Chapter 24 Planning a rescue mission but with a catch of love
Everything has been fine the past few days, Haley had been spending time with her mother, Misao was just happy to be with Haley and Zackary, Neikan and Hyousuke where training harder then ever, everyone seemed alright except Lloyd who seemed obsessed, distrite and emotional, spending sleepless nights searching for Hana. Lloyd done everything from hunting shredder's foot soldiers and trying to get Hana's location out them unfortunately he had no luck. This resulted in not getting enough sleep and lack of food. This concern Master Yuuta, Hyousuke, Haley, Zackary and Nekaine so the ninjas decided to confront Lloyd.
Lloyd I'm concern about you and this obssion about finding your sister Master Yuuta explains. Lloyd nods his head. I appreciate your concern Master but I can't stop thinking what dangers my sister is in, I need to save her I... I feel the peril she's in and it's cold and unpleasant Lloyd explains. Hyousuke decided to speak up. Lloyd I know how much you care about Hana and that her safety is important to you I understand and we will do everything in our power to help you rescue her Hyousuke vows. We just don't want you to wear yourself out Haley smiles softly. Thank you both but I need to find out where the Shredder is keeping her so I can not rest Lloyd explains as he begins to walk away from them untile Zackary places his paw on Lloyd's Shoulder making him face Zackary. I got to level with Lloyd as your friend, if you coutnisely running off searching for your sister on foot territory alone your going to get yourself killed and I don't think Hana wants that Zackary explains. Lloyd thought about for several minutes relizing Zackary was correct. Lloyd nods his head your right I shouldn't do this alone. Zackary nods. Right tonight we're going to find someone who knows where Shredder lair is and save your sister Zackary tells Lloyd who smiles hopefully.
Suddenly Nekaine chuckles darkly. You want to save your sister after she betrayed you Nekaine asks darkly. Lloyd looks at him confused . She's my sister it's my responsibility to protect her no matter what Lloyd explains. This made Nekaine laugh darkly even more. Haley shot him a glare. Cut it out Nekaine Snares Zackary. Neikan shakes his head smirking, if I had any of my siblings betraying me I'll kill them right on the spot Nekaine says darkly. Lloyd eyes widen , he couldn't believe what he was hearing why would Nekaine do something that dishonorable ? Nekaine ! Scowls both Hyousuke and Master Yuuta. Zackary shot him a glare. Haley grabbed Nekaine ' s ear and dragged Nekaine to the other room. We're having a talk Growles Haley as Lloyd, Hyousuke and Zackary watched Her dragging the ninja by his ear. Don't listen to him Lloyd, your sister was trying to do something she thought was right Hyousuke reinsures him. Thank you says Lloyd. Who do you think would easily tell us where Shredder lair is ? Zackary asks.
Lloyd thought about it before relizing the answer. Zurui he says. Zackary and Hyousuke eyes widen in surprise. You mean the girl who tried to turn you into phrina food ?! Questions Zackary. Lloyd nods. I think she'll tell us she seemed distrusting of Shredder Lloyd explains. I just think you want to see your girlfriend muttered Zackary. Alright will go there, get the location from her, and then we save Hana tonight Hyousuke explains. You can't be serious, we're actually going to the girl who tried to you into phrina chaw, you know what I'm only doing this for you Lloyd Zackary grumbles. Be careful my children, do not let this escape artist decive you Master Yuuta tells his students. Don't worry sensai will back and we're hell were coming back with Hana safe says Zachery. Lloyd smiles at his friend. Loud shouts were coming from the other room.
Meanwhile in the other Room: I can not believe you would say something so... valid exclaims Haley in anger. Neikan shrugges. You know I'm right why are we risking our necks for a traitor ? She should suffer Nekaine says darkly . She's a child no child should suffer ! Haley shouts at him. That shouldn't even matter Nekaine retros. I don't think our relationship matters to you dose it ? Haley asks him tears in her eyes. NO it dose I love you with all my heart Nekaine says trying to grab her hand. Haley pulls away from him. I'm done she says trying not to cry. Haley .... please Nekaine says . NO ! I'm done you can't show honor or mercy to others and want an innocent to suffer I can't live with that ! Haley shouts. Neikan stays silent staring at her sadly. You can stay here like an selfish person but I'm going with the others to save Hana Haley says as she walks away leaving Nekaine alone. Neikan balled up his firsts scowling darkly.
At the escape performance center : Zurui's was being hung upside down by her gunmen in front of the aduince who where on the edge of their seats. Her hands were tied behind her back with a thick ropes. A cloth was tied around her mouth. The guards hoisted her up really high in the air.
