Goddesses Give Good Advice

Hermione POV

"He didn't actually say that, did he? No boy is that dumb? Surely you misheard?" Piper questioned me as we walked down the corridor. I nodded solemnly, at my friend,

We'd long since gotten over her slip up with what I now knew as Charmspeak. After I'd learned of all of the demigod's powers, everything they had done over the course of the fall suddenly made sense. Thalia shocking and making boys croak, which was probably Artemis' doing, for someone daring to flirt and disrespect her lieutenant. Frank's ability to turn into any kind of animal made much more sense than unlimited animagus forms, which had been their go-to excuse for the past few months. She and I had sat down and had a very serious conversation about her ability, with Thalia, Hazel, and Annabeth present. Between the four of them, they had answered any questions I had about the concept of Mist, Charmspeak, and anything else that bothered me.

"I know had I not heard it with my own ears I wouldn't believe it either! And I know I didn't mishear him because the look of absolute horror and shock that showed up on Harry's face immediately after solidified it in my head." Hazels laugh from my other side brought a grin to my face. Her head was thrown back with her eyes closed, laughing. The only reason she hadn't hit anyone walking was because Frank, without looking at her as the first sound left her mouth, had grabbed her shoulder with one hand and was steering her through the crowd.

Their dynamic was incredible. They seemed to know exactly what was going on in the other brain at thoughts crossed. Like a mental link, I'd been assured that the only mental link abnormalities in the group were Percy and his goat friend, Grover. Along with Connor, Leo, and Travis' inability to be serious 80% of the time. Which they'd all disputed greatly after.

Hazel's laugh died down as she wiped tears from her eyes with a smile. The fact that she'd died before and was originally from the 1930s baffled me on a daily basis. She had very few tells that indicated that she was learning the lingo of this time. Franks' hand fell back to his side with a loving smile at his girlfriend.

"I can't believe he pointed out that you were a girl. As if he hadn't known! Haven't you been friends for four years now?" I nodded with a chuckle as she spun on Leo who had been laughing the whole walk back to the common room.

"You've known me for a year and a half, do you know that I am a girl?" Leo in response laughed harder before rushing in front of the two of them walking backwards to speak.

"Of course I do Hazel. Pretty sure I figured that one out if not the second I saw you, then definitely when my bisabuelo told me to look out for you because he had a big crush on you as children!" Hazel shoved him, making him laugh with his hands raised in the air. I didn't understand but that was fine. One thing did stick out to me though,

"Wait. A year and a half? Really? You all are so close I would have assumed longer? Did you all meet for the first time a year and a half ago?" My issues with Ron either doubled or shrunk to nothing at the idea. Piper giggled beside me,

"Nah, Annabeth has known the Stolls since she was six, Thalia too, but with the whole tree thing, I'm not sure how well that holds up because she was trapped until Percy met her when they were thirteen. Along with Nico and Will a few months later. Leo and I have known each other for two and a half years now, Jason, Nico, and Hazel about the same. It's pretty convoluted because strange circumstances make knowing people hard." I heard a bark of laughter from behind me, I turned hoping it was another demigod and not a Slytherin. The hallway had cleared out now when we'd stopped for Piper to explain their relationships.

I saw Percy and Annabeth walking closer, with Nico, Will, and Jason behind them. Percy had his head thrown back, indicating the previous sound had come from his mouth.

"No kidding, it's confusing. I mean Annabeth and I were practically at each other's throats for the first week we knew each other when we were twelve. Our parents being rivals and all." Annabeth smiled slightly, looking lost in the memories.

"Yeah, poor Grover. Had to deal with us dancing around each other for four years before either of us did anything." Annabeth scolded him, making him laugh once more and a smile to spread on my face.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are the one who initiated that line. When you kissed me before I exploded Mt. St Helens, released Typhoon, got sent to see Calypso, and came back from the dead." My jaw along with many of those around me dropped. Jason was the first to speak.

"Hang on a second there Perc. You're the one who blew up that mountain a few years back? And you released Typhoon so he could terrorize the country?" Percy rubbed the back of his head as he nodded, turning slightly pink at the attention. Leo jumped in next,

"You never told me how you met Cali! Only that you'd been to the island! I'm not the first demigod to die going to see her?" Leo's voice was joking but I could see the shock in his eyes. Annabeth sprang to her flustered boyfriend's rescue.

