Chapter 1 - Marriage and Meetings
Years later, somewhere south of Corona...
High upon a cliffside, overlooking a lake, was a large castle, its walls and towers made out of brown stone blocks. People came and went among the walls and the keep, traveling across the stone bridge that gapped the moat surrounding the structure. A light snow fell upon the castle, caking it and the surrounding forest in white while the lake was cast in a dark blue.
Moving about the bustling people as naturally as a fish through water, was a girl no older than sixteen. She had a wild mane of bright, curly red hair that if straight would have most likely touched the ground, but instead stuck out in every direction. She had a slim build, fair skin dotted with freckles and icy blue eyes. She wore a dark blue dress with white trim along with a black cloak and leather riding boots. A quiver filled with white fletched arrows was strapped to her hip by a leather belt while a wooden recurve bow was slung around her shoulder.
She moved through the crowd before entering the castle through a pair of wooden doors. She paused to shiver off the cold as she shook the snow from her hair and stomped the mud from her boots before making her way through the stone hallways, her way lit by torches set in scones along the walls.
Eventually, she came to another set of large doors from which the sound of muffled voices could be heard through. Entering, she found herself in a large two-storied meeting chamber. At the center of the room was a large wooden table, on which dozen of plates filled with delicious looking food sat. Above, a wooden chandelier hung from the stone ceiling while two sets of wooden stairs flanked the entrance she came in through. Against the opposite wall were six stone thrones of various sizes which sat facing the door.
At the table, five people had gathered. At the head of the table, facing the door, was a large middle-aged man. He had wild red hair like the girl's, though his had begun to grey with age and was held in check by the iron cap he wore. He also sported a trimmed goatee and a massive mustache that stuck out perpendicular to his nose. He had icy blue eyes that peeked out from underneath his massive eyebrows. He wore brown leather and grey chainmail armor over his large frame, over which he wore a green and grey tartan held up by a large brown leather belt. He wore brown leather bracers and a black bearskin cape hung around his shoulder. His right foot was covered in a brown leather, fur-trimmed boot while his left was replaced with a knotted wooden peg leg.
Next to him sat a woman about the same age as him, looking over some letters. She had very long brown grey-streaked hair that almost touched the ground, tied back in two braids, and woven with golden colored thread that kept it out of her brown eyes. She wore a green and black colored dress with gold trim and billowing sleeves over her fair, slim frame along with cloth slippers on her feet. Around her waist hung a belt of interlocking gold circles and on her head sat a golden tiara imbedded with an emerald.
Next to her sat three young boys, each identical to the others. They had fair skin with rosy cheeks, curly red hair and bright blue eyes. They wore the same green and grey tartan robes held up by large brown leather belts. They also had identical brown leather shoes on their feet.
As the girl entered, she saw that the man was in the middle of telling a story, which none of the others seemed particularly interested in.
"He was the biggest bear you've ever seen! Stood twelve feet tall, he did," the man said as the girl snuck in, apparently unseen by all, "His hide littered with th' weapons o' fallen warriors." The man continued, not noticing one of the boys had fallen asleep, another was picking at his food in boredom and the third was perfectly lip-synching with the man's tale, "His face scarred with ane deid eye! Ah drew ma sword and-!"
"Slash!" the girl shouted, jumping in between the boys and startling them, "One swipe, his sword shattered! Then chop! Da's leg was clean off! Down the monster's throat it went."
"Aw," the man groaned, looking disappointed, "'At's ma favorite part, Merida."
"Sorry, Da," she giggled as she sat down at the empty seat at the table, "But we've heard th' story o' Mor'du a thousand times before."
"Well, 'at's because it's ma favorite story," her father explained, "And ane day, Ah'll pay 'at savage back fer whit he did tae me with interest, isnae 'at right, Elinor?"
"O' course ye will, Fergus," the woman replied, not looking up from her letters.
Merida giggled again as she slung her bow off from her shoulder and placed it on the table while reaching for a plate to serve herself dinner.
"A lady daes nae place weapons on th' table," Elinor chided, still not looking up from her letters.
"Ma!" Merida groaned, rolling her eyes as she dejectedly took her bow off the table and leaned it against her chair. "It's just ma' bow."
"In ma opinion, a lady shud nae hae weapons at all," Elinor continued, glancing at Merida as she glared at her.
"Let her hae her fun," Fergus replied with a chuckle, "She's just a lass after all."
"She wonae be a lass ferever though," Elinor replied as she picked up another letter and opened it. Meanwhile, Merida took the tray of cakes and both and handed it to her brothers, who scurried under the table.
Elinor looked at the letter in confusion for a few moments before her eyes widened in surprise and she began to read it intently, holding the parchment with two hands.
"Fergus, they accepted!" She said in delight.
"Accepted whit?" Merida asked, looking up from her dinner in confusion.
"Ohh boy," Fergus mumbled, "Boys, why dinnae ye wait outside while we talk tae yer sister."
"Actually," Elinor interjected, "Ah think it will be better fer them tae hear it now instead o' later."
"Alright," Fergus said solemnly as the four siblings looked at each other in confusion.
"Whit are ye talking about?" Merida asked.
"The suitors! Merida, you're to be engaged." Elinor exclaimed happily.
"E-Engaged!?" Merida yelled in shock as her brothers looked at their parents in surprise.
"As the eldest daughter of Fergus," Elinor continued, "the clans first born sons have each accepted to come and win your hand in marriage."
"No! I wonae dae it! You canne make me!" Merida shouted, suddenly exploding with anger, rising from her chair and knocking it to the ground "Ah'm nae gaein' tae be some…some…Other clan's whore!"
"Merida!" Elinor admonished, rising as well.
"Merida, be reasonable," Fergus pleaded.
"Reasonable!?" Merida exclaimed, "Ye want me tae be reasonable!? Reasonable isnae marryin' yer only daughter off tae complete strangers, tae th' son o' ane o' yer worst enemies! Ah'm nae some game piece ye can use as ye wish! Ah'm nae givin' up ma freedom fer some deal ye struck with some savage!"
"Dae ye understand whit's at stake here!?" Elinor exclaimed, her fury rising, "Dae ye know th' price yer freedom will cost!? Ye will dae this an' 'at's final!"
Merida tried desperately to find something to say, something biting to counter her mother's argument. Instead all she found was sorrow as she burst into tears. Sobbing, she turned and ran from the room, slamming the doors behind her.
