Chapter 3: Admire from afar
Chapter Summary: After making a small mistake and class Casper is eager to correct himself and make sure Thatch trusts him. After the misunderstanding is clear the two simply settle down and enjoy each other's presence.
Casper felt as light as air the next day, and it wasn't just because he was a ghost. When he rose from his bed he was feeling lively, a big smile plastered on his face. The badge Thatch had returned was now hidden under his pillow, safe and sound where no other student could see. He didn't need anyone asking questions about who won that fight after all. Certain things were just best hidden from the light of the day.
Ra was slow to get out of his bed, lifting up the heavy lid and crawling out- looking like he got no sleep at all. This did not deter the friendly ghost at all who floated over, smiling widely and as active as the sun is bright. "Good morning Ra! Come on let's go get Mantha and head down for breakfast." He chimed, pulling Ra eagerly.
Ra tiredly looked at Casper, looking more like a zombie than a mummy in his current state- Mantha would be proud probably. "Uuugh... Casper tone it down by like, 99%." He muttered as he allowed Casper to drag him the rest of the way out of bed, far too tired to put up much of a fight. Ra tightened one of the loosening bandages on his wrist once he was standing uprighting, then rubbed his tired eyes- mindlessly following the ghost out of their dorms. Casper wanted to get out of there in a hurry, really not knowing what to do if he ended up meeting Thatch during the day. For now, it was best to just avoid the situation. So after rounding Mantha up from the girl's dorm, they all headed down, getting their breakfast and swiftly sitting at their table before any other student even arrived.
"So, how did it go?" Mantha asked the overly excitable ghost. Ra- who was finally waking up seemed more excited.
"Oh right, yeah! I stayed up almost all night keeping an eye out for when you and Thatch returned, I guess I fell asleep though..."
"You stayed up waiting for us?" Casper raised an invisible brow at the mummy, who shrugged.
"I wanted to make sure you didn't get mauled. Even as a ghost you let Thatch push you around so I got worried." He defended. Casper smiled gently and shook his head. Sometimes he felt just really lucky to have friends, honestly, they were just the best.
"Well, thank you, Ra. But everything was fine." He started. "I gave him a bit of a start at first but... It worked out really... really well. He was... Well, I guess you both want the whole story?" Casper looked at them both, who nodded. Casper didn't feel like giving them all the really personal details- he had made a promise to Thatch. But lying to his friends would hurt. He will be careful with his words then. "Thatch was going into the forest to just- calm down?" Yes, that sounded good. "I kinda just appeared behind him and he was startled, but he really wasn't getting mad... I... It's hard to explain but in the end, we just sat down and talked."
"About what?" Ra pressed. Casper just shook his head. "Oh come on you can't keep this a secret from us."
"I have to. I promised Thatch..."
"I bet Thatch won't keep that promise. He's an awful bat- watch he'll use whatever happened last night against you." Mantha remarked coldly.
"N-no he won't... Watch today he'll be different!" Casper had no clue if that was true, in fact, he doubted it. They were only truced in the moonlight...
Casper went with his dear friends to their first class with a heavy heart, worry spreading through him like poison. Mantha was probably right, Thatch wouldn't change. He'll be an awful bully as ever, but Casper just still had a hard time seeing it now. Those fangs no longer held any bite behind them. The ghost boy sighed as he sat at his normal desk, his mind wandering away from the classroom, and instead he stared out the window. He could barely see the forest from here, but it was enough to make him smile.
As class started Casper's mind drifted back and forth from his studies to the forest, then occasionally he'll catch a quick glance at Thatch. He didn't want to look often, he didn't need to get caught looking at the class bully.
The vampire hadn't once looked over at the ghost, not that Casper could tell. He was just taking notes for class, seeming focused on his studies as he always was. His hair was nice and brushed back, the white stripes adding such a contrast- it was quite interesting. His violet eyes were flicking from the teacher's notes on the chalkboard down to his notebook, carefully writing down the information he deemed important. Something about Thatch just seemed so... Calm and controlled, elegant in its own way. Casper never really thought about it before, but Thatch was supposedly very old, vampires age terribly slowly.
