Picken's Day Part 1
It has been one week after Riverdale High's absorption of its Southside counterpart, and everything was the same. And nothing was the same. Take Archie Andrews for example, on the surface, he's getting ready for basketball tryouts, as he does every winter. But underneath, he was churning, his life in chaos after an unexpected visit from the Feds. Meanwhile, the town was preparing to honor its founding father, General Augustus Pickens.
Meanwhile inside a classroom, Serena and some other students were at their class giving their oral presentation, and she saw Jughead typing in his computer.
"Mr. Jones, eyes up front." Said Mrs. Haggly as she looks at Jughead.
"Thank you, Mrs. Haggly." Said Cheryl as she is giving her oral presentation." As I was saying, each year, we honor the memory of General Pickens, yet few know the truth. That it was my great-great- great-grandpappy Colonel Barnabas B. Blossom, who bankrolled General Pickens' settlement of, "an Eden along the river of Sweetwater, where maple trees grow taller than the steeples of Europe's grandest cathedrals. Which is why every year I petition the mayor's office to rename Pickens Day."
Then after Cheryl have given her oral presentation, the bell have began to ring, meaning that school is over, so everyone have started to grab their stuff.
"Thank you for that, Cheryl." Said Mrs. Haggly as she looks at Cheryl then at Jughead." Mr. Jones, we look forward to your oral history report next week."
Then as Jughead pack his stuff, he started to leave the classroom, as Serena have started to follow him.
"Hey Jughead." Said Serena as she smiles.
"Hey Serena, I really like your oral presentation about World War 1." Said Jughead as he smiles.
"Thanks, I'm pretty sure that I will get an A on it." Said Serena as she smiles." I can't wait to hear about your oral presentation."
That got Jughead to smile at Serena for what she have said, then they both started to go to their separate ways to go home. Then as Serena have arrived home, she saw her mom sitting down at the living room looking a bit worried.
"Hey mom, I'm home." Said Serena as she smiles.
"Hey Serena." Said Sabrina as she still look worried.
"What's wrong mom?" Asked Serena as she looks at her mother.
"The students that Mayor McCoy transferred to Riverdale High are fine, but their parents are her my office, every day, wanting her to reopen Southside High." Said Sabrina as she explains." It's like Mayor McCoy is getting more problems every single day."
"Wow, but you know what's strange, ever since Hiram Lodge came here, it's like many problems are coming." Said Serena as she look worried.
"I know that, it's like before he was here, everything was fine, but now since Hiram Lodge arrived, problems have been appearing." Said Sabrina looking worried.
"Well, looks like everyone is getting ready for Picken's Day, and it seems that everyone is excited about that." Said Serena as she looks at her mother.
"It seems so, although some are not really excited about that day." Said Sabrina as she remember." Like for the Serpents for example, but apparently it has been fixed, that the Serpents are allow to come."
"What, but I remember that Sweet Pea told me that the Serpents are not welcome." Said Serena looking confused.
"With the mayors blessing, the Lodge's like to make Pickens Day bigger, more of a celebratory event. Sponsored by Lodge Industries. And Andrews Construction co-sponsoring."
"You mean they wanna turn Pickens Day into a commercial for their SoDale project like their open house?" Asked Serena in shock.
"The open house the Lodge's had was for investors, but they say that this event would be for North and Southsiders alike." Said Sabrina as she explained." Two halves of a whole coming together."
"What about the Serpents?" Asked Serena looking worried." They've been quiet lately, but they're wild cards - and they could cause trouble. And I don't want that."
"That's what the Lodge's have thought about that." Said Sabrina as she explains." And so they offered to hire them as security for the event."
"Is Fred on board with this?" Asked Serena.
"FP told him the Serpents are looking for work, figured we'd let 'em keep the peace." Said Sabrina as she explains." I'm sure the mayor has reasons for closing down Southside High, but this is an opportunity to let the Southside know that she's not turning her back on them."
"Well, something tells me that Hiram is planning something that might not be good." Said Serena as she gets suspicious.
