Body Double

A few months ago, right before Serena met the Serpents, and when Veronica have first moved to Riverdale, Serena was at the student lounge, talking to Veronica, Betty, Archie, and Kevin about Jason Blossom's death, and how they are all suspects about the murder of Jason.

"So, are you a suspect now?" Asked Serena looking worried.

"My dad says we all are, including me." Said Kevin as he explains.

"Not me, girl." Said Veronica as she looks at them." I don't know these people."

"Okay this is really getting suspicious, I mean I know that I'm the best friends of the Blossom twins, but I will never think about killing Jason." Said Serena looking worried." I know how much Cheryl loves her brother."

"We know Serena, we are a bit suspicious as well." Said Archie as he look at Serena.

"Guys, should we maybe re-binge Making a Murderer on Netflix tonight?" Asked Kevin as he smirk and got everyone to chuckle a bit.

"Sorry, I can't." Said Betty as she looks at Kevin." Gotta stay late to work on the paper."

"I can't either because I have to help my mom at the house." Said Serena as she smiles." Also I got some homework to do."

"Count me out, too." Said Veronica as she smiles.l I've got a date tonight."

"You do?" Asked Archie and Veronica nodded.

"Which Riverdale hottie made the cut?" Asked Kevin as he got really curious.

"Hey, Vee-Lo." Said a voice and they look to see Chuck Clayton with Reggie and Moose." I'll swing by the Pembrooke to pick you up at 8:00?"

"I'll be waiting." Said Veronica as she smiles.

"Cool." Said Chuck as he, Reggie, and Moose left the student lounge.

"Chuck Clayton?" Asked Betty looking confused.

"You're going on a date with Chuck?" Asked Kevin in shock and Veronica nodded.

"He's kind of a player." Said Serena as she looks at Veronica." I should know that he keeps trying to ask me out on a date, but I always say no, and yet he dates other girls."

"Who cares? He's the hottest of hot, and he's the varsity football coach's son." Said Kevin as he looks at Veronica." In Riverdale, that's like dating a Kennedy."

That got Veronica to smile at Kevin, but Serena have started to get really worried about Veronica's date with Chuck. Then after a few hours later, everyone have started to go to her house, and when she have enter her home, she saw her mother in the living room watching some tv.

"Hi Serena, how was your day today?" Asked Sabrina as she smiles.

"My day is great mom." Said Serena as she smiles at her mother.

Then Sabrina have saw that Serena saw a very concern face meaning that she is worried about something.

"Is everything alright honey?" Asked Sabrina looking at her daughter.

"It's just Veronica is going on a date with Chuck Clayton." Said Serena as she looks at her mother.

"Oh I see, what's wrong about that Serena?" Asked Sabrina as she looks at Serena.

"It's just that Chuck Clayton is a player mom, I mean I know he is the captain of the football team and the golden boy of the school, but he can be a bit of a ladies man." Said Serena as she looks at her mom." I mean he ask every girl out and yet he doesn't have a girlfriend."

"I see that you are very worried about Veronica." Said Sabrina as she looks at her daughter." But I'm sure that everything might go well."

Then Serena looks at her mom and smiled. Then she have started to go up to her room to do her homework, then as she finishes her homework, she and her mother had dinner, then after they had dinner, Serena have started to put on her nightgown, and started to go to sleep.

Then the next day, Serena have started to get everything ready for school, and she have started to put on her clothes. Serena wears a white loose fitting blouse with a black and dark pink drawstring top underneath. She wears it with high waisted dark blue shorts with gold buttons, white ankle socks and black shoes with straps that go above her ankles.

"Okay, I got everything ready, I really hope Veronica's date with Chuck goes well." Said Serena as she grabs her bag and goes downstairs and saw her mother at the kitchen.

"Morning mom." Said Serena as she smiles.

"Morning Serena, how did you sleep?" Asked Sabrina as she smiles.

"I slept great, I'm just a bit worry about today." Said Serena as she looks nervous.

"Let me guess, you are worried about how Veronica's date with Chuck went last night?" Asked Sabrina as she looks at her daughter.

"Yeah, I mean I know you told me not to worry, but Chuck is a player, and I'm just really worried." Said Serena as she began to feel worried.

"I understand that sweetie, but you know, I bet Veronica's date with Chuck might be okay." Said Sabrina as she looks at her daughter.

