Chapter 11: Empty Ballroom
Chapter Summary: After returning to the castle the two students enjoy their last day in Thatch's house, baking then exploring. Late at night, much to Casper's surprise Clementine finally approved of him and the ghost gets to see her softer side.
The day was better than Casper could have ever hope. Their shortbread was amazing- sort of. It turned out Thatch couldn't bake to save his life so Casper took over to assure things were done properly. Thatch was only good at reading out the steps and fetching the objects Casper needed. The talented ghost ended up making his personal tray of shortbread have 2 layers with a nice, thick center of strawberry flavored cream. He carved the shortbread to make a long, wiggling shape then carved one of the larger strawberries to look like a snakehead, then used one of the green leaves and carved it carefully to make a forked tongue. He was proud of his little strawberry shortcake snake.
But Thatch's shortbread... Well, it wasn't burned- Casper assured that. But it wasn't pretty. At least it tasted ok! Thatch had spent most of his time trying to make cute little cream swirls on top, then centering the strawberries onto the cream swirls. It was hard and messy, but Casper thought it was adorable how hard Thatch was trying- even if he kept getting the cream on himself, and somehow ended up with some on his nose. Honestly, that was just confusing.
After they enjoyed their sweet treat for dessert (with no dinner) Thatch was content to just walk with Casper around the dusty castle after the sun had set, slowly familiarizing himself with his old home once more. They hadn't seen much of his mother that afternoon, but Thatch had explained she was most likely in her bedroom or in father's tower for the day. She was probably keeping away because of Casper, because of how shy she is around people he kept explaining. Casper tried to understand but it still made him feel bad.
"So, when did you learn to cook? You're pretty good." The vampire questioned after a bit of walking.
"Oh, well I cooked for my uncles." He started to explain. "They like eating, and honestly they're rather lazy so I had to learn how to cook. They're rather bossy and mean at times." Casper mumbled. They had been getting better as of late, but he still remembered when they were really mean to him, pushing and hitting him. Honestly, he was glad they were all on better terms now. Thatch nodded in understanding.
"I heard of them; the ghostly trio. They break a lot of the rules for ghosts, huh?"
"One can say so," Casper shyly smiled. His uncles certainly didn't care for rules, human laws or the Underworld's. Kibosh often had to get involved to get the trio back in line. It was always a terrifying event to witness. Compared to his uncles Casper knew they had almost nothing in common besides the fact that they were ghosts that didn't exactly hold a human form.
Casper's blue eyes drifted around the dark empty halls they explored. They were back in the main hall, and he couldn't help but notice just how different this part of the castle was from the rest. Yes, it was all grand, but from the large oak doors and lengthy hallway, it looks so big and breathtaking. The high ceiling with dusty chandeliers hinted at once an enchanting time in the castle when grand events were held.
Casper's eyes linger on the front door, then he turned to look the opposite way, down the long but beautiful hall. What was at the end? What did this grand hall go to? Casper never got to see because they kept turning off into the wide halls that lead to the rest of the castle. "Thatch? Where does this go?" He questioned lightly. Casper couldn't see the end, it was too dark to see far ahead.
The vampire paused and followed Casper's gaze, a faint smile on his lips. "Let me show you." He decided with no hesitation. He took the ghost by his hand and started to lead him along. The pair seemed so small in the grand hallway, and much to Casper's confusion at the end of the wall was another set of large doors, but these ones were more polished with elegant designs etched into the wood with golden doorknobs. They stepped up the few dozen steps into this raised part of the castle and Casper could just tell he was going to see something grand behind those large doors. Why else would Thatch look so excited?
Thatch reached up and turned the golden knob, careful to push the door which opened ever so soundlessly as if they were gliding on air and not hanging on old aged hinges. "This room hasn't been opened in years, not after the repairs from the fire, course the fire barely got to this part of the castle. It was left mostly untouched," the violet-eyed vampire fondly spoke as he stepped into the room with the ghost.
