Riviera Walkthrough

Riviera: The Promised Land: FAQ/Walkthrough by Shifen

Version 2.0, Last Updated 2005-09-17 View/Download Original File

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Chapter 1 - Angelic Advent


______HEAVEN'S GATE______


_____ _____

[ 1-1 ] [ 1-5 ]

_____| _____

[ 1-4 ] [ 1-9 ]

_____| _____|

[ 1-3 ] [ 1-7 ]

_____| |_____

[ 1-2 ] [ 1-8 ]




|Angels' Memorial_______

The resting place of

the Grim Angels that

lost their lives in

Ragnarok. Entry is

now prohibited.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next


Enemy Encounter!


VS Unleashed Beast - 1500pts.

If Ein's Lorelei skill hits on the first turn, finish off with Ledah's

overskill to finish off the battle in two turns. If Ledah goes first, finish

off with his overskill in the third turn.


-Potion x03



Stone Pillar

-Name change: Crumbling Pillar.

Crumbling Pillar





Faded Floor



Enemy Encounter!


VS Snarling Demons - 1500pts.

Use Potion to heal and end with Ledah's overskill.



Cliff - Condition: Head back to [2]

-Name change: Ledge

-Allows for passage into next area.





Drop Down - Options

-Drop Down

-Move to [1-2]

-Don't Drop








A walkway at Heaven's

Gate made of floating

rocks, leading to

a cavern.







Ledge Above

-Trigger disappears.

Chest - Options:

-Open it

-Obtain Potion x3.

-Don't Open


Empty Chest



Enemy Encounter!


VS Savage Demon

-End with Ledah's overskill.



Pile of Rubble - Options:

-Take it

-Rock Acquired~ 500pts.

-Leave it


Rock Fragments






-Name change: Sacred Scale.

Sacred Scale






-Name change to Shiny Object.

Shiny Object - Options

-Touch it

-All Party Members: HPMAX+10, STR+1, MGC+1, AGL+1, VIT+1

-Bonus: Found Mana Wisp! 3000pts.

-Name Change: Rubble

-Leave it

-Name Change: Mana Wisp.

Mana Wisp





Open Chest







|Stairway of Judgment___

The stone stairway

where fallen angels

were tried.

It spirals up to

a cavern.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]>NEXT





-Name change: Rising Path.

Rising Path



Enemy Encounter!


VS Tiny Magician - 1500pts

Rose will not allow Ein to do anyhing but Double Slash when your overdrive

bar allows. Finish with Ledah's overskill.








Path - Options

-Throw it - Timing Minigame


-Obtain Spider Web x20.

-Bonus: Spider Hit! 10000 pts.


-Enemy Encounter! Dangling Spider - 2500pts.

-Don't throw it.

-Enemy Encounter! Dangling Spider - 2500pts.






|Cavern of Judgment_____

The stone steps

eventually lead

into a cavern.

Light gently seeps

through the cracks.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]>NEXT





-Enables Orihalcon event in the next screen.


Enemy Encounter!


VS Soul Hunter - 2500pts.

End with Ledah's overskill.

Spoils: Potion x03



Sunlight - Condition: Checked "Sunlight" at [1] and did not move to [3].

Otherwise, nothing.

-Obtain Event Item "Orihalcon".




Rock Step - Options:

-Hit it - Command Minigame


-Bonus: Boulder Dodged! 5000pts.


-Ein: MaxHP-5%

-Touch it: Nothing.

-Nothing: Nothing






|Heaven's Scale_________

Where judgment used

to be passed on fallen

angels. Giant boulders

hang in the sky by








-Allows for Move: Jump



Sword in the Ground - Options:

-Pull - Mash Minigame


-Obtain Dragon Killer x15

-Bonus: Sword Removed! 3000 pts.

-Ein: STR+1

-Name Change: Hole


-Fail 3 times and acquire Event Item "Sword Hilt".

-Sword Hilt Acquired! 1500pts.

-Name Change: Broken Sword






-New Move option: Jump.


Enemy Encounter!


VS Boulder Dragon - 7500pts.

Dragon Killer does 330 damage. Ledah's Divide does 140. Ledah's L3 overskill

does 380. Plan accordingly, and finish with Ledah's overskill.

Forced Event - Timing Minigame


-Head to 1-9, extra area.

-Jumped to Ledge: 2000pts.


-Head to 1-6.






|Silver Palace__________

Ruins of a palace that

once held sacred

treasures, but was

destroyed during


MINIMAP: [1]-[2]->Next





-Name change: Ornament.

Ornament - Options


-Obtain Event Item "Golden Decoration"

-Ornament Acquired! 3000pts.

-Name Change: Statue

-Don't Take




Chest - Options


-Acquire Event Item, "Album"

-Album Acquired! 3500pts.

-Name Change: Open Chest

-Don't Open



Enemy Encounter!


VS Masters of the Palace - 4000pts.

Finish with Ledah's Overskill.



Goddess Statue - Condition: Check it twice

-Ein: Agl+1

-Goddess's Blessing! 3000 pts.

Broken Statue

-Name Change: Rusted Sword.

Rusted Sword - Options:


-Obtain Event Item "Rusty Sword".

-Rusted Sword Acquired! 1000 pts.

-Name Change: Broken Statue.

-Don't Take







|Stone Lattice__________

A path made of rocks

chained together.

The footing is shaky,

but they are seen all

over Heaven's Gate.












- Obtain Power Wrist x15.


Enemy Encounter!


VS Wind Splitter - 4000pts.

Dragon Killer does 430 damage. Finish with Ledah's overskill on his second turn.


-Naga Fang x10



Source of the Sound - Command Minigame:


-Successful Grab! 6000pts.

-Obtain Event Item "Angel's Bell".

-Name Change: Above


-Ein: MaxHP-5%


-Makes trigger disappear.


Enemy Encounter!


VS Dark Queens

If you level up Naga Fang, you can use its OS to win S-rank battles for the

first few battles of Chapter 2. Crucial for items.

Finish off with Ledah's Overskill.








Chest - Open/Don't Open Options

-Obtain Fire Orb x03.






|Remote Sanctuary_______

A nameless temple

in the southernmost

area of Heaven's Gate.

Its floor has cracked

over time.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]>NEXT




Chest - Open/Don't Open Options

-Command Minigame


-Trap Evaded! 3000pts.


-Ein: MaxHP-15%


Enemy Encounter!


VS Beauty and the Wyvern - 4000pts.

Dragon Killer does 460 damage to Naga. Finish off with Ledah's Overskill.



Cracked Floor - Options:

-Remove - Mash Minigame

-Success! Condition: Game hasn't been finished before.

-Obtain Rosier x01

-Weapon Acquired! 1000pts.

-Success! Condition: Game has been finished, and S-ranked last boss.

-Obtain Longinus x01

-Weapon Acquired! 10000pts.



-Examine: Nothing.

-Leave: Nothing.




Fairy - Options:

-Bring Her

-Ein: Max HP100%, Mgc+1

-Obtain Event Item "NoNo"

-Protected NoNo! 4000pts.

-Leave Her


-Ein: Max HP100%

-Obtain Event Item "NoNo"

-Protected NoNo! 4000pts.


-Nothing. Aftereffects currently unknown.






|Gate to Riviera_____

The southernmost

gate of Heaven's

Gate. A barrier

prevents anyone

from passing.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->BOSS





-Prerequisite for event in next screen.




Corridor - Conditions: Checked "Corridor" at [1].

-Recieve Elixer x01.


Aghart Summoned!


VS The Holy Beast - 12000pts.

Bring Einherjar, Power Wrist, and Potion. Power wrist Ein, and use his

overskill. Does a good 380 damage. Lost Seraph does 1320 damage.

Spoils - S Rank

Ignis Spear x01


Elendia, Pre-Chapter 2





_|____ ______


__|__ __|__

[Grove] [Pixia]




|Lina and Fia's Place__

Located on a hill,

the entire town can

be seen from here.

Lina's room is on

the second floor.


MINIMAP: [1]-[2]




Bread - Take/Don't Take options

-Obtain Bread x10

??? - Options:

-Hey, Fia.

-Trust +3

-Hey, Chia.

-Trust -3

-What was your name?

-No effect.





-Save Game.

Lina - Options

-I'm still dizzy...

-Trust -3

-Yes, thanks for asking.

-Trust +3

-Where's the other girl?

-No effect.


|Pixia Residence_____

Kyle, the Pixia who

likes fishing,

and his wife Mylene

live here with

their children.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]





Pixia Boy

-Name Change: Gill

Gill - Take/Don't Take options

-Obtain Coral Staff x50


|Hobbit Smithy_____

Chappi the Hobbit's

smithery workshop.

His family treasure

Thor Hammer, forges

many weapons.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]





-Name Change: Chappi

Chappi - Condition: Third time speaking to him, must have Rusty Sword in

-Give/Don't give options

-Obtain Iron Sword x50


|Crystal Caverns_____

A beautiful cavern

lined with crystals.

The Magic Guild in

the back has a whole

array of books.


MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[5]

Speak to either Claude or Soala to unlock [5], after you've visited Elder's.




Bookshelf - Condition: Complete Chapter 8

-Obtain Event Item "Divine Scriptures".


Obtain Rapier x50, Longbow x50, head to Chapter 2.


|Undine Spring_____

Located deep in the

forest by Elendia,

it is always filled

with fresh water.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]




NoNo - Condition: Nono was saved in Chapter one.

-Obtain Ribbon x25


|Grove of Repose_____

A patheway surrounded

by trees. The soft

rays of light that

seep through bring

peace of mind to all.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]


|Elder's House_____

The living quarters

of the Elder, Graham.

It is located at the

center of Elendia.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]

To unlock this area, you can either find NaNa at the Magic Guild who appears

randomly, or speak to NoNo. They'll tell you Fia and Lina stormed into the

Elder's house.

Then speak to either Rebecca, Chappi, Mylene, Kyle, and you can head to the

Elder's house. All the other villagers don't know or won't tell you.

...And according to the map, it's located at the very south of Elendia.


Chapter 2 - Pursuit of Truth





_____ _____ _____ [ 2-8 ]

[ 2-3 ]-[ 2-4 ]-[ 2-5 ] |

__|__ __|__ __|__

[ 2-2 ] [ 2-6 ]-[ 2-7 ]


[ 2-1 ]




|Wilheim Bluff_____

A cliff on the

eastern island of

Riviera. Migrating

birds enjoy the

warm weather there.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next




Wet Grass - Pick/Don't Pick options

-Obtain Healing Herb x15


-It heals you.

-Lina Trust +1, Mood +1

-I don't know.

-No effect.

Patch of Grass - Condition: When attempting to head to [2] or getting out of

look mode after picking "Wet Grass".


-It's broken.

-Lina Trust -1, Mood -1

-Nice find!

-Lina Trust +1, Mood +1


Enemy Encounter!


vs Demon Shrub - 1000 pts.

You cannot achieve S-rank if you did not master the Naga Fang.

If you did not master the Naga Fang, in order to achieve S-ranking from here

on, level up Fia and Lina's respective main weapons.

S-Rank Spoils - Rose Whip x05




-Rock Acquired~ 500 pts.




Briars - Check/Don't Check options

-Lina, Ein Max HP -5%






|Shadow Bridge_____

A stone bridge

leading to the castle.

The moonlight creates

a mysterious shadow

on the water.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next





-Maybe we shouldn't...

-Lina, Fia Trust -2, Mood -1


-Lina, Fia Trust -2, Mood -2


-No effect.

-I have a bad feeling...

-Lina, Fia Trust -2, Mood -1


-Lina, Fia Trust -2, Mood -2


-No effect.

-Let's go.

-Lina, Fia Trust +2, Mood +1




-Name Change: Gargoyle


-Enemy Encounter!

vs Awakened Vampire 1000pts

Keep an eye on that rage metre, she'll drain your life with her breakout

making the battle twice as long.

S-rank Spoils - Hell Scythe x10




Gargoyle - Options

-Me, too. - Command Minigame


-Gargoyle's Beam Dodged 3500pts


-Everyone Max HP -5%

-10 turns pass

-Name Change: Dangerous Gargoyle

-Wishful thinking...


Chest - Trapped

-Obtain Rapier x40, or Longbow x40


Enemy Encounter!


Gatekeepers - 1500pts.

S-Rank Spoils - If Evil Mage is taken down last: Book of Laura x10

If Gladiator is taken down last: Flamberge x5



Gargoyle - Options

-No effect either option.






|Moonlight Garden_____

In this castle's

courtyard, stone

pillars and small

shrubs line

a garden path.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[4]->Next



Event - Options


It's amazing.

-Fia Trust -1, Mood -1

I sense demons.

-Fia Trust +2, Lina Trust -1, Mood -1

Command Minigame

-Success: Hid from the Guard 3000pts.

-Failure: Enemy Encounter! - Patrol Team 1000pts.


Enemy Encounter!


Wandering Beast - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Canine Fang x15



Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Longbow, Rapier, or Coral Staff x40

Event - Conditions: When coming back from [3]


Command Minigame


-Command Minigame again


-Hid from the Guard 4000pts, Fia Trust +1

-Failure - Options

-Don't mind us.

-Enemy Encounter! - Patrol Team 1000pts.

-Leave us alone!

-Enemy Encounter! - Patrol Team 1000pts.

-Failure: Enemy Encounter! - Patrol Team 1000pts.




Tree - Options

-What should I do?

-Lina Trust +1, Mood +1

-Command Minigame


-Fruit Acquired! 2500pts.

-Keep it.

-Obtain Applecot x10

-Give it to Lina.

-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1 MaxHP +10

-Give it to Fia.

-Everyone MaxHP +5

-Eat it.

-Ein MaxHP +10, Lina Trust -2, Mood -1

-I don't want it.

-Lina MaxHP +10



-Forget it.

