Aera sat up against a tree by a nearby pond, staring down at the small painting of her mother and father.
Through the painting, she could see herself in both of them. She had her father's deep purple eyes, but her mother's tanned skin. She had freckles from her mom, her mom's face shape, but her dad's lips. The one attribute that was hers alone was her hair. Her hair did not match her mom's black or her dad's white, instead a mousy brown.
She'd couldn't remember her mother much.
She'd passed away when Aera was four years old, but had been sick since she'd had her. They had no idea what the sickness was, but once Aera was born, she was practically bedridden until she died. She would spend her time playing her Lute, teaching Aera some songs to the best of her ability. Those were the memories Aera was able to hold onto.
Aera saw her mother's death as punishment. For what she did not know. Since then, she'd been through so much that she thought that perhaps this was her karma for causing a sickness that would take something so beautiful out of the world. But then again, she couldn't be sure it was her fault.
Her mother was beautiful. She was human so it boggled Aera how flawless she was. Her father was the same way, a tall, muscular, pale skinned elf. They were almost polar opposites.
Aera wished she had an ounce of the beauty either of them held.
Aera sat back, staring out at the pond, enjoying the wind on her face.
There were times when she was with Devor where she'd be getting beaten, assaulted, or even just left in the dark for hours, days on end. Sometimes, when she felt really broken, she'd call out for her mom. The urge to be comforted and held came to her often. It was something she never really got.
She wondered where her father was.
A rustling of leaves pulled her from her thoughts. She turned around to see Gale making his way over to her.
She gave him an acknowledging nod, her heart swelling at the sight of him.
"What are you doing out here by yourself?" Gale asked, sitting down next to her. He was dressed down to a loose, black, v neck top and some dark pants. The orb mark was fully exposed.
"I was just taking some time to myself," Aera replied, crossing her legs.
"I can go if you'd like?" He asked. "I don't mean to intrude."
"Not at all," Aera said. She looked over at him. "Please stay."
He smiled softly, then sat back against the same thick tree trunk she was. "Oh, actually..."
He jumped up and began picking up some branches. As he did so, he began snapping them in half. Aera watched curiously.
Gale made a quick cone with the sticks, then casted fireball, the sticks took to the flame, and before long they had a fire. "Ah, I can't forget this..."
He grabbed a bottle of wine and two goblets from behind the tree trunk. She hadn't noticed it when he first came over, but she nodded in approval. She'd begun getting used to the taste of red wine over her time with the group. "Hells, you read my mind."
"I'm glad to hear it. It's not the best, but it'll do."
He popped the bottle open, then poured them both a hefty portion of the red wine. Gale handed her one of the goblets carefully, then sat back, relaxing.
"That painting is new," Gale said after a short sip. "I've yet to see you with it."
Aera took a sip of wine herself, the tart liquid making her cringe a bit. As she brought the goblet down to her lap, she nodded. "I haven't looked at it in a while. It's my parents."
"Your parents?" Gale asked in shock. He leaned closer, squinting his eyes to get a better look in the dim firelight. Aera remembered he didn't have darkvision and chuckled softly to herself.
She watched him as he took in the photo, his eyes scanning the tattered canvas. "Oh my... I can see where you get your beauty from."
Aera felt warmth come over her, but she held her composure. "Thank you. That's sweet."
"You said your mother was a bard, correct?"
"Yes," Aera replied. "My Lute was actually passed down from her."
Gale blinked and looked up at her. "Wow... that's wonderful."
Aera nodded, giving him a soft smile.
"Well, by the way you talk about her, I can only assume she's no longer with us," Gale said. She replied as he took a sip of wine.
"Yes. She died when I was very young."
He averted his eyes for a moment, as if guilty for bringing her up.
"My condolences," Gale said. "I hope I haven't upset you."
"Not at all."
They were quiet for a moment as they both watched the flames of the bonfire. Aera sipped on the wine some more, then let her head fall back against the tree trunk.
"I hope you like the ring," Gale said. She blinked, then looked down at her hand, where the jewel glistened in the firelight.
"I love the ring," Aera said. "Thank you."
Gale let out a nervous breath. "I'm glad. I didn't want you to um... think I was meaning anything by it, you know?"
She shrugged, looking at the black liquid within her goblet. It reminded her of Mizora and the events of their evening.
"I understand," Aera told him. She felt slight annoyance toward him, confused by the disconnect in his words and actions.
Gale sat forward, crossing his arms and resting them on his knees. "I know you were having a rough time earlier. Hags are known for their vicious magic so it's not out of character for her to target you in such a way. Are you okay? Truly?"
A moment of silence.
Aera downed the rest of the wine before holding her hand out and gesturing for the bottle. He handed it to her, his eyebrows slightly drawn together in concern.
As she poured herself another full goblet, she said: "I have to be okay. We have bigger problems at hand, don't you agree?"
"As true as it may be that the tadpole is our most pressing matter, your well being is very important. Necessary, actually. Plus, I've grown quite fond of you and our little group. I care about you more then I really expected, so I feel as if it's in my right to make sure you're okay."
Aera picked at a loose string on her sleeve as she thought about his words. She could feel his eyes on her.
Something in her flipped and she began getting emotional. It hit her like a tidal wave.
"I can't escape it," she said, her voice breaking as she got a bit choked up. "He's everywhere."
Gale turned more toward her, leaning forward so she would look at him.
Through teary eyes, she glanced over.
"He's not here," Gale replied. "Not in this moment. It's just you and me, okay?"
