Chapter 11: It's Them, Not Us

2 November, 2010 0830 hrs
Briefing Room

~ Grimm's p.o.v. ~

"Another mission after mission yesterday... Yay." Blaze tiredly said. Although she isn't look tired at all cause she sleeps so early. But yeah, we just finished our intense mission yesterday, and now we're receive new missions today. I barely have any rest at all. I hope this new mission will be easy.

"The Yuktobanian force that defended the Bastok Peninsula is staging a large-scale withdrawal from the area. After analyzing the situation, we have determined that they are pulling back their force to regroup their defense network and strengthen their capital defenses. Yuktobania's southern armies sustained heavy damage during our landing operation, and their defensive warpower has weakened considerably. Their withdrawal is currently proceeding under the curtain of a set of electronic jamming signals. The enemy's air forces consist primarily of transport planes. Pursue these planes, destroy them, and halt their retreat."

I heard Blaze scoffed. "Not only that we're dealing with jamming signals, but the area they probably going are near civilians."

"We don't have a choice, do we?" Chopper asked.

"Who knows, everyone suit up." Blaze left already before us. Something happened to her after our previous mission.

"Hey, you think the Captain is okay?" I asked.

"She now taking missions more serious than before, and she might be strict as usual once we are in the air now." Chopper said. "Nagase, did you talk to Kid about her situation."

She shook his head. "She didn't told me at all. Maybe we should ask what is her problem after the mission."

"That's a good idea." We all suit up and hop in to our planes. I wish everything went smoothly.

"Blind Spot"
2 November, 2010 1011 hrs
Dresdene, Yuktobania

Once we reach the operation area, we all drop our external tanks. I heard Chopper calling Blaze. "Hey Kid, did you take a listen to that song?" he asked joyfully.

"Yep. It was a good song actually."

"Yeah, that "Face of the Coin" is a great tune, huh?"

I tell you, this place is freezing. I should wear jacket next time, or I just simply turn off the air conditioner in my plane. Before we all engage the enemies, Blaze radioed us.

"Remember, there are some areas that filled with civilians. Avoid causing casualties." Then her tone change to a dark, scary one, "If any of you dare to do it will be shot down immediately, allies or not."

I gulped. I know none of us are going to attack civilians, I don't know about the enemies. I have to be careful when targeting the transport planes, they might crash on the civilian area as well.

"Enemies on the radar." I said after I spotted two enemy fighters. They're F-14.

"Blaze, engaging."

"Edge, engaging."

"Archer, engaging."

For a moment, Chopper became silent. Is this the first time I'm gonna hear him quiet?

"Whoops. Chopper, engaging." Spoke too soon.

"Ego, Chopper." Blaze chuckled after she bagged down the target.


I fly head on to the enemy plane, and I am no afraid of doing it anymore. "Fox 2!" A missile stuck the cockpit and it crashes after to the ground. I feel sorry for that pilot inside. But just as Blaze said, this is war.

"This is Thunderhead, I think you all need to listen to this." I was confused of what he's saying. A few seconds later, we began hearing a voice from the radio.

"Due to current circumstances, we have been forced to set foot on Yuktobania with weapons in hand."

I heard the voice before. General Howell, the supreme commander of the Osean Army. "However, our true enemy here is the Yuktobanian military who started this unjust war."

"Transport squadron undetected. No problems yet," a voice of an enemy pilot said.

"Roger. Maintain current heading," another Yuke answered. I guess Blaze was right about putting our radio to international frequency in this mission. I can hear what the Yukes said.

"Transport planes spotted." Nagase said. Once we got closer, I was surprised. There are so many targets in the area.

"Unbelievable!" Nagase groaned.

"We gotta bag all these planes?" Chopper demanded.

"You think every enemy plane in the area is up and flying?" Grimm asked.

"Well, let's ask 'em. Hey, how many planes you got there? ...Man, this is makin' me cry." Chopper said.