"He technically didn't die. He was just seriously injured. Besides Leo, you found it a second time actually getting her off the island!" I shook my head there was too much information,

"Wait wait, how do you technically not die?" I heard myself say. Everyone looked at the duo, Annabeth's face flushed and she looked slightly peeved as she also turned to softly glare at the son of Posideon who was smiling sheepishly at her. Will was grimacing behind her as Nico glanced away from the scene.

"Well, I was gone for a week, the last time anyone saw me was in an exploded volcano. I guess I kinda crashed my own funeral?" There was silence before everyone started to laugh.

"I'm surprised the funeral didn't still take place. Surely Annabeth knocked you on your fishy podex? We all saw what she did when she saw you after being missing for eight months-" Leo turned to me with a wink. "Judo flipped him in front of all the Romans."

"Shut up Valdez," Percy called with a smile. This caused another roar of laughter to devour the hallway.

Annabeth recovered first, turning to me,

"Right, anyways. Hermione, I heard Ronald said something stupid during free period today while looking for a date?"


"What do you mean you're going stag?" Harry questioned some of the demigods sitting with us. Thalia rolled her eyes,

"Come off it Harry, it's not a crime to go alone, or with friends. Plus I have no interest in dancing with anyone. McGonagall's classes did nothing for any of your left feet." There was a scoff from behind her, she was perched on the back of Pipers' seat now. Why she didn't just sit in a normal cushion or on the floor was a riddle I didn't dare ask about.

"With the exception of Frank, Neville, Jason, and Kelp head no one improved." Will made an indignant sound which she responded to without looking at him.

"You and Nico don't count Solace, you had that stupid dance down in seconds. It was unnatural." Both boys snorted and cursed in what I now knew to be Ancient Greek at her. Travis and Leo beside her nodded their agreement at not having a date.

"Besides, We've got girls at home we'd dance with, I'm not jeopardizing that relationship. I don't think Travis here will either." Leo told my best friend. Who looked down in the dumps, he'd told me he tried to ask Cho Chang but she was already going with someone. He'd glumly asked who everyone was going with when he'd arrived at the fireplace.

He shook his head exasperated by the news but seeming slightly more lively than before.

"That's fair. I just don't want to be the only one there without a date without a real reason." Thalia rolled her eyes while Annabeth swatted her legs.

"Come off it Thals, if I remember correctly the one dance we did go to you danced with Grover." Thalia blushed bright red all the way to her hair.

"Yes well, that was entirely different circumstances if you'll remember." The conversation was suddenly cut off by a commotion at the doorway. I looked past the collection of demigods and wizards around me to see two redheads entering the common room, along with a howling Connor and Weasley twins. Harry and I raced to take Ron off of Ginny's hands.

"What happened to you?" Harry asked as he sat Ron down, who was indeed looking physically ill. Nearly as grey as he had been when he was throwing up slugs a few years back. Ginny answered, sounded astounded and impressed as she attempted to shut her older siblings up, without much luck as Connor kept setting them back off.

"He asked Fleur Delacour to the Ball, screamed it actually. It was quite scary really." I spun to Ron's pale face, dropping to my knee beside harry to look in his unfocused eyes,

"Ron! Merilin! What did she say? Did she say no? She's part Veela surely she'd been asked already, the ball is tomorrow night! Are you okay?" Ron shook his head no and a resounding gasp ran through the people behind me. My hands flew to my mouth

"Yes? She said Yes?" Finally, his gaze refocused as he looked from Harry to me to Ginny then to the three howling boys behind them,

"No, of course not. She was walking by with her crew, they were really pretty and you know how I like it when they walk-" Connor and the twins let loose another barking laugh. I could hear a few people clearing their throats in response, probably swallowing their own laughter. Harry urged him on,

"-Well, it just kind of split out, I didn't mean to yell at her. Then I just kind of ran. Stoll and my brothers were there, and they've been teasing me the whole way up here."

I stood and stormed towards them at almost the exact same time as Annabeth had.

"You three did what? Connor, grow up, I don't see you asking anyone to the dance. George, Fred-" Annabeth pointed at each of them individually, shocking them into awed silence, other than George's slight smile at his name "-you are his big brother, go over there and prove it! Honestly." None of them moved, but Connor had a large smile on his face, knowingly he winked at me, I rolled my eyes. Immature prat.

