Chapter 7 - Escape, Truths and Tears

Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a whole new chapter for you all. Not much else to say, so enjoy!


Jack had the boat land on the shore across from the kingdom. Once he did, he got out immediately while Rapunzel followed. She was really confused on why he seemed so distracted. "Jack, please tell me, is something wrong? Are you okay?" She asked again and he turned back to her.

"Punz, you know that I had gone on for thirty years without being seen right?" He answered with a question of his own.

This threw her off a little but she replied, "Yeah. Why?"

"To be honest, I was seen by someone once. This was eighteen years ago. And she was just a little baby girl. It was the princess of this kingdom. She had blonde hair like you with green eyes like yours," Jack was starting to get excited and placed his hands on Rapunzel's shoulders, "Don't you see, Punz? I think you were that baby girl! You must be the long lost princess!"

Rapunzel gave him a look and backed away, "What? No. I..." she trailed off and thought over his words. Her? The lost princess? That was impossible. She had lived with her mother since she was born. Her mother had given birth to her. She can't be the princess. "Jack, I don't know. I couldn't be..."

"Come on, Punz!" Jack said with a sharp sigh, "It totally makes sense! She disappeared eighteen years ago and you said your birthday is on this day. This is the exact same day the princess was born and the lanterns. You are now eighteen. And the fact you were the only one to see me before I took that potion, besides Hiccup and Merida, it has to be you. Don't you get it?"

Rapunzel merely stared up at him and glanced down, "Jack, I don't know. I mean I'm sure there are a lot of other girls out there who probably look like me. And any of them could be the princess. But I can't be. I mean, my mother was the one who gave birth to me. And she would never lie to me." She meant every word for she loved her mother dearly and just hearing what Jack said made it sound like Gothel was a liar.

Jack frowned at Rapunzel's words. Why is she even saying no to this? Now that he was looking at her more closely, she looked like that baby princess. He wondered why he never saw it before. But now was not the time to think of that. Right now, he had to convince Rapunzel that she was the princess.

"How do you even know she is your real mother?" Jack finally asked that caused Rapunzel to give him a look.

"Why would you even ask that? Of course she is my real mother. She knows what's best for me and she helped keep my hair safe."

"I don't know. I mean, she keeps you locked away in a tower and never lets you leave? A real mother wouldn't do that. But really, Punz, I can see the resemblance. You have to be that princess."

"Please stop saying that, Jack," Rapunzel said sharply, "You don't know my mother and I don't think I am the princess."

Jack had never heard Rapunzel speak harshly to him. He backed up and turned away from her. He felt frustrated himself. Why is she being naïve about this? He glanced down at his free hand while the other clung to his staff. He sighed before he turned, grabbed the satchel, and began to walk away.

"Jack? Where are you going?" Rapunzel called, as she watched him go. Despite being relatively annoyed of how Jack said about her mother, she felt concerned to see him walk off.

"I just...I just need to think. I'll be back." He replied, the tone in his voice indicating he wasn't very happy at the moment.

Rapunzel watched him walk across the beach and around a cliff. She saw him grab the satchel and a feeling in the pit of her stomach that he might leave. But no, he wouldn't. She felt Pascal climb onto her shoulder and he squeaked in worry. "It's okay, Pascal. Jack and I just had a little fight." She said reassuringly.


Once Jack was around the corner of the mountain on the beach, he began to speak to himself, "Why is she even arguing about the fact she is a princess. She looks just like her. I gotta tell Hiccup and Merida. Maybe they can help with this." He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't even hear someone come up from behind.

It was only then he heard a faint chuckle that he turned. He saw a woman with black curly hair, wearing a red dress and long black cloak. She had a smile on her beautiful face, but it was not out of kindness. Jack then could feel there something wrong with this woman. Her gray eyes seem to be stabbing right through him.

"Well, if it isn't the winter spirit Jack Frost. How quaint," The woman greeted as she walked toward him, "So you are the one who kidnapped my daughter from the tower."

"Your daughter?" Jack repeated and then his eyes widen when he realized that this must be Rapunzel's mother. However, looking at the woman before him, he was now even more convinced that the king and queen are Rapunzel's true parents. For Rapunzel looked nothing like this raven-haired woman standing before him.

"Yes. I always thought you were nothing more than a myth. This is why it's rather strange that I am even able to see you as it is. But no matter, I might as well warn you to stay away from Rapunzel." Gothel said as she gave Jack a glare.

Jack glared as he gripped his staff. He very much wanted to freeze Gothel's face right now. But he wanted answers first, "No way. Rapunzel is the first one to see me. And I have a very good feeling that you are the one who took her from her parents eighteen years ago." He said defiantly.

Gothel smirked, "So you are clever as you are handsome. But no matter, I was hoping you can at least settle this like a good boy. Maybe you need to be taught in manners."

"I need to be taught in manners? I'm not the one who kidnapped the princess. Why did you take her anyway?" Jack demanded as he kept his staff pointed.

"Didn't you see of what her hair does?" Gothel asked as she folded her arms. Jack frowned before the woman went on, "She has the power of a magic golden flower that came from the Sun itself. It kept me young and beautiful for centuries until the king and queen took it from me. I had no other choice but to take the princess and I raised her as my own. And I have a feeling the reason Rapunzel can see you is because she has some magic of her own which in turn can allow her to see other magical beings. I would not be surprised."

Jack's eyes widen at this information. Now it all made sense on why Rapunzel saw him when she was just a little baby. And this is the evil woman who took her that night. He then remembered seeing strands of brown hair left in the crib and then Rapunzel pointing out strands of brown hair within her golden hair. Now the pieces fit together. Jack knew he was more determined than ever to get Rapunzel back to where she belonged; and to get her away from this evil witch.

"Now the only reason I am even telling you this is because you won't be around to even tell her." Gothel's voice brought his attention back to her.

"Really? Then try me, lady. I am going to tell Rapunzel everything. And there's nothing you can do that will stop me." Jack said and began to turn and walk back to where Rapunzel was still waiting.

"Oh I don't think so. Boys." Gothel suddenly called and Jack turned to see what she meant when he felt something go in front of him. He turned back around and backed away when he saw the Stabbington Brothers glaring down at him, holding an unconcious Hiccup and Merida.

"Hiccup! Merida!" Jack exclaimed in shock and horror.

"I told you were not going anywhere." Gothel smirked at him.

Jack glared back at Gothel and raised his staff. "Let them go!" He yelled.

He ran forward at the woman but the Stabbington brothers brandished theirs swords at Hiccup and Merida's necks, "Ah ah ah!" Gothel warned, smiling at Jack, "If you want your little friends' head to remain on their bodies, lower the staff, spirit." she said.

