xli. forty-one
Sophie lost track of the time she spent outside with the alicorns, lying in a bed of Panakes petals under Calla's tree.
At some point, the family had roamed off, the twins off to cause some sort of trouble, Silveny and Greyfell attempting to keep them under control. The whole time, Silveny monitored her mind, sending happy thoughts and feelings of peace whenever she felt like Sophie needed it.
Sophie could definitely say that this was one of the most placid afternoons she'd had in a long time.
After about an hour or so, Edaline came out of the house and padded over to where Sophie lay on the grass. She carefully sat down, her light periwinkle gown blossoming out around her.
The sound of crinkling parchment floated towards Sophie as her mother as she held out a paper. "Hey," Edaline said, reaching out to rub her back.
Sophie tensed, unsure what to do. Edaline felt it, and dropped her hand. Sophie tried to ignore the guilt burning her cheeks.
"So," Edaline said, clearing her throat. "Elwin dropped off a list of elixirs we should pick up for you to make sure you completely recover from . . . everything."
Sophie nodded, hoping none of them would taste like moldy cheese or animal hair or something along those lines. Knowing Elwin, though, some of them probably did.
"I was going to go to Atlantis to pick everything up," Edaline continued slowly. "Would you like to come along? We could even stop into some other stores, too, if you'd like."
Sophie considered. On one hand, going into Slurps N' Burps again would mean running into Dex, Kesler, possibly Juline, and probably a lot of people she really didn't want to talk to right now. On the other, she kind of felt the need to make up to Edaline for flinching when she touched her.
Sophie offered a smile. "I'll go." She stood up, brushing of her tunic and pants. She offered Edaline a hand.
Edaline didn't need to brush herself off, because nothing had stuck to her. Of course nothing had.
"Um . . . you might want to go inside and change into—"
"Let me guess, a dress?" Sophie asked with a sigh. Her first day back, and she was starting to think that her time with the Neverseen would forever be more enjoyable solely for the fact that she never had to wear dresses or makeup if she didn't want to.
Edaline held back a small smile.
In her room, Sophie dug through her closet, sifting through piles and piles of chiffon, tulle, fabric, and sequins. Eventually, she settled on a dark red dress that cascaded down to her feet. It hugged her abdomen, outlining the curves and muscles she'd gotten from all the Neverseen training and fighting.
Sophie stepped over to the mirror and ran her hands down the dress, staring at her sorely uncomfortable face.
Vertina popped into the corner of the mirror, putting her little hands together. "Please, please let me tell you how to do your hair!" She begged.
Sophie glowered. "I'm only going shopping."
Vertina tsked. "That's no excuse to not look your best. It'll be simple, I promise."
Somehow, in the end, Vertina convinced Sophie to let her walk her through twisting her hair into a plaited braid that ran down in between her shoulder blades. She had Sophie pull and pin it in a way that made it look natural and lush. Sophie stopped her at the makeup, though. Some things she had to put her foot down for.
"Are you ready, Sophie?" Edaline called from downstairs.
"Coming!" Sophie yelled back, hopping down the stairs bare-footed, red shoes in hand. There was no way she would be able to make it down without snapping her ankle.
Edaline blinked when she saw her, but she shook herself. "Okay, let's go," she said, tucking Elwin's note into her pocket.
Sophie grasped her mom's hand and they leaped away.
"I always forget that we need to jump into a whirlpool," Sophie said, sighing. She hiked up the hem of her stupid dress as she and Edaline walked over the slippery rocks leading up to the triangular rock that hid all the whirlpool-activating bottles. Sophie stared at the white-crested waves slamming against the shore, imagining the vortex that would soon be overtaking the water.
Edaline opened up the hidden compartment keeping all of the bottles, handing one to Sophie. "Would you do the honors?"
Sophie looked down at the bottle, reading the words scrawled on the label.
One whirlpool. Open with care.
She uncorked the top and chucked the bottle into the water, watching it sink in with a small splash and a plunk.
The ocean started to swirl, spraying water everywhere, tossing Sophie's braided hair into her face. She could feel pieces of it start to come loose in the thrashing wind.
"Together?" Edaline shouted.
Sophie nodded. She gripped Edaline's hand, trying to ignore the odd feeling that coursed through her veins at the physical contact she hadn't had for the past seven months and focus on the task at hand.
"Three . . . two . . . one!" Sophie called, and they surged forwards. She wasn't sure if she pulled Edaline or if Edaline had pulled her, but either way, they hurled forward, water seeping into their clothes as they spun in the whirlpool.
The waterside-like tube spat them out. All the water leeched out of their clothing and they sprung back from the sponge at the bottom, flailing in the air for a few moments. Miraculously, through the hands of some unknown force compiled with months of physical training, Sophie landed on her feet.
Edaline smiled. "That was fun."
Sophie gave her a weird look, starting down the street in front of them.
The whirlpool wasn't the only thing Sophie had forgotten about Atlantis. She was once again struck by the luminous beauty the glowing underwater city possessed.