So with that in mind Thatch must have lived through a bunch of different time periods, right? In the family photo the style was so old, ancient and studied in the human's textbooks Jimmy had shown him.
Casper kept looking at the things Thatch was writing, well not exactly what he was writing; more like the way he wrote. A lot of the students had personalized writing tools, special grips and things like that on their pens. But Thatch instead had a fountain pen. Yes it was a bit modern with the ink inside, but the way Thatch always seemed to pause- it was like he was far too used to dipping a quill into an inkwell. His Calligraphy was ancient as well, the long strokes of the letters, all the extra details added to every letter that served no purpose other to look good- maybe that's why Thatch was so selective about the information he wrote down. His handwriting took great detail and time to do, and it was a bit entrancing to watch.
The ghost boy had to keep reminding himself to take his own notes. His mind was everywhere but his lessons, to the forest where secrets were told, to the strange vampire that sat in his class. The day was going to be long, especially if Thatch was going to bully Casper today. But so far, things were oddly peaceful. Thatch wasn't yelling at anyone, not even his own gang. It seemed to be freaking Dummy Girl because she kept whispering to Slither, casting glances over at the vampire.
Slither, on the other hand, seemed unfazed with everything as normal. He seemed mostly concerned with making sure Mosshead was awake and taking notes.
It was odd, now that Casper was slowing down and just watching he was noticing things about Thatch and his gang he had never bothered to think about. How did their social structure work in that group? Unlike Casper and his friends who were all equal, it was known Thatch was their leader and was really pushy. What did they do when Thatch was gone? How would they react if Thatch became weak and did not want to be a leader? Were they friends or followers- and did Thatch tell him the same secrets that they had shared together in the peaceful moonlight?
Internally Casper truly wished they had no clue about Thatch. He wanted their secrets to be there, the words spoke in the night only to be known by them alone- even if that sounded awfully selfish. Casper also understood he had no right to keep such secrets and wish none other knew, Thatch could tell anyone he wanted to about himself but... Last night was special and peaceful, just them.
Perhaps he was growing a crush on Thatch- and Mantha said such things were normal so he shouldn't worry about it. But the question that was more haunting than anything was- did Thatch have any sort of feeling for Casper besides resentment? Such answers couldn't be answered in the day... So Casper turned his gaze away and back to his own notes- well he tried to. He could feel someone watching him and when he looked back up Ra had this big, knowing smile.
"Shush..." Casper gently smiled and nudged Ra, who silently laughed and shook his head, playfully nudging the ghost boy in return.
As the blue-eyed boy lifted his head, turning away from Ra, he saw those violet eyes staring directly at him. They narrowed distrustfully, silently passing unjust judgment on Casper. The ghost felt his heart sink- realizing that Thatch was thinking. Thatch thought he and Ra were laughing about him... Did Thatch really think Casper would tell- well of course he did. Thatch didn't trust the ghost boy, but it pained him to see him look so... hurt.
Yes, there was distrust and regret in this violet eyes, but also a tinge of sadness- truly believing the friendly ghost had stabbed him in the back. Casper wished to go to Thatch and explain- but the class was not even halfway over, and before he could mouth anything to the vampire- wishing to plead for him to not jump to conclusions the vampire abruptly turned away, his oversized cowl hiding his face now.
Ra looked just as distressed as Casper did. The mummy kept sitting up in his seat, trying to peer around to see what Thatch was doing now, but there was no use. They couldn't see anything from their seats when thatch readjusted himself, turning just enough in his chair so his back was promptly facing them as he turned more to his gang. Ra gave a pained look to Casper, then towards the clock. They would have to wait class out and try to stop Thatch before he left...
