35 - Meet the Parents

     Robin's eyes were closed, his body still asleep as his mind started to wake up from the night. The red glow behind his eyelids suggested it was morning. He tried to screw his eyes shut tighter, blocking out the rays of sunlight streaming through his window. He groaned, shifting in bed to roll over and face the wall, hoping to escape the sun and surrender back to sleep. 

     But instead of effortlessly turning over, his duvet was stuck. He groaned again, yanking at it as his body shivered from the cold air, yet the duvet still wouldn't budge. Reluctantly, he turned back and opened his eyes to see what was trapping it. 

     As he adjusted to the light, he was met with the sight of dark curls and a back facing away from him, sprawled across the bed. The duvet was half on him, his hand clutching at the corner of the blanket snuggling it into his face.

     Fuck... he stayed the night.

      In his sleepy daze, Robin had completely forgotten he wasn't alone. Lying beside him was Yohan. 

     Robin felt his face flush as he stared at the sleeping boy, his mind drifting back to the events of the night before. He became increasingly aware that he wasn't wearing any underwear. 

     Robin sat up in bed carefully, trying not to wake the breathing mound as he blinked down at him, unsure if he was still asleep and dreaming. If Yohan was actually lying, naked in his bed. It wouldn't have been the first time he'd had a dream like that.  

     Yohan was softly snoring, his face smooshed against the pillow with his arms underneath lying half on his stomach. His curls that were splayed out were frizzy and messy, and his eyes closed, his eyelashes resting on his cheek. Robin's eyes moved from Yohan's face down his neck to his back. The head of a snake was just visible, peaking above the duvet as if it were tucked into the bed itself. Observing Yohan's back, he could see the clear definition of his muscles as they slowly rose and fell with each breath. His skin dotted with a few moles, as well as some bacne Robin wasn't even aware Yohan had.  

     Nope, definitely not a dream.

     Robin's sleepy daze suddenly snapped when he realised the likelihood of his parents and sister being back in the house. He wasn't expecting Yohan to stay the night, with his parents coming back and all. But after their activities of that night, they must have both fallen asleep.

     His adrenaline kicked into gear as he realised he needed to get this naked boy out of his bed, now, before his parents discovered him. Luckily, his parents respected Robin's privacy, so the likelihood of them looking in on Robin's room while they were asleep was unlikely but also possible. The thought alone made Robin feel a sense of bile rise in his throat. 

     He was trapped against the wall, his only form of escape was to either clamber over Yohan's sleeping body or slip out of the bottom of the bed like a snake. He opted for the latter, deciding he'd quite like to be wearing some clothes before Yohan awoke. 

     So, he very ungracefully shimmied his body under the covers to slip out of the bottom of his bed, cautious not to make any noise to make his family aware he was home. His eyes darted to the floor, seeking his underwear. The floor was entangled with a mix of both Robin and Yohan's clothes, but he finally spotted his green boxers lying next to a pair of black Calvin Kleins. 

      He slipped on the familiar fabric, making a mental note to change them after he showered, and stepped into his joggers, pulling them up. He turned to look at the sleeping boy. 

     Robin wanted to try and make his attempt at waking Yohan as quiet as possible, unsure how the man would react waking in Robin's bed. After all, Robin could tell by the taste and smell of him, Yohan had been a little drunk the night before. A flicker of anxiety ran through him as he considered the possibility that Yohan may have been more drunk than Robin had realised, and the fear of Yohan feeling regret gnawed at him.

      Regardless, Robin knew he had to wake him. He stepped closer to the bed, gently rested a hand on Yohan's shoulder, and shook him softly. 

      "Yohan, you need to wake up, my parents are back," Robin said in a whisper, hoping the movement alone would be enough to wake him.

     "Hmm, fuck off," Yohan grumbled in his sleep, his body shifting and turning to face the wall. With this action, he took the duvet with him, causing his bare ass to be exposed to air.

    Robin felt himself go flushed at the sight and tried not to concentrate on it, directing his attention back to Yohan's head. He attempted to shake him again, this time with a little more vigour. 

     "Yohan, seriously, you need to wake up!" Robin said, still at a volume where only Yohan should hear him, but with a sterner tone this time. 

     Yohan grunted once more, seemingly in response to Robin, only tucking himself further into the softness of the bed.

     "Yohan!" Robin tried once more, his harsh whisper threatening to be spoken. 

     "Whatttt?" Yohan finally responded with something that made sense in a groan.

     "You need to wake up now! You're in my bed, naked, might I add, and my fucking parents are home!" 

     This seemed to finally register with Yohan, as he groaned once more as he slowly rose his body to lean against the wooden headrest. He rubbed his eyes and now sat upright in bed—although slightly slumped—before blinking at Robin repeatedly with droopy eyes. 