-Lina Trust -1, Mood -1

Event - Condition: Second time blown away by Jet Black Wind


Lina MaxHP -5%

Fallen Twig - Condition: Second time blown away by Jet Black Wind - Options


-Obtain Event Item "Mosamo Branch"

-Don't Keep

-Lina Str +1


Enemy Encounter! - Bush Slackers 1000pts.

Condition: Ignore the bush.



Chest - Open/Don't Open options *If you choose not to open, you can kill the

guard in the next event on this screen.

-Obtain Iron Sword, Coral Staff, Rapier, or Longbow x40

Tree - Options


-Ein MaxHP -5%

-Enemy Encounter! - Bush Slackers 1000pts.

-Keep Watch

-Use Fia

-Timing Minigame


-Mission Accomplished! 2000pts

-Fia Trust +2, Lina Trust +1, both Mood +1

-Enemy Encounter! - Bush Slackers 1000pts.

-Success! Condition: Did not open chest.

-Mission Accomplished! 6000pts

-Fia Trust +2, Lina Trust +1, both Mood +1


-Fia MaxHP -5%

-Enemy Encounter! - Bush Slackers 1000pts.

-Use Lina


-Mission Accomplished! 2000pts

-Fia Trust +1, Lina Trust +2, both Mood +1

-Enemy Encounter! - Bush Slackers 1000pts.

-Success! Condition: Did not open chest.

-Mission Accomplished! 6000pts

-Fia Trust +1, Lina Trust +2, both Mood +1


-Lina MaxHP -5%

-Enemy Encounter! - Bush Slackers 1000pts.

-Sneak Past - Rhythm Minigame

-Success! Snuck Past Guard! 5000 pts

-...Failure. Enemy Encounter! - Bush Slackers 1000pts.


-Be assulted by Bush Slackers when attempting to move to next screen.

Tree - Conditions: Killed Bush Slackers with Chest. Take/Don't Take options.

-Obtain Canine Fang x10

Event - Condition: After being blown once by the Jet Black Wind


Options - "I'm glad that..."

-...you're safe, [girl].

-[girl]'s Trust +3

-...we're back together.

-Lina, Fia Trust +1






|Sentry Tower______

A tower located

in a corner of

the Moonlit Garden.

The spiral stairs

lead to the top.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next




Bones - Options

-Leave it to Fia - Rhythm Minigame

-Failed: Fia MaxHP -5%, Bones Purified? 2000pts

-Success: Fia MaxHP -5%, Trust +1, Mood +1 Bones Purified! 4000pts.

-Leave it to Lina

-Enemy Encounter! Rampant Soul 1000pts.

-Do Nothing

-When returning to this area after being blown away, you'll fight a


Enemy Encounter! - Condition: Ignored bones. Lawless One 1000pts.


Three skeletons, a really tough battle.

S-rank Spoils: Silver Rapier x05


Enemy Encouter!


Jet Black Wind - 4000pts.

You'll be blown to 2-5, [1] your first time. The girl blown with you is

completely random, trust and mood has nothing to do with it.

You're free to kill it your second. If you still have your Dragon Killer, use

it. Keep your eye on its rage.

If you're blown away a second time, you'll get a chance to obtain Event Item

Mosamo Branch.

S-Rank Spoils: Wyrm Wing x03




Flying Bat - Conditions: Must have Event Item Rock

-Catch it - Input Combination Minigame

-Success: Bat Captured! 3000pts.

-Obtain Mr. Bat x05

-Failure: Enemy Encounter! Lost Bat of Lacrima - 1000pts

-Throw a rock at it - Timing Minigame

-Success! Bat Vanquished! 1500pts.

-Lina Trust -2, Mood -1

-Obtain Event Item "Dark Bat Wings"

-Failure: Enemy Encounter! Lost Bat of Lacrima - 1000pts

-Lina Trust -2, Mood -2

-Ignore it







|Connecting Bridge_____

A walkway high above

the ground which

connects two towers.

It was reserved for

emergency use only.


MINIMAP: [2]-[3]-[4]-[5]



Enemy Encounter!


Shadow Dwellers - 1000 pts.

S-Rank Spoils: Spider Web x15




- [Girl] Trust +1, Mood +1



Jump Down

-Head to 2-3, [3]




Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Longbow, Rapier, Iron Sword, or Coral Staff x40


Enemy Encounter!


Runt Squad - 1000pts.

Spoils: Rosary




-Obtain Hell Scythe x15


-Unlock "Drop Down" option in move move.




Command minigame

-Success! Dodged Surprise Attack! 4000pts.

-Failed: Everyone MaxHP -5%


-You're on your own, Lina!

-Lina Trust -2, Mood -1

-You're too old for that.


Enemy Encounter!


Voluptuous Vampier - 2000pts.

Spoils: Pendant x10




Chest - Options

-Don't open it.

-Head to 2-9, Extra Area.

-Make it a good one.

-Lina Trust +3, Mood +1


Enemy Encounter!


Midnight Bats - 1500pts.

Spoils: Hourglass (A: x5 S: x10)



Midnight Sky






-Avoided Cracked Tiles - 1500pts.






|Castle Dungeon_____

A humungous prison

beneath the castle.

Giant chainse are

a remnant of the

beasts held here.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]






Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Longbow, Rapier, Iron Sword, or Coral Staff x40





- ->from heaven |

fill thyself with V

and like A hunting ^

correct what is B...

-Found Mysterious Words - 1500 pts.




Must inspect all three coffins. During the second inspection...

Sacred Sword - Open/Don't Open Options


-Obtain Silver Rapier x15

-Fia Trust -1, Mood -1

-Ein MaxHP -5%


-Obtain Silver Rapier x15

-Fia Trust -1, Mood -1

-Lina MaxHP -5%


-Obtain Silver Rapier x15

-Fia Trust +2, Mood +1

-Fia MaxHP -5%

-No one


Sword of Fire - Open/Don't Open Options


-Obtain Flamberg x15

-Ein MaxHP -5%


-Obtain Flamberg x15

-Lina MaxHP -5%


-Obtain Flamberg x15

-Fia Trust +2

-Fia MaxHP -5%

-No one


Thunder Bow - Open/Don't Open Options


-Obtain Lightning Bow x15

-Lina Trust -1, Mood -1

-Ein MaxHP -5%


-Obtain Lightning Bow x15

-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1

-Lina MaxHP -5%


-Obtain Lightning Bow x15

-Lina Trust -1, Mood -1

-Fia MaxHP -5%

-No one


Enemy Encounter! - Condition: Right after you've picked a weapon.


Thunder Bow coffin brings out Ice Coffin Spirit

Sword of Fire coffin brings out Electric Coffin Spirit

Sacred Sword coffin brings out Dark Coffin Spirit

All respectively 1500pts.

Use the weapon you received.

Spoils: Dark Coffin Spirit gives you Taror x2, while the other two give you

their respective elemental orbs x5.






|Castle Chambers_____

Blue-white flames

light the dark

chambers. Strange

statues of knights

line the halls.

MINIMAP: [x]-[1]-[2]-[3]->Next


To get to this area, you must ignore the roof trigger in the previous



Command minigame

-Success! Safe Landing - 1000pts.

-Failed. Everyone MaxHP -5%




Blue Flame - Can re-vist options

-Light the Twig [Must have Mosamo Branch]

-Obtain Event Item "Torch"

-Hold Hand Over It

-Ein MGC +1




-Another trigger "Statue" appears




Enemy Encounter!


Bolio's Necro Team - 3000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Silver Rapier x05

A-rank Spoils: Rosary x10

B-rank Spoils: Rosary x05



Blue Flame

-If you've toyed with the previous Blue Flame, then there's nothing new here

Blue Flame - No TP - Conditions: Took Gae Bolg without checking either flame

-Enemy Encounter! Advancing Flame - 1000pts.

-S-rank spoils: Tarot x3

-Minus 1 endurance for every rank lower

Statue - Check Twice - Take/Don't Take options

-Obtain Gae Bolg x50




Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Longbow, Rapier, Iron Sword, or Coral Staff x40

Spiral Staircase







|Moonlight Courtyard_____

A well-maintained

courtayard, complete

with a fountain.

Beyond here lies

the Sealed Tower.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[4]->Next



Event - Options





-A Scream

-Lina Trust -1, Mood -1

-The Wind

-Lina Trust -1, Mood -1


-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1



Purple Flowers

-Allows for option "Scoop Water" at the spring at [3]

-Name Change: Withering Flowers

Withering Flowers - Condition: Have water with you.


-Revived Moon Lillies! 5000pts.

-Obtain Event Item "Moon Drop"

-Moon Drop Acquired - 2500pts.

-Name Change: Blooming Flowers


-Flowers wither.

Blooming Flowers - Options


-Lina Trust +1, Mood +1

-Moon Lily Acquired - 2500pts.




Enemy Encounter!


Courtyard Guard Dog - 2000pts.

S-rank spoils: Power Wrist x15

B-rank spoils: Canine Fang x5

Event - Condition: When heading back to [1] with water.


Save Her - Command Minigame

-Success: Lost water, Lina Trust +2, Mood +1

-Failure: Lose water, Lina MaxHP -5%

Don't Save Her

-Lina MaxHP -5%



Shiny Object - Appears when you attempt to head to [4] - Pick up/Don't pick up

-Obtain Black Earring x25




Fountain - Options


-Ein MaxHP -5%

-Scoop [Must check purple flowers first]

-Acquire Event Item "Water"



-Immerse the Torch [if you have it]

-Inventory Affected - Mosamo Ash

-Obtain Event Item "Mosamo Ash", lose Event Item "Torch"





-2/9 or 22% chance of obtaining Four-Leaf Clover.

-Four-Leaf Clover Acquired! 6000pts.


-Event CG

-Enemy Encounter! Black-Winged Woman - 5000pts.

Fixed Battle. Just make everyone use Einherjar to save you trouble.

-Serene Joins!

-Obtain Hell Scythe x20

-Move: Next appears

Before moving on, you might want to train up Serene a bit.






|The Sealed Tower_____

A tower located

deep within the

castle. A demonic

god is said to be

sealed away here.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5]


Enemy Encounter!


Castle Wanderers - 1000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Spiked Hammer




Fia MaxHP -5%



Torch Stand - Conditions: Must have Torch - Light/Don't Light options

-Room lit; Chest appears

Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Event Item "Ogrenium"

-Ogrenium Acquired! 3000pts.




Command minigame

-Success! Nothing.

-Failure: Ein MaxHP -5%

Conditions: Have Torch.


-Enemy Encounter! Mad Magician - 2000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Depends on last enemy killed.

-Chest appears - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Book of Laura x50

-Run Through - Command Minigame - Each ball: Ein MaxHP-5%

-Dodge all 3: All Magic Avoided!! 12000pts.


Nothing. If light is still off in previous room, you cannot return.


The Accursed!


Accursed - 8000pts.

Fixed Battle. Save yourself trouble and have everyone use Einherjar.

Event CG Obtained

The Accursed!


The Demon Knight (Isher) - 8000pts.

If you've bothered to level up Serene, Serene's Ignis Spear does a hefty 400

damage. Make sure it hits! Her bats also do around 120. Bring in whatever

elementals you can, and avoid bringing anything without an element. If you

still hold one of the stronger elemental swords, Serene can dish out some heavy

damage with them, a lot more than the bats. Isher is a heavy guarder, don't

count on all your hits connecting. Disaresta will definitely not fully connect.

Each of Disaresta's normal hits do about 60-70, while the final does 150.

As you can see, Serene is key here if you have the right items, so hopefully

you did bother to pump her up, especially with her scythe.

S-Rank Spoils: Excalibur x01


Elendia, Pre-Chapter 3


Fia and Lina's Place


Bread at the usual place.

Crystal Caverns


Claude: Input Right Down A Up B to obtain Event Item Item Manual. Must have

previously read the wall at 2-9, [2].

NaNa: Give her Dark Bat Wings and receive a 20HP boost for Ein in return.

Soala: If you have the Moon Lily, hand it over to receive conditions to search

for a Golden Egg in the next chapter.

Teleport Circle: Come here after you've saved, a bat will appear. Catch it to

obtain Bat Jr.

Hobbit Smithy


Chappi: If you have the Ogrenium, give it to him along with your scythes for

an Ogre Blade, a scythe common in the next chapter.

If you have the Chipped Dagger, give it to him for a Silver Dagger.

Undine's Spring


Meute: Give her your Moondrop to heal her. Take her gift, the Ice Javelin.

Grove of Repose


Applecot at the usual place.

Reiche: Give your Mosamo Ash here to obtain Flag x10.

Rebecca: Asks you for her name. Get it right and get a Harpie Talon x50.

Serene - "Elendia's a nice place, huh?"

-Yeah, it is.

-No effect.

-Is it?

-Serene Trust -3

-How about Rosalina?

-Serene Trust +3

Elder's House


Head here when you're ready to set off for the next chapter.


Chapter 3 - The Accursed





[ 3-8 ]

_____ __|__

[ 3-6 ]-[ 3-7 ]

_____ |

[ 3-3 ] |

_____ | __|__

[ 3-4 ] | [ 3-5 ]

_____ __|__

[ 3-1 ]-[ 3-2 ]




|Wiese Forest_____

A forest located

south of Elendia.

The fertile land is

home to numerous

rare plants.


MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next






-It is?

-No effect

-That's a squirrel?

-No effect

-Not as cute as you, Lina.

-Fia, Serene Trust -1, Mood -1; Lina Trust +2, Mood +1


-Condition: Do not have Mushroom Book


-I'm fine.

-No effect

-I still feel dizzy...

-No effect

-Who are you?

-No effect

-Ein MaxHP -5%


-Obtain Event Item "Mushroom"

-Unknown Mushroom Acquired - 1500pts.


-No effect

-Lina, will you eat it?

-No effect

-How 'bout a bit, Fia?

-No effect

-Here you go, Serene.

-No effect

-Condition: Have Mushroom Book


-Your snack.

