Bruises and Cuts

The next day at Serena's house, Serena was in her room getting dressed for school, and then she started to brush her hair. Serena wears her pink top with sleeves that fall off her shoulders. It is decorated with black straps and a black cross-stitched decoration with black ribbons at the end. She wears it with brown shorts and brown boots. She also wears her gold heart-shaped necklace and flower clip.

"Wow, last night with Sweet Pea is really amazing, I mean I've been throughout lot of dates before but this date was different." Said Serena as she smiles.

Serena have smile as she remember the date she had last night with Sweet Pea. It was really great, not as compared to do other dates she had with other boys.

Then after Serena have brush her hair, she started to grab her bag, then she went downstairs to the kitchen to where her mother is, and then as she enter the kitchen, she saw her mom cooking some eggs.

"Good morning mom." Said Serena as she smiles.

"Morning honey, how did you sleep last night?" Asked Sabrina as she smiles.

"I slept really great last night." Said Serena as she smiles and eats her eggs.

"So Serena, how was your date last night with Sweet Pea?" Asked Sabrina as she smiles.

"My date with Sweet Pea is really great, I mean compared to all the guys that ask me out, that date last night was really great." Said Serena as she smiles.

"That's really great honey, you know I remember back then when I had my first date with your father, it was really romantic." Said Sabrina as she smiles.

That got Serena to smile at her mom, then as she finished her breakfast, she started to take her plate to the sink, then after she clean her plate, she started to go to grab her bag, then she saw a newspaper with picture of a man who has light brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a black suit, and his name was Craig Tayler.

"Hey mom, who is Craig Tayler, cause it's says here that he is voted as a candidate." Said Serena as she looks at her mom.

Then as soon as Serena have says that, Sabrina have started slam the plates at the counter hard but not hard to break it, which have got Serena to get really shock.

"Mom, is everything okay?" Asked Serena looking concerned.

"Oh sorry about that honey, I just got a little bit distracted, I don't know what I was thinking." Said Sabrina as she calm down.

"That's okay mom, I gotta go now, I don't want to be late for school." Said Serena as she grabs her stuff." I love you mom."

"I love you too honey." Said Sabrina as she smiles.

So Serena have started to grab her bag, then she leaves the house, then as Serena have left the house, Sabrina have picked up the newspaper that has the picture of Craig Tayler, and then as she frowns at the picture, she went to the fire place and burns the newspaper.

Meanwhile Serena have arrived at Riverdale High School, then as she enters the school, she saw two familiar girls that she remembered back the past.

The first girl has long-straight hair, brown eyes, she wears a dark black blouse with purple flower designs on it, a jean jacket, a light pink skirt on, and has yellow heels on, she also has a black and white backpack around her shoulder. Her name is Ginger Lopez, she was once Cheryl's best friend and a former Vixen cheerleader.

The girl next to Ginger has long straight black hair, brown eyes, she wears a dark purple dress with a yellow belt around the waist, has a flower clip on her hair, has black heels on, and she also has a black handbag. Her name is Tina Patel, she is Ginger's friend, she was once Cheryl's best friend, and a former Vixen cheerleader.

They use to be Cheryl's best friends and social handed maidens. They use to do everything together, and even hangout with Serena all the time, and make sure that they will stick together.

But one day, a fall out between Cheryl and Veronica occurred, in which Veronica challenged Cheryl to a dance-off, where the winner would lead the River Vixen during the Homecoming event. Following their routines, it was left in the hands of the Vixens to decide who won.

Unfortunately for Cheryl, the majority of the squad voted for Veronica, while Ginger and Tina chose not to vote at all. To no surprise, there were consequences to their actions, which resulted in Cheryl firing them both as Vixens and her "social hand maidens."

"Hey there Ginger, hey Tina." Said Serena as she smiles.

"Oh hey there Serena, how was your date last night with the Southside Serpent?" Asked Ginger as she smirks at Serena.

"How did you know about that?" Asked Serena looking a bit shock.

"We kinda overheard you and the Southside Serpent, yesterday after school." Said Tina as she explains." So how was it?"

"It was really great, I have to say that the dates that I went out with before was okay, but last night was really amazing." Said Serena as she smiles at them." So how are you girls doing, after what happen a few months ago."

"Well, to be really honest, we still feel like we still have betray Cheryl's trust, we don't actually blame her, we did kinda deserve it and got kicked out of the team." Said Ginger looking upset.

"Yeah, besides Cheryl really trusted you so much that you are like a sister to her." Said Tina as she looks upset.

"Well, I know you two still feel guilty about what happen, but to be honest you two, you didn't even vote on that day when Cheryl and Veronica have that dance off." Said Serena as she looks at the two girls." But look, just because Cheryl stop being friends with you, doesn't mean that I won't stop being friends with you."

