8 - Maneater
Turning away from Robin, Yohan walked ahead with long strides. Guided by Yohan's confident movements and a firm grip on his hand, Robin trailed behind, in awe of how the tall figure before him allowed effortless navigation through the crowd.
As they neared the rest of Yohan's bandmates, a sudden and stark detachment occurred. Yohan abruptly let go of Robin's hand, leaving him momentarily frozen in the midst of the shifting sea of people. The sudden release sent a jolt of confusion through Robin, who stood there, trying to process the abrupt change in dynamics.
Why had Yohan taken his hand? He didn't need to; he could have just followed him. And why is it that just as they got to the rest of his bandmates before anyone could see, he let go?
The lingering questions about Yohan's actions continued to churn in Robin's mind as he approached the group. His stomach felt like it was doing backflips; the confusion and weight of the situation created palpable discomfort. With a determined effort, Robin attempted to compose himself before greeting the group.
Yohan was already engrossed in a heated discussion with the lead guitarist, passionately debating which song should kick off their performance. The guitarist, a shorter and scrawnier figure than Yohan, had long, dark blonde hair and sported a slightly scraggly-looking beard. Clad in big boots, blue ripped jeans, and a leather jacket adorned with the band's name on the back, he emanated a rebellious aura akin to Yohan's, but nowhere near as hot.
Behind the animated duo was the drummer, a tall and curvaceous woman setting up her drum kit on the stage. Her untameable, bright red hair seemed to defy gravity, sticking out at all angles around her head. The cold, concentrated expression on her face suggested a no-nonsense demeanour as she meticulously arranged each part of her drum kit.
Then there was Jemma, who had just spotted Robin approaching. Her hair was styled differently—long braids that cascaded down to her lower back, adorned with vibrant pink streaks. Her makeup was more extravagant than usual, with thick black eyeliner reaching her temples, black lipstick, and white eyeliner accents around her eyes. Huge platform boots made her almost eye-level with Robin, but she was not quiet. Wearing ripped-up fishnets on her legs, she exuded an unmistakable sense of confidence. Her outfit, a small black miniskirt and a loose, tattered band t-shirt with the words "Karen's Worst Nightmare" in stark red letters, completed her bold and edgy look.
As Robin stepped into the group, the contrast between the eclectic personalities of the band members seemed to amplify the disarray in his thoughts. Yohan seemed to shoot him a quick side glance but didn't acknowledge him, still in a deep discussion with the scrawny blonde boy.
"Robin!" Jemma's eyes lit up as she enveloped him in a warm embrace. "You made it! I hope you haven't been waiting around long; we still aren't due to be on for another 30 minutes. What are you doing here so early?"
Should he really tell her he was here to meet Yohan first for a drink? Which felt very much like... like a date.
He decided against it.
"I just got here," he replied, carefully modulating his voice to conceal any hint of his earlier activities. "I don't mind helping you set up; just tell me what to do."
Jemma's grin widened. "You're such a cutie, Robin. You can help us grab a few more bits from the van outside. But let me introduce you to the band first! You know, Yohan." She pointed towards him, and Yohan turned, offering a small smile in Robin's direction. "And that cocky dick there is Lucas." Jemma gestured towards the scraggly-bearded guitarist.
"Hey!" Lucas playfully shouted at Jemma. "Ignore her; she's just jealous that my guitar skills are better than hers." He punctuated his remark with an air guitar motion, flashing a mischievous grin.
"And that's Lizzy." Jemma gestured to the red-haired woman who stood back, observing her work on the drum set.
"Hey, kid," Lizzy greeted Robin, her voice carrying a deep and sultry tone.
"Everyone! This is Robin." Jemma attempted to put her arm around his shoulders, but the height difference forced Robin into an uncomfortable bend. "He's a friend from school."
"Hey," they all chimed, their greetings not quite synchronised, before returning to their respective tasks.
"Come on, help me get the rest of the stuff," Jemma urged, taking Robin's hand and guiding him out of the pub towards the waiting van.
Robin assisted with unloading the remaining equipment, setting it up on stage for the band to organize. As the last items were brought out, Lucas skilfully manoeuvred the van away from the front of the pub and discreetly parked it around the corner.
With the preparations in full swing, Robin found himself perched on a bar stool near the stage, nursing his second drink. Observing the band tuning their instruments and checking the mics, Robin couldn't help but notice a small group of enthusiastic girls, likely around Kate's age, huddled near the front of the stage. They sported homemade band t-shirts proudly displaying the group's name. Each time a band member shot them a smile, the girls erupted into excited giggles.
Ha, so there were the groupies.
One particularly devoted fan held a homemade sign that boldly proclaimed, "Marry me, Yohan." Her eyes remained fixated on him as he stood there, tuning his bass with a concentration that only added to his allure.
