Pov switch... enjoy!!!!!
Axel's pov:
***1 hour earlier***
"For the last time, I'm not going. Leave me alone." I say to Dylan, my best friend, who has been standing at my door for the past 15 minutes.
"Please!! Everyone else is busy, and you are the only one who is free. It's the first weekend, meaning the best parties of the year will be now. Don't make me go alone." He argues.
I roll my eyes as I sit up in my bed, knowing that there is no way I'll be able to fall back asleep now.
Of course, it's the one time I want to catch up on some sleep. I know it's the weekend, but this week has been restless with the first week of training for this upcoming season.
"I'm not making you do anything, and what would be the problem with going alone? Once we get there you will be off with some chick in the first 15 minutes anyways." I say.
Dylan was notorious for being the "it boy" last semester. The way he picked up girls left and right was insane. At every party we went to, he had someone wrapped around his finger by the end of the night.
Safe to say Dylan is just a natural flirt. And in a way, he can be admirable for that.
But in other cases, maybe the opposite. Dylan isn't interested in relationships, and I don't think he makes that clear enough. He's broken a high number of hearts on this campus, and somehow my two other roommates and I are paying for it.
Just the final week of last semester alone, we had three different girls show up on our front porch in tears demanding to see Dylan.
And safe to say I was too afraid to say no.
After letting them in, I would go on a nice walk and avoid my apartment for the next hour or so.
Nothing wrong with playing it safe.
"But I would look like a loser if I showed up alone! You got nothing to do for the next two days, catch up on sleep tomorrow." He says.
I groan, swinging my legs off the side of the bed, and stand. If only Bryce and Tanner were here so they could go for me.
Instead, their girlfriends dragged them to some new chick flick movie that came out today.
I would rather be a fifth wheel than go to a frat, especially this one.
I push Dylan out of my room and get ready for the night. He's lucky I'm such a good friend, I doubt anyone else on this planet is able to put up with him as much as I do.
My friends say I have a laid-back personality, but I think it's because half of them are crazy. I like to keep to myself, and if I have nothing to say to people I won't say anything at all.
I'm not the most approachable person in the world, but it doesn't make me mean. I prefer to stay in my comfort zone, and I do that by surrounding myself with the people I am comfortable with. I don't know if that makes me an introvert or just a guy who likes to keep to himself.
So that's why parties aren't my favorite thing in the world. Since I'm on the boxing team, my name is more well-known around campus than I would have liked it to be. My friends thrive in popularity, I on the other hand despise it.
The better the status, the more people who want to get to know you. Funny how that works right?
In my freshman year, I thought I just had a great ability to make friends. Didn't realize the true effect of it until we lost the finals.
People become uninterested pretty quickly when you aren't the talk of the school.
Now as a junior in college, I am driven to win this season. Not because I care about my social status, but because most of my closest friends are on the team, and I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else but them.
As for my plan for after college?
I'm a bit undecided at the moment.
"Hurry up!! It's already midnight and I'm ready to party!!" Dylan shouts from the living room.
Running a hand through my hair, I follow him as we walk the 10 minutes it took to get to the frat.
The only reason why I am not complaining right now is that it seems to be the perfect temperature, and this walk might be the best part of the night.
Once we arrive, Dylan and I grab a beer from the kitchen before joining a group of guys we are somewhat friends with.
And just like how I thought the night would go, Dylan gets swept away from a girl within the first 15 minutes of being there, and I am now stuck with these guys who I only knew because of Dylan.
Maybe I can slip out in 10 minutes and no one will notice? Say I got to use the bathroom or something and leave out of the back door.
Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
It is closer to twenty-five minutes later when I excuse myself from the group and make my way towards the back door.
Only my plans of escaping are ruined when I see it completely blocked by couples making out.
Maybe not.
I can't go out the front door because that's where everyone is, and surely if they see my trying to leave they won't let me.
With not a lot of options, I climb up the stairs in hope of finding an escapable window because yes, I am that desperate in getting back into my bed and calling it a night.
