ch 3 cooking disaster

Disclaimer: vale is extremely big now so most places I name are in vale


It was morning now in the small town and Emerald was asleep on a bed. She looked peaceful when she was asleep but she was woken up by the morning radio

She immediately woke up a bit startled and looked at the radio. She reluctantly got up and went downstairs to the kitchen. She found no one so she helped herself to some breakfast

She brought out a pan and placed it on the stove. The fiddled with the nobs till she got it to light up. She gave a triumphant smirk till she noticed a note on the fridge

Gone to get some more groceries be back in a bit

- (Y/N)

She looked in the fridge and saw and saw some eggs and took them out. She then grabbed some oil and poured it on the pan then grabbed some matchsticks and lit one then threw it in

Emerald: hehe this is kinda fun

She grabbed the oil again and poured some more in..... a lot in....... then a little bit more. She grabbed the matchsticks and lit one then threw one in. A big flame popped out causing Emerald to jump back onto the floor

She started to scream as she threw some punches at the fire thinking it would do something.

Emerald: *panicking* aaaaahhhhh uh uh uh down down. Wahala. Reverse

She looked around and saw the sink nearby so she grabbed the hose that was next to it and started to spray at it. She then realizes that it wasn't even connected to the sink so it did nothing

Emerald: damn it uh get down. STOP IT. STOP IT

She went back to the sink and poured water in her hands then threw it at the fire with no results. When that did nothing she got water in her mouth and spat at the fire.


(Y/N) is in the grocery store looking through the aisles. As he's looking he was stuck on wetherell hell get chicken or steak

(Y/N): this shouldn't be as hard as it is *sigh* maybe I'll ask Emerald

He got his phone and dialed his home phone hoping she would answer

Back to Emerald

The phone rang and Emerald quickly picked it up


She hung up and went back to trying to put down the fire. She grabbed a towel and tried to put it out

Emerald: TORO TORO

She then put the towel over the fire and hit it a couple times successfully putting it out. She took a deep breath then started to laugh it off then sat down

Emerald: hahaha oh man Haha oh God that was close

Suddenly the towel started to smoke and it caught fire. Emerald didn't notice till the fire alarm went off and she turned around

Emerald: oh shit. OH NO. NO. NOOOOOOOO

King crimson

The kitchen burned down a d Emerald was in the middle of it quietly sobbing. (Y/N) then came back and saw the disaster that was now his kitchen

(Y/N):...... how....... just....... how?

Emerald: *random babbling noise*

(Y/N): I was gone for like not even a  hour

She looked down in shame thinking he was disappointed in her. He walked up to her and gave her a small hug

(Y/N): I'm not disappointed if that's what you're thinking. Just how?

Emerald: I tried making eggs but I put too much oil in the pan.......... and maybe too many matches

(Y/N): you tried to flambeau some eggs? You don't flambeau eggs Emerald

Emerald: flambeau?

(Y/N): I'll explain later but right now we need to get this fixed. *sigh* I'll call someone to do this while we stay at my other house

Emerald: you have more than one house?

(Y/N): yeah just don't burn the kitchen down in that one

Her face got red of embarrassment and stayed quiet. (Y/N) chuckled at her reaction as he made his way towards the car while Emerald followed quietly

King crimson

They made it to the house after an 5 hour ride now near a place called Patch. They near up on a cabin that was close by other cabins but not to close so they have some privacy

They entered and Emerald was surprised to see that it was bigger than she thought

I was actually there but I didn't take the picture I found it online. But it was still pretty fun

Emerald: wow this place is amazing

(Y/N): this must be one of the most amazing thing you've seen so far

Emerald: yeah this is nice. I'm kinda glad I burned the house down

She gave a smile and (Y/N) smiled back at her. She blushed and quickly looked away

(Y/N): now let me teach you how to cook just to be safe

Emerald: but what if I burn the kitchen down again

(Y/N): relax I'll be here this time so just trust me

She reluctantly went towards the stove and reached towards it. (Y/N) got tiered of her shit so he grabbed her hand and guided her through

He grabbed her hands and guided her through cooking (F/F) all while she was blushing. Once they finished they ate the food

(Y/N): mmhh not bad even though I did most of it

Emerald: Y-yeah...... t-t-thanks for the h-hel-help

(Y/N): anyway the one room is there *points near stairs* I'll sleep out here in the living room

