Chapter 14: Caught in the Act

Chapter Summary: Being back at school is great, besides all the school work and being away from Thatch the whole day. The night was their time- until a fellow student follows them into the forest.

Finding Thatch after that outburst was impossible. The bell rang and they were all summoned back to their classes, where talking to each other wasn't really possible with the pop quiz Dr. Burns decided to give. Casper was unsure of how well he did that quiz because he was one of the last ones to finish. He couldn't focus because he kept hearing other students whisper to each other, but it wasn't them cheating on the test. He could hear whispers of Thatch's name and it was making him nervous.

He couldn't even turn around to look at Thatch because everyone would see. He would just have to wait until tonight... And so he did his best.

He focused and worked, plowing through the day and looking forward to the night. The second they were sent to their bedroom Casper rushed to his bed and jumped right under the covers. He curled up and fell silent, knowing Ra would read his body language and just go to bed as well. He shut his blue eyes tightly, waiting and listening as he did the nights before. This wait didn't feel so long- perhaps he was getting used to it or maybe everyone just fell asleep fast tonight, it didn't matter too much. Casper listened, and at the slightest sound of Thatch's coffin he rose out of bed and hurried over, his feet hovering just above the floor so he didn't make a sound. He helped Thatch out of his coffin, smiling brightly at the vampire. Finally, he got to see Thatch.

The vampire shyly smiled at the ghost as he shut the lid on his coffin before making a motion for the door. The two silently left, and once the dorm door shut Thatch pulled the ghost close, hugging the smaller male tightly. "I'm glad you stayed up," he whispered softly.

"Of course," Casper replied happily, nuzzling closer to the vampire. "Let's get to the forest quickly." Thatch nodded and the two held each other's hands, rushing through the halls faster than they normally did.

The second they stepped outside the castle they were laughing and full-on sprinting towards the forest, fingers still laced in the other's hand. Casper ran alongside Thatch, deciding to play fair and not just float along. It was only fair after all. Once the two students entered the woods they slowed down, softly laughing as they sat by their favored tree.

"We're so going to get caught one night." Thatch laughed happily.

"Maybe, but this is worth the risk," Casper chimed happily as he leaned against the vampire. Thatch chuckled and contently rested back, letting his eyes shut. Casper decided to start up their little game, to check in on the vampire.

"Are you ok? After the fight today I mean..." Casper gently asked, nudging Thatch's side. The vampire hummed lightly in thought.

"Well... Mostly ok, I guess. Just annoyed. That dumb werewolf bit my cape, nearly ripped it too! I'm glad it's really strong." He sighed. "That damn mutt only managed to get slobber onto it." Casper nodded and was about to ask another question when he remembered their little rules.

"Your turn." He spoke, earning a smile from the peaceful monster.

"Okay okay, I see..." He hummed softly as he realized what was going on. "Are YOU ok? Ra treating you well? Classes ok?" He gently asked, his arm wrapped around Casper's hips to keep the ghost boy close and safe.

"I'm fine, Thatch." Casper smiled and gazed up at the other, studying him. From his calm expression to his messed up hair. Thatch was perfection in a vampire's body. Casper was able to identify the scent of Thatch. The ever-lingering presence of firewood and strawberries clung to him no matter what the other seemed to do. Casper could remember the first few nights when he had pondered, wondering what it was. Now it was as simple as day and night.

"The quiz was a bit hard but it's all ok... I was just distracted. It doesn't feel right..."

"Feel right? Care to explain- and that's still apart of my original question. You didn't explain fully." Thatch defended himself.

"Okay okay... It just doesn't feel right not... talking to you. We're separated in the day."

"We promised the night to each other."

"Can't we promise more?"

"Is that your question?" Thatch chuckled. When Casper nodded he hummed softly. "We could," Thatch softly spoke, smiling. "I don't know what the outcome will be. I know my friends won't take it well... And yours?"

"Ra and Mantha know of us..." Casper admitted shyly. He could feel the vampire's eyes on him so he looked away quickly. "I wasn't sure what was going on at first so I asked them for advice and stuff... they don't know much, I swear-"

"Calm down Casper. I believe you." Thatch chuckled softly, kissing the ghost's cheek. "If you told them about us it's fine... just shows you trust them a lot." He assured the blue-eyed monster. "I just don't know how my friends will react."

"I hope they understand," Casper weakly smiled. It was nice, just sitting out here with Thatch with no worries. The ghost sighed softly when he felt Thatch move his cloak, wrapping it around him so they were both nice and warm. "Thanks," he giggled softly, pressing a kiss to the vampire's cheek.

"My turn," Thatch chuckled. "Let's see... Ok, when did you... start to like me?" Thatch questioned.

Wait, Thatch had the same question as Casper did? Was the vampire just as confused? Well, he did a dang good job of hiding it! Casper weakly smiled, looking deep into the dark forest as he thought. "I... I started to like you when I saw you were more than a big bully. When I saw you had a kind heart... And when did you start to like me?"

Thatch's cheeks flushed and he glanced off, though he kept Casper close to himself. "Our hug." He muttered. "I haven't hugged anyone in ages so... It was nice and I didn't realize how much I missed it."

Casper smiled, feeling content with the answer given. So it was around the same time for both of them... Casper shut his eyes and sighed with a smile on his lips. "Tomorrow we'll let everyone know... I'm not scared." Casper said, even if in truth he was scared. But he didn't want to hide his feelings for Thatch. He wanted to be able to hug the vampire whenever he pleased and enjoy his presence right by his side. The thought of being together in the day was nice, but in reality, Casper knew it wouldn't go smoothly- not in the slightest.

