Night had fallen by the time, Jake and I reached the hill below Gordan's house. AJ still needed time so we stopped down, I'd found out that connectivity there was perfect. I was busy typing on my computer trying my best to hack into Ghosts personal email. I'd done this before. I already tried a brute force attack, which meant that I basically tried different passwords, by doing a quick search about Ghost. Jake had been by my side racking his brains for anything he might have set. We tried, Lily, James, so many birthdays and dates. Nothing happened. So I had to revert and try the most Cliché of attacks. The good old phising method. Sending a malicious link to Ghost, looking attractive enough for him to click it. He'll fill in his credentials and I'll easily get the password I need.
"But why would he click a food link?" Said Jake. He was still quite shook from our ride.
"I don't know, maybe he likes Subway?" I answered.
"No it needs to be something better, something he can't resist." Jake said, his eyebrows creased.
"Well? You know him better than I do. What does he like, kittens? Maybe the latest Takers guide?" I fooled around.
Jake sighed and looked at me with a look that told me to let him think.
I muffled a laugh.
"How about Lily?" Said jake.
"What about Lily?"
"Well, it's obvious Ghost is dead mad about her and I. He was with Lily before me. And he thinks I stole her away." Said Jake.
"So what link can we send him with Lily involved?" I said suddenly interested.
"Let's ask her." He said dialing Lily.
After one failed attempt Lily picked up.
She sounded tired and exhausted.
"What is it now jake? I really don't want to argue about this, if you think white makes your eyes invisible, you can wear black tomorrow!" She said exasperated.
Jake turned a shade as red as roses.
"Lily you're on speaker and Delilah is here too," He said in monotone.
"Oops sorry I didn't know! Hiiii Lilah!"
"Hey Lils," I shrieked back, we were pals by now.
Then jake explained our plan to her. She seemed inclined enough, whilst seeming not too eager at the same time. But eventually she suggested sending him a email for a date, a meet-up which he would take as a date.
"I can say, I'm nervous about the wedding and need to clear my mind. We can meet at the theatre. He always loved going there," she said.
"Theatre, what a drama queen. But yes, Lilah can attach tickets with the email. He'll have to put in his email credentials." Jake said with sparkling eyes.
"Thanks Lily, I'm sorry I know you don't like this."
"As long as the bastard gets what he deserves, I'll be fine." She answered.
While Jake and Lily were saying goodbye to eachother, I started typing up the email with the virus attached. And the fake tickets.
I sent it to Ghost with a unidentified IP address. So that his smart ass doesn't track me. Then all we could do was wait.
"You and Lily are having a party right?" I asked.
"Yeah we're having a celebration at the club. It's our way of well stepping into this new part of our lives." He answered, looking up into the stars.
"What can I get Lily?" I asked.
"She loves jewelery. Especially wooden," He answered.
I nodded. I think I knew what I could get her after all. As for Jake I had his gift ready as it is.
"May I ask? If it's not rude, about your pendant?" He said looking carefully at my dolphin necklace.
It hung from my neck as always. I wore a smock blue top and my best pair of jeans.
"Ooh why the formal chivalry Jake, we're far past that," I said taking it off and giving it to him.
He was chuckling.
"It was my mothers. When I left for college she gave it to me. She has a thing with dolphins. All her jewelry is full of dolphin inspired stuff. I wear it everywhere because it reminds me of her as if she's with me wherever I go," I said missing her more than ever.
"That's very sweet. This necklace it's beautiful, even though it's wooden, it has a charm about it. Just like you." He said giving it back to me.
I smiled.
"So how are your parents. Still in Paris?"
"Oh no, they decided to go through with the whole European thing. I think they're in Greece right now. I got a picture from them yesterday in a place that looked a lot like a scene from Mamma Mia!" I answered smiling.
"That's good. My parents don't like to travel, they're home bugs. But it's always nice to go back and visit them. Especially cause next I go, I'll go as a married man, with my lovely wife," he said looking proud.
"Oh Jake don't melt my poor heart." I said swooning. And we both laughed. Not for long though. I got a call from AJ. And we went driving up the hill to G's place.
That's one thing Jake was not so happy about.
"What about my poor heart," he protested, when I started the car. And up we practically flew.
AJ was waiting down by main entrance. He was, in typical AJ style, leaning against the walls, with his fedora, wearing a black coat and pants. A man in black, in this dark night.
He looked up when he heard his familiar, convertible arrive. He smiled and smirked.
"Why aren't you up? I wanted to ask G to have a go at me too." I said with a frowny face.
"Naomi is upstairs, she came over suddenly. But my work with G was done, so I came down. I'm sure you can formally invite him for a duel tomorrow." He said.
"Naomi? I thought she was in rehab?" Jake said almost lucid again.
