39 - The Gig

     Before Robin felt like he even had a chance to blink, January was almost over. His days became indistinguishable, occupied by maddening study sessions and the never-ending cycle of mock exams. He was seriously regretting not revising more over the Christmas holiday—now he had a crazy amount of catching up to do.

     A week later, Yohan finally resurfaced at school. As predicted, lunch periods remained an onslaught of criticisms about Yohan and his character. Jemma and the rest of the group didn't miss a chance to shoot him dirty looks whenever he was within view. Even sitting with Yohan at the back of form felt tense, knowing that Jemma was just a few meters away, likely bubbling with anger.

     Robin had attempted to set clear boundaries with Yohan about not engaging in any 'dating activities' while in school. It wasn't just because Robin was scared of them getting caught by Jemma—or anyone else, for that matter—but also because he frankly didn't have time for it. Every spare moment he had needed to be dedicated to revising for his mocks now, otherwise, his whole university plans could be jeopardised. 

     Robin still spent his free periods in the politics room, however. He valued the solitude and quiet it provided over the alternative of the chaotic library. Yohan, as usual, enjoyed it for the peace and, of course, the opportunity to sneak a smoke. Occasionally, Yohan would try to distract Robin with a playful massage on the shoulders or a quick kiss on the cheek. But most of the time, Robin brushed him off, adamant about staying focused.

     Robin was expecting Yohan to be frantically studying as well, even if he wasn't planning on going to university, surely, he still wanted to do well? But no—Yohan seemed entirely unconcerned. The time he spent during their free periods remained relatively unchanged. Lounging in the corner of the room, scrolling through his phone, listening to music through his headphones, or occasionally scribbling something into a notebook. Robin couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance. While he was drowning in the stress of exams, Yohan seemed perfectly content to just go with the flow.

     "Thank fuck that's finally over," Jemma's voice materialised behind Robin just as they were exiting the hall after their final psychology mock exam, which marked the end of their mocks altogether.

     "Yeah, how did you find it?" Robin replied, falling into step beside her as they navigated the crowd of students spilling out of the building.

     "Not bad. There were a couple of questions I think I completely botched, but overall, okay! You?"

     "Awful," Robin muttered. "I swear my brain went blank on half of the questions."

     "Well, it's only mocks! We've got time until the real thing. Just better keep studying hard, nerd." Jemma said playfully, gently nudging Robin with her shoulder. "Anyways, that's enough exam talk. You're coming to the gig on Saturday, right?"

     "Yeah, Lucy mentioned it," Robin said. Lucy wasn't in fact the one that had mentioned it. Although he had heard the friend group discussing it at length during lunch periods, Yohan was the one who had asked him to come along. But he wasn't about to tell Jemma that.

     "How are you feeling about it all? You know, with the whole Yohan thing?" Robin braved to ask, curiosity getting the better of him. 

     "Ugh, okay, I guess. Not great. I'm just avoiding speaking to him as much as possible, honestly," Jemma replied just as they reached the school gate. "I honestly wouldn't be as mad if he hadn't gotten with some bitch right after we broke up. Insensitive or what?"

     That's me. I'm the bitch.

     "Yeah, I can't believe it," Robin said, trying to sound convincing.

     Jemma suddenly stopped in her tracks. 

     "Look, Robin, I'm not an idiot."

     "What—what do you mean?" Robin stammered, turning to face her, trying to conceal any panic showing on his face that he could feel rising in his body. 

     Fuck, does she know? 

     "You and Yohan are clearly friends. I've seen you guys chat, and you obviously get along. And I'm not saying you can't be friends with him or anything, but like, do you really wanna be friends with someone like that?"


     "Look, it doesn't matter. Maybe you'll be a good influence on him," Jemma said with a sigh. "Something just has to be done to sort out that pricks massive ego and entitlement."

     Robin swallowed, unsure how to respond. But before he could come up with anything, Jemma just gave him a small, tight-lipped smile before turning to walk away. 

     "See you Saturday!" she called over her shoulder as she headed off, leaving Robin standing at the gate alone as she disappeared among the sea of students. 


      "Ticket, please," the burly, bald man at the entrance to The Fleece grunted as Robin reached the front of the queue. 

     Saturday night had finally arrived—the night of the gig. Robin was set to meet the rest of the group at The Fleece. Despite his excitement, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was bound to go wrong. All he could do was hope that his uneasy gut feeling was just a false alarm.

     "Uh, sure," Robin mumbled, fumbling with his phone as he held out the screen for the man to scan. After a brief beep, the bouncer stamped Robin's hand with a heavy, inked mark and nodded him through.

