Penelope's Favorite Game! (The Purple Game)
[It all started with a robot mech destroying a blimp]
Announcer: Battle for the number one ranking to unlock an exclusive Item. There can only be one. THE PURPLE GAME
Penelope: I must have it. [downloads the game] Yes!
[Penelope started to play the game as hours passed. Her friends stood behind her. Cody wore a Sanji suit and blonde wig, Junior wore a red shirt and straw hat and Joseph wore a plain white shirt, black pants, and a light-green, haramaki sash.]
Cody: Penelope, have you been playing all night?
Penelope: Yes, this is the greatest game of all time. Stop talking to me.
Junior: Really, this?
Penelope: Oh, yes! Rank is rising. Oh, I gotta make it to number one, baby!
Joseph: Well, let's go! Get dressed! If we're late to WeebCon, we'll miss out on the One Piece swag.
Penelope: I'll meet you there. I'm earning the purple points to unlock sweet upgrades.
Joseph: Uh... are you okay? Nami is gonna be there. She's your favorite character from One Piece!
Junior: She and Luffy haven't spoken since-
Joseph: We don't speak of that.
Penelope: Gotta make it to number one. [face plants on the screen.]
Junior: I know I say this a lot about Pen, but demon possession!
Penelope: I'm fine...
[The three glance at each other before they leave Penelope alone. ]
Penelope: Did anyone teach you noobs not to follow strangers at the alley? [laughs]
[She defeats three players before a pop up ad appears.]
Announcer: Princess_Penelope! You have qualified for an epic upgrade! Spend your purple points now!
Penelope: Oh, my plaid. [tries to click on it but it says she's out of purple coins.] I have to get more coins...
[The trio have arrived back from Weeb-con.]
Joseph: What a night, baby~
Cody: Once in a lifetime.
Junior: We just shared a life changing experience! Penelope, you're never gonna believe what just happened. I know It'll never make up for it but we got you a Luffy figure with real stretching action.
[Penelope was still in front of the TV, now wearing a lumberjack's outfit. Her Rank is now level 10.]
Penelope: Ten! So close to one. Nothing is going to stop Princess_Penelope.
[Cody gets in front of Penelope, which makes her yelp and start hissing like a cat.]
Penelope: Ah! Move! Move! *Hiss.* *Hsssssss*
Cody: Dude, you okay? You're dressed up like lumberjack.
Penelope: It's a new upgrade I unlocked. Not many have.
Junior: How'd you pay for that gear? Donnie, how'd you pay for that gear?
[Penelope doesn't answer. Instead, she turns towards three detstroyed piggy banks.
Joseph: [gasps sharply when he saw his bank destroyed] She destroyed Mrs Porky Coin! I WILL AVENGER HER! [Pulls out a knife]
Cody: Put the knife away, Joseph.
Joseph: Fine.
Junior: Cody, I'm worried about Penelope. She doesn't seem to care she missed a literal once in a lifetime experience. That lady in a wheelchair walked.
Cody: What do you do if someone you love is obsessed with something that's bad for them?
[Penelope is Rank 2 and she encountered an avatar, Sherlock Coin.]
Jeffy: Oh, yeah! *moans* Get to number 1, daddy! Wait, Princess_Penelope? Penelope?
Penelope: Jeffy? You're the last person I need to defeat to get to rank number 1!
Jeffy: Ditto!
Announcer: Final break battle!
Both: There can only be one!
[Jeffy uses Kernel Kannon, bringing Penelope's avatar half health. She used Superior Intellect which caused the avatar a little bit of damage. Jeffy then used Power of Togetherness and hug which made the avatar get affected greatly. Terrified of losing, Penelope takes out her phone and googles cheat codes for the game]
Penelope: I must win. I must win. Down, right, left, left, up, left, left, right, circle!
[The avatar started to glitch.]
Jeffy: I can't move! How did you do that?
[Penelope chuckles and her character fires lasers from their eyes, defeating the boss.]
Announcer: The winner is...Princess_Penelope!! New Rank number 1!
Jeffy: WHAT?!
Marvin: Jeffy, are you still playing yo-
Rose: JEFFY!!!!
Penelope: Oh my god, I'm number one!!!
Announcer: Princess_Penelope! You've unlocked the final exclusive item.
Penelope: Victorious Bluster!
[In the living room...]
Cody: So we read every internet doctor article on how to treat Recreational Game Obsession Mania.
Joseph: Yeah! REGOM!
Junior: I just read the commits
Cody: So now we're all experts.
[Suddenly, something came from the surface above them. They look at the tablet to see the news app]
Cody: THE NEWS APP?!?!?
Goodman: Breaking News, M'kay! There's a giant mech destroying the city! Who can save
Cody: A GiAnT mEcH?! Maybe some action will snap Penelope out of it. You think?
[Junior enters Penelope's bedroom. This time, Penelope is in a cool silvery chair.]
Junior: Pen, there's a giant mech destroying-- Whoa! Nice chair. Wait where'd you get that?
Penelope: I unlocked it. And now I can explore a whole new world to rule! And--
Cody: No time, except for hero time. (ok, Ben 10) Penelope, we need you.
Penelope: I will be right there, you have my word.
[Later, the boys are on the rooftop, posing victoriously at the mech. Penelope's robotic girlfriend, Samantha, appeared since Penelope isn't showing up.]
Samantha: Sup guys? Penny couldn't make it, I'm New Penelope. Obscure science reference set with total confidence.
Cody: Penelope!
Junior: Oh no, I like new Penelope.
Joseph: That's huge! Looks like we've got a new mech villain on the scene.
[The robot fires a single laser, making the group run toward it.]
Cody: Attack!
[They jumped onto the mech and started punching it.]
Cody: Samantha, can you get a reading on who might be driving that thing?