"You can tell us apart?" One of the twins, I was pretty sure was Fred said. George responding after,

"Even our mum can't do that, how on earth did you-" Annabeth cut him off with a sharp glare, which Percy caught with a laugh, grabbing her hand and pulling her back towards their seat.

"Alright Wise girl that's enough. Boys I'd do as she says, and she's dam smarter than everyone in this room, Hermione being right up there with her. You've got both of them in their folded arms pissed of face stances right now. I wouldn't test that water with a 50ft pole." With one last look at Annabeth and I, they smirked but passed us muttering to each other. Connor simply smiled a troublemaker smile at Annabeth.

"Awe, Annie. It's only a bit of fun, besides, I've got just the cure for the dynamic duo over there, I know a good chunk of us is going solo, just pair off like that." Jason snorted as his sister sent a shock Connors way, reaching across the couch to get his arm.

Harry nodded with a half smile,

"Yeah, I mean it's not like we have to dance if we don't want to right? I guess we're going stag then, mate." He patted Rons shoulder.

Before anyone had the chance to reply a flustered looking third year approached us. Warily looking at Percy and Harry starstruck. Percy noticing the girl's nerves gave her a wide smile, which only seemed to fluster her more.

"Hi- um- sorry to interrupt, Professor Dumbledore- he's- well he's got a visitor, she's beautiful, kind of felt like staring at a Veela. She's called on you girls, I'd be careful of her, her smile was too big." She warily looked around at each of us girls. Annabeth, Hazel, Piper, Thalia, Ginny and I looked at each other in confusion. Suddenly Pipers eyes widened and she swore under her breath,

"Merde. Mom." I frowned as Annabeth paled, standing up.

"Right well, we best not keep her waiting. Thank you- um-" she stared blankly at the younger girl whose mouth was slightly agar as she looked up at her.

"Gracie, I'm Gracie." Annabeth smiled softly at the younger girl.

"Gracie then. Thank you Gracie. Come on you lot, let's not keep our guest waiting." She said guest with an undertone of disdain while Percy looked merely amused and a little wary. He chuckled as we went to leave,

"Well good luck with your makeovers, we'll see you girls tomorrow. Wise girl, give Her my Absolute Best, and thank her for making us interesting." Annabeth nodded when his tone dropped, to a chilling bite. Annabeth made no move to reprimand him instead nodding and storming out of the room, Piper and Hazel quick on her heels. I snatched Ginny's hand as Thalia tailed us muttering to herself.

Walking to Dumbledore's office was tense, all four demigod girls were in varying stages of embarrassment and anger. Ginny and I followed them in silence, glancing at each other hesitantly every so often. When we reached the gargoyle, it uncharacteristically let all six of us up, without a password. Finally at the top of the stairs, Hazel, the most calm of the group knocked on the door, opening it when a woman's voice called out a come in.

My first thought was that I'd walked into Nico when he first came in smelling like a perfume shop. The second was the Dumbledore was not in the room. My third being that the lady sitting on the edge of Dumbledore's desk was probably the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in my life, and probably ever would. Ginny beside me, paled and her jaw dropped, a small shriek left her mouth as she glanced at the rest of us in a state of panic. I paid her no attention as the woman's beauty practically stole all of my attention.

Upon seeing us the wonderfully beautiful woman, spread her arms out wide and approached us,

"Girls! Long time no see!" Piper made a break for it away from the pretty lady who I couldn't stop staring at.

"Mom, No. We've talked about this! This is an invasion of privacy!" Ginny and my faces snapped to Piper simultaneously speaking, though Ginny's voice came out much squeakier than mine.

"Mom?!" Piper flushed as she shrugged, motioning disinterested towards her mom.

"Hermione, Ginny. This is my mom, Aphrodite. I'm sure you know who they are, try not to scare them, Ginny doesn't know anything about you." my brain short circuited for the first time in my life. Aphrodite, the ancient greek goddess, was standing in front of me, looking like a combination of Julia Robberts, and Rhianna. She was almost flickering between the two vastly different women. The goddess of love was standing in front of me with the widest smile I'd ever seen as she forced her daughter into a hug. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to bow or not, I mean she was technically a goddess. It's not like I could have read up on how to act in front of a divine being. I felt light headed, like I was going to pass out. When none of the other girls bowed I decided that it might not be common place to do so.