-No effect


-No effect

-A weapon.

-No effect

-Dizzyshroom Acquired! 2500pts.


-No effect


-No effect





-Condition: Do not have Mushroom Book


-I'm fine now...

-No effect

-That hurt...

-No effect

-... ... ... ...

-No effect

-Ein MaxHP -5% (Appears twice, but occurs once only)


-Obtain Event Item "Mushroom"

-Unknown Mushroom Acquired - 1500pts.


-No effect

-Lina, will you eat it?

-No effect

-How 'bout a bit, Fia?

-No effect

-Here you go, Serene.

-No effect

-Condition: Have Mushroom Book


-To cheer someone up.

-No effect

-Magic experiments.

-No effect

-Tonight's dinner.

-No effect

-Laughshroom Acquired! 2500pts.


-No effect

Chest - Trapped - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Lightning Bow, Flamberg, or Silver Rapier x40


Enemy Encounter!


Flower Melissa - 2000pts.

S-rank spoils: If plant was killed last, Flame Whip x5

If mage was killed last, Ruby Staff x10

A-rank spoils: If mage was killed last, Mage Ring x10

If plant was killed last, Slumber Ivy x10



Entrance - Rhythm Minigame


-Entrance Passed - 2500Pts.

-Serene, you shouldn't cheat.

-No effect

-How 'bout I carry you.

-No effect

-Who cares? We made it.

-No effect


-Everyone MaxHP -5%



Condition: Move to next area without checking

-Everyone MaxHP -5%




Big Mushroom

-You better not.

-Lina Trust -2, Mood -1

-Just a small piece.

-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1

-Enemy Encounter! Intoxicating Plants - 2500pts.

-S-rank spoils: Flame Whip x5

*Note: If you take a piece, you'll lose 15% of your MaxHP when you fall down

here later.

Big Mushroom - Conditions: Cierra joined and first time checking

-No effect

Event - Condition: Fall down from 3-4


Cierra Joins

Obtain Event CG

Obtain Ruby Staff x20

Condition: Took a piece from the mushroom here

-Everyone -15%MaxHP





-Condition: Do not have Mushroom Book


-Ein MaxHP +5, Str +1


-Obtain Event Item "Mushroom"

-Unknown Mushroom Acquired - 1500pts.


-No effect

-Lina, will you eat it?

-No effect

-How 'bout a bit, Fia?

-No effect

-Here you go, Serene.

-No effect

-Condition: Have Mushroom Book


-Ein MaxHP +5, Str +1


-I don't like mushrooms.

-No effect

-It's for good luck.

-No effect

-I'm full right now.

-No effect

-Laughshroom Acquired! 2500pts.


-No effect

Big Flower

-Everyone MaxHP +100%, Magc +1


Enemy Encounter!


Marsh Haunts - 1000pts.

Take advantage of their elemental weakness, bring in some Holy weapons.

S-rank spoils: Rosary x15



Chest - Mash Minigame


-Escaped the swamp! 2500pts.

-It's nature's trap.

-No effect

-That was good exercise.

-No effect

-It's not a swamp.

-No effect


-Ein MaxHP -5%

-Inventory Affected.

-Swamp trigger appears


-No effect

Chest - Condition: Second time

-Have Lina go


-Lina Trust -1, Mood -1

-Did you gain weight?

-Lina Trust -2, Mood -1

-Discover she's 84 pounds

-There's mud on you.

-Lina Trust -1, Mood -1

-Name change: Sunken Chest

-Have Serene go


-Serene Trust +1, Mood +1

-Next, can you...?

-Serene Trust -1, Mood -1

-Wings come in handy.

-Serene Trust +1, Mood +1

-Name change: Sunken Chest

Sunken Chest

-No effect


Note: Area only appears when Cierra joins.




Summer, winter, spring, and fall...

N: White Snow {Winter}

S: Bright Sun {Summer}

E: Blooming Flowers {Spring}

W: Vivid Leaves {Fall}

Quick Explanation: You must follow the seasons as the sign originally listed.

Summer is first, so you head south. In the next area,

the directions are now different. You must check the sign

to see where winter is, and head in the winter direction.

After you complete the first portion, you must head in

normal season order: Spring, summer, fall, winter. If you

mess up, you start all over from the beginning.

Solution: Start at spring (Purple Screen). Head South, East, North, West.

Then head West, South, North, South, and any direction last.

Items: Acquire Event Item Aran Doll by following a backwards season order.

Start at spring, then head North, South, North, South (Winter, Fall,

Summer, Spring) to make the chest appear.



-Cierra Trust -5, Mood -1; Everyone Else Trust +1, Mood +1


-Cierra Trust +5, Mood +1; Everyone Else Trust -1, Mood -1

Acquire Frozen Crest by following a normal season order.

Start at spring, then head East, South, North, South (Spring, Summer,

Fall, Winter) and open the chest that appears for an Ice Crest x15.

Escaped the Lost Forest!! 20000pts.






|Tree Ruins_____

A massive tree grew

over ancient ruins,

eventually forming

a towering edifice.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next




Chest - Trapped - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Lightning Bow, Flamberg, or Silver Rapier x40


-Fulfills condition for event when moving to next screen

-Fulfills condition for event when attempting to sneak past demon

Event - Condition: Check Roots - Occurs when attempting to move to next screen


You must be...

-...tired; let's rest.

-Serene Trust +2, Mood +1

-...clumsy, like Lina.

-Serene, Lina Trust/Mood -1

-...getting old.

-Serene Trust -2, Mood -1

-Discover Serene is the same age as Ein


Event - Condition: Move to next screen without checking the demon


Enemy Encounter! Sleeping Ape - 2000pts.

Roots - Trigger only appears if you have not checked Roots in [1]

-No effect



Sleeping Beast

-Let's do it.

-Enemy Encounter! Sleeping Ape - 2000pts.

-Sleeping Ape -50% HP

-Let's sneak past.

-Condition: Previously checked roots

-Watch your step, Serene.

-Serene Trust/Mood +1

-Serene, you klutz!

-Serene Trust -3, Mood -1

-Look out, Fia.

-Fia Trust/Mood +1

-Enemy Encounter! Sleeping Ape - 2000pts.

-Condition: Did not check roots

-Move to [3]

Enemy Encounter! Condition: Cierra must have joined.


Melissa Again - 2500pts.

S-rank spoils: Archer killed last gives Lightning Bow x15




Roots - Trigger only appears if you have not checked Roots in [1]

-No effect


-Aske Fia to Search

-Tunder Onyx Acquired - 2500pts.


-Rock Acquired~ 500pts.






|Treetop Ruins_____

A giant tree trunk

extends through

the ceiling, and

the floor has been

weakened by rain.


MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[5]->Next






-Everyone MaxHP -5%, Str +1

-Don't Pull

-Serene Trust/Mood -1

Root - Conditions: Cierra must be in your party, and first time checking


-Everyone MaxHP -5%, Str +1

-Don't Pull

-No effect



-Command Minigame


-No effect


-Everyone MaxHP -5%

-Name Change: Sealed Chest

-Don't Open

-It's just a hunch.

-No effect

-Something smells funny.

-No effect

-Not really.

-Lina Trust/Mood -1, Serene Trust/Mood +1

Chest - Conditions: Did not open it the first time


-Command Minigame


-No effect


-Everyone MaxHP -5%

-Name Change: Sealed Chest

-Don't Open

-No effect

-Serene, you open it.

-No effect

Sealed Chest

-No effect

Sealed Chest - Conditions: Cierra must be in your party - Open/Don't Open

-Obtain Holy, Lightning, Fire, or Ice orb x15

-You could be a thief!

-Cierra Trust/Mood -1

-That's incredible!

-Cierra Trust/Mood +1

-Can you teach me?

-No effect

Event - Conditions: Cierra is in your party, attempt to move to next screen


Save Him

-Everyone Trust/Mood +1

-Obtain Event Item "Hammer" after battle


-Miss Event Item "Hammer" after battle

Enemy Encounter! Bunch o' Bullies - 2000pts.

S-Rank Spoils: Spiked Hammer x5


*Cannot move to [5] until Cierra joins



Egg - Two-Tier Options

-Five, maybe?

-No effect

-Are you hungry AGAIN?

-No effect

-Is it even edible?

-No effect

[2nd tier]


-Obtain Egg x5

-Enemy Encounter! Monster Bird - 2500pts.

-Break - Timing Minigame


-Egg Cracked - 2000pts.

-Ein Str +1, MaxHP -5%

-Enemy Encounter! Monster Bird - 2500pts.


-Ein MaxHP -5%

-Enemy Encounter! Monster Bird - 2500pts.



-No effect

Door - Condition: Second time checking

-Feather trigger appears


-"Walk on the Branch" Move Option appears


Event - Condition: First time entering


Head to 3-4

Look - Condition: Second time entering


Shiny Object

-Get - Command Minigame


-Obtain Event Item "Serene's Pendant"

-Pendant Acquired - 2000pts.

-Give it to Cierra

-Cierra Trust/Mood +1

-Return to Serene

-Serene Trust +2, Mood +1

-It's your treasure.

-Serene Trust +3, Mood +1

-It was luck.

-Serene Trust +1, Mood +1

-Can I have it?

-No effect

-Give it to Lina

-Lina Trust/Mood +1

-Lina returns it to Serene

-Give it to Fia

-Fia Trust/Mood +1

-Fia returns it to Serene


-I'm fine.

-No effect

-Not really.

-No effect

-Thanks, Fia.

-Fia Trust/Mood +1

-Serene, could you...?

-Serene Trust/Mood +1

-Serene gets her Pendant back, but not as an Event Item


-Where is Gateau?

-No effect

-Sounds delicious.

-No effect

-Is Gateau cute?

-No effect





-Enemy Encounter! Injured Harpie - 2000pts.


-Everyone Trust/Mood +1

-I accept.

-Cierra Trust/Mood +1

-Obtain Happy Plume x10

-I can't accept it.

-No effect

-Get outta here, demon!

-Cierra Trust/Mood -1

-We'd rather have food.

-Lina Trust/Mood +1

-I think Cierra's right.

-Cierra Trust +2, Mood +1

-Obtain Happy Plume x10



Injured Harpie

-No effect


Area can only be accessed if Cierra is in your party.



Floor - Rhythm Minigame


-Collapse Avoided! 3000pts.


-Head to 3-5, [1]

-Obtain Event CG



Head to 3-9, extra area






|Pelga Nests_____

Pelgas, dangerous

monster-like birds,

build nests such as

these in the brances

of trees.





Don't worry, you're soft.

-Cierra Trust +3, Mood +1; Everyone else Trust/Mood -1

Ow, that hurt.

-Everyone Trust -2, Mood -1

After she joins you, Cierra's trust is set to 19 and mood is set to 3 no matter

what option you picked here.

-Forced to move to 3-1, [4]






|Royal Tomb_____

Tomb of the royal

family of Binon.

It is hidden deep

within the forest

of Nelda.






Golden Egg - Three-tier options - First two tiers have no effect

-Five, maybe?

-You really like food, huh?

-Is it even edible?

[2nd tier]

-Yeah, maybe.

-I wonder...

-I'll try to crack it.

-What do you think, Fia?

-Can we still eat it?

[3rd tier]


-Golden Egg Acquired - 2000pts.

-Don't Take

-No effect

Golden Egg - Condition: Did not take egg

-Is it really an egg?

-No effect

-It's beautiful.

-Fia Trust +2, Mood +1

-It looks delicious...

-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1




Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Ogre Blade, Rose Whip, Harpie Talon, or Flamberg x40




White Things


-Serene! Lina!

-Serene Lina Trust/Mood -1

-Where are they going?

-No effect

-Did something happen?

-No effect

-Obtain Ruby Staff x50


-Actually, I was.

-Lina Trust/Mood +1

-I want to take one home.

-No effect

-I just feel like it.

-Fia Trust/Mood -1

-Rhythm Minigame


-Obtain Event Item "White Butterflies"

-White Butterflies Acquired! 3000pts.

-It comes naturally.

-No effect

-I eat my spinach.

-No effect

-It was just luck.

-No effect

-I concentrated hard.

-No effect


-No effect


-No effect

Statue - Examine/Leave options

-Too late...

-No effect

-I doubt it.

-No effect

-Get away from there!

-No effect

-Enemy Encounter! Ambitious Skeleton - 3500pts.

-S-rank spoils: Rosary x15

-Book Trigger appears

-If you haven't checked the trigger White Things, they disappear

Book - Condition: Beat Ambitious Skeleton

-Obtain Book of Nanai x50




Stone Entrance

-You, Lina.

-Lina Trust -2, Mood -1

-She means Cierra.

-No effect

-I'm not a kid.

-No effect






|Tree Hollow_____

A hollow which formed

naturally as the wood

decayed. The damp air

inside allows fungi

to grow.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next



Enemy Encounter! - Condition: Fall from 3-3, [5]


Harpie Master - 2000pts.

S-rank spoils: Archer killed last - Lightning Bow x15





-Obtain Egg x05


-Timing Mini-game


-Egg Cracked! 2000pts.

-Ein Str+1


-I'm trying to break it...

-No effect

-Making a wish.


-Ein Str +1


-Ein Mgc +1

-Serene's sake.

-Serene Trust +3, Mood +1

-To find Gateau.

-Cierra Trust +2, Mood +1

-To fly.

-No effect

-Oh, nothing.

-No effect


-No effect

Tree - Two-Tier options

-What kind it is?

-No effect

-Good eyes.

-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1

-I don't see it.

-No effect

[2nd Tier]


-Timing Minigame [Very difficult]


-Nice Shot* 2000pts.

-Obtain Applecot x10


-Enemy Encounter! Perched Raptor - 1500pts.

-Enemy -50% HP, Rage max


-Serene Trust/Mood +1

-Serene MaxHP -5%

-Are you alright?

-Serene Trust/Mood +1

-Where's the fruit?

