Chapter 12: Worried mummy
Chapter Summary: Returning back to the school had a few unpleasant surprises, like an upset mummy who doesn't trust Thatch in the slightest.
The morning felt so unreal. Thatch's mother came in, gently shaking the two awake before the sun had a chance to rise- not even a ray of light in the night sky. Casper was incredibly tired, whining as he nuzzled into the bed, wearing the same PJs from the night before- Thatch's old clothes. The ghost was finally getting used to wearing actual clothes again and he was starting to enjoy it.
While the ghost was a lump under the sheets, Thatch seemed to rise easier out of bed, leaving Casper in the warmth of the sheets as he went and dressed in his normal clothes- a white shirt, black pants with a chain- like always. His father's cloak around himself and he seemed content, a gentle smile on his lips. Casper enjoyed this side Thatch, but he could only remember the night before. Thatch dressed in his terribly outdated clothes- and Casper just had to match. How they danced in that golden ballroom as if nothing else mattered.
But now it seemed like that night did not matter as Thatch redressed for school. Scare School- they were going back to where they were just Casper, the friendly ghost, and Thatch, the vampire bully... Casper didn't want to go. He childishly pulled the blanket over his head, trying to block out the world around him. He didn't want to leave this place- not yet. In these castle walls, they could just be themselves. He had learned so much about Thatch it made his head spin and he loved it. There was so much they still need to do- so much this castle held for them.
But time always moved forward, and he was reminded of that with every sound Thatch made. The footsteps on the floor, the movement of the bag of clothes they got for Casper, the sound of Thatch cleaning up his room so they could leave...
"Casper, come on," Thatch laughed softly and walked back to the bed. He crawled onto the bed and pulled on the blanket, trying to pull it off of the stubborn ghost. "Casper?" He spoke softly when he got no response. At this Casper only whined, making Thatch roll his eyes. "I swear you're not a morning person are you?"
"It's not even morning- it's still night," the ghost defended.
"Well yes perhaps, but the sun will be rising soon and we got to fly or we'll miss Cappy. You're also going to be in so much trouble- you snuck out of school." He reminded. Casper whined and pulled the blanket tighter around himself, turning his back to the vampire. "Oh come on Casper," He sighed. "It's ok, I'll cover for you." He encouraged gently. When the ghost still didn't move Thatch huffed.
The vampire plopped down on the bed beside Casper and instead pulled the big lump under the blanket closer to himself. "You big stubborn ghost," He chuckled lightly. "Come on, won't you at least look at me?"
"You're tricking me."
"I'm not, just let me see you." He drew out playfully. Casper doubted Thatch was telling the truth, but he slowly removed the blanket around his head, instead tightly gripping the top and keeping it just under his chin. Thatch grinned, seeming rather content with the adorable sight, for the vampire simply laid his head down on the soft pillow and laid beside the ghost peacefully. "See? Much better." He encouraged. One hand found its way up and started to ruffle Casper's soft fur-like hair.
The blue-eyed ghost could see Thatch had questions about the texture of his hair, but it was soft and fun to play with so it really didn't matter.
"We got a few minutes before we utterly must leave... You got to change. Put on one of your new outfits. The other students will be impressed I'm sure," he grinned toothily.
How could anyone say no?
Casper sighed and willingly climbed out of bed, going over to the bag resting on Thatch's desk. The ghost simply fazed out of his clothes- letting the PJs drop to the floor in a heap as he picked up the bag instead, reaching in and searching around. The vampire kept his gaze away, making the bed so everything would be ready for them to go. The vampire didn't turn back around until Casper was fully dressed. It was strange considering Casper always walked around naked anyways.
Casper was wearing one of the vampire's favored picks from the tailor shop. Some nice clean jeans with some socks and comfortable shoes, then a nice black T-shirt with a silver bat on the chest, along with a comfortable blue jean jacket. Casper could figure out why Thatch liked the shirt- there was a bat on it of course. The rest Casper didn't exactly get, but then again he wasn't into fashion.
The ghost tossed the PJs into the bag and went over to Thatch who gave an approving nod. "Ok good, let's head out." The bully commanded easily- far too used to leading a group.
Casper could tell by the way he carried himself but it didn't bother him too much.
He followed Thatch out, carrying his bag of new clothes. Thatch's mother was waiting by the front doors, gently smiling as the two of them made their way down the hall. "Be safe out there, Thatch. Make sure Casper doesn't get lost out there, and for goodness sake don't fly up too high. I don't need you getting hurt, and remember to drink your blood-" She started to ramble on as she kneeled down, straightening Thatch's cloak. Thatch could only smile and nod, listening to his mother's worries.
