Ally's pov:
Morgan and her friends weren't the... nicest group I've met so far this school year.
It was hard to miss the glares they sent Claire, Zoe, and I from the kitchen when they thought we weren't looking. I don't know what their problem was, or why are mere presence was bothering them so much, but it got to the point where it was just annoying.
The glares became so frequent that at one point, Claire made a move to stand up and confront them, but I was able to stop her before that happened.
I wasn't sure where Axel and Dylan stood with this group of girls, especially since their roommate, Bryce, was dating one of them. But after a while, I could tell Axel wasn't their biggest fan, and Dylan just tolerated them.
After Axel stated that he only invites his closest friends to the house, with Claire giving them a mocking grin from behind him, Morgan and her friends finally left, with deep scowls on their faces.
Even if it makes me sound like a bad person, I have to admit that seeing them storming off was a nice relief. The vibe that they gave off from the moment they entered the house was off, and with them constantly shouting to each other in the kitchen, it was difficult to keep up with Axel and Dylan's conversation from the other side of the living room.
Once they left, the house was much quieter, and I swear even Dylan let out a sigh of relief when they were gone. Which was weird, because Dylan seems to be all about the partying, drinking, and loud noises.
Once we got our peace and quiet back, I realized that I was also completely exhausted, to the point where I may just be three seconds away from passing out on my spot on the couch next to Claire.
It was only about a five-minute walk back to the dorms, but I was absolutely dreading it.
I'm sure if I swing my legs off this couch and attempt to stand up, I will fall flat on my face in front of everyone who was left.
And since it was just us now, Bryce found himself taking up a spot between Axel and Dylan on the couch.
Even though I wasn't the biggest fan of his girlfriend, I thought that Bryce was a pretty nice guy, and with him being completely intoxicated, it was quite funny hearing him talk.
Bryce told the three of us how he, Dylan, Axel, and their other roommate, Tanner, met the summer before their freshman year of college.
During that summer, their coach wanted the team to get to know each other before the school year started, so he held a couple practices for the team members who could make it.
Coincidentally, the four of them were the only freshman, so they were typically left to practice together.
But they didn't all immediately click. Since the four of them all had such different personalities, it was difficult to find a 'common' ground. This often led to petty arguments and side comments about each other during practice.
Even more interesting, both Dylan and Bryce agreed that Axel was the most difficult of the four to get along with, which surprised me.
Because of Axel's "closed off" personality, the three of them thought that Axel was a complete snob at first, to which Axel rolled his eyes from his spot beside them on the couch.
But it turns out, Bryce's words not mine, that Axel was just an introverted, "shy little boy" who was scared to make friends before his freshman year.
That earned Bryce a punch in the arm from Axel, to which he fell into Dylan and fussed over the "bruise" forming on his arm for the next five minutes.
All though Dylan and Bryce swear that it's true, I can't wrap my head around the fact that people still find Axel to be intimidating.
Even at the party today, there were some people who took one look at him and knew to stay back.
I know it's difficult to imagine because I've never seen that side of him, but I can't help but wonder what would have happened if he wasn't the one to enter that room that night...
If it were anyone else...
I make eye contact with Zoe from her spot on the bean bag chair, and with just one glance, I can tell she is seconds away from falling asleep as well.
Gosh, this walk back is going to be awful.
Even though every muscle in my body rejects it, I do end up swinging my legs off Claire's lap and putting them on the floor.
"I think it's about time we head out," I say to the boys.
As much as I didn't want this night to come to an end, I know that if we leave any later, I'll be too tired to make it out the door, let alone walk the five minutes to the dorm.
"I'll walk you back," Axel says, standing up.
Normally, I would go off saying that he really didn't need to, but I knew there would be no point because he would walk us back anyways.
So I nod my head and let Zoe and Claire follow behind me as we make our way toward the door.
Dylan had insisted on coming with, but Axel told him to watch over Bryce, since he apparently tends to be clumsy when drunk and fall into things, specifically tables, doors, and walls.
Claire goes ahead of us and opens the front door to leave, but the brightness of flashing lights stops her from taking a step out of the house.