"We cudae handled 'at better," Fergus commented, slouching in his seat.
"Ah know," Elinor sighed, sitting back in her chair as well, "She's just so…stubborn."
"Sounds like someane else Ah know," Fergus commented, earning a glare from his wife.
"Ah'm nae 'at stubborn," Elinor shot back. Fergus chose not to comment, instead focusing his attention on the three frightened boys staring at them.
"Is Merida…really gaein' away?" one of them asked.
"Ah'm afraid sae, Hamish," Elinor said, reaching down and pulling the young boy into her lap, "She's gaein' tae gae live with one of th' lords' sons."
"Why?" another asked, crawling into her lap as well.
"Well Harris, it's sae 'at both our people an' theirs can see 'at we are united as friends," Elinor explained.
"Whit if we daenae like them?" the third questioned, hanging onto the chair's armrest.
"Well then Hubert, Ah suppose ye will hae tae deal with them," Elinor replied, a small smile tugging at her lips.
"Whit if they daenae like her?" Hamish asked.
"Then they will hae tae answer tae me," Elinor replied simply, a full smile on her face.
"I should go check on her." Fergus said, but as he stood up, he toppled the table over and sent all the food on the ground.
"BOYS!" He shouted, as the triplets took off out of the room.
Meanwhile, up in her room, Merida lay facedown in her bed, screaming into her pillow and cursing her fate along with every Clan Lord who had ever lived.
Elsewhere, to the north of the Highlands, amongst the crashing waves and the mighty glaciers, an island rose out of the churning sea. At first glance, the island seemed little more than a collection of massive rocks jutting up into the sky like a festering wound. Upon the top of the sheer cliffs that made up the edges of the island was relatively flatter land that allowed the growth of sparse vegetation in some areas and a thick forest near the center. Birds of various types could be seen flying about the island and sheep were grazing upon the sparse grass.
On the south side of the island, there was a cove that broke through the otherwise impassible cliff walls, providing the only safe harbor on the entire island. Within the cove, upon its rocky, dry shores, a village had been built. The settlement continued up from the cove, buildings of various sizes built up the sloping hills and surrounding cliff faces, encroaching towards the center of the island.
People made their way around the village, going from task to task. They were all large individuals, strong and muscular, both the men and the women. They all seemed to be dressed in either armor or heavy furs, and while they all possessed the same pale skin their hair color varied from pitch black to bright blonde to fiery red. The men wore long beards woven in complicated patterns, matched only by those the women had woven into their long hair.
One person however stood out amongst them. Where they were tall, he was short. Where they were muscular, he was skinny. Where they were intimidating and proud, he was shy and unsure. His hair was a dull auburn that hung loosely on his head, almost falling into his pale green eyes. He wore a brown, fur vest over a sea green wool tunic along with a pair of darker green trousers and awkwardly large brown, fur-lined boots. His name was Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III.
"Oh mannn."
The sun peers through the window to his bed. Hiccup tries his best to block the light from his eyes with his covers, but it wasn't working. He sigh in defeat, "Didn't really matter now." He said to himself, as he was as awake as a he can be.
He sat up on his bed, stretched his arms and gave out a big yawn. He took a moment to rub his eyes and look around his room, still as messy as ever. He took his time to get up out if bed and head downstairs. He wasn't surprised to see the room bare. He looked over at his father's bed to see the he's not there.
"He's probably at the Great Hall by now. " Hiccup said to himself. "Or doing his chieftain duties."
He went back up stairs and got ready for the day. When he was ready, he made his way down to the living room/kitchen. He then quickly made his breakfast and sat at the table. He knows he should eat something, but his stomach made him feel ill. Out of every day of his life, this one might turn to be the worse. Later this afternoon, he'll go back to the arena and train with the other teens. There, he's supposed to learn about how to kill his tribe's mortal enemy; dragons. But Hiccup just can't do it anymore. He couldn't kill a dragon, but the others don't need to know that yet.
"Well," he said to the air. "Might as well eat something."
But he barely got a bite before the door to his house opens wide. A large shadow looms over Hiccup, with a strong sunlight to silhouette the figure. But the figure and voice were all too familiar to hiccup.
"Where have you been boy?!" the scruff voice shouted with glee.
"Nice to see you too dad." Hiccup said with a hint of sarcasm.
Not wanting another word, Hiccup's father, Stoick, grabs his son from his out of his chair and drags him out the door.
"Whoa, what are you doing?" Hiccup asks out of a fear.
"It's almost time for the match." Stoick said with glee.
'The match?' Hiccup thought. But how could the match be now? Unless he slept in. he did have a rough time falling asleep last night.
But he can't focus on that now, well, he can't really focus on anything with his father nearly pulling his arm off.
The two of them made with great haste to the gates of the arena. Hiccup was then pulled to the front of Stoick, who puts his big heavy hands on Hiccup's shoulders.
"This is it my boy". Stoick said with pride. "I can't wait to see you taking the dragon on. You're gonna make me proud. Now chin up, and show that beast who's the Viking." He then leaves Hiccup with sore shoulders.
Hiccup should've felt happy that his father thought highly of him, but he didn't. Instead he felt worse than ever. His father was only impressed because Hiccup was becoming more like his father, and not himself.
'How can I possibly do this?' he thought to himself as he watched his father take his place in the crowd. 'How can I please my father, and still be myself. I can't even kill a dragon on my own. How can I do it with people watching me, rooting me to do it?'
Just the thought of killing a dragon made Hiccup's stomach turn. Good thing he didn't really eat breakfast. Ever since he met Toothless, he saw dragons in a new light.
Not too long ago, one of his inventions actually caught a dragon feared by all, a Night Fury. He later found it in the woods, and was preparing to kill it. But he just couldn't. He saw something in the dragon's eye that struck him to the core, a little bit of fear and respect. In truth, he saw a bit of himself in the dragon. He then did something stupid and set the dragon free.
But that stupid decision then became a friendship that none felt possible. Hiccup and Toothless became better than friends. Hiccup gave Toothless his flight back, (after Hiccup accidently cut off part of his tail due to his trap,) and a lot of fish to eat. While Toothless gave Hiccup someone to talk to, and the feeling of freedom while riding on his back. Hiccup also began to understand dragons in a way you couldn't teach in class. He discovered how they behave, their likes and dislikes, and used them to aid him in his training.
This was making him the new celebrity in Berk. Though, it's not the way he would like it. Hiccup would rather have the tribe like him for him, and not him acting like everyone else. But what is there for him to do. If he acted like himself, they would just call him useless again, and probably ridicule him to the ground.