"I guess you are right mom." Said Serena as she looks at her mother." Well, I should probably go to school."

"Alright sweetie, stay safe." Said Sabrina as she smiles.

So Serena have kissed her mom goodbye, then she grab her bag, and she started to go to school. As she arrived, she saw Betty, Kevin, and Veronica at Veronica's locker, and she started to go to them.

"Good morning guys." Said Serena as she smiles.

"Good morning Serena." Said Veronica as she smiles at Serena and Betty and Kevin smile at Serena.

"So, how'd it go with Chuck?" Asked Kevin as he got curious and Veronica laugh.

"Chuck has muscles for days, but his conversation is not the stuff of Oscar Wilde, or even Diablo Cody." Said Veronica as she explains.

That got Kevin, Betty, and Serena to smile at how Veronica's date with Chuck went okay, but then as Veronica was about to close her locker, Ginger and Tina have started to walk by, and look at Veronica.

"Hey, Veronica." Said Tina as she smiles at Veronica." How was the Sticky Maple you had last night?"

"The what now?" Asked Veronica looking confused.

"The Sticky Maple Chuck gave you?" Asked Ginger as she looks at Veronica and smiles." How was it?"

"We had a brownie sundae, if that's what you hyenas mean." Said Veronica as she looks confused at what the girls says.

Serena, Betty, and Kevin have all started to get really confused at what Ginger and Tina have ask Veronica, then Kevin's phone began to ring, then Kevin look as well as Betty and Serena, and they all started to get really shock at what they are seeing.

"Oh, my God." Said Kevin in shock.

"What?" Asked Veronica as she grabs Kevin's phones seeing a picture of her with Chuck and has maple syrup all over her." What the hell is a Sticky Maple?"

"It's kind of what it sounds like." Said Kevin as he explains." It's a Riverdale thing."

"No, Kevin, it's a slut-shaming thing." Said Veronica as she looks really angry." And I'm neither a slut, nor am I going to be shamed by someone named, excuse me, Chuck Clayton."

Serena, Betty, and Kevin all started to look at each other looking really worried, but Serena have started to see that Veronica is started to get really angry.

"Does he really think he can get away with this?" Asked Veronica in anger." Does he not know who I am? I will cut the brakes on his souped-up phallic symbol."

"Or we can go to Principal Weatherbee." Said Serena as she tried to calm Veronica down.

"About the coach's son?" Asked Veronica thinking that it's not a great idea." Who is captain of the football team, and Riverdale High's resident golden boy?"

"Or I can expose him in the pages of the Blue and Gold." Said Betty as she tried calm Veronica down as well." Yeah, I can do that!"

"No, spoken like true good girls who always follows the rules." Said Veronica as she pushes Kevin's phone to his chest which got him pushed by the lockers and Veronica started to walk." Well, I don't follow rules, I make them, and when necessary, I break them."

Betty and Serena have both look at each other with worried looks on their faces, so they have started to follow Veronica, and tried to help her.

"You wanna help me get revenge on Chuck, Betty and Serena, awesome." Said Veronica as she keeps on walking." But you two better be willing to go full dark, no stars. What do you say, in or out?"

Betty and Serena have both started to get really worried, but they have started to follow Veronica. Then the three girls have arrived at the boys lockers room, then they enter to see all the boys finish taking showers, Veronica didn't care, but Serena and Betty had to make sure their eyes are cover as they tried to find Chuck.

"Excuse me." Said Veronica as she tried to get pass the boys.

Then as they tried to find Chuck Clayton, the three girls have bump into Archie, which almost made his towel fall off his waist, but luckily he caught it in time.

"Veronica?" Asked Archie in confusion as he wrap his towel around his waist." Betty, Serena, what are you guys doing here?"

"Don't worry about it." Asked Veronica as she continued to walk till Archie got in front of the three girls." I mean it, Andrews. Hit the showers and stay out of my way."

Then Veronica pushes Archie out of the way to find Chuck, Serena and Betty have followed Veronica while covering their eyes, then they have found Chuck talking to Moose, and Veronica have gotten his attention.

"Huh, B, S, and V." Said Chuck in surprise as he saw the three girls." Menage a right on, ladies."

Then Veronica got her phone and show Chuck the picture that he posted out, and Veronica look at him with anger.

