Chapter 10: A not so helpful fleshie

Chapter Summary: Thatch and Casper caught by the human Angelina play along with her antics to avoid getting in trouble until Thatch spots an opportunity to escape with their sought out items. After returning home, Thatch's mother, Clementine has a few choice words for the friendly ghost.

The strange fleshie led them into the town park- currently abandoned as most of the kids were playing at each other's houses, probably on their computers or consoles. She went over to the playground and the two monsters were nervous to follow, but what choice did they have? Casper wanted to do this the safest way possible, and Thatch was just hoping to get out of town mostly unseen- which meant this fleshie can't scream or they would be exposed.

The black-haired fleshie led them into the cover of the playground set, the plastic walls bleached by the sun had lost their yellow color ages ago while the brown walkways were losing their layers of paint, showing the gray metal it was actually made out of. It didn't look like a friendly place, and from the cobwebs hanging around no one played here anymore. The fleshie sat down by what used to be a red slide, now a paled to an awful pink.

"No one comes here, we'll be safe right here. This is the only place in the park where we can't be spotted from the street as well." She assured the two monsters with ease. Plus the overhead 'roof' provided some nice shade.

"Listen here, we just want-"

"What Thatch is trying to say is we're glad you stopped us. But we really just wanted to make this trip quick, we just need some milk from the town market." Casper interjected easily. He didn't need Thatch making the only friendly fleshie here mad at them. He rather not get in trouble- plus he could run and hide ever so easily... Thatch could not. The ghost simply didn't want Thatch endangering himself due to his awful attitude.

"Town market...? That's not open for another month, and even then they don't sell milk. That's only sold in stores." She scoffed softly. "Health regulations prevent unmonitored milk from being sold in the market after all. Only grown foods or baked goods are sold there anymore."

"That's dumb!" The vampire hissed, stomping his foot lightly. "Why'd they change it? It was fine the way it was!" He claimed stubbornly.

"It's been that way since, ever, you brat." She rolled her eyes. She didn't seem to be fearing the vampire at all- but Casper couldn't help but notice Thatch was oddly irritable and staying away from the human. It looked like the vampire was getting a headache and it was getting worse every second they were here.

"Don't mind him," Casper gently spoke as he hoped the defuse the situation. Casper understood Thatch hated fleshies, but something was off. "Ok, so we'll just go into this store and get some, no big deal." The ghost decided. "Or maybe... If you wouldn't mind, can you go to the store and get it?" Casper wanted to take as little chances as possible. He was starting to wonder if making the shortbread was worth all this trouble. The strawberries were just fine on their own.

"I mean, yeah I could," the female drew out lazily. "But I have questions!" She grinned, pulling a notepad from the backpack on her back. She pulled out a pen and looked at the two expectantly. "What's your names again? I need to take proper notes."

"We don't deal with fleshies." Thatch hissed and grabbed onto Casper, pulling on the ghost. "Come on let's just go. We'll get the milk on our own, we don't need help." He reasoned.

"But, she just wants to ask a few questions, what's the harm?"

"The 'harm' is fleshies aren't supposed to know anything about us!"

"Can you stop calling me a fleshies?" The human frowned. "I have a name you know- I've already told you it!" She clicked her pen repeatedly as she watched them. "It's just a few harmless questions. I've always wanted to invest monsters and learn more about them!"

"So you can kill us?" The vampire lowly growled. Casper shook his head and held onto the vampire.

"Thatch that's a terrible thing to say!"

"She's carrying a damn cross, I can feel it!" The vampire snapped, looking repulsed at the human. Angelina seemed confused, lowered her notepad and pen. After a moment she looked back to her backpack, seeing the small wooden cross hanging from the front zipper. Her school passed them out to all the students.

Thatch hissed like a feral cat as the fleshie removed the cross from her back, his violet eyes watching the object carefully. She turned it over in her hands a few times before she tossed it down the slide so it was out of sight and a good bit away from them. "Better?" She offered calmly.