Jack didn't want to, but he could already see blood on his friends' necks.

"NOW!" Gothel screeched.

Jack finally glared at Gothel himself and lowered his staff.

Once she saw Jack lower his weapon, Gothel suddenly took some kind of potion in a bottle. She threw it at Jack that he didn't notice that it were bits of molten rocks. It hit Jack's hands and face. It made him scream in pain that he let go of his staff and knelt to the ground.

Then she immediately created a spell that sent black shadows of magic hurling at Jack.

"Goodnight, spirit."

The last thing Jack heard before darkness enveloped him.


Rapunzel was still waiting by the boat. It had been a long while since she saw Jack. She was starting to get worried. And during his absence, she was thinking over their little argument they had. She didn't want to fight with him, but him saying she was the long lost princess? She sighed and felt Pascal pat her neck. She merely smiled at him and continued to watch where Jack had gone. She really hoped he wasn't too angry.

She only turned her head away and up to the sky to get a glimpse of Toothless. But it was nowhere in sight, neither was her friends.

'Where are they?' She thought to herself.

Finally, she could make out a figure coming from behind the cliff and make its way toward her, "Oh thank goodness. I was starting to think you ran off with the crown and left me because you were really angry." She admitted while tucking a loose of blonde hair behind her ear.

She then noticed the shadowy figure split into two. She frowned and saw it was the Stabbington Brothers. They were smirking at her evilly, "He did." The elder said. "And he took your other two friends with him."

Rapunzel stared in disbelief, "What?" she shook her head, "No, they wouldn't. Not them."

"See for yourself." The thief held out his hand to ocean. Rapunzel frowned and followed his gaze.

To her surprise, she saw Jack sailing away in a yacht. Her eyes widen in shock. She knew he was a little frustrated, but why on Earth would he take the crown and leave her?

"Jack!" She called out, but he didn't respond. She then looked closer at the boat, seeing curly red hair on the rim. She quickly concluded that Merida was on the boat too. And if she's there, them Hiccup must've been there too. But then, where was Toothless?

"Merida! Hiccup!" Rapunzel called in an attempt to get them to answer, but too no avail.

Rapunzel couldn't believe her friends were leaving her, especially Jack. Why?

"Jack!" She tried again, with desperation. But the boat just kept sailing. She tries to find Toothless in the sky, to find a shred of hope, but couldn't find him in the dark sky. Rapunzel felt her heart being crushed and tossed aside. She trusted those people, and now they were gone.

"Seems like a fair trade," one of the brothers said while gesturing to her hair. "A crown for a girl with the magic hair."

Rapunzel couldn't believe her ears. First her friends left her, and now she fought out they told these men about her hair. She was too stun for words, feeling betrayed by the people she trusted.

The brother with the eye patch held his dagger to Rapunzel, while his brother opened a sack. "How much do you think someone will pay to stay young and healthy forever?"

"No, please," Rapunzel pleaded with them. But the brother lunged at her, to attempt to capture her. But she ducked down and ran past them. "No!"  She kept running and running away from the scene, but then he hair got caught an old log. She panicked as she pulled her hair to get it loose. She had to hurry, or else those men would get her.

But then she heard a whack in the distance, and then another. She stopped to understand what's happening back there. Maybe her friends had come back to save her?


She heared someone calling her name, a person she knew all too well.

"Mother?" She whispered. She carefully walked back and disconnected her hair from the log. She then raced to the beach where she saw her mother with a large branch in her hands, and the brothers on the ground knocked out. Her mother was breathing heavily, with her face paler then usual.

Gothel spotted her daughter in the distance, and quickly dropped her stick. "Oh, my precious girl," Gothel said in relief and love.

Rapunzel was relieved to see her mom. She could feel her heartbeat slowing down and becoming calm. "Mother," she said as she raced to the arms of her mother. They embraced with love and compassion.

"Are you alright?" Gothel asked with worry, checking Rapunzel for bruising or pain. "Did they hurt you?"

Rapunzel got a closer look at her mother. She seemed really pale, with really define wrinkles around her arms and eyes, and her hair was more grey than usual. But Rapunzel didn't care, her mother was here. But then Rapunzel thought of something. "How did you find me?" She asked.

"I was so worried about you," she answered with concern. "So I followed you. And...and I saw your friends talking to those men...and they attacked you...oh Rapunzel I'm just so glad you're alright."

Gothel hugged Rapunzel close to her, but Rapunzel's mind was racing. People tried to take her hair, her friends left her, and the winter spirit that she began to fall for betrayed her. It became clear to her now, the only one she could really trust was her mother.

Gothel took her hands and began to lead her towards the forest. "Come," Gothel said looking at the brothers on the ground. "We better go before they come to."

Rapunzel began to follow her mother, but not without looking back to the boat. It kept getting farther and farther, taking everything she thought she knew with her. Her heart felt numb and her eyes lost any happiness in her. She really couldn't understand why her friends, especially Jack, would trade her away like that. It made no sense. She frowned and felt tears go into her eyes. She was just beginning to like him. She thought he would feel the same way. But now, it would seem she was wrong. 

She slowly turned to her mother, who led her away with a hug, and an arm around her.

"You were right mom," Rapunzel cried quietly, "you were right about everything."

"I know darling," Gothel said leading her flower away, "I know." As she led her away, she put her daughter's head on her shoulder, not letting her see a wicked, triumph smile.


Meanwhile, the yacht carrying Jack, Hiccup and Merida floated straight up to the castle. Jack had been knocked out by the Stabbington brothers, and they tied him to the boat to make it look like he was steering. But he wasn't, and the crown was attached to his hand. Inside the boat, Hiccup and Merida still unconcious, with gags and chains on their wrists.

By the time the yacht hit the docks, the guards perched on the walls glanced down when they heard the noise. They noticed who it was and the crown.

"Hey the crown! That must be the thief!" One of the guards pointed out. "And his assoicates!"

Jack was finally coming to and he shook his head, "Punz..." he whispered and realized on his situation. He tried to get free of his bounds but it was no use, "Rapunzel!" He looked down and saw Merida and Hiccup on the boat too. "Guys, wake up!" He shouted, before he saw the guards coming for him.

Max in the meantime had been waiting patiently in the same position when he heard Jack cry out, "No wait! Let me go! I didn't steal the crown! I know about the princess! Rapunzel!" Jack tried to get free of the guards, but it was no use. The other guards were carrying Merida and Hiccup with them.

Jack then heard a small neigh off the harbour. He looked to see Maximus looking at him in shock. "Max! Find Toothless and help us!" Jack called out before he was pushed ahead by the guards.

Max frowned and he took notice of Jack's staff still in the yacht. He then glanced back at the foggy shore. The stallion then knew there was only one thing he could do.

