Chapter 33
"Morning." I smiled, walking into the conference room.
Everybody had been called in early to discuss a few matters with management.
"Good morning Miss Thomas." Mrs. Jones (the head of management) replied.
I took a seat at the end of the table beside Niall.
"Okay, so as most of you probably guessed, we are here to talk about the current relationship status of Chloe and Louis." Mrs. Jones said, clasping her hands together and resting them on the table.
"Well, I'm mature enough to let it go, but I'm not so sure about Louis." I snapped. I'm getting so tired of hearing about all of this shit between us.
"Who said I haven't let it go? I'm the one who ended it." Louis shot back.
I felt my eyes grow huge at his bold statement. I stood up but Niall put his hand on my shoulder.
"You ended it? I don't think that was the case when you showed up at my apartment and beat up Wesley because he was my date." I hissed.
"Okay Chloe." Niall whispered, slowly pushing my shoulder until I was sitting down again.
"See? This is a tense subject for all of us and we need to think of the best way to handle this." Mrs. Jones said, staring at me.
"What is there to handle? It's my life. It's his life. Why can't we just live them?" I asked. Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Because fans will get upset and we can't have that." Mrs. Jones answered.
"The fans are happy I'm not dating Louis. They pretty much hated me." I told her.
"That's not true. Have you even been on Twitter in that last 48 h-"
I kicked Niall's leg before he could finish. I was on Twitter and saw all of the hash-tags for Louis and I to get back together but right now I really just wanted to live my life by my rules, not management's.
"What's this about Twitter, Mr. Horan?" Mrs. Jones asked.
Niall looked at me and I silently begged him not to say anything.
"Um, well...there are um, hash-tags trending that want Louis and, uh Chloe to...kinda...get back together." He mumbled, ducking his head and running a hand over his hair.
"Then it's settled." Mrs. Jones replied, standing up and grabbing her purse.
"What's 'settled'?" Louis asked.
"You and Chloe will get back together." Mrs. Jones smiled, exiting the room.
"No. Simon, I won't do it." I said, pacing back and forth in front of his desk.
"Me either. We broke up for a reason." Louis added.
You know, as I remember, Louis wanted me back like yesterday. I think somebody needs to make up their mind.
"Okay, okay, calm down. There's a simple fix for all of this." Simon replied,causing us to stop and listen.
"What is it?" I asked, playing with the ends of my auburn hair.
"When you two are out, anywhere accept home, hold hands, hug, kiss on the cheek and do whatever else you need to do to make this believable. Then, when you're at home, you're free to date whoever you want." Simon told us.
"Okay." I agreed, grabbing my purse and walking towards the door.
"Sound check tomorrow?" Simon called.
"I'll be there." I replied.
"Do I have to?" I groaned, rolling over and pulling back my blanket.
"Yes." Niall answered.
"Fine." I answered, hanging up the phone and walking to my closet.
There was a mandatory meet-n-greet today with One Direction, Emblem3 and me.
I sent a quick text to Lou to find out of she could do me a favor before the meet-n-greet and then pulled out a floral print dress.
"Do you have any plans today?" Morgann asked, sticking her head through my doorway.
"Yeah, I have a meet-n-greet." I replied, slipping the dress on over my head and brushing my hair.
"What time does it start?"
"12:30." I answered.
"It's just now 11:00." Morgann said, handing me some nude pumps.
"Well, I have to stop by Lou's for a favor." I told her.
"Oh, okay. Well let me know when you have some free time and we can hang out." She replied.
"I would love that." I smiled, grabbing my bag and turning out the light.
"Okay what do you think?" Lou asked, turning the chair around.
"I love it." I smiled, touching my newly colored hair.
"I always liked you as a blonde." She laughed.
"Thank you so much Lou. I have to go and meet the guys but I'll repay you for this." I laughed, giving her a hug.
"Okay, Chloe."
I rushed to my car and checked the time: 12:15. I pulled out of my parking job and started driving to the mall. I saw where a few body guards were standing and quickly pulled up.
"Back up!" One of the guards yelled, helping me out of my car. I thanked him and ran inside.
"Chloe, come on!" Niall urged, waving me over to where they were standing.
"Where am I sitting?" I asked him.
"In the middle of Louis and Wes." He whispered.
"Wonderful." I groaned.
"I like your hair." He laughed, as I tossed it over my shoulder.
"Okay guys. Showtime." Some guy hissed, waving out each of the guys in order.
I followed behind Louis and when we stepped out from behind the curtain it was chaos: camera's flashing, screaming fans, camera crews. I sat down and Wes smiled as he did the same.
"This is crazy." He whispered to me.
"Agreed." I whispered back.
The first couple of girls came trickling through: the first one couldn't stop crying, the second one almost fainted at the sight of Harry, the third one peed her pants and the fourth one never stopped giggling. I understand they're excited, but come on. Pee?
"Hi. My name is Margret."
"Hi, I'm Chloe." I smiled, signing an autograph and handing it to her.
"Can I ask you a question?" She asked.
"Um...sure." I said, checking with the guy in charge.
"Are you dating Wesley or Louis?"
"Uh..." I replied, looking for an answer. I saw Niall mouth Louis's name and nodded. "Louis."
"Can you prove it?" Margret answered.
"Yeah." I said, smiling stiffly. "Louis, this sweet girl wants us to prove that we're dating."
"Of course." Louis smiled, leaning in and giving me a kiss.
"Thank you!" She squealed, her camera flash going off.
"I'm going to get some food, do you guys want anything?" I asked Wes and Morgann.
"No thanks, we're good." Morgann answered, immersed with whatever she was watching on T.V..
"Okay." I shrugged, walking downstairs to my car.
I drove to a near by fast food place and got a hamburger.
"Oh, my God." The girl at the counter whispered. "You're Chloe Thomas."
"Yeah." I laughed, handing her the money for my meal.
"I'm a huge fan. Would you mind if I got a...a picture?" She asked, fumbling with her phone.
"Sure, why not?" I agreed, smiling as she took the picture of us.
"Thank you so much! Enjoy your food." She squealed.
I rolled my eyes and sighed; I mean sure it was fun to be famous sometimes but all I want to do is go shopping without a hood and sunglasses on. I'm not complaining about being famous because that's ridiculous but I want to be like Hannah Montana and have the best of both worlds.
I pulled up to our building and rode the elevator up. It dinged when it stopped on my floor and I walked down the narrow hallway. I turned the door handle and opened the door.
"Morgann?" I asked, dropping the bag of food on the floor.
"Chloe!" She exclaimed.
"What are you...with...I'm..." I mumbled, struggling to find the words to fill in the blanks.
"Chloe, I'm sorry." Morgann said, rushing up to me.
"Why were you two kissing? I thought...." I asked, trailing off.
It had seemed as if Wesley liked me not Morgann. He'd never met her before tonight. I can't believe she kissed him.
"I'm so sorry, Chloe. I'm going to go." Wesley said, walking towards the door.
"No stay. I'll go." I replied, pushing past Morgann and back to my car.
Who's she going to run to? Idk
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