Chapter 47
Bad girls by M.I.A.
Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well.
Trigger warnings of this chapter:
- Drug misuse
- Sexual content
We all sit on the jet on our way home. Same seats except Jameson and Grayson have now joined us up the back.
I twiddle my thumbs, still a little unsettled by the threat.
"No one is going to hurt you." Grayson says, sitting opposite me, with Jameson beside him. "Isn't that right, Jamie?"
"If I weren't so confident in our brotherly affection for each other," Jameson replies, "I would find that comment a bit pointed."
"Pointed?" Xander repeats in horror. "Gray? Never."
"So," Avery speaks up, lightening the mood, "who's up for a friendly game of poker?"
The biggest competitor I had faced in my time was Jameson. It still is, however Thea has a great poker face.
"I call." I stare Thea down. As I said, Thea has a great poker face - mine is better.
Thea lays down her hand: a full house. I lay down mine: the same. But aces are high, and I have them. I go to collect the pot, but Jameson stops me by placing his hand over my hand. I glance up at him.
"Not so fast, Paris. I'm still in. And I have..." He shoots me a grin, one that took me straight back to that hot tub "Nothing." He shows his cards.
"You always did talk a big game," Thea scoffs.
Rebecca's phone buzzes. This time, when Thea reaches for it, Rebecca is faster. "No."
The phone buzzed again. And again.
"Paris.. Could you assist me in the bathroom a moment?" Jameson speaks up through the awkward ringing. My face scrunches together in confusion. He stands and makes his way to the bathroom expecting me to follow.
"Does he want me to hold it for him or something?" I ask as I watch him leave and contemplate following. "I can imagine something along those lines." Xander hints.
It takes me a moment to understand what he means by that. I stand and make my way to the bathroom, ignoring the stares from everyone.
I walk in and lock the door behind me. The second I do he smirks.
Jameson walks towards me and places his hand on my hips preparing to kiss me.
I push him back. "What are you doing?" I ask suspiciously, "Kissing you?" He says obviously. "I came in here to talk." I tell him.
"I don't like the sound of that." He says with a disgusted face, "We need to talk about it. You can't just seduce me into getting back with me."
"Why? That's how it normally goes?" He jokes sadly, I smile slightly. "We need to be mature about this. I know that words new to you.." I tease.
"Look.. I think there was a reason you broke up with me. I do still love you but it's just not smart. It seems we always end in disaster, I don't think we're right for each other. Not at the moment anyway. So maybe in a week we will be, or maybe in years. But for now, everything seems to be against us. I'm going to school, you're travelling. The entire population of the world hates me. And when we kissed it caused someone to literally threaten my life." I say calmly.
"Try to ignore what everyone else thinks. It's not about them." He says, "I know it isn't but if we're really meant to be we're meant to be. If not then I guess we're not.."
"Okay. I'm not kicking up a fuss. You know why?.. because I love you and I know we'll end up together." He agrees. "And no more of this 'Grumpy Jameson' bullshit. Talk to me. We're still friends." I demand.
He laughs slightly, moving towards me for a hug. I let him give me one last hug before we separate and leave the bathroom together.
We sit back down and we sense a slight tension which is quickly resolved by our presence.
"That was quick." Xander raises his eyebrow. "No foreplay? Just a fuck and go kinda thing?" He continues teasing.
"We had a conversation." Jameson says, "Oh you did? So did Skye. Four amazing conversations with four wonderful men." Xander teases in his huskiest voice.
"Could you please not?" Grayson asks with disgust. "Yeah I don't want to hear that story any more than I already have." Jameson cringes.
"So are you back together?" Max asks eagerly. "Max!" I scold. "What? It's a valid question." Xander shrugs in defence.
"We had a conversation and decided we're just friends." I confirm. "For now." Jameson speaks up. I glance towards him, he smirks slightly.
When we finally arrive home it's around 8pm. I complete a sly deal with Xander that I can use his phone for tonight if I ask Max about him.
Really it's a win win. I get to see what the internet really thinks of me and he gets to know if Max is interested in him.
I lay in bed at 10pm scrolling through comments of that video of me spiralling on the Fourth of July.
It's mostly the usual stuff i get. People calling me stupid, a gold digger, a cheater, manipulative, a slut. Except now there are the occasional body shaming comments as well as ones saying how dumb i was for drinking at a public event which i guess is true.
