21. The Wedding


Something felt off.

Esmie couldn't quite place her finger on it, but she had an overwhelming sense that something was wrong or that something terrible was imminent. The morning sun, usually a source of comfort, seemed distant and indifferent today. She sighed heavily; her eyes fixed on the horizon. Another restless night of nightmares had left her drained. The comfort she usually found in Enzo's presence felt like a distant memory, and she longed for his calming touch and reassuring words.

"Esmie?" Elsie's voice cut through the silence, drawing her attention. Esmie turned to see Harry's younger sister walking over, her expression etched with worry. Elsie's usual cheerful demeanour was absent, replaced by a look of concern that mirrored Esmie's own.

"Hi, Elsie," Esmie greeted her with a faint, tired smile. Elsie sat down beside her, curling up and hugging her knees to her chest. "Are you alright?"

"Harry won't talk to me," Elsie said, her voice quivering slightly. "I heard him crying in the bathroom this morning, so I went to check on him, but he just ignored me."

"Oh, Els, I'm sure he'll open up eventually," Esmie said softly, trying to offer some comfort. She reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Elsie's shoulder. "He's grieving, and sometimes it takes time."

"Maybe — maybe you could try talking to him?" Elsie suggested, her eyes hopeful but tinged with sadness.

"I can try," Esmie agreed. Elsie's nod of approval gave her a sense of purpose. After a moment of contemplation, Esmie stood up, her body feeling heavier than usual. She walked back into the house, her footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway. The muffled sounds of Harry's sobs grew clearer as she approached the bathroom.

She took a deep breath and gently pushed open the bathroom door. "H-Harry?"

"Esmie?" Harry's voice was thick with emotion, a mix of sorrow and exhaustion. Esmie entered the room and found him standing by the vanity, his face streaked with tears. Without hesitation, she wrapped him in a comforting embrace, feeling his body tremble against hers.

"I'm so, so sorry, Harry," Esmie murmured, as she held him close. The weight of Maddison's loss hung heavily between them, creating a space filled with shared grief.

"I wish I could have done more to save her. I failed her, Esmie," Harry's voice broke with each word.

"You didn't fail her. This isn't your fault, Harry," Esmie reassured him, tightening her hug. They remained in the embrace for a long while, the silence between them filled with the sound of their shared anguish. When Harry finally pulled away, his eyes red and puffy, he retreated to his room, leaving Esmie alone in the bathroom. She sank to the cold floor, feeling the weight of her own grief pressing down on her.

The sound of footsteps approached, and Esmie looked up to see Josie standing in the doorway. Josie's expression was a mixture of concern and sympathy.

"What are you doing in here?" Josie asked, walking over and sitting beside Esmie on the floor.

"I was comforting Harry," Esmie said, her voice cracking. She ran a hand through her dishevelled hair, her emotions raw. "I just ... I can't believe Maddy's really gone, Josie. Is this what it's going to be like from now on? Are we just going to keep losing the people we love?"

"Esmie, this war will end," Josie said firmly, her tone resolute. "Harry will find the Horcruxes and defeat Voldemort. We will make sure the people we love are safe."

"How can you be so sure?" Esmie asked, her voice tinged with scepticism.

"I just know, Es. We're all devastated by Maddison's loss and wish we could have done more, but she's gone. We can't let her death be in vain," Josie said, her voice filled with conviction.

"Jack's gone too, and my mum disowned me," Esmie said, tears spilling down her cheeks.

"Oh, Es. What happened?" Josie asked, her concern deepening.

"I received a letter from Mum saying Jack had died. I went to see her, to check on her and see if she needed anything," Esmie began, her voice trembling. "It was a mistake going back there, Jos."

"What happened?" Josie asked gently, urging Esmie to continue.

"Jack's brother was there ... I'd never met him before today, but he called me their freak daughter and reminded me that there are no photos of me in Mum's house," Esmie said, her voice breaking as she relived the painful encounter.

"There's none?"

"No, I made sure of it," Esmie confirmed, her voice heavy with sadness. Josie's frown deepened, and Esmie continued, "I thought the best way to protect Mum was to obliviate her memories of me."

"You did what?" Elsie asked, having overheard the conversation as she returned to the bathroom.

"I erased her memories of me. Made sure that in her life, I didn't exist, to protect her from Voldemort," Esmie explained, her voice filled with a mix of resignation and sadness.

"I'm sorry you had to do that, Es," Josie said, placing a comforting hand on Esmie's shoulder.

