The Threat
After hanging out at the student lounge, everyone have all started to get to their first class. After two classes later, Sweet Pea was at the his locker and no one was around, some are in some classrooms, and some are at other rooms doing their own activities. Then Sweet Pea have started to think about Serena.
"Man Serena is the most beautiful, sweetest, and smartest girl ever." Said Sweet Pea as he remembers Serena." I don't know why that Chuck Clayton is hurting her, yet threatening her, I mean she hasn't done anything to him."
Then Sweet Pea have started to remember the promise he and the others made to make sure that they will protect Serena from Chuck Clayton no matter what.
"I just can't believe that Chuck will be so horrible to Serena." Said Sweet Pea as he frowns a bit." I don't know why he shouldn't be expelled from school."
"Ha, says the Southside Serpent scum that shouldn't be in this school along with his buddies." Said a voice behind Sweet Pea.
When Sweet Pea have heard that voice, he turn to see Chuck Clayton behind him, with a very angry expression on his face, and Sweet Pea started to groan when he saw Chuck Clayton, and he closed his locker.
"Oh great, if it isn't the jerk who have hurt Serena with his posses yesterday." Said Sweet Pea as he glared at Chuck.
"How did you know that?" Asked Chuck as he was shock.
"You're kidding right, Serena have told me and the other's Serpents that you have beat her up!" Said Sweet Pea in anger.
"Well, if you ask me, she is a really weak girl." Said Chuck as if he didn't care.
Sweet Pea was so angry at what Chuck have said about Serena, he was about to grab him by the collar, but knew he will only get himself into trouble, then he made some fists with his hands.
"Wow, you really are selfish, is no wonder why you got kick off the football team." Said Sweet Pea as he glared at Chuck.
"It was Betty, Veronica, and Serena's fault that I got kicked out of the team!" Said Chuck in anger.
As soon as Chuck have said that, it got Sweet Pea to get really shock, Serena have never mention that she helped Betty and Veronica reveal Chuck his true color.
"Wait a minute, Serena never told me that, she only says that Betty and Veronica have made you reveal your true colors." Said Sweet Pea as he told Chuck.
"Wow, she didn't really tell you, did she?" Asked Chuck as he smirks at Sweet Pea." Serena have actually helped Betty and Veronica when they have handcuffed me at the jacuzzi, and I still remember that."
A few months ago, at Ethel Mugg's house, Chuck have arrived to meet Betty for their date, then when he knock on the door, the door open revealing Veronica and Serena in swimwear. Veronica is wearing a black bathing suit while Serena is wearing a magenta strapless bikini.
"You two aren't not Betty." Said Chuck looking confused.
"Betty and I talked it over, and we decided it's time to stop fighting over Archie, and start learning to share." Said Veronica looking sexy.
"And Betty told me that I can tag along, I thought that maybe instead of having one girl, why not have fun with three girls?" Said Serena as she flirts with Chuck.
Then Chuck have started to smirk, then as he enters the building, he closed the door and followed the two girls.
"Nice." Said Chuck looking impressed.
"Isn't it?" Said Veronica as she enters the hot tub." It gets very, very hot."
"Come on." Said Serena as she enters the hot tub." Let's get wet."
"Uh, should we wait for Betty to get here first?" Asked Chuck.
Then a door began to open revealing a girl wearing a black short wig and a black outfit, and what shock Chuck, Serena, and Veronica is that the girl is Betty.
"Betty couldn't make it." Said Betty as she looks at Chuck." So she sent me instead."
That got Chuck to get really shock at how Betty looks. Then a few minutes later, the girls were getting the drinks, when Serena and Veronica saw Betty putting something in Chucks drink.
"What is that Betty?" Asked Serena as she looks at Betty putting something in Chucks drink.
"Muscle relaxer." Said Betty as she explains." Mix it with booze and it lowers your inhibitions.
Hello, truth serum."
"Maybe we should slow it down a little?" Asked Veronica looking a bit concerned.
"I kinda agreed with Veronica here Betty, maybe this might be a bit extreme." Said Serena looking also concerned.