When Thatch stepped aside Casper could see the large, breathtaking room. A huge domed ceiling, painted with fine art from the renaissance era, traced with golden accents. Each painting showing a ball of beautiful dresses, fine suits and many valuable things to be worn such as ruby necklaces and golden cufflinks. Golden pillars circling around the large white dance floor, it seemed so big to the ghost, the dance floor simply dwarfed the entrance of his old mansion home- and he remembered fondly they were able to hold a pretty large party back in his childhood home! This place was just breathtakingly humongous.
In the circular ballroom, there was wooden floor surrounding the white tile, indicating the seating area where people would go to rest their feet. There was even a stage where the orchestra would play. In fact, the instruments were still laying there- brand new by the looks but just dumped there- never to be used. Basses, cellos, violas, and violins. A harp even rested on stage beside a grand piano near the back, covered by an old tarp to keep the dust off the delicate instruments.
On the far wall from the door was floor to ceiling windows, looking out into the garden and Thatch's favored pond. There was even a balcony that they could step out into if they so wished. The room was clean- just sealed off and abandoned for all these years.
"Thatch...?" Casper gently murmured, unsure of where to look and what to say. He never saw something like this, it was truly out of a book. He suddenly wished Ra and Mantha were here so he could show them these wonderful sights as well. He knew the pair would never understand it until they saw it.
"This was one of my favorite rooms... I remember just sitting in the center reading a book or drawing- avoiding bed. The Head Butler always found me here and carried me to my room." He laughed softly and shook his head as he looked around the room fondly. "I was such a troublesome child, but I never got in trouble. He would always just laugh and carry me out despite my protests..." Casper gently smiled and nodded, squeezing the vampire's hand. This room was just beautiful, and he could just see a smaller version of Thatch just resting in the center of the room, goofing off while avoiding bedtime. There was so much history in this one room.
Thatch gently smiled as he looked around, a relieved sigh escaping him. "I expected this room to be a lot worse than it is... But it's almost the same as it once was-" Thatch fell silent as the music started to play. The two turned towards the instruments, who were now upright and playing themselves. The tarp had ripped itself off the piano and the keys started to press down, playing music for them. Casper gripped onto Thatch tightly- then the pair noticed Thatch's mother by the door, sweetly smiling.
"Don't stay up too late." She warned before she shut the large wooden door, leaving them in the room alone with not another word. The chandelier above came to life, the crystals reflecting the light across the dancefloor. The torches were all lighting themselves as the large windows busted open, letting a large refreshing breeze enter the room and bring everything to life as a golden glow took over.
Music flowed in the ballroom and pooled out into the garden where the fireflies got startled and came to life, their blinking lights rising from the grass as they flew around the enchanting garden below. The pond gave off a faint blue glow that they could see from the ballroom balcony.
Thatch was staring at the wooden door, a look of confusion on his face before a smile came to him and he laughed. Oh, his mother was surely going to drive him insane. The vampire pulled himself from Casper's side and kneeled down before the ghost, bowing his head.
"Casper, would you like to dance with me?" He playfully joked, or maybe it wasn't a joke as he held his hand out to the blue-eyed monster. Casper was taken aback. He hadn't danced in forever! The last time was with a human girl, Kat, back at his human home. That was so long ago now. But at the same time, he just couldn't decline the vampire, not when his heart was fluttering so.
"Yes," was all he could say as he placed his hand in Thatch's. The vampire rose and smiled as he leads Casper to the center of the ballroom, his grip gentle and leading. Casper felt embarrassed by the display, but they had held hands before so he didn't understand why he was feeling so flustered now.
Thatch pulled Casper into a dance- as if it was second nature. Casper could tell the vampire was well trained in such things. He moved in time with the music and it all seemed natural. Suppose living for a long time in a fancy castle had some perks- such as knowing how to ballroom dance. Casper had two left feet and was just worried about stepping on Thatch's toes. He was tempted to save himself the trouble by making his feet faze through everything and just float- pretending to be in step but he was wearing shoes so he couldn't fake this. He actually had to dance.
Casper held his breath, he didn't know why but he did as he followed Thatch's lead, wincing as if he was the one in pain when he stepped on Thatch's toes. But the vampire seemed oddly calm, just smiling and helping Casper find the rhythm and learn the steps.
