Last Chapter: End of the Line (Series Finale)

This is my very last chapter and this is getting really long. For my exclusive chapter to my followers.




*August - Five days until Jughead gets shot*

Stefan wakes up in the morning when he makes some coffee to prepare for the day.

Stefan: *leaves the house when he gets in the car and drives away*

Damon got out of the shower and changed his outfits after he checked his abs and took his picture on the phone.

Stefan: *drives to Elena's house and waits for Damon to come out*

Damon: *comes out of the house and gets in his car* So, ready for the big day?

Stefan: Elena is sleeping or she's up?

Damon: Sleep. I could barely be taking her out to eat in one night.

Stefan: Give herself a charmed. *drives away*

Damon: It feels like a new beginning.

Stefan: I know. Give me a good-ass smile.

Damon: No.

Stefan: *driving*

Damon: Stefan, why don't you close your mouth and go to sleep.

Stefan: What do you think even care? I can do it with my eyes closed.

Damon: *drives to Blossom's house* There's the place. *gets out of the car*

Stefan: *gets out of the car too*

Damon: Cheryl Blossom made the sketch paint her frames. She can do a lot of worth in her gallery. She couldn't pay it enough.

Stefan: *laughs a bit*

Damon: *knocking on the door*

Cheryl: *opens the door and sees them* Glad you came. Come in, boys.

Elena: *looking out the window at home while the dog comes to her at the window and paddled the dog*

Josie reads more spells throughout the book until Bonnie showed up.

Bonnie: Hey, what's up?

Josie: Study more power. As much as I leave the town until the summer is over.

Bonnie: I will miss you.

Josie: I'm just started my own thing. Bryant is outside doing exercise with Caroline.

Bryant: *shoots the archery*

Caroline: I wondering-

Bryant: Your right about your daughter's advice. I told her to keep control and make good behavior.

Caroline: I agree.

Bryant: We've been going through a hard time for all of these years.

Caroline: *hearing*

Bonnie: *comes outside* We all are. Everybody has gotten loved and hated each other.

Caroline: *nods*

Bonnie: Caroline, remember we first met while we were young?

Caroline: *holds her hand* And, us and Elena we just went to the high school together.

Bonnie: Time flies. Flying makes it easy.

*At Greendale - Warehouse*

Enzo and Alaric carried the money and helped New Kid to reach their final goal.

Cesar: Ok. Everything is what we need.

Enzo: Anytime, Cesar. You gotta care your heavy bag to your car.

Thomas: Exactly what we did. I'll see y'all in a game tomorrow.

Enzo and Alaric leave the warehouse.

Alaric: That was a nice offer. It looks like we need new team members.

Enzo: Let them be. We can still talk to them tomorrow.

Alaric: I have to get back in my place and ask Josie and Lizzie's advice.

*later that night*

Hope and Sean enter the cemetery to see Hayley and Klaus buried.

Sean: Go do your thing. It's your fam. *quietly*

Hope: *hearing* I should hold them for one more time and I'm showing her something.

Sean: *hearing*

Hope: *talking to herself about Hayley and Klaus*

Sean: *listens*

Stefan arrives at Mystic Falls High School.

Elena: *looking at the lockers and classrooms until she saw, Mr. Saltzman on the board*

Stefan: *found Elena*

Elena: *turns around and sees Stefan* Oh my god!

Stefan: Do I realize to making scared the hell out of you?

Elena: Sure you did.

Stefan: I thought you were dead.

Elena: The time is past.

Stefan: I will come back alive.

Elena: Damon gave my life back. You weren't here you were just completely out of nowhere. You didn't help me a lot.

Stefan: I was so stupid and I was provoked.

Elena: *hearing*

Stefan: That is why I'm here right now.

Elena: *hearing*

Stefan: *tries to come closer*

Elena: What are you doing? I am already humanity.

Stefan: My brother will regret it. No time soon.

Elena: Goodbye, Stefan. *leaves*

*Four days until Jughead gets shot*

Caroline woke up in the morning and checked herself in a mirror when she tried to head to the kitchen until she saw TBK.

TBK: *looks at her*

Caroline: Who are you?

TBK: *didn't say*

Caroline: *grabs the lamp and hits it*

TBK: *feels it*

Caroline: *doing her power*

TBK: *feels it*

Caroline: Shit! *quietly and tries to leave*

TBK: *throws her back in the bed*

Caroline: *screams*

Lizzie: *hearing Caroline's echo* Mom? *runs upstairs and checks her room while her mother is missing*

Josie worked at Mystic Falls hospital until Lizzie showed up.

Lizzie: Josie, something is bad. Mom is missing. I heard screaming in the room and I went to the room.

Josie: Who take her?