My plans were interrupted when I go onto the third floor, and I see a pretty girl standing by herself in one of the frat boy rooms.
Current time
"Zoe!" She screams as she runs toward the bathroom, opening up the door to see the girl I now know as Zoe lying on the bathroom floor, passed out.
"Oh shit," I say under my breath, squatting down next to the girl, who I still don't know the name of, as she puts Zoe's head in her lap, brushing the hair out of her face.
"What should we do?" The girl asks me, a panicked expression on her face. I put my hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.
The foul smell already answered my question, and fortunately for her, I have done this one too many times with my roommates after a night out.
"She must have fainted from dehydration; I'm going to get some water from the kitchen. If she wakes, I'm going to need you to lay her on her side in case she throws up." I say as calmly as I can to not bring any more stress to the situation.
Doing what I said, I come back quickly with two bottles of water to see Zoe starting to wake. When she comes back to her senses, I hand her a water and lean her up against the wall, close to the toilet.
I'm just praying that whatever frat boys' room we are in decides that he won't be needing his room for the next half an hour or so. At least until we can get Zoe standing on her own two feet again.
As Zoe empties her stomach into the toilet, the girl next to me grabs her hair, and to give them space I wait in the bedroom.
About 20 minutes or so pass and the girl comes out of the bathroom and takes a seat next to me at the end of the bed.
"Thank you for your help, I hope this didn't ruin your night." The girl says, crossing her hands on her lap.
I shake my head, "Not at all. Sure it wasn't... ideal but as I said, I wasn't looking forward to the party anyways."
She laughs, "I forgot. Then I guess this wasn't the peace and quiet you were expecting."
"No it wasn't, but it was far more interesting, to say the least." I chuckle.
"I bet, but on a serious note, I don't know what I would have done without you here. All I did was freak out."
"I mean....." I tease, causing her to hit my shoulder, a blush on her cheeks.
"I'm kidding! If I haven't been through this a thousand times I would react similarly. "
"That's a lot of times." She comments.
"I've got three roommates, although the aftermath of a night out with them wasn't included in the lease." I joke.
"Should've been."
"Indeed. Also, I think it would be a good time to finally get to know your name." Not knowing her name is starting to bother me a lot more than it shoulder.
She laughs, "I mean, I guess we've been through a lot these past 30 minutes so it's only fair. My name is Ally."
"Mine is Axel. "
"Nice to meet you, Axel." She sticks out her hand in a goofy way, and I giddily accept.
"Same to you. Hopefully our next encounter won't be as eventful."
"Where's the fun in that?" She asks.
She's not wrong. I've only been back on campus for a week, and this has been the most eventful thing that has happened so far.
We begin to chat a bit more as we wait for Zoe to finish cleaning herself up.
"Do you think you will be able to get back alright?" I ask.
She chews on her bottom lip while looking at the bathroom door before back at me. "We should be alright; my other two roommates are downstairs somewhere and-... Oh my gosh!" She stands up quickly, causing me to do the same.
"What happened? What's wrong!" I ask, her sudden panic worrying me.
"I left my friend down there alone for over half an hour!" She panics.
"Hey, don't worry," I put a hand on her shoulder. I'm not a touchy person, but I can't seem to keep my hands off her, "I can stay up here with Zoe while you go and find her."
She relaxes a bit, "I can't even describe how thankful I am right now."
I laugh, "Don't worry about it, I'm here to help."
But just as she's about to go, Zoe emerges from the bathroom with her hands wrapped around her stomach.
"I think I'm ready to head back now." She says, walking up to us. Her face was now quite pale, and her eyes were droopy.
She looked like she was about to pass out again at any second.
"Will you be able to make the walk back now?" Ally asks, putting an arm around Zoe.
She nods her head before the three of us make our way down the stairs to find their two other roommates.
Only then is when we realize only one of them is there.
Hey guys!!
How are you liking this book so far?
What do you think about Axel??
Love you guys!
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