Robotic Reunion | What One Stands For | A Ninjago Pixane Oneshot

P.I.X.A.L.'s POV:

"Yes! We did it! Take that Oni!" Jay cockily exclaimed, raising his hands in the air.

We never thought that Garmadon would come to our side, and we never thought that he would make the revelation that the solution to defeating the Oni and breaking their curse, was to sacrifice himself once more and banish them to the departed realm, along with himself. And miraculously, it worked. With an interesting side effect that wasn't expected.

I gazed upon the large vortex curiously, my bright green eyes wandering over the unbelievable sight. Zane stood next to me, gently leaning his head on my shoulder with the same perplexed look on his face.

Kai looked up, and his eyes widened as an unfamiliar elderly man came into view, traveling through the vortex in our direction. "What the FSM? Is that-?" His jaw dropped, as he turned to look at Zane and me.

Zane's bright icy blue eyes popped open wide, and a large, unusually exuberant grin appeared on his titanium face where a solemn look previously resided. "It seems to be so. But how? Why? Really?" He questioned profusely, staring up at the vortex with a look of wonder and amazement.

I was confused, as I slowly stood up straight to look at it myself. "Who is that?" I questioned innocently in my soft robotic voice.

"Dr. Julien?" Jay looked up as well, joining us in the confusion.

Zane smiled a wide metallic smile. "My father."

My jaw slowly dropped as well, as it hit me what was going on. Zane's father must have passed sometime before he met me, and Zane never thought he'd see him again! But Garmadon's sacrifice to defeat the Oni must have opened the inter-realm rift long enough for Dr. Julien to pass through! But why?

I stood there perplexed, frozen still in my jumbled thoughts as I watched the man land softly on the ground a few feet in front of us with the others. The others stepped back a ways from Zane and me, giving us some space. I was.....nervous-cited, as Jay might say. I wasn't exactly sure how to react to this new situation, Zane's father being back and all, right in front of our faces.

Zane ran up to Dr. Julien and pulled him into a tight hug almost immediately. He proclaimed, "Father, you've returned!"

Dr. Julien had a slightly caught off-guard yet happy look on his face, as he hugged Zane back and his yellow lips curled into a soft smile. "I've missed you too Zane..." he replied, a little out of breath.

Zane slowly pulled away with a confused look and slowly rose his square black eyebrows. "But father, you must of returned from the departed realm...." he trailed off in a questioning tone.

Dr. Julien's smile widened a bit and his eyes opened knowingly. "I guess the universe thought I wasn't done here!" His shoulders shrugged just barely a centimeter.

I stepped a foot closer to them to get a better view. I was directly behind Zane at that point.

He noticed and stepped back a little himself so I had more breathing room. "Oh, this is-"

"I,-" I stepped a bit closer and looked up at the man with my curious green eyes.

He looked back down at me with a warm and friendly sparkle in his eyes. "And who must you be?" He asked, gently straightening his glasses.

I softly cleared my throat and simply stated in my calmest voice, "I am P.I.X.A.L., and I stand for......." I thought for a moment, I slowly closed my eyes for a second and I was transported into a flashback....when I first met Zane...I was so cold....and oblivious, but he opened my eyes, both figuratively and literally, with his morals and huge humanistic heart, which I admired him for.

I opened my eyes back up and I realized that barely a second had passed. "Zane." I was shaking a little as I stated the words, scared to mess up this first impression.

Zane's cheeks blushed a bright pink reminiscent of his fuchsia gi that Jay had mentioned a few hundred times from fond comedic memories of times done past. I had never seen him blush before. I had no idea that he even could blush! But I did find it quite adorable.

I smiled a little in amusement and turned my head slightly to look at him with a lively sparkle in my eye. I could swear that for just a millisecond he flinched, seeming like he might faint he was so flustered. All I could do was smile cheerily and turn my head back to look at Dr. Julien.

Zane sputtered helplessly, his cheeks still blushing profusely, "Ah-ah-I, what P.I.X.A.L. means to say is, ummm....." He drew a blank and looked askance off into space in flustered confusion.

Dr. Julien flashed a wide toothy knowing smile. "I see....." He said with an eyebrow raise of piqued interest.