Lizzie: I don't know.

Josie: Listen, after the game we're gonna find her.

Hope and Sean arrive at Greendale to visit the church and they're walking together and sit down.

Hope: Remember, Bryant was trapped in this church?

Sean: I remember. I realized that I saw you for the first time since town hall.

Hope: Oh yeah I remember.

Sean: That's simple and that's where it goes.

Hope: *got a message from Lizzie and sighs until she puts her phone away* Alright. Stefan and Damon have a secret plan to bring their people back alive since Caroline is missing.

Sean: *hearing*

Hope: But the thing is, we're focused on the team later on and we can straight the same plans.

Sean: Sounds good. I wouldn't be stuck up after my mom died.

Hope: I know.

Sean: *hearing*

FP walked into the town hall and try to meet up with Alice and someone attacked from behind.

Fred drives back to Riverdale.

Tobey collects the medal and puts it in the basement and continues helping Claire.

Alice prepared for the day and still waiting for FP until he arrives late.

FP already attacked and didn't get any blood when he fights someone back before Alice checked on him.

*later that night*

Thomas: That was fun to watch.

Cesar: Salvatore team just staying put.

Luis: Listen, we have enough for the day we're gonna come back tomorrow and grab more things.

*Three days until Jughead gets shot*

FP and Alice are prepared for work today after they eat breakfast while Betty, Charles, and Polly sleeping.

FP: Alice, did you know you become a bad parent?

Alice: *nods*

FP: Suddenly, I was kindly drunk and I just can't control myself. I felt I was gonna lose my wife, daughter, son, and friends, especially you.

Alice: I always defend myself because Hal gives me hard time.

FP: *sighs* Screw, Hal.

Alice: Yeah screw him. He's so vicious and cruel.

FP: Now you speaking my language? *drinking his coffee*

Alice: I wasn't part of you guys because I need to be alone but I was going forward to seeing you. Me, Hermione, and Sierra were a team together for one day.

FP: I hear you.

Alice: Do me a favor.

FP: What's up?

Alice: Can you get my cologne upstairs?

FP: *heading upstairs*

Alice: *watching him until she grabs her purse and leaves the house while she shuts the door quickly before she giggles and walks away*

FP: *comes downstairs and sees Alice is gone and sighs while smiles* OK. Very funny-looking charm. *leaves the house*

Alice: *waiting at the bus stop*

FP: *searching for Alice until the bus driving past*

Alice: *sees the bus*

FP: *starts running*

Alice: *gets on the bus*

FP: *keeps running*

Alice: *sees FP running and walks over to the bus driver* Can I have my money back?

FP: *stops running and thinks about the bus is about to pull away*

Alice: *gets out of the bus and looks at him until the bus is leaving*

FP: *looks at Alice*

Alice: *walks over to him and kisses him*

FP: *kisses her back*

Alice: *keeps kissing*

FP: *keeps kissing*

Alice: We should take a cab to work.

FP: I have hundreds. *smiles*

Alice: *smiles*

Fred working on the construction and sees Hermione.

Hermione: Got any job for me?

Fred: Hermione, what are you doing here?

Hermione: How long have you been doing this job?

Fred: A long time ago.

Hermione: I see...what if you retired because you getting old.

Fred: *thinking*

Hermione: You worked hard. Just take a break for more than a year.

Fred: I couldn't take the blame.

Hermione: Archie and Frank were working in your job.

Fred: Besides, Mary is gonna join us tomorrow night.

Hermione: One night stand for The Midnight Club.

Fred: I wouldn't make embarrassed or struggled. It just takes some time for my personal life.

Hermione: *hearing*

*At Blossom's house*

Penelope: *looking at Clifford's picture*

Dylan: *arrives* Penelope. It's Dylan.

Penelope: *didn't turn around* I am surprised to see you here. Do you know Clifford killed my son on the 4th of July?

Dylan: I heard. And I'm sorry about your husband.

Penelope: Fuck. My. Husband. *quietly* He pulled himself into heaven when he takes a long road in Riverdale. I take care of responsibility for my entire life.

Dylan: *hearing*

Penelope: All I heard is Minka got herself trouble lately. Lost your daughter (Vanessa) and wife (Minka).

Dylan: That's their problem. I didn't even notice who had been an alliance with douchebag Harry. He's a fucking monster. Thanks to him. They're dead because of him!

Penelope: *hearing*

Laura and Justin are in a cafe.

Justin: What are you afraid of?

Laura: *looking at the window* Me and my husband we just hanging around here together since the last time we got out of the cafe, he got killed right over the parking spot. This ain't fair.

Justin: *holds her hand*

Laura: I don't know what the fuck happened. That is such bullshit.

Justin: And you already tell me a whole story after you find out.