-No effect

-How's your butt?

-Serene Trust -3, Mood -1

-An enemy was hiding...

-Enemy Encounter! Perched Raptor - 1500pts.

-No One


Enemy Encounter!


Crawling Beasts - 2000pts.

Bring in your lightning stuff, or it'll be annoying.

S-Rank Spoils: Slime Ball x15 or Applecot x10



Hanging Object

-Command Minigame


-Bees Evaded! 2500pts.

-Move to [2]


-Everyone MaxHP -15%

Beehive - Conditions: Check Hanging Object


-Obtain Beehive x3


-Beehinve Destroyed - 1500pts.


-No effect

Sticky Floor - Condition: Did not check Sticky Floor at [2]

-Name Change: Hypha Floor


Area can only be accessed from 3-9



Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Ogre Blade, Rose Whip, Harpie Talon x40


-No effect

Crack in the wall

-Mash Minigame


-Ein MaxHP -5%


-Wall Destroyed! 3000pts.

-Move options "Through the Hole" appears






|Wooden Platforms_____

Platforms build with

timber from the tree

itself. Still strudy

after hundreds of


MINIMAP: [1]-[2]->Next




As you head to next screen, Command Minigame


-Saved Cierra - 2000pts.

-That's not fair.

-Serene Trust/Mood -1

-Be careful, everyone.

-No effect


-That's not fair.

-Serene Trust/Mood -1

-Be careful, everyone.

-No effect

Squirrel - Conditions: Come back from [2] - Two-Tier Options

-It is cute, isn't it.

-No effect

-Not as cute as Lina.

-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1

-Not as cute as Fia.

-Fia Trust +2, Mood +1; Serene Trust/Mood -1; Lina Trust -2, Mood -1

-A squirrel?

-Fia Trust/Mood -1

-A demon!?

-Serene Trust/Mood -1

[2nd Tier]


-Command Minigame


-Ein Vit +1

-Squirrel Captured - 2000pts.

-Give it to Cierra

-It runs away because Cierra doesn't know how to hold it

-Give it to Serene

-She releases it because "Animals belong in nature"

-Give it to Lina

-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1

-It escapes her grubby paws

-Give it to Fia

-Fia Trust/Mood +1

-She sets it free


-Cierra Trust/Mood +1


-No effect


-"It's too cute to capture."


Enemy Encounter!


Descendents of Nelde - 3000pts.

Ice weapons = Easy Win.

S-rank Spoils: Wyvern Wing x5



Shining Branch

-Ask Cierra

-Cierra Trust +2, Mood +1

-Ask Serene

-Serene Trust +2, Mood +1

-Ask Lina

-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1

-Ask Fia

-Fia Trust +2, Mood +1

-Everyone MaxHP +10, Str, Mgc, Vit, Agl +1

-Found Mana Wisp! 3000pts.

-Name Change: Branch

-Leave it

-No effect






|Colony Remains_____

The remains of a wyrm

colony. In ancient

times, colonies like

this one were found







Ivy - Two-Tier option

-Are you sure?

-No effect

-You're really smart.

-No effect

[2nd Tier]


-Mash Minigame


-Everyone MaxHP -5%, Str +1

-Obtain Slumber Ivy x25

-Ivy Removed - 1000pts.


-Everyone MaxHP -5%

-Don't Pull

-No effect

Ivy - Condition: Checked, but did not pull

-Oh, really?

-Lina Trust -3, Mood -1

-How old are you?

-Discover she's a year older than Fia...

-Yeah, yeah...

-Lina Trust -2, Mood -1

-I'm sorry.

-No effect

Empty Shell

-Look Inside

-No effect

-Don't Look

-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Beast-Master Ludo - 2000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Rogue killed last - Power Wrist x15

Mage killed last - Book of Nanai x10

Aeon Ape killed last - Meat x10



Empty Shell

-Look Inside

-Obtain Harpie Plume x10 [Completely useless item]

-Don't Look

-No effect

Empty Shell - Condition: Did not look inside the first time, 2nd time checking

-What's that?

-No effect

-It's still here...

-No effect

-It's really big...

-No effect

Empty Shell - Condition: Did not look inside the first time, 3rd time checking

-Yeah, they are.

-Lina Trust/Mood -1

-Are they?

-It's a famous song.

*Note: Can attempt this trigger as much as you wish. Drop Lina's trust+mood as

much as you want.




Empty Shell

-Look Inside

-Enemy Encounter! Shell-Dweller - 1500pts.

-Don't Look

-No effect

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Ogre Blade, Rose Whip, or Harpie Talon x40






|The Apex_____

The highest level of

the ancient ruins.

The largest of all

wyrms reigned from




Minimap: [1]-[2]-[3]




Enemy Encounter!


Air Riders - 2000pts.

S-rank spoils: Wyvern Wing x5 or Harpie Plume x10



Beautiful Feather

-Ask Lina and Fia

-Obtain Event Item "Paradise Plume"

-Paradise Plume Acquired - 2000pts.

-Pick Up

-Obtain Event Item "Paradise Plume"

-Paradise Plume Acquired - 2000pts.


-Feather gets blown away






The Accursed!


The Heavenly Wyvern - 8000pts.

If you've trained everyone, Trinity Spark does 780, Cinder Squall does 900,

Bat Jr does 400, and Disaresta does 550. It's a quick win with these skills.

S-rank spoils: Tempest Bow


Elendia, Pre-Chapter 4


Fia and Lina's place


Bread at the usual place.

CoCo: You must have the Paradise Plume, because that's how the girls got dirty.

After talking to CoCo, you have 4 turns to check up on the girls at

Undine's Spring.

Pixia Residence


Kyle: Say yes and get the event item "Fishing Rod".

Mylene: Talk to her so you can find Molan outside.

Shade trigger outside: Find Molan, head back into the house, and get Earrings

x25 from Mylene.

Molan: Give the Aran Doll to Molan. Cierra Trust -2, everyone else Trust +1.

Gill: Talk to him after you get the Fishing Rod to receive event item "Pouch".

Hobbit Smithy


Chappi: Give him all your swords and your Thunder Onyx for a Thunder Blade x50.

Crystal Caverns


Ritz: Releases the White Butterflies; they'll find some crystals next chapter.


-Wanna study together?

-Cierra Trust +3

-Is magic fun?

-No effect


-Cierra Trust -3

Soala: If you've given her the Moon Lily the previous chapter, give her the

Golden Egg to receive a Moon Wand x50.

Grove of Repose


Applecot at the usual place.

Reiche: If you took the Mushroom Book and give him mushrooms, you'll only get

some Magna Rock from him. If you didn't take the book and give him your

three mushrooms, you'll get the event item "Spiral Shell".

Undine's Spring


If you have the Paradise Plume and you've talked to CoCo and come here within

four turns of talking to her, you'll witness a bathing scene but Fia and Lina

-4 Trust.

Elder's House


Ladie: Obtain Cross Lance x50. You must have scored at 130,000 or more in the

previous chapter.

Enter the house to continue on to the next chapter.


Chapter 4 - Sunken Wisdom




[ 4-8 ]

[ 4-6 ]-[ 4-7 ]

[ 4-5 ]

[ 4-3 ]-[ 4-4 ]

[ 4-1 ]--[ 4-2 ]




|Lake Cavern_____

The cavern found

beneath Tetyth's

lake. Lake water

drips from above


MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next





-Name Change: Broken Planks

Broken Planks

-Serene falls. And flies back up. No effect.


Enemy Encounter!


Squirming Slime - 1000pts.

S-rank spoils: Slime Ball x15





-Command Minigame


-Obtain Event Item "Grasshopper"

-Grasshopper Acquired! 2000pts.


-Find out Rose hates insects


-Grasshopper leaves





-Name Change: Dripping Ceiling






|Sinking Island_____

The island in the

middle of Lake

Tetyth. It has been

sinking since

ancient times...

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next




Obtain Event CG




-Drenched; Inventory Affected

-Name Change: Mossy Rocks


Enemy Encounter!


Water Bug - 1500pts.

S-rank spoils: Taratula Killed Last - Spider Web x15

Chariot Killed Last - Applecot x10




-Name Change: Fishing Point

Fishing Point

-Catch - Conditions: Have Event Items Fishing Rod, Pouch, and Grasshopper

-Timing Minigame


-Obtain Event Item "Fish"

-Caught a Fish! 4000pts.


-Lose Grasshopper

-Catch - Conditions: Have Event Items Fishing Rod and Grasshopper, but no


-Timing Minigame


-Free it

-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1

-Caught a Fish! 4000pts.

-Leave it

-Lina Trust -2, Mood -1


-Lose Grasshopper

-Catch - Conditions: Have Event Item Fishing Rod but no Grasshopper

Pouch not required

-Unknown Chance of obtaining the statue, nothing may happen

-Obtain Event Item "Upola Statue"

-Fished a Statue! 2500pts.


-No effect

Rock - Take/Leave options

-Obtain Event Item "Rock"

-Rock Acquired~ 500pts.


Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Command Minigame


-Everyone Trust/Mood +1

-Threw the Snake! 3000pts.


-Everyone Trust/Mood -1

-Chest explodes

-Name Change: Chest Remains

Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Tarot x05






|Carnea District_____

In the city said

to be built by

an angel, Carnea is

a low-ground

residential distric.



MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5]




Floating Object - Pick Up/Don't Pick Up options

-Obtain Event Item "Lala Sutra"

-Floating Book Acquired

-Trigger Name Change: Rippling Surface




Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Flame Whip, Estoc, or Burning Sun x40


Enemy Encounter!


Rotten Scoundrels - 1000pts.

S-rank spoils: Kobold killed last - Amulet

Chariot killed last - Applecot




-No effect

Heavy Door

-Name Change: Anbisium Door

-"Floor" Trigger disappears

-"Panel" Trigger appears


-I don't know


-Trust -3, Mood -1


-Trust -3, Mood -1


-Trust -2, Mood -1


-Trust/Mood -1

-Door doesn't open


-No effect

Panel - Conditions: Girl already went on once

-Selecting the girl you previously picked will have no effect, but selecting

a different girl will have their respective effects happen



Conditions: Returning from [3], left Serene behind

-Obtain Black Scythe x10

Conditions: Returning from [3], left Fia behind

-Obtain Holy Crest x15


Chest {<-} - Open/Don't Open options

-No effect

Chest (Down) - Open/Don't Open options

-No effect

Chest (Up, NoTP) - Open/Don't Open options

-Rusty Key Acquired - 1500pts.





-Everyone Trust/Mood +1

-Able to receive Iria's Bow at 4-6


-Everyone Trust -2, Mood -1

-Unable to receive Iria's Bow at 4-6

Enemy Encounter!


Devil's Familiars - 2000pts.

S-rank spoils: Hourglass x10


Enemy Encounter!


Barbarian King - 1500pts.

S-rank spoils: Vile Raven killed last - Egg x10

Rogue killed last - Power Wrist x15



Old Door - Conditions: Do not have Event Item "Rusty Key"

-No effect

Old Door - Conditions: Have Event Item "Rusty Key" - Open/Don't Open options

-Allows for passage to [7]




Shimmering Water



-Cierra Trust/Mood +1

-Everyone MaxHP +10, Str, Mgc, Agl, Vit +1

-Found Mana Wisp! 3000pts.

-Name Change: Dark Window


-Cierra Trust/Mood -1

-Name Change: Dark Window


-Name Change: Dark Window



Conditions: Attempt to move to [8]

-Command Minigame


-Arrows Dodged! 2500pts.


-Ein, Serene MaxHP -5

-Automatically move to [8]


Enemy Encounter!


Sniper Squad - 1500pts.

B-rank Spoils: Arbalest x05

A-rank Spoils: Arbalest x10 (It is recommended you get this, because you'll

receive an Elfin Bow x40 anyhow)

S-rank Spoils: Elfin Bow x15



Conditions: Defeat Sniper Squad

Obtain Elfin Bow x40




-Serene picks on Rose

-Obtain Event Item "Crystal Key"

-Crystal Key Acquired! 1500pts.


Chest - Open/Don't open options

-Obtain Burning Sun, Estoc, Thunder Blade, or Flame Whip x40

Door - Conditions: Do not have Event Item "Crystal Key"

-No effect

Door - Conditions: Have Event Item "Crystal Key"

-Enables passage to [10]


Enemy Encounter!


Silver-bell Winds - 3000pts.

The Arbalest is pretty useful here. Bring some one-hit weapons and keep his

rage low. If you get blown away by its breakout, you'll head to [8].

S-rank spoils: Wyrm Wing x03



Command Minigame


-Nice Catch! 2000pts.

-Obtain Event Item "Golem Manual"


-No Effect

*As 4-3 is a very large area, and saving is a ways away, try very hard not to

mess up here. If you're bad with minigames, practice: Up, Left, Right, Left,

Up, A.







A battle colosseum

outside of Carnea.

It was filled with

battles between

warriors and beasts.



MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5]





-No effect

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Flame Whip, Thunder Blade, Elfin Bow, or Burning Sun x40




Hanging Ropes


-Mash Minigame


-Bees Evaded! 3000pts.


-Everyone MaxHP -15%

-"Killer Beehive" Trigger appears


-Ein MaxHP -5%


-Obtain Banango x5

-"Memo" Trigger appears

-"Rope" Trigger appears

Killer Beehive


-Obtain Killer Beehive x03


-Beehive Burned - 1500pts.


-No effect


-Obtain Event Item "Trap Memo 1".

-Memo Acquired - 500pts.

Rope - Pick Up/Don't Pick Up options

-Obtain Event Item "Rope"

-Rope Acquired - 2000pts.

-"Where Rope Was" Trigger appears


Enemy Encounter!


The Blue Fool - 3500pts.

Serene Inferno and the Flame Whip helps a lot. If you still have Cierra's old

wand, you might want to Cinder Squall as well, but I recommend using Serene.