Thatch seemed terribly distrustful, but no longer as stiff. He shifted, setting the bag of clothes down and kept a grip on Casper still, but it was gentler- more afraid Casper would leave his side now. "... I refuse to answer your questions unless you play our game." He decided. Casper tried his best but he couldn't help but smile. Thatch was just too cute.

"Ok, fair enough. How does the game go?"

"We ask a question, then you."

"That's not a game."

"Shut up, yes it is!" Thatch huffed childishly. "Me and Casp- my friend play it all the time." He corrected himself. As if he could give out an answer that easily.

Angelina rolled her eyes, clicking her pen a few times in thought before she nodded. She had nothing to lose, and it wasn't like the monsters would gain that much from asking her questions. "Sure. I'll even let you two go first." She offered.

And it looked like Thatch was already stuck. He glanced at the ghost uncertainly, nudging Casper to give the first question. Casper decided to start off kindly. Maybe he could make a new friend here!

"When did you first see us?" He simply asked. Finding where their first mistake was would surely help them from making it again.

"You guys left the forest like a bunch of fools. Anyone could have seen you," she answered in a heartbeat. "I saw you walk into the old tailor shop and just watched from the window. When you came out I didn't plan on talking, but when I saw you fools about to walk right to your deaths I figured I should say something."

"Oh..." Thatch mumbled and looked at Casper, who looked just as uneasy. Yeah, they had been terribly careless leaving the forest. Normally Thatch would have changed into a bat and flew around the treeline for a bit to assure it was safe, but with Casper around he had just gotten so eager to hang out with the ghost.

"My turn. Your names."

"Wrong," Thatch smirked, taking pride in correcting the human. "It has to be a question."

"This is dumb... What are your names?" She said in a mocking voice- matching Thatch's tone almost perfectly.

"I'm Casper, and this is Thatch." The ghost said happily as he looked at the vampire, who rolled his eyes and only shrugged, giving no input. "Ok, our turn... Why are you questioning us?"

"Well, that's a dumb question. You guys suck at your own game."

"No, you suck!" Thatch defended quickly.

"Thatch," Casper softly whispered to scold the vampire. There was no reason to be rude! Honestly, the vampire was being terribly out of hand today. Thatch angrily watched and said nothing more, so Casper turned back to the fleshie. Casper had no issues talking and interacting with fleshies, but the ghost figured Thatch probably never did unless he was scaring them. It honestly wasn't that hard.

"Whatever... I'm questioning you two because I find monsters interesting. Nothing interesting happens around here, not since the old legend of the forest." She hummed softly, calmly taking some notes. Casper couldn't see what she was writing, but he felt really interested. He hoped it was only nice things.

"What's the legend of the forest?" Thatch asked before Casper could think of another question.

"You never heard it? Wow, you monsters must live under a rock... I should have guessed by how you're dressed though." She teased. Thatch looked personally offended. "The forest legend, there was an old vampire family who ruled over this town once, kidnapping poor citizens and enslaving them. Then the remaining villagers marched into the forest and stormed their castle. It said the mistress of the castle placed a powerful enchantment upon the forest once her son and husband were killed, and such the legend of the forest endures."

"...What enchantment?"

"Hey, now you're breaking your rules!" Angelina corrected him eagerly. "It's my turn. Do you two live in the forest?"

"No. We go to school." Thatch answered with a lie smoothly. "Now answer my question. What's the enchantment?"

"Ugh, I'm barely getting anything out of you two! So tight-lipped. Your mouths might as well be sewn shut... Whatever. The enchantment is something along the lines of whoever enters the deepest darkest parts of the forest will die or whatever. But it's said if they're able to slay the vampire monster before they themselves are made of food, they can have the piles of gold hidden deep within its cellars!" She spoke excitedly.

Thatch's expression was blank for a few moments, then he burst out laughing, shaking his head as he turned away. "Oh, my stars! The fleshies are utter fools! Casper let's go. We don't need to waste our time with an airhead." He laughed heartily as he grabbed the clothes bag.