Facing no other choice, he took a deep breath and walks into the arena. 'Who knows,' he thought to himself, 'maybe this won't be too bad.'
He steped into the ring to see all the other teens there. Snotlout was stretching and flexing a muscle or two. The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, were fighting each other over the shields, (again). Fishlegs were going over every dragon's speed number, jaw strength, and fire shots out loud. Then there was Astrid. She was Hiccup's biggest worry. She was the best fighter there ever was. She was a shoo in to win this whole thing. Until Hiccup started to become top of the class. She tried to figure out how that happen, and not in a pleasant way. Hiccup just surprised she didn't try to kill him yet for the answers.
She was swinging her axe at nearby barrels. And her face was full of determination and anger. She seemed mostly angry at Hiccup, probably because he's beaten her in the ring with the dragons a couple of times. As she looked up to see Hiccup, she swings her axe near his foot. He backed away scared. She then gives him a dead eye, and breaks a stick in two. That was a warning for not getting in her way.
Hiccup gulped in nervousness as she came closer to retrieve her axe.
"Welcome Vikings and lasses of every age!" Gobber said as he closes the door. The arena filled with cheers of the spectators. The teens stopped what they were doing and gathered at the center of the arena.
"Today, we test our new generation to see who has the guts and the courage to face the Monstrous Nightmare!"
The crowd gave a big cheer. Hiccup looked at the people nervous. The one person, who made him more nervous, was his father. Often times, Stoick wouldn't really care what his son did, or he was off to find the dragon nest. But today was a rare occasion. He has heard about his son's accomplishments in the arena, and wanted to see them for himself.
A lot of things went through Hiccup's mind. Particularly wondering what he has to do today. After meeting with Toothless, he couldn't possible kill a dragon now. He was so focus on that, he didn't really hear Gobber's speech. The only thing that got his attention was when Gobber let out a Gronckle.
Soon the teens spread out in different corners of the arena, with the crowd cheering them on. The dragon made its way to a pile of rocks and ate them. Fishlegs, Snotlout, Astrid and Hiccup quickly banged their shields. It made the Gronckle dazed and confused, until it noticed the twins still fighting over a shield.
"Oh come on!" Tuffnut said angry. "Give me my shield!"
"I already called dibs on this one!" his sister argued.
"Well, I called dibs yesterday!"
"Did Not!"
"Did Too!"
Their argument was cut short when the Gronckle blasted the shield out of their hands.
"You two are out!" Gobber yelled from behind the wooden barrier.
The two twins were still dazed from what just happened. While the other teens jumped over wooden walls to avoid being seen. The Gronckle hovered overhead to try to find them.
Snotlout and Astrid were behind one wall, while Hiccup was hidden nearby. Just seeing Hiccup nearly drove Astrid to intense anger. She saw the Gronckle flying near him.
'No way am I giving him the chance.' She thought to herself, as she readied her axe to hit the dragon's wing, when Snotlout shove her out of the way.
"Watch it babe." He said with a sly smile, "I got this!" he then threw his hammer at the dragon. But instead of hitting the wing, it hit the dragon's tail. It turned around and stared angry at the two.
"Oh, no." Snotlout whispered as Astrid rolled out of there. The Gronckle fired at Snotlout, but he managed to block the fire with his shield just in time. The blast unfortunately, made him fly to the wall of the arena.
"Snotlout! You're done!" Gobber yelled. From above you could hear Snotlout's father cursing words not meant for kids ears.
Astrid managed to find another hiding spot. "Idiot. " She said under her breath.
Hiccup, on the other hand, was doing his best to not to be seen. He saw Fishlegs on the other side of the arena, still banging his shield. True the sound confused dragons, but it also got their attention. Soon the dragon made a bee line for Fishlegs. Seeing this, he stopped banging and hid behind his wall. After that, the Gronckle was almost over him.
"Ah man," Hiccup said to himself. "What is Fishlegs doing?"
Fishlegs popped out again with a bucket of water.
'Now I get what he is doing.' Hiccup thought. He's trying to put the dragon's fire out.
Unfortunately it didn't go as well as hope. As Fishlegs threw the water, the Gronckle flew high, easily avoiding the water.
"Hehehehe." Fishlegs said nervously, letting go of the bucket. "Nice dragon."
The Gronckle was not happy; it then fired a fire blast at Fishlegs, who managed to dodge by his skin.
"Fishlegs You're done!" Gobber shouted.
'Great.' Hiccup thought to himself. He looked over the battle field. It was only him and Astrid left. The Gronckle flew overhead, trying to find its prey. Hiccup meanwhile, was trying his best to keep himself hidden. The last thing he wanted was to fight this dragon.
Soon Astrid summersaults beside him. She noticed him and grabbed his shield. She made it go down to the ground, and met him eye to eye. "Stay out of the way!" she threatened him. "I'm winning this thing."
He quickly nodded, pretty scared too. "Good, please, by all means." He said as she darted away. She's every more a Viking then he was; she would be a good hunter for the tribe. He considered just backing down and letting her win. It will lower his chance of her hurting him.
But as he stood, he turned to the crowd and sas his father. His dad was smiling, for him, even giving him a thumb up. That only happened every hundred years or so. Hiccup just gave his father a small smile.
What is he to do? His father was rooting for him to win. Should he win? Maybe this one time, he could be seen as someone a father could be proud of. He'll endure Astrid's threats, but that's nothing new.
He heard a small growl behind him. He turned around to see the Gronckle heading towards him. It's now or never. So he quickly hid behind the wooden wall. Dropping his weapon, he managed to find some dragon nip in his pocket. He secretly reached his hand out with nip to the dragon. The dragon's eyes went wide as it made a beeline to Hiccup. Right as it approached him, it then sank to the floor while sniffing the nip. Hiccup motioned his hand so the Gronckle lied on it's side, and gave it a small scratch near the ear to put it to sleep.
That was it. The dragon was down.
But then he heard Astrid's voice, charging at him. He flinched as she came closer. Knocking his helmet over as well as letting go of his shield. Her voice lowered as the crowds cheer overpowered her. Hiccup opened his eye, to meet her surprised face.
Soon, that surprise turned to anger. "NO!" she screamed. "NO! SON OF A HALF-TROLL, RAT-EATING, MUNGE BUCKET...!" she swung her axe with every word she screamed.