I sigh and turn the phone off, making my way towards my bathroom. On the countertop by the sink i spot that flask i used on the fourth. An idea pops into my head and I immediately jump to action.
I throw on my best dress, a tight bright pink one. I make sure to wear some matching heels and a purse.
It's decently late, nobody will be up. So i walk through the dark house until i reach the foyer.
"Going somewhere?" Nash asks from behind me. "No." I reply quickly. "You sure 'bout that kid?" He raises a brow.
"What are you doing down here at this time?" I turn the tables now. "None a' your business." He tells. "Back at you." I wink and open the door.
"Stay safe." He finishes as I walk outside. I enter the Uber i called from my room and we start our journey.
"Oh shit.. are you 'Hawthorne heiresses sister gets drunk and reveals Hawthornes secrets'?" The Uber driver asks excitedly. I snort, apparently that's who I am now but I'm not even mad because that's actually pretty funny. "Yeah, I guess."
The short ride there was filled with the usual awkward conversation expected when getting and Uber.
When we arrive, I pay him and get out as quickly as possible. I look up at the building covered in bright purple lights, the door flooding out its flashy colours and strobe lights.
The Loft. Night club since '87.
I smile excitedly as I walk towards the busy line. I see an old trucker guy at the back.
He nods at me in a subtle greeting. "How much would you like to get in there?" He asks with a deep Texas accent.
"A lot. What's it to you?" I answer quickly. "I can help you get in." He tells me. "Name your price." I waste no time.
"$50" he states. "Bet." I smirk, knowing I was willing to pay so much higher.
We eventually make our way to the front of the queue and we're met with one tall and muscular bouncer. "ID?" He says in a low voice.
"She's with me, Pete." Is all my new bestie says. "ID?" Pete repeats. "I'll tell Mom the truth about how you got your job." My guy warns.
Pete immediately drops his 'brave security guard' act and slides to the side. I walk inside and subtly pass my guy his money.
We go our separate ways, him going to meet up with friends and me wondering towards the bar.
I smile at the girl behind the bar "Margarita please." I smile. She smirks at me "ID?" She almost laughs.
"I got in here, isn't that enough?" I shrug. She sighs, "You know what, this time kid but next time at least show me a fake or something?" She agrees and begins concocting a drink.
I receive my drink and drink it fairly quickly as I watch people dance. I make eye contact with a guy who looks a little older than me, he has a beard. He gestures for me to join him so I do.
He smirks and we start dancing. I feel like I'm in the movie dirty dancing because if my Mother were to see the kind of dancing I'm doing with this man she would not be pleased.
"How old are you?" He asks into my ear. "17." I lie, if I told him i was 16 he wouldn't continue, besides i'm only a couple months off being 17.
"You?" I ask, the music is loud and we are both mildly sweaty. But not sweaty in a gross stinky way but in a hot and seductive way.
"23." He answers. That shocked me a little, he certainly doesn't look any older than 20. I can feel his abs under his shirt. As we dance I trail my hand up his chest, my fingers lifting his shirt slightly.
Throughout the night he buys me several drinks until I'm pretty much wasted, I think I counted 7 total. I didn't think it through as I've got different drinks each time I get one.
He smirks, "I need the bathroom." He says and starts to slip away, I stay still. "So do you." He adds.
I grin and follow after him into the handicapped bathroom. As soon as we get inside and the door is locked he slams me up on the wall and starts kissing me. His hands trail up and down my body.
"You want to?" He asks just to be sure. I nod in confirmation not fully processing the question asked. And just like that his shirt is on the floor, he makes sure his trousers follow shortly after.
His skin is tan and hair dark make it hard for me to not want to.
"Come on then." He laughs gesturing to my dress. I quickly realise what he means and pull it off.
He pins me back against the wall and his hand grabs my boob over my bra, I'm almost flinch at how much that caught me off guard.
His other hand starts taking off my thong. "I'm sixteen." I blurt. He steps back a step.
"So we can't have sex?" He asks disappointed, "I mean legally no. But I'm down." I shrug. "Nah. Probably shouldn't. But is it illegal to go down on a minor?" He asks hopefully. "Still yes." I say. I may have chosen the most stupid hookup.
"But you could go down on me?" He tries. "Still very much illegal. However i'm pretty drunk, so if neither of us tell anyone then it's all good." I decide.