"Wait, what about the milk?" Casper whined and hurried back to Thatch's side, nervously glancing back at the human- who was not looking too happy with the vampire's insults.

"We'll go into this store and get it ourselves. Won't be that hard, we don't need help." Thatch gently comforted Casper. The ghost could only nod and follow the vampire off the playground, able to feel the fleshie glaring with their every step. He had a feeling she wasn't going to let them go that easily.

"Thatch? Are you sure this ok?" He whimpered softly. As they walked towards the grocery store he could only feel more nervous. They were so terribly out of place. He had his hood up and was trying to cover his face, but he could see all the humans in their modern clothes just watching them. They probably thought they were going to rob the store! "We're going to get caught." He pulled on Thatch. "Let's head back, it's ok."

"No, we're getting some milk to make some stupid shortbread." Thatch said stubbornly. "And it'll be the best shortbread ever!" Thatch was nearly impossible to reason with- as always. Casper softly sighed and grabbed Thatch's hand- and to his surprise, the vampire allowed it despite his foul mood.

As they walked closer to the store Thatch's steps started to slow and Casper could see the vampire was getting a bit scared. They could really get caught and get in huge trouble...

"You two are hopeless." Angelina sighed, walking over to the two boys, wrapping her arms around their shoulders and yanking them close, forcefully guiding them away from the doors. "Geez, wait here and I'll get the damn milk. Then I want some proper answers!" She said firmly, pushing the two into the shade of a tree before she hurried into the store by herself.

"... She is persistent."

"I like her," Casper said happily. "Think we can be her friend?"

"... Let's not. My mom will flip. We need to get the milk and run."

"But she'll be upset!"

"Boohoo we made a fleshie upset, what's she gonna do?" Thatch rolled his eyes. "We're way over the two hour time limit I told mom- which she didn't even fully agree to, and I know for sure she has noticed we're gone by now. We need to get back or she's going to lose her mind."

Casper really didn't want to see Thatch's mother when she was upset. Watching her carve up that stag was scary enough.

"Okay, agreed." Casper nodded, though he felt guilty.

The two waited for only a few minutes luckily. Angelina walked out carrying a plastic bag that had a gallon of milk. She grinned triumphantly and held out the bad. "Ta-fucking-da." She said cockily. Her sass was nearly at the point where it could rival Thatch's, but it wasn't quite there yet.

Thatch took the bag from her before he simply turned and started to walk away. Casper gave a look of pity to the human before he hurried after Thatch, keeping his head down.

The human stood in shock, mouth agape in shock for a few moments before her blue eyes narrowed. "Um, excuse me! You got to answer my question now!" She yelled after them.

"We don't make deals with stupid fleshies. Maybe you're dumb as rocks!" Thatch yelled behind his shoulder, smirking cockily as he walked with a bit of pep in his step. "Come on Casper." He noted softer. He handed the bag of milk to Casper and took his bat form easily, carrying the bag of clothes in his claws. It took a bit of effort, but he carried the bag as he swiftly flew towards the forest so they could outrun the human. Casper sighed and quickly jumped up into the air, flying hovering for a few moments before he looked back at the human girl.

"Hey uh, don't be mad. I'm sure we'll meet again, just wait until the school year ends or something." He offered with a goofy smile before he turned and started to fly after Thatch.

As Casper flew he could hear the screams of horror as people saw the ghost boy flying, but soon their voices faded as they entered the forest. Goodbye the strange fleshie Angelina, hello certain death by Thatch's mother... But hey, they got the milk...

The two flew all the way back 'home'. Once Thatch passed the magical wall and flew over the castle walls he changed back, landing rather harshly on his feet. But he was holding Casper's clothes bag to his chest, looking rather pleased with himself. "I say that was a good trip!"

"...I think we have different ideas of good." Casper lightly remarked- but not loud enough for Thatch to hear. As Casper landed beside the vampire he weakly smiled. "At least we can finish now, right?" He spoke a bit louder.