     "Oh shit..." Yohan finally said as Robin looked at him with frustration and panic. "We fell asleep?" 

     "Yes, we did," Robin said, grappling for Yohan's clothes on the floor and bundling them into his arms. "Now get dressed," he said, throwing the clothes in Yohan's direction so they were splayed over the bed. 

     "Alright, alright, give me a second to wake up," Yohan yawned, lifting his arms above his head and grabbing one wrist to stretch to the side. His eye's observed his clothes thrown over the bed. "You're not wanting me to get dressed in bed are you Robin?" 

     "I don't care how you get dressed; just do it! And keep your voice down!" Robin said, in a continued hushed but panicked voice.  

     "Man, chill," Yohan said relatively calmly, but following Robin's instructions and lowering his voice. Shifting his body so his legs were hanging over the side of the bed, he got up, still completely naked.  

      Robin felt his whole face get hot as he turned his head to face the opposite direction. 

     "Jeez man, no need to get embarrassed." Yohan chuckled softly as Robin could hear him picking the clothes off the bed. "I've literally sucked your—" 

     "Shut up!" Robin interrupted, turning back to Yohan just as he was snapping the waist of his boxers onto his hips. "You don't have to actually say it."

     "You didn't seem to have a problem with me doing it last night," Yohan said with a cheeky grin, pulling up his jeans.

     "Stop it!" Robin wacked him playfully. "Right, now, how do we get you out of here without my parents seeing?" 

     Robin's eyes looked towards the window, Yohan seemingly following his gaze. 

     "I'm not climbing out of your bedroom window; we're not in a shitty 90's rom-com," Yohan said, finally slipping on his t-shirt and trying to settle his unruly curls on his head.  

     "There's no other way for you to leave! Otherwise, my parents will definitely see you."

     "Look," Yohan said, walking over to Robin's desk, moving the curtains to one side to peer out of the window. "I'm not trying to break my neck."  

     "What else are we going to do then?" 

     "Well, do your parents think you went to the party last night?"

     "Yeah, they do."  

     "Just say I'm a friend that stayed the night," Yohan said with a calm demeanour. "You were too drunk at the party, and I brought you home to make sure you didn't choke on your own vomit."  

     Robin thought about it; that could definitely work. His dad might be a bit angry that he had gotten that drunk, but his mum would be pretty chill about it. The only problem was Kate; she would definitely know there was something fishy going on. He would just have to pray that she stayed in bed until noon like she usually did when they didn't have school. 

     "Fine, that might actually work," Robin said as he was mulling it over. 

     "It will work; it's totally plausible," Yohan said, stepping towards him. Both boys were still whispering, but Yohan's voice was lower than normal. "Now, we just need to make it look like you've got a hangover; luckily, that post-sex look is rather similar," Yohan said, ruffling his hair.

     "Can you quit it!" Robin said, pouting his lips. "Fine, let me rub my eyes a little to make them puffier and then we'll go downstairs. And you leave straight away! No hanging around to chat with my family." 

     "What? Not the way you envisioned me meeting your parents?" 

      "Not exactly," Robin grumbled, grabbing his dressing gown from the floor and wrapping it around his waist. 

     Both boys made their way out of Robin's bedroom and down the hallway to the stairs. As he reached the top, a waft of bacon seemed to reach his nostrils. 

     "Fuck, that smells good," Yohan said as he took the first step down the stairs. 

      "Don't you even dare." 

     "Robin! Is that you, darling? I thought you stayed at your friend's house?" He heard his mum calling from the kitchen, her voice sounding slightly hoarse. 

     "Uhh, yeah, mum! I came home early," Robin said as both boys reached the foot of the stairs. Robin turned to face the front door, desperately signalling for Yohan to leave. 

     "Oh, well, who's this with you, honey?" His mother's voice was definitely closer this time, turning around to see her directly behind him, with a puzzled look on her face. 

     "Oh... ha-ha, mum—this is my, um, this is—" 

     "I'm Yohan, Mrs. Coy," Yohan said, saving Robin from his stuttering. "Robin miiiiight of had a bit too much to drink last night, so I took him home. And as no one was in the house, I thought I'd stay just to make sure he was alright," Yohan said in such a convincing tone that even Robin believed him for a split second. 

      "Oh, please, call me Mia. Robin, what have I told you about mixing drinks. Beer before wine, you'll feel fine; wine before beer, you'll feel queer. It's common sense!" Robin's mum said light-heartedly, causing Robin to almost choak on his own breath. "Well, thank you, Yohan, for looking after my light-weight son; I can tell you he definitely takes that from his father and not me! I was a really wild one back in the--" 

     "Mum, Yohan doesn't need to hear about your stories right now," Robin managed to interrupt before she started one of her speeches. "Yohan really needs to leave now, don't you, Yohan?" Robin said, signalling for Yohan to play along by raising his eyebrows.  

