Chapter 2 - The Tower and Crown Chase
Hey guys! Firestorm40 here with a new chapter for you all.
Here's the second chapter! Sorry if it seems a I tried to think of a way of how Jack would get tangled into this movie and I tried to keep him character. I see he is the type of guy who's attention span doesn't stay on one thing for long. But knowing he's got a good heart, and seeing that Rapunzel was only thing to see him, he may want to help out her parents. Okay, enough talking. On with the story!
Almost eighteen years had passed in Corona. In the hidden tower, within a beautiful little valley, a chameleon rushed out on the large window panel. He panted before he hid in front of a flower pot. He started to breathe heavily and glanced behind him. He then allowed himself to blend in with the color of the flowerpot. Seconds later, the window doors flung open to reveal a teenage girl with long gold hair wearing a pretty pink and purple dress.
"Ha!" she cried out and let a playful smirk cross her pretty face while her green eyes glanced down at the flower pot. She rubbed her hair before she started to say, "Well, I guess Pascal's not hiding out here." Pascal started to snicker when he felt himself being lifted in the air by his tail, "Gotcha!"
The girl surprised him while she hung upside down and was using a part of her hair to hold him. Pascal squeaked before he turned back into his normal green color. The girl, Rapunzel laughed while she up righted herself and lowered her friend back down to the window panel.
"That's 22 for me. How about 23 out of 45?" She questioned while placing her hands on her hips. Pascal gave her a look to indicate he did not want to play this game anymore. Groaning, Rapunzel sat on the sill and questioned with a knowing look, "Okay, well, what do you wanna do?"
Hearing this, the chameleon grinned and using his tail to point outside, "Yeah, I don't think so. I like it in here and so do you." Rapunzel shook her head as she placed him on her knee. Pascal merely glared at her while sticking out his tongue, "Oh come on, Pascal, it's not so bad."
Rapunzel picked Pascal up and she turned before running inside. Using her hair, she pulled on a switch to open up the window in the celling. Sunlight poured into the small tower and she slid down her hair while she began to sing and do her daily chores.
7 AM, the usual morning lineup:
Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean
Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up
Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15
Once her chores were done, Rapunzel grabbed a few books that she had.
And so I'll read a book
Or maybe two or three
She then began to paint on the wall while using her hair to reach the high places.
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit
And cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?
After baking a pie, Rapunzel glanced up and took notice that above the fireplace was the one place that she can use to make a new painting. She held up her thumb to make sure she had the right length. Feeling rather inspired now, she took out some more of her paints and set to work on her next masterpiece.
Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking
Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess
Pottery and ventriloquize, candle making
Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb,
Sew a dress
Rapunzel laughed when she had Pascal in a dress despite him not looking all that happy. After that, she was beginning to get bored and she was running out of room for her painting.
And I'll reread the books
If I have time to spare
I'll paint the walls some more,
I'm sure there's room somewhere
And then I'll brush and brush,
and brush and brush my hair
Stuck in the same place I've always been
Rapunzel then later began to brush her seventy feet long gold hair. She finally was done and she was downright exhausted.
And I'll keep wonderin' and wonderin'
And wonderin' and wonderin'
When will my life begin?
It was after she had placed her hair around in a neat circle before she walked up to the window and leaned out to look at the sky.
Tomorrow night,
The lights will appear
Just like they do on my birthday each year
She glanced back at the painting she had recently made that had the floating lights she saw. She knew there was something missing before she made a tiny figure of herself watching the lights.
What is it like
Out there where they glow?
Now that I'm older,
Mother might just
Let me go
She continued to watch outside and really wished she could go outside just once. The question is, will her mother let her? She can only hope.
Jack Frost continued to fly with the wind. Instead of of a brown cloak and vest, he was now wearing a blue hoodie. He had managed to give Alaska another blizzard. It was rather fun. After all, even during the summer, a winter spirit had to do something to preoccupy his mind. As he continued to fly out, it didn't take him long recognize the landmarks below him. He was flying over Corona. He had not been back here for almost eighteen years and for a good reason. Normally he would just fly over this place and only come back here just to spread some winter. All in all, he avoided this place.
This time however, he felt the wind push him down a little. He blinked and wondered why. He shrugged and decided to stick around Corona for a little bit. As he flew into the town, he took notice of the decorations. He realized what was happening; the princess's birthday was coming and the lanterns were to be set off tomorrow. He was glad to see the townspeople at least trying to make this a grand celebration even with their princess gone for nearly two decades.
