chapter fifteen


After the morning everyone had just had the lair was silent. A few hours had gone by before there was life in the seating area again, Mikey had just come back from sewer boarding. Throwing his skateboard down by the couch and slumping himself on the cushy comfort he began lazily watching TV. Donatello overheard the TV from his lab and decided to go and see who it was when he exited his lab he had a warm greeting from Mikey

"DONNIE Dude! Yo how's it goin' bro?"

Finishing rubbing his eyes Donatello wearily smiled as he shuffled over to little brother

"Hey Mikey,... went out on your board huh?"


The two siblings finished dead in the conversation as Leonardo exited the meditation room looking very distressed he stopped and asked his question in a sincere tone of voice

"Where is Raphael and Keya?, I owe them an apology"

Donnie grunted looking away he still wanted to smash the leaders lights out. Mikey on the other hand sneered giving the unpopular brother a rather cold look

"Damn right ya do!"

Leonardo looked to the floor shamefully trying to keep his mind clear. Mikey rolled his eyes seeing Leo meant what he wanted to do and not just have another go at the young couple the baby brother decided to tell him

"Last I saw of them they were up in the topside warehouse"

Leo thanked Mikey with a smile and a slight nod of his head then swiftly entered the elevator to seek his brother and hopeful still friend Keya.


Top side, warehouse...

As the elevator doors opened a loud sound of heavy metal music was blasting. The young leader was fluttering and wince his eyes as the noise bellowed in his ears he saw Raphael and Keya around the Black heavy metal Motor Bike (the rebellious brothers pride and joy!) doing some work on it.

Raphael was laying on his side tinkering with the bikes under belly and not knowing much about bikes Leo watched a few seconds before making his move. Keya was leaning with her elbows on the black leather seat watching Raph and was talking to him at the same time while also handing him the correct tools he needed.

"How they managed to talk through this racket, was beyond me!"

Thought the blue clad turtle. Eventually Leonardo's face fell brave and he got the courage he need as he made his way silently over to the C.D player and turned the music off. The laughter from the other two attending the bike came to a devastating holt at the death of the music. Looking to the C.D player Keya stood up straight just as Raph sprung himself up off the ground

"Leo?!?!, what the FUCK! do yer think yer doin?!?!"

Stressed Raphael all ready aroused in anger at the sight of his leader brother as he threw the tool he was holding to the floor before it ended up going in the blue clad turtle's direction. Leo held one hand up half way and showed an sincere expression that he was here for another reason ... other than to fight

"Wait Raph, please..."

Hearing the desperate plea in Leonardo's voice Keya and Raph's interest's grew as to why Leonardo was here. Leo stopped and lowered his hand looking at them both and his glare alone showed why he was here

"Raph, I.."


Snapped Raph not wanting to hear one of Leonardo's lame apology's as he stormed over to the C.D player by his leader and turned the music back on even louder.

Leo's eyes winced at the defining high pitched guitar being strung away like a cats tail being jammed in a door repeatedly and watched as Raph stamped back to the bike getting back on the floor and continued what he was doing as though he wasn't there no more.

Leo shook his head and stood there. A few seconds later the music went off again and not looking to Leonardo, Raphael slammed his tool to the floor a second time then aggressively snapped as he sat up to look to his older brother


The angered turtle's eyes widened as he saw it was Keya that had turned off the music that time and not his overly annoying fearless leader. Raph grunted in contempt knowing that Keya wanted to hear what Leo had to say, he looked away and Keya spoke looking at the leader turtle with questionable angry eyes


Keya ordered in a very firm controlling voice. Leo looked from Raph to Keya and began holding his tone meaningful

"Keya, I'm very sorry for what I said and the way I looked at you earlier, it was very disrespectful, I regret every word and look I gave you, it was wrong of me and you did not deserved to have been dragged into mine and Raph's conflicts,"

Keya nodded in agreement then spoke in a dark cold tone

"Your right, I did not deserve such a manner of which you showed me earlier!, However, I do feel your apology is true and I accept it."