"Oh that's fine dear. Hello Hermione! You're love life really is a handful isn't it? I just love the idea of a slow burn. Oh, and of course the forbidden loves, I just can't help myself. I hope you choose well, I've given you many options." My jaw dropped as Piper scolded her mom once more, which she ignored. I wasn't sure if she was mocking me or encouraging me. Either way I felt like I needed to thank her, and run at the same time. Maybe that bow really was necessary.

Before I could decide she spun on Ginny, who paled and blushed at the same time, a new feat for her. She was not looking at the woman in front of us now. But focused on her shoes.

"Ginerva-" our jaws dropped again, Ginny's head snapping up at her full name, in shock. "How wonderful to see you. I am sorry for the mess I've made for you in that pretty head of yours. I must wonder though, who do you think I look most like?" Piper screeched as Ginny's face turned pink in embarrassment.

"MOM! What did I just say! Privacy!" Aphrodite waved her hand at her daughter, dismissively as she approached the two of us, she seemed to float rather than walk, never making a sound. Not a hair on her head was out of place and I brought my own hand to my hair self consciously. It really was untamable,

"Oh hush love. Ginerva, you don't really have to tell me. Of course, now you are aware of it, which is really all that matters. I'm just curious is all, after all I am in charge of the love department." Annabeth sucked in a harsh breath as the room fell silent, Ginny's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She glanced at me frantically which I tried to ignore.

I knew she'd read over my shoulder a few times when I was still researching who they were. Sometimes discussing theories with her, one of which was the similarities between their slip ups in their story and Greek and Roman mythology. The puzzle pieces were falling into place for her, I could see it. That and I really was a horrible liar, I wore my emotions on my sleeve.

"Aphrodite-" She muttered, staring at the woman in front of us who merely shrugged as she turned away.

"Yes dear. Goddess of love and beauty, here take a look. I can't very well be hiding who I am when I transform you into the swan you are." She swung her hand back at us, as if we weren't worth her time before seemingly all of the information I'd ever need about Greek and Roman Gods suddenly rattled my brain. Both Ginny and my hands flew to our foreheads. If there was one thing I knew, it was that this beautiful woman was trying to stir trouble. That along with the fact that I would have much preferred reading and hearing all of this information slowly rather than all at once.

Hazel looked astounded, and began to fan her face.

"Lady Venus! You- you can't just. We are supposed to keep that a secret!" Aphrodite retook her spot on Dumbledore's desk with a flourish of her long dress, that I was pretty sure was partially made of real flowers and pure silk, it glimmered in all the right spots and there was definitely pure gold on it.

"Oh dear Hazel, I am one of the Olympians, both Roman and Greek. We've gone over this before. Love knows no sides, therefore, I don't do secret backstory, that is solely for your benefit." Hazel blushed a deep red at her words, something I was going to ask about later. "I know all of you, I have an intimate view into your lives. The least I can do is tell you who I am." Ginny stared at each of the four girls in front of her, absolute shock on her face.

"You- Your demigods!" She then turned to me, "and you! They told you! That- that makes so much sense actually." Thalia barked out a laugh from behind us, she had hidden away from the goddess in front of us as soon as we'd come in.

"I'm glad you think so. Well as you now know, the twelve of us are children of the gods, blah blah blah, half human, blah blah blah, don't tell anyone and we'll be good." Ginny nodded blankly beside me. Unfortunately for Thalia she had gained the attention of our in house goddess.

"Ah Thalia Grace. Lovely to see you again. Any second thoughts on being a huntress? I may not be able to force someone into your life, but I can persuade. How does-" Thalia snorted cutting her off,

"Right, no thanks. I prefer being a huntress. You had your chance years ago and you turned him against me as he tried to kill Annabeth. I don't trust you as far as I can throw you." Aphrodite scowled momentarily, I wasn't 100% sure gods smitted people, but I figured we were about to find out.

"Yes well, I do enjoy making things interesting for you all. Just ask dear Annabeth over here." With the attention now on the blond, she scowled, her voice dripping with venom,

"Sure, I absolutely loved getting thrown in the deepest part of the underworld with my boyfriend after almost dying. That was fucking fantastic Aphrodite. Thank you." Aphrodite looked sad for a moment, while I stared shocked at her vulgar language. I'd never heard her really swear before. Whatever unresolved feelings she held against the goddess were strong and made my brain restart as it tried to decipher the meaning behind her words.