Naomi, was G's sister, all I knew was that she was an addict and was really trying to get better. AJ had told me how much G worried about her, and how much he tried to get her back up on her feet.
"She was supposed to get out in a week, she got out early," said AJ.
"Anyway, I'm sure he'll tell us if he needs anything. Let's go home. I'm exhausted," He sighed opening the back door, when Jake jumped out.
"No! I am not going to go home with Lilah driving. AJ please, please drive us home. I beg you," Jake pleaded.
"Jake, what did she do to you!?" He said laughing.
Jake just stared at him.
"Delilah let me drive, I think you've tortured Jake enough for one day."
"Jake will make you whatever you want for dinner? How about that?" He said with raised eyebrows.
"Ugh fine. But I won't go easy on him!"
Jake just looked given up. He raised his hands in defeat and sat back down next to AJ in shotgun.
I giggled and took off AJ's fedora, put it on my head and relaxed in the back. The boys talked about some secret plot about the heist.
But I was too exhausted and intoxicated by the night to listen on. I slowly fell asleep with the midnight winds seeping in through my clothes, giving me goosebumps.
I woke up in AJ's arms, he was beside me on the bed, it seemed like his room. He had a bunch of maps sprawled across the bed and was seriously focusing on them. I was in in my day clothes, except the extra coat on me. I moved a little and AJ noticed, he put his things to the back of the bed so i could sit up without dropping anything.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked handing me a glass of water.
"I'm fine. I... I don't remember coming here though? Did I...sleep in the car?" I asked, still groggy.
He smiled, his usual sweet smile.
"Yeah you must have been really tired, I didn't realise it but the last week or so has been too eventful, don't you think?" He was facing me now.
"I guess, but I'm fine, I just needed sleep. What time is it?" I asked looking around for a watch.
"Oh It's quite early, 4 in the morning," He said and I looked at him in surprise.
"So much for Jake's grand feast! Anyway why on earth are you up so early, did you even sleep last night?" I asked him just realising the shadows on his face and how tired he looked. How worried he looked. His gorgeous silk hair was all messed up, he was in his same pants and shirt, slightly buttoned down, and his eyes seemed so tired.
"I...." He began.
"Oh AJ, is this about the heist?" I said, my hands were now entwined in his.
"Talk to me, you asked me to open up to you, shouldn't I have that right with you too?"
"Well, everything's ready, the tunnels are set to blow up. G and john have been at it for a long time, they've got the timings in order, we know which truck we need to blast, and we know when it will arrive. We know our escape route, we know the meet up and Jesse is the decoy. But I still can't sleep. I've never been so anxious about a robbery. I've always been so bloody sure," He said looking hopeless.
I climbed into his lap, the best I could, I wasn't exactly petite. I put my hands to his face and made him look at me. His hands were at my sides. And all I wanted to do was kiss him.
"AJ the plan is solid. We've got two backups, and I know Gordon plans to fire on Ghost if he doesn't come through. I heard him and Jake talking about it. Nothing will go wrong, I promise you, what pray tell are you so worried about?" I asked sincerely.
"Ghost, he always does things his way, it's always been like that, and now..... I have you, you to lose. I can't lose you Delilah. I should have never gotten you involved," He said looking morose.
Suddenly I remembered John tell me how it was AJ who'd recognised me at the club. But I pushed that thought away.
"Look at me, I have a plan. I can't tell you what but I have a plan. And don't you dare say that you shouldn't have gotten me involved. I would have never met you, AJ. And that would truly be a sin. I've never felt this much, this fast for anyone. I don't know how relationships work. And yes we went into it very fast. But all I know is that I want to make it work. And that I don't regret a single moment. You, AJ are exactly, precisely and perfectly what I waited for all my life. And the best thing I did was take a leap of....madness and complete reckless abandon, with you." I said never once stuttering, clear as the morning sky.
He smiled again, that ridiculously crooked and dangerous smile, which alone made gasp for air.
"Oh Delilah, what have you done to me?" He sighed with tired eyes.
"I sure as hell hope you know, but go to bed for right now, at least you'll get some hours of rest," I said getting off of him. I collected all the maps and put them on the big chair near the window. When I turned he was asleep.
"Silly boy," I mumbled.
Lily woke me up with a phone call at 8 am. She'd decided that for some reason, she'd take me to go shopping with her for tonight. Tonight was a big night, not only was it the night before the last day of preparations for the big heist. But it was also, a celebration and official announcement, for Lily and Jake's engagement. So there was a Mid Summer Night themed grand waltz that would take place at The Twilight Exit.