She blinked, her purple eyes falling on his lips for a moment before she met his gaze. "You're right. He's not."
Gale nodded. "He's never going to be here with me. Or with the others. We'll all make sure of it."
"You're so kind," Aera said. She couldn't help it when a few tears fell, letting out a pained chuckle. "It's just everyone else knows and sees me as something I'm not. I try not to let it get to me, but I don't know... sometimes it just does."
"They don't know you," Gale told her. "You're... you're just lovely. I mean that."
She wiped away the tears as they fell, then laughed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, this isn't a very good look."
"Don't you dare apologize," he said, but lightly. "I'll take this as a sign that you're comfortable with me, and for that I'm quite grateful."
She took a few gulps of wine. It was hitting her a bit, the buzz of the alcohol. "I just feel a fool, I suppose."
"I've come to care about you and the others too. It's only been what, half a tenday? I haven't given a rats arse about someone in years. But now... I fear I've let myself become too attached... at least to some of you."
She hinted at him before finishing off her glass. Setting the goblet down, she turned to look at him. He sat back, leaning against the tree trunk once more.
"It's normal, especially in dire situations like this." Gale glanced down at her hand, then back up at her. "I feel the same way. Toward some more than others, but you're not alone in those feelings."
Aera set the painting to the side, setting the goblet on it so the wind didn't blow it away. "What if we can't get rid of these tadpoles?"
"We will. Don't worry."
"But what if we don't?" Aera repeated.
Gale contemplated his words as he finished off his wine. "Then we will become Mind Flayers. But I don't see it coming to that, not at all."
Aera said nothing. She still had so much to do. It hadn't dawned on her until just now how little time she had left if ceremorphosis was to take place. She'd never know where her dad was. She'd never see Bastian again. She'd never get to feel love or give love to anyone.
In her slightly drunken state, Aera leaned her head on Gale's shoulder, staring out at the water. She felt him tense up, but only for a moment before leaning his head on top of hers.
"Gods... what are you doing to me?" Gale said, chuckling softly.
"What do you mean?" Aera asked. She took in his scent. He smelled quite good, despite their circumstances.
"I'm... not sure yet," Gale said. "But it's been a long time since I've felt a connection with someone."
Aera and Gale seemed to have the same idea after a moment. Their hands found each other's once more, their fingers intertwining and resting on Gale's outstretched leg.
They sat there for a minute, eyes closed, enjoying the moment. He rubbed her hand gently with his thumb. It soothed her.
"I'm quite tired," Aera said softly. Gale shifted, his head almost nuzzling hers as he got more comfortable. She closed her eyes and tried to keep her tears from falling.
"Me too," Gale agreed.
They sat there in silence once again, listening to the crickets. Aera let herself enjoy the moment, then fell asleep, the images of Devor distant in her mind.
Gale sat there, staring at the fire, heart racing.
He was confused, to say the least.
Mystra still held much power over him, more then he cared to admit. He'd thought it impossible for him to have any sort of romantic feelings for someone after the roller coaster that was the Goddess of Magic, but as he sat there, hand in hand with Aera, leaning on her, the butterflies were most definitely stirring within him.
Ever since a few nights prior, when they'd almost kissed, he'd begun looking at her differently. There had been a level of attraction to her from the very beginning, even when they ran into each other in Waterdeep. But now he could say he was genuinely enjoying getting to know her and noticed her beauty every time he looked at her.
She was the first connection that felt real to him since being exiled. Tara was always so helpful, but he had no mortal friends when he locked himself away. Life became a day to day chore. He didn't realize how much he missed being around people until he'd left his tower. Until he met her. Well, and the others, but Aera was different.
But his feelings for Mystra still lingered.
He felt overwhelming guilt for what he was doing but he was unsure why. He knew he'd hurt Mystra, so he supposed he felt this would just hurt her more. Part of him still longed for her touch.
But this... this was different.
Mystra never cared much for Gale's feelings, or the things that were on his mind. He'd known this woman for merely four sunrises and five dawns, but she showed more care for him then he could remember Mystra ever having in their time together. With Mystra he was always the one chasing, the one making sure he appeased her.
This felt equal. He'd never felt that before.
Gale had no idea how to feel.
Still, he squeezed Aera's hand, moved his head so that he could lightly take in the scent of her hair. She'd fallen asleep on his shoulder and Gale's heart had not stopped racing since.
He softly pressed his lips to the top of her head, giving her a gentle kiss.
His breath caught in his throat as he pulled away. More desire. More guilt.
Was he capable of falling in love again?
After a little while, Gale decided they should both get some decent sleep. He gently pulled his hand from Aera's. The alcohol must of had her in a deeper sleep because she didn't seem to notice. Gale stood, stretching as he began making his way over to her side of the tree trunk. Carefully, Gale grabbed the painting and goblet, then grabbed his own belongings. He quickly ran the things back to camp, gently placing the painting in Aera's backpack. He hurried back quietly.
She still slept.
Gale considered waking her up, but decided against it. She needed the sleep.
He bent down and carefully lifted Aera into his arms. She stirred for a moment, but stayed unconscious as her head rested against his collarbone.
He glanced down at her, his heart skipping a beat. Her immense beauty, even in sleep, always caught him off guard.
With the snap of his fingers, the fire went out and he carried her back to camp. As gently as he could, Gale laid her down on her bedroll, making sure to cover her with her blanket. She rolled onto her side, away from him. He softly smiled down at her before returning to his own bedroll.
Tomorrow was another day.
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