Laura: *hearing*

Justin: *kisses her lip once*

Laura: *kisses him back* Justin, come to my house later on. I have to go. *leaves*

Justin: Laura.

Laura: *gets in the car and drives away*

Alex, Julie, and Carter playing Monopoly.

Carter: I almost headed right in front of you, mom.

Julie: You're not gonna chase me into the game.

Carter: *hearing*

Alex: Whose turn is it?

Julie: I'll go.

*later that night*

Tobey and Zurich come out of the corner store at Greendale until the black car driving slowly.

Tobey: *sees the sub-machine gun at the black car* Zurich.

Zurich: *turns around*

Tobey: *tackled him to the ground*

Ghoulies: *shootout and drives away*

Tobey: You got hit?

Zurich: No.

Tobey: *stands up and helped him up*

Zurich: Let's get the hell out of here. *leaving with Tobey*

*Meanwhile - At Pop's*

Alice, Hermione, and Mary are cheering for the milkshake.

Hermione: How do you feeling? *looks at Mary*

Mary: I'm doing good. I'm not getting involved with our relationships. I talked to Fred and we're too different.

Alice and Hermione: *hearing*

Alice: You know, Mary. We are too different. I walked to Peaks Land and stopped at the old diner and we're just having it the same here.

Mary: Our friends we went there a couple of times. I remembered.

Hermione: It looks like we're reunited once again.

Alice: What if the story brings us back?

Hermione and Mary: *thinks*

Archie returns home and sees Tom, Fred, and FP on the couch.

Archie: What's up guys.

FP: Archie. Come over there and have a beer.

Archie: I'm about to go to the kitchen real quick. *heading to the kitchen*

Fred: *got a message from Tobey* Oh crap.

FP: What is it?

Fred: Zurich and Tobey almost got shot in a drive-by with the black car.

Tom: *stands up* Let me go find them. It gotta be Percival or Ghoulies.

FP: Are you sure? You go outside at every last minute.

Tom: I have to do this. *leaves*

*Two days until Jughead gets shot*

*At Peaks Land*

Romeo takes care of a baby with Chloe. She's a girl named Lauren.

Chloe: Romeo, can you go shopping I wrote a few things on the list.

Romeo: Wish me luck. *giving Chloe a baby*

Lauren: *looks at her*

Romeo: Ok everything is all set I'll be back.

Chloe: Ok be careful. *kisses him once*

Romeo: *kisses her back*

Chloe: I have many more options.

Romeo: Ok. *leaves*

*At Jones' house*

Jughead: *walking to the living room and watching the news quick until he hears a knock on the door and opens the door*

Sean and Hope: *sees him*

*5 minutes later*

Jughead: So, what are you guys doing in here?

Sean: We gotta big problem. Ghoulies and some trash mask are out there.

Jughead: Wait, Trash bag killer. That is what it is called. He followed Betty around all the time.

Hope: Josie and Lizzie are still searching for their mother. And it's still missing.

Jughead: I don't know what am I gonna do. I should ask Betty something.

Hope: I'll call her.

Sean: Jughead.

Jughead: *looks at him*

Sean: Figure something out cause we gotta situation.

Jughead: What kind of situation?

Sean: You'll see.

*One day until Jughead gets shot*

The Ghoulies invade Pop's once again and start a shootout. Liv got killed by The Ghoulies and they drive away.

Liv: *dead*

*At Lyons' house*

Zurich: It was a mistake. I didn't push you badly. It went blindside of those guys. Dad, can you listen to me for two seconds? You know, The Ghoulies is out there and they're coming after us. *looks at Tobey*

Tobey: *stands up from the chair and grabs his shirt from the table* Don't you think I know that?!

Zurich: Get the fuck off of me!

Tobey: *released him* Get up. Get up! GET UP!

Zurich: Why do I have a bad choice?

Tobey: I'll tell you what, leave out the town for good. And let this whole town ruin everything and it confesses.

Zurich: Man, fuck you. Fuck you! I fucking hate you! My brother is right about that. You blame him after he has gotten hurt in the past.

Tobey: *hearing*

Zurich: You should never listen to us. You only listen to him from the very beginning including me. Find your ride and you cannot come with me. *leaves*

*At Peaks Land - Romeo's apartment*

Romeo and Chloe laying on the bed together since he's looking at the phone and she's writing the notebook.

Chloe: *looks at his phone* It's early. It's only 12:30.

Romeo: Mmm.

Chloe: What do we have to leave?

Romeo: Another two weeks. The war isn't over. I thought this is over but...the Ghoulies are still here.

Chloe: *looks at him*

Romeo: Do you think I'm crazy? *looks at her*

Chloe: No. We got a baby, we're a couple. There is no mistaking.