In the aduince Lloyd, Hyousuke, and Haley sat with a crowd who where on the edge of their seats. Lloyd watched as she was hoisted up in the air. Even in the peril situation she looked fearless and it amassed Lloyd . Lloyd observed her hand movement as Zurui careful slips her hand out of the ropes. She then worked tensely on the ropes around her legs. Only using her hands to get the ropes off,she then gripped the long strain of rope using her legs. Lloyd's eyes widen as she did a back flip using the rope to jump down on to the stage. The coward cheering wildly. Lloyd clapped for her.
Zurui entered her dressing room. She was exhausted from tonight's show. The only good thing that probably happened was the Fans and signing graphs for them. But she couldn't stop thinking about that cute curly hair hamtoa ninja. She missed him Oh what she would give to see his cute face again. Zurui slumped on her couch. Was he thinking about her too as much as she was ? Zurui wondered...
A knock was heard on her door. Zurui sighed heavily. Zurui liked her fans but she didn't like it when some fans wanted to meet her when on breaks. I mean seriously why couldn't they meet her at the autograph sighing like everyone else ?!. Zurui opened up her door and their stood a boy in a jacket hoodie and a blond hair girl. Um hey I'm sorry to say that I'm not signing autographs tonight but I'll sign more tomorrow night Zurui tells them as she starts to close the door on them but the boy stops it with his foot. Seriously Zurui says as the boy uses his foot to shove the door back open. Hyousuke drops behind her katana in hand . Zurui gasps before her expression turns into anger.
You !? How did you get in here ?! Zurui demands still shock seeing one of the Hamato ninjas again. Suck though the vents Hyousuke replies pointing his katana at Zurui. Well get the hell out of my place !!!!!! Shouts Zurui. We will we just need to ask you a few questions Lloyd says as he takes his hood off his head. Ninja boy your here says Zurui with a mix of surprised and Excitement in her voice. You seem surprise to see me again Zurui-San Lloyd says. I'm actually happy to see you, your name is Lloyd right ? Zurui asks him. Lloyd nods. Yes he replies. Zurui smirks seductively. Such a hot name for a cute boy Smirks Zurui trying to touch Lloyd's face. But Hyousuke puts his katana in front of Zurui. I wouldn't do that if I where you Says Hyousuke. Zurui didn't even seemed threatened. You don't scare me ass wipe snares Zurui. Watch your mouth Haley tells her. How about you make me bitch snares Zurui. Oh I will growls Haley but Lloyd stops her. We are not here to fight we just need to know where the shredder's lair is Lloyd explains. Zurui laughs. And you think I know ? she replies laughing. Well you are the shredder's niece Mumbles Hyousuke. Okay let's get one thing clear shit stain I'm not related to that dickhead ! snares Zurui. But your Shadows sister ? Lloyd says. Half sister we had the same Mother we didn't have the father Zurui explains. If I was the Shredder's niece i would of been an ninja not a escape artist Zurui explains. you expect us to believe that snares Haley. Well it's the truth Blondie, if I was really working for the dough bag I would of reveled your leaders identity to The shredder. Zurui says. Haley growls. she hated when someone called her that. I belive you Lloyd says.
see handsome believes me Zurui says. your nothing like the shredder, you just surround yourself with the wrong people rather than true friends. Lloyd explains. deep Zurui mumbles. Look I know I made a bad turn once of twice (Reference to F ing perfect) but I only did it because I was offered Money for my services if I helped Shawdow trap you, nothing personal, a girl just gotta pay her rent Zurui says. Lloyd looks at her. Look just tell us where Shredder’s lair is and will leave Hyousuke says. Hell do I know Zurui smirks. That's not what we wanted to hear your just refusing to tell us Haley says. Hey looks like your not a dumb blond after all way to prove me wrong blondie Zurui laughs. Haley glared at her. Zurui please tell us she doesn't have that much time !!!! Lloyd exclaims. Zurui looks at Lloyd with concern. Fine I'll tell you if Blondie and Ninja leader leave the room Zurui tells Lloyd who begins to feel hopeful. That's not happening we're not leaving so you can hang Lloyd over a phrina tank again Hyousuke says. Deal Lloyd says looking at Zurui.
Lloyd ! You can't be serious ? Haley says. If that's the only way She'll tell us then so be it Lloyd says. Hyousuke sighs. Okay will be in the hall for 10 mintures Hyousuke says. But you better not trap him again grumbles Haley. Zurui smirks as Hyousuke and Haley exit the room and it was just her and Lloyd.
Author's note : Finley our heroes are planning to Save Hana but Looks like Haley dumped Nekaine he kinda deserved it. Next chapter is a Zurui and Lloyd moment and we see what that witch is doing to poor Hana
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