything."
The young elf sat back up in the saddle, digesting Brett's words. Then he looked back down at the older rogue. "I take it you are not overly impressed by your leader."
Brett lowered his eyes for a moment, then fixing the young elf's stare, he spoke honestly. "I am only here still because of an oath I made to his father. There are, however, a number of us who remain faithful to the old ways, and the memories of Sa'themar, Yathas and Lina."
Camnath sensed there was more. "Go on."
"We suspect Sauren is conspiring with - oh, I don't know –. We have not been able to discern all the facts yet. But we have heard of strange goings-on in Caer Darrow. There is some talk of a mage - a very eminent mage - from Dalaran involved. Sauren was seen speaking with him, a few times, while on 'secret' outings. These meetings are outwith guild protocol. This is all we know for now."
Brett could see the ebony-haired elf was still feeling hurt and wasn't sure if his words meant anything to the young man at all. "We have wished to overthrow Sauren for a long time. We have some sources who suspect he is working against the greater good of the Alliance, but we cannot simply carry out a mutiny - and without proof. There are too many loyal new-bloods in these walls for us to overcome. We would be wiped out in seconds. That could also mean danger to Tiene."
Camnath regarded the man. He was a friend of Yathas, and he appeared genuine. He also seemed very fond of Tiene. Inside, Camnath was still burning with hurt and anger, but he could not bear for Tiene to suffer the consequences of some heinous plot of betrayal which the Blade's leader was drumming up. "I will speak with Belaen about this, but - be rest-assured, Brett, if you are lying too, I will kill you all."
Brett nodded, stepping back from the horse.
Camnath made to move out, but one last thing made him look at the man again. "Protect Tiene, for I cannot." Then he spurred his horse, and the young elf left the grounds.
Sauren dragged Tiene by the elbow upstairs to the private chambers. She fought, lashing out slapping, kicking, but her energy was sapped. Ample consumption of wine during the festivities did not help her predicament - her reflexes were dulled. The shocking end to the evening coupled with the crippling realisation Lexie had foretold this, left her drained.
She scuffed her feet along as he pulled her towards his rooms. This was not how she thought she would react. Numb? Weak? She should be fuelled by anger, tearing his hair out, ripping at his face. But she was a wreck. How could this be?
Slamming the door and locking it behind them, Sauren pushed her into the room. His eyes were intense, burning with a fire she had never seen before. She was afraid of the man. "I am tired of waiting for you to notice me, Tiene!" He growled.
His words did not make sense to her. "Notice you? What do you mean? I speak with you every day..." Her voice trembled.
"Stop this childish pretence!" he shouted. "You know well enough what I mean." The look of fear on her face caused him to falter - he had never intended to scare her. His voice softened. "I just want you to look at me - the way you look at him."
Tiene gasped. "After the way, you are treating me now? Never!" she said hoarsely.
His eyes darkened again. Grabbing Tiene's arm, he pulled her toward a desk. Documents, maps, quills and ink bottles lay scattered over its surface. With a broad sweep of his arm, he cleared it and spun her round to face him.
Her eyes widened with fear as his hand moved to her throat. He pushed her down until her back was hard against the wooden surface. Keeping her pinned to the desk, his other hand fumbled at the side, opening a drawer where he took out a small phial of a lilac coloured liquid. Popping the cork, he forced her mouth open and poured the contents down her throat. Weakening, she spluttered, trying to spit it out but he closed her mouth, and she had no option but to swallow.
The glass jar with her butterflies fell from her wrist and hit the floor. The sound of it smashing brought her out of her stupor. She clawed at Sauren's hand, but he tightened his grip.
His other hand pulled up the skirts of her dress, his legs tangled with hers, pushing them apart. Panic flared, she tried to push him away her limbs flailing. But, her energy drained; fighting back was futile, he was insanely strong. Pathetic, hoarse little whispers of "No" were all which spilt from her mouth.