Edaline had caught up to her when Sophie caught a reflection of herself in one of the windows of a building as they passed, and she was surprised to see that her hair was still somewhat put together. And even more surprised to see that it still resembled something like a braid.
As they neared the heart of the city, Sophie became aware of stares following them as they walked by the crowds of people.
Soon, the whispers started, too.
"Is that the girl that saved Atlantis?"
"That's Sophie Foster! The moonlark!"
"No—she's the dire wolf now."
The dire wolf? Sophie slowed, glancing back, but Edaline ushered her along.
"We haven't seen her in seven months!"
"Right? Where has she been? Maybe she was off on regent business."
"I heard she joined the Neverseen."
"That can't be right."
Sophie looked around, trying to ignore all the strange comments she heard coming from around her. Dire wolf? Regent? Wasn't a regent someone who worked for the Council?
She was tempted to ask Edaline, but refrained.
They finally came to Slurps n' Burps. Sophie gulped as they stepped inside, the door belching in welcome.
Sophie hid behind Edaline as they wove their way through the rows and rows of elixirs carefully stacked on shelves.
Sophie tried to drag the minutes out in her mind, dreading when Edaline would get through Elwin's list and they would have to go to check out, undoubtedly being forced to face Dex and Kesler.
Edaline knew, too. She kept running her fingers down the sheet, as if looking for missed medicines, ice trailing down Sophie's spine every time. She was filled with relief every time they turned down another isle, but it was overshadowed by dread.
And finally, Edaline said what Sophie had known she'd have to hear at some point.
"And that's the last one!" She said, over-cheerful.
Sophie swallowed. "Would you mind if I went into one of the next door shops?" She asked, half-knowing Edaline wouldn't fall for it. "I, uh, would like to look around. It's been so long since I've been here!"
"Nope!" Edaline said, still in the same buoyant manner. She dumped some of the bottles into Sophie's arms, making it impossible for her to escape.
Sophie's knees seemed to be locked in place. Edaline tugged on her, and Sophie moved towards the counter behind Edaline at a snail's pace.
Edaline got there first. Sophie focused her eyes purposefully on the floor, wondering what would happen if she dropped the bottles and ran.
"Edaline!" Kesler's jovial voice piped up from behind the counter. "My favourite sister-in-law! How have you been?"
Sophie could hear the smile in Edaline's voice. "Good, good, I've been good. Dex! Long time, no see!" This last part was undoubtedly for Sophie.
She heard a clinking sound as Edaline set her batch of elixirs down on the counter. Kesler started, "Who are all these—"
Sophie gulped. He'd spotted her.
She snuck a tiny glance up, and then immediately wished she hadn't.
Dex and Kesler were both staring at her, eyes wide, jaws open. Kesler immediately closed his mouth, realizing how he was acting. But Dex's lips stayed parted.
And they were silent. No yelling. No screaming. No WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? like she'd expected.
Just. . . silence.
Kesler recovered first, looking and sounding a lot like Edaline as he said, "Sophie! So nice to see you."
Meanwhile, Dex stayed frozen in the same exact position, his eyes locked on hers.
Sophie took slow, meaningful steps forward, her fingers gripping the bottles so hard she was surprised they didn't burst.
She set the elixirs down beside Edaline's, backing away as soon as she did it as if the bottles had burned her. She put a respectable distance between herself, Edaline, and the Dizznees, busying herself with studying the labels on the store's elixirs.
Achy-Break. Freckle juice. Buff Stuff. Wound Wipe. Fa—
"Sophie." Dex's voice was so quiet, she could've almost imagined hearing him. But she knew she didn't. Against her will, her gaze darted up, meeting his once more.
And Dex did the last thing she'd expected him too.
He broke into a smile. The kind of smile that reminded her of a sunrise—a fresh start. Filled with blooming warmth that chased away all the remainders of the cold night that was finally over; filled with colour and brightness and peace.
"It's okay," he said, coming out from behind the counter and wrapping Sophie in a hug before she could back away further. "It's okay."
aha, I see you, all of you tricky people who snuck in another chapter before they finished LEGACY. This is your last warning—and I'm begging you, please, please, please don't read on until you finish the book!! Shannon does everything she can to keep her fans safe from spoilers for a reason—she wants you guys to be able to experience all the book's surprises and roller coasters in their authenticness, not dulled by some dumb spoilers you couldn't help but read.
I promise, YOU WILL REGRET SPOILING YOURSELF!!! This chapter had some minor spoilers, just in case you questioned my truthfulness in saying that REVERSED would contain spoilers from last chapter on. But only minor, minor ones that didn't really spoil anything—I can assure you, the spoilers in the rest of my book will be far worse and wreak tons more damage.
Hey, and just because you already got spoiled for some, most of, or "all of" LEGACY, that DOES NOT make it safe for you to read on!!! I promise you that whatever you know, you do not know the whole story or all the reasons. And you don't ever know everything about the book unless you read it. WAIT UNTIL YOU READ LEGACY TO CONTINUE MY FANFIC!!
I'm begging you guys, please do not spoil yourself!!
~<3 xx
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