That got Ginger and Tina to look at Serena with a bit of shock, Serena have smile at the two girls, then the bell have began to ring meaning that it's time to go to first period, so Serena hugs Ginger and Tina and started to go to her first class.

After her three class periods, Serena have started to go to the student lounge to get a candy bar. Then as she sits down, Kevin, Josie, Betty, Veronica, Archie, and Jughead have all came in and they all look at Serena as they all sit down, which got Serena to get a bit shock.

"Um, can I help you guys?" Asked Serena looking a bit confused.

"How did your date go last night?" Asked Kevin as he smiles.

"How did you know about my date with Sweet Pea last night?" Asked Serena looking shock.

"Apparently I told them." Said Jughead as he smiles shyly." Sorry about that."

"So, how'd it go with Sweet Pea?" Asked Kevin as he smirks.

"Sweet Pea has muscles for days, his conversation is really cool, and I have to say, it was great." Said Serena as she smiles.

"What are saying girl?" Asked Josie as she smiles.

"Girls, do you remember the day at the mall when you said that I might have a crush on Sweet Pea?" Asked Serena and the girls nodded." Well, you are right, I have a huge crush on him."

"I knew it!" Said Veronica as she smiles.

"Omg girl, I knew that you have a crush on the Southside Serpents!" Said Josie as she smirks.

"Well, he is cute, and the thing is that, sometimes he makes me blush a lot, and the other day I really embarrassed about what he heard from me from science class." Said Serena as she blushes.

"What did you say that he heard?" Asked Kevin looking confused.

"I kinda said that I like the way he flexes his muscles." Said Serena as she blushes in embarrassment.

"OMG, you actually said that and he heard you?!" Asked Veronica in shock.

"Yeah, he kinda like what I Said and almost try to take of his shirt so I can see his muscles." Said Serena.

"Oh my god, what was his muscles like and are the other Serpent boys have great muscles?!" Asked Kevin as he smiles.

That kinda got Serena and the others to look at Kevin in confusion.

"What?!" Asked Kevin.

"Kevin, I know that you are gay and all, but you really need to calm down." Said Serena as she rolls her eyes.

"I can't help myself." Said Kevin as he raised his hands.

Then the bell have began to ring, meaning that it's time for their fourth period, so Serena and her friends have started to grab their stuff, and started to head to their class. And then after her fourth period class, Serena have went to her locker, and then Cheryl have came and lean against the locker.

"Hello Serena, how are you doing my fine mini-me?" Asked Cheryl as she smiles.

"I'm doing great Cheryl." Said Serena as she smiles.

"How was that date of yours with that Southside Serpent?" Asked Cheryl as she smirks.

"How did you know that?" Asked Serena looking shock.

"I overheard you talking to Archie, Veronica, Betty, Jughead, Josie, and Kevin at the student lounge." Said Cheryl as she explains." So, how was that date?"

"It was really great, I mean the dates I went out with all the other guys was nice, but Sweet Pea is really different." Said Serena as she smiles.

That got Cheryl to smile at her best friend, and then as they keep on talking, they didn't know that Sweet Pea was watching them, and he smirk when he was looking at Serena.

"So Sweet Pea, judging by the way you are smirking, I'm guessing that your date with Serena went really great." Said Fangs as he smirks.

"You have no idea, I mean yesterday went really great, and she kissed me right on the cheek, I wish it was on the lips, but hey I got a kiss." Said Sweet Pea as he smirks.

"Wow dude, you are really lucky, my guesses that you are this close to get her." Said Toni as she smiles.

That got Sweet Pea to smile and then he and the Serpent have started to go to their classes, but apparently they didn't know that Chuck was listening to their whole conversation, and he started to get really angry.

After a few hours, everyone have all started to go back home, all the Serpents have started to go to the Pop's along with Jughead to get something to eat, Archie and Veronica started to go to the Pembroke, and Betty, Cheryl, Josie, and Kevin have started to go home. Serena was walking along by the park, when all of a sudden, Chuck's posses have came out of nowhere and surrounded her.

"What the heck?!" Asked Serena in shock.

"Hello Serena." Said Chuck as he came out of nowhere.

"Oh god, what do you want Chuck?" Asked Serena as she rolls her eyes.

"Apparently, I kinda overheard that you went out on a date with a Southside Serpent." Said Chuck as he look at Serena." Why go out with him when you can go out with a good looking guy like me?"

"And why will I don't that, after what you did to those poor girls?" Asked Serena as she glared at Chuck." You are nothing but a big jerk Chuck Clayton and I will never go out with a guy like you!"

That got Chuck to get so mad that he started to punch Serena, which cause her to fall to the ground, then Chuck's posses have started to punch and kick Serena really hard.

"You think you are so smarter Serena." Said Chuck as he keep punching Serena." Well, guess what, you are nothing but a loser!"

As Chuck and his posses kept on hitting Serena, Ginger and Tina were walking down the sidewalks talking, when they see Chuck and his posses hitting and hurting Serena, and they started to run to stop. Chuck and his posses know that they have been seen, and they started to run away.