So in that drunken moment I am on my knees with a twenty three year old man's dick down my throat. Gross.
I close my eyes and try not to think about it until he's done. And when he is I gag in disgust.
"Next time try to relax, when you clenched your jaw it sorta hurt." He smiles as if it was nothing at all.
We both reclothe ourself and whilst I fix my straps he checks his phone. "My friend T-Rex has got some crack in the guys bathroom. Wanna come?" He asks placing his phone in his back pocket.
"So much to unpack from that sentence.. You have a friend called T-Rex? What's your other friend, Triceratops?" I laugh. "Yeah actually, how'd you guess?" I prepare to laugh then realise he is not in fact joking.
"Are you coming?" He asks impatiently, I shrug and follow him into the mens bathroom. It smells of piss and the walls look stained yellow.
I see three guys and a girl already by the sinks. I follow inside up to them and see a couple lines of white powder lined up.
"Who's this?" One guy asks. He looks at me, he doesn't know my name either, but it's fine because I don't know his either. "Paris." I introduce.
"I'm Yoda... Mom calls me Liam." He mutters the last part embarrassed. I just had Yoda's dick in my mouth.
"This is T-Rex, Triceratops and Tiger." He gestures to each one. T-Rex has a cliche Mohawk, Triceratops has a buzzcut and Tiger wears an Afro atop her head with random strands died pink, it suits her rather well to be honest.
"Yeah? And how old are you Paris?" The girl (Tiger) asks sceptically but kindly, almost like I'm a lost child. "16." I state.
"Shit... You're that billionaire chicks sister aren't you?" T-Rex asks. "Yeah." I nod slightly angrily.
"I saw the video of you up there on the fourth, that took serious balls." Triceratops nods approvingly.
"Fuck.. are you the one dating Grayson Hawthorne?" Yoda clenches his jaw. "No." I say quickly. "Fake dating." I explain.
"Good we fucking hate that kid." He spits. "You know him?" I ask confused.
"We all went to Country Day. He was three years bellow us. He snitched to his Granddad that my Dad was dealing again and got him in jail. Then decided that wasn't enough, he kept pushing and managed to get my families business shut down. We were homeless for two years."
Grayson would do that to someone?
"Look, can we just talking about Grayson. I heard there was crack, let's get crackin." I pun frustrated.
"I like this kid." Triceratops laughs.
I step towards the sink, "Woah kid.. I'll show you how it's done first." Tiger laughs. She leans over the sink slightly so her nose is above the powder. Her finger presses one nostril then just like in the movies she takes a big sniff and moves her head down the line.
I push her out the way and lean down over the second line. I push my nostril in and take a deep breathe through my nose. I feel the powder shoot up my nose and give me an energy boost.
I hear some cheers when I do so. I lean up and wipe the powder of my face.
"I feel nothing." I frown disappointed with the overrated results.
"It's been 5 seconds, give it 5 more minutes." T-Rex scoffs.
And just as promised, five minutes later I felt a buzz of energy. It feels like I'm on the ceiling.
"I want a cool nickname like you guys." I sigh, everyone else sitting on the bathroom floor as I pace back and forth. God knows why nobody else has came in the public bathroom.
"What about Cash?" T-Rex suggests. "Fuck yeah! That's sick." I yell.
And so I became Cash. I was Cash until 4 in the morning that day, I did three more and with each extended sniff my adrenaline boosted up, I felt like I was on the edge of a cliff all night long.
We exchanged numbers before leaving. By the time my Uber made it to the house it was around 4:35am.
All the lights are out making it difficult to see however the dim lighting of the soon rising sun peers around adding a small shine.
I try the door. Locked.
What do I do now?
I grab my phone, unsure what else to do. I text Max.
Me: Cone too front dore.
And then I wait a little. I wait a moment until I receive a call.
"Hello?" Max asks groggily, clearly having just woken up. "Hey Maxy." I giggle. She pauses, "Are you drunk Paris?" I hear Xander ask.
"Xander?... Oh shit! That means.." I gasp, "That you're hooking up." I howl in excitement.
"Calm down Paris, I went over to his room to help with a robot we've been building. Now are you drunk?" Max explains.
"Little bit." I slur. "I'm calling Grayson." Xander sighs. "No, Grayson made Yoda homeless." I complain.
"Right.." Xander laughs sceptically. Then I hear ringing on his phone. And after a while it stops and a voice can be heard.
