4. I'm "Coming" With You

Thank you for reading, please give me your thoughts on what you've read this far!

- Gabs

OBS!!! XXX contet below!


outside the sun was shining as the leaves blew onto the streets, it was a perfect autumn day. However, inside the house was quiet, not even the TV was on. I had woken up Etienne early that morning, saying It was going to be a long day of homework for him.

All of his school supplies were scattered all over the kitchen table, I had dictated that he was not leave this table before finishing both his math homework and history paper.

I took my role as punisher quite serious, I felt like a sargent when I passed back and forth, supervising.

Etienne let out a loud sigh, "Is this correct?" he said leaning over his math book.

My pacing came to a halt, "I dunno?" I mumbled.

"How am I suppose to know then?" Etienne whined.

"I don't know, have you tried counting your fingers?"

He sighed once more, "I need help, I'm calling Mama."

Etienne got up to grab the homeline, but before he got a chance to do so I blocked his path.

"Mama is busy, you can't call her."

"How am I supposed to finish this homework." He whined, his voice broke, he was on the edge of crying.

My punishment was working, It was fun while it lasted, I thought.

" Let me see." I said.

We walked over to the table and Etienne showed me his work. It only took me one glance to notify that everything was correctly done, not to my surprise of course, Etienne was a pretty smart kid.

" Four times six Isn't twenty four." I said, folding my arms.

A frown quickly appeared on Etienne's face, "Yes it is!" he shouted.

"Just checking" I said, I was smiling. "You can go now" I gestured for him to go. "I'll clean this up." I said, noticing he hadn't run off to turn the TV on yet.

"Thank you." He mumbled and seconds later the sound of the TV echoed from the living room.

As I was collecting all the books and supplies off the kitchen table, my phone started vibrating, Alicia's name popped up on the display, it was the fourth time she was calling today and like the other three times, I was going to let it ring until her end of the line cut it off. I wasn't sure if we were fighting, what happen at school wasn't a fight, I think.

Anyhow, I didn't feel like talking, especially not if she was going mention Gaia's birthday party.

A sudden loud noise echoed from the hallway, someone was knocking on the door.

I gestured for Etienne to be quiet as I past the living room, he reached for the remote, muting the sound on the TV.

The loud banging noise continued as I walked up to the door.

"Who is it?" Etienne hissed.

"It's just Alicia." I said, after spotting her pink fur jacket through the peeping hole.

I opened the door.

"Really?" she shouted, she was holding her phone to her ear. "Would you stop ignoring me?"

"I'm not." I lied.

"Lessy I was watching you through the kitchen window while calling, you just let the phone ring."

"Your crazy for doing that." I chuckled. I stepped aside for her to enter.

"Well you drove me to it." She said as she entered.

"We'll be upstairs!" I shouted to Etienne.

"Can we be friends again" She said, shutting the door to my room.

I chuckled and took a seat on the bed.

"Because I hate when you ignore me, It hurts my heart." Alicia said with a twinkle voice.

"I'm not..."

Alicia interrupted, "And I've told Gaia and Amir that I'm not coming to her party unless you're invited too.

My mouth fell open, "Why would you say that."

"Because, It's not fare, first she steals your man, then she gets your mom to make her dresses for the birthday party that you're not even invited to." Alicia said breathless.

"Well I don't wanna go." I complained

"Luckily for you she said no." Alicia said and sat down next to me.

We looked at each other and suddenly burst out in laughter.

"That pink dressed would of looked good on you." I said sarcastically.

Alicia hit me on the side, "Shut up, I thought you wanted to go."

"Well I didn't." I said.

"But why were you so angry yesterday, you missed three classes."

I told Alicia about Etienne running away, how I spent the whole friday afternoon looking for him, finally finding him down by the motorpark.

"That was dumb of him to do, I guess he really wants to ride, huh?"

"He does, to bad my mom won't let him." I said.

"So what are you gonna do about the party, are you still invited?" I asked. I know Alicia, she loves fancy parties where you have to wear fancy dresses and talk fancy. Her mom was the owner of The Palace, a five star hotel in the city, they hosted many events where you had to dress fancy.

"Probably, but I'll let Amir go alone, I wanna hang out with you, maybe we could get a room at the hotel." Alicia turned to the mirror on my desk and began adjusting her thick hair. "We could go clubbing and then spend the night." she said excited.

I laughed, "sounds fun."

"What do you want to do today?" Alicia asked, removing invisible dirt from her hair.

"I can't do anything today, my mother is out all weekend, I'm babysitting Etienne.