Jack glanced up at the castle and wondered how the king and queen were coping. Shrugging, he decided to pay them a visit for just a quick moment. As he flew up, he took notice of a couple of figures crawling on one of the castle's pillars. A frown appeared on the winter youth's face as he drew near. Upon closer inspection, he figured out that the figures were ruffians. They appeared to be twins considering they looked nearly identical; especially with mean scowls on their rough faces.
Normally Jack would care less about thieves. After all, he was a winter spirit who had his own priorities to worry about. However, since the king and queen had lost a baby girl that was only able to see Jack himself, he decided to at least help out the rulers. Once he was at least right next to the pair of thieves, he heard one of the men spoke,
"Lower me down and I will grab the crown."
"Crown?" Jack whispered and was glad the men couldn't hear him. He watched as the two thieves got ready to make out their plan. They had opened up a window and Jack peered inside to see a large room.
He flew inside to get a better look and took notice of the crown the brothers were after; it was the crown that was for the princess. He knew this beautiful royal treasure was the only thing the king and queen had left to remind them of their daughter. He could see by how there a few guards were perched in front of it. The young spirit was not going to let those thugs take the crown. He heard shuffling and glanced up to see one of the brothers being lowered down to make way for their prize.
"Hey! They're stealing the crown!" Jack cried out to the guards but they didn't move. He smacked his forehead since he forgot he could not be heard and knew if he didn't do something fast, the thieves will get away with it.
He tried to think and an idea formed in his head. He really hoped it would work. Pointing his staff at the thief that was nearly on the crown, he shot some ice straight at him. The ice hit him dead on in the face. The man gulped, felt a shiver overcome him and he let out a large sneeze.
"Bless you." The guard said while turning toward the thief who sneezed.
"Thanks." The thief said and realized what he did.
The guards turned and gasped to see the thief being pulled up and out of the window. Jack watched as the guards started to scramble to catch the thugs, "I better see if I can find a way to keep those guys from escaping." Jack whispered before he flew through the window and after the brothers.
"This is it, Pascal. I'm finally going to do it," Rapunzel said in determination while she put her paints away, "I'm gonna ask her!"
Pascal smiled at her and shared her enthusiasm. And on cue…
"Rapunzel! Let down your hair!" Gothel shouted from outside and Rapunzel gasped.
"It's time!" She whispered and her chameleon puffed out his chest to show her that she shouldn't be scared, "I know, I know. Now hide so she doesn't see you."
Pascal obeyed and Rapunzel rushed over to the window, "Rapunzel, I'm not getting any younger." Gothel said once again.
"Coming, mother!" Rapunzel called and proceed to put her long hair on the hook. She then released the golden strands to her waiting mother below. Gothel caught the long hair and grasped it to allow her daughter to pull her up. After about a minute, Rapunzel managed to get her heavy mother to the window, "Hi, welcome home, mother."
"Oh, how do you do that every single day without fail, dear?" Gothel questioned as she hung her cloak and walked over while looking over Rapunzel, "It looks positively exhausting."
"Oh, it's nothing." Rapunzel replied gently while smiling.
"Then I don't know why it takes so long," Gothel joked before she started to laugh while Rapunzel frowned, "I'm just teasing, dear."
"Right," Rapunzel whispered; she tried to smile but failed since she didn't quite catch the joke. Gothel moved over to where the mirror was and the young girl finally decided to do what she was anticipating for, "So mother, I wanted to ask you something."
"Rapunzel, look in the mirror, do you know what I see?" Gothel cut her off by having Rapunzel stand next to her, "I see strong, beautiful, confident young woman," The younger girl's lips started to twist up into a hopeful smile but it faded quickly when her mother teased, "Oh look, you're here too," Another chuckle, "Oh I am only joking. Stop taking everything so seriously."
Rapunzel sighed and began to tug on her long hair, "Mother, I was just curious…"
"Sweetie, mother is feeling a little run down. Sing for me, and then we'll talk." Gothel cut her off again and continued to examine herself in the mirror.
"Oh right." Rapunzel obeyed and rushed around to get everything prepared.
She was moving so fast, Gothel was a little taken aback. She gave a grunt when the girl forced her into the chair, placed the brush into her hand, and began to sing rather fast. Gothel tried to make her slow down, but Rapunzel ignored her. Once Rapunzel was through, Gothel gasped to feel the force of the magic to make her young came as bit of a shock. Annoyed, Gothel scowled,
"Rapunzel…" But she didn't have time to lecture her daughter for it was Rapunzel's turn to interrupt her,
"So mother, you know how I was saying that a big day was coming up? Well tomorrow is my birthday! Yay!" Rapunzel cheered while hugging her mother's arm.
Gothel rolled her eyes and shooed the girl off, "No, no, I distinctly remembered, your birthday was last year." She said in a matter of fact voice.
