Chapter XLI: Ticket To Ride
It took me a solid ten minutes to realise the room I was in wasn't mine.
I sat up with a start and looked around. I was in a bed but I was alone. The curtains had been pulled shut and I could hear the telly in the living room.
No...that's a real person...
Pulling the bed sheets off and seeing only my shoes had been removed I relaxed and stood up. My arms ached and I felt a slight discomfort everywhere. It's hard to explain. Cautiously I walked towards the living room and peeked around the corner.
Bon sat on the couch holding a fizzy drink to his head, drank a bit of it, then put it back. Angus sat next to him talking and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Before I could leave them to their conversation Bon saw me.
His eyes were as wide as saucers and he smiled like a fucking jack-o-lantern again.
"Well well, Ang, ya' didn't tell me ya' had company," he laughed. Angus looked up at me.
"It ain't what you're thinkin', Bon, she jus' stayed the night."
"So you're holdin' sleepovers now?" Bon asked not buying it. "Why didn't you invite the rest of us, then?" He stood up with his fizzy drink and ruffled my hair which was already falling out of its pigtails. "Since you haven't come out wearin' various articles of Ang's clothes I'll believe it just this once." He put the can back on his head and I pointed at it. "Hangover," was all he said.
Angus yawned from his spot on the couch. I saw a tan blanket had been pushed to the armrest. Fixing my hair a bit I went to the bathroom and got a good look.
I was shocked Bon didn't scream in horror.
Along with my lopsided messy pigtails my eyes were dead, I had a brand spankin' zit on my nose, dried drool on my chin, dark circles, and eye crust.
Not to mention I once again failed to brush my teeth.
Getting out as quick as I could in case someone else needed it I made to grab my shoes and leave but Angus waved me over to sit next to him. He even draped his arm over the top of the couch.
He....wasn't disgusted...
I felt very shy.
Bon certainly wasn't shy as he came back from the kitchen eating Ang's leftover cereal. Straight from the box. "Don't worry 'bout it, Hannah Banana, I'm used to seein' women in our hotel rooms."
"Don't listen to him," Angus muttered. "Bon just came over ask where his room was, didn't he?" Bon shoved a handful of cornflakes into his mouth, spilling some.
"Sure did. At three in the mornin' all the numbers look the same an' I sorta forgot," Bon said with his mouth full. "Stumbled in here thinkin' it was the toilet an' saw this bum sleepin' on Ang's couch." He stuffed in more cornflakes. "Almost told him to beat it."
"Thanks for not givin' me any dishes to do, Bon," Angus muttered over his shoulder.
Bon smiled. "Course."
I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. Angus asked me to sit here with him but I didn't mean to intrude on their conversation. Should I excuse myself back to my hotel? But I wanted to say goodbye before they left for the tour. I ought to call my mum....tell her I'm coming home soon.
Snapping out of my thoughts I heard Bon saying he was going to pack leaving us alone with an empty box of cereal and a cheeky grin. Angus sighed and we sat on his couch for a few minutes. It was cloudy today and I shivered a little. "Cold?"
"Uh...just a little," I admitted. Angus grabbed the tan blanket off the armrest and wrapped it snugly around me.
"There ya' go," he said before letting out a huge yawn. His hair was beginning to flop into his eyes. "Ya' sleep alright?"
"Yeah," I said. "I didn't mean to fall asleep, I think it was just the hot sun and--"
He waved his hand. "Don't worry about it, I don't mind." He sniffed and coughed a few times. "We didn't wake you up, did we?" I assured him they didn't. "Good," he said sniffing again. "Bon came in about eight in the mornin' an' askin' for a can of beer. Well...I didn't have any so I gave him a Coke and he jus' stuffs it on his face. But..." Angus shrugged. "That's Bon for ya'."
I pulled the blanket tighter around myself and rested on Ang's shoulder. He didn't object and we sat there comfortably in the quiet. A bit of light traffic came through the closed window. All the drawings had been tucked away and his guitar was all packed up. "What time is your flight?"
"Uh...." He checked his watch. "'Bout five hours. Jus' one show tonight in San Francisco, we stay there a few days playin' various places an' then we leave again." He sighed. "Busy, eh?" He pulled a pack of cigarettes out. "I had fun, ya' know. Seein' the sights with you."
I glowed. "I had fun too." Lighting his cigarette he stood up for the kitchen.
"Want a cuppa?"
I flopped down on my bed in my own hotel room. Instead of my tiny shorts and crop top I had changed into a blue Los Angeles sweatshirt I bought a couple days ago in a shop that was three sizes too big and some trakkies. Our goodbye was short and sweet. I made to shake his hand and he pulled me in for a hug instead. He told me that he'd let the rest of the band know I bade my farewells and...that was it. Now I was back in here, staring up at the ceiling. I picked up the telephone and made another long distance call.
"Hello....?" The voice was groggy and irritated.
"What's wrong?" I asked. The voice on the other end sighed apparently recognising my own voice.
"Hannah, it's arse crack o'clock around here," my best friend said. "I'm half asleep, that's what's wrong." I put a hand to my mouth.
"I'm so sorry, I completely forgot! Should I call you later?" There was some movement on the other end then a couple of obscenities.
"Jus' say what you're gonna say now, I'll just sleep in a little today." A huge yawn. I explained to her my adventures on the Strip and how amazing the concerts were. I told her about my outings with Angus and how I had fallen asleep in his hotel room--
"I fell asleep on the couch, he must have moved me to the bed," I said as casually as I could. There were a few more obscenities over the phone. "Nothing happened!"
"You slept in his bed! You drank his tea! You tickled his fancy!" I blinked.
And then I blushed. His display of gentleman-like behaviour certainly didn't diminish my crush in any way.
After a half hour of catching up and her telling me of her outings to the markets we hung up, my friend wishing me the best of luck in the next step and to invite her to our wedding. I rolled my eyes and picked up the phone again to call my house when there was a knock at my door.
Once again a very sleepy looking Angus Young stood in the doorway.
"Hi," he mumbled.
"Hi." I tried not to act surprised to see him.
He looked into my room. "Ya' busy?"
"No." I let him in and closed the door. His hand was in his pocket with the other holding a fresh cigarette. I offered him a place to sit down and he declined. He kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "What's wrong?"
"Well...." He paused. "I was sort of wantin' to ask you somethin' but I never got around to it." I waited for him to continue, heat rising in my face. My palms were sweaty and my insides turned. "I wondered if you wouldn't mind comin' with us? I completely understand if you can't, I know you've got your work an' all..." He coughed into his free hand. "An' I know you might want to be gettin' home...I jus' thought if you wanted to come with us in the jet..." He shrugged. "There's still room an' I know sometimes the guys invite their friends along." Angus looked down at his feet and a little smile appeared. "An' I consider you a friend."
I couldn't believe a word I just heard.
He called me a friend....we were friends...I had another friend!
And he invited me on tour!!!
But wait. I couldn't go making rash decisions. I had told my mum I'd be back home soon and now I'd have to tell her I'd be staying a little longer, backpacking across America. I couldn't leave Mum to do all the work herself with the toddlers. And what would Rosemary think when she came knocking at my door and I couldn't answer? Whose toys would she play with?
And who would my folks rent my room out to next? Who else would be sniffing around that dump and cringing at the grotesque creature who inhabited it?
But to tell the truth I wasn't ready to go home. I ended up having more fun than I expected and the boys made me feel welcome. One of them invites me to stay with them on their American tour, every fan's dream, and here I am stopping to think about it.
Angus quietly looked at me. He stood there smoking and drawing a few circles on the carpet with his shoe. My heart started racing.
What would you do if you were me?
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