S-rank Spoilers: Blue Bomber x03




Barrel - Conditions: Must have Event Item "Hammer" - Yes/No option

Obtain Banango x10




Chained Sword

-Take it

-Fia Trust -2, Mood -1

-Mash Minigame


-Ein MaxHP -15%

-Obtain Zantetsu x5

-Name Change: Torn Chains


-No effect

-No second chance

-Ask Fia

-Fia Trust +2, Mood +1

-Command Minigame


-Obtain Zantetsu x10

-Name Change: Torn Chains


-No effect

-No second chance


Enemy Encounter!


Colossal Warriors - 2000pts.

S-rank spoils: Mithril Sword x5




-Put Hand In - Conditions Unknown (I've heard of a failed case. Has nothing

to do with Trust or Mood, though.)

-"Brave warrior...

You are a true hero.

You shall receive my blessing!"

-Ein Str, Mgc, Agl, Vit +3

-Blessed!! 15000pts.

-Everyone Trust +2, Mood +1

-Name Change: Lion Statue

-Put Rose In

-Rose MaxHP -5%

-Cierra Trust -3, Mood -1

-No second chance


-No effect, No second chance


Barrel - Conditions: Must have Event Item "Hammer" - Yes/No option

Obtain Blood Fang x50


Enemy Encounter!


Carnean Bandits - 2500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Dragon Newt killed last - Flag x10

Vile Raven killed last - Egg x10

Baboon killed last - Meat x10




-No effect






|Aura Plateaus_____

Located in the

middle of Tetyth, it

is often called the

White Plateaus due to

the white limestone.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next




Conditions: Attempt to move to next screen

-Step on O

-Obtain Banango x5

-"Paper" trigger appears

-Step on X

-Ein MaxHP -10%

-"Paper" trigger appears


-No effect

-"Sign" Trigger appears




-No effect


-Obtain Event Item "Trap Memo 2"

-Memo Acquired - 500pts.


Enemy Encounter!


White Plateau Wyvern - 2000pts.

-Wyvern Killed Last - Wyvern Wing x05

-Baboon Killed Last - Meat x10





-Obtain Event Item "Mint"

-Mint Acquired - 2000pts.

-Don't Take

-Trigger Disappears

Ground - Pick Up/Don't Pick Up Options

-Obtain Event Item "Mithril"

-Mithril Acquired - 2000pts.




Dark Window - Conditions: Must have Event Item "Rock" for one of the options

-Ask Serene

-No effect

-Throw a Rock

-Timing Minigame


-Nice Control! 1500pts.

-"Bat" trigger appears


-Rose: (You suck.)


-No effect

Bat - Conditions: Successfully throw rock inside Dark Window


-Timing Minigame


-Obtain Mr. Bat III x5

-Bat Acquired - 3000pts.


-Enemy Encounter! Lost Bat of Tetyth - 1000pts.

-S-rank spoils: Hourglass x10

-Bat Wings trigger appear


-Timing Minigame


-Lina Trust -3, Mood -2

-Killed the Bat! 3500pts.


-Lina Trust/Mood -1


-No effect

Bat Wings - Conditions: Either choose to Slash the previous bat or Fight it

- Take/Don't Take options

-Obtain Event Item "Fang Bat Wing"

-Bat Wings Acquried - 1000pts.






|St. Claremonts_____

The high ground is

filled with

religious buldings

like churces and



MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[4]-[7]


*Note: There is no reason to go from [4] to [7] as there is a barrier that

blocks your way from getting the chest in that area.

The path to take is [4], [5], [6], [7]. The rest should be simple.





-No effect

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Thunder Blade, Elfin Bow, or Burning Sun x40




Bottle - Conditions: Come back here after roughly 15 turns spent in this area.

I suggest coming here after gettin the Holy Grail, it

should be flooded by then.

-Pick Up

-Obtain Event Item "Bottle"

-Bottle Acquired - 1500pts.


-Fia Trust/Mood -1

-Obtain Event Item "Music Sheet"

-Music Sheet Acquired! 1500pts.

-Don't Open

-Fia Trust/Mood +1


-No effect, no second chance


-No effect, no second chance




If you've saved the Undine previously at 4-3, [5], witness the event CG, and

come back to this place again after 4 turns minimum to receive Iria's Bow x50.

I suggest coming back after getting the Golden Key.


Enemy Encounter!


Tetythian Robbers - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Kobold Killed Last - Amulet x15




Chest - Conditions: Came from [4]

-Name Change: Look at Chest

Chest - Conditions: Came from [8]

-Obtain Event Item "Holy Grail"

-Holy Grail Acquired! 3000pts.


Enemy Encounter!


Treasure Hunter Z - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Strong Guard killed last - Mithril Sword x5




Chest - Conditions: Came from [4]

-Name Change: Look at Chest

Chest - Conditions: Came from [8]

-Obtain Event Item "Golden Key"

-Golden Key Acquired! 1500pts.


Enemy Encounter!


Conditions: Do not have Golem Manual, choose to fight, or failed command -

Golem Operators - 2500pts.

Conditions: Have Golem Manual, successfully to enter code correctly (up,

down, up, right) - Sad Golem Operators - 1500pts.

S-rank spoils: Amazon killed last - Elfin Bow x15

A-rank spoils: Amazon killed last - Arbalest x10




-No effect

Golden Door - Conditions: Do Not Have Event Item "Golden Key"

-No effect

Golden Door - Conditions: Have Event Item "Golden Key"

-Allows passage to [5]




Enter Code - (up, down, up, right)

-Trigger "Paper" appears


-Enemy Encounter! - The Sage's Golem - 2500pts.

-Trigger "Paper" appears




-Obtain Event Item "Trap Memo 3"

-Memo Acquired - 500pts.






|Mizel Bridge_____

This holy bridge

is where an angel

once descended.

It leads to the

Flaybell Cathedral.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]->Next




Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Estoc, Elfin Bow, or Flame Whip x40


Enemy Encounter!


The Red Sage - 4000pts.

Ein's Lightning Strike and Lina's Voltage Raid are good bets. It shouldn't be

too hard as long as you can recover from the breakouts.

S-rank spoils: Red Viper x3



After winning

-Of course

-Everyone Trust +2, Mood +1

-Reformed Demons! 1000pts.

-I can't

-Judgment Passed! 3000pts.






|Flaybell Cathedral_____

The spot where the

fallen angel has

descended. Inside,

a giant goddess

statue stands.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]



Come here by falling down while attempting to jump at [2].



Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-No effect




Enemy Encounter!


Elementalist - 1500pts.

Don't be stupid and bring in some elemental weapons! Especially front-row ones.

S-rank Spoils: Mean Witch killed last - Salamander Rod x5




-Name Change: Angel Statues

Angel Statues - Condition: Must have spent less than 120 turns this chapter.

-Timing Minigame


-Head to Extra Area 4-9


-Head to [X]

-Everyone except Serene MaxHP -5%

*Note: You may want to head to [3] to check the trigger there twice so you

can get an extra event item later.





-Name Change: Angel Statue

Angel Statue

-Fulfills condition for trigger at 4-9, [3].


The Fallen Angel - 8000pts.

If you've kept everyone up to pace, you'll get roughly the numbers I've got.

Lina's Arbalest does 550. Fia's katana, the Zantetsu, does 775 if all four hits

connect. Fia's Presto does 650. Serene's Mr. Bat III's Vampire Night does a

hefty 1500 damage. Have Ein use a one-hit weapon like Burning Sun, he's pretty

much useless for this battle. Rely on these for a quick-paced battle and you'll

be finished in no time. Have anyone else use Mr. Bat III at your own


S-rank Spoils: Saint Sceptre






|Cathedral Library_____

The library inside

the cathedral. It

has many books on

the dawn of Riviera

and of the gods.

A.K.A: The classic "Ein the Perv" location.









Angel Statue

-Everyone Trust/Mood -1




Angel Statue

-Everyone Trust/Mood -1




Angel Statue - Condition: Did not check the Angel Statue at 4-8, [3] twice

-Lina, Serene Trust/Mood -1

Angel Statue - Condition: Checked the Angel Statue at 4-8, [3] twice

-Take it

-Obtain Event Item "Angel Gem"

-Angel Gem Acquired! 3000pts.

-Give to Cierra

-Cierra Trust +5, Mood +1

-Give to Serene

-Serene Trust +5, Mood +1

-Give to Lina

-Cierra Trust +5, Mood +1

-Give to Fia

-Cierra Trust +5, Mood +1

-Give to Rose

-(M-Me!? Well, uh, thanks.)


-No effect

-Leave it

-No effect




Giant Book


-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1-Fia Trust +2, Mood +1

-It's about food of that period. Fitting.


-Fia Trust +2, Mood +1, Lina Trust/Mood -1

-Receive Ceneca Qui at Elendia


-Cierra Trust +2, Mood +1, Fia Trust +2, Mood +1

-Receive Nost Lenne at Elendia


-Serene Trust +2, Mood +1

-It's just the table of contents.


-Receive Clene Met at Elendia

-Obtain Event Item "Ripped Page"

-Page Ripped - 2000pts.

-No one's

-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Birds in a Cage - 1000pts.

S-rank spoils: Blood Fang x10



Large Object

-Name Change: Giant Book



Mash Minigame


-Head to 4-9, [6]


-Head to 4-8, [X]




Large Object

-Name Change: Giant Shelf

Giant Shelf - Take/Don't Take options

-Obtain Event Item Valdes Scripture

-Valdes Scripture Acquired! 3000pts.



Head back to 4-8, [1]


Elendia, Pre-Chapter 5


Fia and Lina's place


Bread at the usual place.

Lina: If you have the Mint, talk to her and you'll now be able to witness the

second bathing scene. No time limit this time.

Pixia Residence


Nothing of interest this time.

Hobbit Smithy


Chappi: Give him all your swords and your Mithril for a Mithril Sword x50.

OR Give him all your raipers and your Mithril for a Holy Sabre x50.

Give him your Diamond Teardrop with all your spears, and wait until

next chapter to reap your rewards.

Crystal Caverns


Butterflies: If you've released the White Butterflies here last chapter, you'll

find a Diamond Teardrop.

NaNa: Give her your Fang Bat Wing for a +30 HP boost for Ein.

Claude: Give him the Ripped Page if you have it. Depending on whose page you've

ripped, you'll receive different powerful spells.

Cierra's Page: Nost Lenne x3

Serene's Page: It's the table of contents.

Lina's Page: It's about the food of that period. Coincidence!

Fia's Page: Ceneca Qui x3

Ein's Page: Clene Met x3

Grove of Repose


Applecot at the usual place.

Mursya: Trade your Fish in the Pouch for a Cheer Bell x20, an extremely useful

item that lowers enemies' rage.

Reiche: Trade your Upola statue for Dragon Meat x10.

Undine's Spring


If you talked to Lina and have the Mint, you'll witness the second bathing

scene after beating up the Golem here. Cierra and Serene Trust -5.

If you have 14 or fewer items and the Holy Grail, you can dip it in Spring

Water for Holy Water x5.

Elder's House


Enter the house to continue on to the next chapter.


Chapter 5 - Eternal Beings




[ 5-1 ]

[ 5-8 ]

[ 5-5 ] |

[ 5-2 ]-[ 5-3 ]-[ 5-4 ]

[ 5-6 ] [ 5-7 ]




|Ghost Town_____

A ghost town in

northeaster Riviera.

An underground

catacomb lies

beneath it.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->NEXT

Simplified Thief Event: Check the sign. Check the well at [2]. Check the tree

at [3]. Head back to [1] and check the house there.





-No effect

Sign - Condition: Second Time

-Lina's Backpack is stolen; Fulfills conditions for thief event in this area

-Did you lose it?

-Lina Trust/Mood -1

-Did someone steal it?

-No effect

-Give it back, Serene.

-Serene Trust/Mood -1

-Name Change: Old Sign

Building/House - Conditions: Conversed (options selection) with Fia at [3]


-Enemy Encounter! Randy the Thief - 1000pts.


-Serene Trust/Mood +1

-Thief Defeated - 4000pts.


-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1

-Obtain Event Item "Thief Manual"

-Thief Manual Acquired - 2000pts.

-That piece of junk?

-Lina Trust -2, Mood -1


-No effect


-Name Change: House


Building - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Lightning, Holy, Fire, or Ice Crest x15

Well - Conditions: Backpack Stolen

-Fulfills condition for Tree at [3]

Well - Conditions: Otherwise

-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Soul Returner - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Skull Fencer Killed Last - Holy Sabre x15

Necromance Killed Last - Book of Gelt x10




-Name Change: House

Tree - Conditions: Backpack Stolen, Well Checked at [2]

-Yeah, me too.

-Fia Trust/Mood +1

-It's just you.

-Fia Trust/Mood -1

-Oh, you noticed?

-Fia Trust/Mood +1

-Serene Trust/Mood -1

Tree - Conditions: Otherwise

-No effect


-Name Change: Inside the Well

Inside the Well - Conditions: Have Rope

-Secure Rope

-Head down to 5-2

-Jump Rope

-Lina Trust/Mood +1

-Fia Trust/Mood -1


-No effect

Inside the Well - Conditions: Otherwise

-Jump Down

-Timing Minigame


-Head to 5-2


-Everyone MaxHP -5%

-Grab Serene

-Serene Trust/Mood -1

-Don't Jump

-No effect






|Pilgrimage Way_____

A dark path leading

toward the cemetery's

underground caverns.

Torches illuminate

the path.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->NEXT


Event - Conditions: Came down with Rope


The rope was too old.

-Cierra Trust -2, Mood -1; Serene, Lina, Fia Trust/Mood -1

Are you okay?

-Cierra Trust +2

Let's move on.

-No effect




-No effect

Glowing Rock - Conditions: Lights are off


-Obtain Event Item "Light Moss"

-Light Moss Acquired - 2500pts.