Leonardo bowed his thanks to Keya and she nodded in response of welcome. Standing up Raphael stood there with his feet shoulder length apart and his arms folded tightly while scowling. Leo looked up at Raph and grit his teeth hard as his mouth was shut he released the presser of his teeth trying to swallow the big lump that had built up in his throat and walked slowly towards Raphael. Keya could feel the tension screaming in the room but watched as Leo approached Raph hoping he was up for listing now

"Raph, I really am sorry for what I said to Keya and I shouldn't have hit you back after your assault,"

Raphael snarled with a half smile

"I hardly think it was an assault!, but yer right ya shouldn't have said what yer said ta Keya, it's none of ya business that she stayed with me last night!"

Leo nodded in agreement to what Raph said

"I know Raph"

His tone was sorry as was his expression

"And like I said, I am sorry and it will never happen again!"

Raphael let himself relax and dropped his arm to his side slowly. Keya feeling the mood of tension fading walked over to the 2 brother and stood next to Raph where he intentionally pulled Keya in close to him. He looked to Leo then ridged his brow giving a look as if to say 'Yer forgiven, but I've got a question I want answering'.

Leo slightly smile at the 2 standing together knowing that Raphael had not a care in the world of what he might think of the situation however...

"What's the situation on, Master Splinter"

Raphael asked his question holding a firm tone of voice

"Has he said anythin' to you about us and how he feel's?"

Knowing not only how Master Splinter felt but also about the plan He and his Sensei had cooked up to get rid of Keya made Leo's head go numb with pain and a vast amount of sickness boiled up inside him at the way Raphael asked his question, his tone of voice was so calm yet secretly worried at the same time.

Seeing the way Raph held Keya close to him so gently and warmly reminded him of what Donatello told him last night. He dose love her and he's so open about it by the way he had his arm around her showing that he was not ashamed of it.

Leo paused as the plan silently flashed its way through his head, he stopped and looked to Raph and Keya having his head screaming and his heart yelling out 'Don't Do This Leo!'. Freezing in his thought the blue clad turtle just stood there dazed

"Leo? Are you okay?"

A soft warm hand touched his arm having Leo snap back to the question Raphael had asked and he looking to the couple. Slowly the young leader began to shake his head as he backed off from the 2 muttering under his breath

"I don't know.... I could find out if you like?"

Raphael and Keya felt Leonardo go suddenly strange. The red clad turtle ridged his brow and spoke slyly calm

"No, no it's alright, if he's said nothing to you about it then maybe he's alright with it, me and Keya will go talk to him later"

"Yeah sure that's fine with me..."

Reassured Keya in a cheery tone. Leo faked a fast smile and gave a slight nod of his head

"Okay then, I'm going to go to the dojo room for five, I'm kinda getting a little sick of not being able to go out at night's right now. I might go have a chat with Sensei about that"

"Finally! Ya makin sense!"

Cheered the temperamental turtle making his approval known at Leo's little thought. The blue clad ninja chuckled wavering his hand

"Okay Raph, calm down"

And finally two brothers had a somewhat form of laugh together for a brief moment just to ease the pressure of what had happened that morning. Leonardo gave a small wave as he turned to the elevator and left. Keya looked to Raph

"Hey that reminds me, I've got my last lesson with Donnie today"

"Yeah then yer got ya lesson's with me, so ya better be ready"

Raphael warned Keya in a playful tone as he nuzzled her hair, Keya lightly punched him in the arm and smiled

"Ahh like that worry's me, I could take ya down with in a matter of seconds..."

"WHAT!?!? Ooo right that's it, come on, you me Dojo room now,"

Laughed Raph as he walked past grabbed Keya by the wrist and pulling her along. The young female played along and sarcastically spoke before the elevator doors closed

"Oooo! I just love it when you take charge, so aggressive..."


Lair, Master Splinters Bedroom...

Standing by Master Splinters bedroom Leo took in a deep breath and knocked the door

"Come in, my son..."

Called the calming tone of Splinter. Leo grit his teeth and clenched his fist's before entering and relaxed. Walking over to Master Splinter who was kneeling on a cushion meditating the young turtle silently dropped to his knees with a resounding sigh

"Master Splinter .... I... I can't do what we discussed, I can not take Keya away from my brother"

Still with his eyes closed Splinter replied soothingly as he was intrigued

"Why is that, Leonardo?"

Leo looked to the floor knowing the answer and it sounding so bitterly in his head but nonetheless he close his eyes as he answered holding a gentle tone of voice

"Because he's in love with her, Sensei"

"Ahh... but what of your feelings towards her?"