Samantha: Nah, and I'm New Penelope.
[The Mech throws Junior and Joseph off .]
Joseph: Let's see who's inside, guys! Cowabunga!
[Joseph spun his whip and ran toward the robot's arm and onto the glass head. He opens it up.]
Joseph: Knock knock, metalhead! What! No one is driving this thing?
[Back at the lair, Penelope is trying to get the multicolored bears [her friends] out of her way while the orange one cling onto his avatar]
Penelope: Get out of here, you annoying little teddy bears! You're ruining Ms. Number one's mech!
(Joseph looked at the list and it spelled something familiar.)
Joseph: Bootyshaker9000? Penelope? Ah!
[The dome snapped shut, making him fall and crash to the ground.]
Joseph: Penelope's controlling the mech!
Cody: Say what now?
Junior: You're telling me that big ugly thing is Donnie? Ha-ha. I've so got this.
Cody: How, what? Junior, what are you doing?
Junior: Trust me, I've got a genius plan. Hey! Penelope! It's us, your friends!
(Back to Penelope, she didn't notice the orange bear, [Junior] is waving at her.]
Penelope: You know I know these graphics aren't great but points for solid writing.
[The robot started to prepare a laser at him.]
Junior: [sweats] Okay, that's not good.
[They started to run as the mech fired lasers.]
Announcer: Congratulations on reaching rank number one! Keep smashing new players! Don't lose your rank.
Penelope: Ha! Nothing can stop me, no one has the ball-sack to take my number one spot.
(The mech fires in the air, after the assault of the three.]
Cody: We gotta' get a message to Penelope.
Joseph: How? She's not responding to anything! Oh!
Junior: What about our Recreational Game Obsession Mania Training?
Cody: RE-GOMT, that's it!
Joseph: Yes, we can have a heart to heart with her about how we love her and her gaming is hurting us!
Cody: No. I'm gonna' use his obsession against him. Time for an upgrade!
Junior: I think we're bad people.
[The first crashed down, making them scream and take off.]
Cody: Sam!
Samantha: New Penelope.
Cody: Whatever! Can you hook my phone up to that thing so I can get Penelope a message?
Samantha: On it!
[Samantha flew over and attached herself to the face of the robot. At the same time, an ad appears on Penelope's screen.]
Penelope: Super exclusive upgrade, yes!
[She presses the ad until it shows Cody on the screen.]
Cody: Penelope, the mech is real! Stop playing the game, Penelope!
Penelope: Wow, feels so life-like! And again ace writing.
Cody: Penelope! Stop! The game is real!
[The camera shows the real mech in the background while the red bear glared at him.]
Penelope: Oh, that's not good.
[She started to press quit but nothing happened.]
Penelope: I can't quit out. What is happening?
[Suddenly, cuffs began to trap her arms and legs.]
Penelope: This was not covered in the user manual.
[The screen then changes into a familiar foe.]
Bully: Well, welll, well. We meet again Princess_Penelope. Or should I say, Penelope.
Penelope: Bully. I should have known. How's house arrest?
Bully: House arrest?
Penelope: We haven't done that episode yet. Just go with it.
Bully: Oh, right, right. ANYWAY! I wanted my revenge and you played your part perfectly. You almost destroyed your own friends. [laughing]
Penelope: Yes. But I didn't. Mostly, mostly.
Bully: While I would've really enjoyed watching you smash them, watching you watch me smash them will be JUST AS NICE!
Junior: So did it work?
[The robot sands back up]
Cody: Uh, no! She's still attacking!
Joseph: Do you think he knows we like new Penelope better?
[Back to Penelope, he watched in horror as the Mech chased her friends.]
Penelope: Make it stop! How are you controlling it?
Bully: The mech is now full self operational. It;s A.I learned from how you played the game. It's the- wait a second, I don't have to explain myself to you!
Penelope: Brothers!
[She crashes to the ground, helplessly stuck. She looked over and saw the Luffy action figure beside her]
[Back with the trio, the Mech pops from the building.]
Cody: Uh oh...
[Using its right hand, the robot punches him, but when the smoke cleared, they were gone. A portal opened from above.]
Cody: I guess we got to hit it harder. Princess_Penelope, time to meet King_Us!!
[Cody creates his aura around himself along with Joseph and Junior on his shoulder. The mech blocked his fist and the robot grabbed them with it's other hand. Some of them whimpered as they were squeezed.]
Junior: Pen, you gotta stop this...
[The bot squeezes them hard, cutting off their oxygen and their eyes bulge.]
Junior [straining] We love you and your gaming is hurting us. Like literally hurting us!
[Penelope slid over to the action figure on the floor and grabbed the leg with her mouth. The chopping hand pressed on a button, activating her battle pack. The robot prepares to crush them as the three boys as they scream, shutting their eyes together. Something blocked it and the boys saw that Penelope had glitched the robot to prevent it from crushing them.]
Penelope: Cheat code baby! Let's finish this!
[He puts on his goggles as a large laser emerges from the staff. It fires onto the robot's face, sending a massive explosion. The robot lets go of the now unconscious Cody, Junior and Joseph]
Penelope: Guys. Guys. Are you okay?
[The boys slowly regained consciousness, covered with wounds.]
Joseph: You hurt Mrs. Porky coin. I will have my-uhhh....[faints]
Cody: We're glad to have ya back, Pen-
[Penelope grabs them in a hug.]
Penelope: [cuddling them] I'm just glad you guys are safe, and you don't know how sorry I am. I will never.... [sees a new game on the billboard] Oh, Purple Game 2?!
Junior, Joseph & Cody: Oh, no.
Penelope: OH, YEAH!!
SML Question: What is your favorite video game?
In my conversations, I will be holding a vote for the next episode. Vote and comment! Bye!
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