Romeo: *feels her face*

Chloe: *kisses him*

Romeo: *kisses her back*

The Serpents hanging out at Pop's until that happened after the shootout.

Toni and Sweetpea: *comes in*

Pop: We're just closing for today.

Toni: It doesn't matter.

Sweetpea: It sure as hell with the Ghoulies?

Toni: I think so.

Sweetpea: Why would they still doing here? Twyla is dead.

Toni: So it's Percival. I don't have a clue to tell y'all.

Sweetpea: Jughead has an idea.

*At Jones' house*

Jughead: What?

Toni: We just walked in, the Ghoulies showed up at Pop's. One person died there.

Jughead: Honestly, Tabitha took a day off and Pop is gonna be delicate.

Toni: Because that is what I thought.

Jughead: We're gonna find those bastards tonight.

Sweetpea: We got the weapons ready.

*At FBI's room*

Betty looking at the other files when she gets a call from TBK and answers.

Betty: Hello?

TBK: Betty, Betty, Betty. I haven't heard your voice for a while. What are you've been doing? Try to stop me?


TBK: couldn't speak for that.

Betty: I am tired of playing nice. It ends here.

TBK: You won't end for me? Tomorrow night. I have some presents for your small town. *hangs up*

Hope: *arrives*

Betty: *breathing*

Hope: It looks like you are afraid.

Betty: It's fine.

Hope: I don't think you're fine. *checks Betty's hand and feels shaking*

Betty: Hope, stop. I don't need your help.

Hope: Lizzie and Josie's mother is missing too.

Betty: I just saw the missing paper.

Hope: You don't screw anything up. You're FBI. Do you think you can capture TBK?

Betty: I tried. He kept following me when I was at Quantico. He's disappeared and I haven't seen him since I got back.

Hope: *hearing*

Betty: I never hold myself back. I was being trapped. *tearing*

Hope: *holds her* We're going to get through this.

Betty: Promise me we're ended him?

Hope: *nods*

*At the community center*

Archie: Ok, listen up. *looks at Carter and KO* You know what happened at Pop's earlier. It sounds crazy but the Ghoulies continue mind games. And they want our ass kicked. For some reason, we're gathering the team and bringing the last chapter. This is our one chance. I would never go out alone to suffer when I get involved or being attacked by someone.

Carter: No offense, what about tonight?

Archie: Not tonight. Tomorrow night. We're just gonna figure something out tonight for the different plan.

KO: I'm in. What are we supposed to do?

Archie: That is what I'm saying.

KO: What are we doing like Batman vs. Superman final battle with Wonder Woman?

Archie: I got to see.

Carter: What about the endgame? Not the relationships.

Archie: *hearing*

Carter: Cause we need to bring Veronica back and let the Core and Double Four together. After Vanessa died before Michelle returns to the town. We gotta put our things together. Us vs The Ghoulies and TBK.

*later that night*

Luis and Polly comes out of the restaurant while they're talking and laughing at each other.

Polly: Thanks for taking me out.

Luis: Anytime. Listen, what if we can move together?

Polly: I have to think about it. I have to stay focused on my parents and my sister. My sister got something going on with her head.

Luis: I'm here to help whether someone is coming for you.

Polly: So it you.

Luis: *hearing*

Polly: Every Ghoulies has the same things as what they doing. This world is going damn psycho.

Luis: I heard what you are saying. I tried to provide you with one thing.

Polly: *hearing*

Luis: I'll take you home. *leaving with Polly*

Mariana: Cesar, my parents are leaving for Italy in the next three days. So I was wondering I can't stay here alone what happened that night.

Cesar: Every town has darkness. We're gonna go to Five Seasons for a couple of nights.

Mariana: Ok. *kisses him*

Cesar: *kisses her back*

FP: *arrives at Pembrooke to visit Hermione* Hermione.

Hermione: Hey.

FP: Can I have a moment?

Archie: *calls Veronica*

Veronica: *answers* Hello?

Archie: Ronnie, can I talk to you quickly. I know you've been busy in the casino.

Veronica: Yeah. What's up?

Archie: You know the town was turning upside down. I pretty much wish I should tell the rest of the Core Four and Double Four since I was gonna ask you honestly. The Ghoulies are still out there and also, we're gonna search TBK to get clear Betty's head off.

Veronica: Remember we're at Pop's for the first time we just sat in the booth together?

Archie: Yeah.

Veronica: We talking about our hope and dreams. And it turns out to be devastating around the town. That town is devil son of a bitch. I wish I can think we can still be friends after all.

Archie: I think we should.

Veronica: *hearing*

Archie: So what are you thinking? Are you joining the team tomorrow?