The class droned on, and the pair were getting overly impatient. Casper was glad Ra seemed just as nervous as him, the mummy's brown-colored eyes kept moving over to the vampire with worry. Ra's normally bad handwriting was worse than ever- honestly, where did Ra learn to write?! Oh, wait, English was still a bit new to the mummy... Right.
Casper sighed heavily, resting his arms on the desk as he tried to prevent himself from moving around in his seat like a fussy kitten. Ra was sitting abnormally still instead as if his joints has gone stiff all of a sudden. He sat up straight, his hand still taking notes while the other awkwardly rested in his lap- his whole stance was as awkward as Casper was feeling. Mantha, on the other hand, had no clue what was going on between Casper and Thatch, but she did take note that Ra and Casper weren't acting themselves.
Because of the 2 people per table seating rule she was beside Quasi. She had a look of confusion, trying to focus on her notes but watching her undead friends in their internal distress. She wouldn't deny that it was amusing to see the boys in such a confusing state of distress. She figured it would pass of course, as all things should. Casper's crush would surely fade and things would return to normal.
When the bell ending the class rang Casper was quick to stand, about to just leave his belongings and go to Thatch, but he stopped himself when he saw the vampire was surrounded by his lackeys. There was no way to get Thatch away with Dummy Girl, Slither and Mosshead following him around like lost puppies. It was annoying, to say the least- but the blue-eyed boy knew he would get his chance... If Thatch snuck out tonight.
Ra could only offer a weak, worrying smile to the ghost as they packed their stuff, joining Mantha by the door as they continued to their next class.
Casper could already tell this was going to be a horribly long, painful day.
The minutes dragged on forever, and every second was like an eternity. Casper had waited and watched, going to class after class, unable to focus on any of his lessons. He skipped lunch as well, just sitting at the table and trying not to stare at the vampire- it was hard not to.
Thatch was once again bullying Wolfie, shoving the werewolf to the ground which sent his tray all over the floor. "Out of the way mutt!" He laughed cruelly and walked by, his gang sticking their noses up and ignoring the whimpering pooch. It was only after Thatch left that Casper went over and helped the whimpering monster.
"I'm sorry that happened..." The ghost muttered, not really feeling like his kind self when guilt filled him.
"Oh it's ok Casper- I think I'm getting used to it, just thank you for helping." The wolf boy grinned, his tail a mere blur behind himself- which upset some of the nearby students due to the flying fur. "I wonder what's eating him though, normally he does a lot worse..." Casper could only weakly nod, his gaze going towards the cafeteria door as Thatch and his group of lackeys left. He was keeping them annoyingly close today. Seems he really will be forced to wait until that night.
At curfew Casper was promptly in bed, the thin blanket pulled over his translucent body. He felt annoyed when it took forever for everyone else to finally climb in bed. Wouldn't they just shut up and go to bed already, he had things to do!
When the lights flicked off he waited, a deep frown pressed to his lips as he just laid there in wait, his eyes searching the darkroom. He strained, trying to hear everyone's breathing to see when they all fell into their peaceful sleep. That felt like it took hours when it was most likely 20 minutes tops.
Then he was forced to wait more, to see if Thatch was even going to get out of his coffin and go for a walk tonight. Maybe the vampire wouldn't? Would Thatch be avoiding the ghost boy- surely not? If anything Thatch- THE Thatch, the big school bully would rather fight and get back at Casper.
He was tempted to just, fly into Thatch's coffin as he had done to Ra- but that was beyond rude and a breach of the very, very frail trust that had just started to build between the two. So, he watched. He shifted silently in his bed, his big blue eyes resting upon the darkly colored coffin.
Sure enough- the lid opened and Thatch carefully climbed out as he done for two nights now. He shut the lid, and without even a glance towards Casper or his bed, he left the dorm silently. Casper eagerly left his bed, phasing through the walls and turning invisible, having to remind himself that this was breaking the rules- even if it was so worth it.