With that, he grabbed the staff with his mouth and galloped towards the shore to look for the Night Fury.

Upon reaching the mainland, Max heard roaring and struggling coming from the shore. Heading over to the noise, he saw Toothless still under the nets and trying to get loose.

Looking up from his trap, Toothless stopped moving for a minute as he and Max and stared at each other.


Despite Jack's best efforts, the guards threw him into a jail cell. He wasn't sure how long he was going to stay in there but he knew he could not get out. He also noticed his staff was not with him. He grasped his empty hands and rushed to the only window in his cell. He was worried about Rapunzel. Now that he knew that evil woman's intentions, he had to find some way to get out of here. He glanced up to see the full moon glowing down at him.

"Please, I don't care if you will answer but at least help Rapunzel know that she is the long lost princess. Please!" He said urgently while his hands gripped the bars on the window.

The moon of course stayed silent and Jack sighed while he turned away. He didn't even notice something small had paused to listen to what he said before it disappeared into the night. He rubbed his white hair in frustration.  All he could do is hope.

"There's got to be some way out of this!"

Flynn turned to see he cell mates. Hiccup sat on the bed with his hands handcuffed in chains, looking at Merida trying to make a wall fall down. Her whole upper body was locked together, with chains and locks holding her arms in place. She kept trying to slam any weak wall, but it only builds her frustration.

"Will you give it a rest," Hiccup said to her. "You're hurting yourself more than the wall."

"I can't help it!" Merida said frustrated. "I get so anxious with my bow gone."

Hiccup could relate. When the guards took Merida's bow and arrows, it made him worry about Toothless, and what would happen to him.

"By the way, why does Jack have more chains then us?" Merida asked out loud.

"They think he's a sorcerer, remember?" Hiccup pointed out.

"Great," Merida moaned with anger. "If I was a witch, I would blast us out of this place."

"I hear you," Hiccup said leaning back into the bed. "We need to find a way out of this, but we can't do it banging our heads everywhere. We need a plan."

"I just hope Punz is alright," Jack said still looking through the window.

Merida and Hiccup look at Jack. They were shocked when he told them who Rapunzel really was and that Gothel wasn't her mother. In turn, they told him everything Gothel told them.

"I'm sure she is," Merida said trying to comfort him. "She's tougher then she appears."

Suddenly, the door to the cell opened, and the head guard came in with a smirk. "Let's get this over with, you three."

The three of them look at the guard confused. "What do you mean?" Merida asked.

The guard smiles at them, making them nervous.

"Oh no," Hiccup said scared. He puts his hand closer to his shirt collar, symbolizing what the guard's plan was.

The three of them have been condemned to death.

"You can't do that to them," Jack yelled at the guard while gesturing to Merida and Hiccup. "They're just children."

"You're a sorcerer!" The guard yelled, locking Jack's arms behind his back. "You'll be hung like one."

"He's not a sorcerer!" Merida yelled at him. She tried to defend her friend, but a number of guards crowded her and held her tight.

"No!" Hiccup yelled as he was being grabbed by another guard.

"No! Please stop!" Flynn yells as the head guard drags him out of the cell.

"You two will take the girl and the other boy down to the back gallows," the head guard told two men. "The rest of you will accompany me and the sorcerer to the main gallows."

The men nod as they took Merida and Hiccup in the opposite direction of Jack.


It was nearly nine pm by the time Rapunzel and Gothel got back to the tower. The two were up in Rapunzel's bedroom and Gothel was unbraiding her daughter's hair. Rapunzel had not spoken for a while now but her mother paid no mind. Soon after she had removed the last flower, Gothel spoke up, "There, it never happened," she then stood up while taking the basket of flowers she took from Rapunzel's hair and made her way to the exit that led out of Rapunzel's room, "Now, wash up for dinner. I'm making hazelnut soup."

Gothel turned and noticed that Rapunzel was still staring down at her clasped hands on her lap. She sighed sympathetically. She tried to think of a way to feel better. She felt a twinge of guilt go through her while she took a hold of the curtains.

"I really did try, Rapunzel. I tried to warn you what was out there. The world is dark, selfish and cruel. If it finds even the slightest ray of sunshine, it destroys it." With that said, Gothel closed the curtains and walked out.

Rapunzel shifted her eyes up to where Gothel had gone before going back to staring at her clasped hands. She opened them to reveal the purple banner with the Corona sun symbol upon it. It was the only thing she had to remind her of Jack. Her mother had cleaned up the snow he left in the tower. It pained her to think her friends would just betray her like that. She had thought Jack understood her. She was starting to really like him. She felt her heart pain just from thinking about the winter youth.

Rapunzel then heard a squeak and she glanced down to see Pascal staring up at her. He was sorry for her to go through with this. He turned blue while he snuggled against Rapunzel's dress. She tried to give him a smile to show she appreciated his concern before she lay back on her bed. She clutched the banner and deeply sighed. She then opened her eyes to stare up at the celling. She could see all the paintings she did and frowned. The shapes in her paintings seemed somehow familiar. Where had she seen them before? She glanced down at the banner and held it up. She saw the shape of sun on the purple cloth and then glanced back at her paints. As she did, she was beginning to see the shapes in the art. She slowly sat up and looked closer. She can actually see sunburst on flag embedded in her bedroom wall murals.

Rapunzel's eyes widen even more as she felt a stir of a faint memory go through her. She quickly got off of her bed and the memory flashed through her. She could see the same sun symbol hanging over her. She was in a crib and she saw blurry outlines of the king and queen. The same king and queen she saw from the mural back at the kingdom. Also standing next to them was Jack. He was more visible and he had a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Princess, I will be back. Believe me." He said and Rapunzel remembered about the crown she wore on her head.

As the memory ended, Rapunzel staggered backwards and fell against her dressing table. She ignored the noises she made and opened her eyes back at the bedroom ceiling. Now she knew that Jack was telling the truth. She was the baby...the princess Corona had lost and the only one who ever saw Jack. She was in shock.


Jack was still walking with the guards. Every time he tried to think of a way to escape, he couldn't come up with anything. They were passing by other prisoners and Jack happened to notice two of them in a prison cell. It was the Stabbington brothers! Angrily, the winter spirit managed to knock against the guards holding his arms, jumped up to get his arms from behind his back to the front, and he rushed over before grabbing one of the brothers,

"Were you working with that lady the whole time? Tell me, now!" Jack said in a demanding voice that even made the thief shiver,

"No! She tricked us too!" He confessed and Jack stared in surprise.

"Seriously?" Before he can even go on, the guards had come up and grabbed Jack once again, "No wait! You don't understand! She's in trouble!"