"It's fine." Said Betty as she looks at the two girls." Right, Chuck?"
The girls have turn to see Chuck in the hot tub looking relax and look up to see Betty walking up to him with his drink.
"You don't want to slow down, do you?" Asked Betty.
"Oh, I'm 2 Fast 2 Furious, baby." Said Chuck as he smirks at Betty.
"Good." Said Betty as she looks at Chuck." Good boy, Chuck."
Then Serena have started to walk up to Betty, then Betty give Serena the cup with Chuck's drink, and Serena have enter the hot tub to give Chuck his drink.
"Here is your drink Chuck." Said Serena giving Chuck his drink.
"Oh thank you Serena, how about you and me have some fun?" Asked Chuck as he smirk at Serena.
"First have your drink and then we can have some fun." Said Serena as she flirts with him.
Then Serena have give Chuck his drink. Then after Chuck had his drink, he started to get all dizzy and fainted, then after thirty minutes, Chuck have woke up feeling really hot, and can't move because he was handcuffed.
"What?" Said Chuck as he tried to move." What the hell?"
"Start recording." Said Betty as she looks at the girls and Veronica started to record.
"Hey, guys, it's really hot in here." Said Chuck as he started to feel really hot.
"And getting hotter by the minute." Said Betty as she rises the temperature." Time to squeal, pig, tell the truth about what happened between you and Veronica."
"We had a good time." Said Chuck as he lied." She had a good time."
"The truth, Chuck, or so help me, I will boil you alive." Said Betty as she rises the temperature more.
"What?" Said Chuck I'm confusion." We made out."
"And then?" Asked Serena as she glared at Chuck.
"And then I took her home!" Said Chuck as he tells the truth." And I didn't give her a Sticky Maple."
"That is all you had to say, you ass." Said Veronica as she stop recording.
"And now, everyone will know." Said Serena and Chuck look like he was busted.
"You like shaming people, Chuck?" Asked Betty as puts her foot at Chucks head and pushing him down at the water.
"Whoa, hey. . ." Said Chuck as he tried to breath.
"You like dehumanizing them? Prissy prude by day, freak in the sheets by night?" Asked Betty as she glared at Chuck.
"No!" Said Chuck as he tried to get some air.
"Apologize." Said Betty in a bit of anger.
"Hey, get this. . ." Said Chuck as he tried to breath.
"Betty." Said Serena looking worried.
"Calm down." Said Veronica as she tried to calm Betty.
"Say you're sorry!" Said Betty as she demanded.
"Okay! Okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for all of it!" Said Chick as he apologize and got some air.
"Good job, pig." Said Betty as she grab a bottle of maple syrup." Now, time for your reward. A Sticky Maple of your own."
"Wait! What, what?" Asked Chuck in confusion.
"Apologize for ruining Polly." Said Betty as she held the maple syrup.
"What the hell?" Asked Chuck as he look at Betty.
"Do it, Jason!" Said Betty as she squirted the maple syrup all over Chuck which got Veronica and Serena to get really shock.
"Oh, my God!" Said Chuck as he got maple syrup all over him.
"Say you're sorry for destroying me." Said Betty as she glared at Chuck." Apologize for what you did to me!"
"Look, I'm not Jason!" Said Chuck as he look at Betty." I'm not Jason!
"Betty, that is enough!" Said Serena as she stops Betty and grabs the maple syrup bottle from her hands." Stop, it's over!"
"We did it." Said Veronica." You did it."
Then Betty have started to realize that she have gotten to far and she have started to calm down and then Chuck have started to freak out a bit.
"You are crazy." Said Chuck as he tries to get out of the jacuzzi." Oh, my God! You're crazy as hell!"
"Betty?" Said Serena as she looks at Betty.
"I'm fine." Said Betty as she calms down." We're done here."
End of Flashback
After Chuck have explained to Sweet Pea what really happen, Sweet Pea have started to get really shock, Serena have never mention anything to him or the Serpents that she help Betty and Veronica reveal Chuck his true colors.