The ghost followed- and he couldn't help but notice Thatch kept stopping and look behind himself as if waiting. Casper had a feeling Thatch was waiting for him, it was almost nice to think the vampire wanted him to follow. The vampire seemed to plan out his every move carefully. Check a hallway, duck into the shadows, listen for any sound, then repeat. It was like Thatch was used to sneaking out- how often did Thatch sneak out?
Casper smiled and followed his fellow monster out of the old school, floating just above the ground as he followed Thatch on the ever so familiar path. About halfway down the path, Casper allowed his body to take on the common, clear white color that ghosts naturally had.
"Thatch-" Casper started, but when Thatch turned and glared ever so hatefully Casper didn't want to continue whatever he was going to say.
"Not a word until the forest." He hissed angrily. Then the violet-eyed monster continued on the path, his cloak flowing behind him as the strong breeze caught it. The wind was strong, the sky was dark with the warning signs of an incoming storm. But Casper followed still, staying a small bit behind the vampire who seemed to not care about the wind in the slightest, his eyes only looking ahead of him.
Casper, even in this situation couldn't help but admire the vampire and his odd charm... And that cloak did look damn good on Thatch.
When Thatch entered the forest he still did not look back, instead, he sighed heavily and crossed his arms over his chest- waiting for Casper to do something; and in which the ghost was more than eager to explain what happened.
"Thatch, in class today it's not what you think. I didn't tell Ra anything."
"Then why were you two laughing? I could feel you watching me all class- it felt like you were burning holes in the back of my head!" He curtly replied. "Then the second I actually look at you, you're laughing with that dumb mummy!"
"Don't call my friends dumb." Casper deeply frowned but tried to remain calm. Thatch was hurt- he was just being terribly emotional. He would have to control this like he did before. The ghost boy carefully moved closer, gazing up into the other's eyes. "We weren't laughing at you, he was poking fun at me for... watching you..."
"And why were you watching me?" He scoffed, but he didn't seem to mind the ghost drawing closer to himself.
The answer was embarrassing, and hard to put into words. The ghost helplessly staring up at the vampire, who in return seemed to be giving him no mercy this night. Thatch had asked a question, and wanted an answer... Casper wasn't sure how to, especially not like this.
The wind was hollowing as it passed through the forest, shaking the branches above their heads. Leaves were falling loose- being dragged along in the wind as they whipped around the vampire and ghost as if they were the only things that really mattered. Casper could smell Thatch's scent even now, the wind carrying it along. The other's hair was ruffled with the breeze of the wind, his cape moving with even the slightest gust of air. The moment was frozen but moving- simply frozen in time.
"It's cold. Let's go inside." The ghost tried to avoid the question, averting his eyes from the other.
"You're a ghost, ghosts don't get cold... Anyways if you are cold- which you are not... Come here." He ordered. "I want my answer. Honestly, it felt like you were watching me all class- rather creepy don't you think?" He scoffed, lifting his arm and offering his side to the ghost. Casper came closer, and instead of just taking his spot by the vampire he opted to hug Thatch instead. He preferred things this way- hugs were so much more friendlier and comforting.
Thatch didn't protest much- at most a sigh before he adjusted himself so his back was to the wind and Casper protectively held in his arms. "Better marshmallow boy?"
"Yeah... And don't call me that." Casper pouted. Thatch only grinned and shrugged, as if it was only natural to do so. "Ugh... you're impossible..." He muttered, but then smiled gently and just hugged the vampire tighter. "If I answer you can't laugh or judge."
"The forest holds our secrets." He said ever so easily. Casper never knew the vampire could hold any sort of charm- but at night he was like a completely different monster. It was confusing, but nice as well.
"Well... Everyone else uses a simple pen or the like, and you use a fountain pen- plus you write strangely." Casper started off simple, not really knowing how to explain. Thatch didn't seem to get what the big deal was either. "Whenever you write you stop a lot, even if there is no reason to stop..."