"Just count in your head with the music, and don't look at your feet. Come on now... One two three, one two three," he guided. "Have you ever danced before?"
"Once," Casper weakly said as he tightly gripped onto the vampire. "It was years ago now... I was back home- my real home. An old mansion my family grew up in... Some girl and her dad moved in for a while and I danced with her..." Casper recalled fondly. "Course we didn't really dance, I kinda just floated."
"You cheated then." The vampire teased the ghost, and Casper caught just the slightest hint of jealousy in the vampire's tone. Casper laughed and nodded. Thatch was being so strange, but there was no reason to complain. Yeah, he really did cheat. "It's ok. I'll teach you." Thatch decided on his own. "This dance is called the waltz. I'll keep this the simplified version for tonight. No need to get fancy when it's just us."
The vampire pulled the ghost closer to himself, one hand resting on Casper's lower back, the other hand holding Casper's, helping lead the dance. The ghost boy started to become more comfortable with the dance and removed his hand from Thatch's, instead, he moved it to wrap around Thatch's shoulders as he leaned close, letting his head rest upon the vampire's chest. Thatch smiled and slowed down their dance- seemingly content to just hold Casper to himself to enjoy this sweet night together.
Everything seemed so perfect with the two peacefully dancing in the center of the ballroom. No one watching or judging the odd pair. Casper felt truly relaxed with Thatch. The past was the past and it could be forgotten. Maybe he and Thatch can move on and start something new... something between them?
"One day, when I open the castle doors and let life flow through these halls I will hold grand balls once more. When those days come, Casper, will you be here to dance with me? I don't think I would want anyone else." The vampire softly whispered to the ghost. "I could teach you everything you need to know, you just need to say yes."
Casper felt unsure- there was a lot changing in little time. But he felt like this was the real Thatch, not the bully from school. There was a lot he wanted to ask and say, but for now, Thatch only needed one answer. Casper was more than willing to give it for it was what he also wanted.
"Of course, Thatch."
The violet-eyed vampire smiled and as the music came to it's grand finally- leaving the two a bit out of breath but excited nonetheless. Thatch gently shifted, encouraging the ghost to raise his head. As Casper did Thatch leaned down, carefully placing his lips on the ghost's. He didn't want to scare Casper away- but he also needed to do this.
It's unsure how long the kiss lasted, no one was keeping track. All that was sure was Casper gripped onto the vampire tighter, pressing into the kiss in return. All his fears were melting away; they seemed so childish now. He had questioned where he was with Thatch, as friends or more- but now it seemed the vampire cared for him just as Casper had. The ghost felt dumb for not realizing it sooner. Why else would Thatch be dressing him up and acting so fond of him?
It felt amazing. Strange and confusing, but ever so nice. Casper held the kiss until Thatch decided to part their lips, just as he decided to greet them. The ghost gazed up at the other, his blue eyes wide and curious, pondering Thatch's reasoning. Did he want to ask why? He certainly thought he did. When did this happen and how did such things occur. When did Thatch start to see Casper in a new light? Was it in their midnight games, hidden in the forest from prying eyes?
He didn't get to ask- it didn't feel right as Thatch smiled, his pearly fangs showing off in the glow of the ballroom. Perhaps in due time answers would be sought out and brought into the light, but in the glowing ballroom, answers were not needed. It was only them. Casper could hear the music growing softer, playing its final notes in the echoing song. The light from the torches was growing darker, their one song of the night fading- but not fast. It lingered as if the magic held within the room was questioning if there was more to be told to this late-night tale.
The ghost wasn't sure if he wanted it to end either. He hoped the golden glow could stay and allow the two to be here for longer, but Thatch seemed more mindful of the time and restrictions.
"I bet you're tired," the vampire started. "Let's head back to my room for the night. You have a terrible habit of staying up too late." He teased the ghost.
"Me? You're the one sneaking out every night." Casper defended and laughed. He moved, letting both his arms wrap around Thatch's shoulders. The ballroom had fallen silent, the instruments in their resting positions. "Can't we stay up a little longer?" He pleaded.