"Blaze, Fox 2! Fox 2!"

I watch the Captain fired missiles, when they all reach the target they all vanished. However, I don't see any explosion from each of the destroyed target.

"Strange.. they didn't explode, or smokes aren't showing up." I try what Blaze did to the other targets. And it was the same results as her.

"Report from Bjely. Picking up something on radar," an enemy pilot informed.

"There's way too many signatures on radar." Chopper said. "Kid, Nagase, how about you guys?"

"Same as yours, Chopper." Blaze replied.

"My radar is showing strange results as well. Something's going on," Nagase commented.

There are also a bunch of targets above us. I look on my radar again to check the targets. However, my HUD becomes fuzzy all of the sudden. Then I suddenly remember what the command said during our briefing. "Hey, uh, you don't think...wait a minute...Aha...I think I've figured it out."

"Well, do share your keen insights, will you please? What's up?" questioned Chopper. I grinned.

"First Lieutenant Chopper, jammer aircraft!" I announced boldly. He suddenly became speechless.

"So... it's a trick?"

"He's right." Blaze said. "With the help of the jammer aircraft, they can make fake targets around the real one. They can add even more if they wanted to."

"So, any plans on what to do? Hey Kid-"

"Missiles away!"

I look around and saw Blaze launching four missiles at the target in a straight line. There are a lot of targets in this area, there's no way it going to land a hit.

"Shack on the target!" Thunderhead reported. I saw a flaming transport plane going down.

"How could this be? Our new jamming devices were supposed to be perfect!" A Yuke pilot claimed furiously.

"They're smart, but not enough to stop us."

"Okay, I feel better now. Ghosts aren't so bad once you figure out the trick behind 'em," Chopper calmly said.

"Where are the jammers? They've got to be somewhere close. Let's take care of them first," Nagase insisted.

"Don't let the jamming confuse you." Thunderhead said. "Repeat, don't let the enemy's jamming confuse you."

There was a short brief of silence before one of us speaks, "Continue taking down the transport." Blaze ordered. "I'll take down the jamming aircraft."


"You have two eyes right? Just get close to the target and find the figures of the plane. Simple as that. Or you can just wait for me destroy the jamming aircraft first."

"Oh, okay." I watch her flying through the targets, she turns up and down, then up again and then left. Then straight to the target at the far end.

"I found you. Fox 3!" She said as soon as four missiles launch. I don't know why she has to launch four of them, but the jamming aircraft finally destroyed. Several blips on the radar vanished. Lessened the targets.

"Concentrate on shooting down the enemy jammer aircraft. The transport can wait," Thunderhead added.

"You guys down there focus on the escort fighters and transport aircraft, I'll shoot down any jammer I come across up here." Blaze ordered as she fly above next to the jamming aircraft.

"Roger Blaze." I fly closer to the first transport plane. Once I got a good aim, I launched missiles behind. It damaged but still intact. I launch another missile and it finally create smoke and falls down rapidly.

Howell's voice suddenly came back through the radio, but there was a little static. "Therefore, I ask you, citizens of Yuktobania: Do not fear us, but rather join us..."

"You think it'll be that easy?" Chopper asked.

"No, it won't." Blaze answered. "That guy is a pure bullshit to let these people join with them. Bunch of fools..."

I enter though the group of targets and spotted a figure of an enemy transport plane. Blaze's advice are really helpful. I launch more missiles on its six, and... It destroyed.

"I spotted enemy E-767." Blaze said. "Fox 3!"

I saw an exploding plane from above the clouds. And few fake targets are decreasing. But something add up, the jamming gets worse than before.

"... enemy... jamming waves... interference." Thunder attempted to say. Everything in our radio, is completely jammed. Just when I was about to call the others, I heard a crystal clear voice.

"This is the 8492nd leader. All 8492nd units, proceed as planned."

"8492nd? What are they doing here?" I thought. Didn't they the one who rescue the President back in Akerson Hill?

