Story List

All available at RJGlynn

The 2021 Ultimate SciFi SmackDown Challenge

Ripples in Space-Time (RiST): Flash fiction and Short Story Series

Big Oops

Atomic scientist, Enoch learns what happens when his life's work and his greatest love collide. ≤500-word flash fiction.

The Saviour

Pandora believes she's left a childhood disaster behind, but the universe thinks otherwise. One mistake can ripple through space and time. Follows on from Big Oops.

Red Pill

Kiran believes he's dead, a corpse reanimated by aliens. But that could just be the meds talking. Maybe... Follows on from The Saviour.

Beyond Liberty

Liberty wants a new life for herself and her brother, but career changes aren't straightforward when you've just stolen your ex-employer's classified research. Risks have to be taken, sacrifices made. Follows on from Red Pill.

Any Other Tuesday

As an outerworld finder, Janus makes a living going places others can't, won't, or shouldn't. He's seen plenty of 'weird and disturbing.' But there are degrees of weird. Some of them will get him killed—or worse. Follows on from Beyond Liberty.

Chasing Dawn

RiST #6: Pandora Sahar always followed the rules, anxious to avoid accidents and disaster. But the worst happened anyway: the death of her crewmates; an alien abduction. Alone, dealing with the aftermath and her father's passing, she is broken. But in the vast, wild universe, where change is a constant, what does 'broken' really mean? Follows on from Any Other Tuesday.

Other SmackDown Stories

Junkyard Doll

AN-E wakes to the sound of a drill against her shoulder strut. After eight months shut down, corroding in a junkyard, she has a choice to make: resume her deadly duties to the One Empire or resign herself to reality -- she's abandoned scrap.

Final Facet

Ren Asari doesn't believe in fate, but in an hour and thirty minutes, she's prophesized to die. Her skeptical quest for answers quickly becomes a race for survival -- but not necessarily her own.

Short Stories Written for Other Challenges and Competitions

Outer Prospects

Disowned and disinherited, Saba Aku is determined to carve a new life for herself out in the main asteroid belt, but cynical local attitudes, limited cash, and an ill-considered one night stand threaten to rob her of the small, rocky foothold she's just found.

One-chapter story written for the @ScienceFiction October 2021: Asteroid challenge.

The Future of Goobishen Prime

At eighteen years old, Prime Shen sees possible futures. But will his own be the Order of Enlightenment, the girl, or an assassin's blade? Perhaps a combination of all three...

Short story written for the 'December 2021: The Future of Goobishen Prime' challenge.

Cherry Celery

After working her butt off to complete her PhD, Thea is not about to risk her fledgling career—no matter the appeal of Rhys Navin's smile. It might be New Year's Eve over a new colony planet, but the only beginning Thea is interested in is her next job's. But should a woman smart enough and fun enough to have once created a fruit-mutant vegetable really settle for what's sensible?

Short story written for the New Year's Fiesta 2022. 


Captain Malcolm Reynolds and the Serenity crew answer a distress call, only to find the ship adrift and the crew slaughtered, drained of their blood.

One-chapter 'snack fiction' written for a 'Whedonverse' crossover challenge.

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