"Another night." Thatch decided. "Best not to test mom you know... I'm just glad she's accepting you. I wonder what changed her mind..." He glanced off, his brows furrowed. "This morning she seemed so upset."
"Maybe she saw that we're good friends?" Casper smiled. Thatch softly laughed and shook his head. This ghost was going to be the end of him someday. "And surely one more song can't hurt anything, right?
"Well..." Thatch glanced away from the ghost, even if his arms moved to wrap around Casper's lower waste to keep the blue-eyed monster close. Seems Casper was pretty good at convincing the vampire to do what he wanted, for Thatch have a small nod. "How about a nice slow song? That way you don't step on my toes."
"Oh, I thought I was doing good." The ghost pouted, trying to mask the urge to smile as the vampire chuckled. Thatch seemed to know how to work the magic in the room, for when he started to slow dance with Casper the instruments started a new song for them, the lights still dim but it just seemed to increase the intimate, private feeling between the two.
Thatch gently smiled and kept his arms wrapped around the ghost, keeping him protectively close in his arms. "When we return to school... Promise to never forget this night?"
"I don't think I can if I tried." Casper smiled kindly as he gazed up at the vampire. He swore Thatch's eyes were almost glowing in the darkened room, watching him so carefully.
It was so embarrassing to be watched so closely. Casper just knew his face was surely turning red, and much to his own embarrassment he could feel himself going invisible without even meaning to. Thatch softly laughed and leaned close, pressing a kiss on top of the ghost's head. "Are you really hiding from me now? After all of this?" He teased lightly. "It's ok Casper, don't hide from me now."
"I-I didn't mean to. You're staring at me."
"Well, how can I not? Won't you allow me to gaze upon you once more, Casper?" He whispered.
The ghost shivered and ducked his head down, letting it rest upon Thatch's chest. It was embarrassing, but slowly he could feel himself change back so the vampire could look upon him once more. He could hear the song coming to its soft end already, but he didn't wish it to be so. The song had gone by so quickly- or at least it felt so.
"Must this night end?" Casper whispered softly.
"I'm afraid so... But just because the night ends doesn't mean things will change. I'll always feel this way for you, Casper... Thank you, for helping me." The vampire shyly admitted as the song came to its end.
"Are we going now...?"
"I'm afraid so. Come on, let's go to bed for the night. We can do this again, I promise." He encouraged gently as he released Casper from his embrace. The ghost seemed more reluctant but found an even ground between them. He nuzzled up to Thatch's side, content to rest his head on the other's shoulder, his arm wrapped around Thatch's torso. Thatch responded by calmly draping his arm over Casper's shoulders.
"We need to get to bed, we got to head back to school tomorrow morning or Cappy is going to plan to put stitches in my tongue." He teased lightly. Casper softly laughed and smiled, following the vampire to the door.
"Wait, how do we get everything back to normal?" He questioned lightly, looking at the golden glowing room.
"Mom placed a simple charm. It'll break when we..." Thatch reached out and opened the ballroom door. The instruments laid themselves back down- the tarp tossed itself over the piano as one last breeze swiftly entered the room, blowing out the torches in one swoop. The chandelier eerily swayed in the breeze as the golden light was killed by the gentle embrace of the night. As the lights went out the windows and door to the balcony swung shut, their locks latching in place and sealing everything as it was before. "See? Simple."
"Vampires are so cool!" Casper smiled brightly, causing Thatch to look confused.
"What are you talking about? Ghosts can do similar things too. Don't your uncles ever revert their home back to it's prime, replay old scenes from their lives or generally do... ghost things?"
"No... Can ghosts do that?"
"No wonder you're in Scare School..."
"Hey! You're in school with me!"
"I didn't want to scare fleshies. It's not cause I don't know how." Thatch rolled his eyes and grinned. "Come on marshmallow." He teased lightly, opening the door more for them and guiding Casper out. He didn't bother to shut it as a magical force seemed to close it for them, sealing the ballroom as it had been before. "Let's head off to bed. We'll have to get up early tomorrow." Thatch hummed softly.
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