Prompted the elderly rat. Leo opened his eyes after taking a moment to think about the question and he answered in a firm tone of voice

"My feelings are of no importance Master, I do care about her a great deal but I do more so about my brother and his happiness... The fact she is human and he is a turtle of sort has no effect to them in how they feel towards each other... I can see this now and I can not do as we have discussed"

Splinter gave Leo a small nod and opened his eyes he was thrilled by the answer his leader son gave and spoke his congratulations

"Very well Leonardo, the matters of which we discussed are of no longer a concern, you have done well My son, I am proud!"

Leo's heart nearly stopped hearing his master's words as his eyes jolted to Splinter and his brow ridged in confusion


"You are all approaching your last teen birthday my son"

Softly explained the elderly rat

"Very soon you will all be young adults, this has been some what of a test to see what you listen to if needing to make a decision of your own. I merely placed the pressure with in you of what you should follow and you followed your heart not your brain. I do not care she is human, I Hoped that one day you and your brothers would find a companion and I knew she would be human..."


Interjected Leo his tone stressing he was not happy

"Master Splinter, your telling me what you said and the call to Japan and ... and, everything! Was, ....this was Just a sick TEST?!?!?"

Splinter rolled his son's words over for a bit then answered with a soft nod and motionless expression

"Yes, my son..."

Leo snapped furiously at his father

"So what if I had gone through with it! What if I did do it! Huh?!?! what then! What would you have done? Do you have any idea how CRAZY ALL THIS HAS BEEN MAKING ME!"

Splinter raised his hand softly asking Leo to calm down then replied still holding that calm tone

"I knew you wouldn't in the end Leonardo, because you are strong, loyal, caring and much more, you have past the test of loyalty, love and compassion, you will make a fine leader once I am gone, Leonardo,"

Splinters last sentence hit home and Leo's anger faded into worry

"What? What are you talking about Sensei what do you mean gone?... there's nothing wrong with you is there?"

The young turtles tone was fearful and obviously worried but Splinter merely shook his head as he responded

"No Leonardo, but one day my candle will burn out and a new one will light with you as the new Master"

Leo's eyes began to glazed with tears at his fathers words and in preventing his Sensei from seeing how upset he was the young turtle hung his head down in a bow before the young one stood to his feet with his eyes shut and whispered

"Thank you father"

Before tuning and dismissing himself


Leo stopped as he got to the door and responded to his Masters call with out looking to him

"Yes, Sensei?"

"Send Raphael here, I've got a few words I need to speak with him"

Leo looked back to his Father giving him a slight nod

"Of course, Father..."

Exiting the room the blue clad turtle shut the door softly before leaning up against it and took a deep breath allowing the past few days to just wash over him and his worries melt. He did feel annoyed at his Sensei for teaching a lesson in such a harsh manner, though the thought of losing Master Splinter gave Leo a deep dark feeling and his secret wish was that when Master Splinter goes so dose he. The thought of having to carry on in Sensei's foot steps made him feel slightly sick and Leonardo knew that his brothers wouldn't look up to him the same way they look up to Splinter.

Shaking his head to perish the thought Leo sighed and went to get Raphael as his Father had asked. Heading towards the elevator Leonardo heard a loud cry of attack and it sounded like Raph but then he heard Donnie's voice and so curious, Leonardo went to the Dojo room,


Lair, Dojo Room...

"RIGHT OKAY!, Yer gettin' good I can see that, but can yer see this!?!?!"

Raphael hollered as he jumped in and kicked Keya's and Donatello's weapons from their hand's before finishing up with a fast kick to Donnie's plastron causing him to double over and ending his rampage with his right Sai inches away from Keya's throat. She stood still and stared at him in defeat, the room fell still and the only noise's that was made was the fanatic training breaths of the 3 on the Dojo floor. Leonardo slowly clapped his hands getting their attention

"That was a nice finish Raph, Mind if I have a turn?"

There was a definite challenge to his tone and question. Raphael pulled back from his fighting stance and helped Donnie back up while ridging a brow he shrugged

"What, you an me?"

"Sure why not?, I mean we haven't had a nice train of practice for awhile so why not?"