Hiccup defiantly does not want to be anywhere near her. He crept off to the side, slowing backing of from her. He turned around to Gobber, with a huge smile on his face.
'Uh oh,' Hiccup, thought, 'I better get outta here before something bad happens.'
"Sooo, later". Hiccup said trying to get past Gobber.
But Gobber picked him up in the shoulder with his hook. "Ah, not so fast. "
Hiccup was doing his best to get out of the arena. "I'm kinda late for..."
He got cut off by Astrid. She was breathing with frustration, and sweat covering her face. She held her axe so it caught Hiccup's neck. "What?! Late, for what? Exactly!" she stressed every word with anger.
"Ok, quiet down." Stoick said holding his hands up. Right beside him, the elder Gothi pushed her way in front of him. "The elder has decided."
This was Hiccup's worst dream come true. He never thought that Gothi would choose the graduate now. He stood beside Astrid with Gobber behind them.
Astrid dropped her axe and looked at the elder, Hiccup just rubbed his neck, glad to be free from its deadly grasp.
Gobber raised his hook above Astrid. Gothi shook her head with disapproval. Astrid felt defeated. The realization that she lost hit her hard.
Hiccup knew what that meant, but he knew he wasn't going to like it. As Gobber raisee his hand over him, Hiccup closed his eyes, praying to Odin for a different outcome.
But it didn't work. He's forced his eyes to open when he heard the roar of the crowd. He saw Gothi pointing to him with a toothless smile. Though Hiccup should've be filled with pride and happiness, he felt sick to his stomach. How could he possibly kill a dragon now? Seeing Astrid's face didn't help either. She was more than upset, she was furious.
Gobber's hook once again met Hiccup's arm. "You've done it! You've done it Hiccup! You get to kill the dragon!" he said with glee. Soon all the other teens lift Hiccup up the ground, and plopped him on Fishlegs's shoulder. They made the crowd cheer even more.
Hiccup can only pick out his father's voice. "That's my boy!" he cried.
Hiccup wasn't too sure what he should feel right now. His father has finally accepted him. He should've been happy. But he only got this because he was acting more like a Viking, and not himself. Now he was going to kill a piece of his soul. Instead of being happy, he felt miserable.
There was only one thing left for him to do.
"Oh I can't wait! I am so..."
Hiccup made his way to the woods with a big pack over his shoulder. It was full of the essentials, Food water, clothes, a small knife and some of his personal treasured items. It was going to be a long walk to Toothless. Hiccup had a lot of things on his mind. He was going to leave the only home he knew. Leave behind his father. Gobber. Everthing. But somehow, he knew he was going to do this. It was only a matter of time before his secret was out. Someone, (Possibly Astrid) would've found Toothless, and try to kill him. Besides, he couldn't this secret up for long. He'll just keep living a lie. And having killed a dragon, he'll be living with that guilt all his life. And what would Toothless think of him?
He just couldn't do this anymore
Soon, he reached near a giant rock garden with two rocks making a path into the cove, where Toothless was no doubt sleeping. Hiccup was sure he would understand what needs to happen. The path was just as rocky as ever. The cove was small, but beautiful. Grass covered the ground and surrounded a calming lake in the centre. There were tiny rocks piping out of the ground, and some bush covered the sides of the rock edge.
Walking deeper into the cove, Hiccup looked and spotted a black blur lying in the center of the grass. It was a huge breathing black dragon. It had huge black wings, a strong looking tail and four legs with sharp claws. His face had fins that went from the side to the the back of the head, and had a big jaw. On it's back was a brown leather saddle with feet rests on the side on it's body.
Hearing footsteps, Toothless' head shot up and opened his eyes to reveal great big green eyes and black pupils. Seeing Hiccup, the dragon ran over and pounched on the boy and began to lick him until he was drench in spit.
"I missed you too bud," Hiccup laughs trying to push Toothless's away to get up from under him. But Toothless kept on licking him. "Ok stop. Come on! You know that it never washes off."
Toothless finally backs off so Hiccup could get up from the ground. He tries to flick of any dripping spit, so he can hug his friend.
"How you doin', bud?" He kept his voice soft, even though there was no chance of anyone hearing him. Toothless grumbled back in contentment. "Great to know that, because it looks you and me are taking a little vaction for a while. What do you say we try heading somewhere?"
Letting out a delighted snort, The Night Fury pulled away from Hiccup and looked towards the sky. Hiccup's eyes followed as to see what was once blue was now fading into purple and red. Nodding his head, Hiccup adjusted his bag, before jumping on the saddle and readied himself.
Hiccup quickly went through his mental checklist of things to do before takeoff, and everything seems to be in order. The tail is working fine, there are handles for him to hold on, and saddle isn't loose and won't come undone in the sky. The equipment looks in tip top shape and Toothless looks ready to go.
"All set bud?" Hiccup asks his friend. Toothless looks at him with a happy gummy smile. "Let's go."
Toothless then took off the ground in break neck speed, leaving a shock wave that raced across the cove. When the wind past, Hiccup and Toothless were now flying fast over the lake, before the duo did a summersault and shot into the sky.
Hiccup never felt so alive being back on Toothless. He closed his eyes to feel the wind hard on his face and blasting through his hair. His body could feel a powerful force being pushed, but it never took away the feeling that he enjoyed so much. Toothless's wings relaxed a bit to hover in the sky. Hiccup opened his eyes to look back at his island home in the great sea of blue reflecting the red and purple sky. His village, the forest, the cove, all seems to be miles and miles away.
Guilt of leaving his home began to rise in his chest, before he pushed down and focus on ahead.
In Dunbroch
"Rise and Shine, Merida! Get up!" Queen Elinor scolded.
It was the day Merida's suitors would come and win her hand. The ships could already be seen from afar. The Kingdom of Dunbroch was already preparing for that day.
Merida was dressed up, gussied up and prepared for the event. Elinor made Merida wear a silk dress with a light blue color and golden laces. Merida had a hard time breathing and, most especially, moving in that dress. But, her mother insisted.
"I can't breathe." Merida cried out with whatever air she has. "It's too tight."
Elinor paid no mind though; she only saw how beautiful her daughter looked. Merida became a vision of what Elinor had hoped for.
"It's perfect." She squealed with pride.
Merida only moaned at the fact she has to wear this all day. Elinor added the final touch, a small silver necklace.
Elinor smiles at what her daughter is, a beautiful fine young lady. For a moment, Elinor sees a bit of herself in Merida.