"She had already hidden any evidence of my existence and disowned me. As far as Mum is concerned, I don't exist. So, I just made it true," Esmie said, her tears flowing freely. She wiped them away quickly, feeling a pang of shame as she noticed Ron standing in the hallway. He looked at her with a disapproving shake of his head before walking away. "He still hates me."

"I don't think he hates you, Es. I'm sure he'll come around eventually," Josie said, trying to offer reassurance.

"Yeah, I guess," Esmie replied, though her voice was still tinged with uncertainty.

"Come on, we should start getting ready for the wedding," Josie said, extending her hand to Esmie. Esmie took it gratefully, and together they headed to the bedroom. Elsie followed, asking if Esmie could help with her hair. Esmie nodded and assisted Elsie as they all prepared for the day.

As they finished their hair and makeup, Hermione's voice called out from downstairs. "Esmie, could you come here for a moment?"

Curious, Esmie made her way downstairs, her heart pounding with anticipation. She found Hermione waiting in the living room, a serious look on her face.

"What's going on?" Esmie asked as she approached Hermione, who motioned for her to lower her voice.

"The Minister is here and wants to talk to you, me, Ron, and Harry," Hermione whispered urgently.

"What could he possibly want from us?" Esmie wondered aloud, her mind racing with unanswered questions. She exchanged a worried glance with Hermione before heading toward Harry, hoping to get some answers.

"To what do we owe the pleasure, Minister?" Harry asked, trying to mask his anxiety with a veneer of formality.

"I think we both know the answer to that question, Mr. Potter," the Minister replied with a knowing look. Esmie, sensing the gravity of the moment, exchanged a quick glance with Harry. His nod was almost imperceptible, but it was enough to signal that they should proceed. The group moved slowly into the living room, each member casting furtive glances at the Minister's bag, which now rested ominously on the coffee table. There was an almost palpable tension in the room as they waited for the Minister to begin.

The Minister opened his bag with deliberate care and began laying out the items on the table, each one seemingly more significant than the last. The silence grew heavier with each object that was placed before them, the anticipation making it nearly unbearable. Esmie's eyes followed his every move, her heart pounding in her chest.

"And this is?" Harry finally broke the silence, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and impatience.

The Minister unrolled a scroll with ornate, gold-embossed edges. As the scroll unfurled, its edges rustled softly, filling the room with a quiet whisper. The Minister cleared his throat and began to read aloud in a deep, solemn voice.

"Herein is set forth the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. First to Esmeralda Lillian Grisky, I leave this piece of parchment, in the hope that when needed the most, it will reveal what cannot be seen."

He handed Esmie a delicate piece of parchment. Her brow furrowed in confusion as she examined the seemingly ordinary paper. The parchment was blank, save for the faintest hint of something shimmering in the light. "A piece of parchment? Why would Dumbledore leave me this?" she asked, her voice a mix of scepticism and curiosity.

"To Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator, a device of my own making, in the hope that when things seem most dark, it will show him the light," the Minister continued, passing Ron a small, metal tube-like object with an intricate, arcane design. The object felt surprisingly heavy in Ron's hands, its metal cool and smooth.

"Dumbledore left this for me?" Ron asked, his voice tinged with disbelief and awe. The Minister nodded solemnly.

"Yes," he confirmed. Ron carefully examined the Deluminator, its surface reflecting the dim light of the room. He unscrewed the top, and as he did, the light from the two lamps in the room was drawn into the device, plunging the room into an eerie darkness. The sudden shift in lighting was dramatic, casting long shadows across the walls. Moments later, Ron re-opened the device, and the light returned, illuminating the room once more.

"Wicked," Ron said, his voice filled with wonder as he inspected the now-revived lamps.

"That was pretty awesome," Esmie agreed with a bright smile, despite the sombre circumstances. She found a small spark of joy in the magical object's function, a brief distraction from the weight of their situation.

"To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, in the hope that she finds it entertaining and instructive," the Minister said, handing Hermione a well-worn, leather-bound book. The book's cover was embossed with gold, and its pages seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly light.

"Mum used to read me those," Ron said with a wistful smile. "The Wizard and the Hopping Pot, Babbity Rabbity and the Cackling Stump."

Esmie and Harry exchanged amused glances, their efforts to contain their laughter faltering. Ron's earnestness about the tales was endearing and oddly light-hearted during their grim reality.

"Seriously, Babbity Rabbity?" Ron pressed, looking around the room with a mixture of frustration and exasperation.

"Sorry, Ron," Esmie managed between her giggles, trying to keep her laughter under control.

