Chapter 2

 "Hello? Chloe, Snap out of it!" Morgann yelled, waving her hand in front of my face. 

 "Mhm?" I mumbled shaking my head.

 We were at the mall and I guess I had been walking around like a zombie for the past two hours. I looked down at my wrists where I felt weight and, sure enough, I had four shopping bags around my them: two on each wrist.

 I sighed realizing I had probably spent all my money. 

 "Why the long face?" Hunter asked in a baby voice, pinching my cheeks.

 "Nothing, i-it's nothing." I replied studdering, because it was so hard to say that Louis was nothing.

 "Okay, that's it! You're telling me! Like, now!" Morgann said entirely too loud. 

 "What's my boo boo bear talking about?" Hunter asked. We both looked at him and schrunched up our noses.

 "Boo boo bear?!" I asked, because I mean, let's face it, boys don't normally use nicknames like that for their girlfriends. 

 "You're so weird." I said, smiling for the first time.

 Morgann grabbed my wrist and pulled towards the fountain. 

 "Hunter? Will you please go get us some pretzels?" Morgann questioned, sporting a pouty-face.

 Hunter huffed and stalked off towards the long line in front of the pretzel stand.

 "Tell me! Please." Morgann added in a whisper. My heart begged me to tell her, but my mind thought otherwise. Were you supposed to follow your heart or your mind? I don't know. I'm going for it.

 "Okay...well, you know Louis Tomlinson?" I timidly asked. 

 "Oh my God! Did you bang him?" Morgann responded her eyes getting wide.

 "Morgann! Oh my God no!" I said swatting her arm.

 We laughed for a second before she waved me on with her hand.

 "We knew each other back a long time ago, but we lost touch. He was my best friend. I've never called anyone my best friend until I met you." I concluded, clasping my hands together. 

 "That can't be all. How did you lose touch?" Morgann replied, lightly laying her hand on my shoulder, almost as if she felt bad for me. 

 "Okay, here's the weird part," I started taking a deep breath. "When we were both about 16ish we both went to audition for the X-Factor. I got there, auditioned, he auditioned, and we moved on. I was about halfway through the contest when One Direction was put together. At first I felt lost without my bestfriend but he reassured me that he would stay with me, you know?" I paused, waiting for her to nodd.

 "Yeah, go on."

 "It was right before the semi finals, you know to see who went on to the top two. I was pacing back and forth in my room when-"

 "Hey guys!" Hunter shouted, cutting me off.

 He had 3 pretzels and was currently picking off a piece of one. Morgann looked at me, her eyes wide.

 "Well, what happens next?!" Morgann screamed.

 Ishook my head in response, not knowing if I could go on in front of Hunter. Morgann sighed and bit angrily into her pretzel.



 "Chloe? Wake up!" I heard a voice shouting at me and shaking me. 

 "Stop sir. I'm going to need your name."

 I opened my eyes and saw Louis being forced back by the hands of a doctor. Louis frantically looked at me...he looked almost like he might cry.

 "Louis." I heard myself whisper.

 I was pushed into a room and the doctors held a mask over my mouth and nose. I suddenly realized what was happening and started frantically squirming.

 "No! Louis! Let him in!" I yelled as I sat up in bed and thrashed around.


 I woke up sweating. My hair was stuck to my face as well as my clothes.

 I took a shaky breath and sat up in my bed. I swung my feet over the side and put my slippers on.

 I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some dry clothes to wear. After that I quickly arranged my hair into a messy ponytail.

 I grabbed my clock and looked at the time: 4:24...AM...on a Saturday?! I groaned and looked longingly at my bed; there was no sleeping after a Louis dream...I know this from past experience.

 I grabbed my laptop  off my desk: time to check Twitter. The screen turned on and I searched up Louis. I found him and started my weekly Twitter stalk. I quickly read over the screen...sweet baby Jesus! It said Louis was going to be in Doncaster this weekend! I had to find him. He was my bestfriend. I sighed and looked at his profile picture.