"Merida..." She began.
Merida looks at her mom, sensing a glimpse of love from her. "Mum..."
Elinor steps closer to her, trying to find the right words to say as a mother. Finding it rather difficult, she reverts back to her queen formality. "Just...remember to smile."
She then leads Merida to the throne room, where the king and princes were waiting. The servants hurried to finish the preparation.
"Places everyone!" Elinor commanded. Everyone took their rightful seats and places, Though Merida had a hard time sitting down in her dress. But eventually did it, though Elinor reminds her to sit up straight. As Elinor took her seat, Merida took her chance to let a small lock of hair loose from her wimple.
"My lord!" A servant called from the doors. "Announcing the arrival..."
He was cut off when the doors opened and slammed him into the wall. The three clans came in with pride in their steps. The lords were at the front, leading their clan to the king. Drums and bagpipes can be heard throughout the halls of the castle. The men behind the lords carry either a spear or a respected flag.
Soon, the lords made it to the steps of the throne. Fergus stands up to welcome the clans. "So..." He began, but then stumbles to remember his words. "Here we are...the four clans...uh...gathering...for the...the..."
Seeing her husband is struggling, Elinor exasperated. She then stood with a smile. "The presentation of the suitors!" She proclaimed
The crowd cheered as Elinor sat back down.
Fergus quietly thanked his wife for saving the speech. "Clan Macintosh!" He said pointing to a man in red, with blue tattoos and wild black hair.
The crowd behind the red man cheered, "Macintosh!" As a younger version of The Lord came into view.
"Your majesty." Lord Macintosh said with pride as he presents the young lad. "I present my heir and sire, who defended our land from northern invaders. And, with his own sword, stabbed and vanquished thousands more."
The young lord tossed his sword around like a toy and flexed his muscles to impress Merida. She was anything but impressed.
"Clan MacGuffin!" Fergus said pointing to a big strong man, with blonde hair.
The crowd behind yells the tribe name as a big strong young man came out.
"Your majesty, I present my eldest son," lord MacGuffin said putting an arm around the boy. "Who scuttled the Viking war ships with his bare hands. Vanquished two thousand more."
As to proof the point, the son had a big log of wood and broke it into two.
Fergus points to the last lord, "Clan Dingwall!"
The crowd cheers as the old lord with white hair and missing teeth steps forward.
"I present, my only son." He said gesturing to a tall muscular man. "Who besieged by ten thousand Romans, and he took out their whole-"
As he continues on and on, Merida became slightly interested in this warrior.
"- with one arm, he was-" he stopped looking at someone behind the tall man. He grabbed a young, dorky looking lad who was small and weedy. "With one arm, he was steering the ship, and with the other, he held a might sword and struck down a whole attacking fleet."
"Lies!" Someone from the crowd yelled behind him.
"What?!" The Dingwall lord said appalled. He scanned the crowd to look for the culprit. "Say that to my face! Or are you just scared sniffering jack-n-apes. Afraid to muss your pretty hair."
"At least we have hair." The Macintosh lord said while flipping his own hair.
"And all our teeth." The MacGuffin lord agreed. His son popped from behind his father and said a bunch of gibberish that no one understood.
"And we don't hide under bridges, you grumpy old troll." The Macintosh lord mocked, which broke out in laughter by almost everyone in the room.
But them that laughter turned into fists and yelling. Soon a fight broke out between the lords and their clans. Merida looked at these pathetic groups of men, seeing this is what she had to look forward too.
Fergus enjoying the clans fighting and would very much like to join in. But a disapprove eye from his wife told him to stop this fight.
"Shut it!" He cried out, getting everyone's attention. "Alright! That is done. You all had a go at each other, show a little decorum. And no more fighting!"
But the trouble threesome didn't want it to stop. The triplets sneak away from their throne, to a stone under the floor. They pop out and dropped a heavy mace on Lord Dingwall's foot.
He screamed in pain and the fight continued on. This time however, Fergus jumped into the action, gathering the other lords to a semi bear fight.
Elinor had enough of this foolishness and stood from her throne. She walked through the mess of boys with a disapproving face. Anyone that blocked her path immediately got out of her way and bowed their heads with shame and respect. When she got to her husband and the lords, they stopped their quarrel and felt guilty. She grabbed them all by the ear and yanked them back to the front.
Merida remembered the many times her mother had to do that to her, it was really painful. But for a split second, she was amazed that her mom could command a room with one look.
All the lords apologized to the queen for their behaviour and disrespect. Fergus also apologized and returned to his seat. It was clear to Merida that her mother was now running the show, and she wouldn't like it.
"Now then," Elinor began, "in accordance with our laws, by the right of our heritage, only the first born of each of the great leaders, may be presented as champion, and compete for the hand of the princess of DunBroch."
Did Merida hear that right? "First born," she said under her breath. Then an idea formed in her head. She was the first born of the clan DunBroch, so she was eligible to enter the games. And if she won, then she can go on living the way she loves. And it's still within the rules and tradition, so there is nothing her mother could complain about.
This idea was perfect, and it just might work.
Merida perked up again when her mother said, "It is customary that the challenge be determined by the princess herself."
Again perfect. There was only one thing she did better than anyone in the kingdom.
"Archery!" She yelled to the lords to make sure everyone heard. But everyone gave her a confused look by her actions. Merida realized that she spoke out of term, she gathered herself to a regal persona. "I choose archery."
Elinor seemed happy to see her daughter finally accepting her fate. Wasting no time, she announced, "Let the games begin!" The crowd cheered and applauded the royal family.
As the clans made their way to the field where the games were to be held, Merida snuck away. She quickly and quietly rushed to her room and grabbed her bow and arrows. She wrapped them in her durable cloak so no one would noticed them. She then ran to the field where everyone else was. It was a festival out here. Games for the kids, challenges for the men, and more food than could ever fit at the dinner table. As she moved through the fair, Merida received some warm receptions from the other clans, asking her to eye their lord's sons. Merida was just thankful that no one was noticing her bow and arrows. She made her way to the stage she and her family will sit and hid her stash behind her throne.
She heard laughter coming from behind her. She turned to see a barrel with feet running away from Maudie. She could only guess that it was her brothers in the barrel. She beckoned them to come. They did and she hid them behind her father's throne.
It seemed to work, because Maudie went by trying to look for them.