Alicia met my eyes in the mirror, "Okey, what do you guys wanna do today, we can do something together, all of us."

I loved that Alicia never took no for an answer, to her there was always a solution for everything.

A knock on the door interrupted us, Etienne stumbled into the room. "Valentino is on the phone." He said, handing me my phone.

"Who?" Alicia gasped.

"Etienne, you're not supposed to touch my phone." I said angrily, ignoring Alicia's burning stare.

"I know, I know, I was in the kitchen making a sandwich when it started vibrating and since you were upstairs I thought you wouldn't hear." He plead.

My staring at the phone like it was the forbidden fruit, made Alicia impatient. "Well...?" she began, I looked to her. "...are you gonna answer or not?" she said and angrily folded her arms.

Valentino's distant voice was heard calling from the other end of line.

I slowly brought the phone to my ear, "put it on speaker." Alicia demanded. I put the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" I stuttured.

All three of us waited with anticipation, there was no response on the other end.

suddenly a shredding sound from several motor engines was heard. "Hello, can you hear me?" Valentinos voice spoke.

"Yeah I can hear you." I said, heat began rising rising to my face.

"Cool, I was just wondering when you guys are coming?" he said, he sounded out of breath.

"What is he talking about?" Alicia hissed, I could tell she was angry.

I made a gesture for her to be quiet.

"Come, come where?" I answered.

Valentino's infamous chuckled was heard through the phone.

"What do you mean come where, come here, to the motorpark."

Alicia's mouth fell open, "are you seeing him again?" she whispered.

I hissed for her to be quiet.

"You guys just missed the quarter finals, but you'll make it to the semi finals, It start at five." He said.

I didn't answer. Both Alicia and Etienne's looked to me, Alicia wore an expression of fury and Etienne wore an expression of excitement.

"Hello, Lessy?" Valentino was heard calling.

"Answer him" Etienne prayed.

I quickly looked to Alicia, who was shaking her head, "don't answer him" she mouthed.

"We can't come." I stuttured.

Alicia sighed in relief, which made me a bit irritated, Etienne however had already left the room and was heard descending.

The other end was quiet, only the shredding noises of the motorpark was heard.

"Hello?" I called.

"Is it because of the kiss?" he said, his voice was sincere.

"What kiss!" Alicia suddenly shouted and rose from the bed.

"Shhh!" I screech, bringen the phone to my chest to diminish her noise.

"Shut up, Alicia!" I said angrily.

She returned to the bed.

"The good luck kiss?" Valentino said, thinking Alicia was me.

I could tell he was smiling by the sound of his voice, I was smiling too.

"It's not that," I began, "Or part of it is that, but really I'm babysitting Etienne today and I don't think my mother..."

"Come on Lessy..," he interrupted, "You saw the look on his face yesterday, he loved it." said Valentino.

Alicia suddenly hit my side, "tell him we're coming." she whispered.

"What, why?" I silently mouthed.

"We're coming!" She shouted.

"Err, okay?" Valentino said reluctantly. "Is someone there with you?" he said.

I sighed, "Yeah it's Alicia, anyway see you at five.".

Rapidly I hung up the phone before he could answer.

Alicia angrily rose from the bed, "What the hell is going on?" She said, hands to her hips. "Why is Valentino calling you, didn't you talk to him at school last week?"

"I did." I stuttered,


"And he listened, it's just that when I went to look for Etienne at the motorpark he was there, and..."

Alicia raised her hand for me to stop speaking, "say no more." she sighed.

"Put on your jacket, we're going down there." she said.

I frowned, "why?".

"So you can make it clear that there won't be anymore "Good luck kisses"." she said mockingly.

"Why is it so important to you that I'm not together with Valentino, I like him." I protested.

Alicia face softened, "I'm only looking after you Lessy, I don't want someone like Dario coming around breaking your heart again, it was awful seeing you like that all summer."

"Valentino is not like Dario." I said in objection.

"You're right, he's worse. At least Dario was intelligent, Valentino is as dumb as an apple."

"He is not!" I said, rising from the bed.

"And besides Lessy, if we find you someone as good as Amir, we can double date." she said, twinkling her voice again.

"Get your jacket and let's go, I'll drive us there." And with that, left the room.

I knew It would be to cold for the short dress I was wearing, but Alicia seemed to be in a hurry, I thought, grabbing my brown leather jacket and headed downstairs.

"Etienne get dressed we're going to the motor park." I said when entering the living room.

"We are?" He said with a frown, "But, you told Valentino we can't come."

"Well, I changed my mind, do you want to go or not." I said

Etienne immediately turned off the TV.


