(4.) Slave To The Rhythm.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ratchet And Clank: Rift Apart. I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Hope you enjoy.)

"Your the only hero? Aren't you?"

Why did Rivet agree to take Kit on her nightly patrol of the city? Why did she let her be the accomplice she never would and will never have?

She truly doesn't know. Kit rode on Rivet's back as she patrolled the roofs and hiding in the shadow so no unwanted eyes spotted a Lombax dressed in armour and carrying gear.

I'm staring to regret this now.

"Yep, Yep I am." Rivet replied, hand tightening in the chosen weapon of the night. "If people don't like it, they can rot in hell. I don't care for no one no more. No one means shat to me."

Kit paused in her speech. Nothing formed inside her mind apart from the thoughts the monster feed itself on the daily.

I am you. You are me. Rivet isn't family.

The choice changed its rhythm. Usually it's the same old speech brought on repeat. Now, Kit realised for the first time in its existence, the monster is threatened by the only hero she's with.

And Kit laughed.

A giggle escaping, another a few moments later, chuckling as the minutes ticked by, then full blown on laughter how how pathetic this scenario turned out to be.

Kit stared at the robot like she'd grown insane in the last couple of seconds. She could hear Kit silently giggling to herself as if having a conversation.

She's rather have a conversation with air than you. How pitiful.

Rivet released a muted growl. The voice chose the most convenient moments to intervene in these moments, disrupting whatever happy thoughts she might have protected at these points in time.

She's talking to the monster...

Clearly. She's LAUGHING AT YOU. Ditch the little junk and be on your merry way. Best decision you'll have made in a long time.

Belittling as always.

As if you don't take out criticism to heart.

Rivet released another muted growl. The entity had a bad habit of referring to itself as either 'us' or 'we'. It believed they were actually one.

And on the same page.

Ha, as if Rivet would actually ever like the thing possessing her mind and body, and someday even her soul might be a victim.

It sent a unpleasant shiver up her spine. So deep into her thoughts, Rivet didn't notice that Kit stopped laughing and now stared at her in concern.

"You alright?"

Rivet shook her head. Blowing her tuff out her eyes, she faced Kit and smiled what she hoped to be slowing assurance.

"Yep. Thinking. That'll all."

She also didn't see Kit's disbelieving expression.

Walking forward more, Rivet looked isn't the city she decided on her life to protect. It didn't provide the thrill she thought after. Still, it served something.

She had a purpose. It also happened to sunset, a pretty picture to the eyes bothering having a peek at the sights of nature at dusk. It proved a beautiful sight to behold.

"The sun's beautiful." Kit muttered softly, knowing she'd see even if she wasn't facing correctly. "I line the daytime."

"Heh." Rivet gently banged her mallet against the palm of her other hand. "I like the night better. Get to explore the different worlds."

"Rivet?" Kit asked in uncertainty. "What is a different a world?

Rivet paused in her movements. Stiff as a statue, one might mistake the Lombax as a shadow in the cold night. Kit even grew concerned of her lack of breath.

"...Where creatures are parallel." Rivet placed a hand on the metal arm. "Different environments where others don't know your situation. One might be a hero and another is criminal. Different motives, different view."

It's all she offered. Kit silently took those words to heart, storing them in her mainframe to remember them later in life if needed.


Rivet flinched. Looking over, her and Kit spotted tens, if not hundreds of creatures surrounding the nearest building. She recognised the hungry look inside the eyes of the creatures.


"Shut up."

She quickly hid the in shadow. The sun set so the darkness hid the Lombax very well. She knew the scenario playing out.

Gang war.

The creatures eyes fit in thanks for the moonlight. Some had the normal colours such as brown, blue, etc. But others had the one she associated with most these days.


Red is a colour most creatures hated now. Anyone saw you have a red eye, you were chased as if a monster in the ancient times by a mob.

She hated creatures these days for that.

"Surrender your territory!"

"Ha! Like we'd do that to worthless scum!"

The gang's talking faded into obscurity. Rivet's mind deemed it not important as the red started taking over the subconscious.

Kill the criminal. Kill scum.


Rivet's true eyes rolled into the back of her head, something else placing a new colour. Her eyes narrowed as the colour controlled the body.

Red. Pure, pure red.

Kit's own optics flared. Red consuming all thoughts as the true conscience was shoved done to make way for the monster inside.

A grin slowly formed on Rivet's mouth.

"Me against you."

The two leaders decided to fight themselves so they didn't seem cowardly to their gang members who watched intensely to see who'd lose the battle.


Two metal pipes clashed against the two weapons the leader pulled out. A simple show to the ground sent them spiralling yards away.