The red clad turtle eyed his leader a moment seeing a slight hindrance of arrogance in Leo's pose and tone of voice and instantly there was a flavour of animosity thrown into the mix. Raph snorted going to his place

"Alright, I suppose it wouldn't hurt,......Much"

The challenge was on!. Keya and Donnie cleared the Dojo floor and set off to the side lines only having Donatello mutter under his breath

"This is not gonna be pretty..."

While he and Keya took a kneel on the observing mat Raph and Leo both stood in front of each other. The blue clad turtle regarded Donatello

"Donnie, would you be the ref?"

The gentle turtle gave a slight nod of the head and Leonardo drew his Katana's gracefully having the dramatic sound of that glancing steel slice through the air. Raphael rolled his eyes already holding his Sais and took his fighting stance. Donatello waited till they were both ready then called out


Keya watched while holding her breaths, her eyes didn't blink as she was just waiting in powerful anticipation for the first one to move. And so it came...

Like a flash Raphael attacked, quickly Leonardo defended and the crash of steel echoed the room, pulling back fast Raphael regained his position as Leonardo sprung off the floor and spun himself as well as his blades in the air as he came towards his competitor. The red clad turtle quick on the mark dropped to one knee holding his Sais up in a defending X shape catching Leonardo's blades and pushed him back with force. Raph jumped and kicked Leo in the side of the head knocking Leonardo off balance for a split second. Leo shook his head to gain his bearings and caught sight of Raph going in with a punch but swiftly! pulling back the leader turtle dodged the fist and side kicked his brother plastron.

Raphael fell back at the kick and caught his breath. The two brothers were well worked up now as they gripped their weapons with force and breathing going like a freight train, animosity was become intense and highly obvious to the pacifist observer.

Twirling his Sais and narrowing his eyes while grinding his teeth Raphael scanned Leo for his next attack, Leonardo watched with caution as their breaths were frantic and movements swift, the young leader gripped his Katana's with more force.

Fast as lighting Raph jabbed his Sais forward towards Leo but as though he saw it coming Leonardo stepped back fast and laughed

"Ha,.... your getting sloppy"


Retorted the tempered ninja as Leo began to taunt him his anger raised. The young leader front flipped over Raph skilfully and following with the speed of sight the temperamental turtle calculated to the precise moment of his leader's landing and did a powerful round house kick to Leo's plastron just as he hit the floor with his feet.

Leonardo was kicked back at a distance hitting the Dojo wall with force knocking a few weapons to the floor from their display. Looking back up with a slight growl Leo watched Raph as his famous smug arrogant smile shone through

"HAHAHA..., come on Fearless, who's sloppy now?"

Leo pounced back to his feet as Raphael returned to his fight stance ready for the assault and giving his Katana's a fast skilful twirl Leonardo ran at Raph slicing his blades through the air missing his brother by inches. Raph ducked back and defended some attacks with his Sais and the speed Leo was attacking matched the speed Raph was defending at. Each time Leo swiped at his brother forcing more effort and speed into his movement not giving Raphael a chance to counter the leader mocked as he continued the onslaught

"Funny thing about anger and arrogance!, let it consume you and soon enough..... You lose sight of every thing..."

with his concentration dead set on dodging the razor Katana's the red clad turtle had left himself open to a flaw and with one swift move Leonardo did a floor sweep tripping Raph up and lading him flat on his shell and in the exact speed he did the sweep the red clad turtle had very little idea as to what had just happened. Nevertheless... Leonardo now stood victorious with his Katana's holding Raph in a submission of an x shape across his neck having his Katana's embedded into the floor. Raph looked up at Leo glaring at the smug blue clad turtle looking down at him... now that he was defeated.

Donatello and Keya watched in shock to how fast Leo had turned things around. Raphael scowled at his big brother as he held the blades steady stopping him from getting up from this humiliating defeat! while Leo merely looked to Donnie awaiting the announcement. The pacifist softly cleared his throat before exclaiming

"And the winner is, Leo"

With a nod of acknowledgement the turtle of victory drew his Katana's back from the ground allowing Raph to get up. As the young red clad turtle got up his temper was flaring by the way Leo won and then deliberately held him prison while waiting to hear he had the match pissed the tempered turtle off!.

Raph's fist's were clenched tight along with his teeth. The temperamental turtle hated losing but even more so... to Leonardo. Sheathing both their weapons Sais and Katana's they both bowed respectfully to one another indicating the match was over. Donatello and Keya walked over to the two brothers and Donnie congratulated with a few claps

"Well that was a good match!"