     The moment Robin stepped inside, he was hit by a wave of sounds and sensations. The venue was packed, a sea of people shifting and chattering through the sound of rock music that was playing. The lighting was dim, casting the space in deep shadows apart from the occasional flashing neon light. A faint, lingering smell of sweat, spilt beer, and something vaguely metallic filled the air. 

     Robin looked down, surprised to see that the floor was made of uneven cobblestones, slick with the remnants of spilt drinks. Small puddles formed in the dips between stones, and he could already feel a sticky layer forming on his shoes as he walked. The whole place had a gritty, worn-in feel, like it had been around forever.

     Scanning the room, Robin searched for a familiar face, his eyes skimming over the crowd until they landed on a tuft of bright pink hair. Amber, with her unmistakable bubble-gum locks, was easy to spot even in the dim light. He weaved his way through the mass of bodies, careful not to lose his footing as he approached the group.

     "Robin!" Amber squealed as soon as she saw him, pulling him into a tight hug. "Yay, now we're all here! I'm so excited!"

     "Amber, you don't even like rock music," Lucy teased, smirking at Amber.

      "And?" Isha chimed in, rolling her eyes. "Neither do I, but we're here to support our friend!"

     "When are they on?" Robin asked, glancing between the trio.

     "Seven-thirty," Amber said, checking her phone. "So... in ten minutes!"

     "I'm gonna go check on Jemma real quick," Lucy said, their brow furrowed slightly. "She seemed a bit off earlier. Just want to make sure she's alright." With that, they disappeared back into the crowd of people towards the side door by the stage. 

     "I'm just going to grab a drink," Robin said, giving a quick wave to Amber and Isha before heading toward the bar. He had hoped for something stronger, but the under-18 stamp on his hand meant he'd have to settle for a Coke. Annoying, but better than nothing.

     Navigating the crowded bar was an ordeal in itself. After a few attempts to get to the front, he finally managed to squeeze himself between two people and caught the attention of a bartender to order his drink. With the Coke in hand, he turned to make his way back, carefully trying not to spill the fizzy liquid to add to the pool on the floor already as he pushed through the crush of bodies.

     As he approached the group again, he noticed Lucy had returned. They were deep in conversation with Amber and Isha—expression serious, though he was unable to make out the group's words over the booming music.

     "Everything alright?" Robin asked as he rejoined the group, his eyes flicking between the three of them.

     "Yeah, Jem's just a bit nervous," Lucy replied, raising an eyebrow at Robin. "I wonder why."

     "Ugh, why does he even have to be in the band? They should fire him or something," Amber huffed, crossing her arms in frustration. "Wait, can you fire someone from a band? Is that even a thing?"

     "It's not that simple," Lucy sighed. "Look, I gave her a pep talk. Yohan wasn't even in the green room when I talked to her. She'll be fine."

     Just as Lucy finished speaking, the lights in the club dimmed even further, plunging the room into near darkness. Then, with a burst of energy, the stage lights flared on, casting the instruments set on stage in a brilliant glow. They were close to the front, only one row back, giving them a clear view of everything.

     A wave of cheers erupted from the crowd as Lizzy took the stage first, twirling her drumsticks with a confident grin. She was quickly followed by Lucas, Yohan, and finally, Jemma.

     The moment Yohan stepped onto the stage, his eyes found Robin in the crowd—almost instinctively. A smile spread across his face as he adjusted the strap of his bass, ready to dive into the performance. He was dressed in his usual edgy attire—black and red tartan jeans paired with his signature denim vest, worn without a shirt underneath. His neck was adorned with layers of silver necklaces that glinted under the stage lights, one of them being the one Robin had gifted him. Robin returned the smile, though it felt forced, his attention drawn to Jemma.

     After their conversation post-exam, Robin thought Jemma was doing okay—not quite her usual bubbly self, but still smiling. But the Jemma standing on stage now seemed different—almost scary. She strode on stage with her usual confidence, but her eyes were narrow, like she was heading in for the kill. Her makeup was flawless, and her outfit was killer—a black tutu paired with ripped fishnets, black fluffy leg warmers, and chunky boots. She also wore the same handmade "Karen's Worst Nightmare" shirt she'd sported at the first gig Robin attended. 

     Robin watched as Jemma took a deep breath, Lizzy hit her drumsticks three times, and the band sprang into action. Lizzy pounding the drums, Lucas shredding on the guitar, headbanging in time with the beat and Yohan swaying as he plucked at the strings on the bass.