To the members. Someone in a black gear stood there in very think metal plates covering their body along with a hood covering their face from view.

It reached down to the back obviously attempting in hiding their head to tail. The members waited on the orders to hit and kill.

"Nice to see the boys are being boys."

Nearly all of them screamed in pure fear. Only one members survived the genocide of this creature. She liked up holding a terrifying smirk.

She beckoned with a hand.

"Time to play."

"Get her then!"

The leader's roar forced three members to ambush the monster haunting Rivet's body. It smirked and used the hands as weapons.

Cracking the knuckles, it used fingers to life flip a hand over the head. They landed on their back with a agonising cry, back homes breaking.

It sent a pleasant shiver up its spine.

The beast rocked back and forth, stepping aside as a stupid member thought she'd be heading right instead of left. How stupid could someone be?

Very apparently.

And then the third managed a freaking stab to Rivet's armour. She seethed in pain, pulling the sharp edge of a blade out the wound.

She tasted the blood on her fingers, licking her lips in satisfaction. It actually was sure delicious.

"No playing anymore."

Kit whispered in the back. Always the pushy time. The creature wouldn't it eyes but duty called.

She kneed the guy's stomach, punched his cheek, then kicked his sending flying back several feet. In some cases being the only hero worked.

She didn't have to worry about others getting hurt.

The thrill of the hunt ended as members scrambled to get away. Being the cowards they were, the two leaders also disappeared leaving the three barely conscious gang on the ground.

Dragging the first by his legs, Rivet dragged the member to a dustbin and shoved his body in its contents. It would stink in the morning.

Worth the payback.

The second she grabbed their hair. Also dragging them slowly to a ladder. The monster tied rope to leg so the member hung upside down.

And the third?

She grabbed the armpits. Dragging the unconscious creature over to a near by sewer drain. It hummed a soothing tune as it's hands adjusted ropes again.

"Bon voyage~"

It kicked the male and they slid down the sewer. Not to escape, oh no. To hand there in sweet, sweet agony. It craved the violent touch.

"That's my girl."

The monster whipped around, hissing a warning to the stranger in the shadows. It simply chuckled softly, stepping out.

Rivet gasped softly. Red eyes still there, but more personality shining though. The monster retreated.

Even it felt afraid.

"What do you want?"

The bot standing there triggered many repressed memories Rivet couldn't stand to recall. It towered over the Lombax.

The one who took it all. The coward who ran.

KT-7461. Only then did Rivet notice Kit wasn't on her back any longer. It's eyes shone evil, a grin displayed despite the limitations of its expression.

"The emperor sends his regards."

With an evil smile, Kit's mind surrendered to control. The true conscious banging on an invisible wall keeping it trapped in the void.


Exhausted and in control, Rivet dodged to the side of the dangerous punch crouching the ground and sending an quake shake about.

"Kit, please-"

The robot didn't stop to listen. Mallet met metal fist, clashing and both barely holding the other back as they wanted.

Rivet closed her eyes and growled. Opening them, the red consumed all again. Being the hero didn't mean squat anymore.

What mattered was survival.

Hissing like a cat, Rivet dropped their mallet and jumped on the arm. On all fours, Kit watched in shock as Rivet rushed up her arm.


"You don't get to call me that."

Kit yelled in pain as Rivet's hands forced its arm to the ground. She pulled and pulled until the snap of wires wrung through her ears.

Pure betrayal was the only feeling she allowed. And affection she might've once felt disappeared somewhere to be stored and locked.

...Them Rivet shrieked in pain.

An electrical current buzzed down the line. Subduing the beast until it crouched and whimpered in pain.

Kit watched as a shadow walked out the darkness. It wasn't the leader like she'd expect. A robot who sold you what goods you could afford.


"Hi, dearie! I saw this awful thing attacking you!"

Kit gave an exaggerated expression. A bit saved her life and Mrs.Zurkon waved goodbye as she continued down the street one more.

Rivet twitched. Writing in pain, the currents causing side affects. Red eyes still consuming the whole irises. She suddenly stood up on her own.


"I trusted you. Shut up."

Those words silenced the little bot. The beast decided mischief was in order and caused this little outburst to. She hated it more than ever.

And Rivet still grabbed Kit, settling her on the back as comfy as she could make it. Kit didn't dare speak a word in fear of breaking the niceness at hand.

"I don't need a partner anyway."

Rivet activated her rocket boots, launching herself and Kit into the air. The night was a clear one needed to get rid of the problems on her mind.

Rivet contemplated her own with in this word. Did others hold value for a lonely Lombax? Should she become the beast inside?

Is this even worth it anymore?

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