Veronica: It sounds like a final battle. I'm in, Archie. I'll let you know when I prepare one last stand.

Archie: Sounds great.

Veronica: I gotta go and I love you as a friend.

Archie: Same. *hangs up*

*the next day*

Hope and Sean entering Riverdale.

Sean: Let's make sure where the Ghoulies are at now?

Hope: I bet they would because it will show up right now.

Sean: We can save their tears and cry.

Hope: *smiles*

Sean: For real I don't have time to make excuses. You wanna know, they tearfully down in the town which is we're gonna save the town for the last time. Jughead and Betty they're done this most of the time. This town won't survive.

Hope: It doesn't.

Sean: What about Pop's?

Hope: Well...I was thinking maybe they should move it to Mystic Falls around the corner of the town hall.

Sean: *hearing*

Hope: That's how it works.

Sean: Yeah, good job. *smiles a bit*

Hope: Furthermore, I had more details coming.

Romeo drives to the police station and meets up with Betty and Kevin.

Kevin: He's here.

Romeo: Big day?

Betty: It's always when it wanna be.

Kevin: Did you call Jughead yet?

Betty: Yeah. He's on his way.

*Meanwhile - At Jones' house*

Jughead collected his stuff with the bag until he saw TBK.

Jughead: No fucking way.

TBK: Good afternoon, Jughead Jones. My identity has to reveal. *takes off the mask and it was Reggie Mantle*

Jughead: Reggie?!

Reggie: Let me advise you something. If I ever followed Betty a whole time when I was gonna killed her for a reason? I just wanna give her a present. Because you simply got y'all ass whooped by The Serpents or The Ghoulies! Trash talking around of your friends, eating your favorite meal at Pop's while you typing on your journal about me.

Jughead: Anything you have done, Reggie. You were always trying to prank Mr. Honey and anyone else. You were gonna make Betty turn everyone like this? No. It's your parents doing this shit to you?

Reggie: Why would you say that? I'm talking about Elizabeth Cooper. Remember we hang out at high school.

Jughead: That just passed. What if Veronica doesn't believe you because of you're TBK. I cannot believe you are a trash bag killer. That is how I'm gonna find out right now. *tried to call Betty*

Reggie: *pulls out the gun and points at Jughead*

Jughead: *looks at Reggie*

Reggie: Ends are not bad things, but it means something else, to begin with. You can end the story.

Jughead: *hearing*

Reggie: *shoots him*

Jughead: *got shot in his chest and falls to the ground*

Reggie: *puts the mask back on and leaves while the door is still open*

Archie: *got a message from Unknown*

Unknown: *text* Come to the Jughead's house.

Jughead: *coughs quietly and breathes*

FP cleaned up the kitchen while Alice prepared to go out.

Alice: Ready to show up?

FP: Sure the hell we.

Alice: *opens the door and sees The Ghoulies*

Ghoulie 1: Hey guys.

FP: Fuck.

Ghoulie 2: *knocked them out*

Carter drinking hot coffee at the cafe until Veronica arrives.

Veronica: *sits next to him*

Carter: *chilling*

Veronica: Archie's right. Something drastic needs to happen.

Carter: So, what do you want to do?

Veronica: We want a fight. Let's say...The Ghoulies upon us. Percival ordered them to kill Twyla Twist. And then, they still want us.

Carter: Don't worry about them. All they worry about is TBK.

Veronica: *hearing*

Betty and Romeo are in the mustang car.

Romeo: I cannot go down like this.

Betty: I know. There's something with a crazy plan against the Ghoulies and TBK.

Romeo: Why is he answered?

Betty: I don't know. We have to go to his house.

Romeo: Make sure he's still alive.

Betty: *nods*

Ghoulie 3 & 4 appears and smashed the car window.

Romeo and Betty: *grunts*

Ghoulie 3: *holds Romeo*

Romeo: Shit! No! No!

Betty: Stop!

Ghoulie 5: *punches Betty*

Ghoulie 4: *covers Romeo's head with the bag*

Ghoulie 6: *stabbed Betty's stomach on her left*

Betty: *screams in pain*

Romeo: Betty!

Betty: Romeo! *gets out of the car slowly and sees The Ghoulies drove away after they took Romeo away*

Kevin: Betty! What the hell? *comes outside and runs over to her and checks her*

Betty: It's fine. *shows him with body armor*

Kevin: *breathing*

Betty: Save your chest.

Archie arrives at Jones' house and he saw Jughead.

Archie: Jughead. *runs over to him and checks on him*

Jughead: Archie...*quietly*

Archie: You're gonna be okay. Who shot you? The Ghoulies?

Jughead: was Reggie...

Archie: *shocked*

Jughead: Archie...