"That my love, was a moment of pure sacrifice for love, one of the greatest I've ever seen. I once told Perseus Jackson that I would make his love life interesting. Besides that fall made you both more connected than ever. You mustn't be upset about that." I noticed that it wasn't really an apology, and my newly enlightened mind supplied the fact that the deepest part of the underworld was Tartarus where monsters went to respawn. Why had Annabeth and Percy been there? I Filed that question away for later. Piper cut into the conversation before Annabeth could attack the goddess, which seemed like the most likely outcome from this conversation.

"Right, Anyways. Mom, what do you want?" Aphrodites smile grew as she spread her arms once more, the smell of flowers and perfume surrounded me. It was intoxicating, Ginny breathed deeply beside me, her shoulders lost all tension in seconds. She seemed to be taking this whole idea rather well, maybe it was the fact that it was coming from whoever she was seeing.

The smell enveloped me, it smelled like old books, fresh cut grass, and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. It was sharp though and very familiar.

"There is a ball tomorrow is there not? I haven't had the pleasure to play dress up in a while and thought this was the best opportunity to do so. Shall we get started?" I spoke up for the first time, my voice sounded dazed and lovestruck which I quickly cleared from my throat.

"Lady Aphrodite, I mean no offense. But we have all already got dresses." her smile made my legs want to melt out from under me. If this was the reaction she elicited from me, I could only imagine what she could do to someone who liked someone she could look like. She snapped her fingers and too my greatest surprise all six of our dresses appeared on us. All of us gasped in surprise. Piper looked mortified,

"MOM!" she hushed her daughter.

"Hush child. Your dresses are beautiful, but I can make them magnificent. I am the goddess of Love and Beauty afterall. Let's start with Hazel here, a purple dress is a wonderful choice it really brings out your eyes, I only wish to add a little dazle."

Then right before my eyes, Hazel's hair was instantly in a half up half down do and her makeup was stunning. Her dress was stunning, a see through purple material fell from one shoulder to her waist while another fabric folded over her arms and around her back. She had gold jewlery on now, that from where I was standing looked like the real thing.

Aphrodite waved her hand once more, a large mirror appearing beside her. Hazel looked celestial, like a priestess coming down from the gods. The gold in her eyes was striking, I couldn't tear my eyes away until Aphrodite spun to Thaila next who began to complain,

"No, Don't even think about it. I want to wear this, it took forever to get Annabeth to agree it was fine. Don't you d-" Aphrodite ignored her complaints waving her hand at the punk girl beside me. Who ran to the mirror obviously angry. But she looked gorgeous,

She was wearing what looked like a tiara with stars on it on top of her hair. Instead of wearing dark blue ripped jeans, she was now clad in black leather pants, a silver tank top that had grey triangles on the top and her black leather jacket. She was also still wearing her combat boots. The only other change was that she had a light layer of makeup on, with eyeliner that looked sharp enough to cut. Along with some silver jewelry to match the tiara.

She turned a surprised look at the goddess who merely shrugged.

"I know my audience Thalia Grace. Do not disrespect me again or I shall transform what you are wearing into a princess gown." Thalia nodded and said a soft thanks in response.

The goddess spun next to Annabeth who glowered at the goddess, with a tsk of her tongue Annabeths hair flew into a perfect messy bun with soft beach curls framing her face. Her dress which had been plain blue and reached her knees was suddenly floor length, with tulle in the slit down her legs, showing off her calves and tule was also flowing off one of her shoulders cinched at her waist with a golden rope. Annabeth gasped, at the change. She tried to resist a smile and instead opted for a nod at the goddess.

Aphrodite turned to Ginny, who froze under the stare, she was playing nervously in her dress. She had a hint of a scowl on her face as she messed with it. She'd told me earlier that she didn't really like how light the dress was, that it clashed with her skin tone and the colour scheme didn't compliment her hair at all. Aphrodite, as if reading both of our minds commented on it,

"My dear, I could hear you're complaining all the way from Olympus. Do you mind if I change your dress completely?" Ginny blushed slightly but nodded enthusiastically at the woman, dropping the fabric as she raised her head, only to blush more and avert her gaze. I wasn't sure who she was seeing but I desperately wanted to ask her.

