Chapter 17: A Vampire's Coffin

Chapter Summary: A night with just the young couple sounds perfect, but never goes the way they want, especially when they get an unwanted visitor.

Casper sighed contently as he laid down on his bed after the whole day of nothing but awkward stares and glares. The whole day had gone nearly exactly as he thought it would. Utterly and terribly horrible. It left him exhausted, and he was glad at least at night he could have some peace. Maybe he and Thatch could sneak out tonight, he wanted to talk to Thatch alone. Ra, Mantha stuck to Casper all day, while Slither had been stuck to Thatch. Granted they were only trying to protect them, but Casper needed some space with just the vampire. He wanted to talk and make sure his Bat-Boy was doing ok.

Throughout the whole entire day, Casper and Thatch were teased and picked on by Dummy Girl and her group of students she managed to get on her side. Things like food, pencil, and paper balls were thrown at them. At times they were called names like "Sheet-Lover", as to be insulting Thatch to Casper- for near the start of the year Thatch had called Casper Sheet-Boy. Then to Casper people called him "Thrall-Boy", but never in front of Thatch it seemed. Perhaps they were too scared to say such an insult around the vampire- which Casper thought was rather cowardly.

Thatch was itching to pound them all into the dust for their constant bullying, as was Ra as well. Slither was actually managing to keep Ra and Thatch from fighting. Whenever Thatch got riled up Slither would just go over, share some candy or speak in soft whispers so Casper couldn't hear.

He was still a bit jealous of Slither, but at the same time grateful the snake-like monster knew how to calm Thatch down, for the ghost was still just learning.

When Ra got mad Slither would just silently watch and listen as Ra ranted about the other students, and that seemed to help the mummy greatly. Something about Slither's ever gloomy mood seemed to calm people. Well, Casper wasn't sure if he could call Slither gloomy. Yes, he had thought that, but maybe Slither was only shy and reserved- that's what it seemed like now.

But even if all this help was nice, Casper knew this peace wouldn't last long. He just didn't know who would snap first- Thatch or Ra. He felt some resentment to the students but understood that they didn't know any better, and he was hopeful that things would change soon. If Dummy Girl was to just back off he knew surely the others will try to be more understanding.

As Casper laid on his bed he could hear the other students settling down for bed. He noticed a few have changed their bunk- and after a moment he realized the divide in the room. Beds were exchanged, people moved. Some of the students on his and Thatch's side of the room, the rest on the other now. Casper could see the people rested near his and Thatch's spots were people who supported him. Wolfie, Slither, Flyboy, and Ra. Everyone else seemed to be against them and thus distancing themselves.

It was almost a comfort to have who he could trust be close. He even smiled when he saw Slither had taken the closest bed to Thatch and was currently nervously pacing around. He only got into his own bed once everyone else was in theirs- as if he was standing guard for the vampire.

Casper wondered what was going on in the girl's dorm if it was the same or not. He hoped not- Mantha would be so alone. The ghost turned away from the whole room and fazed out of his clothes, changing into Thatch's white shirt he had so willingly given. It was fine, he could get through this mess. He just had to remain calm and loyal. As Casper laid down on his bed, his blanket pulled over him he heard the other students whispering. No one really wanted to fight before bed, but going to sleep might be hard.

When the lights went out and the whispers stopped he tried to relax, but Casper could tell they were all still awake. The shifting in the beds, the heavy sighs of discomfort. Casper doubt any of them would be asleep soon- and if they were all awake he and Thatch couldn't sneak out... Wait no, Thatch couldn't- Casper could... In fact...

The ghost turned, looking over at Thatch's coffin in the darkroom. He debated for a few more moments, then fazed through his clothes and bed, leaving it all a neat, but a slightly ruffled mess on his bed. He allowed himself to turn invisible and floated over to Thatch's coffin.

He was nervous to be invading the vampire's space- but hasn't he done that before? He has been in Thatch's house, bed- went through his clothes and generally almost everything; but not the coffin. No, he was never invited into the coffin. He had just peered into it that one night- uninvited. But, how else could he and Thatch have their late-night talk? Casper knew the coffin was pretty soundproof, the sturdy wood and padding on the inside assured that...

Casper held his breath and allowed his head to faze through the coffin-like he had done what seems like forever ago. He saw the vampire was still awake, and looking annoyed. He was laying on his bed, his cape draped over him like a blanket once more as he glared up at the lid, silently waiting, listening. Casper carefully moved in more, unseen to the vampire's eyes. Casper got himself settled near the foot of Thatch's coffin, where there was enough room. He then turned visible, smiling brightly at the vampire.

"Hi Thatch!" He said ever so happily. He was honestly excited to see Thatch, to have some time alone to just talk.