"Whoa, hell yeah it was like ... well it was? Err... I don't know but it was awesome! I've got an adrenalin rush just watching ya"

Enthusiastically praised Keya. Leo smiled and Raph grunted,

"Yeah, sure!"

Keya laughed as she went to gently hold her hand to Raph's face

"Aww... don't worry, you will get him next time"

Raph jerked from her simple touch and swiped her hand out of the way

"Ahh..Shut up!"

He snarled glaring at her, he hated to be patronised. Keya's smile died instantly having Donatello step in

"Hey Raph! Don't talk like that to Keya"

Raphael sniggered and violently pushed Donatello

"What now your gonna get in my face!"

Keya grabbed Donnie and moved him aside stepping in close to Raphael as she snarled back showing no fear

"NO!, I AM!"

And with one swift fast blow the female punched Raphael in the jaw knocking him to the floor shouting in anger as she jabbed her finger down at him


Raph's head snapped back to Keya's direction as the shock of what just happened hit him, his eyes narrowed and he pounced back to his feet scowling at her as she sent the look right back both with clenched fist's and clamped teeth,


Keya ordered through her clamped teeth. Donatello and Leonardo was on guard watching their unpredictable brother. Raph waited a moment still glaring at her and suddenly realised what he had done but he was too angry to apologize right now so with a raging growl he stormed out of the room needing to clear his head.

Leo and Donnie both let out a relieved sigh. Raphael had never hurt a woman or child before but there is always a first time and truth be told Leo did actually think Keya was going to be seeing stars for a moment there. Donatello tapped Keya's shoulder to see if he was seeing right as he spoke sounding amazed

"Holy Hell!, she's still here!, Leo look she's also alive..."

"I can see that Donnie... , Keya that was very brave but overly stupid!...."

Stressed Leo. Keya relaxed and looked to them both with shocked eyes, she couldn't believe she just done that neither. She felt sick and wanted to apologise to Raph but something told her she was in the right and so she then tried to play it cool and placed one hand on her hip

"Hey no one talks to me like that and gets away with it! And what do ya mean stupid, sorry guys you maybe scared of Raph, but I'm not,"

Leo looked to Donnie with a half smile and sighed to Keya's sentence

"Yeah you just proved that...and we're not scared"

He added with a slightly look of arrogance. Keya took in a deep breath easing her self to calm down,


She said dropping the situation

"I'm gonna go play a few games with Mikey, any of ya wanna come and get trashed by me?"

Donatello laughed then and before he knew it he was hugging Keya

"What was that for?

She asked in a confused tone holding an expression with it. Donnie smiled softly as he spoke meaningfully

"Keya, you're a good friend, I Love you!"


The young female was slightly taken back by that but nevertheless she gave a confused smile back with a raised eye brow while giving him a funny look, she had found out of all four of them Donatello was definitely the weirdest, he had some crazy moment's, but she didn't mind, he was a sweetheart,

"... Yeah thanks Donnie, you're a good friend too well all of you are, and I love you to ... now are ya guys coming for a good butt kicking in the world of video games Or what?"

"Sure, we will be right out Keya, I just need a small chat with Donnie first"

Assured Leo. His tone was a slight chuckle.


They watched as Keya left,

"Ball's of steel that one, she dose make a good match for Raph..."

Leo mumbled jokingly. Donatello couldn't help but giggle a little before he turned serious

"What do you want Leo?"

The young leader took in a breath then sighed as it released

"The plan is off, I'm not taking Keya away..."

He informed and Donnie's face fell into shock at what he heard


He exclaimed as he jumped unintentionally with excitement. Leo shook his head lightly smiling and before he knew it Donatello grabbed him into a big hug of excitement then questioned


"I spoke with Sensei about it and it turn's out after I told him I couldn't do it, it was all just some test .... A bit of a sick one but I past it nonetheless,"

Donatello let go of Leo still with a question he had to ask

"But why? What made you change your mind?"

Leo smirked and rolled his eyes

"Aww come on Donnie, if that show back there wasn't enough to convince you Raph and Keya belong together then what will?"


Exclaimed the purple clad turtle

"So you admit it, they do love each other............... in a strange kind of way but the love's still there!"