"Dammit… even out radio's… can't…" Chopper said, trying to communicate with us.

"Heads up! …. us!" A Yuke yelled frantically.

"Hey, Kid, yo… th…. pre… n the Air…?" Chopper asked Blaze. What is he trying to ask?

"Uh... Yes?"

"Yeah, I agr...tely Na…...he...haha…!" started Chopper before his laughter broke off into painful separated quips. I wish I could turn off the radio now cause it gives my ears a lot of pain. Damn this jammer!

"ECCM! Restore communication link!" Finally! Thunderhead is a good help to us.

"Wardog, status report!"

"I'm okay, Kid. The radio is fine and I can hear your sweet voices." Chopper snickered.

"Jamming has silenced." Nagase said. "We can now clearly take down the-"

"The Osean planes are firing on a school packed with civilians! They're at the engineering college!" I froze. Did someone attack the civilians?

"Whoever's violating orders, cease fire immediately!" Thunderhead ordered.

"Who dares to attack the civilians?!" Blaze shouted angrily. She's not going to like this situation.

"What idiot's doing that?" Chopper mirrored, albeit harsher.

"Attention, units operating in sector Charlie Omega! Attacks on civilians are forbidden!" Thunderhead reported.

"That's right near us." I muttered. There's no one in this area other than us and the transport planes. It must be the effect of jamming interference.

~ Thunderhead's p.o.v. ~

"Hell, that's where we're supposed to be operating. You see those idiots anywhere?" Chopper said.

"I'm no joy. I don't see a thing and my radar's clean, too." Grimm added. I check on my monitor to see any planes around the area. The only appear are the enemy transport planes and Wardog Squadron.

"This is Edge. I'm not showing any aircraft like that either. Are you sure?"

"Blaze to Thunderhead. Give another check on the radar quick! Use long range!"

I did what she requested. I set the radar to maximum range, it's still the same as before. But there is a squadron of planes from the very edge of the map, flying away from the operation area very quick. I can't tell if they're allies or not.

"Multiple casualties! Get an ambulance over here fast!"

"Dammit, the Osean bastards."

After I listen to their fury, I became angry. I smash one of the keys and called out the Wardog Squadron. "This is Thunderhead. Wardog, did you engage in an attack on a civilian facility?" I said with a hint of an anger in my voice.

"No, we did. Of course not! What do you think?!" Chopper shot back. "Why would we do that? Weren't you watching from up there?!"

"All of you shut the fuck up!" Blaze shouted with rage. I was slightly bolted in surprise when she said that, and Chopper became silent. "Continue taking down the transport planes immediately and we'll discuss that goddamn matter! Now!"

"Roger, Kid." He muttered. I relax on my seat, calming myself down. This is going to be a huge shitstorm for us.

"Don't' break formation. Your primary mission is to escort the transports," A Yuke insisted.

"So we're just gonna watch them die?" Another one roared.

"This is what I hate about war! No matter who starts it, it always comes to this!" Chopper exclaimed angrily.

"Their radar's back online!" A Yuke pilot announced.

"What?! We're totally exposed flying like this!" his counterpart observed in horror.

"Calm down. It just means now we're on equal footing."

"Enemy fighter approaching your way." I reported.

"Nagase, Grimm, continue taking down the transport planes. Chopper, let's take care of the enemy fighters." I watch a squadron split up into two. As Blaze's command, they began to attack enemies in the air at the same time. However, the civilian attack still can't get off my head. There's no way they will attack the civilians without permission. Blaze already said to them that they will get killed if they dare to do it. I stand up from my seat and went to the operators responsible for radar.

"You two, give me a rundown on Wardog's exact location immediately."

The men quick to comply with my orders and when everything was brought up on screen for me. I lean down to observe carefully. They were far and up high from the Dresden. There's no chance that the Wardog will do such things as attacking civilians. But with the jamming interfere us, they are certainly putting to blame for this.