Merida giggles as she lifted the top if the barrel to see her brothers snacking on some pastries. "Oh Hubert, Harris, and Hamish," she said while reaching for a pastry herself. "What am I going to do with you three?"
The brothers smiled sheepishly, until one of them spotted her bow.
She quickly shushed them, giving them a sign not to tell anyone. The three of them thought for a moment, then nodded to help their sister. It was the least they could do after she helped them hid from Maudie.
Merida truly loved that her brothers would help her when she needded them, just like the way she helped them a lot.
All of a sudden, a horn could be heard from a distance. "It's time." Merida said with almost no emotion. She finished her pastry and went to her seat. Her mother and father were already on the stage when the lords and clans came. The boys came out of their barrel and sat near the dogs.
"Archers to your mark!" The queen called out to the waiting sons, "and may the lucky arrow find its target."
"Get on with it!" Fergus shouted to the three boys, while their fathers wait nearby, betting on their boys to win.
First up was the MacGuffin boy. He held a bow that was almost as small as his hands. He pulld the arrow back with his thick arm and let it fly. Instead of hitting the target, it landed on the rim of the target.
Macintosh's son was next. As he pulled the arrow back, he flipped his hair to a group of ladies behind him. He fired his arrow, but it hit one of the circle that surrounded the bullseye. Frustrated, he screamed in the air and flung his bow in the crowd.
"Well, THAT's attractive." Merida said with sarcasm, not really believing the boy's reaction.
"At least YOU hit the target!" Lord Macintosh called out to his son.
Last was Dingwall's son. He was a complete klutz. As he bend to pull the string of his bow, arrows fall out of the quiver on his back.
"Aww, wee lamb." Merida said with pity and pathetic sympathy.
Merida looked around to see everyone look at him with focus and despair. She took the opportunity to slip away. She went to the back off the crowd, with her bow in hand. She also took off her wimple; it was hard to think with that squeezing her hair.
She turned back as she heard her father say, "shoot man!" There was an eerie silence, then a huge cheer from the crowd.
Merida could only guess that Dingwall somehow hit the target on the bullseye.
"It's now or never." She said to herself as she put on her cloak. She couldn't afford to stop now. For extra effect, and accordance with the rule, she carried a flag that has her clan's relic on it. A sword covered with vines. She bravely walked through the crowd. When she made it to the front, everyone was silence. Everyone was confused at what is happening. So she removed her cloak to reveal her face.
'Too late to turn back now.' She thought before taking a deep breath.
"I am Merida!" She spoke loud and regal. "First born descent of clan DunBroch, and I'll be shooting for my own hand!"
Everyone looked at the queen and king, who had no idea on what to do.
"What are you doing?" Elinor said shocked. She became horrified at what Merida was doing. She was defiling every tradition she's been taught to respect.
Merida paid no mind at what the crowd thought; instead she focused on the game. As she pulled back on the bow though, the dress didn't allow her to get into the right position. "Curse this dress." She said under her breath. So, she flexed her muscles to rip bits of the dress from the seams. It work, and she was able to hold the bow the way she normally did. She looked at the target MacGuffin fired, and was able to hit the bullseye no problem.
"Merida stop this!" Elinor cried from the stage. But Merida paid no mind to her mother. Leaving with no choice, Elinor power walked down to try to stop her daughter. "Don't you dare shoot another arrow!"
Merida walked to Macintosh's target, and hit the bullseye again. She then made her way to Dingwall's target, sure enough; the arrow was inside the bullseye. She readied her arrow on the bow, and pulled it back to her cheek. She focused on the target, trying to make this shot perfect. Reminding herself that if she pulled this off, she'll win and can run her own fate.
"Merida!" Merida could hear her mother shouting angry and coming closer to her. "I forbid it!"
That struck a chord in Merida. For too long, her mother had forbidden anything that Merida wanted to do. 'Well, not this time' Merida thought to herself. No more of her mother telling her what's right and wrong, no more of her mother saying to be a proper lady, and no more of her mother running her life. Now it's the time for Merida to decide for herself, and decide her own fate.
She lets go of the arrow and let it fly through the air with great strength. Everyone watched with horror and shock as the arrow flew closer to the target. It hit Dingwall's arrow straight in the middle and kept going, splitting the arrow in two. Merida's arrow didn't stop there; it pushed through the target and hit the wooden support.
Merida had done it, she officially won the game, but the reward was not nice. Elinor finally made it to her daughter, but instead of being proud, she was furious. She grabbed Merida and dragged her back to the castle. They didn't talk, but the fire of anger was burning inside both of them.
Elinor pushed Merida though the door of the tapestry room before she spoke angry at her daughter. "I just had about enough of you lass!"
"You're the one who wanted me to-" Merida began.
But was cut off by Elinor closing the door. "You have no idea what you have done! You embarrassed the lords! Embarrassed me! There will be fire and sword if it's not set right!"
"I followed the rules!" Merida shouted, trying to overpower her mother. "If you just listen-"
"I am the queen!" Elinor said crossed. "You listen to me!"
Merida groaned in frustration, as she picked up a sword and swung it around. "This is so unfair! You were never there for me! This whole marriage is what YOU want! Do you bother to ask me what I want? No! You walk around, telling me what to do, what not to do, trying to make me be like you. Well, I'm not going to be like you! Ever!"
Elinor scoffed at her daughter as if she was talking nonsense, "You're acting like a child."
A child?! How can Merida be a nothing but a child under her mom's rule. "And you're a beast! That's what you are!" Seeing now that she and her mom had nothing in common, Merida wanted to break all bonds they ever had. She saw a tapestry hung on the wall. It had everyone in the family holding hands. Merida hated that she looked like a proper lady, holding her mother's hand. So she pointed the tip of her sword into the tapestry, right where she and her mother hands touch.
Elinor was shocked at what is happening. "Merida, stop!"
Merida didn't listen though; she putted the sword deeper into the tapestry. "I'll never be like you!"
Elinor became horrified at Merida's actions. "No! Stop that!" She pleaded with a harsh command.
"I rather DIE than be like you!" Merida's anger became a boil point. With all her rage and energy, she swung her sword down, cutting the tapestry partly down, making a definitive line between Elinor and Merida.
Elinor gasped in the event that just took place. But she refused to let Merida get away with this. So she stormed up to Merida and flung the sword out of her hands. "Merida!" She said angry. "You are a princess! I expect you act like one!" She then grabbed Merida's bow off her back and tossed it in a nearby fire.