Then Serena have started to go upstairs to her room, to get ready for bed. The next day at Riverdale High School, Serena was walking down the hallway to the student lounge to meet her friends. Then when she have arrived at the student lounge, she saw that her friends are looking at something in Betty's phone.
"Hey there guys, what are you all looking at?" Asked Serena looking curious.
"We are looking at the picture of Betty's long lost brother, Chic." Said Veronica as she smiles.
Then Serena have started to look at the picture of Betty's long lost brother. The boy has blond hair, hazel eyes, and is wearing a grey sweater. His name is Chic Cooper.
"Wow, that guy looks really cute, I'll give him that." Said Serena as she looks impressed.
"Well, he's very fetching for someone who was living on Skid Row." Said Veronica as she looks at Chic's photo.
"Yeah, he's a hottie who looks incredibly familiar to me, by the way." Said Kevin as he looks at Chic's photo.
"Your adventures in the woods?" Asked Jughead as he looks at Kevin.
"I don't know, but maybe if we were allowed to meet this hottie in person. . ." Said Kevin as he continued to look at the photo.
"Chic's still acclimating." Said Betty as she looks at her friends." And I'm trying to get him to trust me, but my mom is treating him like he's a ten-year-old and my dad's acting like he's the devil's spawn."
"I'm sure he will be able to warm up to you Betty." Said Serena as she smiles.
"Well, I have an amazing idea." Said Veronica as she smiles." Bring The Omen to Pickens Day and we can all meet him. Everyone's coming, right?"
"No, because the Serpents weren't invited." Said Jughead as he frown.
"The Serpents were specifically asked to come." Said Veronica as she looks at Jughead.
"Yeah, to provide security." Said Jughead as he explains." It's like we're all on the Snowpiercer train, but the Serpents happen to be the ones eating the cockroaches."
"You don't have to work if you don't want to." Said Veronica as she looks at Jughead.
"The damage, as they say, has already been done." Said Jughead as he started to grab his stuff." Talk to you guys later."
"Plans with Toni?" Asked Betty as she looks at Jughead.
"Uh, yeah, I'm interviewing her grandfather for my oral history report." Said Jughead as he explains." The oldest living Serpent."
Then Serena saw Jughead leaving with Toni to see her grandfather, then she saw the look on Betty's face like she is upset. Serena then started to leave the student to her next classes. Then after a few hours later, classes are over, then Serena have started to walk back home, and then she stop at Pop's and orders a milkshake.
"Oh man, how come some people like Picken's Day whole some don't like it?" Asked Serena looking a bit confused.
Then as Serena drinks her milkshake, Sweet Pea have just enter the diner, then as he saw Serena sitting all alone at the booth drinking her milkshake, then Sweet Pea have started to smile and started to go to her.
"Hey Serena." Said Sweet Pea as he smiles.
"Oh hey there Sweet Pea." Said Serena as she smiles." What are you doing?"
"I was just walking by here, and I though I could get a milkshake." Said Sweet Pea as he smiles." Mind if I sit down?"
"Sure thing." Said Serena as she smiles.
So Sweet Pea have started to sit down with Serena, then he order a strawberry milkshake, and have started to talk with Serena.
"So Serena, how you've been doing?" Asked Sweet Pea as he look at Serena.
"I've been doing great, I heard that you are trying out for the basketball team." Said Serena as she smiles at Sweet Pea.
"Yeah, the truth is that I really like basketball, and I though I could be able to tryout for a team." Said Sweet Pea as he started to smirk at Serena." And once I join the team, I bet you could cheer me."
That got Serena to roll her eyes and smile at Sweet Pea. Then Serena have started to feel a bit upset about Picken's Day is coming soon. Sweet Pea saw the look on Serena's face and started to get curious.
"You okay Serena?" Asked Sweet Pea as he look at Serena.
"Oh sorry Sweet Pea, it's just that I'm a bit concerned about Pickens Day, that is coming soon." Said Serena as she looks worried." I mean I can't believe that you guys are going there just for security, if you ask me, that's kinda wrong."