"Sir, they've successfully shot down the last transport aircraft." I snapped out after one of the operator reported. I simply nodded and return back to my station. Put on my headphones and called the squadron. "Last plane confirmed shot down. All enemy transports and jammers in the local air space have been eliminated."

We all fly silently as we returning back to Sand Island. What could possibly go wrong after this event?

"Blaze to all planes." Blaze called to break the silence. "Did you guys still remember the voice from the radio?"

"What voice?"

"The 8492nd."

Another silence fell to my ears again. Then I begin to remember, this squadron appear to our radio during the jamming.

"Do you think they're the ones attacking the college?" Grimm asked.

"Hey, aren't they the one who rescue the president?" Chopper said. "I don't think they will do that, right?"

"Blaze, is something on your mind?" I asked.

There was a short moment of silence before she talks. "What if the war is just a set up?"

"A set up? What are you talking about?"

"If the Osean and Yuktobania declared war on each other, why not the President and the Prime Minister declare it on public?" She's right. If they do, we would've seen them anywhere on television declaring a war. Then also both countries are allies so why yould they fight each other.

"And I don't think Yuktobania also started this war." Blaze added.

"Are you serious, Kid? They killed our pilots before! Of course they will do that such things!" Chopper exclaimed.

"Is it? I come up with a bunch of theories regarding about this... 8492nd squadron. Right now we have to return to base cause the base commander is giving us a loudmouth about our mission."

As much as we all hate him, we have to follow orders.



"We have succeeded in halting the Yuktobanian army's airborne withdrawal from the Bastok Peninsula. However, a Yuktobanian civilian complex, an engineering university, has been attacked. This attack occurred in an area within operating range of the Sand Island squadron. Sand Island air crews will report to Central Command Headquarters in the Osean capital city of Oured immediately."


~ Genette's p.o.v. ~

General Howell, Supreme Commander of the Osean Armies deployed to Yuktobania, successfully stormed the enemy beach and established a command center on the spot. The General, who claims to have been given full operational authority by the President, then made the following declaration: "We will march forward and we will not lay down our arms until the Yuktobanian capital has fallen."


~ Gab/Blaze's p.o.v. ~

This is a huge pain for us. Not that only we been blame for civilian attack, we were sent to the Central Command in Oured to report about it. I'm worried about my wingmen when they got to interrogate by the higher ups. But I have to worried more anout myself than them. One, because I'm a Captain, and Two, I'm going to be fucked up very bad by them. Pardon my language.

We begin to pack up everything we need to bring to Oured, including the flashdrive which is the most important of all. And I have to bring my notebook that I usually brought with me everyday, and some clothes and uniforms we need. Oh, also a laptop and an earphone. There's no way in hell I'm gonna leave this to them just in case they raided my room. Once we're finished, we ride in our planes and headed to Apito International Airport. It was one of the only major airports in the vicinity of Oured. Sure there were many minor fields and, given that the capital of Osea was here, there was a OADF base not too far away, though it was more like Sand Island than anything else because there was a lot of more advanced training going on there.

"Wardog flight, Apito Tower, cleared to land runway 23 Center." Blaze rattled back the instructions then angled his jet for the center strip of gray on the airport that was still more than twenty miles distant. Damn, I miss flying in a high-class plane.

After we parked our planes, we all exit the building, and what awaitd us are four black limousine and guys in black suit, armed with weapons.

"They don't look friendly at all." Chopper muttered and I shrugged. One man walks close to us and stand in front of me. "Which one of you is the Captain of the Wardog Squadron?"

"I am." I raised my hand. He was shocked a bit but immediately gain seriousness on his face. "We'll take you all to the hotel and stay there for two days until the day interrogation. Understood?"

We all simply nodded and they put us in the limos separately. While we're driving, I look outside to see Oured. No jets around, no army forces, this place is still peaceful. Not until the Yukes plan to invade this place. After few minutes, we arrived at the hotel. We have our own room for each one of us. I was surprise how much they paid these rooms for us.