Emerald: IDONTMINDSHARING *blushing* uh I mean I don't mind sharing

(Y/N): you sure you're ok with that

Emerald: yeah *shyly* I'm ok with it

He went into the room with Emerald slowly following behind. They got in the room and saw the inside of the room

Emerald liked the look of the room as (Y/N) just lays on the bed. Emerald slowly got on the bed and took a long while till she finally fell asleep

King crimson

It was now morning but sadly no morning radio this time but (Y/N) woke up first with a bit of weight on him. He rubbed his eyes and looked down

Emerald was hugging him tightly with a smile on her face. (Y/N) felt a small blush on his face but he suddenly appeared near the door fully clothed

He sat down in the living room with a smile on his face

(Y/N): *in mind* I think she's starting to like me

His smile soon faded into a more serious face

(Y/N): *in mind* but she's still too weak. I'll need to train her but first to see where she's at

He looked around a d saw his computer nearby. He soon saw a picture of a man and thought about this one as a target he nodded his head and wrote down some instructions for her

King crimson

Emerald was walking trough the streets following a man through the streets. She got a note from (Y/N) informing her of what she needed to do and that hell be watching

Right now she was following her target close by. She used her "gift" in order to get the man alone in an alleyway. All she needed to do was kill him

She was a hesitant. She never killed anyone before. But she didn't want to let the boss down so she went to attack and hit him in the back

He dropped to his knees and Emerald put a knife on his throat. He didn't look special just some average guy.

???: no please take anything you want just let me live

He cried and Emerald was about to kill him but she looked for a reason not to

???: *sob* please I have a family *sob* I want to see my girl *sob* she's only three

Emerald let him go but kept the knife close to his neck

Emerald: fine you'll leave and never come back ok

???: *sob* thank you *sob* thank you *chuckles* for the opportunity

He let out some smoke from his arm and it hit Emerald paralyzing her

???: I see you also have a gift. Not many people do but you wasted it. Now I'm gonna have some fun

He licked his lips and got up close and personal with her. He was about to touch her when someone got their attention

???2: doorururur you guys hear that doorururur where's that phone at doorururur

A guy came into the alley and started to make some wierd noises as the target just looked at him weirdly. He kept on making noises till he picked up a banana peel

???2: oh hello..... boss it's good to hear you...... uh hu *looks at them* the girl got it. Uhm excuse me but she needs to come with me

???: sorry buddy but she isn't going anywh. And neither are you

???2: sorry but that's not up for debate the boss needs to see her

Emeralds eyes widen as to how this guy knew the boss. She thought that maybe that's the guy whose second in command. But she couldn't see him because she was still paralyzed

???: I don't give a shit who this "boss" is your both going to be my play things today

The man charged at the guy and got ready to make him inhale his smoke. The guy didn't move as the man threw smoke at him

???: Haha now I'm definitely going to have fun with the both of you

Before he could do anything else a hole appeared in his stomach. He dropped holding his stomach and then died. The guy quickly walked away out of the smoke and took a deep breath

Emerald finally got a good look at the guy and he didn't look like much. He had the same pink sweater she did but a little bigger and pink hair

???: my names Doppio. Nice to meet a fellow gang member

Emerald tried to say something but she was still paralyzed

Doppio: oh right you're paralyzed sorry about that I kinda forgot but the boss wants to speak with you I'll be back

He ran back but Emerald couldn't see where he went and just stayed there for a bit. Then (Y/N) came from behind her surprising her. She looked away ashamed that she couldn't finish her job

(Y/N): relax I didn't expect you to kill someone first try. But I did get some bit of informed on the way you fight which isn't that great. So I'll teach you how to fight a d eventually you'll be unstoppable

Emerald was still disappointed in herself but not as much as before but suddenly (Y/N) picked her up bridal style

(Y/N): I know you're paralyzed so until this wears off I'll carry you home

Emerald was a blushing mess as he carried her and halfway there it wore off. But she decided not to say anything and enjoy it while it lasted

Another chapter done and I hope you laughed at the beginning part because it's q scene from my favorite show. If you know it then you have my respect

Anyway tell me who should be in the gang I'm only accepting five people. Please tell me who you want to be in the gang with the exceptions of Cinder, Qrow, Raven, Summer, Tai, Salem, Ozpin and Winter. They have more important roles some more obvious than others

I hope you enjoyed and I'll see all of you later

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