Tok vs Terra (Part Three)

Six months later

"In a gesture of goodwill, the President announced his approval today for twenty-six Tokkans to attempt to return to their home planet, accompanied by a delegation from Terra. The delegation will include a skilled team of negotiators to broker a peace between our two species. This reporter understands that one of the Tokkan ships has been repaired sufficiently to undertake the so-called 'wormhole' jump... The remaining twenty-three Tokkans will continue as guests of Terra..."

"Is he out of his fucking mind?" shouted Lex, when they heard the news.

Sandra had some sympathy with his position but felt obliged to spout the official line.

"The President says the Tokkans have helped prepare the treaty. They've sworn they'll support it."

"I don't give a flying fuck what the President says. He's doing a Trump, telling people what he thinks they want to hear instead of the truth. Nobody wants to believe we're facing all-out war with another species, but those Tokkans are lying. There's no way their home planet is going to agree to any sort of peaceful settlement."

Lex took a deep breath, trying to convince the Captain that he knew what he was talking about.

"I've studied everything that's been published about them for the last six months. They're a warrior race, Captain, their whole social structure is geared around war. For Cyons's sake, I hear their soldiers are promoted according to how many people they've killed! They call them Slayers, Grade One, Two and Three. I'm telling you, they live for war. They won't stop until every last human is wiped out, our race annihilated."

Sandra frowned as she studied the man in front of her. His face was flushed and his multiple tattoos swirled agitatedly across his skin. One fist pounded into the other as he spoke.

"I'm sure you're exaggerating, Lex," she soothed. "In any case, the decision is not up to us. The Federated Planets was still run by the President and the Federation Council last time I checked, not the Space Corps."

"I tell you, if we let that ship go home, they'll be back with hundreds more, all armed to the teeth and ready to kill us."

"Enough. The Council has agreed to try and send the ship home, so the diplomats can discuss a peace treaty. We have no choice but to abide by it."

Sandra walked away. She knew Lex was paranoid but surely this was taking it to extremes. On the other hand, she thought, as she cast her mind back, he had been right about the Cyon attack. She frowned, remembering the terrible destruction the Tokkans had wrought on unsuspecting Luyten. What if Lex was right?


A fleet of ships accompanied the Tokkan vessel, Tok 26, to a section of space near Alpha Centauri, to witness its departure. Tactfully, light years away from Procyon and Luyten.

The Tokkan's had done their best to explain wormhole technology to the humans but as none of them was an expert, they hadn't had much success. The only clear facts which emerged were that you needed a good stretch of empty space to create an opening by activating the wormhole control panel on your ship and then you had to shoot through it as fast as possible before it closed. Scarcely a detailed explanation. Several teams of Terran scientists were even now eagerly examining the salvaged remains of other Tokkan vessels, trying to discover how the wormhole creator worked.

Sandra was foremost amongst the escort fleet, aboard Survivor, keeping close to the Tokkan vessel. Lex was tight lipped, if Sandra hadn't known better she would have said he was sulking. She knew he'd sent numerous communications to the Federation Council about his suspicions, but they'd all been dismissed.

The signal came for all ships to halt as the fleet neared its destination. The Survivor pulled up just to the left rear of Tok 26.

However, before they could come to a complete halt, red alarm lights popped up across the control panels. In seconds the bridge was awash with red light.

"It's an emergency. We'll have to evacuate!" said Sandra. "Everyone to the shuttle pods immediately."

Obediently, if bewildered, the crew left their posts and headed to the emergency evacuation points. All except for Lex.

"Captain?" he asked in a low voice.

"The life support systems are failing. You need to evacuate for your own safety, Lex," repeated Sandra, firmly.

Lex pursed his lips and squinted at her. "What's going on?"

Sandra shook her head ever so slightly, waiting until the last crew left the bridge.

"Go, Lex. This is your last chance," urged Sandra, when they were alone.

"You've got a plan, haven't you?" said Lex, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

"This will be a one-way trip, Lex. The last shuttle is waiting to depart, so..."

"I'm staying with you."

Sandra nodded and released the last shuttle despite the pilot's protests.

"Right. Take over the pilot's chair, Lex, and get ready! We're going to follow that ship into the wormhole." She reached across and did something to the control panel and all the red lights stopped flashing.

A moment later, Tok 26 drew away from the rest of the fleet, powering up its normal drive as high as it could. Survivor followed right on its tail.

She ignored the shrill sounds coming from her communication unit, demanding that she stand down and cease all action immediately.

A black-rimmed hole appeared in front of them as Tok26 opened a wormhole and shot in through the opening. Lex followed without a second thought. Instantly they were surrounded by black. The only thing they could see was a glimpse of the rear of Tok 26, twisting and distorting in the black tube.

"What's the plan, Captain?" asked Lex, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

Sandra bared her teeth in a twisted grin. "Take us around in a hard right, and head straight for the side of the tunnel. We're going find out exactly what happens when you collapse a wormhole with two ships inside."

Sandra sat back in the Captain's chair, gripping the armrests as Lex made the course alterations. "I decided you were right, Lex. I'm sorry about the other humans on board that ship, but we simply can't afford to let the Tokkans get back home. This is war, total war."

(Author's Note:

Sub genre: Military Sci-fi

Word count 3000 – 3500 – mine is 3343)

You must use the phrase 'did / do /doing a Trump" in your story. It can be positive or negative and meaning is up to you.

2 former Survivor players must be two of the main characters – mine are Lex and Sandra

Utilise the song "War Ensemble' by Slayer (somehow)

Plus 2 images out of 4 – I used 3 and 4, a battle in space and troops lined up in a spaceport)

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