     Around them, the crowd bobbed their heads to the music. Most of them were clearly fans of the headlining band, The Binsters, judging by the merch they wore, but even they seemed to enjoy the energy the band was bringing.

     When Jemma began to sing, her voice, though still powerful, sounded different. Angrier. Robin knew that with rock music, performers usually had some angry undertones with the music they were playing, but this seemed slightly different from the usual performance he had seen from Jemma. 

     At the front, Robin noticed the groupies from the last show, pressed up against the barricades, screaming and waving their arms wildly. They were clearly trying to get Yohan's attention, but his focus seemed to remain on his playing and occasionally, on Robin, looking up and smiling at him. 

     The performance rolled on with a raw energy that pulsed through the crowd. Jemma strutted up and down the stage with her large boots, occasionally walking over to Lucas or Lizzy as she interacted with them. However, she was clearly steering clear of Yohan. The band played with intensity, the music was loud and electrifying, and the crowd responded with passion. And with each song that played, the band seemed to get more and more into their groove. 

     After they had played a few of their songs, Jemma suddenly stepped away from the mic and walked over to Lizzy, whispering something that Robin couldn't quite make out. He watched as Lizzy's eyes widened in surprise, but she gave a small nod before Jemma made her way back to the microphone. 

     "Alright, everyone, a little titbit you might not know—most of our songs are actually written by our bassist, Yohan," Jemma said, her speech dripping with sarcasm as her voice radiated through the room. "And for this last song, it's a brand-new one. I figured it would only be right for Yohan to sing it, since it's clearly written about someone very special to him." 

     The crowd responded with a mix of cheers and curious murmurs. Yohan's face went from surprised to slightly flustered, his eyes darting around as he processed the unexpected twist. His usual composed demeanour was replaced by a look of shock. 

     Yohan walked over to Jemma, bass still in hand, as he turned her to face away from the stage. Robin nor the rest of the crowd could hear what they were saying, but based on the movement of Jemma's lips and Yohan's expression, it was clear he gave in as he handed his bass off to Jemma. 

     "What the fuck is going on?" Amber murmured to the group as they watched the events unfold in front of them. "Did you know about this Lucy?" 

     "No idea," Lucy replied casually. "But Jemma clearly is trying to do some sort of revenge plan."  

     "Isn't that a bit cruel?" Amber said, flicking her hair as she turned from facing the stage to the rest of the group, "Making a last-minute change like that? Like we all know Yohan can sing but like, dropping that on him so last minute?"  

     "What's cruel Amber, is what Yohan did to Jemma," Isha quickly responded. "Good for her." 

     "Hi everyone," Yohan's voice interrupted the group's conversation as he stepped up to the microphone, now taking centre stage. He looked nervous, uncomfortable, like he didn't know what to do with his hands. "Um, I wasn't quite expecting this, but yeah, this is a song I wrote... It's called You."  

     As the band transitioned into the new song, the stage lights dimmed a little, focusing on Yohan. He took a deep breath, steadying himself as the band began to play the intro to the song. 

     Robin was expecting a slow song, but no, it immediately filled the room with an electric energy and distinctive beat. Jemma, surprisingly, seemed to have no problem playing the bassline of the song—almost as if she had planned for this to happen. Her anger, however, seemed to have shifted, and a sterner look crossed her face as she plucked away at the strings in the shadows at the back, where Yohan usually stood. 

     The intro of the song slow, transition to a more melancholic tune. Yohan took the mic in one hand, centre stage in the spotlight, and started to sing.

     "I'd like to see where this will take me

     I'd risk it all to be with you.

     My thoughts are those you'd call un-holy

     I never thought I'd have someone like you."

     Robin knew he could sing, but not like this. The sound that washed over the room was like butter, soothing and soft, spreading a warm feeling he couldn't quite describe into his chest. Yohan was clearly nervous, his hand ever so slightly trembling as he went to grip the neck of the mic stand. But he had closed his eyes, surrendering his soul to the music as he moved onto the chorus. 

     "I've thought about you

     I've thought about leaving

     I've been taking my time

     To find a good reason."

     Yohan finally opened his eyes, took the mic off the stand and took a step forward. He looked directly at Robin as he sang the second verse of the chorus.

     "I've thought about love

     And what is the meaning

     I'm still trying to find

     A fucking good reason."

     The warmth in Robin's chest seemed to radiate through his whole body, causing his hair to stick on end with goosebumps and the two of them locked eyes. It felt like a confession in front of a sea of strangers, but a confession only Robin would be able to understand.  

     Robin couldn't move, he couldn't even avert his eyes from Yohan. He stood above him singing what felt like—his heart out. If Jemma was right in what she said, was this song about him? 