Meanwhile, two guards led Merida and Hiccup to where they're going to be hanged. Hiccup was in deep thought, trying to think of a way out of this. The guards didn't really have any trouble moving him; they had their hands full with Merida. She struggled to break free from her chains, but the guards held her tight.

"Do you not know who I am!?" she said with much fuss. "I'm the princess of DunBroch!"

"Sure," one guard joked. "And I'm the king of Arrendale."

Merida defiantly did not want to give up, she kept trying to push and punch her way out. But the chains locking almost her entire body were proving more difficult then she thought.

Suddenly, Hiccup let out a painful moan, and fell to his knees.

"Hey! Get up!" One of the guards commanded.

"I don't feel so good," Hiccup let out an agonizing cry.

The guard let go of Merida and went to Hiccup, grabbing his collar. "I said get up!"

Hiccup took the opportunity, and head butt the guard's expose face. He then went down and swept the legs, making the guard fall back, and unconscious.

"Hey!" The other guard yelled at Hiccup. Merida saw her chance, and kneed the guard in the privet part. He winched in pain as he dropped to his knees. As he looks at Merida, she smiled and head butted him in the face, making him go down knocked up.

"That was awesome," Hiccup said as he reached for the guard's keys.

Merida shook her head and went to meet him. "You were amazing," she said like a proud teacher. "That was a really smart plan."

"I learn from the best," he said with a smile that made Merida blush a bit. "Lesson two; always keep your guard up."

"That right," Merida said as she saw Hiccup getting the keys. But he couldn't do his own lock, so he passed the keys to Merida, who just got it between her fingers. She gently and carefully got the key into the hole and unlocked his cuffs. After rubbing his wrists, Hiccup unlocked Merida from her chains.

But they could afford a minute to rest, they realized Jack was heading to the gallows and Rapunzel was in danger.

"Come on, we have no time to dilly dally," Merida said as she lifted Hiccup to his feet.

Together, they ran through the hallway, to find Jack. They did stop to see a table that had all their stuff on it. Hiccup quickly picked up the frying pan, he needed something to fight with, and that was the only thing there. Besides, he's seen how useful it could be. Merida gathered her bow and quiver with one big swoop, and made sure she still had everything inside the quiver, like some food. Neither of them could see the crown, but that was the least of their worries. As soon as they were sure they've got everything, they ran to find Jack.

However, when they turned a corner, they saw something they didn't expect to see.

"No way," Hiccup said with his jaw opened.


"Rapunzel?" Gothel called as she was walking back up the steps. She had heard the loud noise coming from Rapunzel's room. Curious, she was going back to see what had happened. Rapunzel in the meantime was still letting the thought of her being the lost princess go through her. "Rapunzel, what's going on up there?" She slowly stood up and headed for the curtains, "Are you all right?" Gothel said again as she stopped halfway up the stairs when she saw Rapunzel appear.

"I am the lost princess." Rapunzel said softly as she stared at the floor while holding onto the curtains.

Gothel rolled her eyes before saying sharply, "Oh, please speak up Rapunzel. You know how I hate the mumbling."

"I am the lost princess!" Rapunzel repeated just as sharply and glared at Gothel, "Aren't I?" Hearing this, Gothel stared in shock. Seeing the expression on her face, Rapunzel glared even more as she let go of the curtains, "Did I mumble, Mother? Or should I even call you that?"

Getting over her shock, Gothel tried to act innocent and asked, "Oh Rapunzel, did you even hear yourself?" She laughed while she came up to Rapunzel, "Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?"

Rapunzel was now noticing what Gothel was trying to do. She was trying to manipulate her like did all the time, "Jack was right! It was you! It was all you!" she said loudly as she shoved Gothel away from her. "You told the brothers about my hair! Framing my friends and making them leave on that boat! You did it all, just to get to me!"

Gothel in return gave her a stern look and said softly, "Everything that I did was to Your so called friends would've betrayed you anyway, they would-"

"No!" Rapunzel said cutting her off. "They were the only REAL family I had. They trusted me, helped me through the tough times, and actually cared about me! Not just for my hair, but as a person."

"I do care about you Rapunzel," Gothel pleaded. "You are just being rash about this."

Rapunzel merely scoffed at this lie before she pushed her aside and started to walk down the stairs, "Rapunzel!"

"I've spent my entire life hiding from people who would use me for my power..." Rapunzel said while Gothel followed her,


"...but I should have been hiding... from you!" Rapunzel turned back to Gothel when she was at the bottom of the steps.

"Where will you go?" Gothel questioned coldly. "They won't be there for you."

"What did you do?" Rapunzel demande, realizing that Merida, Hiccup and Jack could be in trouble now. Who knows what her mother and those brothers could've done to them.

"I was hoping they would go peacefully. But no. So that spirit and his associates are to be hanged for their crimes."

Rapunzel gasped at this thought, "No." She was horrified to think terrified that she would never see her friends, even Jack again.

Gothel approached and tried to comfort her, "Now, Now. It's all right. Listen to me. Everything is as it should be." She said and held out her hand to pat Rapunzel's hair.

Rapunzel however had had enough. She quickly grabbed Gothel's hand by the wrist and she said defiantly, "No! You were wrong about the world. You were wrong about my friends. And you were wrong about me. I'm not that docile, fragile, and weak girl you say I am. I'm am stronger, and wiser than I've ever been. And you know what, Merida was right. You are a terrible mother and I will never let you use my hair again!"

Gothel growled as she managed to finally get her arm back from Rapunzel. As she did, she felt back against the mirror, which caused it to fall to the hard floor and shatter. Gothel panted in shock. She had no idea Rapunzel would ever stand up to her like that. She glanced back up to see Rapunzel glaring at her before the blonde turned and head toward the window. She was determined to get to her friends and Gothel was not going to stop her.

Gothel recovered quickly and a dark look appeared over her face, "You want me to be the bad guy? Fine," She said softly and began to follow Rapunzel, "Now I'm the bad guy..."


Back with Jack, he was still trying his best to get free of the guards. However, they held him tightly. He really wished he was invisible just this once so he can get out of there and help Rapunzel. He glanced out a window that showed the moon and he thought, 'Please help me or something!'

As if on cue, before the captain can go through the next door, it slammed shut. "What's this?" The captain asked as Jack and the other guards halt behind him. The captain started to slam on the door, "Open up!"

The tiny window on the door suddenly opened and Jack's eyes widen when he recognize who was in the window, "What's the password?" It was Shorty! What was he doing here? As Jack pondered, the window slammed shut in the captain's face.

"What?" The head guard said confused.

"Nope," the old man said closing the slot.

The head guard's anger quickly rose to a boiling point. "Open this door!" He commanded.

The old man opened the slot again, shaking his head. "Not even close," he said before shutting the slot.