Grinned Donnie. Leo laughed slightly folding his arms

"Yes Donnie I admit it, oh and the whole human and turtle thing..... Yeah, Master Splinter knew that one day one of us was going to get a human girl friend and he knows that one day we will all have human girl friends, he then kind of trailed off in his words but I knew what he said..."

"What he say?"

Looking to the floor with a little embarrassment Leo answered coyly

"He said what we chose to do together as a couple is none of his business..."

Donatello's eyes widened

"So it is possible to have a full relationship with a human?"

Leo shrugged before he discussed the matter

"Apparently ..., I mean it dose kind of make sense we are more human than turtle despite our lump of a shell and chest plate along with green skin and only two toes and 3 fingers including thumb, we are pretty much human and if Raph can land a girl like Keya, I want to know what he done.."

Lecherously grinned the blue clad turtle. Donatello playfully punched Leo's arms sniggering

"Hey. Well I'm glad Keya's staying....."

the purple clad turtle turned serious as he continued

"....Although if Raph try's to treat her like that from earlier she won't be here for long..."

Leo frowned to the floor as he mused sullenly

"Yeah well Raph's got a habit of not knowing what he's got till it's too late but I'm sure everything will work out..."

Smiling up at Donnie Leo questioned

"So are we okay now?"

Donatello laughed and pulled Leo in for a gentle hug of forgiveness

"Of course we're okay!... SHE'S STAYING!."

He announced pulling back from the hug and the two brothers left the Dojo room to join Keya and Mikey in the world of video games.


Top Side...

Running the rooftops Raphael cursed as he ran trying to calm himself down, he was heading for Casey's and Aprils as they normally know what to say when he gets like this, but it was the way Keya looked at him that got on his nerves more, not the fact he had lost to Leo (Again) or the fact she hit him but the look she gave while's doing it.

He could see it hurt her and it hurt him to not only physically but mentally, he didn't mean to snap at Keya and he knew he done wrong from the moment he spoke down at her like that but his big headed male pride and arrogance shot him down from returning an apology. Raphael stopped just 1 block away from Casey's an Aprils apartment and he began to pace back and forth on the buildings roof before completing his destination point, he stopped and muttered to himself as he stressed

"Gahh..! I really am a fuckin idiot! Why did I snap at her like that?!?! she didn't deserve that! , Aww... Keya, I'm sorry... all ya had since ya been there is a lode of abuse from me when I didn't want to drink that fuckin tea! Then Donnie when he was testin' ya reflexes but I'm sure that was an accident. Yer gettin' nasty looks and horrid words spoken to you by Leo and no doubt Master Splinter gave her a few nasty looks this morning and then from me once again! Fuck she must feel real fuckin wanted in that fucked up little place I call home.... No!!! I'm gonna go to Casey's an Aprils for five then I'm gonna go home and make it up to her, ... some way"

He promised himself. The night sky flashed with lightening shortly followed by a clap of thunder then rain. Raphael looked up as the rain fell down hard and he squinted his eyes as he stood there a few minuets letting the rain wash over him and help calm him down. Lowering his head he gave it a fast shake making excesses water fly off as he narrowed his eyes at the apartment he wanted to visit and headed towards it.

Thoughts ran though Raphael's head as he strolled in the rain towards the apartment about how lucky Casey was having a girl like April, it did kind of make Raph think what April saw in Casey but hey there again what dose Keya see in him?.

Raphael shook the unpleasant thought about his best friend from his head, they were the first humans the young turtle had came in contacted with at a young age of 15 and they really made an impression on him. The hot tempered turtle kind of grew up hating humans his whole life.

As far as he could see they were nothing but low life cheating scum that made his life hell, it was their fault he and his brothers couldn't go out and live happily in a nice top side house with clean fresh air, nice warm clean water and have sun light shone upon them basically... the luxuries of life. But then his opinion towards them change once he saved April from a bunch of no good foot ninja and met Casey one night in the park as he was making his way home from a movie he had just watched at the cinema.

They kicked 7 bells out of each other of course but that's what made them such good friends, they were similar in the way they acted and the way they thought. Casey and Raphael were like the brothers that never were, Casey was the older slightly smarter one, though it never felt it on times and Raphael was the young rebel teenager. They were made to be friend although now as the years have gone by Raphael really envied Casey, he was human, had a nice girl, nice apartment, steady day job, now engaged and perfectly happy. The red clad turtle stopped and sighed at his thought then whispered to himself

"Yeah there both lucky to have each other and I'm very lucky to have Keya"

He stressed to himself

"I'm gonna make sure she knows that! And do anything she wants to make it up to her....."