"That's... just how I write. Casper, how long were you watching me to notice such a silly thing?" He laughed, but Casper seemed annoyed that Thatch was brushing such a thing off.
"It's not silly! I want to know why. No one else writes like that, and your handwriting is weird too." He defended.
"Oh my, touchy touchy." Thatch teased. "Didn't know you were so interested, my bad." He scoffed. "It's how I've always written Casper since I was young. Course back then I learned with an inkwell and a quill. Times change of course and I rather not carry around a small glass jar full of ink." He stated simply. "That better? That a good answer for you?" He offered, carefully watching the ghost's expression. "Was that the only reason you were watching me?"
"... No... " He murmured. "I was wondering what we were going to do... If we should act like we hate each other or..."
"I don't have an answer either... How about we don't worry about such little things and enjoy the night." Thatch offered. He guided Casper back to their tree and sat down by it like the night before. The ghost nestled against his side, Thatch's arm wrapped around Casper's shoulder. Tonight he let the cloak follow his arm, helping cover Casper from the cold winds since Casper seemed to be such a crybaby about it.
"Well you should, it's your turn to answer..."
"Oh, not this again." Thatch groaned. He rested his head back against the tree and rolled his eyes. "Come on I asked a decent question was all, why must it always be this game of yours?"
"Gives me an excuse to get you to talk. You rarely ever just talk." Casper joked. "You're always fighting or yelling."
"Hmp, well I have to." The vampire grumped.
"Have to? Explain- I want that answered instead of the other question."
"... Both your questions suck."
"The one you gave me sucked!"
"I thought it was reasonable."
Casper nudged Thatch's side, looking up into those violet eyes. "Answer!" He was feeling more comfortable around Thatch, seeming to know he could push farther tonight and get more out of the bully. Bit by bit trust was being built between them- the start of friendship perhaps?
"Fine." Thatch chuckled. "I'll make sure to give you a terrible question for this... Ok well... " Thatch drew out, thinking over the question idly as his eyes wandered the forest like they had the night before- as if an answer would just jump out at them. "Well, unlike you ghost boy most of us monsters live in the Underworld. Only the biggest and baddest matter and become legends. You gotta fight, push people around and yell. I'll be as well known as Dracula one day!" He proudly stated. "Thatch Manora, the best vampire in history!" He called out proudly, grinning widely which made his sharp teeth show even more than normal.
"Why does that matter?"
"Ah no! That's two questions in a row, against the rules." Thatch scolded. "It's my turn." He defended quickly. It was amusing to see how Thatch seemed to think this was some sort of competition with actual rules. Casper just saw it as a fun way to learn more about the other. To get something you got to give.
"Ok let's see... Um..." The vampire muttered. "... Ghosts can change their form to look like things, so why don't you?" He said after a few moments. "Yeah you don't know what you had looked like, but you change your body on a whim- I have seen it. You always get rid of your legs when you fly. Can't you just change in general and look... not like a marshmallow?"
That was a terribly long-winded, and drawn out question... But it was a question, so Casper felt obliged to answer- it was only fair.
"I've never tried," the ghost admitted. "And even then, what should I copy?" He asked carefully. Thatch contently listened, then motioned to himself.
"Well duh, if you're to copy anyone it's to be the best, right?"
"... You're a narcissist."
"... What's that?" Thatch dumbly asked.
"Never mind." Casper chuckled lightly. "Whatever, yeah. I'll try to copy you." He shifted and pulled out of the gentle embrace. He moved so he was on his knees before Thatch, studying the vampire carefully. Casper already had the human basic shape, but there was really nothing else- suppose he should start with some of the more basic things- hair and the like. Casper reached his hands up, and as if mocking Thatch from the nights before he felt his head, and blue strands of hair seemed to form from nothing, all ruffled up. He made his hair a bit long, a few strands falling in front of his eyes as he just tries to match Thatch's style, trying to brush it back like Thatch.
