[ 002 ] little lola.
little lola.
Ruby lays on one of the beds they don't use, sweat covers her entire body. She shakes, tears stream down her sweaty cheeks.
"Get this thing out of me!" She screams to Emori, Harper, Echo, and Raven who all sit in front of her. The four of them all wear exhausted expressions from being woken in the early hours of the morning by a panicking Bellamy.
That was nine hours ago. Now, the entirety of Ruby's family stands around as she pushes a literal human being from a hole that's supposed to be the size of a grape.
Bellamy and Ryland sit at both sides of the woman, holding her hands.
So to give Ruby privacy, Monty stands behind Ryland with eyes wide, while Murphy stands behind Bellamy.
"I don't know how to do this," Emori says with wide eyes.
"You can do it," Murphy nods at her reassuringly. He then looks down at his sister's pale face. "And so can you, Ruby."
"I don't need encouragement!" She shouts furiously. "I just want it out of me!"
She screams again as pain shoots through her body. Her head falls back onto the pillow, a sob slipping past her lips.
"Hey, you're doing it. You're doing it, Sweetheart," Bellamy whispers to her. He smooths her sweat soaked hair away from her face. He kisses her forehead. "Your body knows what to do, my love. Just listen to what it's telling you to do."
The urge to push flows through her.
With another cry of pain, she pushes.
"You're doing it, Ruby!" Harper cries happily. "They're crowning."
"Crowning? What the hell does crowning mean?" Ryland panics.
"We can see the head," Raven glances up at him.
That's when a thump fills the air.
Ruby's head shoots up from the pillow. Her eyes are wide with concern. "What the hell was that?" She asks.
Bellamy's eyes shift away from her. He looks over his shoulder. When he looks back to her, he says, "your brother."
"Oh, Jesus!" She angrily shouts. Her head falls back onto the pillow, "the fucking bastard isn't pushing a goddamn baby out of him and he's the one that fainted!"
"Hey, Ruby, calm down." Raven tells her, "all you have to do is push."
Ruby's grip tightens on Bellamy and Ryland's hands. With a powerful scream, she pushes with every bit of strength her exhausted body can muster.
"Holy shit!" Emori cries. "Ruby, you did it!"
Bellamy looks at the four women to see Emori grabbing a baby, his baby. Echo swiftly grabs a small towel, wrapping it around the baby.
Bellamy can't take his eyes off of the baby. "Ru," he whispers. When she doesn't respond, he looks down at her. Her eyes are shut, her head titled to the side. "Ruby!?"
Bellamy desperately reaches for her neck, searching for a pulse. Relief floods his body as he finds a pulse. It's not weak, it's not faint. It's fast, but there's a pulse.
"She's just unconscious, Bellamy." Harper says. "She was in labor for nine hours. Her body is exhausted."
Emori taps the belly of the small child. A wail pierces the air. All eyes turn back to the infant, as if remembering that it's there.
"It's a girl," Emori grins widely. She looks to the father. "Bellamy, it's a girl."
Bellamy's eyes turn back to the baby. His eyes full of love and protectiveness as Raven cuts the unbiblical cord.
Echo's eyes turn to Murphy as his eyes begin to flutter open. "Hey, take it easy." She says as he groans.
Murphy's eyes land on his sister. At the sight of her unconscious body, he springs to his feet. "Woah, woah, what happened!?"
"She's okay, she just passed out." Ryland tells him. "You have a niece."
Murphy's eyes then fly to where Emori and Harper stands beside a basin of lukewarm water, gently cleaning the baby of the blood.
He approaches them, eyes locked on the baby.
"My niece," he whispers.
Murphy knows right then that there is nothing he wouldn't do for her.
The baby continues to wail as Emori walks up to Bellamy. He looks up at her and then to the little baby girl that's swaddled in her arms. "Do you wanna hold her?" Emori asks him quietly.
Bellamy can only nod. Emori gently transfers the baby into he father's arms. A small sound escapes his lips as he holds his child for the first time. "Hi," he whispers, "hi, my love."
"Bellamy?" A voice asks suddenly. All eyes in the room turn to Ruby as she begins to wake. "Bell?"