He reached under the skirts and tugged at her undergarments, ripping them free. She tried to scream, but all that came out was a gurgle induced by the hold he still had on her throat. Tears welled as he touched her most private place.
From somewhere, far away, a voice reached out to her - "Learn to use your womanly charms Tiene, it may, in the future, be what saves you. You are more powerful than you realise." Aledine! In rapid succession, all the things the madame had told her ran through her head, the message becoming clearer as her situation seemed more hopeless by the second.
The thought terrified her, but perhaps it was the only option available. Her voice though strained from the grip Sauren had on her throat, finally managed more than an inept whisper. "Please!! Sauren. Not like this! Allow me some dignity."
His fevered eyes cooled and the grip on her throat loosened. Slowly, he stepped back. For a moment, he looked almost like a tortured soul, having just discovered it was no longer part of the living world, trying to get its bearings. Gradually, the pleasant, almost kindly face she recognised returned, the distorted veil, lifted.
Shakily she pushed herself up, glancing at the door. In that instant, Sauren's eyes darkened again, his intentions once more to the fore. Resigned, Tiene knew she would not escape.
Trying to keep tears at bay, she looked over at the bed. With her head hung low, she walked over - her breath hitching. Never had she felt so helpless, so at the mercy of another person. In her mind, she called out to the one who no longer heard her. The one who took her heart with him when he fled the hall. Why, Camnath? Why did you leave me? Why did you believe him?
Her body trembled as Sauren approached from behind. She could hear him breathing, a raspy, hot breath - then it ghosted on her shoulders and neck. She shuddered. Raising her hand to indicate the fastenings, she stammered. "Help me."
She closed her eyes and held her breath, expecting him to rip the dress from her, but instead, he started to unfasten the tiny buttons of the bodice. Once undone, he ran his hands between the fabric and her skin. She fought the urge to scream, to cry.
He cupped her breasts and pulled her back against his hardened body. A moan escaped his lips as he nuzzled against her ear. "Tiene," he whispered, hot, fevered. She shuddered, trying to block out what was happening.
The dress slipped from her body and fell into a pool of shimmering fabric at her feet. Instinctively she brought her hands round to cover her modesty.
Sauren moved round to face her, pushing her arms gently by her sides. He started to remove his clothing, admiring her body as he did so. She caught a glimpse of a tattoo on his chest, a large serpent wound around a dagger. She knew not where to look as he removed his trousers, so she scrunched her eyes shut and turned her head away.
Sauren cupped her jaw, turning her face towards him. A tear rolled down her cheek.
"Why are you crying, Tiene?" he said. "This is meant to be pleasurable." Tiene doubted very much being forced down by the throat, your legs splayed against your will, was anything but what someone could call remotely pleasurable. Not even Aledine. "I wouldn't know," she replied, trembling.
His suspicions were confirmed. "So, I am your first?" he breathed, a smile spreading on his lips.
She nodded.
She heard him groan before his mouth closed over hers, tongue probing, hungry. He pulled her down onto the bed, pinning her underneath him, his legs spreading hers wide once more.
She was numb.
Sauren raised himself up, his eyes looking at her adoringly. "It will only hurt for a moment, Tiene."
Then he drove into her, groaning as he took her. The physical pain was nought compared to the battering her emotions were taking. Her mind called out to Camnath, begging forgiveness.
Then she closed herself down to the brutal reality, her mind abandoning her body, journeying back to a meadow where a handsome young elf stood, his face, smeared in grass stains. She blinked a tear away as she recalled him stealing a kiss from an innocent girl while in stealth. He was the boy she loved with all her heart.
Another tear escaped and traced down her cheek to the pillows.
Both that boy and the girl were now gone, their images swirling, fading as they drifted out over the sea, lost to a cruel and turbulent world.
As Sauren continued to grind inside her, she looked towards the desk, her eyes resting on the glass jar which lay broken on the floor. Tiny wings beat erratically, sloping off to one side as slowly, her precious butterflies passed from this world to the next. They too turned to dust.
Thank you for reading!!!
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