Enter the Southside Serpents

The next day at Serena's house, it was the big day the Southside Serpent's are coming to Riverdale High School, and Serena is getting ready to meet her friend to greet them and welcome them to their school.

Serena wears a blue jacket over a white shirt with a brown bow on the front. She wears it with a beige skirt, black tights, and brown shoes. She also has her necklace around her neck and and she also got her flower clip on her hair.

"Well, today is the day of the merger of Southside High and Riverdale High School." Said Serena as she smiles." I hope everyone will at least welcome the new students and Reggie better not do anything stupid."

So Serena have grab her bag, then she started to go downstairs where her mother is, and then she started to have breakfast.

"Morning mom." Said Serena as she smiles.

"Morning honey, how did you sleep?" Asked Sabrina as she smiles.

"I slept really great and I'm really ready to meet the Southside Serpents." Said Serena as she smiles.

"That's great my daughter." Said Sabrina as she smiles.

Then after Serena have finished her breakfast, she started to grab her stuff, kiss her mom goodbye, and then she started to go to school. Then as she arrived at Riverdale High School, she put away her stuff in her locker, and she meet up with Archie, Veronica, Kevin, and Josie who are setting up a table with class schedules and locker numbers for the new students.

"Hey Serena." Said Veronica as she smiles.

"Hey Veronica, hi guys." Said Serena as she smiles.

"Morning Serena, you ready to meet the new students?" Asked Archie as he smiles.

"I'm sure am and I'm really happy to see Jughead again." Said Serena as she smiles.

Then as Serena goes next to Veronica, all of a sudden, the school's entrance doors have started to open, and then a group of new students that are all wearing black and have jackets with two headed snake on the back that said "Southside Serpent" on it have come in and they are know as the Southside Serpent. Serena have seen Jughead walking with a girl next to him and smile. But when she turn to his right side, she started to blush.

On Jughead's right side, she saw a really handsome boy that has long jet black hair brushed to the side, dark brown eyes, he also has a gang's symbol of a double-headed serpent tattooed on the left side of his neck. He wears a dark blue shirt underneath his leather jack, dark blue jeans on, and black boots on.

To Serena's eyes, he is like the most handsome boy she have ever seen. Then as they stop in front of the table Veronica have started to smile and speak.

"Friends. On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school!" Said Veronica as she smiles." To ease this transition, I've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules, and a list of sports and extracurriculars. We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale."

Serena smile at the Southside Serpents to welcome them, then we she stare at the handsome boy, he started to see Serena and he started to blush a bit when he saw her. She wave at him and before she could speak, she heard a voice behind her.

"Stand down, Eva Peron!" Said a voice.

Then Serena and the others have all turn to see Cheryl and a boy with the bulldogs and vixens walking down the stairs like they own the school.

The boy next to Cheryl has has straight black hair, dark brown eyes, he wears a white t-shirt, blue sweater on, plain tan pants on, and blue and white sneakers on. His name is Reggie Mantle, he is the captain of the Football team.

Serena know that Reggie and the bulldogs have fought the Serpents before and they never like each other which got her to get a bit worried.

"There's the school spirit I so fondly remember." Said Jughead sarcastically.

Serena feel really bad for Jughead because she knows how much he was bullied. Then as Cheryl and Reggie stop in front of them, Veronica have started to speak.

"Cheryl. No one invited Fascist Barbie to the party." Said Veronica as she look at Cheryl.

"Wrong, Veronica, no one invited Southside scum to our school." Said Cheryl as she looks at the Southside Serpents." Listen up, Ragamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers. So please, do us all a favor, and find some other school to debase with your hardscrabble ways."

"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?" Said a girl with pink hair as she glared at Cheryl."

"Happily, Queen of the Buskers." Said Cheryl.

"Okay Guys, everyone, can we just put our Northside-Southside differences apart and start over? A new slate?" Asked Archie as he tried to stop the rival.