"Hey, hey, slow down," Ryland immediately tells her. "You just pushed a baby out of you."
"I did?" Her brows furrow. Her speckled eyes then move to where Bellamy holds their baby. "I did!"
She tries to sit up but Ryland gently pushes her back down onto the bed. "Slow down, Ru. Let us help you."
Monty and Ryland rearrange her pillows so that she can sit comfortably. The two men help her sit up. A grunt of pain leaves her mouth.
Despite her pain, ruby eyes remain locked on Bellamy and the baby. "Can I hold them?" She asks gingerly.
"Her." Bellamy corrects. "We have a little girl, Sweetheart."
An uncommon bright smile breaks out on Ruby's face, tears well in her speckled eyes. She holds her arms out for her little girl. "here." Bellamy gently places their child in her arms. "Support her neck," he instructs. She does. Bellamy smiles, "good job, Sweetheart."
Ruby's eyes move to her little girl, "oh, hello, my baby." She grins widely. A sob full of happiness and love falls from her lips. "Hi, my girl."
"You guys thought of a name?" Monty asks.
Ruby looks up up from the baby. Her eyes lock with Bellamy. She gives him a nod. "Yeah," Bellamy confirms. "We narrowed it down to one for a boy and girl."
"Her name is Eloah. . . Eloah River Carson-Blake." Ruby says, her eyes moving to Ryland and Monty. "Jasper chose the name Eloah. And River. . . for our sister."
Immediately, Ryland and Monty have tears in their brown eyes. "They would have loved this," Ryland whispers.
"Riv probably would've passed out like that one," she nods her head towards her brother who sweats nearly as much as she does. She then turns her head to look at him. "You should probably sit down, John."
"Yeah, I probably should." He says. He flops down in a chair nearby. Ruby laughs softly at her brother's dramatics.
But then her eyes turn back to her daughter.
Her little girl.
There's nothing in the world she wouldn't do for her child. Her Eloah.
"Welcome to the world, little Eloah." Bellamy whispers to the baby.
Ruby and Bellamy stand over the sleeping baby. She's four months old now. They've waited this long to test it.
To test if Eloah is a Natblida or not. Nightblood.
Ruby isn't sure what to consider her child if she has black blood. Ruby's own Nightblood comes from a drug, she wasn't born with it. But what if Eloah has the same color blood as her mother? Would that make her a true Natblida? Nightblood.
Ruby isn't sure. She just hopes that her daughter has red blood like her father.
"So. . ." Bellamy starts, "I just prick her finger?"
"Yes," Ruby nods. "Gently."
"I don't want to do this, Ruby," Bellamy shakes his head. "It doesn't feel right."
"I know," she replies. "It's better to do it while she's sleeping. Hopefully she won't wake up. But, Bell. . . I have to know."
He nods.
Ruby watches with anticipation as Bellamy gently grabs Eloah's right hand. He separates her tiny fingers, taking her index finger between his own.
He pushes the small needle into her fingertip.
She doesn't wake.
As he pulls the needle back.
They wait for what feels like hours for her blood to surface, when in reality, it's only a second.
As soon as Ruby sees the color of her daughter's blood her entire world crashes around her.
"Ru," Bellamy whispers.
"I see it," she says back, her voice wobbling.
Seeping from her daughter's pricked fingertip, is what Ruby was dreading to see.
Ruby and Bellamy are used to the little girl sleeping between them every night. But tonight, a three year old Eloah Carson-Blake has decided to have a sleepover with her Aunt Raven.
So, her parents saw the opportunity and ran with it.
Now, Bellamy and Ruby lay side-by-side in their bed, both covered in sweat from their previous activities.
Small breaths leave Ruby's lips as she attempts to fall asleep.
Bellamy lazily rolls his head to the side. He admires his resting girlfriend.
His eyes scan her face. He takes in her long, black lashes. Her eyelids that hide her beautiful eyes from him. Her swollen lips that he had between his teeth only fifteen minutes ago. Then his eyes settle on her scar. He remembers the day she got it so vividly.
Thank God that Grounder is dead.