"Well that's the thing about birthdays, mother, their kind of an annual thing," Rapunzel sat back and was starting to feel nervous, "You see mother, I'm turning eighteen tomorrow. And the thing that I want for my birthday, well what I wanted for several birthdays now…"
She started to softly say before Gothel once again cut her off, "Please stop the mumbling, Rapunzel, you know how I hate the mumble. Blah, blah, it's a bore. I'm just teasing, dear, you are adorable." Gothel then stood up to go toward her basket.
Clasping a long lock of hair, Rapunzel glanced to the side. She knew her mom was trying to avoid the subject. She caught Pascal's eye and the chameleon waved his claw to let her know it was now or never. Finally using every last ounce of courage, Rapunzel blurted out,
"I want to see the floating lights!"
Gothel paused before glancing over at her daughter, "What?"
"Well I was hoping you can take me to see the floating lights." Rapunzel continued and stood up. Her confidence got stronger and she showed her the new painting she made that was over the fireplace.
"Oh, you mean the stars." Gothel shrugged with a thin smile.
"That's just it!" Rapunzel turned and using a lock of her hair, she opened up another window to shed some light on where she had painted a star chart, "I was charting stars, and they are always constant. But these, they appear on my birthday and only on my birthday. And I can't help but feel like they are meant for me," Gothel frowned before she moved off toward the window, "I want to see them up in person, mother."
"You want to go outside? Why Rapunzel…" The raven-haired woman slammed the windows shut and moved back towards her daughter and began to sing,
Look at you, as fragile as a flower
Still a little sapling, just a sprout
You know why we stay up in this tower
"I know but..." Rapunzel tried to speak, but her mom continued while snuggling with her long hair.
That's right, to keep you safe and sound, dear
Guess I always knew this day was coming
Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest
Soon, but not yet
"But –"
Trust me, pet
Mother knows best
Soon the tower was completely dark and Rapunzel quickly lit a candle.
Mother knows best
Listen to your mother
It's a scary world out there
Her mother pretended to be a monster and Rapunzel screeched while jumping back. And throughout the singing, Gothel acted out what would happen if her daughter did leave.
Mother knows best
One way or another
Something will go wrong, I swear
Ruffians, thugs
Poison ivy, quicksand
Cannibals and snakes
The plague
"But -" Rapunzel gasped when her mom pushed her to the floor and she moved away to see a painting of a scary man with pointed teeth. Gothel had made that drawing.
Also large bugs
Men with pointy teeth, and
Stop, no more, you'll just upset me
Rapunzel was all wrapped up in her long hair like a cocoon before Gothel pulled her out.
Mother's right here
Mother will protect you
Rapunzel smiled and tried to hug her but gasped when she noticed that her mother was not there but instead was a manikin. She glanced up and saw Gothel on the steps.
Darling, here's what I suggest
Skip the drama
Stay with mama
Mama knows best
Gothel had once again made the tower dark. Rapunzel tried lighting the candles but her mom put those out too.
Mother knows best
Take it from your mumsy
On your own, you won't survive
Gothel showed Rapunzel in the mirror of what she looked like with her dress and bare feet. The girl tried to use her dress to cover her feet but lost her balance when she felt her mom tug on her hair.
Sloppy, underdressed
Immature, clumsy
Please, they'll eat you up alive
Gothel wrapped up Rapunzel in her own hair before she pulled on the hair and spun the poor girl around. Then the raven-haired woman observed Rapunzel's face.
Gullible, naïve
Positively grubby
Ditzy and a bit, well, hmm vague
Plus, I believe
She then tapped under Rapunzel's chin.
Gettin' kinda chubby
I'm just saying 'cause I wuv you
Mother understands
Mother's here to help you
Darkness once again fell over Rapunzel and she tried to find where she was. She then saw some light from behind her and she quickly turned to see Gothel holding out her hands to her.
All I have is one request
Relieved, Rapunzel rushed up to her and hugged her tightly, "Rapunzel?" Gothel said gently while running her fingers through her daughter's gold hair.
"Yes?" Rapunzel replied before she leaned back to look up at her mother.
"Don't ever ask to leave this tower again." Gothel said very sternly.
Rapunzel stared before she glanced down and sighed, "Yes, Mother."
Seeing her look depressed, Gothel rubbed her cheek, "I love you very much, dear."
"I love you more." Rapunzel answered gently.
"I love you most." Gothel then kissed her daughter on the hair,
Don't forget it
You'll regret it
She then began to move off while holding onto Rapunzel's hair.
Mother knows best
Using Rapunzel's hair again, Gothel began to descend toward the ground, "I will back real soon, flower." She called.