"Yes, mom... Of course mom... I won't forget- yes I know... no, I won't... Yes, Yes I will... I understand... okay, mom.... Okay... okay... okay... Yes, mom... Mom we're going to be late- yes I know... Yes, yes... Ok... Thanks... yes, thank you... I'll be in touch, yes, of course, I'll call you... Yes... yeah... I'll call you- didn't I say so?... Okay. Okay, thanks... Bye."
Thatch finally was able to pull away from his mother's fussing and go to the door, opening it. The faint hints of sunlight were entering the sky, making his mother move back from the door. Thatch paused, looking back to his mother. "I promise to call weekly. I've never forgotten. Just wait for my call, ok mom?" He gently smiled. Clementine nodded and sighed softly.
"Of course my little bat... be safe- and stay out of trouble. I don't need another letter saying they had to drag you off to detention by your cloak again."
"I hate that..." Thatch muttered, lightly rubbing his throat as he remembered the numerous times it has happened. "Bye mom, love you!" He flashed a smile before he walked out the door and down the steps. Casper gave a small wave, still far too nervous to talk to her. As the duo left the door shut behind them, and they could hear the sound of a plank being put in place to barricade the front door once more.
"I guess we better get going," Casper softly muttered as he looked up at the sky. Thatch nodded and grinned.
"I know the way, just keep close and don't get lost." He said confidently as he turned into a bat, swiftly flying over the wall. The ghost sighed softly and jumped off the ground, quickly following the vampire as he carried his bag.
Traveling back to the meetup spot was long but not too hard. Since Thatch knew he was being followed he kept slowing down and sometimes circling the ghost to assure the other could never get lost. When they reached Deedstown Thatch flew right down to the sidewalk and changed back, stumbling a bit on the landing but otherwise seemed just fine- a bit out of breath but just fine.
"Whew... That flight always gets to me." He muttered and stretched, cracking his back with a relieved sigh. "My arms are so tired now... Ugh..."
Casper landed beside the other, smiling as he saw the sunrise, the pretty orange and yellow streaks chasing the night blues away. "Well, we did fly for how long? I know we at least passed 5 towns." The ghost noted calmly.
"Yeah, come on." Thatch smiled and started to walk, and much to Casper's disappointment he saw Thatch was no offering his embrace, or even his hand. Or perhaps he was just overthinking such things. Thatch did say he was tired from the flight. So Casper tried not to let it show that it was bothering him as the two walked in the town. Children were just starting to awake for school and adults were getting ready to head off to work. "If Cappy's late I'll be upset." Thatch grumbled.
Casper just nodded in understanding. Thatch probably wanted to get back to school and see his friends. Casper wanted to see his own friends too, but he didn't want to lose this sweet side of Thatch.
When they reached the park, their common meeting ground, Cappy was just landing and lowering the ramp. Thatch motioned for Casper to go first so Casper did. He would be able to make sure Cappy was in a good mood. Casper floated up the ramp and smiled at Cappy kindly.
"Cappy, hello." He kindly greeted the captain. Thatch went by then and went to sit on the bench, clearly not wanting to greet the captain. Casper could only assume Thatch was tired or just didn't want to be reminded that he was heading back to the school. That vampire was rather confusing- just earlier he seemed so eager to get back; this was going to be a long day.
The ride back home was terribly silent. Thatch did not speak a word, and Casper couldn't bring himself to break it. They just sat side by side the whole flight, listening to Cappy ramble on about how annoying it was to wake up so early and how the weekend at the school was far too boring with none of the students wanting to talk to him- go figure.
When the ship did dock the two were more than happy to depart- only as they walked down the ramp they saw a certain bundle of bandages curled up by one of the barrels near the edge of the dock.
Ra was fast asleep, his hands tucked under his head to serve as a pillow as he napped on the hardwood. Thatch gave an uneasy look to Casper, who in turn floated over to the mummy and kneeled down by his side, gently nudging the sleeping mummy awake.
"Ra... Ra what are you doing here, you'll get sick." Casper whispered as he helped the stiff mummy sit up. Once Ra's eyes landed on Casper the ghost was knocked flat on his back, the mummy laying on top of him- giving Casper the biggest possible bear hug the ghost had ever received.