Thatch tensed and sat up in surprise, his head hitting the lid of the coffin- oh that had to hurt. The vampire cursed and fell back, holding his now throbbing head. Casper covered his mouth, silently watching the pained vampire. Seems he was scaring Thatch a lot, even if he didn't mean to. Casper couldn't scare anyone on purpose to save his life, but apparently, he could be scary at the worse times.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Casper only spoke once the vampire had stopped his whining and was just laying back, eyes closed as he held the red spot on his forehead. Casper weakly smiled, waiting for an invitation or order to get out of the coffin, but neither came. "Thatch?" He carefully spoke. He was unsure of what to do, so he just rested an unsure hand on Thatch's leg to try to bring some sort of comfort.

"You... suck," Thatch grumbled lightly. "That hurt." He sighed, blinking several times to fight back the tears of pain that wanted to fall.

"Well, I said sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Casper giggled softly. Honestly, he couldn't help but find it funny. Thatch, the once great bully got scared by the friendly ghost. Maybe he felt a bit of pride in that, but whatever.

"You're in my coffin, and you just appear and speak ever so happily, and loud. Yes, you scared me." Thatch grumbled, slowly opening his violet eyes and looking down at Casper. "What the-... Why are you down there?"

"More room, I don't want to crowd you."

"... Come here marshmallow." He invited Casper calmly. He shifted, moving to one side of the coffin and Casper crawled up, laying beside the vampire who gently smiled and carefully moved the cloak to cover them both. Casper could tell right away this was THE cloak, his father's cloak. Not the fake ones he wore that had hidden weapons. Casper couldn't help but feel his heart flutter away. Thatch was sharing a piece of history, a piece of his family with him now.

There was no doubt in the ghost's mind this was real, this was happening and this was them. Thatch settled down easily, gently smiling at Casper. "This is much better. Don't scare me next time." He warned the ghost simply.

"Next time?"

"Well, course. I assume you'll be visiting me like this more, won't you?" He gently smiled and offered his arms to the ghost, who moved over and nuzzled right up to Thatch, missing his caring embrace. "Just knock on the outside of the coffin or something before you enter." Thatch seemed to have adjusted to their new nightly cuddles as well. His head rested on top of Casper's, his arms lovingly cradling the ghost. "Today was... rough." He admitted softly after a few silent moments.

"Very..." Casper sighed heavily. His eyes briefly flickered up to the top of the coffin, almost scared someone would just yank it open and see them- after all, Casper's bed was now empty. Thatch seemed to notice this fear as he moved one hand and at the head of the coffin, he pulled a metal latch almost hidden in the padding of the coffin, sealing the lid on from the inside. "Thatch?" Casper gently questioned. He had never noticed that before.

"You really think my coffin is open to all?" He scoffed and grinned. "Mom refused to let me sleep in a normal bed when I was taken here." He explained simply. Casper was meaning to ask why Thatch had a normal bed at home and a coffin at school. Did all vampires sleep in coffins, beds or both? And what reasons if both? "She had this coffin made so I could be safe and away from others... Normally I never use the latch but... I got a feeling I'll be using it more." Thatch whispered to the ghost.

"Your mother worries a lot." Casper duly noted, his eyes lingering on the locked latch.

"Oh, that's not the half of it. She added so much to this dumb thing... It floats in water, the paint is hard to scuff and makes it hard for fire to burn the wood, it's almost airtight. I got a little latch near the foot of it that makes an air hole. I keep it about halfway open at all times of course." He hummed softly. "Unlike you, I need to breathe." He teased the ghost, who giggled softly. "Let's see, what else did she do...? Oh yes, under the mattress there's some storage, clothes, papers... a few weapons."


"Maces, knives, an ax if things get crazy. She's a bit... She doesn't want any monsters giving me trouble. Sometimes I carry them around in one of my cloaks." He chuckled softly. "Let's see..." He shifted, looking around the coffin. He reached up, and in the top right corner he pulled back some of the padding, and there was a hidden area where he kept an actual journal and a pen. "There's this spot, and I think there's another near the foot on the opposite side, but I never use it."

"Whoa... All that?"

"Yeah, and-"

"There's more?" Casper smiled weakly and propped himself up on his elbows, smiling at the vampire. Honestly, it was confusing, but also adorable how much thought his mother put into Thatch's needs. He wondered if his uncles ever would care for him that much.

"Oh yeah. On the outside of you pull one of the handles and press one of the engraved parts a small drawer pops out. I don't ever use it when others are around, but I tend to keep some random stuff in there, from old notes to candy."

"So that's where you get those bloodworms." Casper laughed. "Those are horrible for you."

"They taste good." The monster defended playfully.