-Cierra Trust/Mood -1

-No second chance


-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Hungry Hungry Monster - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Saber Wolf Killed Last - Wolf Fang x15



Open Chest

-No effect

Surroundings - Conditions: Lights are off


-Serene Trust/Mood -1


-No effect

-See anything, Rose?

-(Rose: I'm not a cat!)




Open Chest

-The lights go off

-Feel Around

-Despite the SFX, there are no Mood or Trust changes

-Ein MaxHP -5%

-Ask Cierra

-No effect

-Name Change: Chest

Chest - Conditions: Lights are off


-Lights go back on

-Name Change: Switch Chest

-(Rose: The switch isn't the chest; it's on the wall...)

-Don't Throw

-No effect

Switch Chest - Conditions: Lights are on, Chest previously thrown

-Only you can do it.

-Serene Trust/Mood +1

-Lights turn off

-Okay, Lina then.

-Lina Trust/Mood +1

-Lights stay on






|Cemetery Entrance_____

The Pilgrimage Way

leads to this ivy

infested area. There

are two entrances:

north and south.


MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[5]-[6]->[5-4]


Quick Note: You are to head to 5-5 and 5-6 before you can accomplish anything

at 5-4.

All stalactite rooms have the stalactite event occur randomly

It CAN occur at every one of those rooms, but not all of them

leave rocks.


Random Event


Command Minigame


-Ceiling trigger appears

-Rock trigger appears


-Ein MaxHP -5%



Ceiling - Condition: Succeeded in random event

-No effect

Rock - Condition: Succeeded in random event

-Obtain Event Item "Rock"

-Rock Acquired~ 500pts.





-Tells you to obtain the Six Priests' Ankhs




Open Chest

-No effect

Strange Flower


-Surprise Attack

-Serene Trust +2, Mood +1; Cierra, Lina, Fia Trust/Mood +1

-Ask Cierra

-Cierra Trust +2, Mood +1

-Rhythm Minigame


-Plant Burned! 3000pts.


-Enemy Encounter! Man-Eaters - 1000pts.

-Ask Serene

-Serene Trust +1 [No Mistake. No SFX, but this is a rare case where

trust goes up without mood being changed at all.]

-Timing Minigame


-Plant Burned! 3000pts.

-Serene Trust/Mood +1


-Enemy Encounter! Man-Eaters - 1000pts.


-Ein MaxHP -5

-Enemy Encounter! Man-Eaters - 1000pts.


-No effect






-No effect


-No effect


-{Why me?!)

[2nd Tier]

-You tricked us!

-Serene Trust -3, Mood -1

-So your wings...

-Serene Trust -2, Mood -1; Fia Trust/Mood -1

-I believe Serene

-Serene Trust +3, Mood +1

-"How could a cute girl like me be a demon...?"

-Enemy Encounter! Winged Foes - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Balrog Killed Last - Silver Moon x05

-Chest appears

Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Silver Moon x10


Enemy Encounter!


Cemetery Dwellers - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Carnege Sect killed last - Spider Web x15



Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Mithril Sword, Holy Sabre, Crystal Lance, or Salamander Rod x40


Random Event


Command Minigame


-Ceiling trigger appears

-Rock trigger appears


-Ein MaxHP -5%



Ceiling - Condition: Succeeded in random event

-No effect

Rock - Condition: Succeeded in random event

-Obtain Event Item "Rock"

-Rock Acquired~ 500pts.






|Northern Catacombs_____

Xenon, Lokin,

and Askus rest

in this section

of the catacombs.

[8] [3]-[4]

MINIMAP: [5-3]<-[1]-[2]-[5]





Fang Door

-Name Change: Fang Seal

Fang Seal - Condition: Pounded all three stakes in this area

-Let's go!

-No effect

-Let's be careful.

-No effect

-You first, Cierra.

-No effect

Fang Seal - Condition: Otherwise

-No effect






-Mash Minigame


-Serene, Lina Trust/Mood +1

-Pounded 1st Stake! 2000pts.

-Name Change: Pounded Stake


-Ein MaxHP -5%

-Ignore [Serene: Then, what are you interested in?]

-You, Serene.

-Serene Trust +2, Mood +1


-Serene Trust/Mood +1

-Impossible Request :(

-The Accursed

-No effect

-Note: Can be done at any stake, but once done, cannot occur again.




Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Black Scythe, Holy Sabre, or Thunder Chain x40






-Mash Minigame


-Pounded 2nd Stake! 2000pts.

-Name Change: Pounded Stake


-Ein MaxHP -5%


-Enemy Encounter! Desciples of Xenon - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Golem Killed Last - Magna Rock x10

-Everyone MGC +1

-Obtain Event Item "X Ankh"

-X Ankh Acquired - 1000pts.

-Name Change: Xenon's Grave

Xenon's Grave - Yes/No options

-Read Inscription Again





-Enemy Encounter! Desciples of Lokin - 2000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Carnage Sect Killed Last - Spider Web x15

Barbaric Drake Killed Last - Crystal Lance x10

Skull Fencer Killed Last - Holy Sabre x15

-Everyone MGC +1

-Obtain Event Item "L Ankh"

-L Ankh Acquired - 1000pts.

-Name Change: Lokin's Grave

Lokin's Grave - Yes/No options

-Read Inscription Again




Open Chest


-No effect

-Look Anyway

-Obtain Fire, Ice, Lighting, or Holy Emblem x15


-No effect




-Mash Minigame


-Pounded 3rd Stake! 2000pts.

-Name Change: Pounded Stake


-Ein MaxHP -5%


-Enemy Encounter! Desciples of Askus - 2000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Lunatic Maiden Killed Last - Phoenix Wand x05

Skull Fencer Killed Last - Holy Sabre x15

-Everyone MGC +1

-Obtain Event Item "A Ankh"

-A Ankh Acquired - 1000pts.

-Name Change: Askus's Grave

Askus's Grave - Yes/No options

-Read Inscription Again




Chained Sword


-Enemy Encounter! Misel the Fencer - 2500pts.

-S-rank Spoils: Rosier x10

-Obtain Kiku-Ichimonji x05

-Name Change: Old Grave

-Don't Take

-No effect






|Southern Catacombs_____

Yumel, Iduna

and Teula rest

in this part of

the catacombs.


MINIMAP: [5-3]<-[1]-[2]-[5]-[7]







Grave - Take/Don't Take options

-Obtain Book of Gelt x50

-Enemy Encounter! Gelt the Hermit - 2500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Lich (Gelt) Killed Last - Book of Kirie x10






-Fia Trust/Mood -1

-Obtain Black Scythe, Mithril Sword, Thunder Chain, or Salamander Rod x40

-Lina Trust/Mood +1

-The Undead - 1000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Holy Sabre x15

-Don't Open

-Fia Trust/Mood +1, Lina Trust/Mood -1



-Enemy Encounter! Desciples of Iduna - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Lunatic Maiden Killed Last - Phoenix Wand x05

Skull Fencer Killed Last - Holy Sabre x15

Necromancer Killed Last - Book of Gelt x15

-Everyone MGC +1

-Obtain Event Item "I Ankh"

-I Ankh Acquired - 1000pts.

-Name Change: Iduna's Grave





-Enemy Encounter! Desciples of Yumel - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Barbaric Drake Killed Last - Crystal Lance x10

-Everyone MGC +1

-Obtain Event Item "Y Ankh"

-Y Ankh Acquired - 1000pts.

-Name Change: Yumel's Grave



-Enemy Encounter! Desciples of Teula - 2000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Balrog Killed Last - Silver Moon x05

Saber Wolf Killed Last - Wolf Fang x15

-Everyone MGC +1

-Obtain Event Item "T Ankh"

-T Ankh Acquired - 1000pts.

-Name Change: Teula's Grave






|Underground Lake_____

A large lake of

collected rain water.

The clarity makes it

appear shallwow, but

it's actually quite deep.

[3] [7]-[8]

MINIMAP: [5-3]<-[1]-[2]-[6] [9]-[11]->[5-8]

[4]-[5] [10]


Underground Lake Explanation


This is a rather complicated part of the game, so pay attention. Remember those

inscriptions? When you reach the shrines, it'll tell you to place an Ankh of a

certain priest. Logically working out those inscriptions, you'll eventually

come to L, T, and A, and the water will be drained so you can reach 5-8.

But forget about that, here's how it REALLY works. Thanks to Terence.

First, note that the lake is a 3x3 grid. The ankhs each correspond to a letter

over that 3x3 grid in the following way:

_X_ _X_ X__ XXX X_X X_X

X_X _X_ X__ _X_ _X_ _X_

X_X _X_ XXX _X_ X_X _X_

Each of these areas in the grid have two water levels. Placing an Ankh in a

shrine reduces the water level in the respective represented areas by one.

For example, the I Ankh will reduce the water levels in [5], [6], and [7]

allowing you to tread through.

However, when Ankhs overlap, the water level is reduced by TWO. This means that

the lower ground will have no water, free for you to check for secrets.

The quickest way to get everything is to place L in Red, T in Yellow, and X in

Blue. This will allow you to get the secrets in [8] and [6], as well as

keeping open all the secrets in the western part of the lake. Finally, replace

the X with A to unlock the path to the east and get the final secret in SE.

That's it. If you understand, continue with the walkthrough. If you're having

trouble, ask on the GameFAQs forums and point out what's confusing you.

This portion of the walkthrough, of course, will cover and note which triggers

require how many levels of water drained.

I suggest heading straight to the shrines and dealing with triggers on your

way, then backtrack, as opposed to instantly visiting areas just to backtrack

when you've drained the second level of water.

In short: L Ankh first shrine, T Ankh second shrine, X Ankh third shrine, head

to [8], then back to [6]~[1], go back to third shrine and replace

with A and continue.


Random Event


Command Minigame


-No effect


-Ein MaxHP -5%



Glowing Pattern - Enter/Don't Enter options

-Head to 5-7's Red Shrine


Event - Condition: First Time



-Mash Minigame


-Escaped Drowning! 3000pts.


-Ein MaxHP -15

-Serene Trust/Mood -1

Don't Try It

-No effect

Automatically head back to [1], portal appears.



--One level of water drained--

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Thunder Chain, Crystal Lance, Mythril Sword, or Holy Sabre x40

--Two levels of water drained--

Nothing down there.




--One level of water drained--

Below the Water

-Name Change: Submerged Chest

--Two levels of water drained--

Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Wyvernzem x50




--One level of water drained--

Shining Object

-Trigger disappears

--Two levels of water drained--

Mana Wisp - Take/Leave options

-Everyone MaxHP +10, Str, Mgc, Agi, Vit +1




Yellow Magic Circle - Enter/Don't Enter options

-Head to 5-7's Yellow Shrine

--One level of water drained--


-No effect

--Two levels of water drained--


-No effect




--One level of water drained--


-No effect

--Two levels of water drained--


-Name Change: Black Boulder

Black Boulder


-Mash Minigame - No second chance


-Found Hidden Stairs! 12000pts.


-Head to Secret Area, 5-9


-No effect


-No effect


-No effect




Blue Magic Circle - Enter/Don't Enter options

-Head to 5-7's Blue Shrine

--One level of water drained--


-No effect

--Two levels of water drained--

Sword in the Ground - Pull Out/Leave options

-Mash Minigame


-Obtain Dragon Buster x15

-Pulled out the Sword! 3000pts.


-No effect

-If you fail 3 times...

-Obtain Event Item "Sword Hilt"

-Sword Hilt Acquired... 1500pts.

-Name Change: Hole




--Two levels of water drained--

Green Magic Circle - Enter/Don't Enter options

-Enemy Encounter! Those from the Darkness - 1500pts.

-Spoils: Obtain Crests of the element that the elementals were; if dark or

physical, obtain Tarot.

Skipping Stone

-Rhythm Minigame x50 times


-Nice! 1000pts.

-Great! 2000pts.

-Wonderful! 4000pts.

-Excellent! 8000pts.

-Perfect! 15000pts.

-(Total of 30000pts.)


-No effect




--Two levels of water drained--

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Conditions: Have Thief Manual - Use/Don't use

-Command Minigame


-Obtain Tarot x05


-No effect; Can attempt again

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Conditions: Otherwise

-No effect


Random Event


Command Minigame


-No effect

-Ceiling trigger appears


-Ein MaxHP -5%



Ceiling - Condition: Succeeded in random event

-No effect






|Crystal Sanctuary_____

Giant crystals stand

within each sacred

shrine, silently

illuminating the





[1 - Red Shrine]



Red Altar

L Ankh

[2 - Yellow Shrine]



Yellow Altar

T Ankh

[3 - Blue Shrine]



Blue Altar

X Ankh, then A Ankh





|Gate to Hell_____

A dungeon deep below

the ground, unknown

to man. What secrets

does this forsaken

maze hide?

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]





-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Abyss Dragon - 2000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Basilisk killed last - Dragon Meat x10



I heard it, too.

-No effect

You did?

-No effect

Well, it wasn't me.

-No effect

Was it Cierra...?

-Cierra Trust -3, Mood -1



Icicle - No second chance; Choose carefully


-Timing Minigame


-Icicle Slash! 4000pts.

-Lina Trust +3, Mood +1

-Icicle Piece trigger appears


-No effect


-Ein MaxHP -5%

-10 Turns pass


-Fulfills conditions for following event

Icicle - Conditions: Ignored Icicle

-...Lucky cat.

-No effect

-I'm jealous...

-Serene Trust/Mood -1, Cierra Trust/Mood +1

Icicle Piece - Conditions: Successfully chopped ice - Take/Don't take options

-Obtain Event Item "Magic Icicle"

-Magic Icicle Acquired - 2000pts.




Block of Ice


-No effect

-How can you tell?

-Cierra Trust +2, Mood +1

-Could you make one?

-No effect

-Let's make ice cream!

-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1

Block of Ice - Conditions: Second time

-Is it an item?

-Fia Trust/Mood +1

-Is it an enemy?

-No effect

-Is it just more ice?