"What happened?" Zoe asks from behind me, trying to peek over our shoulders to see what all the flashing lights were about.
I look over Claire's shoulder just in time to see four cop cars pull up to the frat house across the street from us, and what was a party, now has students tripping over one another to run away.
Before I could watch anymore, Axel, who was standing behind us, reaches over and shuts the door, quickly ushering us back inside.
"You might have to stay here and lay low for a while, the campus police can be persistent on busting parties and getting students in trouble with the school," Axel says, leading us back into the living room.
"Does this happen often?" Claire asks, crossing her arms over her chest while trying to peak through the front window.
"It's more common in the first few weeks, eventually, they start to give up," Axel says, shrugging his shoulders.
I didn't mind waiting it out, since they would probably be gone in no more than twenty minutes.
But that hope soon fizzled out because after half an hour of sitting around and waiting with the boys in the living room, they were still there, just sitting in their cars and monitoring any of the passing students.
And if I thought I was exhausted before, I am completely, and utterly drained now.
Back on the couch, now squished between Claire and Zoe, I found myself drifting between a conscious and unconscious state.
It wasn't until Axel looked at me for what must have been the twelfth time in the past five minutes for him to say, "I think you three should just stay here tonight."
Claire waves her hand in dismiss, trying to be polite as she says, "That's alright, we don't want to bother you guys."
Just as Axel is about to respond, Dylan gives us a dirty grin, and I can already predict the words before they come out.
"In case you weren't aware, having three gorgeous ladies sleeping over is not a bother, but quite frankly a blessing-...."
Axel elbows him in the side before he had the chance to continue that sentence.
I find myself giggling at his words, but I don't know if it's because I actually found it funny, or if it was the drowsiness.
"We wouldn't mind sleeping on the couches," Zoe says. I look over my shoulder to see her with her eyes closed as she rests her head on my shoulder.
At some point, I actually thought she fell asleep, so I was surprised to hear her voice.
"You three can just take my bed, I cleaned my sheets two nights ago anyways," Axel says, but just like he must have expected, the three of us shout out in disagreement.
"You shouldn't have to sleep on the couch..."
"We aren't kicking you out of your bed..."
"No way-..." The last one was Zoe, who somehow drifted off into sleep before finishing her sentence. Claire and I look at each other as we try not to laugh at our friend's ability to fall asleep midsentence.
"It isn't a problem, plus there are three of you and only two couches, which surely won't be comfortable for the two sharing." Axel says, standing up to lead us to his room.
But just as I am about to say that it's really no big deal, and the alcohol in my system will let me sleep anywhere, even on the floor, Claire says something that has mine and Axel's heads flipping towards her.
"Since Zoe is already asleep, it wouldn't make sense to wake her to move her somewhere else. Ally and I will be fine with taking the other couch. But if you feel bad about us sharing, I'm sure we can come up with some other solution. Personally, I want the couch, but it would be nice if one of you had something like a queen mattress, then perhaps Ally can just stay with one of you." Claire says, casually swinging an arm around my shoulder.
We took a tour of the house earlier today...
Axel is the only one who has a queen mattress.
Oh I'm going to kill her.
A she-devil, that is what she is.
And for her to even suggest-...
"I actually have a queen, and I don't mind sharing my bed, if that's alright with you." Axel turns toward me with that look in his eyes that makes it hard to look anywhere else.
Oh gosh.
I must be dreaming.
I must be drunker than I thought I was.
I must have hit my head at that party and forgotten about it.
"I, uhm-... I mean if it really doesn't bother you, because I also don't mind sharing the couch with Claire-..."
Under the blanket we were sharing, Claire pinches me on my side to stop talking, and it takes everything in me not to react.
"I don't mind." And there it is. His smile that I can't quite get over, not matter how many times he does it.
After we all say goodnight to one another, it takes everything in me to try and stop the blush that was rising on my cheeks.
I've never slept in the same bed as a guy before...
Especially one that I'm attracted to.
I wish I had time to mentally prepare, because even the thought of him being so close gives me butterflies.
Lots and lots of butterflies.
Hey guys!!
One bed! One bed!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you want next chapter to be in Axel or Ally's Pov??!
Love you all!!
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