"Oh... I do have one more secret I suppose..." Thatch softly muttered after a few silent moments. Casper looked interested as Thatch got up and scooched to one end of the coffin. He made a shooing motion and Casper stayed at the other end. Thatch pushed one of the many buttons that held down the gray velvet padding, causing the button to pop up. Thatch then grabbed it and carefully looked at Casper. "No laughing."


"No telling."

"Of course."

"... Seriously, Casper, this could get me expelled."

"My lips are sealed. Thatch- don't you trust me yet?"

"... I do." The vampire smiled and pulled the extended button, revealing one of the secret compartments he had been talking about. It was the biggest one, Casper could tell. The entire central part of Thatch's coffin was just this one huge compartment. Thatch had to scootch all the way back at the foot of the coffin to pull the cover-up, and even then he couldn't open it fully due to the lid being closed on the coffin. But Casper could see into it- and saw dozens and dozens of... Colorful rubber ducks.

"...Ducks?" Casper questioned, raising a brow. Honestly, he would have never guessed. None of them were even black, or gray for that matter! All bright colors, from the classic yellow to pinks and blues, a lot of blues actually. All different shades, like Thatch couldn't pick a shade he preferred, or could never find the exact blue he wanted. Casper titled his head and reached down, taking one out of the compartment.

Thatch was watching the ghost, looking nervous as Casper examined one of the blue ducks, turning it over in his hands. At the slightest squeeze, it gave off a little sound. Casper frowned, squeezing a bit harder and this time heard it clearly. The duck made an actual quacking sound. "Thatch?" Casper carefully spoke, turning it over in his hands as he smiled. Honestly, he never thought Thatch would do such a thing.

"N-no laughing... I've been collecting them since they were first made. The more rare ones are back home..." He softly muttered, glancing off. "These are just a few from home and... the ones I've managed to sneak in every time we go out to town."

"You been sneaking ducks every time?" Casper raised a brow, and in all honestly was trying his best not to laugh. It was so cute. The ghost was about to put the blue duck down when he paused and raised it up to his hair. With his free hand, he pulled a few strands of his own hair down, comparing the colors. Casper knew he made his hair the same color as his eyes and was... more confused when the shade of the duck and his hair almost perfectly matched.

Thatch seemed to panic for he snatched the duck away and shoved it back into the compartment before he slammed the lid shut and pushed the button back down, sealing it. Casper decided it was best not to mention anything- for now. He was so going to tease Thatch later when the vampire stopped looking like a tomato.

Thatch whined and settled back down, pulling the ghost close once more and trying to settle down now that he was done with the grand tour of his coffin. Thatch was embarrassed, but staring into Casper's wondering eyes made his heart pound, and despite his embarrassment, he decided to give Casper a rare opportunity. "Tonight, ask any question and I'll answer. No game..." He softly muttered and kissed the ghost's cheek before he just laid there, contently watching the ghost in the dark enclosed space.


"Yes, even the really dumb ones." He assured the ghost easily.

"Where do vampires get their coffins?"

"There's a carpenter in the Underworld that fulfills orders. Mom got this one done by them- helped them make the blueprints and everything. She planned about 3 months in advance before she allowed them to enter our house, giving them a maximum of 3 hours in the main hall to discuss plans. Again, she hates almost everyone."

"Do you prefer a bed or coffin?"

"Hard to say. It depends on the bed. Being enclosed is nice and all- wish I had a blanket and a softer pillow." He chuckled softly. "So, if I had to pick this coffin or my bed- my bed wins."

"What do you do if you can't see yourself in the mirror?"

"I suffer like every other vampire." He laughed before he decided to give an actual answer. "Normally I ask Slither if I look ok and work off of that. It helps if you do the same style every day, then it's just muscle memory."

"Do you like the color black? It seems to be everywhere..."

"I do in fact, it's comforting. Reminds me of peaceful nights." He hummed softly. "Night is the time for vampires, allowing us to hide and attack if needed as well."

"Why does your mom look the same in the paintings and you're... growing?"

"... Ah..." Thatch weakly smiled. "Mom's a normal vampire- she will never age... I do... I will live and grow older than my mom, and die of old age while she never will..." He glanced off. He seemed oddly at peace with this thought. "At least I live longer than a dumb human."

"I also noticed... Thatch- you're not that strong."

"Excuse me?" He said defensively.

"Back at your house, you could barely lift the plank off the door..." Casper carefully worded. Thatch seemed a bit huffy but kept to his word about answering.

"As a living vampire, I am... admittedly a lot weaker. That might be why mom fears so much for me. There are good things and bad things about being me..." He sighed heavily. Thatch had no clue Casper had such a range of questions, he assumed Casper might have one or two, but he did say Casper could ask any questions, and he wasn't tired so he figured he could continue answering all these.

"Why do you want to be the best vampire?" It felt nice asking all these questions. Everything that had built up was now getting answered, and with every answer, Casper felt more relaxed with Thatch.

