Chapter 18: Dummy Girl and Slither
Chapter Summary: Thatch finds himself enraged with Dummy Girl, while Casper starts to bond and understand Slither more.
The second the rule-breaking pair stepped out into the night air Thatch hissed very loudly- like an angry cat before he started to move away from her. He was heading over to a bench, presumably to sit and just try to ignore the talking puppet.
"Come on, let's go talk in the forest. No one will find us there, huh Thatch?" Dummy Girl smirked cockily. Thatch stopped walking and looked back at her, his eyes narrowing as he watched the proud looking piece of wood.
"Excuse me?"
"Oh, nothing. I just thought you would prefer the forest. After all, that's where you and Casper go," she said airily.
"... You shouldn't know that."
"But I do, now don't I? Don't worry about how I know, I just got my ways. Now Thatch, please be reasonable and stop all this dumb... dating ideas. I mean, you're a vampire. Why are you dealing with a ghost, let alone a friendly ghost? You're losing your touch." She tried to reason with her old friend. She rather have Thatch back in their group, all theirs again.
She calmly walked towards the vampire, her wooden feet rather loud on the stone path. Thatch made a face, seeming annoyed at every sound she made- let alone her dreadful voice. He just wishes she would shut up.
"I'm fine the way I am, I'm happy." Thatch rolled his eyes. "Now this is just a waste of time. It's late and I'm tired. I rather sleep than see your termite filled face." He snapped and turned away.
"Watch yourself! I'll make sure you and Thrall-Boy suffer if you keep this up! You think you can just ignore me, I was your friend!" She yelled after him, hoping he wouldn't just walk away. It was hard enough getting him out of that dumb coffin.
"... Excuse me?" Thatch paused, glancing back at her.
"You heard me, I'll make sure you suffer."
"Oh, not that, your threats are as hollow as your head. What you said before that." He calmly directed.
"Um..." Dummy Girl paused, a look of confusion on her painted face. Much to the vampire's annoyance it actually took Dummy Girl a few good seconds to get the wooden gears in that hollow head working. "Thrall-Boy?"
"Oh yes, there it is..." Thatch almost hummed. He started to walk towards Dummy Girl, and in turn, she started to take equal steps back. "Thrall-Boy... that's an insult now, isn't it?" He almost hummed. "You know, the way I was raised thrall is just a word we call our most trusted servants... Course, you're implying it as an insult, and to Casper of all people."
"Thrall is an insult, and it's not my fault your parents were the freaks of the vampire world." She snapped harshly. "Your parents and Casper are making you weak. They're all useless to you- holding you back. I want to help you."
"By removing everyone in my way." Thatch sighed- clearly, this was something they discussed a lot.
"Exactly! Crush anyone in your paths, you take over the Underworld. Kibosh is done and you rule, and I, your faithful assistant will tend to everything." She sweetly spoke.
"I always thought you were so smart when you came up with that brilliant plan. You were useful to me in my goal to become the best vampire, that's why we are friends, right?" He smiled and offered his hand out. Dummy Girl foolishly took it.
"Well course, I'm just here to make sure you stay-"
"I truly hate you. I despise your existence now. Thrall-Boy, ha... You know how to strike a nerve. Maybe instead of causing laughter- which you can't even do- your power is pissing people off." His moved his hand and grabbed her by her wrist, starting to drag her towards the forest. "You want the forest? Fine- I'll take you there. I hope you'll never leave it."
"O-ow, Thatch that hurts! Let go... Thatch, let me go!"
"Oh no, no Dummy Girl. We're going to go for a stroll in this lovely forest." He hissed. "You know, just last week I found a tree rotten with termites, I'm sure you'll just love that!"
"No!" She started to drag her feet and pull against the vampire's grip. "Thatch you're insane!"
"Not insane, more like terribly pissed. You insulted Casper, my mother, and my father! Someone has to teach you a lesson. Your head has gotten too big, you need to learn your place."
"I'm your friend!"
"You lost that title the second you didn't support me and Casper. Casper is my boyfriend now, someone I can trust with all my secrets and you threatened him, insulted him. How dare you- how dare you! Even before this, I warned you- never, ever, mess with Casper." He hissed and yanked her close, glaring as he watched her fearful eyes. "The first week of school I warned you, that ghost was mine."
"I-I just thought..."
"Thought what? I was a mindless bully that decided he'll be my personal punching bag?" Thatch roughly shoved her back. He seemed done, willing to let the screaming bitch go so he could return back to his coffin where he knew Casper was awaiting him. He just wanted to hold his ghost and forget this night, forget Dummy Girl. Dummy Girl seemed to be in an utter rage, hating the fact that Thatch was just going to ignore her, leave her behind over some dumb ghost. She lunged at the vampire carelessly. Thatch quickly moved aside, letting her completely fly pass and fall onto the stone walkways. Her left ankle broke at the joint from hitting the stone wrong, her foot falling off. Thatch looked at her with mild interest but didn't move to help the attacker. He turned away from her to just leave her there. He had no reason to help her, not even the slightest bit of guilt as he watched her freak out about her snapped ankle.