But even with all of her flaws, she's the most beautiful woman Bellamy has ever seen.
Even with her speckled eyes, even with her kill dozens of scars, even with the amount of kill marks that cover her back.
Bellamy is madly in love with this woman.
He can't stop himself from asking, "will you marry me?"
Ruby is fully awake within seconds.
"What?" She asks.
"Will you marry me, Ru?" He repeats as he propers himself up on his elbow. "I mean seriously. We can make rings from the metal on the ship, Lincoln and Luca taught you how to."
He nods to the rings that rest on their bedside table. The rings that Lincoln and Luca made for her all those years ago.
A wide smile forms on her lips.
"Yes, Bellamy." She kisses him passionately. As they pull apart, they rest their foreheads together. I'll marry you, you asshole." She whispers against his lips.
"Will you take my last name?" He questions.
"I'll be Ruby Carson-Blake."
A tiny fist is launched directly into the eye of John Murphy.
With a cry of pain, Murphy falls back. Hand clutching his face, hiding his throbbing eyes from the view of his niece and sister.
Ruby burst out laughing at the action. She held her stomach as tears welled in her eyes. "Oh, my God!"
Once he regains his composure, Murphy looks to his niece with his one good eye. "Jesus, Lola, what was that?"
She shrugs in response, "you bothered me."
Murphy throws his arm into the air dramatically, keeping one hand pressed against his eyes still. "you're just like your mom. I mean just like her." He informs Eloah.
Ruby stops laughing, a frown forming on her lips. "Hey, that's not a bad thing." She
Murphy smirks at his younger sister. Then he turns back to his niece. "Who's been teaching you to hit like that, huh, Little Lola?"
"Aunt Echo and Mama," she replies, bouncing on her toes. "But they say I can only hit you though
"It's not just you she hits." Ruby pipes. "She attacks Bellamy at least once a day. I even watched her beat the shit out of Monty and Ryland— at the same time."
Murphy laughs loudly. "Good job, kid." He raises his arm up, his hand curled in a fist. Eloah curls her own tiny hand into a fist and knocks it against Murphy's.
A little fist bump.
Ruby smiles softly at the two.
Ruby is more than grateful that Murphy and Eloah get along amazingly. Other than when she is beating up on him. Murphy has turned out to be great with the little girl. She spends numerous nights with him and Emori.
"Come on, El. It's almost dinner time," Ruby tells her daughter.
Her little nose wrinkles in disdain, "Uncle Monty's algae is nasty."
"Yes, it is and the first batch of it put Uncle Murphy into a coma for an entire week once but we have to eat it to survive." Ruby holds out her hand for her daughter to take. With a dramatic sigh, Eloah grabs her mom's hand, joining her side. "Come on, Murph."
"Yeah! Come on, Uncle Murph."
word count: 2,057
episode: original episode
WELCOME TO THE STORY, ELOAH CARSON-BLAKE!!!! i'm so, so excited to rewrite little eloah in act one and then continue her story in seasons six and seven.
eloah's birth scene is one of my favorite scenes in the entire trilogy. it was in the original write, and it still is in the rewrite. i love that everyone was there to support ruby. i would not have all those people in a room with me while i was having a whole child but ruby and i are two completely different people.
murphy passing out is one of the funniest things i have ever written. his family is never going to let him live it down. like ever. and ruby's reaction to it is so funny, too. i love them sm.
y'all already knew ruby and bellamy were going to have a little girl based off of the cast chapter but did y'all want it to be a girl? when i first started this trilogy back in 2020, i always knew that ruby was going to have a kid and it was going to be a girl. she's going to take after her mom and uncle so much, it's crazy.
she's going to be a little unhinged in season six but it's not her fault. her mom is ruby carson, her uncle is john murphy, and her aunt is octavia blake. crazy literally runs in the poor kid's veins.
speaking of what runs through her veins. . . did y'all expect her to be a nightblood? no. me either. this is a new addition to the story because originally ruby was not a nightblood but she is in the new write of this trilogy. so her daughter is one too. could i give eloah red blood? yes. will i? absolutely not.
next chapter, we officially get into season five!!! how excited are we?
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