"Mmm. You don't speak for the Bulldogs, Andrews." Said Reggie as he looks at Archie." And need I remind you, these greaser-snakes showed up at your place trying to kick your ass."

"Happy to finish what was started." Said the handsome tall Serpent as he tried to get closer to Reggie but was held back.

"Uh Reggie, need I remind you, that maybe that fight would never have happen, if Archie didn't stuck a gun on a Serpents face." Said Serena as she glared at Reggie.

"Oh come Serena, why do you have to defend those Southside scums?" Asked Reggie as he wrap his arm around Serena.

Then Serena has started to elbowed Reggie at his chest really hard that it cause him to hold on his chest groaning. It kinda cause the Serpents, Archie, Kevin, Josie, Jughead, even Cheryl to snicker at the sight.

"God, I am so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now." Said Veronica as she rolled her eyes.

"All right. That's enough pomp and circumstance." Said Principal Weatherbee." Everyone, let's get to class. Now."

So after Principal Weatherbee left to his office, the Bulldogs, Vixens, Cheryl, and Reggie have all started to leave. Then Veronica started to speak.

"Well, we are heading to our classes, but Serena have agreed to give you all a tour of our school." Said Veronica as she smiles." And welcome to Riverdale High School."

So as Veronica, Archie, Josie, and Kevin have started to leave for their classes, leaving Serena and the Serpents all along, and then Serena started to speak.

"So guys, my name is Serena Crystal, welcome to Riverdale High School." Said Serena as she smiles.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Toni Topaz." Said the pink hair girl name Toni.

"Oh Topaz, like that beautiful gem, I learn that kind of gem can be in many colors." Said Serena as she smiles." I like that."

"The names Fangs." Said a boy name Fangs as he smirks.

"Nice name you have." Said Serena as she looks at the tall handsome serpent." What's your name?"

"My name is Sweet Pea, I know, weird name huh?" Asked the tall boy name Sweet Pea as he crosses his arms.

"Actually, it's a nice for a handsome boy like you." Said Serena to smile.

That cause to Sweet Pea to blush really red at what Serena have said. No one has ever complimented him before and she is the person to say it.

"So lets begin the tour." Said Serena as she smiles.

So the Serpents have grab their schedules and then they have started to follow Serena as she starts to give them the tour. As they follow Serena, Sweet Pea was still blushing at what Serena have said to him.

"Okay to start of with, the history of the school, it was founded and first opened in 1941." Said Serena as she smiles as then went into one of the hallways." The classrooms have WiFi, the the computer lab is open till 9:00, and all the bathroom stalls have doors."

Then the Serpents all smile to know that the school is great, then as they walk down the hallways, they saw many students talking and walking down the hallway. Then Serena have started to show the Serpents the classrooms and the other rooms of the school."

"So, there's the science lab, the computer lab is over their, the library is right across the math class, and this is history class." Said Serena as she shows the Serpents." To your right, is where all the River Vixens sit at the stairs and talk about their own moments."

"Wow, that's a lot of cheerleaders." Said Toni as she is shock.

"Cheryl has been dropping out some girls from the cheer squad because she wants every girl to perfect enough." Said Serena as she explains." And some of the Bulldog Football Players have their own hangout outside of the school."

Then after when Serena have show the Serpents the classrooms, she started to take them somewhere else at the school, and then they went to one main gyms, and as they enter, Serena started to speak.

"Okay, so this is the main gym, we are all have basketball tryouts for next week if you boys wanted to tryout for the team." Said Serena as she smiles at the Serpents." And we also have our opening tryouts for cheerleading next week also if you girls are interested and since I'm kinda a cheerleader and co-captain of the River Vixens, I say that you are all welcome to tryout."

"Wait a minute, so you are a cheerleader here, what don't you do?" Asked Sweet Pea as he smirks.

That causes Serena to blush a bit at what Sweet Pea have say, then after Serena have show the Serpents the main gym, she started to lead the Serpents to the cafeteria.