-Fia Trust -2, Mood -1

[2nd Tier]

-Leave it to me!

-Mash Minigame


-Destroyed the Ice! 3000pts.


-Command Minigame


-No effect


-Everyone MaxHP -15%

-Melt it, Cierra.

-Timing Minigame


-Destroyed the Ice! 3000pts.


-Command Minigame


-No effect


-Everyone MaxHP -15%

-Slice it, Serene.

-Timing Minigame


-Destroyed the Ice! 3000pts.


-Command Minigame


-No effect


-Everyone MaxHP -15%

-Go for it, Lina!

-Timing Minigame


-Destroyed the Ice! 3000pts.


-Command Minigame


-No effect


-Everyone MaxHP -15%

-Purify it, Fia.

-Timing Minigame


-Destroyed the Ice! 3000pts.


-Command Minigame


-No effect


-Everyone MaxHP -15%


-Failure and Ignoring results in Name Change: Sword in Ice

-Success in Minigames results in Name Change: Crushed Ice

Crushed Ice - Conditions: Successfully break ice

-Obtain Blue Stinger x50


Enemy Encounter!


Malicious Intent - 1500pts.

Spoils: Obtain Crests of the element that the elementals were; if dark or

physical, obtain Tarot.

Zombie Dragon!


Zombie Dragon - 6000pts.

Pretty simple. Keep with your holy and physical weapons, make sure you have

something to overdrive with such as Fia's Vivace, and finish the battle with

Disaresta. He should be down sooner than you'd think. You can also use the

Dragon Buster, if you pulled it out.

Obtain Event Item "Key to Hell"

Key to Hell Acquired! 3500pts.

Automatically warp back to 5-4, [6]







The holy land of death

that lies beyond the

lake. Poisonous air

leads visitors to their

untimely deaths.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]




Everyone MaxHP -2%

What's Venoma?

-No effect

We should hurry.

-No effect




-Everyone MaxHP -2%

-Fulfills condition for trigger at [2]

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Salamander Rod, Crystal Lance, Holy Sabre, or Mithril Sword x40


Enemy Encounter!


Toxic Substances - 1500pts.

Event - Conditions: Walk around a bit


You're right.

-Serene Trust +3, Mood +1

I'll help you.

-Serene Trust +2, Mood +1

Don't do it...

-No effect



Venoma's Tip - Condition: Checked Venoma at [1]

-Use the Empty Bottle

-Obtain Event Item "Venoma Bud"

-Venoma Bud Acquired! 4000pts.


Event - Conditions: Walk around a bit


Try it, Cierra!

-Cierra Trust +3, Mood +1

I agree.

-Cierra Trust +2, Mood +1

No, you shouldn't...

-No effect

Chest - Open/Don't Open Options

-Obtain Spiral Arch x10


The Accursed!


The Grim Reaper - 8000pts.

At this point in the game, it's tough to give strategies and numbers as there

are many, many possibilities. Death here is weak against Physical, Fire, and

Holy especially, so that means you can bring everyone's level 3 weapon for this

stage, more specifically, Iria's Bow, Black Scythe, Salamander Rod, Mithril

Sword, and Holy Sabre. That's a lot of freedom. Bring whoever and whatever you

want, just make sure you can dispatch those elementals quickly.

If you're not picky about items, feel free to bring in a Cheer Bell or Flag,

the two most useful support items, although you won't need it if you have...

I, luckily, still had Mr. Bat III, and it still does 1500 damage and heals

everyone, which is very helpful. Fia's new katana, the Kiku-Ichimonji, shaves

off a clean 1000. With these huge numbers, you'll finish in no time.

You can bring in the Saint Sceptre to do a perfect 999 once, if you're willing

to waste one space just for that.

Once Death shifts modes, he's strong against every element save for Holy.

Physical damage is still effective. If you were using Cierra, it'll hamper you.

Otherwise, it isn't much of a big deal. Disaresta wouldn't be as strong as you

might expect it, though, about 1250 damage for me, but that should be more than


S-rank Spoils: Night Scythe x01


Elendia, Pre-Chapter 6


Fia and Lina's place


Bread at the usual place.

Pixia Residence



Hobbit Smithy


Chappi: If you gave him the Diamond Teardrop last chapter, reap your

three-chapter long reward, Silvia x50, the strongest spear.

Crystal Caverns


NaNa: Help her to receive Witch Broom x10.

Soala: Give her the Venoma Bud, Magic Icicle, and Light Moss for a

Book of Kirie x50.

Grove of Repose


Applecot at the usual place.

Undine's Spring


Ground: Dig 5 times for the Fanelia, the strongest one-use weapon in the game.

You can once again...

If you have 14 or fewer items and the Holy Grail, you can dip it in Spring

Water for Holy Water x5.

Elder's House


Head here, dream, head here again, and chapter six starts.


Chapter 6 - The Promised Land




[ 6-8 ]

[ 6-6 ] [ 6-7 ]

[ 6-5 ]

[ 6-3 ]-[ 6-4 ]

[ 6-1 ]-[ 6-2 ]




|Peseta Everglades_____

The wetlands that

extend out at the

bottom of Yggdrasil.

Gregarious plants

grow in the water.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next




Pool of Water

-No effect




As you press A, you'll see a short Fairy event.

Pool of Water

-No effect


-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Hinderance - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Belial Queen killed last - Silver Moon x15



Pool of Water

-No effect

Grass - Condition: Go into Look mode at [2]

-Take Them

-Everyone Trust +2, Mood +1

-Protected LoLo and MoMo! 4000pts.

-Obtain Event Item "LoLo and MoMo"

-Don't Take Them

-Cierra, Serene Trust/Mood -1; Lina, Fia Trust -2, Mood -1






|Spiral Stones_____

Stone blocks spiral

around the giant

pillar that rises

from the center of


MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]





Enemy Encounter!


Cretier Mobile Unit - 2500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Dark Elf Killed Last - Diana's Bow



Shaky Rock


-Lina Trust +2, Mood +1

-Boulder Fragment trigger appears at [4]

-Don't Stomp

-No effect




Small Hole - Touch/Don't Touch options

-Everyone MaxHP +20, Str, Mgc, Agl, Vit +2

-Found Mana Wisp! 3000pts.

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Silver Moon, Phoenix Wand, or Spiral Arch x40




Small Hole


Boulder Fragment

-Obtain Event Item "Rock"

-Rock Acquired~ 500pts.






|Manalith Garden_____

A group of floating

stones known as

Manalith are strung

out in a spiral-like




MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next[1]




Mash Minigame


-Withstood the Gust! 2000pts.


-Everyone MaxHP -5%



Small Hole

-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Phantasmic Winds - 8000pts.

Holy is complete void. Forget any holy or thunder weapons.

Keep its rage down. Cheer Bell if you have it, otherwise... do your best

stalling its rage :( Use one hit weapons and support items to stall.

With the Cheer Bell, all you have to do is hit it hard and fast, and check

everyone's WT to plan your attacks.

If you get blown away, you'll head to [4], and as you can see, the exit there

leads to 6-4, [4]. Meaning you'll miss what's at 6-4, [1] and [2].

S-rank Spoils: Wyrm Wing x03



Small Hole

-No effect


-No effect


-Allows for passage to [4]


Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Silver Moon, Viper Whip, Phoenix Wand, or Spiral Arch x40


Enemy Encounter!


Small Cefiro - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Spiked Hammer x05



Growth Rings

-No effect




Small Hole

-No effect






|Eternal Eden_____

Circular gardens float

about, encompassing

the trees over and

overa t the center of



^ ^



MINIMAP: [1]-[2]

Explanation: This area has many rooms you can jump across and down from. Arrows

denote that certain paths are one-way only. Many of these rooms

have a left side and right side. For example, while it is true you

can reach [7]'s right side from [9]'s left side, you cannot go to

[7]'s left side from [9], and thus, cannot head to area 6-9 from


Also, I'll write down the event that occurs when jumping from one platform to

the next here to cut down on repetition.



Jump - Jump/Don't Jump options

-Timing Minigame


-Head to next room


-Mash Minigame


-Head to next room


-Head to 6-5, [1]





-Allows you to drop down to [3]


Enemy Encounter!


Lumina the Pursuer - 2500pts.



Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Wind Bowgun x10




Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Leyte Claw, Viper Whip, Phoenix Wand, or Silver Moon x40

Floating Platform

-No effect

Inside Platform

-No effect




Floating Platform

-Trigger disappears

Sword in the Ground - Pull Out/Don't Pull Out options

-Mash Minigame


-Obtain Dragon Eraser x15

-Pulled the Sword out! 3000pts.


-No effect

-If you fail 3 times...

-Obtain Event Item "Sword Hilt"

-Hilt Acquired - 1500pts.

-Name Change: Hole





-Allows you to drop down to [7]

Moving Silhouette - Throw/Don't Throw Options - Requires Event Item "Rock"

Command Minigame


-Cefiro, Down! 3000pts.


-Enemy Encounter! Aerial Attackers, 2500pts.





-Allows you to drop down to [9]

Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Mithril Sword x50




Floating Platform

-No effect

Inside Platform

-No effect






Floating Platform

-No effect

Inside Platform

-No effect






|Crumbling Gardens_____

The first Aquarium

now lies in ruin.

A powerful impact

has caused the place

to start crumbling.



Enemy Encounter!


Those Who Know Death - 3000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Blood Rose killed last - Viper Whip x15

Lich killed last - Book of Kirie x10



Swaying Grass - Pick/Don't Pick options

-Obtain Healing Herb x15




Water Grass

-Obtain Heilkraut x10



-No effect


-No effect

[2nd Tier]


-Everyone MaxHP +30

-Name Change: Refreshing Water

-Don't Drink

-No effect

Refreshing Water

-Everyone MaxHP 100%




Black Feathers

-Acquired Black Feathers! 2000pts

-Obtain Event Item "Black Feathers"



-Acquired Aquarium Fragment! 3500pts.

-Obtain Event Item "Aquarium Fragment"

-Don't Take

-Trigger disappears





|The World Tree_____

The main tree that

grows in the center

of Yggdrasil. It is

said that it gives

life to all.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]->Next





-No effect

Event - Occurs as you move to [2]


Mash Minigame


-Head to [2]


-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Alisha of the Wind - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Siren killed last - Leyte Claw x15



Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Leyte Claw, Viper Whip, Spiral Arch, or Silver Moon x40

Event - Occurs as you move to [3]


Mash Minigame


-Head to [3]


-No effect





-No effect

Event - Occurs as you move to [4]


Mash Minigame


-Head to [4]


-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Guardians - 4000pts.




-No effect






|Aquarium Springs_____

Created by the gods,

it protects and

controls Yggdrasil.

There are three

Aquariums total.


[2] [4]

MINIMAP: [1]-[3]




Chest - Open/Don't Open options

[1st Tier; no effect]

-An angel.

-A Sprite.

-A... Fairy. Yeah...

[If you have the Mithril Sword]


-Mithril Sword transforms to Zephyr, durability stays the same

-Don't Give

-No effect

[2nd Tier]


-Obtain Event Item "KiKi"

-Protected KiKi! 4000pts.

-Don't Take

-No effect




Monument - Condition: Have event item Lala Sutra


-Rhythm Minigame


-Obtain Event Item "Magic Mirror"

-Magic Mirror Acquired!! 8000pts.


-No effect

-Don't Examine

-No effect

-Name Change: Surroundings


-No effect




In the Water

-Give it to Fia

-Fia Trust +5, Mood +1

-Give it to Serene

-Serene Trust +5, Mood +1

-Give it to Lina

-Lina Trust +5, Mood +1

-Give it to Cierra

-Cierra Trust +5, Mood +1

-Give it to Rose

-(Eh? You wanna give it to me? I-I don't really know what to say...)

-Keep It

-Everyone Trust/Mood -1

-Throw Away

-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Aqua Dog - 2500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Blood Rose killed last - Viper Whip x15



Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Leyte Claw, Phoenix Wand, Viper Whip x40




Shadow - Take/Don't Take options

-Obtain Event Item PiPi

-Protected PiPi! 4000pts


vs. Grim Angel


The Solitary Angel - 10000pts.

Ledah's weakness is Ice, so bring in your Silver Moon. You can bring in Silvia

and Blue Stinger, but you'll mostly be sticking to using Cierra and Serene.

Bring in whatever else you want. This battle shouldn't be too difficult. Fia's

katanas are still useful, but Cierra using the Blue Stinger does some HEAVY

damage, what with it being a magic attack and her magic being high.

Serene at 130 STR knocks off 1350 with her Almighty. Cierra at 141 MGC knocks

off 870 with just a normal Blue Stinger attack, but it's not going it hit all

the time. If you're unwilling to bring in Cierra because of her low speed, try

changing the formation to Magic. It knocks off 10WT after every magic attack.

Her Freezing Matter overdrive does 1200, an amazing number for a level 1

overdrive. Use it if you don't mind delaying Serene Almighty.

Ein is pretty useless. Have him use the Cheer Bell or other support items,

otherwise, just have him shave off some wimpy 200 every turn, or build up

the overdrive meter with the Blue Stinger.

Ledah changes form once, and his ice weakness halves. Meaning your attacks will

halve. Serene Almighty manages less than half of what it did originally

under this condition, 620, so calculate carefully if you're finishing with her


If you plan well, you can quickly finish this using Cierra's Freezing Matter

thrice, and finishing with Serene Almighty. If you for some reason leveled up

the next chapter's scythe this chapter, you can finish it in two Freezing

Matters and one Serene Absolute, as long as you make Ein attack once with the

Blue Stinger after the second Freezing Matter so the overdrive bar can reach 3.

S-rank Spoils: Lorelei






|Divine Ray_____

The top area of

Yggdrasil. Holy blue

light fills the sapce.

Crystal fibers spread

out like a maze.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next





-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Purula Air Force - 2500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Siren killed last - Leyte Claw x15




-No effect








|Where Wisdom Lies_____

The top of Yggdrasil.