"Please. Anything but pink m'am." The goddess smiled waving her hand at my best friend.

"I'd never dream of it, not with your lovely red hair."

My jaw dropped at the sight before me,'Ginny's previously light green, pink and white floor length dress now stopped at her knees and was a dark green with patterned black lace covering it. The lace extended above the green heart-shaped neckline over her shoulders. the front pieces of her hair had been braided and tied at the back of her head like a crown.

She gasped looking down at herself and after a brief run to the mirror merely gawked at herself for a moment while Aphrodite looked on with a soft smile on her face.

"It's gorgeous." she muttered as she played with the edges of it. Suddenly with a huge smile on her face she twirled in front of the mirror. She looked completely at ease with herself. Overcome with joy I watched the younger girl launch herself at the goddess, surprising her, before instantly pulling away red in the face once more as she backed up beside me once more muttering sorry the whole way.

Aphrodite laughed, mirth and joy visible in her eyes.

"Oh, not many people dare to touch a goddess suddenly. It is refreshing to find someone with the bravery and willingness to do so. Piper, dear take notes."

Her ever changing eyes suddenly landed on me, and it felt like all the blood left my body. I didn't like the attention she was bestowing on me. I felt much too clumsy and frizzy for her to be staring at me. I figgited under her gaze until she spoke.

"Well my dear, I'm not entirely sure you didn't steal that dress from my closet. It is quite marvelous." I felt my face turn a brilliant shade of red, redder than Ginny's hair. Who nudged me with a grin. Aphrodite continued,

"Now I really must fix your hair, would you mind terribly if I fixed it for you. Make it calmer and less frizzy. Perhaps your teeth as well?" My hands flew to my teeth and hair. People had made fun of me for those two aspects for as long as I could remember. Piper seeing my reaction stormed towards her mom.

"Mother! If you can not behave yourself, you might as well leave! Hermione is a beautiful girl! Do not make her feel less than that!" Piper's words left a warm feeling inside me. Her sticking up for me was new, only Harry, Ron and Ginny had done that when people made fun of my appearance. I looked around the room to see Annabeth, Hazel, and Thalia following their friends lead, glaring at the goddess who looked momentarily shocked at the outburst.

"No, my dears you misunderstand me. I am the goddess of beauty, I have no trouble seeing the girl for who she is. Beauty is not a standard, it's a state. It comes from when you feel the most beautiful, not others. I simply enhance what beauty is already there. If I've led you to believe otherwise, you haven't been paying attention. I've seen how people treat her for those very aspects, I was merely offering to permanently fix them." She glanced at me then with a knowing look,

"Besides, if I am not mistaken, which I very rarely am. She was planning on altering those aspects herself through the use of magic. My job is just stronger as I come from the most ancient kind of magic." I glanced down, Piper slowly made her way over to me, placing her hand on my shoulder. Her voice was low and more calm than it had been before.

"Hermione, this is totally your choice. I think you are beautiful as you are but if you would feel more comfortable with alterations then who am I too say you shouldn't." I looked up at the older girl, whose kaleidoscope eyes held only love in her eyes. She meant what she said. With a deep breath I nodded my head, to which she smiled brightly and nodded back at her mom, moving away from me once more. Aphrodite squealed, kicking her legs in joy from her seat on the table.

"Oh you are going to be drop dead gorgeous." and she waved her hand at me, I felt my hair flatten around my head and my front teeth shrink in my mouth. I opened my eyes to see the gobsmacked faces of the girls around me, I raced to the mirror.

At first I didn't recognize the girl as me. Her hair looked less like someone had hit her with lightning repeatedly and instead it fell in soft waves around her head. I reached my hands up to touch it, my reflection following suit. I froze as I placed my hand on my curls, the girl in the mirror following my every move. I heard the woman beside me hum, but I didn't dare look away.

"Yes, I think that will do. If you are done inspecting I am going to show you your hair for the dance itself now." I turned my head to look at her, I could feel tears in my eyes, overwhelmed at the image in front of me.