"Oh my god, Serena are you okay?" Asked Ginger as she and Tina help Serena.

Serena have bruises on her arms and legs, she has a cut by her wrist, she has a bruise on her cheek, her eye has a black eye, and her nose is bleeding.

"Barely, Chuck and his posses have given me such a beat down." Said Serena in a bit of pain.

"We should take you somewhere to heal your bruises and cuts, but apparently the hospital is like one hour away." Said Tina as she looks worried.

"I know a place that's about five minutes here, but it's in the Southside, but there is someone that knows me and will help." Said Serena as she wince a bit.

Then the two girls help Serena get up, then they all started to go to the White Wyrm, when they have arrived there, Ginger have open the door and help Serena in, then Hog Eye saw the three girls enter the bar, and started to get worried about Serena.

"Hey Hog Eye." Said Serena as she groan a bit.

"Serena, oh my god, what happen to you?" Asked Hog Eye as he looks worried.

"Chuck Clayton and his posses have started to beat Serena up like badly." Said Tina as she explains.

"I'll go get FP." Said Hog Eye as he goes to get FP.

So Tina and Ginger have started to help Serena to sit down at the couch, so as Serena have sit down, FP have started to come out of his office when Hog Eye got him, and when he saw Serena looking really hurt, he started to go to her.

"Serena, oh my god, are you okay?" Asked FP looking worried.

"Not really." Said Serena as she groan.

"What happen to her?" Asked FP as he looks at Tina and Ginger.

"Chuck Clayton and his posses have started to beat Serena up so badly." Said Tina as she explains.

"Oh my god, that kid seriously can't leave you alone." Said FP as he groans a bit." I'll go get the medical kit."

So FP have started to go to get the first aid kit as Ginger and Tina keep Serena some company, then the door of the White Wyrm have started to open, then Jughead and the Serpents have all enter talking and laughing. Then when Jughead have saw Serena looking so hurt, he started to get so worried that he started to go to Serena which got the others attention and follow him.

"Oh my god, Serena are you okay?" Asked Jughead as he looks at Serena worried.

When Jughead have ask Serena that, it kinda got Sweet Pea's attention, that when he saw Serena so injured, he started to go to her and touch her face gently.

"Oh my god, Serena your face!" Said Sweet Pea in shock.

"What happen to you?" Asked Toni as she look so shock and she saw Ginger and Tina." And who are these two girls?"

"Guys, this is Ginger Lopez and Tina Patel, they are my other friends." Said Serena as she smiles at the two girls.

"How did you get hurt like that?" Asked Fangs in shock.

"Chuck Clayton and his posses have started to jump at Serena and beat her up badly." Said Ginger as she explains.

"What the hell, I'm going to beat that guy up so badly, that he won't be able to walk for a month!" Said Sweet Pea in anger that he was about to find Chuck till Fangs stop him.

"Don't Sweet Pea, you will only get yourself into more trouble, for now on, let's all worried about Serena." Said Fangs as he looks at Serena.

"Why did Chuck beat you Serena?" Asked Jughead looking so worried.

"Apparently, Chuck bears from somebody about my date with Sweet Pea, then he ask me why I go out with a Southside Serpent when I can go out with him." Said Serena as she explains." I told him I never wanted to go out with him, after what he did to those poor girls, and then he and his posses have started to beat me up."

"Oh god, that jerk is really starting to get on my nerves." Said Jughead in anger.

Then FP have came back with the medical kit and started to heal Serena. Then after FP have healed Serena, he give her a pain killer and a cup of water, and Serena have started to drink the medicine.

"How are you doing Serena?" Asked FP as he look at Serena.

"I'm fine FP, this isn't really my first time I got beaten up you know." Said Serena which got the other Serpents attention.

"Oh yeah, I remember that day, Jughead please keep an eye on her please?" Asked FP and Jughead nodded his head.

So FP have started to go to his office to do something and then Toni have started look at Serena.

"Serena, what do you mean by this isn't your first time getting all beat up?" Asked Toni as she looks at Serena.

"Well, the thing is, before you and the Serpents came here to Riverdale High School, when Clifford Blossom was alive, I got beaten up by some men when I was helping Archie's dad with some construction." Said Serena as she explains.

"It was before when I wasn't living with my dad." Said Jughead as he explains.

"How did that happen?" Asked Sweet Pea looking concerned.

"Wait, are you sure you want to explain this Serena?" Asked Ginger.

"Yeah, I'm okay with it." Said Serena as she smiles and looks at the Serpents." Alright you guys should sit down and I'll explain everything to you guys."

So the Southside Serpents have all started to sit down, and then Serena have started to explain to them about how she got beat up in the first place and how she went to the White Wyrm them first time.

Serena and Sabrina belongs to me

Riverdale belongs to The CW Show

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