(This whole first part of this one-shot was based on this one comic, which I made when I finished season 9, right when I found Ninjago: and binged it all back to back in a matter of weeks. This was made before March Of The Oni came out, so please forgive me for Zane's gi being wrong. I tried. This comic was based on my theory of how the ending of that special would turn out. But wait, it's not over yet! Don't go, please! We still have a decent bit more before it's over. So enjoy part 2!)

Zane's POV: I was frozen. That is not a joke. Not literally. I'm not mad. I could never be mad at P.I.X.A.L.'s cute face. But I was confused, and a bit stunned. Why did she say that? I thought she would've introduced herself as she has done before! It was sweet and flattering, to be honest, but also confusing. Maybe she had learned more about humans than I had first thought...

Oh well. I turned and gently took my father's hand. "Father," I said happily, my blush fading quickly as my processor sped up at the delight of him being back. "We should all go back inside the monastery. The team would probably like to see you." I smiled wide, guiding him up the path as P.I.X.A.L. carefully followed behind us.

"Alright," he said with a familiar smile of his own, walking with me back up to the monastery doors.

I thought about how overjoyed and shocked everyone must be feeling. I sure am.

I accidentally opened the doors with more force than I had intended and it made a loud slamming noise as we entered. P.I.X.A.L. slowly followed behind with a soft girlish giggle at my awkward antics, her hand hovering over her mouth as she did so.

Everyone's eyes widened as they realized what had legitimately happened, and Sensei and Faith looked flabbergasted.

Faith tilted her head a little in confusion. "Who? What is going on?"

Sensei smiled a bit, and though he looked confused and slightly stunned, he greeted. "Dr. Julien? How in the-?"

Faith finished his sentence with, "First realm?"

*Time skip*

We explained everything and everyone calmed down, Faith and Firstbourne going back home to The First Realm, And everyone else returning to their rooms including me and everyone else except P.I.X.A.L. and Father. They were tidying up after all the ruckus that had previously occurred.

P.I.X.A.L.'s POV: I was awkwardly washing dishes with Dr. Julien as he had humbly volunteered to do it and I decided to join him. I glanced up at him in a nervous manner and squeaked out in a soft voice, "Do you disapprove of me?"

I continued to scrub the plate with my sponge even more frantically than before, shivering a bit in my silence as I set it down in the sink in anticipation.

I looked up a little at him with innocent eyes, glimmering with worry. "I would never want.....Zane to forget you.....because of me....." I murmured, tearing up just barely as I spoke each word.

His face morphed into an apologetic and nurturing look. "No, no!" He waved his hands awkwardly and flashed an awkward yet warm smile. "I would never... All I want is for Zane to be happy. And out of all your many valuable skills...." He set his finger gently on my power source, making me shudder a bit. "That seems to be the one you are best at."

He widened his smile as he gently pulled his hand away and looked into my eyes. I couldn't help but smile right back and wrap him into a tight hug. "Thank you....." I said softly, tears still in my eyes, but this time they were of joy. I slowly pulled away and smiled even wider. I could understand now why everyone admired the man so much. He was very admirable. He was much like Zane, with a very caring heart.

I clasped my hands together in front of me and looked up at him with curiosity. "May I be excused?"

He nodded silently and I dashed off to go find Zane in his room. I wrapped my arms around him in a loving hug almost immediately. "I understand now," I whispered into his ear. "What one stands for. I love you."

He hugged me back tightly, blushing a bit as he cuddled up in my arms. "I love you too P.I.X.A.L."

"I love you to the departed realm and back. I love you for longer than infinity and beyond all the numbers of pi," I stated truthfully, hugging him close.

"Ctrl+c, ctrl+v," he whispered, resting his face in the crook of my pale metallic neck.

The end

Thank you, everyone, who made this possible! This challenge was really fun for me! UWU

Au51in Dissmisery PinkNinjaJediIzzy05 TitaniumNinjasGirl Scarlet-Galaxy -_Master-Of-Water_- Amy4Walker AlexTodorova17 Jeleego Layla_Garrmadon BlackNblue_Dragon DramaticFangirl12 Genki_Brirshima Layla_Garrmadon Lunar_Playz2019 Atsuko67 Crazy_Cartoon_Lover RavenKnight3035 NinjaTaleFan19 TheNinjaofSun FireCloud3 mada3fangirl Sapphire_Wolf2006 master_of_sun MasterofCupcakes gramaye Sunnyninja13 LegoFanNexo101 i8pizza2night Cute-Nutella-Jar SpadeComicz Sopherloafer

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