Finishing what he said with a smile and a lecherously laugh thinking about a few things of good practise he continued. He could see the window was open and the lights were off, Raph rolled his eyes and thought

"Amateurs... they should know by now not to leave the window's open at night"

Jumping over to the roof of the apartment Raphael jumped down on to the fire escape ladders and stealthy climbed down to the open window and climbed inside however!, suddenly a hard cold thick foul stink hit him forcefully and sent chills through him

"WHOA! What fuck is that!?!?!"

He gasped muffling his nose and wincing his eyes. Raph shook his head as he forced himself to get use to the smell, he scrunched his face a little and heard a faint tap or thud noise like something banging the wall in the corner


Raphael's interest grew as it continued the noise



Still with his face a little scrunched up Raph moved closer to the noise and not thinking to clearly he tripped over a chair landed on shattered glass and broken bits of wood

"Ahh...FUCK! what the hell!?!?!?!, GOD DAMN IT!"

He snapped, as he hadn't noticed the room was actually trashed


The noise continued. Raphael hissed pulling himself back up wincing slightly as he had cut his leg on the broken glass, he continued moving slowly feeling the floor lightly with his foot before he moved. His foot was searching for a clear bit's of ground as Raph advanced closer,

"What the hell happened here?"

He questioned just under a whisper and the thick stench was getting stronger as the young red clad turtle got closer. He began to see a figure swaying slowly back and forth in the darkness but still not able to make it out as he moved closer


Reaching out for the moving object he spoke unnervingly


A large flash of lighting lit up the room revealing the swinging figure and state of the place. Raph jolted his hand back in a heart beat, his heart and whole self had stopped dead at what it was. This was it, the time Splinter had feared for Raphael had came. Upon setting eyes to his friend's hanging corps Raph's emotions hit the roof and control was not longer a power he possessed of his emotions


Raph screamed at the vicious sight he saw and was definitely not prepared for!. Casey was hugging with his wrist's bounded together and his knee caps missing, his throat was slit and his eyes half open showing no colour in them just blood shot murky greyness in the dimly lit room. Raph panicked and throw a Sai at the rope cutting Casey down. The corps dropped with a thud and immediately in a normal reaction of utter shock Raph grabbed Casey and pulled the rope from around his neck in some way hoping he was still going to be alive,

"Casey! Casey, buddy! Casey, no please!!, say something!!! CASEY!"

His mind hadn't comprehended his friend was dead as he was screaming for him to say something anything, the teenager would have been happy as long as he said something!.

Tear's had long since broken from his eyes at the state of his friend's mutilated body, he felt cold and stiff and his knee's had collected some kind of parasite eating on his rotting flesh. The red clad turtle spat out a panic


The turtle teen cradled Casey tightly in like he was a child. Dead blood fell from his neck over Raph's arms and plastron. The red clad turtle hugged Casey in so close, his whole self was shaking in fearful adrenalin, his heart twisting in utter pain as he grimaced and felt it wrench his very soul. Raph buried his face into Casey's neck not realising blood was getting smeared over his face... not caring. Tears streamed down the red clad turtle's cheeks as he held the mutilated corpse of his best friend


Raph weakly cried out as he squeezed harder on the soft squishy cold body and he felt his arms sting as blood of his very own followed through. Looking to what cut him he found ninja shurikens embedded in Casey chest, Raphael's emotion ran higher as he felt powerfully sick, angry, scared and his stomach pounded and contracted causing him to gagged. He looked up to the living room door weakly calling out


He blinked in realisation and shocked to hell he though maybe she wasn't there but another half told him different... he gasped shaking his head

"No ... please, please no... April please don't be here!"

He begged as he gently released Casey's cold corps and got up slow with a sudden stumble and vomited. He spat and gagged up the sick nearly falling to the floor Raph pushed himself to remain standing as he edged himself to the living room door still gagging, heaving and coughing, he could heart his heart pounding hard against his plastron as he got closer to the door.

The second he opened it another thick stink of death filled his lungs, only it was more smoke filled, it was thicker, much thicker than the one in the living room. The smell knocked Raph for six immediately having him cough and heave trying to keep control of his stomach while he raised his arm over his bloodshed face to try and filter the smell,

"GOD, ... Please,... Please no!"