     "Nonsense! I've got enough fry-up ingredients to feed any army; please, Yohan, join us," Robin's mum said with a warm smile, moving from the door frame to make room for both to enter the kitchen. 

     "I really don't–" 

     "I'd love to; thank you very much," Yohan interrupted, smiling down at Robin. "I'd be rude not too."  

     "Wonderful!" Robin's mum said, leading Yohan into the kitchen. "I've been dying to meet one of Robin's new friends, he's been so secretive lately!"  

     "Has he now?" Yohan replied, smirking at Robin.

     Robin groaned as he slouched his way behind his mum and Yohan. Walking into the kitchen, he spotted his dad busy frying away some bacon, and Kate sat in her usual spot on the sofa.  


     Robin watched as Kate's eyes widened at the sight of Yohan striding into the room. From behind his mum and Yohan Robin mouthed, "Don't you dare say anything," which, by her reaction, she seemed to understand. 

      The family and Yohan got situated around the table as Robin's mum plated up the full English fry-up. Yohan declined the bacon due to not eating pork—which Robin wasn't aware of—but was delighted to find out that the sausages were chicken. 

     "I'm not a practicing Jew or anything," Yohan explained. "But me and my family have never eaten pork, so I just don't now."

     "Well, that's understandable," Robin's mum replied as she got herself settled in her own chair. "Do your family practice the Jewish religion?" 

     "No, not particularly, my grandad will go to the synagogue occasionally, but that's about it." 

      "And your parents didn't keep the tradition? Or what is it that I read about it; isn't it that the child is only Jewish when the father is Jewish? Or the other way around?" Robin's dad added to the conversation. 

     "No, the mother has to be Jewish," Yohan corrected while taking a bite of his scrambled eggs. Robin was completely tense on the edge of his seat, trying and failing to remain calm with his sister, who was repeatedly kicking him under the table and giving him a wide-eyed expression each time they made eye contact.  

     "Oh, what's your mother like Yohan? I've been dying to make some new mum friends in Bristol, but again, neither Kate nor Robin have brought any of their new friends home! Oh, it was so much easier when they were little," Robin's mum sighed. 

      Robin gulped at his mother's question, knowing how sensitive the topic was to Yohan. Looking over at Yohan, his face had shifted.  

      "Oh um," Yohan started, looking down at his plate of food. 

     "Yohan lives with his granddad," Robin stated, hoping that would be the response Yohan would be happy with and stop his parents insistent questioning. 

     "Oh, I see," Robin's mum's tone softened. "Sorry, Yohan dear, bad habit, I am nosey." 

      "No, it's okay, Mrs. Coy," Yohan said. "I just have never met my mother, that's all. So, I was raised by my grandparents." 

     He's never met his mum?

      "Ah, I see. Well again, sorry for prying dear. Why don't you tell me how you and Robin became friends?" 

     "We sit together in form room, and he's a bit of a groupie for my band."  

     "Ah so you're the friend in the band! My apologies, for some reason I thought it was a girl Robin was talking about."

     "Talking about?" 

     "Jemma–" Robin interrupted, "It's my friend Jemma; I've told you about her mum, Yohan is in the same band; he plays bass."  

     "Oh goodess! Well, that makes sense then, Jemma is basically the new Ashley with how Robin talks about her!"

     "Who's Ashley?" Yohan queried. 

     "Friend back from Cov," Robin replied. 

     The rest of the meal—luckily—went by as painlessly as possible. Yohan engaged in conversation with Robin's parents in a way that was completely unlike something Robin had seen before. He was charming, friendly, and, despite his outward appearance, not intimidating at all.  

     Finally, it was over, and Yohan excused himself and thanked them for the meal. Robin led him to the front door.

     "Your family are nice," Yohan said as he slipped into a bright blue jumper Robin had grabbed to save his arms from the cold. It was slightly too tight around his chest and a little short on the arms, but it would do. Seeing Yohan, however, in a colour other than black or red was quite a strange thing to witness.

     "Don't; my mum is such an embarrassment. I'm so sorry about her questioning." 

     "She clearly cares about you a lot, Robin," Yohan said with a wry smile. "Well, it seems like our plan worked. I'll text you, okay?"

     "Alright then," Robin said. Yohan looked behind him past the door, quickly whipping his head around before swiftly planting a kiss on his lips.

      "See ya." He waved as he walked down the path to the front gate. "And make sure you drink lots of water for that hangover!" He shouted with a wink. 

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