"Xander? Is everything okay?" He asks hoarsely. "Yo Dude." I say cooly. "Need I say anything?" Xander asks. "Is she drunk?" Grayson asks confused.
"Do bears shit in the woods?" I say obviously. "Where are you Paris?" Grayson asks calmly. "I'm outside. And I want one of you fuckers to get off your lazy asses and let me in because I don't have a jacket and Its colder than a bucket of snowman piss."
I hear noise on the other end of the call, "I'll get Avery, you get Jameson." Xander agrees. "Don't worry, he'll likely be inside her anyway." I say plainly.
"Get Nash as well." Grayson sighs.
"Just hurry up with it please." I beg as I jump up and down trying to gain heat.
Then both hang up and I'm left alone. I run on the spot for around five minutes until the door is opened.
The large door creaks open and I realize I may be in deep shit. Nash, Libby, Avery, Jameson, Grayson, Xander and Max stare angrily back at me.
"Wassup." I greet and walk inside, trying to walk past them all through a gap in between Grayson and Nash. At the same time they both hold me back effortlessly and shove me gently back in front of them.
Max turns the light on and I blink to adjust my eyes.
"Paris." Grayson says sternly walking forward, he looks cautiously back to see if anyone else has picked up on what he has. Nobody has.
"What?" I ask innocently, "Your eyes." Is all he says. Then slowly a couple pick up on what he's saying, Xander and Jameson share eye contact being the only two others who have noticed.
"What is it?" Libby asks confused.
"Her eyes are red and bloodshot, her pupils are dilated. I think she might be high." Grayson speculates.
"High? What do you take me for?" I yelp high pitched.
Jameson grabs me gently by the wrist and starts pulling me towards the closet. He removes a first aid kid, once opening it I realise it's end game when I see a small test looking thing.
"Okay. I did a little crack." I realise there is no point lying, everyone displays there shock in different ways however I notice Libby goes pale and looks as if she'll pass out. "How much is a little?" Grayson asks.
"Just like 2.. 3.. 5 lines?" I shrug. "Oh my god." Avery says deadpan. "Five? People die from one never mind five." Jameson says angrily.
"Relax. I'm not dead yet." I laugh. "Might as well be." Avery scoffs, "See, and you always wonder why I call you bitchy?" I announce.
"What so you're like a stoner now? Think Mom would be happy to hear her daughter frequently snorts cocaine off a strangers toilet?" Avery asks. "I think she would be delighted." I lie with a grin.
"You need to stop finding ways for people to hurt you." Libby sighs sympathetically.
"Whats that supposed to mean?" I ask defensively. "She means if you didn't keep doing stupid things people wouldn't keep having things against you." Avery interjects.
"Well I'm sorry I have a life I want to live." I fire back. "We're not saying you shouldn't live your life freely. You're family and friends are just worried about you." Avery says calmly.
"I don't need my 'friends' worrying about me. I have new friends who don't care about what I do or what I've done." I explain frustratedly. "You have other friends?" Xander laughs.
"Yes" I nod, "name one." Avery pressures. "Tiger. T-Rex. Triceratops. Yoda." I list.
"You're just saying the first things that come to mind." Avery laughs mockingly.
"Matter of fact, Grayson here knows all about them." I confront. "I can't say I have the slightest clue what you're on about." He replies sharply.
"Oh but you do. Liam McMillian." I specify, walking towards Grayson. Something behind his eyes de puzzles that name and places what I'm talking about.
"No." He begs. "Yes." I nod with a smirk. "No Paris. Don't go down this path." He pleads. "Fuck you. Don't say it like it's such a bad thing." I raise my voice.
"But it is. Those kids drink, do drugs, commit serious crimes. You're effectively joining a gang by hanging out with them. It starts with just drugs and drinks then you're stealing cars and breaking into houses and stabbing people." He hisses disgustedly.
"No Grayson. Don't say that like you have any clue." I yell.
"Okay break it up. Paris, let's go to bed. Max and I can sit in your room and make sure you don't choke on your own vomit." Xander interjects.
How dare he sit there saying those things like he even knew what they're like.
What I didn't know was that he did have a better clue than I thought. He knew first hand.
(a/n. Sorry this upload took so long, I've been sick this week and had tests coming up as well as something outside school that's been taking up all my time recently. I'm also in a tiny slump but I'll persevere for you guys. Thanks for reading.)
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