"Why...? So my family is never forgotten," the vampire carefully answered. "If my name is remembered, Thatch Vincent Manora, my parents will live on forever. Even when I die my mother will be remembered as having the best son, the son who can change the underworld and scared the humans and took revenge for his father-"


"...I want them to hurt."

"Thatch, you can't do that." Casper sat up, staring at the vampire, who refused to even look at the ghost now. "Kibosh made the balance clear to us, we can't tip the scales or start some sort of monster-human war... Plus anyone involved is surely dead by now, all the humans alive now are innocent... Thatch..."

"... It was just a thought, don't worry about it. Come here, stop fussing." He smiled gently and motioned for Casper to return to their cuddling. The ghost felt unsure, but who could say no to those eyes and that charming smile? Casper snuggled close again and sighed, enjoying the warmth.

"Why do you have so many blue ducks."

"I like the color."


"... Because."


"I dunno."

"Why did that duck-"

"Ok enough of that." Thatch groaned and covered his face with his hands. "I just... I don't know, I just kept picking up all sorts of blue ducks and trying to figure out... um..."

"Figure out?"

"I was trying to see which one matches... you?" He carefully worded, expecting to be laughed at and teased.

Casper decided to show some mercy to the poor vampire. He was just happy he confirmed his earlier suspicion.

As he laid next to the vampire, Casper suddenly thought of one more question. He really hadn't asked this one in a long time, but he felt now was the right moment. The last time he asked this he was sure he found a dear friend, and now he was sure he found someone he could love forever.



"... Can I keep you?" The ghost gently spoke, his arms wrapping around the vampire's shoulders; pressing their bodies closer as he almost clung to Thatch. The vampire paused, his brows furrowed at the question. What an odd thing to ask...

"As long as I can keep you, Casper." He answered carefully, in case this question was some sort of trick. "We'll be there for each other." Casper could feel his chest fill with pride and he giggled, though he tried to contain himself. Course Thatch wouldn't understand, but the meaning meant to much to the undead monster."You're such a strange ghost." Thatch laughed, causing Casper to lose his self-control. The two laid there in each other's arms, laughing in the dark coffin.

As their laughter died down they could feel the exhaustion of the day sinking in. Casper stretched out like a cat before he curled up, hiding his face in Thatch's shirt. The vampire seemed perfectly content with their positions, his eyes shutting as he too relaxed for the night. The day was rough, but surely tomorrow would be better- nope.

The two tensed when they felt the coffin shift, someone was trying to open the lid. Then, when the lid didn't open there was almost a gentle tapping. Thatch's eyes narrowed as he nudged Casper, who looked nervous and turned invisible. Thatch could still feel Casper right there, even if he couldn't see his boyfriend. Casper didn't want to move far, just in case the vampire needed him.

Thatch pulled the latch after he put his cloak back, almost like it was a shield to protect him from all the bad things in the world. Once the lock was released Thatch pushed up on the lid gently, just opening it so he can peer out. He was then met with a terribly displeasing sight.

"Dummy Girl..." He almost hissed. The vampire moved to shut the lid and ignore her, but she stuck her hand in and kept it from closing despite Thatch's efforts.

"Thatch, we need to talk." She whispered sternly.

"No, go away."

"I'll scream that Casper's missing from his bed." She almost cooed. Thatch's attempts to close the lid stopped, carefully thinking over the options before him. The last thing he wanted was more drama honestly. His eyes briefly flickered over to Casper's empty bed, then back to the intruder.

"Well, he's not here," the vampire easily lied- it was honestly second nature to him.

"So he must be sneaking around the castle, after hours which is against the rules. And honestly, everyone is against you two, I'm sure they'll all be eager to get him in trouble by telling the Headmasters."

"... What do you want?" Thatch sighed heavily and pushed the lid open so they could actually talk, Thatch no longer hiding in the shadows of his coffin.

"Let's go for a walk," she easily demanded. The dummy seemed completely confident in her position against her former leader.

"I rather not." Thatch begrudgingly muttered.

"We'll get caught here, and if someone wakes up..." She hummed, looking over to Casper's empty bed. Thatch's eyes narrowed, but he slowly climbed out of the warm coffin, making the wooden monster grin gleefully. Thatch did his best to ignore her sickening positive mood as he reached back into his coffin to open up the storage space under his pillow, pulling out his shoes. As Dummy Girl started to walk towards the doors Thatch cleaned against the coffin, slowly putting his shoes on as he tried to draw out the inevitable. He had a feeling they wouldn't be going for a nice stroll in the hall. When Dummy Girl opened the door Thatch had no choice but to finally follow, despite being fuming mad. He willingly followed Dummy Girl out without ever once looking back to the coffin where Casper nervously watched, still invisible. Surely this wouldn't end well.

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