"Thatch! Thatch help me out here!" She yelled. "Come on, don't leave me like this, Thatch we were friends! W-what if I promise to stay away from Casper?" She added desperately as the vampire ignored her pleas.
The vampire actually stopped, a curious look on his face as he pondered the offer. "You'll stay away from Casper...?"
"Yes, whatever you want. Come on Thatch, don't leave me like this!"
"... Let's make a deal." He decided as he walked over to the broken puppet. "You'll leave Casper and his friends alone. You'll also leave Slither alone. Got it?"
"Y-you can't take Slither from me."
"I didn't take him. He followed me, like a true friend." He said simply. "Accept my rules, and I'll help you." He offered simply, holding his hand out to Dummy Girl. "I know how to fix your leg. It'll be good as new."
"I despise you."
"... I hate losing."
"Next time pick the winning side."
"You're making a mistake..."
"The only mistake I made was not doing this sooner. You'll understand if you ever manage to find love." He sighed softly. "Now stop the insults. Do you want my help or not?"
"I'll leave you all alone, help me." She weakly begged. Thatch moved and lifted Dummy Girl up into his arms. He also picked up her broken foot before he started to carry the traitorous has-been friend back into the castle. Thatch had no reason to help her, but Casper was probably rubbing off on him. He'll trust her to keep her side of the deal, and in turn, he'll fulfill his side.
Casper better be happy about this... Ugh!
Thatch actually carried Dummy Girl all the way back to the boy's dorm, going over to the coffin. He had a feeling Casper was there, hiding in wait but he didn't say anything. He set the broken puppet beside the coffin- ha, as if he'll ever let her in it.
He let her rest on the floor as he reached into the coffin, lifting up the padding near the foot of the coffin, revealing many little compartments. One of them had a lock. He pulled a small bronze key from his pocket and used it to unlock the matching lock. He then started to shuffle through all the supplies. It was a bunch of bottles and tools, all labeled and well-tended. Thatch sighed heavily.
"You better be happy... I'm wasting some of my father's knowledge on your dumb ankle." He muttered as he picked up a small bottle. He then settled down beside Dummy Girl. "Hold your foot to the joint."
"How will that help?"
"Shut up and do it before I change my mind." He grumbled. The puppet looked offended but having no real right to argue she held her foot to the broken joint. Thatch then added a few drops onto the joint, just a few small drops ever so carefully placed before he sealed the bottle up tightly. "My dad was an utterly genius... you better never insult him again." He muttered and put the bottle back into the locked compartment.
Dummy Girl could only watch in amazement as the wood on the joint seemed to grow, though from the expression she made it clearly wasn't comfortable, and probably an unnerving sight so see branches sprout from her wooden leg, grabbing the foot from her hand and repairing itself good as new as if it just didn't magically heal itself. She wiggled her foot, testing it out carefully. It seemed strong and sturdy- better than her other ankle even. She turned to Thatch, who was already climbing into his coffin- fully ignoring Dummy Girl. Before she even spoke Thatch shut the lid and pulled the latch, sealing himself in.
He was so done. Thatch sat in silence, his pointed ear pressed to the wood as he listened- hearing Dummy Girl finally leave the boys dorm. He could only hope she kept up her side of the deal and left them all alone.
The vampire sighed and fell back onto the mattress, his arms placed over his eyes as he just tried to tune everything out. He could feel all the emotions coming to the surface. His throat tightened and his eyes stung with the effort to keep the tears in. He really didn't want to cry, the acid would ruin everything. He sniffled softly, and he surprisingly wasn't surprised when he felt a gentle pair of hands start to pet his hair, trying to soothe the upset vampire.
"Casper..." Thatch whispered softly. He slowly moved his arms and looked to the ghost, who was by his side once more with a gentle smile. "I... Are you ok?"
"I'm fine," Casper answered easily. "Are you? Do you need a hug?" He offered. Thatch just nodded and Casper took his rightful spot beside him, hugging the vampire tightly. "We don't have to talk about it... but I hope you're ok." He whispered. The two just held onto each other, letting their exhaustion take over as they fell asleep.
As Casper opened his eyes he stretched out- only to realize he was being held. For a moment he was confused in the dark coffin, but it came back to him and he faintly smiled as he snuggled close to the sleeping vampire. Thatch was still asleep, his father's cloak draped over himself and Casper. Casper had woken up first... What to do now?
Casper was unsure if he should wake Thatch up, go back to sleep or get up. Honestly, it was the first time he'd woken before the vampire. He knew Thatch was a light sleeper, so he was surprised the vampire didn't wake up when he stretched. Perhaps Thatch was exhausted after last night? He didn't know what happened between Thatch and Dummy Girl- all he knew was Dummy Girl got injured and Thatch fixed her...