"And I'll be waiting." Rapunzel answered heavily and sighed while resting her head on her arms.
She stared out the window while her long hair blew out. She wondered if she was ever going to get out of this tower. From what her mother was saying, well more like singing, the thought of even leaving was just a fading dream. She knew her mother had good intentions, but she honestly didn't want to be stuck up in this tower for the rest of her life. What was she going to do?
"These guys sure do move fast." Jack grunted as he flew over the trees. He made sure to keep the thieves in his sight.
He glanced over his shoulder and could see the captain and his guards were riding on their horses. It was about time. Jack scoffed and flew lower while by passing trees. He had to think of a way to slow these Stabbington Brothers down. (He learned who they are when he heard a guard call out their names.) Thinking quickly, he aimed with his staff and shot out some more ice which caused the brothers to start sliding all around.
The two thieves yelled out in surprise, with Jack smirking in triumphant. He heard the guards approach from behind. He quickly formed a large wall of ice to make the brothers slam right into it. He laughed when he saw them smack into his creation before they collapse like sacks of flour to the ground. The winter youth felt rather smug knowing he had managed to put a stop to two criminals. He heard more yells of surprise and he turned to see the horses and their riders trying to keep control while slipping all around on the ice.
Jack winced playfully when he saw them all collide with the Stabbington Brothers, "Whoops." He whispered.
He hadn't intently wanted his ice to make the guards fall on their faces as well, but the sight was no less amusing. He chuckled as he watched a mess of limps and bodies trying to untangle when he felt something fall on his head. He frowned while catching the object and he saw it was a brown satchel. It must have flown through the air and right to him when the guards and their horses ran into the thugs.
He heard an angry neigh and glanced up to see one white horse glaring straight at him. He knew that humans can't see him, but that did not mean animals could not. This stallion looked rather peeved and Jack gave him a smirk,
"Oh sorry, is this yours? You can have it back if you want. I was just helping you guys catch the crooks."
The horse gave him a look and started to walk forward when his hoof slipped and he started to slide toward the winter youth. Jack's blue eyes widen to see the stallion coming right at him. Before he could even think of dodging, he felt the heavy horse ram into him. The guards and the thieves were too busy getting their bearings in order to even notice the white stallion go sliding off.
Jack tried to get away from the horse but he was unsuccessful. He started to curse under his breath and gasped when he and the horse went flying off the edge of a cliff. Luckily he was able to use the wind to catch himself from plummeting to the ground below. But the stallion wasn't so lucky. Jack hovered in the air while the horse disappeared into the fog. The young spirit took notice that the bag that contained the crown was no longer on him. His eyes widen and looked around. He wondered where it went. Thinking quickly, he flew down and thought maybe it dropped somewhere below.
Once he landed on the grass, he shifted his eyes about. He heard an angry neigh and Jack frowned. He knew if the horse saw him, he would probably give him a piece of his mind thanks to the joy ride he gave him. Jack rushed in one direction and saw some vines hovering over a wall of rock. He took notice that the bag was underneath the vines and he reached over to grab it.
He then straightened up to see if the crown was all right. Just as he did, he felt a small breeze blow through the vines. He turned and placing the bag's handle in the same hand that held his staff, he used his free hand toward the vines. He expected to feel hard rock, but was rather surprised when his hand went right through. His eyes widen and he heard another neigh coming from behind him. The stallion was getting closer.
Jack felt curious about the hidden cave and walked through the green curtain. It didn't take him long to figure out that the vines were there to cover the entrance. But why? He decided to find out for himself. He can give this bag back to the royal family real soon. Walking forward, while holding his staff and the satchel, he headed toward the light at the end of the small tunnel. Once he was to the entrance, he stared in surprise to see a tiny yet beautiful valley. There was a small lake and a waterfall. And away from him was a lone tower. A tower?
Jack's curiosity grew before he allowed the wind to fly him up to the building. He took this moment to observe the structure of this lone tower. He saw that this thing only had one entrance as far as he could tell; a large window big enough for a person to come and go. But how could anyone even get in this place? He didn't see any other entrance; no staircases or another door from below.
He shrugged and decided to look around a bit before he returned the crown. Besides, not like anyone can see him right? He flew in through the window and landed gently on the floor. Once he did, he took in his surroundings. He was appalled to see the place indeed looked lived in and there were beautiful paintings all over the walls.
Before Jack could look further, something smacked him across the back of his head and he saw the floor meet his face before his world went dark.
Good? Bad? Let me know by PM or leaving a review. Next chapter, Jack will be meeting a certain longed haired blonde.
See ya!!!
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