"This is disgusting." Said Veronica in disgust." Take it down."

"Whoa, whoa. Why are you so wound up?"
Asked Chuck as he act like he didn't do anything wrong." It's a badge of honor, and you're not exactly virgin territory after your closet date with Andrews."

"Okay, that's beyond irrelevant, Chuck." Said Serena as she glared at Chuck.

"Yeah Chuck, you're not allowed to go around humiliating girls, for any reason, under any circumstances, you jerk." Said Betty as she glared at Chuck.

"Look, I get you two are not a closet kind of girl, but hey, if you wanna ride the Chuck Wagon, that can be arranged." Said Chuck as he smirk at the two girls.

Betty and Serena have look at Chuck with disgust and Veronica was really angry that Chuck have insulted her friends, and she scoff at Chuck.

"Let's keep this simple, so that your preppy-murderer half-brain can grasp it." Said Veronica in anger as she got closer to Chuck." Take. . . This. . . The hell. . . Down."

"Okay, that high-toned bitch attitude may have worked on the betas you dated in New York, but you're in Bulldog territory." Said Chuck as he gets closer to Veronica's face.

Then Moose have started to step up a bit as he bark, which got Veronica to step back, then some other boys bark as well while some laugh.

"But please, fight back." Said Chuck as he smirk." You'll only make it harder on yourself."

Then Veronica have glared at Chuck one last time, then she started to leave the boys locker room, and then Betty and Serena have follow her as well. Then after school, Serena have decided to go with Veronica to the Pembrooke to help her after what Chuck did to her, and tried to calm her down.

"It's okay Veronica, I'm sure we will figured out a way to get Chuck back what he did to you." Said Serena as she holds Veronica's hands.

"Thank you Serena." Said Veronica as she smiles.

Then Veronica's phone have started to ring, then the two girls have started to look at Veronica's phone, and they have started to see the comments that the students are leaving about the picture of Veronica's slit-shaming which got Veronica to get really sad and Serena to get worried.

Then a women have started to enter the apartment and she went inside the dining room. The women has luxuriant thick wavy black hair, has brown eyes, she wears a Pop's work uniform, and has white shoes on. Her name is Hermione Lodge and she is Veronica's mother.

"Why hello Serena." Said Hermione as she smiles.

"Hello Hermoine." Said Serena as she smiles.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask." Said Hermoine as she looks at her daughter." How was your date last night? I like the looks of that boy."

"The more handsome on the outside, the more rotten on the inside." Said Veronica as she frowns a bit.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Asked Hermione in confusion.

"Nothing, just that he's not really my type." Said Veronica as she looks a bit upset and her phone began to ring and saw Betty calling her." This is Betty. Can I take it?"

"Yeah." Said Hermione as she smiles at her daughter.

"Hello?" Said Veronica as she answers her phone.

Then Serena and Veronica have started to arrived at Riverdale High School Because Betty have said something that made them curious, then have arrived at at a classroom and saw Betty with some other girls.

"This story is bigger than we thought." Said Betty as she looks at Serena and Veronica." I started asking around, to see if what happened to you happened to anyone else, and if anyone would go on record."

"I will, 100%." Said a girl name Ethel Mugg's.

"Okay." Said Betty as she started to look at Serena and Veronica." It's five guys on the football team. Chuck and his posse. Ethel was about to tell us."

"One day last year, Chuck and I talked in the library for 10 minutes. I helped him with a Pre-Cal problem, and nothing happened." Said Ethel as she explains." But the next day, he started telling people that I let him do stuff to me. Like, sex stuff."

That got Veronica and Serena to feel so bad for Ethel and mad at what Chuck have did to her, and then Ethel have continue to explain her story.

"And then he. . . Or one of his goons, wrote, "Sloppy seconds" on my locker." Said Ethel as she explains.

"Yes, yes, we've all heard your tragic origin story." Said a voice and Serena and Veronica to see it was Cheryl standing behind them.

"I'm so, so sorry, Ethel." Said Betty as she feels bad for Ethel." That's horrible."

"Not as horrible as being a suspect in your own brother's torture-murder case, but we all have our crosses." Said Cheryl as she looks at the girls." In the meantime, River Vixen practice starts in five minutes, sluts, and to be clear Serena, I'm not calling you a slut. . ."