Clouds had begun roaming the sky, preventing the heat from the sun to shine upon the autumn leaves.

The motor park was busier than it had been yesterday, more people seemed to be gathered to watch the tournament. Outside the park Alicia was struggling to find a parking spot.

"Move!" Alicia shouted, honking the horn.

"Alicia she has a baby." I defended.

"Well tell the baby to move." she shouted, honking the horn once more. Etienne was laughter was heard from the backseat.

I turned around to face him, "remember..."

"...don't tell Mama, I know." he sighed

With more trailers overflowing the motorpark today, it was difficult to get around, my hand was numb from being glued to Etienne's, I was afraid I would lose him in this maze of people.

"We should go to the grandstands," I shouted, it was windy down here and my short dress was beginning to get caught in it.

"Wait," Etienne shouted, snatching my arm. "I wanna see Valentino before the race." He said.

I sighed, "we mite not be able to get good seats at the grandstands if we don't go now." I said.

"Just five minutes, then we'll go." he pleaded.

I nodded in agreement as we went to look for Valentinos trailer.

"Alicia hurry." I shouted behind me.

Alicia was pushing through people, making sure neither them or the mud would get to her fury pink jacket.

A few people were gathered around Valentino's trailer, where they had set up a sponsorship tent selling some merchandise. I recognized some of the faces, one of them being Valentinos uncle, a mechanic who used to aid both me and Valentino before every race.

His face brightened as we approached the tent.

"Alessia!" he shouted, stepping out to embrace me.

"Vale, told us you were coming, I told him I could not believe him, I haven't seen her here for years, why would she come now?"

The uncle's embrace was smoldering.

"I guess I owe him five dollars now." he mumbled.

It was a bittersweet feeling, knowing that me coming here was just a bet between Valentino and his uncle.

"And who are these people." he said, letting me go.

Etienne shyly retreated behind Alicia's fur coat, while she stretched out her perfectly pedicured hand.

"I'm Alicia." She said, her voice was sensual, knowing Valentino's uncle was quite good looking despite him being approximately ten years older than us.

"This is Alicia, my best friend." I said, introducing her.

Alicia pushed Etienne infront of her.

"And this is my little brother, Etienne." I said, mimicking for him to introduce himself.

"Hi" Is all he said.

I shook my head in shame.

"Do you want something from the table Etienne?" He asked, pointing to the table with t-shirts and banners with Valentino's number on them.

Etienne nodded and made his way over to the table.

"Where's Valentino?" I asked.

"He's in there." the uncle said, referring to the small trailer behind the tent.

"Can I also have something from the table?" Alicia suddenly asked, pouting her glossy lips.

I looked to her with a frown as Valentino's uncle chuckled.

"Sure you can." he said glaring at Alicia with awe. He probably thought she was charming, like most people.

Valentino's uncle joined Etienne by the table while Alicia turned to me before walking over there herself. "Now, go talk to Valentino so we can get out of here."

My heart dropped.

"Trust me, It's for the best," She said, reading my expression. "You deserve someone way better than him, he'll only play with you, that's all he wants." Alicia went over to the merchandise table and left me to it.

I slowly walked up to the parked trailer behind the tent, my heart was pounding. Forty five minutes until the semi finals, I confirmed on my phone.

I carefully knocked on the side of the small trailer truck.

Nothing was heard moving inside.

I moved to knock once more when the back doors flung open.

"Sorry." Valentino said noticing he had surprised me.

My mouth instantly went dry. Valentino stood in the doorway of the trailer, his bare chest showing, he had rolled down the top half of his race suit which now hung from his waist down.

He had small scars scattered across his body, something I hadn't notice the night of the dance, my room must of been too dark for me to even see them, I thought to myself.

"Err, do you wanna come in?" He said, smiling.

I had been staring, heat instantly rose to my face.

The inside of the trailer was dark, I was constantly stepping on racing gear and stacked boxes on the floor.

"Why were you sitting in the dark?" I said, looking around the space that was the trailer, it smelled of rubber.

"Were you sleeping?"

Valentino raised the blinds on the small windows and the trailer was lit up.

"No, I was just relaxing, preparing, you know." he said, his cheeks blossomed.

"Are you nervous?" I said softly.

Valentino shook his head in denial, but his silence said otherwise.

"I'm not nervous now that you are here." He said and leaned on one of the stacked boxes.

I wrinkled my eyebrows at his cheap remark, I thought of Alicia saying Valentino will "only play with me," despite him having been one of my trustworthy friends.

"Yeah, now you can get your five dollars." I said bitterly.

It took him a minute to comprehend, "Uncle Flavio", he loudly sighed.