Archie: *calls an ambulance*

*5 minutes later*

Betty: *drives Romeo's mustang car and saw the ambulance at Jones' house until she gets out of the car with Kevin and sees Jughead on the ambulance bed* Jughead? Oh my god! Jughead! Look at me! Jughead, talk to me!

Jughead: *looks up at the sky*

Archie: *shocked*

Betty: Jughead...*crying*

Archie: *hugs her*

Betty: *hugs him back and crying*

Archie: Betty, there is something I need to tell you.

Betty: *hearing*

Archie: Reggie shot Jughead. He's the trash bag killer.

Betty: *looks at Archie*

Archie: *looks at Betty*

*At Riverdale High outside*

Zurich and Michelle walked to the spot where they left inside the underground before they left for college.

Zurich: *use the shovel with Michelle*

Michelle: *digging it with Zurich*

Zurich: We forgot something for their stuff.

Zurich and Michelle found two boxes.

Zurich: Nine years ago. We should hold on to it the next day.

Michelle: Let's keep it moving. *leaves with Zurich*

Alex arrives at Smith's house with the door unlocked and he's looking for Julie.

Alex: Julie, I'm here. Julie? *walking around in the kitchen and living room*

Ghoulie 1: *covers Alex's head with the bag*


Hope: Trust me, I will never go any further.

Sean: *carried the bag and comes outside until he saw Ghoulie's truck*

Hope: What the hell?

Ghoulie 2 and 3: *covers Hope and Sean's head with the bag*

*later that night - At the community center*

Romeo, FP, Alice, Hope, Alex, and Laura have tied it up on the chair.

Alice: *wakes up slowly and looks around and sees all of them tied up and she feels tied up before she looks at FP* FP? FP? FP.

FP: *wakes up slowly and looks at Alice*

Alice: We're stuck in the community center.

FP: How do we gonna get outta here?

Alice: I don't know. I should bring that damn knife.

Hope: *grunts* Where the hell are we?

Romeo: Community center.

Hope: *looks at Romeo*

Laura: *sees Alice* Alice?

Alex: *sees FP* FP?

FP: *sees Alex* Alex?

Alice: *sees Laura* Laura?

FP, Alice, Laura, and Alex: What are you doing here?

Hope: All of you four know each other?

FP, Alice, Laura, and Alex: Yes.

Hope: Well, smells like a victory.

Romeo: Look, we need to get outta here fast.

*at Ghoulies' warehouse*

Freya: I'm gonna clash those monsters. Why would the Ghoulies keep hiding from us?

Davina: I have no idea. Did you bring the daggers?

Freya: No? Elijah?

Elijah: Stefan got it. Sean?

Sean: No.

Kevin: *wakes up and looks at them* Who are you guys?

*At Whyte Worm*

Betty: *looks at the entire gang* I'm not gonna lied to you. Every town has a suspect. Whatever it wants. This time, we're gonna save this town one more time. I know you guys are gathering the weapons and preparing, settling the score, breaking our different rules, and doing whatever it takes. We taking to our streets. This is who we have been. Jughead will not be joining us while he's in the hospital after he got shot. This is for Jughead. To declare war. Say it with me, in unity there is strength.

All: In unity, there is strength!

Betty: Say it perfectly clearly. IN UNITY, THERE IS STRENGTH!



All: *cheering loudly and leaving Whyte Worm*

All of the gangs are walking down the street and going to the Ghoulies' spot.

Betty: We're not running anymore.

Veronica: We staying right here whatever we are.

Archie: Admit what you did to Jughead.

Twyla: Admit? Admit? *arrives with the Ghoulies*

Archie: Twyla? I thought you were dead.

Twyla: What do you think?

Percival: *arrives*

TBK: *arrives and takes off the mask*

Betty: *shocked a bit* Reggie Mantle.

Reggie: Did you miss me? *smirks*

Archie: How could you? Why did you shoot Jughead? You almost killed my best friend!

Reggie: Say what you want, Archie. Betty belongs to me when Jughead stole from me.

Betty: Me and Jughead we're FBI partners. Tonight is the night, you will confess that what you did to me while I was doing my job during college.

Reggie: What can I say? I will burn the entire nation including you too. When he died, you are gone.

Percival: That was an amazing story, Reggie. He can do his job. I always stayed Alice after I got beat down either way I was going to die. Like hell, I've been made my superpower.

Veronica: Superpower? Really? It looks like Avengers to me. *laughs a bit* Get a grip, Percival. And you too, Twyla.

Michelle: Time is up my friends. Cause it's time to get your ass kicked.

Lizzie, Josie, Alaric, and the rest of the friends arrive and join with Betty and the gang.

Lizzie: Not even without us?

Betty: Lizzie.