     The song continued, and Robin's suspicions became more solidified with the mentioning of a "secret place that only the two of us share" and the mentioning of green eyes. 

     Is this song really about me? Fuck. 

     As the song came to its climax, Yohan's voice grew stronger, more assured. He finished off the song with one final verse.

     "All I need is some courage

     I'm just afraid to admit my truth

     But with you that's all forgotten

     I can barely breathe without you."

     The crowd erupted into applause. He looked relieved, a small, grateful smile crossing his face as he stepped back from the mic to his usual place in the shadows. 

     Robin was stunned. He couldn't even clap, it was as though his limbs were frozen in place.

     "He really doesn't make it subtle, does he?" He heard Lucy's voice in his ear, just loud enough for Robin to hear. Their voice snapped him out of his frozen position as he turned to face them. "Talk to him, I need to find out what the fuck Jemma is playing at. Because if that was her idea of revenge, it clearly didn't work." 

     Lucy then turned to Amber and Isha, to which they nodded, and the three of them disappeared into the crowd, likely to head back into the green room to speak to Jemma once the band left the stage. 

     Robin turned back to the stage to find that Jemma had already removed the bass and taken centre stage again.

     "That's all from us tonight!" She said, her voice slightly shaky. "Please follow us on social media, support our music, and enjoy the Binsters! Thanks again everyone," she said, waving them off.

     The crowd cheered once more as the band waved as they exited the stage. Yohan caught eyes with Robin and signalled a smoking motion, assumingly indicating for him to go outside for a smoke with him. Robin nodded his head in agreement. 

     The crowd thinned from the front stage as people dispersed either to get another drink from the bar or go to the toilet before the main act. He could now clearly see the door that led to the backstage, a security guard held fast at the entrance. He decided to stay put, thinking Yohan would come find him. 

     The security guard was in conversation with a well-put-together woman in a pantsuit. She was tall and slender, wearing ridiculously high heels that were definitely not suitable for the cobblestone floor of the club, and blonde hair that was slicked back into a tight bun. She must have been in her late thirties, if Robin would have guessed and stood out like a sore thumb in the crowd of scruffy punks. 

     The woman's face lit up as the door opened and Yohan stepped through, immediately pouncing on him with words. Yohan looked somewhat baffled by the encounter, and it was clear to Robin that he didn't recognise her. As they engaged in conversation, a confused but slightly shocked expression crossed Yohan's face.

     She then reached into her bag, handed him some sort of card, before giving him a nod and walking away. Robin observed as Yohan looked down at the small card in his hands and then slipped it into his back pocket, looking around before his eyes landed on Robin and walking over to him. 

     "Who was that?" Robin asked as Yohan reached him, after waving off a couple of people who were congratulating him. 

     "Her? Oh, just some sketchy recruiter I think, don't worry about it. I need a fucking smoke." Yohan brushed off as he took hold of Robin's wrist and led him to the exit. 

     Yohan led Robin through the crowd outside to the packed smoking area, his expression tense. Seeing the chaos, Yohan kept walking, guiding Robin to a nearby side street. Once there, he leaned against the wall, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. The flick of the lighter illuminated his face briefly before he took a deep drag, exhaling with a sigh that seemed to release some of the tension in his shoulders.

     "Are you okay?" Robin asked tentatively, watching Yohan take a few more drags.

     "Not really," Yohan replied bluntly. "Jemma pulling that shit out of nowhere without even asking me? She knows I don't like singing like that. Backing vocals, fine, but leading the whole fucking song? What was she trying to do, embarrass me? It's so fucking childish."

     "If it's worth anything," Robin said, leaning against the wall beside him, "you were really good. And I really liked the song."

     Yohan's stern expression softened, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he glanced at Robin.

     "Thanks," Yohan said, nudging Robin's shoulder gently. "I think Jemma thought I originally wrote it about her. Maybe that's why she's mad." He let out a laugh.

     "Who was it about, then?" Robin asked, a playful curiosity in his voice.

     "Wouldn't you like to know," Yohan grinned, taking a final drag before stubbing out the cigarette against the wall. "You staying for the Binsters? I think I'm gonna fuck off home."

      "I should stay," Robin said, pushing off from the wall. "If I leave with you, it might look suspicious, don't you think?"

     "Suppose you're right," Yohan replied, the smile fading from his face. "Well, text me later, okay?" He leaned forward and landing a soft kiss on Robin forehead.  

      "I will," Robin said, giving Yohan one final smile before turning to go back into the venue with the rest of the group, leaving Yohan alone in the dark.

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