"They're ruining our lives, and to them it's just a game." Said Ethel as she feels sad." They keep score and. . ."

"Wait, what do you mean, keep score?" Asked Veronica as she looks curious.

"Each conquest earns them points." Said Ethel as she explains." They keep track in some secret playbook."

"Okay, we have to talk to Weatherbee." Said Serena as she feels like that it might help Veronica.

"I already tried." Said Ethel." Weatherbee said that he didn't find anything."

"Okay, we need undeniable proof." Said Betty.

"Proof of what, Nancy Drew? That boys will be boys?" Asked Cheryl as she looks at Betty." And that playbook reeks of suburban legend."

"How would you know, Cheryl?" Asked Serena as she looks at Cheryl.

"Because, Serena, before he died, my brother was co-captain of the football team with Chuck, and Jason never mentioned it, and he never would've allowed it." Said Cheryl as she explains.

"Okay, well, I never met your brother, but I'm not lying about what happened to me." Said Veronica as she looks at Cheryl." And Ethel's not lying. And proof or no proof, book or no book, I am going scorched earth on these privileged, despicable miscreants. You wanna get caught in that backdraft, Cheryl? Call me, or any of these beautiful, young, strong, intelligent women "slut" one more time."

That got Cheryl to back up a bit, but she didn't say anything, and started to walk away. After school, Serena is with Betty at the Blue and Gold after cheerleading practice, helping Betty with some papers. Then they heard a knock and saw Ethel with a boy.

"Ethel." Said Serena as she and Betty see's Ethel enter the room with the boy.

"Betty, Serena, you two know Trev Brown, right?" Asked Ethel as she introduce Trev to the two girls." Valerie's brother?"

"Hey, what's up?" Said Trev as he smiles and he blush when he saw Serena." Hi Serena."

"Hey." Said Serena as she smiles.

"He used to be on the football team." Said Ethel as she explains.

"But I quit. When I saw Chuck's playbook." Said Trev as he explains." And I may know where it is."

Later that night, Serena, Betty, Veronica, Ethel, and Kevin have enter the high school trying to find the play book that Trev have told them.

"Football players behaving badly, what else is new?" Asked Veronica looking annoyed." Steubenville, Glen Ridge. The coach's son being the ringleader. I mean, just how depraved is this town?"

"Color me impressed." Said a voice which got the others gasp and they turn to see Cheryl behind them pointing a flashlight at them." A B and E with B and V. What would your holy roller mother say about this, Betty?"

"What are you doing here, Cheryl?" Asked Betty looking confused.

"And where did you get those thigh-high boots?" Asked Kevin looking impressed." They're amazing."

Serena look at Kevin looking confused but realize that he got some taste into fashion.

"Trev told Valerie, who told Josie, who told Ginger, who told Tina, who told me." Said Cheryl as she explains." And I thought I would help out."

"Help?" Asked Betty looking confused." Or derail our investigation?"

"Get over yourself, Betty." Said Cheryl as she shine her flashlight at Betty.

"Hey guys, get in here." Said Ethel as she have found the playbook." Trev was right. They didn't even bother to hide it."

Serena and the others have started to see the pages that have some girls names that Chuck and his posses have been slut-shaming for the past year, and it got Serena really shock. Then Veronica have started to see her name in the book.

"New girl? Is that what I'm reduced to?" Said Veronica as she feel insulted." Nine points"

"Better than "Big girl." Seven point five." Said Ethel as she looks at the book.

Then as they look at the pages, Betty have started see her sister's name in the book, next to Jason's name, which have got Betty and Cheryl to get really shock.

"Polly's in this book." Said Betty as she see's Polly's name.

"Next to Jason's name." Said Cheryl in shock.

"I'm so sorry, Betty." Said Veronica as she looks at Betty.

"This isn't. . . Jason would never. . ." Said Cheryl as she tried to finished her sentence.

"It's right there, Cheryl!" Said Betty as she looks so upset.

"God." Said Cheryl.

"Your brother hurt my sister." Said Betty looking so upset." This is what guys like Jason and Chuck think about women."

"Now calm down Betty, maybe all of this isn't really true." Said Serena as she tried to calm down Betty.

"Serena, it's all right there, you are the one that is lucky to not be with them, I mean those boys are perverts!" Said Betty as she explains." We're objects for them to abuse. And when they're done with us, they shame us into silence. They have zero remorse for the lives they destroy."