"Yeah, well if you ask me, I never really wanted to go to that event." Said Sweet Pea as he is being honest." The truth is, Pickens Day is never really our favorite holiday, but I guess we all had to at least join the celebration."
That got Serena to get really curious that Sweet Pea have said that, then she smile at him, and they both continue to talk. Then after thirty minutes, Serena and Sweet Pea have both pay for their drinks, and then Sweet Pea have offer to take Serena home.
"Thanks for taking me home Sweet Pea, I really appreciate it." Said Serena as she smiles.
"Your welcome Serena, I'll see you tomorrow at school." Said Sweet Pea as he smiles.
That got Serena to smile at Sweet Pea and she kissed him on the cheek, which got him to blush really red, and he started to go back home while Serena goes inside her house.
"Hey mom, I'm back home." Said Serena as she smiles.
"Hi Serena." Said Sabrina as she smiles.
Then Serena have started to go to her room to get ready for bed, then Sabrina have started to go to her bedroom, then takes out the box that has her Southside Serpent jacket along with her husband's jacket, and then she took out a photo of her and Joseph when they were young and on Pickens Day.
"Oh Joseph, I really miss you so much, I wish you were here now." Said Sabrina looking a bit upset." And since Pickens Day is coming soon, I don't know how will Hiram Lodge will make it better with the Serpents as security."
Then Sabrina started to put the jackets and photo away and started to go to bed. The next day at Riverdale High School, Serena and Betty are at the Blue and Golds Office with Kevin as he was talking about he did well at wrestling tryouts.
"It felt so good, Betty and Serena." Said Kevin as he look at the two girls." It's like, yeah, Archie, you have the physique of a 1970s porn star, but that doesn't mean you can wrestle."
"Speaking of porn stars. . ." Said Kevin as he look at Betty." Did you get lost down a webcam rabbit hole last night?"
"It's fascinating." Said Betty as she feels surprise." I brought Chic home to help my mom without knowing who he was, and now to find out he's actually multiple people, performing online."
"What's wrong with that Betty?" Asked Serena as she looks at Betty.
"How do I broach that with him?" Asked Betty." Do I broach that with him?"
Before Kevin and Serena can answer Betty's question,
"Hey, am I interrupting?" Asked Jughead.
"Yeah, kinda. . ."
"No." Said Betty as she looks at Jughead.
"I just wanted to run some stuff by you, but I can come back." Said Jughead as he enters.
"No, no, no, it's fine." Said Kevin as he started to leave.
"By the way, I'm really digging Kevin's new gossip column." Said Jughead as he look at Betty.
"Readers love it." Said Betty as she explains." And I needed to fill the extra space when you. . ."
"I'm actually working on a story right now." Said Jughead as he got out his paper." Here."
Then Jughead have give Serena and Betty the paper that he wrote down, and they were really shock about what it said.
"Woah, what is it Jughead?" Asked Serena as she looks at Jughead.
"When I interviewed Toni's grandfather for history class, he had some pretty intense things to say about General Pickens. But then I did some follow-up research." Said Jughead as he explains." General Pickens was hired by Barnabas B. Blossom to remove the Uktena tribe by force."
That have gotten Betty and Serena to get really shock at what Jughead is saying.
"Betty, Serena, he killed 400 innocent men, women and children." Said Jughead as he look at the two girls.
"Oh, my God!" Said Serena is shock.
"That's horrible." Said Betty as she looks at Jughead.
"And adding salt to the wound, the last remnants of the tribe, the Serpents, are being squeezed out of existence." Said Jughead as he explains." Toni's grandfather lives in a trailer the size of a broom closet. And Hiram Lodge is honoring this murderer instead of trying to make amends."
"I think it's a story we need to tell." Said Serena as she looks at Betty and Jughead.
"Are you gonna try to get a quote from Hiram Lodge?" Asked Betty.
Then Betty have started to type the story that Jughead have wrote into the Blue and Golds Newspaper to show people this and hope they will understand, but little did they all know is that the article they will post might make things a bit worse.
Riverdale belongs to The CW Show
Serena, Joseph, and Sabrina belong to me
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