Merida gasped almost in pain at what her mother had done. That bow meant everything to her. That was the one thing she felt free with. Almost in tears, she saw her mother as nothing but a beast. Not wanting to stay anymore, she ran to the door and hurried out.
"Merida!" Elinor commanded her to come back. But it wasn't working. She then heard a twinge from a rope snap. Elinor turned back to the fire, horrified seeing Merida's bow burning.
"Oh no." She gasped as she tried to get it out of the fire as soon as possible. When she got it out, it was beyond repair. She took a closer look to see all the things Merida carved in it were gone, the edges were burned, and the string burned into ashes. Elinor was devastated at what she did. How could she do this to Merida, to her family? She acted out of anger and frustration, and now she may have just lost her own daughter.
"Oh no," she wept quietly. "What have I done?"
Meanwhile, after changing back into her old dark blue dress, Merida ran to the stable and found her horse, Angus, roped in his stall. She quickly set him free and jumped on his back. Seeing her facial expression, Angus knew she needed to ride through the forest. Together they rushed through the kingdom and exited out the door.
Merida leaned into Angus's mane as tears flow down her face. She could feel the trees near her face as Angus raced down the dirt road. But Merida didn't care; she just wanted to be away from her prison, from her mom by any means. But then, Angus came to a sudden halt and accidentally threw Merida over his head.
"Whoa!" She screamed as she flew through the air and landed on a hard spot of grass. She got up a little shaken and still full of emotion.
"Angus?" She said weakly. Angus galloped around, almost scared. Merida breathed heavily as she gathered her strength to get on her feet. She looked around at where she was. It was weird though, this was a part of the forest she's never been before. It was an area of grass, with a giant ring of ancient stones all around her. There was hidden power here that Merida could feel, though she's not entirely sure if it's a good omen.
She then heard a faint whisper behind her. She turned around to see a particular curious sight. In front of Merida, was a small blue flame, but it seems more alive. The figure was small, no smaller then her hand and it was hovering off the ground.
Merida recognized it from her childhood, "a wisp?" She whispered with confusion. It beckoned her to come closer, she obeyed with curiosity. When Merida got closer, she lightly touched the mythical being. The wisp twirled, and disappeared in a puff of smoke. But as soon as it did, more wisps showed up, and made a path into the forest.
Curiosity got to Merida again, she remembered her mom said the will-o-wisp will lead you to your fate. Maybe these things will lead her to where she truly belongs, or a way to help change her fate. "Come on Angus." She called out to her horse as she began to walk down the path.
The wisps led her through the thick forest, and down a path of grass. It was almost impossible for Angus to get through some of the branches and jagged rocks. But soon, they made it to their destination. There wasn't anything odd about it, it just a nice patch of grass with a ring of flowers.
"Really?" Merida said in confusion, "what was the point of this?!" She became so frustrated; she started to kick the grass. But then, she suddenly heard a strange noise and looked up in alarm.
"What's that?" Merida asked nervously. She then instinctively reached behind her back, only to rememeber she didn't have her bow. "Mum just had to destroy me bloody bow!" She said, angrily.
She looking around, wondering where the noise came from. She then heard a loud crunching sound, as though a giant of some kind was coming towards her. She could have sworn she heard voices too. But it was the growling that scared her.
"What is that?" Merida whispered in fear, backing up slowly.
Just then a giant black creature jumped from the trees towards them. She screamed and ran the other direction, trying to climb a tree. She was so panicked they didn't even see the kid on the dragon yelling, "Whoa, boy! Stop! STOP!"
The creature finally came to a halt and collapsed.
"Okay, that was the worst landing I have ever seen." The boy grumbled, getting off.
He looked up when Merida shrieked, still climbing the tree.
"Oh great." He mumbled.
"What is that thing?!" Merida cried, slipping from the branch and falling to the ground, screaming. She backed into the tree and closed her eyes, sure that the advancing creature was going to kill her. "Get away from me!"
The creature backed up and the boy came in front of Merida, shielding her, "Toothless! Back up and sit! Now!" he ordered sternly.
The creature did as it was told and Merida looked at the strange boy in front of her. He turned to look at her and she found she was looking into the kindest green eyes. He had shaggy brunette hair and freckles and looked rather strange. He was obviously not from around here.
He smiled sheepishly at her, "Sorry about the scare, he's harmless, I promise."
Merida brushed her hair from her eyes and gathered her composure and stood up slowly.
"Who are you, exactly?" Merida asked the boy, looking at the strange boy and worriedly at the strange creature behind him.
"Oh, sorry! My name's Hiccup." He told them, holding out a hand.
Merida glanced at it nervously but she eventually took it and shook his hand, "I'm Merida, princess of Dunbroch."
He looked at her in shock. "Wait. Princess!?Dunbroch? That's in the Scotlands right?"
"Aye. That's where you are now." Merida told him. "What about you? Where are you from?"
"Uh...Berk." Hiccup explained.
Merida looked at him confused before shaking her head, "Never heard of Berk." She admitted, before looking behind him.
"What is that?" Merida finally asked him, pointing to the giant black creature, who was sitting diligently and scratching its ears like a dog.
"This is Toothless, and he's my dragon." The boy said proudly, putting a hand on the dragon.
"What?!" Merida gasped, "There ain't no such thing as dragons!"
"Are too." Hiccup smiled, patting Toothless. "He's a friend.
"Are ye serioos!?"
"Yeah, He only attackes if he's threatened or if I am." Hiccup admitted.
Merida took a moment to process that. She'd never seen a dragon before. She'd always thought they were legends or stories. But yet, here was one right in front of her. She was very intrigued.
"There's nothing to be afraid of." Hiccup said. "Here, come near him."
Merida gulped and carefully approaching Toothless.
"Toothless, this is Merida." Hiccup said. "And I'm quite sure she's sorry for how she freaked out before...right?" He asked looking at Merida. She nodded, still unsure.
Toothless glanced at Merida, as she carefully reached out and her hand to touch him.
The Night Fury slowly met her hand halfway and let her pet his nose. The girl's eyes widned in shock at the creature and realized how adorable he really was.
"He's magnificent." Merida whispered, as Toothless wagged his tail. Hiccup smiled at the scene in satisfication.
"So…no offense, but are you two lost or something?" Hiccup asked her.
"No." Merida assured him, "We actually live right up at that castle." She pointed in the direction the castle stood. "Unfortunately."
"Must've been a long day for you, huh?" Hiccup asked.