"Maybe I don't know Jason." Said Cheryl looking upset and Serena hug her.

"I'm so sorry Cheryl, maybe I don't really know your brother either." Said Serena looking upset.

"I'll take a picture." Said Veronica as she took a picture." We'll show it to Weatherbee. It'll be the perfect cover for your expose, Betty."

"Yeah, but No. These girls deserve justice, don't you think, Cheryl?" Said Betty as she looks at Cheryl then look at Veronica." You want vengeance? You wanna go full dark, no stars, Veronica? I'm with you. And I have a plan, are you in Serena?"

Then Serena have started to think about, then she realized that these girl deserves justice, and she nodded and decided to help Veronica and Betty. The next day after school, it was the afternoon, Serena was packing something in her bag, then she received a message from Betty saying that she have gotten Chuck to come to Ethel's place to reveal his true colors. Then as Serena have go downstairs, she saw her mother wearing a white dress and has white heels on.

"Hey mom, are you going somewhere?" Asked Serena as she looks at her mother.

"I'm going to the mayors court for the "Taste of Riverdale" anniversary." Said Sabrina as she smiles." And I promise Fred I will do with him, where are you going?"

"I'm going to go hangout with Veronica and Betty, Betty and I thought that we can try to cheer up Veronica after what Chuck did." Said Serena as she lied.

Serena didn't want her mom to know what she, Betty, and Veronica are going to do, and then Sabrina have smiled at Serena.

"That's great Serena, just please be careful." Said Sabrina as she smiles.

"I will mom, and I hope you will have a great with Fred." Said Serena as she smiles.

Then Sabrina have smiled at her daughter and started to leave to meet Fred, then Serena have started to go meet Veronica and Betty at Ethel's house to get everything ready to reveal Chuck's true colors.

A few hours later, at Ethel Mugg's house, it was night time and Chuck have arrived to meet Betty for their date, then when he knock on the door, the door open revealing Veronica and Serena in swimwear. Veronica is wearing a black bathing suit while Serena is wearing a magenta strapless bikini.

"You two are not Betty." Said Chuck looking confused and shock at how the girls are.

"Betty and I talked it over, and we decided it's time to stop fighting over Archie, and start learning to share." Said Veronica looking sexy.

"And Betty told me that I can tag along, I thought that maybe instead of having fun with one girl, why not have fun with three girls?" Said Serena as she flirts with Chuck.

Then Chuck have started to smirk at what the girls have said, then as he enters the building, he closed the door and followed the two girls to the hot tub.

"Nice." Said Chuck looking impressed.

"Isn't it?" Said Veronica as she enters the hot tub." It gets very, very hot."

"Come on." Said Serena as she enters the hot tub." Let's get wet."

"Uh, should we wait for Betty to get here first?" Asked Chuck.

Then a door began to open revealing a girl wearing a black short wig, she has red lipstick on, wears a black lace bra, a black skirt, and black heels on, but what shock Chuck, Serena, and Veronica is that the girl is Betty in that outfit.

"Betty couldn't make it." Said Betty as she looks at Chuck." So she sent me instead."

That got Chuck to get really shock at how Betty looks but then he didn't care and he took of his clothes and enters the hot tub with Veronica and Serena. Then a few minutes later, the girls were getting the drinks, when Serena and Veronica saw Betty putting something in Chucks drink.

"What is that Betty?" Asked Serena as she looks at Betty putting something in Chucks drink.

"Muscle relaxer." Said Betty as she explains." Mix it with booze and it lowers your inhibitions.
Hello, truth serum."

"Maybe we should slow it down a little?" Asked Veronica looking a bit concerned.

"I kinda agreed with Veronica here Betty, maybe this might be a bit extreme." Said Serena looking also concerned." I mean, we are here to try to reveal Chuck's true colors not to drunk him."

"It's fine." Said Betty as she looks at the two girls." Right, Chuck?"

The girls have turn to see Chuck in the hot tub looking relax and look up to see Betty walking up to him with his drink.

"You don't want to slow down, do you?" Asked Betty.

"Oh, I'm 2 Fast 2 Furious, baby." Said Chuck as he smirks at Betty.

"Good." Said Betty as she looks at Chuck." Good boy, Chuck."