The head guard couldn't take it anymore, he had to use force. "You have three seconds to open the door, or bust it open." He said with anger. The other two guards only look and held Jack and he readied his weapon. "One!"

Just then a thug came from the ceiling and snatched on of the guards, taking him up.


The other guard looked up confused, unaware that a door opened beside him. A hand reached out and grabbed the guard by the mouth, and pulled him in.

"Three!" The head turned to command his troops, but realized that it was only Jacl standing there, waving at him. The door did open to the head guard, but it was a big thug from the snuggling duckling, with Hiccup on his shoulders. Before the head guard could do something, Hiccup quickly hit him on the head with the frying pan.

"Hiccup!" Jack exclaimed happily.

"Frying pans," Hiccup said as he jumped off the big guy. "Who knew, right?" He raced Jack and quickly unlocked the handcuffs.

"Thanks," Jack said with gratitude.

"No problem," Hiccup said with a smile.

"If you two ladies are done, we should get going." Merida said from behind the thug a little annoyed. Both boys snap back to reality as the opposite door began to be knocked down by guards at the other end.

The gang quickly ran for their lives, and away from the guards. They met up with some of the other thugs and ruffians and helped them knock out the guards. While Hiccup either ran or used the frying pan, Merida would use her arrows to snag on the guard's clothes and nailed to a wall. Jack fought with his fists, and pushing the guards out of the way. The thugs helped in their own unique way, one would use an axe, and another would use a his army of rats.

More guards came but they were stopped by Ulf. He was miming and pretending to be against a wall. The guards honestly had no idea of what to do. Finally, Ulf then mimed as if to say look out to your side. They followed his gaze and screamed when they saw Vlad coming for them. It was too late. He collided with them and Ulf merely acted like a frightened woman.

Soon, Jack, Merida and Hiccup made it to a courtyard that was surrounded by tall walls. But they also saw the hook hand thug, and the big noes thug. The hooked hand thug took Jack and put him on a wheelbarrow, while the other grabbed Hiccup and Merida and led them to another nearby wheelbarrow.

"What's going on?" Hiccup asked.

"Just keep your head down, elbows lock and legs apart." The hooked thug said with a wink.

"Why would we-?" Jack began to say. Then without warning, Vladimir jumped on the other end of Jack's barrow, and launched him into the air and over the wall.

"Oh no," Hiccup gulped in fear as he readied the position. Merida prepared too for the worst, and then felt her hand being grabbed by the big noes thug.

"Don't forget me, darling," he said sweetly to her.

Normally she would puke at this guy, but he is trying to save her life. So she leaned in and planted a very, very small kiss on his cheek. "I won't," she said as a giant thug hit her barrow. It launched her and Hiccup into the air and over the wall. She took a second to glance that now they were in the kingdom's village and heading towards a giant hay stack.

It was a soft landing, just like a pillow. Hiccup and Merida quickly got out and saw Jack landed right on Toothless' saddle.

"Toothless!" Hiccup exclaimed as he ran over to hug the dragon's head. "Great to see you bud."

Hearing a neigh, the group looked turned and saw Max coming up to them with Jack's staff in his mouth.

"My staff!" Jack said, as he took it back gratefully and looks at the stalliong with a smile. "Thanks for the help."

Maximus nodded with a neigh.

"We really have no time for this!" Merida said as she jumped onto Toothless.

"Yeah," Hiccup agreed as he climbed on up in front of her. "Rapunzel is still in danger."

"Right," Jack said as he snaps back to reality. "Thanks again, Max. I owe you one."

With that, the winter spirit and the dragon riders shot into the air and out of the kingdom at great speeds.


"We're almost there!" Jack replied flying faster.

"Okay!" Hiccup yelled, as Toothless flew alongside the winter spirit.

Soon the group came up on the vally and that's when they saw it, the tower. It certainly looked the same as ever, but the dark clouds above cast a shadow of gloom in the area.

Wasting no time, Jack floated down at the front of the tower. "Rapunzel!" He cried out. He waited only for a second before yelling again. "Punz, can you hear me!?"

But he got no response. He became frantic, wanting to know that she's safe. Once Toothless landed on the ground, Hiccup and Merida both jump off of him and ran at the base.

"I don't like this," Hiccup said speaking his mind.

"Aye. Same here,"  Merida nodded.

Jack clenched his staff tigher. "I'll fly up there and see for myself." With that, he starts to lift off the ground and head towards the window. He just wanted to see Rapunzel's smile again, and know that she is safe.

Then, from the top of the tower, and loud clicking sound can be heard. Everyone looked up to see a stream of golden hair making its way down to meet them.

Jack let out a huge sigh of relief, Rapunzel is still alive. Wasting no time, he began to go higher up the tower.

"Wait!" Hiccup whispers to Jack, making him stop. "This is too weird. Rapunzel let down her hair but didn't answer to us, it's clear something is not right."

"I agree," Merida said. "It could very well be a trap up there." Toothless Maximus agreed that it's a trap.

But Jack shook his head and continued to float. "Even if it is, I have to help her." He wasn't going to let anyone talk him out of this. His mind was set of seeing Rapunzel, no matter the cost.

Merida huffed that Jack wouldn't listen to reason, while Hiccup hatch a thought. 'There has to be another way into the tower. How else could Gothel got herself and Rapunzel back in without the use of the hair?'

He began to race around the tower, till he found the hidden doorway in the bushes. "Merida, over here!" He whispered to make sure no one on the upper levels could hear him. The last thing they needed was to announce a surprise attack.

Merida got the hint and signaled Toothless to stay put, while she and Hiccup began to race up the stairs.

Jack finally reached the top, and hauls himself inside. "Punz, are you oka-" he said, but then cut off at the sight. He could see the room had become very dark, with broken glass shards on the floor. But the sight that really horrified him was seeing Rapunzel gagged and chained to the wall. Her eyes widen with fear, and her cries were of warning.

As Jack tried to figure out what was happening, Gothel suddenly appeared behind him, making him unaware and caught off guard. Then Jack turned around and received a cut on his cheek by Gothel, Rapunzel tried going closer to him, but couldn't go any further because of the chains keeping her locked.

Jack looked at the hand he placed on his wound and saw blood coming out, "How..."

"How was I able to hurt you? That's pretty simple," Gothel scoffed and showed the dagger she used. It was heated at the fire until it showed the color of Scarlet on its side, showing that it was hot enough to melt anything. "Seeing that you're a winter spirit, it appears heat is your weakness."

Jack couldn't take anything that was heated, it was the one that made him weak and lose his power. Being a winter spirit, he couldn't be injured by anything except for the opposite of his power, which was fire. Just by being close to the fire of a candle could make him weak.