"You have no idea." Merida muttered lowly. After that, she looked back at Hiccup. "So, what are you doing here in Dunbroch?"
"Uhh, well..." Hiccup scratched his head sheepishly. "I had to get away from my home to clear my head for a while, so we stopped here to take a break before heading out again." He then began to fix the adjustments on Toothless' saddle.
"Oh, I see..." Merida said, before she got an idea. "Um,,,If it's okay, can I come with you?"
Hiccup stopped what he was doing and turned to face with a surprise look. "What?"
"Can I come with you?" Merida asked again.
"I mean, shouldn't you be back at that palace?" Hiccup asked.
"I'd rather live in the forest than go back to that place." Merida said in an irritated tone.
Hiccup wanted to ask what the problem was, but he felt like Merida didn't want to talk about it.
"What about you family?" He asked her,
Merida sighed, "They'll understand, I think. I could leave a note."
Hiccup rubbed his head and looked at her. "I really don't have a problem with it, but...can I ask why?"
"I guess for the same reason as you. I want to leave here so I can clear my mind. Besides, after today, I could really use a getaway."
Hiccup looked at her for a moment before looking over at Toothless. The Night Fury titled his head at the boy. Sighing, Hiccup spoke, "Well, if you don't wanna go back, then, I guess that's fine with me." He told her.
Merida's face lit up. "Really?"
Hiccup nodded. "Yeah. Though, are you sure you don't want to grab a few things first? We could be gone for a while."
Merida thought for a moment before nodding. "Yeahm you're probably right. Wait for me here, I'll be right back." She said, before finding Angus nearby and rode him back to the castle.
Hiccup chuckled, as he watched her leave.
"Well, that happened." He thought to himself before he race a hand across his face in disbelief. "A princess...She's a princess! Can you believe that bud?"
He looked over at Toothless, who cocked his head to the side and stared at Hiccup.
"I'm surrounded by noodle brains." Hiccup muttered, kicking a rock.
Merida quickly got her things as soon as she snuck her way back into the castle and quickly grabbed another another bow and a her quiver of arrows.
She felt a bit awful but she knew goodbyes were out of the question. After the fallout with her mom, she just couldn't take being her right now.
Closing her door, she quietly snuck out as quickly as she could and and made her way to the forest entrance.
She then stopped for a moment and looked back at the castle for a second, before shaking her head. "It's better this way." She told herself as she continued on her way.
Hiccup and Toothless were waiting for Merida when they heard footsteps approaching them from behind.
They both turned as a very panted Merida ran up to them. She took a moment to catch her breath before speaking. "I'm back."
As he saw what she was carrying, Hiccup questioned, "What are you doing with a bow and arrows, though?"
"I'm an archer..." She said, standing back to full height. Then her eyes narrowed. "Why do you ask? Should a princess not care for your opinion?"
Hiccup carefully avoided stepping on a landmine and replied. "N-No, no. Actually, where I come from, it's perfectly normal for girls to be into archery, fighting...all that tough stuff."
"Where you come from sounds great." Merida commented, walking over to him.
"Try saying that again after spending 16 years there." Hiccup answered. Then he climbed on Toothless' back before reaching his hand out for Merida.
Biting her lip, Merida looked up at Hiccup and held his gaze for a few moments before sighing and taking Hiccup's hand and was pulled up on the Night Fury's back and awkwardly settled in behind Hiccup.
"Ready?" He asked her, looking over his shoulder.
"Yeah sure," Merida muttered, "This will be no problem. Just like riding a horse. A flyin', fire-breathing horse."
"You might want to hold on to something. Toothless is steady, but there's no guarantee you won't fall off." Merida nodded and looked about for something to grab. That's when it hit her what she was supposed to do.
"Oh." She scooted forward and wrapped her arms around Hiccup. A nervous look passed over Merida's features as Toothless shifted under them. Taking a deep breath, Merida calmed her nerves, a look of determination in her eyes. "Okay, I'm ready."
Hiccup's face grew warm as he felt her light touch and he cleared his throat, feeling flustered. "Alright, Toothless. Let's fly."
Toothless snorted and turned his attention ahead. Then Hiccup noticed that Toothless' lips were twitching oddly. Hiccup felt a sense of familiarity pass over him. Then it hit him.
"Oh boy," Hiccup squeaked before Toothless shot into the air, the sudden action caused Merida to scream as they flew into the sky. The kindgom grew smaller and smaller at Toothless shot higher up.
"Toothless!" Hiccup shouted as Merida screamed behind him, grabbing anything and everything she could in an attempt to stay on the dragon's back, "What are you doing!? Stop! Bad dragon!"
Toothless paid no heed to what Hiccup was saying as he flew past the cloud line, a sea of clouds floating below them while the sun hung in the bright sky above.
"Sorry!" Hiccup called as Toothless began to slow down, "He's not usually like this!"
As Hiccup spoke, Toothless began to shift direction so that he could dive back down towards the ground, causing Merida to latch onto Fishlegs, wrapping her legs and arms around him as she screamed.
"This is gettin' ridiculous," Hiccup muttered as Toothless went buzzing across the water, slamming through a cresting wave and drenching them both.
"Toothless!" Hiccup shouted as the Night Fury splashed him and Merida again, "What are you doing!? We need her to like us!"
Turning back towards the sky, Toothless began spinning rapidly in the air.
"And now the spinning!" Hiccup called out towards Toothless, "Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile!"
"Okay! I take it back!" Merida shouted as she hugged Hiccup closer, burying her face in his back, "This is completely different from riding a horse!"
As she said this, Toothless stopped spinning before he leveled off and began to fly lightly through the air.
As the pace slowed, Merida slowly opened her eyes and pulled away from Hiccup, looking around at the bright sky that surrounded them. Towering clouds cast in light formed every conceivable shape. All the while, the sun hung above it all, casting its pale radiance on everyone and everything.
Carefully, Merida reached, running her hand through a passing cloud with a look of wonder on her face. Laughing to herself, she turned back to Hiccup with a smile. "I never thought something could be so beautiful," She said in awe as she looked around some more, "This…this is amazing."
She sighed as she pushed herself away from Hiccup again. "So where to?" She asked him.
"I'm not sure," Hiccup said before he smiled, "But that's the adventure."
"Lead the way!" Merida laughed, as they soared across the open sea.
Wow, that was a long chapter. But I guess it was worth it. Let me know what you guys think. PM me or leave a review. See ya!!!
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