ch 1 the beginning

Ok if you haven't seen the end of golden wind go watch it because spoilers ahead

A guy is walking through the streets of Vale till he bumps into someone. He kept walking then stopped and turned to follow who he bumped into him

A female is walking into an alley and pulled out a wallet she stole. She looked proud of what she accomplished but it didn't last long. The guy she stole it from already found her

???: I would like that back please

???2: *surprised* I don't know what you're talking about

???: *sigh* ok then well play this game. Look just hand it over I've got places to be

???2: sorry but I need this more than you. I mean you've got a suit and all I got are rags

???: listen girly I'm not leaving without my wallet

???2: well I am

The girl ran at the man whose hair was covering half of his face. He seemed surprised at something he saw so he covering his stomach. The girl activated her semblance and an illusion showed up of her going to kick his head

The man panicked and immediately blocked her kick. He was then punched in the stomach by the girl. He stumbled back a bit perplexed on what just happened then it hit him

???: that's quite a semblance you got there but you used it too recklessly

???2: ha what do you know

???: you're young by the looks of it I say fifteen you need to learn how to use it. I can teach you

???2: if you know my semblance then go ahead and tell me what it is

???: it's just a theory so go ahead and attack me again

???2: alright just don't complain when I kick your ass

She activated her semblance again while she went behind him then her illusion went to kick him in the head. She went behind him to literally kick his ass but to her surprise he back handed her


The man smirked at what he saw and stood without a care in the world. The girl ran at him for another kick to the head but he just swung his hand backwards. He hit something so he turned and saw the girl was holding her cheek

???2: *shocked* h-h-how did you

???: like I said you use your gift recklessly it was easy to figure it out. Now

He grabbed her and took his wallet back. He took a good look at her and smiled at the sight. The girl looked pissed and the look in her eyes said she was determined to get him back

???: you know what as a reward for almost stealing my wallet I'll take you to eat

???2: *shocked* w-what

He didn't give her time to process what he said so they continued to walk. People were giving them wierd looks mostly because a rich guy was holding the hand of some poor girl

The arrived at a restaurant that looked high end. She was a bit hesitant but he pulled her in but they were stopped

Dude: I'm sorry sir but she can't come in here

???: oh and may I ask why not

Dude: because of the way she's dressed she can't

Said girl looked down ashamed and angry

???: well either way she's here to eat like me I'll pay so *gives him some lien* are we ok

Dude: ofcourse my apologies

They walked in and most people looked at the girl disgusted that they allowed her in. They sat down at a table opposite ends of each other

???: so what your name

???2: huh?

???: I asked what your name was

???2: ...

???: I brought you to eat the least you could do is give me your name

???2: names Emerald

???: well it's nice to meet you Emerald

Waiter: hello there I'll be your waiter my name is Dave. Can I get you anything to drink

???: I'll have some whiskey

Waiter: ok and you ma'am

Emerald: uhm

???: it's alright get whatever you want I'll be paying

Emerald: *smiles* if that's the case then I'll have what he's having

Waiter: ok well here are your menus and I'll be back with your drinks

He hands them the menu and they scan for what they want

Emerald: why are you doing this

???: simple. You've peeked my intrest and I'd like to get to know you

Emerald: that's all. So if I don't meet your expectations you'll just toss me back out

???: ..... tell me emerald do you want to go back out there

She shook her head

???: ok then would you like to join me in something I'm working on that will make us live on top of the world

Emerald: what do you mean

???: Emerald in this world there is many things wrong with it. Right now you're in the nice part of town. But on the other side there's nothing but drugs, rape, murder and more.

Emerald: ok and what does it have to do with this

???: would you believe me if I said that I was from that part of it

Emerald: no I wouldn't

???: well I am. You see I'm going to make a gang and work up from there. I'm going to bring order and balance to vale. I'll watch over it with my group taking care of it's problems

Emerald: so you're going to do all of this and why tell me about it

???: I would like to you to be apart of my gang. With your ability I believe that we can accomplish this goal that would be impossible for others

She was quiet for a bit thinking about her options. She could finally get out of the streets but first she needed to make sure she can trust him

Emerald: if I'm going to join then no secrets. I want in on everything that will go down in it. So can I have your name now

???: ..... I see...... well you shall be one of the few who knows my name....... it's (Y/N) (L/N) ......... but to the world I am Diavolo

The youngest I could find
(Y/N): as of right now I'm seventeen with high ambitions. Now then Emerald would you like to be the first friend and member of Passione

He extended his hand 8n hopes she would say yes. She thought about it for a minute and then shook his hand

Emerald: ofcourse I would Boss

(Y/N): please call me (Y/N) but when around others it's boss or Diavolo

Emerald: *smile* ofcourse (Y/N)

This is the start of the infamous mafia organization called Passione. It started with two and it started to grow a legacy in the making

I hope you guys like it and as you can tell this is an AU but tell me who should be apart of the gang. I'll accept anyone but don't expect it to be immediate it'll take time

Also updates will be slow because I will start school in like a week so sorry. Anyway I hope you enjoy and Bye

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