Gothel went next to Rapunzel, holding the dagger. She grabbed Rapunzel's chains and pulled her closer to the hidden door. But Jack immediately closed the door and stood in front of Gothel and Rapunzel, "Let Rapunzel go!"

"My, my, my. How sweet of you to care so much like that for her," Gothel chuckled, "Tell you what... You give me your staff and I'll just collect some of the power of Rapunzel's hair... And then you can be on your ways."

Jack looked at Rapunzel, she shook her head, telling him not to believe in what Gothel was tell him. Gothel became impatient and grabbed Rapunzel by her hair and pointed the knife on her neck, "Give me your staff... Or you say goodbye to Rapunzel."

Gothel wasn't joking; Jack could see tears falling down Rapunzel's face from the heat she felt from the dagger slightly touching her skin. Jack had no choice but to give her his staff. He handed it over to Gothel and she had an evil grin on her face.

Jack reached out his hand to Gothel, "Now, let her go."

"... No,"Gothel laughed wickedly as she broke the staff in half. It made Jack shout in pain when the staff boke, like he was hurt inside.

Jack couldn't concentrate in pain which made him let his guard down. Rapunzel screamed as Gothel charged at Jack. Everything happened so fast that Jack noticed that Gothel has stabbed him in the right side of his stomach. When Gothel removed the dagger from his stomach, Jack fell to the ground, almost losing consciousness. He didn't give up, he still tried moving and reaching for his staff and Rapunzel.

"Now look at what you've done Rapunzel," Gothel said coldly as she walks over Jack's body. "Don't worry dear; our secret will die with him."

Rapunzel couldn't stand the sight of Jack on the ground. He was hurt and she couldn't do anything to stop it. Gothel was intending on leaving Jack to die. Rapunzel tried again to break free from her chains, but they still held her firm. It seemed like everything was hopeless, but she couldn't give in, not now. Because if she did, Gothel will win and use her like she did before. She couldn't allow being taken advantage of again.

Gothel reached behind Rapunzel and unhook the chain off the wall, and began to drag her flower to the trap door. "And as for us," she said with much force, "we are going, where no one will ever find you again." But Rapunzel refused to be trap again. She struggles to get closer to Jack, while her mother keeps dragging her away.

Rapunzel continued to struggle while Pascal came out of his hiding place and rushed over. He hoped to help out his mistress. He bit a part of Gothel's dress and tried to pull on it. However, the evil witch merely glared and kicked Pascal away. The chameleon went sailing back and hit against the wall underneath the window. It seemed like Gothel was going to win.

But then, and arrow came through the trap door, and nearly missing the witch's face.

"Get back!" Merida ordered, pointing another arrow at Gothel, with Hiccup behind her with the frying pan. "Stay away from her!"

Hiccup looked over and saw Jack injured. "Jack!" He exclaimed in horror.

But Gothel didn't move, but looked at the two of them coldly. "I've had enough of you two," she said. "You've become a major problem."

"Who would lock her own daughter in chains?" Hiccup yelled angry while tightening his hands on the pan. "What kind of mother are you?"

"I can answer that one for you," Merida said over her shoulder. "A bad one." She then drew her bow back a little more, aiming for Gothel's head. "Now let her go! I won't miss next time." She threatened.

Gothel chuckled a bit, seeing the two of them threatening her. "I don't think so," she said. "I think you should just get out of our way."

Out of nowhere, two shadow tentacles came through the trap door, grab them both and lifted them through the trap door. The shadows then pushed them both to a wall, and held them in place. Not one of them could move or do anything to stop Gothel.

"Now that that's done, come along dear," Gothel said resuming her journey to get Rapunzel through the door.

But Rapunzel continued to try to go back. She eyed her friends being hostages, and her new love on the floor dying, she needed to stay and help them. Especially Jack, he'll die if she doesn't use her hair on him soon. She had to get to him before it's too late. She had to save her friends too. She couldn't give in to Gothel, not now.

"Really Rapunzel!," Gothel shouted, trying to reel her flower in. "Enough already! STOP FIGHTING ME!"

With all her might, Rapunzel pulled away from Gothel and managed to loosen her gag around her mouth. "No!" She cried with defiance. "I won't stop, for every second of my life. I will fight. I will never stop trying to get away from you!"

Rapunzel drew up the courage she never had before, enough to make a fight with Gothel. She wanted her mother to be afraid at her, to not take advantage of her in the way she did. Rapunzel knew who she was and the truth about the world. She understood everything so clearly now, and didn't want things to be the way they were.

But she also knew that Gothel wouldn't give up. She'll do whatever it takes to get Rapunzel to stay with her. Even hurt the people she cared about. She quickly looked around the room, seeing everyone either in the walls in chains, or on the floor dying. Her friends, her love, they'll will never be safe if she fights to be free. She made a plan to make sure they will be alright, even if it means giving up her freedom for them. It would just make her happy that they'll be safe.

She turned back to Gothel, and look at her with a sad look on her face. "But, if you let me heal him, and you let them go, I'll go with you," she pleaded to her mother.

Everyone in the room was shocked at what Rapunzel just said.

"No! Don't do this, Punz!" Jack choked in pain. He wanted Rapunzel to be free from this woman. Even if it means he would, he couldn't allow Rapunzel's good spirit to be locked up again.

"No, don't!" Merida yelled with so much emotion.

"Don't worry about us!" Hiccup exclaimed in desperation, hoping Rapunzel heeds everyone's words.

She ignored them and kept her gaze on Gothel. "I'll never run, I'll never try to escape. Just let me save my friends, and you and I will be together. forever. just like you wanted. I promise. Just let me heal him."

Gothel's eyes narrow at Rapunzel, thinking. She knew her flower has never broken a promise in her life. If doing this one good deed means that Rapunzel will be hers' forever, she should abide by it.

Finally, with a scoff, she decided to grant this last request. She got the chains off of Rapunzel's arms. Before Rapunzel can move toward Jack, Gothel walked up to him, pushed him roughly against another post of the tower and non-too kindly chained him to it.

"In case you get any ideas about following us." Gothel hissed at Jack.

Jack merely gave her a weak glare. Gothel then moved off to let Rapunzel do her thing. The girl was by Jack's side in a second. "Jack? Are you okay? Oh, I'm so sorry. Everything is gonna be okay." Rapunzel moved Jack's hand away from his wound and could see blood staining his white shirt.

Jack however shook his head, "No wait, Punz..." he tried to say, despite him getting weaker by the second.

"I promise you. You have to trust me. Just like I trusted you." Rapunzel shook her head and made way to place her hair on his wound.


"Come on, just breathe."

"I can't let you do this." Jack finally managed to say as he placed his right hand on Rapunzel's hands.

"But I can't let you die. The world needs your winter, Jack." Rapunzel said softly as a sad smile spread across her face.