"That's right you Southside Snake, what Serena, Betty and Veronica did when they got me kicked off the football team, they ruined any chance I had of playing for Notre Dame." Said Chuck as he frowns." Hell, for any good school."
When Chuck have said that, Sweet Pea was still shock at what Chuck said, but then he shook it off when he realized that Chuck have done horrible thing.
"I'm sorry that after you sexually harassed those girls, that there were actual consequences, Chuck." Said Sweet Pea as he glared at Chuck." You deserve it, for what you did back then."
That got Chuck to get really angry at what Sweet Pea have just said to him, then all of a sudden, Chuck Clayton have started to smirk which have got Sweet Pea to get really shock and confused.
"What are you smirking about you jerk?" Asked Sweet Pea looking confused."
"That night, I saw the real Serena." Said Chuck as he smirk." The sexy Serena. The Serena that I actually think about every night when I'm laying in bed, and I'm telling you this Southside Snake, stay away from Serena and let me have her, because if you don't, then I will make her mine, even if I had to force her to be my girl!"
That got Sweet Pea to get really angry at what Chuck have said, that he started to push Chuck really hard, and he glared at him.
"Wow you really are a big jerk Chuck Clayton, if you even think about going near Serena, I'm going to sending you to the hospital." Said Sweet Pea in anger.
Meanwhile Serena was walking down the hallway to get to the student lounge, then she saw Sweet Pea and Chuck at the other side of the hallway looking like they are about to fight.
"Oh please Sweet Pea, you think you can protect Serena whenever you can." Said Chuck as he glared at Sweet Pea." I don't see why Serena would hangout with you when she can hangout with a good looking guy like me."
"And why would she ever do that when you keep hurting her and targeting her so much, like yesterday when you beat her up?!" Said Sweet Pea in anger." You keep on hurting her and if you think you could do anything to her, you got another thing coming!"
"Oh please, even if Serena is a great girl, I'm going to keep threatening her for when she help Betty and Veronica reveal my true colors and got me kicked out of the team!" Said Chuck in anger." And if you don't stay away from her, then I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson!"
Serena have started to get really worried that if they started to fight, Chuck Clayton will surely get Sweet Pea expelled from the Principal, and then Serena have started to go them to try to make sure a fight doesn't break out.
"Oh really, well I'll make sure that you don't hurt Serena you big jerk!" Said Sweet Pea in anger as he pushes Chuck hard.
"Oh, you are so going to get it you Southside Snake!" Said Chuck as he raised his fist." Serena will be mine, whether she likes it or not!"
Then as Chuck was about to punch Sweet Pea, Serena have started to appear in front of Sweet Pea to shield him, and it got Sweet Pea and Chuck to get really shock that Serena came out of nowhere.
"Leave him alone Chuck Clayton!" Said Serena as she glared at Chuck.
"Get out of my way Serena!" Said Chuck in anger.
Then Chuck have started to swing his arm at Serena, then as his arm have hit Serena's cheek, she have fall on the ground with a bruise on her cheek.
"Serena!" Said Sweet Pea as he help Serena up and glared at Chuck." You big jerk!"
"Okay, now you are going to get it!" Said Chuck as he was about to punch Sweet Pea.
"What's going on here?" Asked a angry voice.
Chuck, Serena, and Sweet Pea have turn to see Principal Weatherbee standing behind them looking really angry, then Serena look at Chuck, and then she look at Principal Weatherbee.
"Chuck Clayton was about to punch Sweet Pea, so I stop him, but he started slap me, and Sweet Pea was just helping me." Said Serena as she explains.
"Mr. Clayton, in my office now, and Sweet Pea, take Sere a to the nurse's office to check on her injuries." Said Principal Weatherbee.
Then Chuck have started to glared at Serena and Sweet Pea, then he started to follow Principal Weatherbee to his office, and Sweet Pea have taken Serena to the nurse to check on her injury. Then after Sweet Pea help Serena get to the nurse office, the bell began to ring, meaning that classes are over, and students have started to go home or do their own after school activities.