"To Harry James Potter, I leave the Snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill," the Minister announced, revealing the Golden Snitch and handing it to Harry. Esmie's heart ached as she remembered the excitement of that first Quidditch match, a defining moment that had inspired her to join the Gryffindor team. She watched Harry carefully examine the Snitch, his face a mixture of nostalgia and determination.

"Is that it then?" Harry asked, his voice carrying a note of weariness.

"Not quite. Dumbledore left you a second bequest — the Sword of Godric Gryffindor. Unfortunately, the Sword of Gryffindor was not Dumbledore's to give away. As an important historical artefact, it belongs — "

"To Harry. It belongs to Harry. It came to him when he most needed it in the Chamber of Secrets," Hermione interjected, her voice firm and resolute.

"The sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor, Miss Granger. That does not make it that wizard's property, and in any event, the current whereabouts of the sword are unknown," the Minister replied, his tone growing more serious.

"Excuse me?" Esmie's voice was sharp with disbelief and frustration.

"The sword is missing," the Minister said flatly.

"How can that be? How can the sword be missing?" Esmie demanded, her voice rising in agitation. The room seemed to close in on them as the Minister's words sank in.

"I don't know what you're up to, Mr. Potter, but you can't fight this war on your own. He's too strong," the Minister said, casting a final, concerned glance at Harry before giving a curt nod to the group and exiting the room.

As the Minister's footsteps faded away, Esmie's gaze returned to the piece of parchment in her hands. The room was enveloped in a heavy silence, each member of the group lost in their thoughts. She looked up at her friends, her heart heavy with the implications of the Minister's visit.

"Why would Dumbledore leave us these things? It doesn't make any sense," Esmie said quietly, her frustration evident.

"I don't know. I should go and get ready," Harry said, his voice tinged with resignation. He turned and began making his way upstairs. Esmie watched him go, her heart aching for her friend and the weight of the burden he carried.

Determined to offer support, she followed Harry up the stairs. As she reached his room, she saw him crumpled on the floor, his body shaking with silent sobs. Without hesitation, she hurried to his side and enveloped him in a comforting embrace. "She should be here, Esmie. She should be here with all of us, and she's — she's gone. I never got to tell her how much I loved her — "

"Harry, she knew. She knew you loved her, and she knew she meant the world to you, but I also know she would want you to finish what you've started. She would want you to defeat Voldemort," Esmie said gently, her voice firm yet soothing as she held him close, letting him cry into her shoulder.

"Thank you, Esmie," Harry said through his tears, his voice breaking with emotion.

"You know I'm always here for you, Harry," Esmie replied softly, pressing a tender kiss to his cheek before offering her hand. He took it gratefully, allowing her to help him to his feet. They shared a final, heartfelt hug before Esmie gave him a reassuring smile and headed back downstairs. Despite the heaviness of the moment, she was determined to complete her preparations for the wedding, hoping that the joy of the day would offer a much-needed respite from their sorrow.


The reception tent was abuzz with activity as people mingled, laughed, and danced. The soft strains of classical music filled the air, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. Candles flickered on every table, casting a soft glow over the guests, and the scent of delicious food wafted through the tent. Esmie stood near the edge of the dance floor, her gaze drifting over the crowd. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of her friends and acquaintances enjoying themselves, but her smile was tinged with a hint of sadness.

Esmie's thoughts kept drifting to Enzo. The realisation that she was attending without him was bittersweet. A part of her wished she would have asked him to come with her, and she was regretting not asking him to come with her. Now, standing alone among the revellers, she couldn't help but feel a pang of longing. She missed him terribly and couldn't wait to return to Hogwarts and be reunited with him. Her heart ached at the thought of sharing these moments with him.

"You look a bit down," Elsie's voice broke through her reverie. Esmie turned to see her best friend standing beside her, her face filled with concern.

"I was just thinking about how much I miss Enzo," Esmie admitted, her voice soft. "I can't wait to see him again and go back to Hogwarts with him."

"You're going back to his place tomorrow, right?" Elsie asked, settling into a chair next to Esmie.

"Yeah, I am. Are you going back to Theo's, or are you planning to meet up at Platform 9¾?" Esmie inquired, trying to shift her focus to something more immediate.

"I'm going to Theo's first, and then we'll head to Hogwarts together," Elsie explained. "I asked Harry if he wanted me to come along to help find the Horcruxes, but he said it wasn't safe. He said I'd be better off at Hogwarts with you."

As if on cue, Harry approached their table. His expression was serious, and he joined them with a nod.

"Promise me you'll look out for Elsie and make sure she stays safe?" Harry requested, his tone earnest and urgent.

"I promise, Harry. I'll make sure nothing happens to her," Esmie said, her voice steady. She placed a reassuring hand on Elsie's shoulder.