Then Betty have look at Serena to motion her to give Chuck his drink. Then Serena have started to walk up to Betty, then Betty give Serena the cup with Chuck's drink, and Serena have enter the hot tub to give Chuck his drink which have got Chuck to smirk at Serena thinking that she wants to have fun with him.

"Here is your drink Chuck." Said Serena giving Chuck his drink as she acts sexy.

"Oh thank you Serena, how about you and me have some fun?" Asked Chuck as he smirk at Serena.

"First have your drink and then we can have some fun." Said Serena as she flirts with him.

"Well alright then baby." Said Chuck as he smirks at Serena.

Then Serena have started to give Chuck his drink and Chuck have started to drink. Then after Chuck had his drink, he started to get all dizzy and he fainted. Then Serena saw that Chuck is out cold and looks at Veronica and Betty.

"Okay, the muscle relaxer work, Chuck is out cold now." Said Serena as she looks at the two girls.

"Good." Said Betty and she handed Serena two handcuffs." Now handcuff him, I think it's time we get him to reveal his true colors."

Serena have started to get really shock at what Betty told her to do, but then she started to handcuff him, and then she started to get out of the hot tub. Then after thirty minutes, Chuck have woke up feeling really hot, and can't move because he was handcuff.

"What?" Said Chuck as he tried to move." What the hell?"

"Start recording." Said Betty as she looks at the girls and Veronica started to record.

"Hey, guys, it's really hot in here." Said Chuck as he started to feel really hot.

"And getting hotter by the minute." Said Betty as she rises the temperature." Time to squeal, pig, tell the truth about what happened between you and Veronica."

"We had a good time." Said Chuck as he lied." She had a good time."

"The truth, Chuck, or so help me, I will boil you alive." Said Betty as she rises the temperature more.

"What?" Said Chuck I'm confusion." We made out."

"And then?" Asked Serena as she glared at Chuck.

"And then I took her home!" Said Chuck as he tells the truth." And I didn't give her a Sticky Maple."

"That is all you had to say, you ass." Said Veronica as she stop recording.

"And now, everyone will know." Said Serena and Chuck look like he was busted.

"You like shaming people, Chuck?" Asked Betty as puts her foot at Chucks head and pushing him down at the water.

"Whoa, hey. . ." Said Chuck as he tried to breath.

"You like dehumanizing them? Prissy prude by day, freak in the sheets by night?" Asked Betty as she glared at Chuck.

"No!" Said Chuck as he tried to get some air.

"Apologize." Said Betty in a bit of anger.

"Hey, get this. . ." Said Chuck as he tried to breath.

"Betty." Said Serena looking worried.

"Calm down." Said Veronica as she tried to calm Betty.

"Say you're sorry!" Said Betty as she demanded.

"Okay! Okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for all of it!" Said Chick as he apologize and got some air.

"Good job, pig." Said Betty as she grab a bottle of maple syrup." Now, time for your reward. A Sticky Maple of your own."

"Wait! What, what?" Asked Chuck in confusion.

"Apologize for ruining Polly." Said Betty as she held the maple syrup.

"What the hell?" Asked Chuck as he look at Betty.

"Do it, Jason!" Said Betty as she squirted the maple syrup all over Chuck which got Veronica and Serena to get really shock.

"Oh, my God!" Said Chuck as he got maple syrup all over him.

"Say you're sorry for destroying me." Said Betty as she glared at Chuck." Apologize for what you did to me!"

"Look, I'm not Jason!" Said Chuck as he look at Betty." I'm not Jason!

"Betty, that is enough!" Said Serena as she stops Betty and grabs the maple syrup bottle from her hands." Stop, it's over!"

"We did it." Said Veronica." You did it."

Then Betty have started to realize that she have gotten to far and she have started to calm down and then Chuck have started to freak out a bit.

"You are crazy." Said Chuck as he tries to get out of the jacuzzi." Oh, my God! You're crazy as hell!"

"Betty?" Said Serena as she looks at Betty.

"I'm fine." Said Betty as she calms down." We're done here."

That got Serena to get really shock at how Betty is acting, then the next day at school, Betty have exposed the playbook to the whole, and that's how Chuck and his posses have got kicked out of the team and how Chuck started to target Serena.

Serena and Sabrina belongs to me

Riverdale belongs to The CW Show

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