Sweet Pea have met the other Serpents and Jughead in the Serpents and Swords club, while the other Serpents are talking, and Fangs and Toni are talking to Jughead, Sweet Pea have started to remember what Chuck said about that Serena help Betty and Veronica expose his true colors. Then Toni saw how Sweet Pea is looking and she started to look really confused.
"Sweet Pea. . . Sweet Pea. . ." Said Toni as she tried to get Sweet Pea's attention." SWEET PEA!"
"What?!" Said Sweet Pea as he looks at Toni.
"You okay there buddy, you seem a bit concerned." Said Fangs as he look at Sweet Pea.
"Is everything alright Sweet Pea?" Asked Jughead." What happen?"
"Apparently Chuck Clayton have came by me and we sorta had an argument about what he did to Serena, he was about to punch me, till Serena came out of nowhere and protected me, and then that jerk have slap Serena!" Said Sweet Pea in anger.
"What, now that Chuck Clayton have really started to get on my last nerve!" Said Jughead in anger.
"Don't worry, Principal Weatherbee have came and has taken Chuck to his office." Said Sweet Pea as he explains." But apparently there was something that Chuck said that got me really confused."
"What did Chuck said?" Asked Viper as the other Serpents look at Sweet Pea.
"Chuck Clayton have said that Serena have actually helped Betty and Veronica when they have handcuffed him at the jacuzzi and reveal his true colors." Said Sweet Pea as he explains to them.
That have got the Serpents, Toni, Fangs, Jughead to get really shock at what Sweet Pea have said about what Chuck Clayton have told him.
"Wait a minute, Serena never told me that, she only says that Betty and Veronica have made him reveal his true colors." Said Jughead looking confused.
"That's what I said, but Chuck Clayton have made that very clear." Said Sweet Pea as he explains." Something tells me that Serena is kinda hiding something because she doesn't want anyone to know that she is bad."
"Well, all I know is that she isn't bad, but it seems like she is hiding something, because she is scared to tell anyone." Said Jughead as he look curious.
"Maybe we should ask Serena when she comes." Said Toni as she looks at the others.
Then they all agree but remember to go gently, then Serena have started to come inside the room, and then she started to close the door.
"Hey guys." Said Serena and saw that the Serpents are all looking at her." Um, is everything all right?"
"Serena, have you actually help Betty and Veronica to reveal Chuck's true colors?" Asked Jughead and it got Serena to get really shock and scared.
"Um, who told you that?" Asked Serena looking nervous.
"When Chuck and I had our argument, he mention that you help Betty and Veronica reveal his true colors." Said Sweet Pea as he explains.
"Serena, we are not judging or anything, it's just we are confused, and we want to know what really happen when Chuck got kicked out of the football team, and why he keeps targeting you." Said Fangs as he explains.
"You can tell us if you are ready, and if you are not, just try to take your time." Said Toni as she grabs Serena's hands gently.
Serena have started to see that the Serpents, Jughead, Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea all look like they wanted to know about what happen when Chuck got kicked out of the football team, and they all want to understand. Serena then took a deep breath and realized that she wanted to tell somebody, so she have take a deep a breath, and look at the Serpents.
"Alright guys, I really wanted to tell somebody about this, but I couldn't bring myself to say it, and I make sure that Betty and Veronica won't tell anyone." Said Serena as she looks at them." Maybe I should tell you."
"Try to take your time Serena, we will listen to what you had to say and we promise we won't judge you." Said Sweet Pea as he look and the Serpents sit down to listen to Serena.
"Okay, you all deserve to know what really happen the night me, Betty, and Veronica have reveal Chuck's true colors." Said Serena as she looks at the Serpents.
So the Southside Serpents, Fangs, Toni, Jughead, and Sweet Pea have all started to sit down, and then Serena have started to explain to them about how she help Betty and Veronica reveal Chuck's true colors in first time
Serena belongs to me
Riverdale belongs to The CW Show
Credit goes to Sci-Briana14 for the idea she gave me.
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