"Well, isn't this a sight..." A smooth voice came from the forest. The pair of monsters stiffened, and almost out of instinct Casper tucked further into Thatch's side, who wrapped his cloak tighter around them as if trying to shield Casper away from sight. "I really didn't expect this out of you, Thatch. Our fearless, cruel leader." Slither hissed as he came out from behind a tree, his head tilted to the side slightly as he watched the two. One of his long tentacle-like arms rested on the tree, keeping close as if he did not dare to get close to the lovebirds. "Sneaking off nearly every night is a bit of a giveaway- especially when Casper starts to disappear from his bed as well. You're lucky not everyone is a light sleeper like me."

"I'll do as I want." Thatch hissed defensively, trying to take charge and be the leader, despite having Casper clinging to his side. "I break rules as I want when I want and for whatever I want, Slither. Following me is rather rude, don't you think?"

"I grew curious," Slither answered coldly. "I never took you for a softy."

"I'm not."

"You have Casper of all people clinging to you."

"So what? I thought I made this clear. As the leader, I can do as I want."

"I doubt you'll be the leader of the gang for long. They don't need a weakling bossing them around. It's clear Casper has you on a leash. One word from him and you stop picking on Wolfie." He spoke carefully, though the way he carried himself made Casper feel like the monster was about to strike at any moment.

"Maybe I just don't feel like it. Picking on that mutt can get boring and repetitive," Thatch replied curtly. He made to get up and Casper followed suit, keeping close to the vampire. Casper didn't feel scared of Slither per se, just more concerned for Thatch and the struggle to keep control over Slither. The vampire's chest was puffed out, trying to make himself appear bigger than he really was but Slither did not seem scared in the slightest.

"You also freaked out today, screaming bloody murder when your cloak was yanked off and you scratched Wolfie. I heard you even rushed him to the nurse... Are you getting weak, Thatch? Soft in the heart perhaps?" He drew out slowly as he crept closer, his long dark purple shaded robes dragging behind him as always. Casper could now see why Slither could be seen as scary. It was hard to see it in the day, but at night the pale monster made him nervous. He didn't understand how Thatch was being so brave. "People are talking."

The vampire frowned and stood his ground, his violet eyes watching Slither carefully. "It matters not. As long as I can lead the group-"

"But you can't. Not with a delicate heart. Dummy Girl has even noticed your lack of... leadership as of late. Leaving for the whole weekend, letting Wolfie off easy, helping him even, and now look at you... Cuddling and kissing Casper of all people? Trust me I got no problem male or female wise, but Casper?" He proceeded on as if Casper wasn't there to hear all of this.

"Who I want doesn't concern you, Slither. Now watch yourself or you just might find yourself in trouble." Thatch hissed. "Unlike you, Dummy Girl and Mosshead pledged their loyalty to me."

"Are they though?"

"...Course they are." Thatch mumbled softly. "They're my friends."

"Friends? I don't know if friends are the correct word to describe them. They pledged their loyalty, but that means nothing- especially not between us, Thatch." He sighed heavily. Casper's blue eyes narrowed, listening attentively. The way Slither spoke was weird, distancing him from the other members of Thatch's little gang. Casper knew Slither was a loner- but he also assumed everyone in Thatch's gang got along.

"Go away Slither, or I'll bite you! I mean it. You're not welcomed here." Thatch hissed, taking a menacing step forward to prove his point. Casper refused to move forward, instead of letting the vampire leave his side.

"If you so wish... We'll see how welcomed you are back in their little group tomorrow." He spoke carefully, turning to leave. "But Thatch you know we're true friends. It's best to not act so cold to a friend..." He carefully spoke, his gaze drifting off for a moment in thought before he left, disappearing into the dark forest. Thatch silently watched him go, and it made Casper unnerved so he nudged the vampire, demanding his attention.

"Thatch, ignore what he said. I'm sure everything will be fine." Casper said sweetly. He didn't want the vampire backing down- they were together and they had no reason to hide it.

"He raises a good point but... Yeah, no use worrying about it." Thatch muttered softly and smiled down at the ghost. "Should we head back?"

"Already?" Casper whined softly.

"Well, what does it matter? Tomorrow we'll be showing the school, won't we? No need to hide in the night," Thatch smiled gently and pressed a kiss to the ghost's forehead. "Besides we're in a terrible habit of staying up."

"I don't get why you never get tired." Casper pouted as the duo started to walk back towards the castle.

"Vampires can sleep for hundreds of years if they so please. Trust me, I'm not tired."

"Have you ever slept for that long?"

"Course not... My mother can though. I know sometimes she'll sleep for months at a time, only waking up to call me." He spoke thoughtfully. "She never ages after all. As for myself I do age and grow, so I rather not spend my life asleep. Plus... Since I am growing I get hungry a lot more than normal vampires." He explained easily. "Do you really know nothing about vampires?"

"Only what fleshie movies say, and even then it's iffy. One movie said vampires sparkle like they're covered in glitter," Casper described easily.

"The thought of that makes me want to puke... Let's never mention that again... I heard next semester instead of learning about fleshies we'll actually be learning about different types of monsters and their powers and weaknesses- to better understand how they scare fleshies or something..." Thatch chuckled. "I bet the unit on ghosts will be interesting."

"I think I rather learn about vampires." Casper cooed playfully. The two smiled, sharing one last kiss before they went inside the castle for the night.

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