Chapter 6

Ash's POV:

The second I saw them battling, I was about to jump out of the class to help Wallace, but Gary stopped me.

I turned around to ask him why, but he beat me to it.

"Hey, Ashy boy! If Colress is facing Wallace in front of...what? 3000 people? Who knows what those Plasma grunts are pulling off behind our backs? I'm guessing that it's just a distraction", Gary told me and I looked at him gaping.

"That...That's actually right, Gare Bear!", I told him and went through the back gate still not believing that it was Gary who found out Colress' possible method of attack. Just like Gary had said, a few guys were approaching the main building of the college from the garbage chute. I whistled as loud as I could, and connected with Greninja and Lucario telepathically.

Within the time they could come here, I went upstairs and locked the garbage chute by stuffing it outside, so that the grunts would be trapped inside. The minute I came down, I saw Lucario standing with Infernape.

"Good job bringing Infernape, Lucario!", I told him punching his shoulder lightly causing Lucario to grin at me.

"Can you confirm that they are grunts, Lucario?", I asked him and he began to track their structures with an Aura Pulse. It was not much of an attack, but it could penetrate through walls, and it was perfect for snooping around. His ears rose up, and he nodded his head bringing his hand down.

"Show them your power, Infernape!", I told him and he gave me a malicious grin before rolling towards the end of the garbage chute with a Flame Wheel. He took a huge breath and blew out a Flamethrower and the occupants howled in pain.

I went inside to see them. They were Team Plasma grunts and began to look at one another before smiling devilishly and brought out something like a lighter and clicked it releasing a bright light, and within the blink of an eye, they vanished.

"Raaa!", Lucario yelled motioning that he felt some form of teleportation.

"Are you sure that they teleported somewhere, Lucario?", I asked him and he nodded his head vigorously.

"Hey, Ash! What's wrong?", Serena asked me panting and I just gave her an uncomfortable expression.

"Few grunts tried to plant something in the main building by infiltrating through the garbage chute", I told her and within the blink of an eye, she sent a message to Officer Jenny. How these girls were able to type so fast will remain an eternal mystery to me.

"She said she'll be here in a while", she told me checking her PokeTab and I thanked her for her speedy help.

"What's up with Wallace?", I asked her and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I was more concerned about you, Ash. I didn't see Wallace's battle. I know he'll give that guy a run for his money, but I just wanted to make sure that the grunts hadn't cornered you. I mean, I know you are very strong, but I was worried about you", she told me shyly twirling her fingers in her hair, which actually seemed cute.

"Do you believe in teleportation?", I asked her changing the topic and she shook her head looking at me like I had grown another head, along with a minor tinge of disappointment.

"Well, you better do so. The Plasma grunts have found out a way to do so. Lucario somehow received a signal that they moved away from the spot. Since he has Mega evolved, his Aura Pulse has been able to find out the presence of people in a place, and they grunts seemed to vanish from the spot when they clicked a lighter kinda thing", I told her and she stared at me gaping like a Magikarp.

"Anyway, I've got to get back. I don't think Gary would be able to sleep after seeing that adrenaline filled battle between Wallace and Colress. He'd fall asleep only if he battles someone", I told her and she just smiled shaking her head. Suddenly she stepped forward and pressed her lips to mine standing on the tips of her toes, grabbing me by my shirt, and I kissed back when I was able to speak in my mind clearly. After a minute of ravaging each other's lips, we separated.

"There may not be many things I believe in, Ash. But I do believe in love. I bet I'm closer to your heart now, Ashy", she whispered brushing her lips with mine with every word, and began to get back to class, not before giving me a flirtatious wink. I do admit, she was right. Initially, I saw her as my crush, but now it seemed like she was WAY more than that.

Then I saw her walk back swaying her curvaceous hips forcing a blush across my cheeks which I failed to hide causing her to erupt in giggles when she turned around to look at me.

Anyway, I shook my head and thought about the stuff they might be planning. As if on cue, Officer Jenny came here skidding on her motorcycle.

"I heard that there were perpetrators in KIP. Did you see them, Mr. Ketchum?", she asked me and I nodded my head. I told her the whole thing without leaving a minor detail behind, and she looked at the ground pensively.

"I've been on cases where common people have been hypnotized into joining the grunts, but I don't know as to why Team Plasma wants to attack this college. Thanks for keeping a sharp eye, Mr. Ketchum. I'll let you know if I find out anything in this case", she told me and left as quickly as she came.

A few minutes later, I saw a confused Wallace walking with Soldedad who was whispering something in his ear.

"Wallace, did you defeat Colress?", I asked him and he nodded his head with uneasiness.

"Kind of, Ash! I mean, he released 3 Pokemon and my wonderful Milotic made short work of his first two, and I managed to weaken his third. But before I could catch him, he took out a lighter kind of a thing and he....", Wallace faltered.