The manalith holding

the wisdom of the gods

lies here in the

sacred light.


MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]





-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Dragon Master Milia - 2000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Valkyrie killed last - Souther Cross x05



Surroundings - Conditions: Have MoMo and LoLo

-I'm glad for you all.

-All fairies you have leave

-Join us and fight!

-Obtain Event Item "LaLa"

-Obtain Battle Pixies x03 [low% 3x 333 damage]

-KiKi and PiPi leave




Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Fire, Ice, Lighting, or Holy Emblem x15




vs. Grim Angel


The Devilish Angel - 12000pts.

I had a serious lack of fire items, so this won't be so thorough. If you took

Southern Cross in the previous battle and had no problem leveling that up,

bring it. As usual, Fia's katana's are useful, doing their usual amount. In any

case, do what you can with the Phoenix Wand and any other fire weapons you

might have. Southern Cross's overdrive will hurt A LOT. Phoenix Wand's

Prominence did 2500.

By the time you've built up the overdrive bar and it's Cierra's turn Malice

probably has a hunk of her HP taken off, and using Prominence would bring her

down to near-death. This is so because Cierra gets frozen easily. This means

that you probably won't be able to finish her off using Prominence again. No

fear, though, you don't need a level 3 to get an S-rank, just a level 2. In

the case of Cierra being handicapped, just blast away with Fia's Phoenix Wand's

Carmine Cutlass, for a good 1250 damage if all hits connect.

S-rank Spoils: Hair Ornament x10 [Girls: REC+ MGC+ when used, Lina attacks]

A-rank Spoils: Black Choker x10 [Girls: MGC+ STR+ when used]


Elendia, Pre-Chapter 7


Fia and Lina's place


Bread at the usual place.

Pixia Residence



Hobbit Smithy


Chappi: Give him the Aquarium Fragment for a Manalith Dagger x10

Crystal Caverns


Soala: Give her the Black Feathers for a Fallen Fan x20.

Grove of Repose


Applecot at the usual place.

Undine's Spring


If you haven't previously...

Ground: Dig 5 times for the Fanelia, the strongest one-use weapon in the game.

You can once again...

If you have 14 or fewer items and the Holy Grail, you can dip it in Spring

Water for Holy Water x5.

Elder's House


Head here to start chapter seven.


Chapter 7 - Within the Darkness


________MAZE OF SHADOWS__________


[ 7-8 ]

[ 7-5 ] [ 7-6 ] [ 7-7 ]

[ 7-4 ]

[ 7-2 ]-[ 7-3 ]

[ 7-1 ]




|Clemonia Stratum_____

One end of Heaven's

Gate which has been

tainted by darkness.

Large rocks are

stacked in layers.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->Next




Chained Rocks

-No effect

Sword in the Ground - Pull/Leave options

-Mash Minigame


-Obtain Dragon Slayer x15

-Sword Removed! 3000pts.


-No effect

-If you fail 3 times...

-Obtain Event Item "Sword Hilt"

-Sword Hilt Acquired... 1500pts.

-Name Change: Hole in the Ground

Event - Occurs as you move to [2]


I felt it, too.

-Serene Trust +2, Mood +1

Are you sure?

-Serene Trust -2, Mood -1


Enemy Encounter!


Diabolical Fang - 1000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Tiamat Killed Last - Dragon Meat x10



Chained Rocks

-No effect




Chained Rocks

-No effect

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Diana's Bow, Southern Cross, Gran Sabre, or Infinite Arc x40






|Ethereal Way_____

A walkway connecting

Heaven's Gate to

the Isle of Goriate.

It's made of rocks

chained together.






Quick Note: You must S-rank any battle and obtain a bomb to get to extra area


If the bomber kid manages to breakout, you'll fall down one level,

and you won't be able to head to 7-9.





-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


The Destroyer - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Bomber Kid killed last - Bomb x01

Stopped Bomb Threat! 15000pts.



Damaged Chain

-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Bombtastic Bunch - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Bomber Kid killed last - Bomb x01

Diana's Vassal killed last - Diana's Bow x15

A-rank Spoils: Diana's Vassal killed last - Tri-Shot x10

Stopped Bomb Threat! 15000pts.



Damaged Chain

-No effect





-No effect

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Diana's Bow, Southern Cross, Gran Sabre, or Infinite Arc x40


Enemy Encounter!


Pumpkin Bomb - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Bomber Kid killed last - Bomb x01

Stopped Bomb Threat! 15000pts.



Lingering Scent

-Trigger disapppears




Damaged Chain

-No effect





-No effect

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Diana's Bow, Southern Cross, Gran Sabre, or Infinite Arc x40




Damaged Chain

-No effect





-No effect

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Diana's Bow, Southern Cross, Gran Sabre, or Infinite Arc x40






|The Isle of Goriate_____

The floating island

where Hector's castle

is situated. A barried

has shrouded the isle

in darkness.



MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]->[7-4]





-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Conditions: Came from 7-2, [4]

Prideful Wings - 1500pts [Tyrant, Obinick, Ogre Eater]

S-rank Spoils: Tyrant killed last - Amulet x15

Conditions: Came from 7-2, [7]

Red Berserker Luca - 1500pts [Tyrant, Simurgh, Ogre Eater]

S-rank Spoils: Simurgh killed last - Egg x10

Conditions: Came from 7-2, [9]

Heaven Howler - 1500pts [Ogre Eater, 2 Geists, Pazuzu]

-S-rank Spoils: Pazuzu killed last - Hourglass x10



Crack - Conditions: Came from 7-2, [4]; Have a Bomb - Use/Don't Use options

-Hidden Route Discovered! 10000pts.

-Name Change: Mountainside

-Path to 7-9 opens




Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Diana's Bow, Southern Cross, Gran Sabre, or Infinite Arc x40






|Granada Fortress_____

The fore where Hector

repelled the demon

attack during Ragnarok.

It still bears scars

from the battle.

MINIMAP: [7-3]-[1]-[2]-[3]-[4]





-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Assassin from Hell - 1000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Hell Curse killed last - Rosier x10




-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Minerva Delinquents - 1500pts.

S-rank Spoils: Tyrant killed last - Amulet x15

Diana's Vassal killed last - Diana's Bow x15

A-rank Spoils: Diana's Vassal killed last - Tri-Shot x10




-No effect


-No effect


Chest - Open/Don't Open options

-Obtain Rosier x50






|The Road to Darkness_____

A winding path leading

to the Maze of Shadows,

Hector's castle. The

road is much longer

than it appears.

MINIMAP: [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5]->Next





-No effect


Enemy Encounter!


Giant Fortress - 3000pts.

S-rank Spoils: Hell Curse killed last - Rosier x10

Pazuzu killed last - Hourglass x10





-No effect





-No effect

Chest - Open/Don't Open options - Trapped

-Obtain Diana's Bow, Southern Cross, Gran Sabre, or Infinite Arc x40


vs. Grim Angel


The Grim Avenger - 8000pts.

Fallen Fan and Souther Cross for the win. Bring out whatever else you want,

any strong low-endurance weapon is fine. If you score enough hits within the

first two turns, Cierra can Calamity Flare in her first turn. If she's strong

enough and all hits connect you'll wipe off 2800 of her 3250 HP if Cierra has

159 Mgc. I won in 18 counts.




-No effect




Explanation of Areas 7-5 to 7-8


Quick note: The one Trust/Mood event here will have no effect as the ending is

decided when you enter 7-4.





[A4]-[A5] [A8]

[A1]-[A2] [A6]-[A7]-[A9]

[A3] [AA]-[AB]




[BA]-[BB] [B4] [B5]-[B6]




[CA]-[CB] [C3]

[C8]-[C7]-[C9] [C4]-[C6]

[C1]-[C2] [C5]

The quickest way through is like so:


-> Indicates Warping, ~ Indicates Walking

Warps are one-way only, meaning you can't head back to where you came from

using the same warp you just popped out of.

You'll miss out on Serene's conversation, though. It's not a big deal, but

just save before [C3] and run around a bit if you want to read it, along with

other less important conversations.

Dark Progenitors


At the first five warp points you go to, regardless of which you choose, you'll

encounter a Dark Progenitor. I will not be listing them below in the actual

rooms for obvious reasons; instead, they'll be listed here, in order.

By the way, Serene's bats are ALWAYS useful. It'd be amazing if you still had

them, but they're not necessary.

Dark Progenitor!


Dark Progenitor I - 5000pts.

Bring in your strongest everything, as it's not weak against anything except...

If you took a Tri-Shot by killing one of the earlier Diana's Vassals, it'll do

a good 720 with Lina at 107 Str.

S-rank Spoils: Leyte Claw x30

Dark Progenitor!


Dark Progenitor II - 5000pts.

Physical won't have much of an effect, so once again, bring in your strongest.

Fallen Fan is particularly effective, doing a good 1200 at 159 Mgc, but it's

prone to being guarded, so you'll most likely pull of 800 with it. Finishing

off with Disaresta isn't a bad ideal, but it's very prone to being guarded as

well, so plan well.

S-rank Spoils: Gran Sabre x30

Dark Progenitor!


Dark Progenitor III - 5000pts.

Finally, a clear weakness. Thunder and fire. Leyte Claw and Diana's Bow with

Lina and Serene is a good idea, unless you want to use Cierra, then go right

ahead. Tri-Shot does a nice 625 at 107 Str, but Serene's Leyte Claw does 650,

if it all connects. Either way, they're useful. Stardust does 4100, that is,

if all the shots connect. This guy has 4500 HP. You'll have no problems.

In fact, you should just focus on building up the Overdrive bar. Ein using

the flag should be pretty useful in that case, it'll let you finish in no

time at all.

S-rank Spoils: Heilkraut x25

Dark Progenitor!


Dark Progenitor IV - 5000pts.

Physical, this time. Gran Sabre is good, and once again, Tri-Shot, which is the

most effective in this battle, doing a good 925 at 107 Str. Fia's Katana's if

you still have them. With these, you'll finish quickly. Divine Ascension did

2825 at 128 Str for me.

S-rank Spoils: Souther Cross x30

Dark Progenitor!


Dark Progenitor V - 5000pts.

Rosier and Einherjar, that's all you'll need. Cadenza wipes off 2400. Terre

Promize 1800, and Judgment 900.

S-rank Spoils: Infinite Arc x30




|Ruby Tier__________

One of the layers

of the Triple Strata

in the Maze of

Shadows. It's cast

in eerie, red light.

[A4]-[A5] [A8]

MINIMAP:[A1]-[A2] [A6]-[A7]-[A9]

[A3] [AA]-[AB]





-No effect







-No effect


-Head to 7-6, [BA]







-No effect


-Head to 7-6, [B1]





-No effect





-No effect





-No effect


-Head to 7-6, [B2]





-No effect


-Head to 7-6, [B5]







-No effect


-Head to 7-6, [B7]






|Emerald Tier_______

One of the layers

of the Triple Strata

in the Maze of

Shadows. It's cast

in odd, green light.


MINIMAP:[BA]-[BB] [B4] [B5]-[B6]







-Everyone Trust +2, Mood +1

-Grim Angel.

-Everyone Trust +3, Mood +1

-Dark Progenitor.

-Everyone Trust -3, Mood -1

-Serene Trust +1, Mood +1 [This does occur after the above effect]







-No effect


-Head to 7-7, [CA]





-No effect


-Head to 7-7, [C1]





-No effect





-No effect


-Head to 7-7, [C3]







-No effect





-No effect


-Head to 7-7, [C7]





-No effect





-No effect


-Head to 7-7, [C-8]






|Sapphire Tier______

A layer of the Triple

Strata in the Maze of

Shadows. It's cast

in mysterious, blue


[CA]-[CB] [C3]

MINIMAP: [C8]-[C7]-[C9] [C4]-[C6]

[C1]-[C2] [C5]





-No effect





-No effect


-Head to 7-5, [A6]







-No effect





-Head to 7-5, [AA]


vs. Hector


The Traitorous Magus - 10000pts.

Stats: Ein - Str 128, Serene - Str 142, Lina - Str 107

Leyte Claw and Diana's Bow with Serene and Lina. The rest should be straight-

forward. Although beward, he can change properties, so bring in the Infinite

Arc just in case. Don't have Lina use the Leyte Claw, it does about the same

damage as the bow but it's prone to missing. Serene's No Mercy knocks off 1700

if all hits connect. Ein's Glint Arrow does 825. Stardust does a heavy 2800

when all hits connect. If you're fast enough, chances are he won't change

elements at all, but by the time he does, he'll probably have really low HP.

S-rank Spoils: Tentacle Rod x1




-No effect




-Head to 7-8





-No effect





-No effect





-No effect


-7-5, [A7]





-No effect





-No effect


-Head to 7-5, [A4]






|Summit of the Gods_____

The fourth layer of

the Triple Strata in

the Maze of Shadows,

located within

a dimensional rift.





-No effect





-Flashback Scenes


vs. Seth-Rah


The Holy Demon - 12000pts.

It's the final battle. I've no idea which girl you can't use, and I'm not going

to give strategies for each girl. The Rosier is _the_ weapon to use before

Seth-Rah's metamorphisis. Fia is especially useful here because of that, but if

you don't have her, use Serene and Cierra. After the metamorphisis, use your

preferred girl's overskill; Stardust, Serene Absolute, or Calamity Flare.

If you leveled up, you won't have much trouble at all. If you didn't, well,

good luck and bring some healing items. If Seth-Rah hasn't metamorphed, with

Ein at 128 Str, finish off using Disaresta: 4450 damage.

You can be cheap and use Fanelia and Longinus if you have those, but that's no

fun! I finished in 60 counts using Fanelia. You can probably finish in less if

you had both.

You're finished. This non-handholding walkthrough is over. For more on endings,

please look down.

Thanks for using this, don't hesitate to drop comments and inform me of


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