 "Ahhh!" I heard a scream and fell over. I looked up and burst out laughing at the sight in front of me: Morgann, dressed head-to-toe in pillows, with a rolling pin in her hand.

 "Morgann? What the heck are you doing?" I asked, not bothering to stop laughing.

 "I should ask you the same question! I woke up to go to the bathroom and I saw your light on. I heard you groan and thought you were being raped or something!" Morgann replied throwing her hands up in the air.

 I laughed again and explained to her what had happened.

 "So he's going to be here for the weekend?" Morgann asked making sure she got all the details.

 I nodded anxiously and closed my laptop.

 "Well, we gotta find him! I mean he was your best friend!" Morgann said, noticing me picking at my cuticles.

 "What if he doesn't remember me? Or worse, what if he hates for me for what I did?" I asked, putting my hands up to my face. I never cried....and when I did it was never over a boy. 

 "Aw, sweet pea!" Morgann shouted as she embraced me in a hug. "Of course he'll remember you! Who could ever forget Chloe Cathleen Thomas?" She asked me a little teasingly.

 I felt myself laugh and pulled my head off of her shoulder. 

 "You're amazing." I said giving her one last hug. "What did I ever do to deserve a friend like you?" I asked, wiping my tears off my face.

 "I'm asking myself the same question, but anyway...I'm kinda hungry. Bacon?" Morgann questioned, her eyes lighting up at the word. 

 "At 4:40 in the morning?" I responded with a laugh.

 "Hey it's 9:00 somewhere!" Morgann yelped, scrambling off the ground and running down the stairs. I heard someone scream what sounded like a cuss word and then there was a crash.

 "We really need carpeted stairs." I said, noticing Morgann splayed on the bottom step. 

 "Agreed." Morgann laughed.


 "So..." Morgann said over a mouthful of bacon. 

 "So..." I replied, feeling a little uncomfortable. I knew the question was about to be asked. I had been nervously awaiting her to ask since that day at the mall. 

 "Well are you gonna tell me?" She squealed, after swallowing her bite of bacon.

 I sighed and nodded.

 "Where were we?" I asked, honestly losing place of the story.

 "You had just told me how you were pacing back and forth."

 "Right. Okay. So, I was pacing back and forth when I felt pain shoot through my body. I immediately collasped to the ground, where I heard footsteps all around me and then someone stepped on my hand. I looked up and there was a guy standing there...he was dressed in all black and the only part of him I could see were his eyes."

 "What was wrong with his eyes?" She whispered, leaning forward in anticipation.

 "It's just that, I'll never forget them: one was blue and the other was green. He just looked at me, his eyes were almost begging me not to say anything, but then he ran off, following the others, accept he looked at me the entire time." I said, stopping to pick at my nails again.

 "Is that all?" 

 "No." I sighed. "I tried to stand up and I felt a pain in my side. I fell down again and moved my hand from my side and...and it was covered in blood. About that time somebody came in to get me and realized I had been shot, so I was wisked off towards the hospital." I concluded with a breath.

 Morgann's mouth hung open in front of me, a peice of uneaten bacon hanging limply from her hand.

 "Sh-sh-shot?" She studdered.

 I lifted my shirt revealing the small scar to the right of my belly button.

 "Scarred for life." Morgann said, wrapping her arms around her knees and rocking back and forth. "How bad did it end up being?" She asked.

 "Well I needed a few stiches but other than that it wasn't too bad. The doctors said I shouldn't go back though. I told them not to worry about anything because One Direction and I had already been eliminated." I sighed and rested my head in my hands. "He kept texting and calling but I just ignored him." I added, making a reference to Louis. 

 "Let's not dwell on the past! How about a movie? I'll make popcorn." Morgann offered, raising one eyebrow causing me to giggle.

 I nodded and walked off towards the couch. It was only 5:10 am and yet we were about to watch Avengers. If only Louis were here...


Hey guys! If you've read this far thank you so much! This is my first big story and I'm hoping it will get more and more popular. For the next chapter I'm asking for 2 more votes. I hope you take enough time to do that. Thanks!


P.S. and don't forget to comment

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