"This is where you stay." The personnel said. "You're lucky. Most pilots don't get that luxury and some end up sleeping on the floor. It's only because of your records that this is happening. Second, you're not allowed to leave the room. Order room service for food. Three, we will pick you up in two days at 0830 hours sharp so don't be late."

"Yes, sir." Then he left, we all enter to our respective rooms. Its just a simple hotel room so nothing fancy about. I dropped my bag onto the cabinet and grab my laptop, the place it on the table. I wish to call Orby but she's sleeping. I guess I have to work on this alone.


In the next day, I got out of the room, there is a man standing outside. He has short black hair, brown eyes, wearing white shirt, pants and shoes. He's probabky in late 20's that's for sure. I approach the man nicely "Hello, sir. May I help you?"

The man look at me, shocked. "Is that you, Blaze?" A familiar voice rang to my ear. And I already know who this man was.

"Thunderhead? What are you doing here?"

"I've been called here for the same reason you four have. They want answers, the higher ups, so they're not cutting any corners." Thunderhead said. Before I could say something, one of the doors open revealing Grimm amd Chooper. Why are they in the same room?

"Hi Blaze- uhh.. who is this?" Grimm asked, pointing out Thunderhead.

"Kid, you got yourself a boyfriend already? Congrats!" We both blushed, but he's irritated. You know there's no way I can date someone in late 20's! Or can we? I don't know my parents are strict when it comes to finding love.

"Cut the chatter, Chopper." Thunderhead said.

"First of all, he's Thunderhead. Second, he's not my boyfriend so screw you." I smirk.

"Whoa ho ho, it's the man himself, in the flesh! Come to see us off into this bullshit tribunal hearing bullcrap?" I punched his stomach so he can shut up as the rest of the boys laugh.

"So where's Nagase?"

"I think she's went outside and- Oh there she is." We all look around and saw Nagase walking towards us.

"It seems we have a gathering here, huh?" She said.

"Yes we do." I said sternly. "And I guess all of you know what to say once we got interrogate by them."

"I don't know, Kid. I mean, we all knew we didn't attack the college, yet still blame us for this! This is the worst day in my life."

"And with this 8492nd Squadron popped up on the radio, now things get even more twisted." Grimm added. "You think they will believe us to what we said about the mission? I know they're powerful than us, but I don't think they can easily belive our words."

"Not with the proof I have."

All of them look at me at the same time, confused to my words. "What do you mean proof?"

"Since I will be the last to call, I already prepare video and voice evidence regarding the attack on the civilian college." I explained.

"Blaze, where the hell did you get them?" Thunderhead asked. I grinned. "Simple, I installed multiple cameras around my plane, and I set up the radio where I can record our voices during our mission. I have them in my flash drive inside of my room. Don't worry, I'll handle the rest of it."


4 November, 2010 0850 hrs
Capital City of Oured, Osea


3rd person's p.o.v. ~

Oured, the Osean capital. The winds of war have yet to reach here. The air still smells of peace.

"...but that wasn't us." Nagase said. "By the time we got there, they had already..."

"That's right." Grimm said. "We heard them over the radio. They called themselves the 8492nd Squadron..."

"8492, 8492. Is that all you people have to say? There is no squadron in our military with that number!"

Chopper then bangs the podium with his first. "Dammit! What the hell is going on over here?!"

After Blaze's wingmen spoke, it was her turn. Orby is already on her side so she cam help explain further about the situation. Once she entered the room, the door closed, and the surrounding room filled with silence and darkness with the generals in front of her.

"Major Gabriel Wiliams reports as ordered." She saluted and clasp her shoes together.

"I assume." One of the generals said, then looks at her from top to bottom. Blaze has no shame on it. "I heard humors from the commands that you're the leader of the 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Wardog". The youngest female leader ever existed in Osea."

"That is correct, sir." She said.

"I see. Lieutenant General Ross, you will be the lead."