And I was not at all prepared to say the least. Nor could i really Waltz, nor did I have a dress. And I was certainly not ready to see AJ in extremely charming dress robes. He was still asleep, the boys had decided to take the day off. They'd all go for a drink and then get dressed for the evening. While Lily and myself went dress shopping with Jesse. He'd been hauled out of the boys team by Lily herself. He could cuss and whine all he liked, but in the end he's have to comply. After a quick sandwiches and Milkshake, all three of us left in Lily's dashing sedan.
Jesse was talking non stop about different places lily had asked him to check out on the phone, while I sat in the front and wished that I was with AJ. I also really missed Willow and Irene, especially with the waltz tonight.
"Hey is everything alright?" Lily inquired when we'd reached our third destination. The last two were too heavy for Lily. They were places filled with big bodices and huge frocks, with glitter and glimmer everywhere and a shop assistant always in your face.
"I'm great, I just... I don't know how to waltz." I said nervously.
She chuckled, "Nor did I like a few days ago, Jake taught me. The Attica brothers are quite the masters of a good Waltz. I'm sure Jesse will be glad to teach you? Won't you?"
"Of course, all long as you don't stub my toes, I'll teach you." He said looking all bashful.
"Thanks Jesse! I'll not stub your toes, or at least I'll try," I said chuckling.
He pouted and we entered the store.
The place was kind of old, but then it had that charm about it as well. Their was satin, lace, chiffon, silk and rich velvet hanging all around. Their were dresses and gowns and cute little pumps neatly racked everywhere. Their was an old lady behind the counter who smiled, a smile of warmth and welcome.
"What can I do for you today?" She said softly.
Lily stepped forward and showed her some pictures and explained to her what she wanted. The lady nodded and took Lily somewhere in the maze of the shop. I looked around for a dress I might like. But they all just didn't seem like something I'd wear. They were all beyond beautiful. But not something that called me. Lily came out from behind a set of gold curtains in no time. She wore a stunning red dress gown. It had a slight dipped neck which suited Lily wonderfully. It was a beaded 60's dress and went down till her ankles. Her arms were delicately covered with a fine network of beads. And she looked like a Goddess. She was practically glowing. I knew she loved the dress. It matched perfectly with her skin and her hair. Even Jesse was clapping. She twirled in it very slowly and I knew she wanted to jump with excitement.
Then came my turn, Lily was off looking for a dress for me all around, she kept passing me these gorgeous gowns, but I didn't like them. Nor did Jesse. I had almost given up hope when the old lady came back from somewhere and smiled at me. She asked me to follow to her. I was in a white lace dress when I did. She took me to the back of the shop and showed me a wooden closet. It was vintage and rustic. The kind that held hidden grand jewels and embellishments within. She opened it, to reveal a black box. It wasn't too big, she asked me to open it. When I did so, I was awestruck.
The dress inside was breathtaking. It was a delicate, almost see through dress with silvery tiny stars all over it. Which shimmered in the light. It had a frock material, and it was simple yet gorgeous.
I loved it.
"'s beautiful! I'd love to take it!" I said. And she nodded.
"I knew you'd like it. You have the nights spirit in you child. There are stars in your eyes and a galaxy in your mind. And the darkness of night with its beauty in your heart." She said and went away to pack the dress. I did wear it once to show it to Lily and Jesse.
They had their mouths open the whole time. I couldn't stop smiling.
On the drive home Jesse showed me and Lily a bunch of waltz tutorials. By the time we reached back. The others were gone. I missed AJ terribly.
Lily nudged me and said, "Don't worry, it'll all be worth it when you see his face, when he lays his eyes on you."
That afternoon, all afternoon Jesse, Lily and I were practicing Waltzing endlessly. It was a dreamy and slow dance. There was a lot of swoop and sliding.
Jesse kept chanting, 'Step, side, close, swoosh, slide, whoop, twirl and bow and sway,' it was tiring especially in heels.
But I just imagined dancing with AJ. And even thinking about it gave me silly butterflies and made me jittery and giggly.
Lily was so graceful like a swan. A dark, beautiful, stunning swan.
Jesse was a sweetheart. I kissed his cheek and Lily did too by the end of our session. We treated him with pancakes and coffee. Lily had already gotten him dress robes and I being an okay embroider, did a unique pattern on the chest of his shirt. He was happy.
He helped us with hair and makeup and helped us both into our heels. He also took us both down to the car very carefully like we were fragile glass statues. Though in heels and delicate, elegant dresses. We probably were.
We heard, a bunch of dirty dancing songs on the way to the club. And Lily with her red dress was red all over by the time we arrived. She had beautiful eye make-up done and her long wavy hair was open with a pattern of braids done at the top. By myself and Jesse. I on the other hand had light make up, but glittery.
At one glance you'd not make out the glitter but in certain angles I looked like a shimmering angel. Except that I wore a celestial patterned black delicate dress that came till a little below my knees. With shimmery black heels. My hair was down and open. And I was nervous and full of butterflies.