"Okay, so this is the cafeteria, everyone can choose where they want to sit at the tables, and they can even eat outside." Said Serena as she smiles.

Then when Serena have show the Serpents the cafeteria, she started to lead the Serpents to where the football field is and they were all amazed at how big it is.

"Okay, so this is the football field, all the football players come out here to practice for their games, and we always have pep rally out here." Said Serena as she smiles." Also the River Vixen's sometimes come out here for practice in case if. . ."

But before Serena can continue, all of a sudden, when Serena was looking what was in front of her, a dodgeball came out of nowhere, and it hit Serena right in the eye, which cause her to fall down at the grass.

"Ow!" Said Serena as she got her hand on her eye as she tried to get up.

"Serena!" Said Jughead in shock as he and Toni helped her up.

"Hey are you okay?" Asked Sweet Pea as he and Fangs started to go to her and looks at Serena's face.

The other Serpents are also really concerned if Serena is hurt or not, then when she remove her hand from her eye, Serena had a bit of a bruise on her eye, it wasn't bad but it was noticeable and Cheryl might not like it one bit when she see's it.

"Ow my eye, who threw that dodgeball?" Asked Serena as she wince a bit.

Then as soon as Serena have said that, all of a sudden, Chuck Clayton have started to run to them to get the dodgeball back that he threw, and he started to smirk at Serena.

"Oops, sorry about that Serena, did I "accidentally" hurt your pretty eye?" Asked Chuck sarcastically.

"What the hell Chuck?!" Said Jughead in anger.

"It's fine Jughead, don't worry about it." Said Serena as she tried to make sure that there isn't a fight.

"Yeah Jones, she said that she is fine, and listen here Serena, you are too nice for these Southside Scum, so why don't you just leave them, or I might have to give you a darker black eye?" Asked Chuck as he smirks which scared Serena and his behind Jughead.

"Hey, leave her alone you big jerk!" Said Sweet Pea in anger.

"Whatever you say you snake, see you later Serena." Said Chuck as he leaves.

"Are you okay Serena?" Asked Toni as she looks at Serena.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Said Serena as she smiles.

"No you're not Serena, you got a bruise on your eye." Said Jughead as he look at Serena." And apparently Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Cheryl are going to notice that."

"I swear, if that guy ever hurts you again, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind." Said Sweet Pea as he felt angry.

"No, it's fine Sweet Pea, don't worry guys, it's nothing to worry about, so why don't we continue the tour?" Said Serena as smiles and she continues the tour.

"Who was that jerk?" Whisper Fangs to Jughead.

"That's Chuck Clayton, he use to be a football player, but got kicked out of the team." Whisper Jughead.

"Why is he being mean to Serena?" Whisper Toni in concern.

"Apparently, after when Veronica and Betty made Chuck reveal his true colors to everyone, which got him and his posses kick out of the team, he has been targeting Serena ever since." Whisper Jughead as he frown." Which I don't understand what she ever did to him, because she never did anything wrong to him."

That kinda got Sweet Pea to get really mad about what Jughead says about Chuck. How can someone target a sweet and pretty girl like Serena, for nothing that she did? He started to feel something in him that he doesn't know what it is and then he shake it off and follow Serena. Then Serena and the Serpents have all arrived to the student lounge.

"And to complete our tour for the day, this is the student lounge where we all like to hangout and talk about our activities." Said Serena as she smiles." That's the end of our tour, do you guys have any questions about anything else?"

"Can I please see your phone?" Asked Sweet Pea as he goes to Serena and smirk.

"Why?" Asked Serena looking confused.

"I just wanted to write down something." Said Sweet Pea as he smirks.

Then Serena started to get a bit confused, but then she give Sweet Pea her phone, and then he started type something in her phone, and then give Serena's phone back.