"We're not going to let anything happen to our little Elsie," Josie chimed in as she arrived at the table, her arms enveloping Elsie in a warm embrace. Elsie laughed, placing her hands on Josie's arms.

"I'm not that little! I'm only eleven months younger than all of you," Elsie protested with a mock scowl.

"You're still younger, and that makes you our little Elsie," Josie teased, her eyes twinkling with affection.

Esmie shared an amused look with Elsie, who rolled her eyes but couldn't help smiling. Josie extended her hands towards Esmie and Elsie.

"Come on, it's a wedding! We're going to have some fun tonight, at least for one night," Josie declared with enthusiasm.

"Alright," Esmie agreed, her spirits lifting slightly. She stood up and took Josie's hands, followed by Elsie. The three of them made their way to the dance floor. As they danced, Josie twirled Esmie around with an infectious energy that made Esmie laugh heartily. The music was lively, and the atmosphere was filled with joy and celebration. Fred and George soon joined them, their grins wide and mischievous. They danced energetically, their presence adding to the lively atmosphere.

"We've missed you, Little G!" George called out over the music; his voice filled with genuine warmth.

"I've missed you both too. I might have even missed your ridiculous pranks," Esmie replied, her tone teasing.

"Hey, you love our pranks," Fred protested, feigning indignation.

"Oh, that's debatable. I don't like when you two impersonate each other to trick me, and I haven't quite forgiven you for that fainting fancy incident in second year," Esmie said, her eyes sparkling with playful reproach.

"Oh, that was a classic," Fred said with a chuckle.

"It was not! I spent two days in the hospital wing recovering, and I got a month's worth of detention! I didn't even do anything wrong that time!" Esmie exclaimed, her voice a mix of frustration and amusement.

"That time, but most of the time you're involved in the pranks," George pointed out with a grin.

Esmie laughed and nodded in agreement. The group continued dancing, their laughter mingling with the music. Esmie felt a fleeting sense of happiness, but it was overshadowed by a nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach. Despite the fun, something felt off, like an unsettling premonition.

"I'm going to grab something to drink," Esmie said, trying to shake off the feeling. The group nodded, and she walked away from the dance floor, weaving through the crowd towards the drinks table. As she reached for a glass, Ginny approached her, her face thoughtful.

"It's nice to see everyone so happy and carefree for a change. It feels like a rare moment of peace amidst all the darkness and sadness," Ginny remarked, her tone reflecting a mixture of relief and longing.

"You're right, Ginny. I really wish things could stay this way forever," Esmie replied, her voice heavy with a sense of wistfulness.

"So do I," Ginny agreed, her gaze shifting to where Harry was talking to someone across the room. Esmie's hand gently touched Ginny's arm in a gesture of solidarity.

"Harry's going to find those Horcruxes and defeat Voldemort. Then, all of this will be over," Esmie said with conviction.

"How can you be so sure?" Ginny asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I believe in Harry," Esmie said firmly, her voice unwavering.

"I just hope he comes back safely," Ginny said quietly, her eyes filled with concern.

Esmie nodded in agreement, her gaze drifting back to Harry. As she watched him, a sudden, loud whooshing sound erupted from nowhere, slicing through the music and conversations. The joyful atmosphere was abruptly replaced by chaos. Esmie's heart raced as she froze, her eyes darting around the tent.

Panic surged through her as she realised what was happening — they were under attack. She saw Hermione, Ron, and Harry huddled together, their expressions grim and determined. Her heart ached as she scanned the room for Elsie.

"Esmie, no!" Elsie's voice was filled with panic, cutting through the confusion. Esmie's eyes widened in fear as she saw a Death Eater grabbing hold of her. The dark figure's grip was ironclad, and despite Esmie's frantic attempts to break free, she was powerless.

Esmie's mind raced as she tried to process what was happening. She felt a surge of terror as the Death Eater's grip tightened, and before she could react, the world around her started to spin. The ground seemed to vanish beneath her feet as the Death Eater apparated, taking her with them. Esmie's heart pounded in her chest, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. She struggled against the Death Eater's hold, her fear mounting as she was pulled away from the safety of the tent.

The sensation of being transported through space was disorienting and frightening. Esmie tried to focus on her surroundings, but everything was a blur. The only thing she could clearly feel was the suffocating fear and confusion. Her mind raced with questions — where were they taking her? What was going to happen next?

The world around her was a dark, disorienting void, and the only thing Esmie could hold onto was the faint hope that somehow, she would find a way to escape or be rescued from this nightmare.


Uh oh, Esmie 😭

Enjoy! Xo


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