"Teleported?", I asked him and he nodded his head looking at me with a rather shocked expression.

"Colress was just a distraction, Wallace! A few grunts, 2 or 3, I guess. They were trying to infiltrate the college through the garbage chute, and thankfully I saw them. Infernape scorched them, but before I could grab hold of them, they did the same and teleported", I told him and he looked at me in a highly uncomfortable way. Soldedad just rubbed his arm wrapping her other arm around his waist and he just looked at the ground.

"Apparently, there's something in our grounds, Ash! They could be anything...Mega stones, resources, ANYTHING that gives Mr. Goodshow his hold on all the regions. If that is taken away, I don't know what to say", he told me.

"I'll ask my Pokemon to keep watching around, Wallace. They might find something", I told him and he shook his head.

"No, Ash. I don't want to drag you into this. Plus, I don't want to endanger your Pokemon", he told me solemnly, and I just gave him a small smile.

"I was dragged into this the second I saw those grunts climbing up the chute. Don't worry about my Pokemon, Wallace! I've added location transmitters into their pendants which I forced onto their necks. Each time they get hit, I'll know", I told him and he nodded his head thanking me.

"I'd better get going. I'm probably late for battling class", I told Wallace and left for the gymnasium.

MUCH to my surprise, the gym teacher was Pyramid King Brandon.

"Nice to see you again, Ash", he greeted me while I was still shocked to say anything.

"I..Yeah, it's nice to see you too, Brandon", I stuttered and he motioned me to get in line with the others. Much as expected, Serena got in line just after me.

"Hey there, Ashy", she whispered into my ear and I rolled my eyes causing her to pout cutely.

"Alright, class! I don't believe in climbing up the ladder. I believe in letting a soldier all alone in a battlefield. So today, you'll be fighting me on a 3 vs 3 battle with random Pokemon. You won't have time to bond with them, and I won't be going easy on you at all!", he roared sending shivers down some of our spines.

A solid 1 hour later, it was my turn to battle Brandon. He took a random set of 3 Pokeballs while I did the same.

"(yawn) This will be a 3 on 3 battle between Ash and Brandon yada yada yada. Let the match begin", the referee announced half asleep.

"Alright, go Pokemon!!", Brandon roared and out came an Azumarill.

"I choose YOU!!", I yelled and MUCH to my luck, I got a Flareon.

"Azumarill, use Water Gun!! Keep using it until I tell you not to do so!!"

"Jump out of the way by using your tail as a spring to your jump!"

"Oh! Dodging, huh? Azumarill, use Tackle!!"

"Let's save your energy, Flareon! Use Will-O-Wisp!"

The damage over time of the weak attack may come in handy, and I decided to take that gamble.

"Azumarill, use Scald!"

"Flareon, dodge it and use Flare Blitz!! Aim for its belly"

"Mar! Mar! Marill! Azumarill!!", Azumarill shrieked as the attack ricocheted off a rock and hit it on its head, plus the Will-O-Wisp had begun to show its effect and the Flare Blitz wasn't a big help either, and Azumarill crashed into the ground knocked out. Though Flareon hadn't taken any physical damage, he had completely lost his strength due to the repeated dodging and the final attack which drew a HUGE amount of his energy.

"This Pokemon's unable to continue, that Pokemon wins. This guy, send out your next Pokemon. That guy, no substitutions allowed. Forgot to (yawn) say that", the referee drawled.

"Return, Azumarill! Alright, Pokemon, GO!!", Brandon roared and released a Koffing.

"Flareon, use Flamethrower!!"

"Counter that with Sludge Bomb!!"

The Sludge Bomb was fast, and was HIGHLY inflammable. It lit up due to the Flamethrower and scorched Flareon horribly weakening him, and he collapsed a few seconds later, unable to continue. This time, I didn't bother for the referee to drawl, and he looked at me like I was the incarnation of Arceus himself.

"You did a good job, Flareon! You take a well deserved rest! I choose YOU!!", I yelled and out came a Vaporeon. Flareon meanwhile was sleeping circling around my right leg and cooing in comfort.

"Vap! Vap!", HE chirped happily, and rubbed his cheek with my shin.

"You seem like a strong Pokemon. Care to show me what you can do?", I asked him cupping his cheeks and the very next second, he was off to a glare battle with Koffing.

"Vaporeon, freeze it with Ice Beam!!"

"Hit it with Gyroball!!"

"Harder!! Freeze it in its tracks!!"

Koffing was frozen in its tracks and I was automatically given the victory as Koffing was unable to come out of the ice.

"Return, Koffing! You fought bravely! Now...", Brandon started but he was interrupted by a large explosion coming from the nearby room, and a clouded figure came from the room.

"Well, it's been a long time hasn't it, Brandon?", he asked.

To be continued...

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