Veronica: *smiles*

Josie: We got your back. *looks at Veronica*

Alaric: I've been waiting for a long time with this.

Archie: Stefan.

Stefan: No questions asked.

Betty and the gang prepared for the last battle.

Percival, Reggie, and the rest of the Ghoulies also prepared for the last battle.

All of the gangs started to fight.

Archie: *fighting the Ghoulies*

Veronica: *punches the Ghoulies*

Ghoulie 1: *fights Bobby*

Carter: *fights Ghoulie 2 and 3*

Michelle: *helped Carter* Trust me. *looks at Carter and fighting with the Ghoulies*

Hermione and Julie: *fights Twyla*

Toni: *punches the few Ghoulies*

Sweetpea: You killed Fangs you motherfucker. *fights Ghoulie 4*

Ghoulie 5: *attacks Archie*

Betty: Ready to die, Reggie?

Reggie: Yeah.

Betty: Behind you.

Reggie: *turns around*

Betty: Just kidding. *punches Reggie*

Reggie: *grunts*

Betty: *keeps fighting Reggie*

Lizzie and Josie: *doing the powers*

Beth and Bryant arrive and gets out of the car with Cesar, Thomas, and Luis.

Beth: TAKE COVER! *pulls out the sub-machine gun and starts shooting*

Boys: *shooting*

Cesar: ZURICH!

Zurich: *runs over to him* What's up!

Cesar: There's more ammo in the car.

Zurich: I gotta find my brother! I think he's in trouble.

Cesar: Wait what? *stops shooting*

Ghoulie 6: *tries to kill Bobby with the knife*

Bryant: *sliced Ghoulie 6's neck and save his brother* Hey brother.

Bobby: *looks at Bryant*

Bryant: *raised his hand to him*

Bobby: *grabs his hand and got up*

Bryant: Let's finish this.

Veronica: *keeps fighting Twyla*

Twyla: *slammed her to the ground* You got to pay for less. *takes out the dagger*

Archie: *on the ground and looks at Percival*

Reggie: *takes out the gun and looks at Betty*

Toni: *fighting Twyla and saving Veronica*

Sabrina and Cheryl: *doing the final power together to defeat Percival*

Reggie: This story is over for you.

Betty: I already got back up over here.

Reggie: What is it?

Agent Drake: *shoots his head surprised*

Reggie: *falls to the ground and dead*

Percival: *dead*

Toni: *sliced Twyla's neck*

Twyla: *dead*

All: *looks at the Ghoulies, Percival, and Reggie*

Archie: It's over?

Carter: It's over.

Michelle: We did it!

All: *cheering loudly*

Betty: Thank you, Cheryl.

Cheryl: Thanks to you, cousin. *hugs Betty*

Cheryl: *hugs her back*

Carter: *looks at Michelle* We did it.

Michelle: Yeah. *smiles*

Carter: This is how it ends.

Michelle: Not for us. *kisses him*

Carter: *kisses her back*

Michelle and Carter kept kissing.

Archie and Veronica hug each other.

After the fight, they're rescued of them.

FP and Alice hugs Betty.

Hope and Sean kissed.

Alex and Julie hugging at each other.

Laura and Justin kissed.

Romeo, Zurich, and Chloe hugging at each other.

*the next day - At the hospital*

Jughead finally wakes up at the hospital and sees Betty.

Betty: *looks at Jughead* The war is over.

Jughead: *hearing*

Betty: *kisses his head*

Jughead: *feels it*

Betty: *looks at him*

*later that night*

Zurich: *pours the coffee into the cup to Archie and KO*

Archie: Thanks, Z.

KO: Does it make you feel different person?

Archie: Maybe.

KO: *hearing*

Archie: I started with the quarterback and now I'm working at the fire station with my grandfather. I was struggling and stressed after I got back from college.

KO: You made a good choice. Ever since you put up all the entire town back where it belongs.

Archie: I just did.

Zurich: Tabitha.

Tabitha: Hey.

Zurich: We should get married the next summer.

Tabitha: We should?

Zurich: Yeah. I should move to Borrasca and start my new life.

Tabitha: I think sounds like a good idea when you move out. You gotta chill out in this town.

Zurich: What about we moving together?

Tabitha: I have to think what I'm gonna do. I worked for my grandfather and I need to help him when I get paid.

Zurich: I agree.

Cheryl said goodbye to Heather, Minerva, and Sabrina.

Romeo and Chloe taking care of a baby.

Hope and Sean brought a new home together.

*Two weeks later*

Jughead, Archie, Bobby, Carter, Romeo, Zurich, CJ, Mario, Kevin, and Sean went to Riverdale High at the same spot where they dropped their stuff before college.