"Thank you-" I managed to squeak out. Aphrodite cooed at me,

"Oh Love you are very welcome. Like I said before, I enhance what's already there. No one will mock you for your looks again. May I?" I turned once more to look at myself in the mirror, a smile on my face that I could see reflected back on the faces of the girls around me. I nodded and watched fascinated when my hair flew into a bun at the back of my head, gold specks appearing in my hair, with two pieces left to frame my face. Beside me Annabeth sucked in a deep breath, I looked at her.

"You're glowing Hermione. I've never seen someone smile so wide before." I blushed and reached for the older girl. She immediately swooped down to my level hugging me. I let go almost immediately, embarrassed by my actions. But the blond squeezed my hand and winked at me.

Aphrodite finally turned to her daughter with a glint in her eye that made me nervous for her. Piper stared down her mother, daring her to do something. With a wave of her mom's hand her previously light blue knee length dress turned into something right out of a greek mythology book. Piper baulked at the fabric.

"MOM! Absolutely not! I look like I'm going to a wedding or time traveling to ancient greece! You forced this same outfit on me when you claimed me! Absolutely not, I won't go!" Aphrodite sniffed the air with a haughty look.

"I think you look marvelous, I wore something similar to that when I went to balls and it was all the rage." Piper looked about ready to explode as her mother sighed and waved her hand once more.

"Fine have it your way, option B isn't nearly as nice but it'll do." I couldn't fathom that option B was the uglier option. There simply wasn't anyway that was true,

She was now wearing a dark blue mid thigh length dress, with tulle that brought the length to the floor. That sample tulle flowing down both shoulders and puffing out until it reached her wrist where it cinched back in. Her hair was pulled into a loose braid on the right side of her head, a feather from a bird I'd never seen before, hung from the other as always. The blue feather looked fluffier than ever. I'd asked her about it once and she'd simply told me it was a spoil of war and left it at that. I hadn't asked anymore questions about it after that.

I had a brief thought of wondering why Aphrodite had themed them all in dresses that featured tulle, but figured that it was probably best not to question a goddess on her dress skills. Especially Aphrodite the goddess of beauty and love. If anyone could make my life miserable instantly, it would be her.

Piper smiled into the mirror and nodded at her mom,

"Much better." I was pretty sure that if she had deemed it unworth of her time, Aphrodite would have rolled her eyes. Instead she drew herself to her full height, which was flickering once more as she smiled at us.

"Oh you all look so beautiful. But alas I must be off, I have other people to see, matters to attend. I am due for a nail appointment in a few minutes, but at exactly 5 oclock I will fix you up once more in the safety of my daughters room. No where else." She made unnerving eye contact with each of us, making my knees buckle slightly. She really was stunning, it was a wonder I wasn't jealous of her. Ginny still looked about ready to pass out.

As she turned from us she suddenly snapped her fingers turning back around.

"Oh yes, girls. One more thing, a bit of advice. Keep your eyes open, not everyone is who they seem to be. Kisses." And she blew a kiss our way, Annabeth and Hazel suddenly dove for Ginny and I covering our eyes,

"Don't look!" They screamed. Through my eyelids and Annabeth's fingers there was a blinding gold light that disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. I raised a single eyebrow at my attacker.

"When gods and goddesses flash out they reveal their true form. It is much too pure for human, demigod, or monster eyes. You would burn up from the inside out, not a pleasant way to go." Ginny sighed from beside me.

"I can't wait for tomorrow to put that dress back on." I glanced down, only now realising that my normal uniform was once again on, my hands flew to my hair, instantly calm once more when I felt the silky smoothness on top. A frustrated scream from behind me forced me to jump around and face Piper, who was red in the face,

She was wearing a strapless white dress with yellow small flowers on it, that ended just above her knee. There were even pearl beads around her neck. She hissed her net words at the top of her lungs.

"She did it again! Gods! Clothes napped for the third time in my life! It's going to take days for this look to disappear. It's winter, she can't just put me in freezing cold dresses everytime she sees me!" She groaned throwing her face in her hands, half laughing half groaning out her next words,

"-And Leo's only just stopped calling me beauty queen."

Hello Lovelies, I know some people are more visual learners so there are photos of the girls dresses in the media area. All credit goes to the artists and ideas of those wonderful people.

Also I've decided that from now on if chapters get longer than usual it won't be my issue because this is my fanfiction and I don't need to follow any normal rules like how long a chapter or book is.

thanks for reading lovelies, comment any and all thoughts you have, I love reading them.


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