"Yeah! Come on." Thatch grinned brightly, not taking note by now it was late afternoon. The day had just passed by so quickly and he seemed to forget about his mother's anger, too focused on their now achievable goal of making shortbread. "I bet this shortcake will be the best ever made!" He assured the ghost.

Thatch happily lead Casper around the back and into the kitchen, and he felt relief to see everything as it was that morning. Thatch set the bag of clothes on the counter and hurried back over to the book, lightly humming as he skimmed the page. As he started to list off items Casper hurriedly flew around the room, picking up the items needed and placing them on the table near Thatch.

The rest of the afternoon consisted of the two baking the shortbread and generally having fun- even when the flour spilled all over Thatch, completely powdering the vampire in the white dust. Yeah, it was a pain to clean up, but it was rather amusing to see Thatch so messy for once. Once the shortbread was in the oven and baking Thatch left Casper alone in the kitchen to go change into some proper clean clothes while the ghost boy cleaned up the 'general' mess they made.

It wasn't until Casper was scrubbing the counters did he get the feeling of being watched. The ghost boy paused in his work, his eyes slowly lifting up and scanning the room, but he spotted no one with him. "Thatch?" He called out kindly, a gentle smile on his lips. "Don't try to scare me, it won't work." He playfully said before he returned back to his work. "Instead of pulling pranks why don't you check on the shortbread? We got to make sure they don't burn."

"I'm sure they're fine..." Clementine hummed softly, removing her black gloves from her hands, her cold eyes watching Casper. "So... Baking? Must be oh so much... fun..." She drew out slowly. Casper could feel his blood (if he had any) run cold as he watched the elder monster. "You and Thatch were gone for so terribly long..." She noted as she calmly walked, and with every step her heeled boots clicked on the stone floor.

Casper shifted uncomfortably, trying to avoid looking at the vampire. "Um... We just ran into town to get some milk..."

"Into town you say? With all those... humans? All the way outside the castle walls and the forest?"

"Yes, but no one saw us." Casper lied. He didn't want himself or Thatch to get in trouble, so lying was just the best thing to do. "We were very careful. No one noticed a thing."

"Hmmn... If you weren't spotted then, ha, what's the harm?" She grinned, letting her pearly white fangs show. "Perhaps I'm just, a bit crazy! Being ever so careful of the humans, wishing for my only child to stay within the walls!" She hissed. Casper physically flinched back- and much to the ghost's relief Thatch had walked into the room, having looked oh so excited to return back to baking just to see his mother scare his newfound friend.

"Casper, mom..." He frowned. He hurried over, protectively wrapping his arms around the ghost and pulling him close. He wasn't just pushing the ghost behind himself anymore, no he kept Casper in his arms where he was perfectly safe. "Mom, don't scare him!"

"Oh dear, I'm not..." She frowned deeply. "Me and little Casper here were only talking."

"You hissed at him! Casper scares easy, you can't be mean." The child reasoned. He pulled the ghost, allowing Casper's head to rest on his shoulder, facing away from the mother. Casper did what he felt was right; wrap his own arms around the vampire and melt into the protective hug. Now it was Thatch's turn to help the ghost.

"Mom, please... Can you not scare Casper? He's a sweet ghost and he did nothing wrong..." Thatch pleaded. His mother made a look of distaste to the ghost, but her heart only melted when she looked into her son's eyes.

"You were careless today, going into town... It's all because of him."

"I would have done it anyway." Thatch defended. "Please, mom... It's not his fault."

"Don't do it again, you make me worry. You use to be such a good little boy- a real rule follower." She said, but she let the subject drop. She was never able to really scold or punish Thatch for breaking any rules. He was her dear little prince. So, she turned and walked out of the kitchen with a heavy sigh. Her little bat was growing up too fast and she was scared for him.

"... It's ok now Casper." Thatch smiled gently. "I swear mom isn't scary. She's all bark and no bite... Come on, let's check on the shortbread." He chimed happily.

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