Once it was slicked back like the vampire he took a slimmer look to his general body. Maybe Thatch did have a reason to call him a marshmallow boy- he was rather chunky around the center he supposed. Well, not anymore! It was just a slight change, but Casper seemed rather pleased with it. He also did not alter his height. He felt no reason to make himself as tall, or taller than Thatch. He liked the height he was at, plus he could just always fly if he wanted to see more.
Next was copying the clothes- how was he supposed to do clothes..?
"Um..." Casper paused in his transformation- his face flushing to a redder shade. Thatch was watching him with such care it was a bit embarrassing. "I don't know what else to do. Can I feel your shirt?" He asked.
"... Um... s-sure..." Thatch weakly replied. He allowed the ghost to feel his shirt, pulling at the fabric as he studied it and the buttons. Once the ghost seemed to have a good idea for it he almost flawlessly copied it... except for those dang buttons. That just seemed to slip his mind.
"Casper, pants!" Thatch looked away quickly from the undead monster.
"... Huh?" Casper glanced down. His white shirt went down to around his hips, then simply stopped. What was the big deal? He normally walked around naked. Why was Thatch freaking out about it now? "Well, sure. Let me see yours."
"NO." Thatch pressed back against the tree, tucking his legs up in defense.
"I'm not saying take them off! I'm just saying let me feel them real quick, I got to copy something." He explained. "If I don't know what it's supposed to feel like it'll just turn out like my hair, and I rather not have hairy pants." He explained. Casper had just copied the texture he had learned from Wolfie's fur to do his hair. That was good enough, right? It was soft and fun to pet so why not.
Thatch still seemed displeased, but he stuck out one leg and allowed Casper to feel the pants, his brows furrowed. It was a much rougher material than the shirt, but doable.
Casper nearly mirrored the vampire, slicked-back hair, a white shirt and black pants. He was shoeless though, but that didn't bother the ghost in the slightest. "Well?" He gently pressed. Casper was feeling rather proud he was able to copy Thatch so well- or at least he thought he did so.
The vampire was watching him so closely like he was a science experiment or something more important. Without warning the vampire reached out and started to mess up Casper's hair, ruffling it all up and fluffing it.
Casper shut his eyes tightly and let out a soft whine, feeling Thatch run his fingers through his hair. It didn't last too long, and when Thatch drew his hands back Casper's hair had lost its shape and had fallen down, gently lining his face.
"You look better with your hair down- knew it." Thatch grinned. "Keep it like that, you look good. I guess I can't call you a marshmallow now... wow, the people at school are going to flip when they see you." Thatch actually sounded proud.
"T-the school...?" Casper wasn't sure if he should stay like this, but Thatch did seem to like it. If Thatch liked it surely the others would, so maybe he could give it a shot. "Well, sure." He agreed carefully.
As a gust of wind blew through the woods Casper could actually feel the breeze mess up his hair. His self-made clothes pulled in the wind- then he let out a startled yelp as his unbuttoned- not well made white shirt had opened, the flaps useless to cover him in such a wind. He quickly pulled the shirt tightly around himself, a look of confusion on his face.
Thatch moved and unlatched his cloak, placing it around Casper's shoulders to shield him more from the wind. "Maybe you're right, it's a bit much out here. Let's head back." He offered to the more human-looking ghost. Casper nodded and weakly smiled, accepting Thatch's help as he stood up. The cloak was still warm- though Casper could tell this wasn't the cloak Thatch's dad had given him. He couldn't explain how he knew, he just did.
Thatch kept Casper close as they walked back towards the school, as peaceful as they were last night.
"I"m sorry I jumped the gun... I just really thought you..."
"I would never, Thatch." The ghost calmly defended, pulling the dark cloak around himself tighter. "You can trust me... You don't have to worry." Casper didn't care how many times he would have to prove it- he was determined to make Thatch understand. Maybe if Thatch could actually trust someone he wouldn't be so mean to everyone.
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