"I was so worried! You ran off so quickly- I didn't know what to do. I just knew you had to leave on the ship, so I've been waiting here for you. Cappy kept saying to wait until Monday, but I didn't want to miss your arrival if you just flew back or something," Ra explained in a rush, keeping a firm hold upon the ghost, just melting into the hug. "I was so worried! Mantha has been losing her mind too- oh and the Headmasters are utterly fuming! Casper, what in the Underworld were you thinking?"
"I... I decided to follow Thatch." Casper sighed softly and slowly helped the mummy up to his feet. "That's all. We were at his place for the weekend. Ra I'm fine, everything is ok... We'll handle it... or um, Thatch said he will."
"You're so impossible," Ra mumbled weakly as he released the ghost from his embrace... then he could actually get a good look at Casper. "...What is this mess?" He generally asked, motioning to all of Casper's outfit.
"Mess? I rather like it." Casper smiled fondly, taking a step back and proudly showing off his new outfit. "Rather cozy. Thatch helped me get some new clothes."
"Helped you, or forced you? Ugh, why does your shirt have a bat?" The mummy made a face, and it was around this point Thatch walked on over.
"Is there a problem?" He questioned. His voice was level but his eyes narrowed as he watched Ra, sizing the mummy up. "If Casper likes his clothes then what's the big deal? What are you, his mommy you little mummy?" He hissed.
"Thatch... Let's calm down now." Casper gently spoke. "No need to be hostile, right? Ra was just worried all weekend." He explained simply, placing himself between the mummy and vampire to try to keep things calm.
Ra frowned, his arms crossed over his chest. Ra was holding back his tongue simply because he knew Casper had a crush on the vampire- and nothing more last time he checked. "I'm not the one being hostile." He defended.
"Neither am I. I'm just ensuring Casper is alright."
"Casper is always alright around me. It's you we got to worry about."
"Oh? What does that mean bandage boy?"
"Oh, I think you know what it means bat breath."
"Guys!" Casper pulled the argument to an end. He looked between the two desperately. "Listen everything is ok, no more fighting. Ra, thank you for waiting for me here. I'm sorry I took off with no word, but I promise everything is ok. Thatch treated me well and assured everything was fine."
"Well, everything is not fine," Ra mumbled and glanced off as the Headmasters came onto the deck, their eyes on the trio.
Caught and in big trouble- great.
"Casper, to our office right now!" Dash, the smarter of the two ordered. But Thatch swiftly moved in the way, looking up at the two.
"I wanted to thank you two for allowing me to go home over the weekend to see my poor mother." He calmly spoke. "She was so happy you two kindly agreed... and thank you for allowing Casper to come."
"Casper? We never agreed-"
"Oh, but I thought you did. I mean, after all, I did get that potion-"
"Yes yes child." Dash was swift to cut Thatch off, his eyes quickly darting between Casper, Ra, and Cappy. "Of course..." He drew out, placing his hand on Thatch's shoulder. "In these hard times, we monsters rely on others, right?" Thatch smiled and nodded.
Alder seemed terribly slow on the update, as always. "But wait, Casper wasn't allowed to go. I thought we agreed to let Thatch go if- ow!" He whined as his brother smacked him upside the head, a common sight.
"At this school, we're always willing to help our students," Dash said loudly as if he needed to prove his innocence. "I hope you and Casper had a nice stay this weekend... Now then, breakfast is about to start. Hurry along." The smart monster ordered.
Thatch, looking pleased with himself grabbed Casper's bag and smirked. "Come on." He said cockily as he started to head back to the school. Casper flashed Ra a smile and hurriedly followed. Ra could only roll his eyes and sigh. At least Casper wasn't in trouble... Ok, so maybe Thatch wasn't a horrid bat faced freak, so the mummy reluctantly followed.
As Thatch walked into the cafeteria he handed Casper his bag back, a look of uncertainty in his eyes. The two lingered together for a few moments before Thatch's name rang out in the large room. Dummy Girl was sitting up in her seat, waving over at Thatch to get his attention. Beside her was Slither and Mosshead, his gang.
Thatch pulled himself away from Casper's side, returning back to his normal table with his gang. He grinned and greeted them as always as he took his normal seat.
Casper sadly watched but was stirred away from the sight as Ra pulled the ghost boy over to their own table where Mantha loyally awaited. Seems everything was returning back to the old ways; Casper had barely even got any of his new questions answered.
Did the dance mean anything, and the kiss? Did those soft whispers mean nothing in the day or at school? Was it all a mistake to think anything would change...
Despite the terribly long flight and general exhaustion, Casper had lost his appetite and knew he would learn nothing today in his lessons.
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