The majority of the pub's patrons continued to engage in their conversations, seemingly unfazed by the band setting up. Karen's Worst Nightmare didn't boast a massive following; their Instagram numbers stood at around a thousand, a modest figure in the realm of the music scene.
As the band members positioned themselves on the stage, Jemma at the forefront, Yohan on her right, and Lucas on her left, with Lizzy elevated slightly on a platform behind her, Robin realised he was just metres away from Yohan. He hopped off the bar stool, finishing his drink; a light buzz was already settling in.
What the hell do they put in the cider in Bristol to make it so strong?
The lights in the pub dimmed, and a kaleidoscope of colours illuminated the stage. A spotlight focused on Jemma as she spoke into the microphone.
"We are Karen's worst nightmare! Get ready to have the best night of your life with us!"
The group of girls Robin had noticed earlier erupted in excited screams as Yohan began to play rhythmic tunes on his bass, introducing the song. The tempo steadily built as Lucas joined in on the guitar, and the music continued to swell as Lizzy added the powerful beat of the drums. Jemma, microphone in hand, began to sing, swaying her hips in time with the music.
As the band dove into the song, its familiar melody struck a chord with Robin. It was the same track he had heard playing on repeat while lying in bed, conjuring vivid fantasies of Yohan's hands exploring every inch of him. The memory caused a flush to rise to Robin's cheeks, and he momentarily shifted his attention from Jemma to Yohan.
Yohan stood on stage with a captivating presence, his legs slightly apart and his fingers effortlessly gliding up and down the bass's neck. The thick strings resonated under his touch as he focused on maintaining the band's rhythm. When Yohan's gaze lifted and their eyes locked, a small, infectious smile tugged at the corner of his lips. The connection between them, amidst the pulsating music, intensified, leaving Robin feeling both exhilarated and vulnerable.
Jemma's voice soared through the venue, delivering lyrics that hinted at lustful love. As Robin absorbed the words, it seemed as though the song resonated with their connection, evoking a sense of intimacy that transcended the crowded pub. The idea that the lyrics might be about him and Yohan intensified the magnetism of the performance.
He felt completely lost in the song. He wasn't usually a fan of rock music; however, something about the way the band played and Jemma sang made him understand why people loved it. It was passionate, loud, and powerful! It made him want to jump up and down and completely lose himself in the rhythm and beat. He closed his eyes for a second, allowing his body to feel the music. The speakers were so loud that he could feel the thump of the bass in his heart.
When he opened his eyes, he noticed Yohan doing the same, lost in the music, his eyes closed. Yohan's head swayed from side to side, his curls falling into his face, an image of unbridled freedom and musical expression. The synchronisation between the band members and the raw, uninhibited performance left Robin in awe, making him appreciate the allure of rock music in a way he never had before. The connection with Yohan, forged through shared glances and the ebb and flow of the music, added a layer of complexity to the experience, rendering it both exhilarating and emotionally charged.
The first song ended, and the crowd clapped. More and more people were coming towards the stage, and interest was growing regarding the band playing on stage. Overhearing a couple behind him muttering about how good they were, Robin felt himself smile with pride.
Karen's Worst Nightmare played a few more original songs while Robin finished his third drink of the night. The songs were progressively getting more intense, getting the crowd going. Jemma bounced and jumped around on stage while singing. Her stage presence was infectious-- interacting with the crowd, even getting down off the stage to walk around with her mic, singing in people's faces and throwing her body around as she twirled and banged her head to the music, her braids flying through the air.
By the sixth song, the entire band stood in the spotlight, visibly panting and beads of sweat forming on their foreheads under the intense stage lights. The crowd's response went beyond applause; cheers erupted, and a few wolf whistles, likely directed at Jemma, pierced the air. She bowed sarcastically, pressing her mouth against the mic.
"Alright, you lot! You've been an amazing crowd tonight; thank you so much for coming tonight to support us! Now, unfortunately, we've only got one song left; it's a cover we've been working on; some of you may know it, so sing along if you know the words." She shouted into the mic as Yohan started to play a familiar-sounding base line. Robin wasn't totally sure what song it was until Jemma started singing the chorus.
"She's a maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love..."
Robin found himself tapping his foot to the infectious rhythm of the music, quietly mumbling the chorus under his breath. Jemma's stage presence was electrifying as she strutted around with her microphone, her body moving sensually to the beat. Even to Robin, it was undeniable that she exuded a certain level of sexiness.
As the song transitioned to the bridge, Jemma approached Yohan, her hips swaying enticingly. Robin couldn't help but observe the exchange between them, noticing the way Yohan looked at her. Yohan, too, had a microphone, occasionally adding backing vocals with his smooth, buttery, low voice. Each time Yohan sang, Robin felt a flutter in his chest, succumbing to the captivating resonance of his voice.
"You wish you never ever met her at all..."
As Yohan sang the backing vocals, Jemma was pressed up close to him, her face right in his as they sang together. The way they looked at one another, Robin could only describe it as lust. He was objectively drunk now, having drunk four ciders at this point in the space of only a couple of hours.