Betty, Veronica, Michelle, Cheryl, Toni, Polly, Tabitha, and Hope arrive too.

Betty: Before we open, there is something I need to tell y'all. I'm leaving next week. Cause I'm going back to Quantico.

Archie: For real?

Betty: Yeah. I have to continue my journey. Returning to my career, to my new hometown. I wish you guys can move on to the next level.

Jughead: Good luck with your thing. I'll be rooting for you.

Betty: *holds Jughead*

Jughead: *holds Betty* I already brought a new home in Alphabet City. I'm gonna take a break from Riverdale.

Archie: I'm about to move to New York with KO Kelly until the end of August. He has something good for me. I'm gonna coach him to his next event.

Veronica: I'm also moving back to New York with my mom so I can become She-Wolf of Wall Street once again. My mom is gonna make return her big screen.

Betty: V, I thought she left the show for good.

Veronica: She changed her mind.

Bobby: I'm about to move to Chicago and start my label so I can sign the record deal.

Carter: *smiles* I'm about to go to Miami. Starting my own thing.

Michelle: Miami?

Carter: Yeah.

Michelle: I wanna go.

Carter: I'm about to move.

Michelle: I know. Ever since I got back from Greece. I wish we just stick together.

Carter: Ok. *kisses her once*

Michelle: *kisses him back*

Zurich: I'm moving to Borrasca on the first day of September.

Romeo: I'm heading back to Atlanta with Chloe and my baby. She's coming right now.

Chloe: *carried Lauren until she walks over to them*

Betty: Your baby is so cute.

Michelle: What's her name?

Chloe: Lauren.

Toni: I should bring Anthony out so he can meet Lauren in one day.

Chloe: Yeah. *smiles*

Archie: She growing up soon.

Chloe: She is.

Jughead: Lauren is gonna be so proud of you and you. *points to Chloe and Romeo*

Chloe: Thanks, Jug.

Romeo: *smiles*

Chloe: I gotta get going. *leaves*

Romeo: See ya.

Jughead: Ok, here we go. *opens the box*

Michelle: *opens the box*

Betty: *takes blue and gold newspaper* Remember we taking blue and gold in high school together, Jug?

Jughead: All the time.

Betty: Of course, I have a bobby pin.

Archie: *picks the football up* That's Reggie's.

Kevin: My musical program with pair of Josie's cat ears.

Veronica: Here's Pop's menu.

Cheryl: My favorite memories. HBIC shirt.

Toni: Pretty Poisons.

Archie: Here's my dad's hammer and my guitar pick.

Bobby: Here's my microphone.

Carter: Boxing glove. I'll fight with this.

Bobby: *found Vanessa's notebook* Vanessa. Miserable betrayal in the past.

Michelle: *picks up the knuckle duster*

Romeo: *picks up the black gloves*

Zurich: *picks up Greendale newspaper* Back in the day from the 1990s.

Betty: Once again, welcome back, Jughead.

Jughead: *smiles*

*later - At Lyons' house*

Claire and Tobey carried their suitcase.

Zurich: Take care both of you.

Claire: We will. Get out of the town. Live your life.

Zurich: *hearing*

Claire and Tobey: *leaves*

Jughead's narrator: So that's the story about two towns, Riverdale and Greendale. Sixteen people leaving the town, and seven people are staying in the town. Seven people are FP, Alice, Cheryl, Toni, Tabitha, Mario, and Michelle. Hermione is heading back to New York with her daughter, Veronica. As she asked Fred wants to live with her and he accepted it. Tobey is leaving for LA with his wife, Claire since they making themselves clear. Alex and Julie are moving out together to Nashville with Laura and Justin as they're hanging out recently. Mariana is moving to Los Angeles as well without saying goodbye to Cesar when she left him the note. He would call her or text her someday when he kept busy. Kevin moves to New York and live in Katy's apartment when he's taking care of Josie after he reunited with her. Polly moved to Alphabet City with Luis as they brought a new home. CJ says goodbye to his brother, Mario when they have always been like a best friend since he moved to Detroit. Romeo moving back to Atlanta with Chloe and their baby, Lauren. As they got their new apartment when Romeo and Chloe have Matt live in his apartment in Peaks Land. Zurich moved to Borrasca when he started his new life. Carter started in Miami when he became real boxing and also, and he is living with Michelle while she is supporting him. Bobby moved to Chicago and started his music career. Archie is also moving to New York and living with KO when he becomes a boxing coach. Betty went back to Quantico and continues her legacy. As for me, I continued with the book as I'm done with my first story. This ain't about the ghost town, it's about the real town. The town of Riverdale and Greendale was never the same.

Romeo and Zurich take the stage outside of Pop's with one performance song.

That's a wrap!!!

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