Lynn's Two Bodyguards

Much later, Robin was at the apartment Lynn and Jason shared at. All the other Bat Family members were assigned specific singers while Batman was on the lookout for Chapman. "I spoke to Zane earlier," said Lynn, "he told me that Earl is keepin' an eye on the rest of the band until this killer is captured."

"Any word from Batgirl?" Robin asked. "Nobody's gotten in so far," said Jason, he was wearing his Red Hood suit. Robin nodded, blushing a little bit while thinking about Barbara. "You like her, don't you?" Lynn asked, smirking a little. Robin sat down on a piano chair and said, "is it that obvious?" He blushed more. "I could feel a spark between you two from the moment y'all met," said Lynn, "I think you'd make a good boyfriend for Babs. I'm sure she'd love a guy that can make her laugh for all the right reasons. So who else knows about yer romantic feelins?"

"Kevin," confirmed Robin, "he gave me dating advice." Robin got out his cell phone and put it on top of the piano, pressing record. He played the piano and started to sing...

Wise men say
Only fools, only fools rush in
Oh, but I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay?
Would it be, would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be

Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be

Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
No I can't help falling in love with you...

Robin then stopped recording on his phone and Jason said, "I sometimes forget you have a nice singing voice, Robin." Lynn smiled and said, "what'd I tell ya? I think you'd make a lotta bank as a solo artist." Robin got even more shy and said bashfully, "oh you guys are too modest... I just hope the possibility of starting a relationship with Barbara can work. And I say that's because I live in California for the most part. I wouldn't want to force Barbara to choose between her hometown and Acme Acres." Lynn snapped her fingers and said enthusiastically, "remind me to book one of my concerts at your hometown! Zane's been wanting me to perform in other cities in California besides LA for years. I just hope we can do it when this blows over." Robin nodded and said "you and me both sister. So how did you meet Charity?

As Lynn explained how she and the Bat Family met the Crystalian fashionista, little did they know was that someone had broken into the window of Lynn and Jason's bedroom. He came in, wearing typical clothes that a serial killer would wear, it was The Stargazing Killer! He got out his knife and thought to himself, "I will silence her, forever!" Well, the break-in certainly got the attention of Bolt, and when Lynn was finished talking, the dog started barking and growling. "Bolt? What's wrong boy?" Robin asked as the dog started going into hunter mode while growling. "I'm gonna go with Bolt to see if anything's going on," said Robin as he followed Bolt, the dog could smell something that didn't belong to Lynn, Jason, or Robin. As Robin followed Bolt, he pulled out a wooden mallet from his Acme cap. They slowly started to approach Lynn and Jason's bedroom. The toon looked at Bolt and instructed, "stay here for a moment, I gotta open the door." He pet the dog and slowly opened the door, and then he turned on the light. Robin then saw right in front of him The Stargazing Killer! If this was a movie, the violin screeches from Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho would start playing! It was like Lila Crane discovering that Norman Bates was the killer! Robin screamed like a little girl, Bolt started barking like mad, and the killer screamed like a madman getting caught in the act, he stalked towards the two with the intent of killing them both! Robin then jumped up and hit Chapman square in the noggin, knocking him down! Jeffrey was flat on his back, a lump swelling on his forehead from the impact of the mallet, seeing stars. Robin breathed intensely, the adrenaline getting to him as Bolt growled angrily at Chapman.

"Robin, what's wrong?!?!?!" Lynn asked as she and Red Hood rushed over to where the screaming and the barking took place. They found the unconscious Chapman, Robin, and Bolt. "Oh my God, it's The Stargazin' Killer!" Lynn said in shock. "He- he must have broken into your bedroom and Bolt was the first one to hear it," explained Robin as he grabbed Chapman's knife and tossed it aside, his hands shaking. Jason cautiously snuck over to Chapman to check his pulse. "He's alive," confirmed Jason, "did you knock him out, Robin?" The toon calmed down and said, "I was in fight or flight mode, he was gonna stalk towards me and Bolt so I hit him with my mallet as hard as I could. I think you should give your dog extra treats for detecting Chapman." The killer came to and asked, "what the hell? Did I just get hit by a friggin mallet?!?!?!" Red Hood forcefully grabbed Chapman by the collar shirt and aggressively said, "Get up, you sicko." Chapman stood up on his feet, looked at Robin and asked, "Who the hell's the Mickey Mouse looking rip off? And why are his clothes so stupid looking and outdated?" Lynn got offended and snapped, "hey that's my drummer and friend you're talking smack about, asshole!" She slapped Chapman across the face, not hesitating to use a little bit of her lightning powers to make the slap hurt a little bit more. Red Hood chuckled, "look at that, the infamous Stargazing Killer, easily getting his ass kicked by a toon who's shorter than him." He put handcuffs on Chapman's wrists and said, "I'll contact Batman and let him know you stopped Chapman, then the police will handle the trash." Lynn hugged Robin and said, "thank you so much for stoppin' Chapman, Robin! Jay and I owe our lives to you, you're practically a hero!"

Can't Help Falling In Love (With You) originally sung by Elvis Presley

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