Chapter 1
This story shall not be copies or used by seizure of anyone to the full extent of this book. Copyright or plagiarism of my story will have a fine and report sent to the app management of wattpad (not a joke seriously).
The month of September (school had started for other kids at high.)
"It's the first day of school Riley! Get over here this instant!" Heather my big sister said yelling up the dusty old staircase that went up to his whitewash cramped room.
I listened to the echoes throughout my room and hearing my daydreams come to life. Horses being ridden with beautiful girls. I can't see who they are though. The horses are so beautiful and one is Greta the beautiful dapple grey Andalusian mare with a dark face and graying hair. Her rider is a girl about my age with almost white blonde hair. She does not turn my way so I can't see her face.
"What are you doing up here we have to get going you'll be late it you don't start to move instead of dreaming. We have an an hour and a half drive to get to your new school. It's the first day of high school. Do you want to walk there?" She said.
"How do you think that I will fit in I know nobody and if I did meet friends what am I going to tell them that I live I a farm. They are proper people not people who work in a barn and have no friends and you don't have any neighbors and that you live in the middle of nowhere. What do I tell the, What?!" I said not trying to make it sound like I was arguing.
"How would I know. " Heather said, "They'll be great. I just know it."
"I have a feeling that they won't like us at all. What would they think when two people that have no parent come to their prissy school." I said heading to the door.
I walked into the gray minivan that Heather drives.
I walked through the pale green double doors of my new high school. Echoes of people whispering to each other and friends reunited sounded like a chorus of badly singing kids. I could hear a few of the whispers just loud enough for me to hear. One girl said "Who is he?" in a snotty tone. Another one said "Is he cute or what!" probably one of the school sluts then her friend said "Shut Up! He'll hear you Carrisa" .
My feet carried me to the school's office where there was a chubby lady with graying hair and large feet. She was wearing a pair of black pants and a high necked pink shirt that looked a little too tight.
I asked her "I'm new and I need my schedule."
"Yes, your name please."she said putting on her huge glasses.
"Riley Corson."
"Yes, yes Riley... Riley Corson..... ah here it is." she said pulling the sheet of paper out of the file cabinet drawers.
"Thank you." I said walking out of the stuffy office.
Studying my schedule I saw that I had Math first. I hope that this isn't going to be painful. I thought.
I ran to room 16B when the warning bell rang and everyone was rushing around. I got there just in time to find that the only open seat was in the very back where it I was called to the front I would have to walk through all the kids. Whom I knew none.
The teacher's name was Mr. Warrland he is tall and thin looked like he had just ran a marathon. Also he looked slightly depressed with circles under his eyes. He was wearing a plaid dress shirt. He had a white tie that was crooked and black slacks.
I read the board which was in cursive. It said; Welcome Back After The Three Day Weekend From Friday Through Sunday! (All the first letters in each word were capitalized. A group of girls were texting and giggling to each other and pointing at their screens. Some of the seem-to-be jocks were gazing dreamily at some of the cheerleader girls and Mr. Warren was starting to stand up to say something. His lips were twitching.
"Attention!!" he said once he stood up. He had a deeper voice than I thought he would have and raised my eyebrows curiously looking at him.
"Ahhem!" he said clapping his hands together in a rhythm and sternly looking at the people talking the loudest.
Once everyone (okay almost everyone) was paying attention he said "We have a new student in here. Riley can you come up here."
Oh great. I thought as I dragged my lifeless legs to the front of the room where everyone was starring at me. I stood at least two feet away from the teacher.
"Um ... what's the point he's just one new kid here and why does he get special treatment he is only one month late in the school year." Said a snotty girl with a little too low of a neck line on her shirt.
"You answered your own question Hailey." Mr. Warren said sternly with a wink in my direction.
After he said that she slinked back in her seat. I think she may have caught the teacher giving me a wink. Grrr.
"This is Riley Corson. I hope that you treat him well and don't try to be rude to him. " He said moving over and grabbing my shoulders.
I then whispered to the teacher after standing still and feeling uncomfortable "Can I go back to my seat please?"
He nodded his head in agreement.
I quickly walked back to my seat and payed attention through the rest of the classes after being introduced in every single one. This school was way different from my old school.
Once school was over, I found my sister in her dark minivan and climbed in after the very long and exhausting day of being introduced. Heather was smiling.
I rode in silence while Heather talked and talked all the way home about how wonderful her day was and that she had already met five friends that immediately took her in.
Once I was home and out of the cramped space of the car. I ran to our horses and fed them their grain half a cup of oats mixed with some of that odd brand name of horse feed that helps horses with their joints, while talking to them.
"Yes I know that you wondered where I was. Well I was at my new high school. It is just an hour and a half away. Yea..." I said sad that I was separated from my horses.
I talked to the three horses that me and Heather took care of after our parents died from heat stroke. Two months apart. They died when I was twelve and Heather sixteen.
The three horses were Greta the dappled gray, Rain who was a beautiful splash Appaloosa (which was why we named her Rain) and Dandy the classic bay that was our mom's horse. All I took care of.
After every day I took Greta out to train because she was still a green horse. I then would take out the other horses and work them too.
Once I was finished with all of my chores homework and talking to the horses and training them. I was ready for another day of the same events except for all the intros. After that I sank into my bed and fell on my pillow and slept soundly.
I groggily woke up at three in the morning of the last day of September after days of homework and trying to find friends for school.
After I climbed into the car and sped to school and saw her. My crush for the last week. Her name is Sara French. She has almost white hair and ocean blue eyes brimmed with dark eyeliner. She always had her hair in a bun.
Today she was wearing a silk long sleeve dress shirt and tan slacks. Also she was wearing a pair of tall black boots with heels. I had two classes with her and lunch time was the same.
So far I have made one friend named Jeff. He was wearing a black and red plaid shirt with blue jeans. Which was normal for him. He always had his hair tucked behind his ears and slid back with hair gel that made his hair always look wet. He is in almost all of my classes except for LA.
I sat down in my seat for math a little while later after lunch next to Jeff and said "Hey Jeff, I know that this is a little weird but do you have any crushes at this school."
"Yea... Britney Harrison. You know the chick with the really nice features and the blonde hair. You?" he said with his slightly deep voice cocking his head to the left and face inch forward so the teacher wouldn't know he was talking in class.
"Sara." I said doing the same thing with my head.
Hi this is my new series and each chapter is a month of Riley's life and each book is a year so this is the first book in the series and yea hope you guys and gals like it. Plz comment, follow and vote. Thanks.
Ps. Sorry for any miss spells.
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