Chapter 4 Visiting an old friend to find out a shocking revale

Yuuta's point of view: (12 years later) Me and my children arrived at my old friend's dojo. Hyousuke and Haley are now 15, Zackary is 16 and Nekaine 18. How long has it been since you seen Minoru-(meaning truth in Japanese) San, grandfather asked Hyousuke. Far too long my grandson I replied. I knock on the wooden door. A man with dark blond hair opens the door. Yuuta-San it is wonderful to see you come we have much to disguse said Minoru inviting us inside.

I sit my cup of tea as I sit across from Minoru. So it is ture that my son may possibly still lives I said praying it was ture. That's what my son Lloyd sensed but I not to sure replies Minoru. I sighed before looking into my tea. I have sensed Saki ' s vengeanceful path over the path 6 months. Then you must read the news papers from new York said Minoru handing the papers. Voilent ninjas in New York City ??? Is what the paper read. There was a picture of ninja clad in black drawing blood from a dishonorable thug with a tonto blade. I look at the symbol on the ninja it was the foot clan symbol. I gasp. I - it can't be I struggle to say. But it would make sense if your trying to rebuild the Hamato Clan of course Saki has rebuild the foot clan explained Minoru. I thought he parished in the flames of my home. What I am I gonna tell Hyousuke that the man who murdered his Mother and Sister still lives. You must tell him the truth Minoru tells me. I fear that Hyousuke will go on a

vengeanceful path I explain. But saki must pay for his crime by meeting his dimise by the son of Hamato Yoish said Minoru. I felt a little anger inside of me. NO I won't Have my grandson go on that path, Orkai saki is my responsibility and I shall deal with him I said. Minoru nods before looking out side a window where a 14 year old almost 15 boy with light brown hair trains. If you and your children are going to New York City, my son Lloyd can help you sense Yoish in where he's hiding said Minoru. The boy punches a ninja with out even looking. He's quite skilled I said. indeed he is one with the spritechal world.

The boy's eyes turn pure white as 3 ninjas try to attack him. The boy jumps over the ninjas and kicks them down. May I meet him I ask. Minoru nods as he go to get Lloyd and returns shortly with Lloyd beside him. Koniechiwu Greeted Lloyd with a bow. I smile. such manners I said. Lloyd smiles. It's an honor to meet you Yuuta-San said Lloyd. The honor is mine,Friend I said. I'm homble to help you take on a evil man said Lloyd. Please understand Orkai saki is dangerous man I will not risk your's or other's lives I said with a serious tone. I understand and on my honor I will find your son said Lloyd. Thank Lloyd - San I said as I place a hand on his shoulder. Come you shall meet the others I tell Lloyd.

I see my children training among the trees. Haley seemed to really like the breeze. Hajime I said and Hyousuke, Haley, Neikan and Zackary stop training and stood in front of us. Yes Grandfather asked Hyousuke. My children I would like you to meet Lloyd he is now part of our clan I said. Haley, Hyousuke and Zackary bows to Lloyd while Nekaine scoffs. Lloyd bows back. Come we must go to New York. Why Sensai ? Asks Haley curoriesly. Is there a problem grandfather ? Asks Hyousuke. I will explain everything on the way there I said

Athour's  note :  The Hamato team is final has it's members Hyousuke, Haley, Zackary, Lloyd and Nekaine. Looks there heading  to new York  next Yuuta tells Hyousuke that the murder that killed his mother and Sister still lives

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