He pleaded but something deep inside him told him different and that he could plea all he wanted... it was not going to change a thing!. The turtle sobbed as he moved slowly to the one room he hoped she wouldn't be in but a part of him knew she would be if she had been here for the attack. He stopped still with tears running slowly from his eyes and paused to wiped them before slowly pushing the bedroom door open.

The room let out an even thicker stink and cloud of smoke having the teenager shaking with fear, anger and hurt. His knees grew weak with what he might find in there. Tears fell again as he moved forward and looked around the door for a split second


Raphael gagged and spewed up instantly. He had found April alright or what was left of her, she was bound to hers and Casey's bed stripped and no doubly raped before she was set on fire.

Not being able to look at her or stay in that room another second Raph clawed his way out of the room and down the hall back to the living room. After what he just saw and seeing Casey again he couldn't control it. They young turtle spilled his guts big time.

Coughing and chocking up vomit he wiped his mouth with his unsteady shaky hands. He had to leave! Raph needed some air! he couldn't stay there another second!. Raphael grabbed the Sai he used to cut Casey down and headed for the window, falling out the window onto the fire escape he weakly climbed the ladder up to the roof sobbing in agony as he crawled on his hands and knees trying to stand. The rain lamping down on him washing the dead blood off him enhancing the stick of death that was on him.

He couldn't stand as he was too weak in shock and grief,... his anger began to take over and his breathing went from fast to frantic. Raphael was getting close to passing out as he felt extremely light headed.

The rain flooded down and the thunder crashed over the city, feeling he was going to be sick again Raph doubled over and heaved but nothing came, nothing could come as he had emptied himself all in the apartment... not even the bitter acid liquid could come since there was no more of that to give at the moment. He heard a hissing sound behind him and like the thunder Raph's eyes shot open to a flash of lighting sensing the second mutant turtle hybrid.

The hissing and growling got closer and the overly pissed turtle's heavy breathing kicked up as it was with swift force he gripped his Sais in a rage like none before, twisting himself sharply to look at the beast Raphael jumped in a swift flip over the beast. Landing perfectly the raging red clad turtle violently and aggressively kicked and snapped the beasts legs showing no mercy to the creature. The turtle hybrid screamed in agony slumping to the floor with the resounding crack of its broken limbs now at Raphael full mercy however... mercy was not one to come from such a turtle.

Raphael pounced at it slamming the turtles head against the hard cold wet concrete floor, its head bounced back and Raph screamed out in pure rage as he looked the creature deep in the eyes and watched as the eyes of the turtle hybrid froze in fear,


He held both Sais in the air with hard strong hand shaking grips he slammed them down into the creatures neck and began pulling them back out and digging them back in with immense force. The teen repeated this as the creature stopped struggling and moving, tears streaming from Raphael's eyes and blood splattered all over him from the neck of the creature he was so violently mutilating having nothing shout for him to stop!.

Once he had dug so much of the creatures neck away he dropped his Sais and grabbed the head of the beast and began repeatedly smashing it against the floor, growling and snarling his agony and pain. He used so much force and rage that after a small amount of time he was reduced to a bloody pile of mush consisting of brains, blood, eyes, teeth, tongue and its skull was smashed into small pieces as there was a big bit of bone here and there scattered over the rooftop. The rain made the mush of entrails even worst, it was sticky and soggy as the young turtle found.

Raphael took two hand full's of his mutilated mutant kill and squeezed the ripped flesh and entrails with inflamed rage while snarling growl forcing as it slip through the groves and space between his fingers. He throw the small bits of mush left in his hands and began pounding the beasts plastron in a rage of agony and anger!.

The crack of its plastron giving in under the immense pounding it was undergoing had Raph cracking down into it's warm insides having him ripping out its vitals. The night grew worst in its storm, hails and rain fell fast and the winds picked up... it was a cold freezing bitter wet November night.

Raphael continued his mutilation having snapped and nothing was there to stop him, no one was there to hold him, comfort him or tell him everything will be alright. Right now! Seeing that turtles insides on the out and in his Cold brutal hands was comfort enough for the red clad turtle. Raphael screamed and cried out in pure torment of agony that he had never felt before.

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