Jack coughed and frowned before he said, "But if you do could die."

"Hey. It's gonna be all right." Rapunzel whispered as she removed her hand to rub Jack's cheek gently. She wanted to reassure him she will be fine. She knew she wasn't going to see him or the others again so she tried to make sure she remembered him no matter what.

"No it isn't" Hiccup said, "You can't just give in like this."

"I have to," she said while glancing to both of her friends on the walls. "It's the only way you can be safe."

"But, you will never live your dream," Hiccup said in desperation, hoping for Rapunzel to listen to everyone.

Rapunzel looked at each of her friends, reflecting on the adventure she had. She battled with the worst men, met a lot of amazing people, and saw the world in more colours then on her walls. She learned so much and will treasure that forever. "Thank you all for helping me make my biggest dream come true," she said with a warm smile. "I will remember each and every one of you. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just to know that you will be safe, I'll be happy with that."

While Rapunzel talked to her friends, Jack tried desperately to get the hair off him, but it was no use. He couldn't allow Rapunzel to give in and be a prisoner for this woman. He then remembered something she told them, the one condition about her hair. He felt around until his hand pricked on a big shard of glass. He quickly hid it so no one could see it.

"Rapunzel," Merida said on the verge of tears, as much as she tried to fight them. She didn't want to show Rapunzel the weakness she felt. "You might be the bravest lass I've ever known." Hiccup nodded his head in agreement while displaying his own sad expression.

"Thank you," Rapunzel said with a sad smile. "It means a lot coming from you." With that, she lean down to Jack and took a deep breath.

"Punz, wait..." Rapunzel opened her eyes and stared into Jack's blue ones. He reached up with his right hand to run his fingers through her blonde hair. She wondered on what he was up to. Maybe he wanted a goodbye kiss? She leaned toward him as he did the same to her. Then, quick as a flash and with his last bit of strength, Jack grabbed all of Rapunzel's hair and with his left hand, he took the broken mirror shard and sliced Rapunzel's hair.

"Jack, what?" Rapunzel said shocked. She could see little locks fall around her face. The golden strands quickly turned brown. They made their way to her roots and stayed there. It was obvious to her that her magic hair was gone, and the hair on her head was brown.

"No!" Gothel said in horror. She quickly picked up the long hair on the floor, trying to gather it all. But all the golden hair quickly turned brown.

"What have you done?!" She screamed in anger as she saw her arm becoming thinner and whiter. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

She stumbled to the cracked mirror and got a look at herself. Her hair and skin quickly became a ghostly white, and shrivelled. She started to lose her balance and her youth. She could feel the ages catching up to her, and draining her.

Unable to look at herself, she pulled cloak' hood over her face and stumble backwards in pain as her life is being sucked dry. But the shadows started to fade away around Merida and Hiccup. Soon they were free from their bondage.

Gothel was still wallowed in pain as she felt herself getting smaller and colder. Not looking where she's going, she stumbled around and toward the window. Pascal gasped and despite being weak and injured, he managed to grab ahold of the long hair, and used it to trip Gothel out the window. Rapunzel stretched out her arms to try to help her. But it was too late. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh...! Gothel screamed with her final breath as her clothes whether away and her skin sinks to her bones. All her hair became thinner and thinner until it disappears. Her bones began to break and her body sank into her cloak. When she hits the ground, all that was left was an explosion of dust.

Rapunzel took a glance out of the window, and saw that her mother was now dead and gone.

Hiccup and Merida ran over to Rapunzel, "Are you ok?" Hiccup asked.

Rapunzel didn't know what to think, everything happened so fast. "I...I think so," she said with a heavy heart. Yes her mom lied to her, but she was the only mother she's known. And now she's gone.

But Rapunzel can't focus on what happened to Gothel; Jack was still on the ground dying.

"Jack," she said with great fear. "No, no, no, no, stay with me!"

Hiccup and Merida came to Jack and just watch. None of them had a clue what to do. Baby tooth finally recovers, but can only watch Rapunzel struggling to save Flynn.

She knew the magic in her hair is gone, but she has to try. It's the only thing she can think of to save Flynn's life. "Flower gleam and glow, let your...power shine..."

"Rapunzel." Jack finally managed to say.

"What?" she asked, with tears welling up in her eyes.

Jack sighed and opened his eyes halfway, "Thanks...for being my first believer. And also for letting my dream of...being seen come true." He said gently and managed to give her a weak smile.

Rapunzel chocked at these words, "And thank you for being there for me and making my dream come true." She whispered. She meant it for it had not been for Jack, she never would have known of who she really was.

Jack sighed and whispered, "Smile, Punz, you look prettier when you do," Rapunzel tried to smile but it was hard to, "Everything will be okay. I promise." Jack finally closed his eyes and with a small sigh, he was gone.

Rapunzel then began to cry. Jack was gone. No he could not be. She shook her head while holding his right hand tightly. "No, no please," she begged Jack. "Please stay with me."

Hiccup was watching near the window and felt nothing but sorrow. Even Merida had to wipe a few tears of her face.

Rapunzel hugged Jack close and saw a soft beam of white light go upon her. She turned her head toward the window and could see the full moon shining brightly into the dark tower. Remembering what Jack had told her about the moon, she said,

"I don't know if you can hear me, but please...bring him back," She heard silence but she continued, "I don't care what happens with me. Just, please bring Jack back to me. Please, I will do anything." She then turned back to Jack and leaned her head down to his. She ran her fingers through his white hair and began to sing softly, "Heal what has been hurt. Change the fate's design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine."

As she sang the last line, she closed her eyes and a single tear fell onto Jack's cheek. For a moment, all was quiet except for Rapunzel's chocked sobs. She then felt the moon's beam fall on her and she opened her eyes as if the moon was calling her. She stared out the window to the moon. Her eyes widen as the glow from the moon began to get brighter. As it did, the tear on Jack's face had disappeared and his wound began to glow golden. Rapunzel gasped in surprise to see a tremendous thing happen. As the moon continued to beam upon her, the golden lights from Jack's wound danced all around her and seemed to be going into her as well. Hiccup and Merida were also astounded by what they were seeing.

After a minute and the dancing lights faded, she then felt very different. She honestly had no idea of why or what was different. The only thing she did know was that she was not going to the same ever again.

"Rapunzel!" she heard Hiccup yell in surprise. "Your hair!"

Rapunzel's eyes widen as she felt her head. The short hair that was there two seconds ago was no more. Now her hair was long again. She let one lock go down her shoulder to see its back to a golden blonde.

"It grew back!" Merida said surprised.