"I type in my phone number in your phone, if you ever need a bodyguard to protect you from that Chuck guy, I'm here for you Princess." Said Sweet Pea as he smirk.

"Princess, what am I, a royalty?" Asked Serena as she smirk.

So after the tour, all the Serpents and Serena have started to go to their classes. Then after two classes later, they all went to the student lounge, and as the Serpents talk to Serena to get to know each other, Veronica, Josie, and Kevin have all enter the student lounge, so that they can introduce themselves to the new Southside transfer students."

"I don't think we've properly met." Said Veronica as she smiles." My name is Veronica Lodge."

"Of the Park Avenue Lodges." Said Jughead as he smiles and eating some chips he got from the vending machine.

"Toni." Said Toni as she introduced herself." Topaz."

"Oh, like the purple-colored gemstone." Said Veronica as she smiles." Love it."

"And I'm Josie McCoy." Said Josie as she introduces herself." Formerly of the Pussycats, now just Josie. And this is Kevin."

Then Kevin have started to look at Fangs while Fangs is looking at him, and then Kevin started to talk.

"What's your name?" Asked Kevin as he looks at Fangs.

"Fogarty. Or you can call me Fangs." Said Fangs as he introduce himself." Your last name's Keller, right?"

"How did you know that?" Asked Kevin.

"Joaquin and I used to hang out." Said Fangs as he explains." He talked about you all the time."

That got Kevin to get really shock that his old boyfriend talks about him so much. Serena started to go look at him, then she realize that Kevin misses Joaquin so much, because he was the first boy he loved, she wanted to do something to help him, but before she can think of something, all of a sudden, Principal Weatherbee started to come to the student lounge looking a bit angry.

"You guys!" Said Principal Weatherbee in anger." Yes, you, come with me."

So the Serpents, Veronica, Kevin, Josie, and Serena have all followed Principal Weatherbee, they saw Reggie along and the see that the Riverdale's crest has been spray paint into an ugly snake in "S" form. It got the others to get shock but when Serena look up, she saw Reggie smirking knowing that he was the one who did it.

"Now! Which of you defaced our school seal with this graffiti?" Asked Principal Weatherbee.

"What, wait a minute Principal Weatherbee, the Serpents didn't do this, they were with me the whole time when I was giving them the tour of the school." Said Serena as she defend the Serpents and the Serpents were shock that she is defending them and smile at her.

"This is what they do, Serena." Said Reggie as he look at Serena." They tag their turf."

"My God, Reggie, could you be anymore transparent?" Asked Veronica as she glared at Reggie.

"Effective immediately, no gang behavior of any kind will be tolerated at my school." Said Principal Weatherbee which got the others shock." As of this moment, no more Serpent jackets."

"What?!" Said everyone in shock.

"No more Serpent jackets! All tattoos are gonna be covered." Said Principal Weatherbee." Possession of any gang paraphernalia whatsoever will lead to immediate suspension. Are we clear? That's all."

Then Principal Weatherbee and Reggie have started to leave, leaving the Serpents, Veronica, Kevin, Josie, Reggie, and Serena all alone and Serena started to get really angry.

"I can't believe that jerk Reggie will do this, I swear, if Principal Weatherbee wasn't here, I would love to choke Reggie till he is blue in the face!" Said Serena as she made a fist but started to calm down." Um, that's a little to harsh, isn't it?"

"Um, maybe a little too harsh." Said Josie as she looks at Serena.

"Sorry, it's just that Principal Weatherbee knows that the Serpents were with me, and yet he believes Reggie!" Said Serena in anger and looks at the name graffiti." And by the way, that's a horrible painting, evening a seven year old can do a better art than this."

"Okay, now why don't we all go to class?" Asked Veronica as she takes Serena to her class.

So everyone have all started to go to their other classes. But as they all go, Sweet Pea and Serena started to think about each other and thinking that might be great friends. But little did they know is that they might be more than just friends.

Serena belongs to me

Riverdale belongs to The CW Show

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