The Twilight Exit was lit up from the outside with twinkling yellow lights and the Takers except Jesse were all standing in a line near AJ's convertible. They were chit chatting and laughing.
Jesse, yelled, "Gents you ain't got a clue what's going to come at you next!"
He got out of the car and looked back just once and mouthed, "Sway your hearts out tonight ladies."
Lily collided with Jake and they both kissed. Everyone was smiling. I was last to go. I needed muster up the courage and find my phone! When I stepped out I could see, John and G looking proud and smiling they wore green and blue velvet suits respectively. Then there was Jake with Lily, he just seemed like he couldn't ask for anymore. He wore a light red suite which coincidently matched Lily's dress perfectly.
And then.........
Then there was AJ.
He wore a Black suite with a shimmery side and a cream coloured shirt. His hair was done differently. And he had a black fedora in his hands. He looked at me, and the moment our eyes met. I kid you not I couldn't breathe. He was the most beautiful man I'd ever laid my eyes on. And he was looking at me as if I was his great miracle. He was all mine.
I hugged everyone and met them all and then we started moving in towards the club. Their was a big glowing sign which said, 'Special for today: The Twilight Waltz'.
Then AJ met me finally. He stared at me for a good few minutes.
"You bloody.. beautiful," he said beautiful with a breathlessness. That made my chest hurt.
"You clean up quite good yourself," I said catching my breath.
He sighed and smiled.
"Do you know how to Waltz?" He asked with a dangerous smirk.
"Why yes, yes I do," I said with an equally slippery smile.
"Then shall we?" he said putting his arm foreward. I took it. And we glided into the club.
Everyone had a few drinks from glasses with glittering wine and sparkling eyes, of happiness divine.
And then we started the twilight waltz.
I put my right hand in AJ's left. He held my underarm and I his shoulder. He was impressed by my positioning.
Hopelessly yours, started playing from all around the club and couples started to sway their way, into this treacherous night, knowing that the next day they'll pay for what they did today. I started to dance with him we were close to eachother and I could smell his familiar scent, of mints and vanilla. I felt as if I was stuck, in an endless slow song. And all I could see, or care for was him. When they say, dancing with the right person can make the world disappear, they weren't kidding. For at that moment, there was only AJ and I, Waltzing gently and carefully through the halls of the twilight exit.
"How do know how to Waltz?" He asked.
"Jesse and Lily. I practiced."
"You could have asked me?" He said matter of factly.
"I thought I'd give you a break."
"Delilah, I don't know whether it's the dance or the night or the music or the way you look or just But I need to confess that I have fallen hard and deeply and love with you." He said so simply, yet it made my whole body shiver and tingle.
"I find myself dreaming, in lilacs and blacks. Of days and nights with you by my side. And I know that I'm going to love you till the end of me." He said.
I couldn't breathe. I really couldn't breathe.
"I'm going to love you as if I'm going to lose you. As if the sun might swallow the only earth we know, as if the rains might never stop."
Stop. Please. Stop.
He waited a while. But I was speechless. So he continued.
"You know I never told you. But I've known you for a long time. I first saw you when you were 14. You were at the library with John. I was around. He used to travel with me. But he didn't want to impose burdens so he'd drop me at a hotel. I used to wonder how you can be so hopeful and so romantic with life. I think I fell in love with you long before I had a heart to give you," He said ignoring my expression.
"I love you," I finally said. As simply as he did.
He smiled and twirled me, my dress flowed like the moving sky.
I collapsed into him. And we slowly began dancing again. "Can't take my eyes off of you" was playing.
We were quiet. It was so utterly peaceful to sway in his arms. I felt as if I could dance forever and ever and ever.
"AJ you listen to me, we'll get through this and eventually I'll probably be put in a lock up for being a hypocritical, criminal lawyer. And you'll break me out of prison. And we'll be runaways.... we'll flee the country! And getaway in a getaway....helicopter! Like Bonnie and Clyde," I said off the back of my head.
I couldn't see his face. But I felt his hands hold me tighter.
"How cliché," he said, still swaying with me.
"I think you mean Classic," I said knowing where this was going.
"Old school," he said finally.
"Old school," I repeated.
Then I kissed him, one last kiss. Before the night ended. Before the dream ended. I kissed AJ, a sweet, dreamy kiss. Of lilacs and blacks.
(I know this was very long and extremely cheesy and maybe a bit cringy? Idk. Anyways now more of the heist will come. That's why I gave them such a cheesy chapter. For the next fees chaps they'll be more serious stuff! Please keep reading! And comment if you have any problems? And please vote! It helps me a lot!
Songs used:
I love you baby by Emilee flood (cover)
Hopelessly Yours by Suzy Bougguss
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