Then they all heard a groan from Jack, who was still in her arms, and Rapunzel turned back to him, "Rapunzel? Guys?" Jack said with a groan and Rapunzel gaped in shock. Hiccup and Merida went over to see what was going on.

"Jack?" Rapunzel asked to make sure.

Jack's blue eyes blinked open and he stared up at her, "Wait, I thought you were supposed to be a brunette. Unless you are an angel from heaven." He said the last part as a joke.

"Jack!" Rapunzel cried out and immediately flung herself into his arms. She gave him a hug and Jack chuckled before he hugged her back.

After a long minute of embracing, Rapunzel pulled back and Jack sat up rubbing his neck.

"Glad to you're alright, frostbite." Merida said, punching his arm.

"Back at you, Spitfire." Jack retorted with a smirk.

"Here's your staff, bud." Hiccup said, holding up Jack's staff, which was now fixed and back in one piece.

She frowned and wondered of how to get Jack out of the chains. She was about to get up to go through the hidden door because Gothel probably had the key on her before she died, when she spotted Jack's staff, "I'll go get the key."

Jack took the staff from Hiccup as frost appear into the grooves once more. The potion the witch gave him was now gone. He glanced back at Rapunzel who too was staring at amazement. "Well, I think there is no need for a key. Besides, I think that potion that witch gave me is now gone." He shrugged as he placed Pascal on his shoulder and he aimed his staff to the chains. Focusing, he freezes the metal and soon with enough effort, he got out of the chains with no problem. He stood up with a stretch and turned back to the blonde girl, "Seriously, why do you have gold hair again?" he questioned as he rubbed his white hair.

Rapunzel sighed and finally answered while she tugged on her short hair, "I think the moon had something to do with it."

Hiccup blinked at this response, "The moon?" He asked.

Jack turned quickly to the window and saw the moon shining upon them.

"Yeah. I asked him to help me bring you back. He spoke to me too. He said that I was destined for something. And well, I guess that's why he helped me bring you back and probably...gave me my hair back." Rapunzel said with a shrug.

"Whoa..." Merida breathed out in awe.

Jack simply stared at her. The moon spoke to her? "Did he say anything else?"

Rapunzel shook her head, "No." Before anyone could say another word, they heard a small squeak and they turned to see Pascal limping toward them, "Pascal!" She leaned over and scooped her chameleon. Jack sat up straighter and frowned down at him.

"Is he okay?" he questioned in concern while he glanced at Rapunzel.

"I don't know. But let's see if my hair can still do what it used to." She placed Pascal on her hair and closed her eyes. Before she can open her mouth to sing, her hair was already glowing and she opened her eyes again. Her hair then faded and Jack smiled,

"Pascal seems okay now." He said as he reached up and Pascal gratefully got on his hand and climbed on his shoulder.

Rapunzel smiled before Hiccup realized something, "Hey, shouldn't we be getting Rapunzel back to her family."

Merida's eyes widen, "Oh right. Let's go!" She said, as she ran towards the secret exit with Hiccup behind her.

As everyone prepared to leave the tower, Rapunzel looked at her hair. It wasn't as long as it was before; her hair went down to about her ankles and tickling them. She quickly sang the magic song to see if the magic is back, sure enough the hair glowed and probably still has the healing factor. But this time, she didn't feel trapped because someone wanted to use her for it. Instead, she felt free and decisive. She won't be held down by anyone wanting to use her hair; she is now free to make her own choice. And her first one is to put that hair in a long braid, to keep it neat and tangled free

Jack looked at Rapunzel. "Let's get you back home." He smiled.

"But what about you?" Rapunzel questioned for she knew that if the potion was gone, that meant that no one in the kingdom would probably see him.

"I'll be fine, Punz. Getting back to your real parents is what matters now." Jack reassured her while placing a hand on her shoulder.

Then, without warning, a soft hand grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled the surprised Jack Frost forward, pale cold lips crashing into soft warm ones, both pairs of eyes immediately closing by the sensation drifting through them, and Rapunzel instantly feeling butterflies in her stomach for showing her own appreciation for the winter spirit who helped her all the way. Withing miliseconds he gave in and returned the feelings, arms holding onto one another. The kiss lasted what felt like an eternity to them, but in reality only a few seconds. Truthfully Rapunzel had no idea what she was doing, but hey first time for everything. 

Gently pulling away from the winter spirit, Rapunzel felt the cool touch on her lips still, and felt blood rushing up to her cheeks at the impulsive action. Jack slowly opened his eyes with his mouth parted, staring in a complete daze over what Rapunzel had just done. It was always adorable; taking him by surprise. But he deserved it, for everything Jack has done for her, all selflessly and the noblest intention of wanting to make her happy. The spirit was so unknowingly sweet to a girl who didn't deserve the affection Jack gave her... Plus Rapunzel believed there was no better way at expressing how she felt in return to the spirit's feelings. And you know the best part of this?

She had no regret over it.

"Thank you Jack... for helping me find the courage to come out here. That was my appreciation to everything you've done for me." Rapunzel smiled soft and gently clasped her own hands behind her. Seeing as how the youthful spirit of winter looked as though he won't be mustering a reply right now, staring shell-shocked at Rapunzel for doing something neither of them honestly expected she'd do, the teenager giggled at the cute reaction and and then she joined her friends as they go down the trap door.

Staring after her with mind still processing what had just happened, Jack stood there like a statue, not quite believing that just happened right in the blue.

Then, the biggest of grins grew on his face as the traces of her warmth remained felt on Jack's lips. He hoped not. Even with her back turned to him, the spirit felt like doing a lot of things to express how he feels right about now: pumping his fist in the air, run up to the unsuspecting teenage girl and do the same but with Rapunzel taken by surprise, or decorate the entire valley with snow. But instead he stood there with this idiotic grin on his pale face.

Rapunzel kissed him.

Kissed me!

Sure Jack knew of her feelings towards the mischievous spirit of winter, but for the teenage girl to just do that to show, as Rapunzel put it, appreciation for his gifts and support, had his mind reeling; decisions attacking him left and right for what to do now. Never had he been kissed like that before, Jack only having witnessed romance of mortals from afar or up close to pull a prank on unexpecting couples. Was... Was Rapunzel aware of his own feelings towards her?

The more he asked himself these questions, the more stirring within himself grew. Well, whatever the reason, Jack was right now both happy and completely content,

Pascal glanced at Jack's expression and smirked, nudging the neck of the teenage boy with his paw. The spirit eventually snapped out of it and looked at the chameleon in curiosity, and Pascal inclined with his head towards the blissful Rapunzel, the look on his face saying: Well what are you waiting for?

Instead of scowling at the chameleon for it, Jack obliged and moved towards the trap door to join his friends.


Done! Tell me what you think. Review or PM me your thoughts.

See ya!!!

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