He stepped away from the box and moved closer to me.

"We were only joking, he believed you wouldn't ever turn up here after being gone for so many years, especially not to see me race." Valentino nervously explained.

"Right, so I was a joke" I sighed.

"Don't be mad." Valentino said and moved to embrace me.

I stepped aside creating more space between us.

Valentino stopped. "What's wrong Lessy?" He said, the concerne in his voice made me feel guilty.

"I only came here to tell you that I was serious about what I said in school the other day, about me being sad and lonely the night of the dance."

Valentino sighed and shook his head. "We both know that you didn't mean that, otherwise why would you kiss me yesterday?"

"You kissed me!" I shouted.

A large grin appeared on Valentinos face.

"Valentino I'm serious, this is so weird, were suppose to be friends.?" I whined, bringing my hands to my face.

My eyes were covered but I could heare Valentino moving closer and soon his hands went to remove mine, which left us staring at each other.

Every bone in my body tickled as my knees seemed to fold underneath me. His eyes were mesmerizing.

"Why are you doing this?" He whispered, and brought his hand to my cheek, softly caressing it.

"Why didn't you want to have sex with me that night." I mumbled.

At first he just stared, then he removed his hand from my cheek which left a missing feeling.

"Is this what this is all about?" He said.

I shrugged my shoulders.

Valentino sighed and took a seat. He brought his head back and closed his eyes for a second.

I cleared my throat to get his attention again. I wanted to know the reason he had stopped that night, maybe he really didn't want me.

His eyes slowly opened and he looked to me.

We stared at each other in silence.

He opened his mouth to say something, but I stopped him, "I think I should go."

I said and moved to the exit.

Valentino made a subtle movement towards my wrist, preventing me from leaving.

He rattle my arm for me to face him. I now stood before him.

He raised his head to look at me, resting his chin on my lower stomach.

I removed one of his curvaceous locks that was irritating his eye.

"I didn't have sex with you that night, because I didn't want you think that was my intention after sharing my flask with you and then following you home that night." he said, closing his eyes.

" I wasn't even going to follow you inside, but it was so cold and I really had to use the bathroom and then I saw you in your room, and your dress..." Valentino was anxiously running his mouth. "...you wanted help with the dress...you looked so beautiful and I was a bit drunk too, so I just kissed you and then..."

His ranting came to a halt.

"And then?" I said and ran my fingers through his hair.

Valentino's eyes opened and our eyes met, his dimples appeared as he noticed me smiling.

"...And then I didn't want to stop." he said, shutting his eyes again.

I leaned over and softly planted a kiss on his lips. His eyes remain closed but he was now smiling from ear to ear.

"A good luck kiss." I whispered.

Tingles suddenly shut through my body, Valentino had suddenly run his fingers up my bare legs, gripping my ass, which resulted in me letting out a cry of pleasure.

"Vale" I whispered.

Pressure built beneath me as Valentino's head roamed my pelvis, his hands running up and down my legs.

He slightly pulled up my dress and dropped the fabric over his head as he disappeared underneath it.

I gasp into the air, Valentino softly planted wet kisses on the inside of my left thigh, he then firmly grabbed my legs when I almost lost my footing, the result of him sucking on the outside of my underwear.

There was numbness between my legs, I threw my head back to contain the arousal.

"Vale... you have to stop.... your uncle mite find us." I said, between my heavy breathing.

I tried freeing myself from his firm grip, but Valentino grabbed me even harder and what normally would have been painful, turned into the most arousing pleasure.

Valentino suddenly made this groaning sound that left a vibration above my clitoris causing me to climax.

Skin ripped as my hands clawed down his bare back, we were both left breathless.

I sat down over his lap and he pulled me towards him, facing each other, the uncivilized kissing began.

Despite his race suit around his waist, I could feel the big lump thrusting against me. My hands left his hair and moved down towards his zipper. Our kissing came to a halt as he watched me slowly pull the zipper down, his eyes were big and his breath was heavy. He made a rapid movement towards my jacket, which he aggressively ripped of.

My hands slide underneath his race suit, grabbing what was mine.

Valentino's arm firmly grabbed my wrist, he was impatient, I had been teasing him.

Together our hands moved, pleasuring him.

Valentino hastily lifted me off of him, a knock had interrupted us.

"Valentino what are you doing, the race is in twenty minutes." the voice on the other side shouted, It was Angelo.

Quickly I threw my jacket back on, Valentino had already pull up the top half of his race suit by the time my jacket was on, he was now pulling up its zipper.

"I'm coming!" he shouted and winked at me.

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