"Gladly." He holds a small switch, turning on the projector beside them. Revealing the map of the location where she and her team assigned to. "Familiar to you?"

"Yes sir. It is Wardog Squadron's most recent mission."

"Care to tell us what happen, Major?" Ross asked.

"Orby, its time."

"I got you, Gab."

She takes a deep breath and explains everything. "Sir, our mission was to intercept the retreating Yuktobanian forces as they tried to regroup from the OADF's invasion of the Yuktobaninan southern shoreline. There will be jaing aircraft with them as what it said in the briefing. We are all completely equipped with air-to-air missiles all the way to the end of our mission."

"So where did the jamming come from?" Ross asked, doubt in his voice. "The F-22A Raptor that your wingmen employs is more than capable of jamming enemy, and therefore, friendly radar."

Blaze speaks with a cold voice. "Sir, we never, ever attack the civilians in our life. And our position is far away from the city. I already gave a strict rules to my wingmen that not attack the civilians or else they will be shot down immediately."

A lot of whispers can heard from the distance. Though Blaze didn't understand what they're saying as she stood silent. She was thinking about her wingman's career rather than herself. Ross cleared his throat and look at Gab once again.

"Here's the next question, did you see any allied planes enter the airspace you were operating?"

"It was impossible for us to see allies with jamming interference. Although, during the heavy jamming interference, a voice came through that was crystal clear." Blaze said.

"Let me guess, it was 8492nd Squadron, was it?"

"... Yes."

"There is no such squadron with that number with our military! Do you think we shall believe your words, Major?" Ross roared. However, Blaze was still standing there filled with courage and confidence.

"Yes sir. And I outmost certain that it was them."

There was a brief silence before one of the generals speaks, "General Price, what do you think?"

"So there's a General too? What is this some sort of interrogate party?" Gab thought as she watch the man with a shaved beard, deeply thinking about this 'problem'. He sighed. "Lt. Gen Ross, you know how I feel. I have seen no evidence to support the fact that the Wardog Squadron would be involved with the bombing of a civilian college."

Blaze was surprised that someone is supporting her side. This is a great step up for her team.

"Gen. Price, how can you be so sure when they have no evidence to proof that they're innocent?" Ross doubted. Suddenly, Blaze raised her hand

"Sir, may I speak?"

"Go ahead."

"I can show you the video and radio record about our mission regarding the attack on civilians." She shows the flashdrive. Several mutters coming from the high commands before they accept it. Once the video is display, there is several camera display around her plane. There is also radio chatters as well, including the enemies. When they reach to the jamming part, deep male voice appear.

"This is the 8492nd leader. All 8492nd units, proceed as planned."

More mutters coming again from the generals, but Blaze just can't stop smiling to herself now that the evidence is shown. Once the video ended, there was a silence between them. Blaze began to add more words to her speech, "As we all talk about, if the 8492nd didn't exist, there is several theories about this mysterious squadron. One, they are an Experimental squadron. Two, they're Yuktobanian pilots but disguised as Oseans. And lastly, this squadron didn't come from both countries."

The generals begin to have doubt about her theories she said. However, they all agree from her and take this video as part of their invesigation. When things are finished, an alarming sound triggered the entire building.

"Ah hell, now what?" Blaze muttered."

"We've got an emergency here. Our armies are bogged down with the Yuktobania invasion, so we're short on operational aircraft. Unfortunately, as a result, we're going to have to request that you flying aces take off for us. ...So, which mission would you like to take on? That's right, the capital's got more than one attack to deal with right now. How about we use this to decide?"

A coin tossed in the air and spins on the table after it landed. It landed on heads.

"Captain Williams, send your squadron to Apito International Airport immediately."

Blaze smiles and laughs a bit before gave a salute. "Yes sir!" And she immediately runs away. There is slight confused to the other generals about her sudden change of attitude, but that doesn't matter anymore as they have to do their mission immediately.

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