Casper faintly smiled as he stared up at the vampire. Thatch's breathing was steady, and the rise and fall of his chest even as he peacefully slept. His gray skin was warm to the touch- Casper found it so strange. Jimmy always talked about vampires and the movies they were in. Most of the time Jimmy said vampires were cold to the touch, like a corpse. But then again, Thatch was alive.
Casper started to take in other features, like the vampire's messy hair when he slept, to his sharp pearly white fangs poking out of his mouth. Then the adorable pointed ears the vampire possessed, it was so strange to the once-human monster. Jimmy said magical elves also had pointed ears- which Casper couldn't help but stifle a giggle. Honestly, Thatch was so interesting to just study.
He actually wanted to pick up a book and start studying vampires, but Thatch mentioned their next lesson would be on all sorts of monsters- and they just finished up their big unit yesterday. He actually felt excited to go to class, to study his fellow students and generally learn more about monsters.
But that was then, and this was now. Casper smiled gently and rested a hand on the chest of the vampire, feeling his beating heart. It was nice to just be here beside the other, to relax and not worry about the horrors outside the coffin that would await them. He briefly wondered if he should go back to his own bed so they wouldn't be found out- and that was probably the right thing to do.... But he didn't want to leave Thatch. Sleeping beside someone was so comforting and he missed the safe feeling he got when he did.
But Casper didn't get much of a choice when he heard a gentle tap on the side of the coffin. Thatch shifted in his sleep, a look of displeasure crossing his once peaceful expression. Casper frowned, not wanting the vampire to wake up yet so he turned invisible and poked his head out. He saw Slither standing by the coffin, looking confused. The room was still dark, everyone still asleep. It was about 30 minutes before all the alarms would go off and wake the students for their lessons.
Casper fazed out of the coffin and allowed himself to be seen, weakly smiling at the snake creature. Slither recoiled a bit, moving away from the coffin. Casper just tried to keep smiling, hoping maybe he could get on better terms with the bully- or uh, has been bully.
"Shh Slither, don't wake up Thatch."
"I wanted... to uh," Slither glanced off, nervously wrapping his two long arms together, almost like how people would wring their hands together when nervous. Casper tried not to smile- when he slowed down and saw them for more than what he thought they were, he could actually see some new things, little quirks, and their insecurities.
"You wanted to... talk to Thatch?" The ghost carefully finished. Slither looked around the room, ensuring everyone was asleep before he nodded. "Why?"
"I... Last week Thatch snuck into Dr. Burns office to take a look at the new unit... T-today we start it and...."
"We're going to be discussing me, each lesson is centered around a student and their kind..."
"Oh," Casper started. He was curious about what Slither actually was, but he tried not to show his excitement when he saw the gray monster was clearly rattled by the thought of the class studying him. "It'll be ok." Casper tried to comfort the other, who just kept looking at the coffin. "Let Thatch rest," Casper directed. He moved over to Slither, resting a hand on the other's shoulder as he led him out of the dorms into the halls- to avoid waking up the others.
"I rather talk to Thatch," he said gloomily but followed where he was lead. Casper was just happy Slither was easier to direct- better than Ra. Ra was always so stubborn and refuses to follow Casper even if the ghost just wanted to protect or help him.
"I know you do, but Thatch had a bit of a... problem last night. Dummy Girl came and woke him up... they went out for a walk and I think they got into a fight."
"Is Thatch hurt?"
"No, he's fine but... Let's just let him sleep as much as he can. You can talk to him at breakfast... You can talk in front of me, Mantha and Ra. It'll be fine..."
"I dunno... I just wanted..."
"Thatch is a good friend... He's good at calming me down..."
"And you to him." Casper sweetly said. "What you did yesterday was great, protecting and calming Thatch when everyone was targeting us..." As Casper spoke Slither just looked down, falling silent. "Slither? You can talk to me."
"Can I? Just a while ago we were fighting, I threatened you."
"You were protecting Thatch-"
"I hated you."
"... Hated me?"
"You... You were getting too close to Thatch. What if he leaves me?"
"Oh, Slither..." Casper sighed softly and offered his hand to Slither, who did not take it. Casper watched worriedly. "Thatch won't leave you, he really sees you as a friend. He speaks fondly of you."
"...Does he?"
"Yes, Slither." The ghost tried to comfort the other. "He really does. You two are friends, don't you trust him?" When Slither nodded slowly Casper relaxed. "See? Then why worry? Just trust in Thatch- everything will be fine for now... Go rest up some more before the alarms go off, ok?" He instructed. Slither nodded once more and followed the ghost back into their dorms. Casper watched as Slither made his way back into the bed, ever so silent as he moved. It was a bit creepy that Slither made no sounds, but then again he didn't exactly have feet- so no footsteps.
Casper debated on what to do for a few moments before he headed back into the dorm and reentered Thatch's sealed coffin, smiling when he saw the vampire was still peacefully asleep. Perfect. Casper laid right back down and shut his eyes. He'll stay here, he didn't care. Let the others find his empty bed- it didn't matter. They were already bending so many rules, what was another one? Let people judge them, they already were.
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