Despite the light and tingly sensation from the alcohol, Robin's stomach was tight as he observed Jemma and Yohan's interaction on stage, and he couldn't contain the sour look he felt spreading across his face as he watched them.
Of course, they are gonna look at each other like that... they clearly fancy each other... I have no chance.
Continuing to captivate the audience with her sultry performance, Jemma moved back to the middle of the stage and began singing the next verse with passion.
"And when she walks, she walks with pa-ssion, when she talks, she talks she can't handle it..."
Robin noticed she was walking towards Lucas in the same way she did towards Yohan. The same way of hips, the same sultry eyes, and the same lustful glance. He couldn't imagine her feeling any type of way towards Lucas, so maybe it was a stage persona? Part of the performance?
Robin shook his head as he looked at the floor. "You're just trying to come up with excuses, dammit," Robin muttered under his breath, the alcohol and the loud music assuring him that no one would hear him.
Looking up at Yohan during the chorus, Robin found Yohan's gaze fixed on him once again. There was a slightly concerned expression on Yohan's face as he continued to sing the backing vocals. When Yohan finished his part, he appeared to mouth, "You okay?"
As Robin's throat tightened, he couldn't deny that alcohol was clearly getting to him if Yohan was checking up on him. Robin knew that his poker face was sub-par at best when sober, but combined with more cider than was wise, he knew he'd accidentally let his emotions rise to the surface.
Trying to play it off, Robin flashed a smile, though feeling forced and slightly strained, and nodded back at Yohan. The man smiled back, an air of mischief about him, as the band came to the last bridge before the song came to an end.
"She's a maneater, a maneater..."
Yohan sang the next verse alone.
"I've been around the world and I ain't never seen a guy like..."
Huh? Did I mishear that? Surely?
But no. There it was again as Yohan sang the lyric again, "Never seen a guy like..." As he sang it, his eyes were directly fixated on Robin.
Robin was certain the lyric was meant to be "girl?" The whole song was about a girl?
Jesus, I must be more drunk than I realised, there was no way Yohan was changing the lyrics and staring at me intently... as if he was directing the lyric at me? No, that's ridiculous...
The song concluded, and the crowd erupted in cheers. The band, basking in the applause, stood at the front of the stage with hands raised high.
"Thank you very much; we're Karen's worst nightmare. Thank you for having us!" Jemma expressed her gratitude into the microphone before placing it back on the stand.
Standing in awe, marvelling at the coolness and effortlessness of the band, it struck Robin that he was friends with two of the band members, filling him with a surge of pride.
A small crowd gathered closer to the stage, eager to engage with the band members as they packed away their equipment. Jemma, in her element, chatted enthusiastically, urging people to follow the band on social media.
Yohan, in the process of unplugging his bass from the amps and carefully placing it back into its case, caught Robin's eye. Gathering his courage, Robin approached him.
"You guys... were gre..aaat!" He said, slurring his words a tiny bit.
Oh no I'm definitely a bit drunk.
"Thanks," Yohan said, crouching down next to his bass. As he zipped up the case, he smiled up at Robin. Yohan's hair appeared wet with sweat from the heat of the performance, causing his curls to appear more defined and slightly heavier on his face. His cheeks were still flushed, shoulders rising and falling as he was trying to catch his breath. Robin watched his lips as he inhaled and exhaled – they were slightly wet.
"Robin!" A body jumped behind him, wrapping him in a tight hug. It was Jemma. "Did you love it? You did, didn't you? Omg, I have never had a crowd like that before! They were totally digging us. What if there was a scout in the crowd? Maybe they will ask us to join their record, and we'll become famous musicians and tour the world and..."
"Chill, Jemma," Yohan intervened, standing up and placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She took a deep breath, and Yohan turned to Robin. "She's like this after every show; she gets all hyper and overexcited," he chuckled, removing his hand from Jemma's shoulder. "I'm going outside for a smoke, Robin. Wanna join me?"
"Um, sure, that sounds good," Robin replied, realising that some fresh air would do him good.
"You smoke, Robin? I didn't take you for the type!" Jemma cocked her head at him.
"No, no, I don't... would just be good to get some fresh air, you know?"
"Alright, well, you two go relax while the rest of us pack up this shit." Jemma crossed her arms and pouted.
"I'll only be a few minutes; don't stress. Buy yourself a drink while I'm gone." Yohan slipped a five-pound note out of his pocket and handed it to Jemma.
"Fine," she grumbled, taking the note from him. "See you two soon..."
A/N: Thank you again so much for all the love, comments, and enjoying my story! As a little side note, Karen's Worst Nightmare is very much based off a band that I love: Dead Pony. Specifically, their cover of Maneater was a big inspo for this chapter. So please go check them out! Especially if you want to feel more immersed hehe
Love and appreciate you all <3
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