Chapter 9. Humiliation

Thursday morning greeted Hope's awakening with a dim light. Outside the window it was thundering and raining heavily.

"And I've been waiting for the hushed rainy season to show itself in all its glory...I guess there's a romance to it, but I still like the sun..."

"Are you still lying down?! Get up! The alarm clock's been ringing for 15 minutes!" - Troy burst in again without knocking, but his face didn't have his usual morning smile on it, his eyebrows shifted, his look slightly gaunt.

"I was up all night, tossing and turning and worrying about baby Jean! The universe heard me and the rain came just in time as never before. No run today. Come on down! Breakfast is ready and so are my ears! You tell me everything you know about that bastard and I'll share my information later... I already have a rough idea of what this is going to be about..." - Grandpa laid it all out and just as swiftly disappeared behind the door, sighing deeply along the way: "Oh... Kids... I hope my heart is as strong as I think it is..."

"You've already been sent..." - as Hope tried to ask a question, he could already hear Troy's heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

Quick morning preparations: a contrasting shower, teeth brushing, school uniform for the cooler weather - black pants and a white long-sleeved shirt; and then Hope flew into the kitchen with a quick step.

Grandpa sat at the table with a frown and was leafing through something on his phone.

"I'm ready!" - Hope quickly reported and sat down in his seat

"Tell me about it, kid! I've been waiting a long time," Troy started tapping his fingers on the tabletop, which gave away his impatience and, according to the guy's observation, his anxiety at the moment.

Hope didn't hesitate and, remembering Jean's story, tried to tell it almost verbatim to Grandpa.


The beginning of the flashback

"What an idiot I am, Hope! I still can't believe I got myself into this situation... An idiot in love... Remember I told you about the new piano teacher?! He turned out to be a total asshole... only I didn't realize it right away, and all this shit happened so fast.....

His name is Anuman, he's 22 years old. My mom was looking for a replacement for a teacher who had fallen ill and a friend recommended him, saying her daughter loved his lessons.

He is handsome to hell: dyed blond, white skin, straight shining, the face of a god, stylish, voice velvety, sweet talker and speech clean. How could I not fall in love?! It's like that new kid in middle school. Remember?! It's like an electric shock, and I'm not me anymore.


My brain just shut down around him, we spent a week learning one composition, even though without him I could have practiced it in a couple of days. He often guided my hands with his and sat very close to me, even though it was not necessary, because I was already a pro... but I, idiot, melted from these touches and dimples on my cheeks... although I should have been wary even then....

And then it was fucking Monday...

It was business as usual, except my parents were away all night at a charity event.

After the lesson he started talking about how he dreamed of becoming a famous photographer, that he'd been trained and now he needed to gain experience, but not many people agreed to model for him because he was just a beginner.

So I volunteered... now I realize that this was probably what he was counting on... but at that time I sincerely wanted to help him and he took out his Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Body from his backpack, I also dreamed of such a camera, so he and I had a lot to discuss.

And then he started taking pictures of me... we had a lot of fun: I was spinning around, he suggested different poses, fixed my hair, made a lot of jokes, and then... he dimmed the lights... "to create intrigue and add zest to the photos".

You know, when he took his eyes off the camera and looked at me with a penetrating gaze and said: "Oh, my God, you're so beautiful! Like an angel!", I thought in that moment that I was ready to give him everything: my soul, body, feelings, and even everything that was mine in this house.

How stupid of me!

Okay...moving on....

Next, everything happened so fast... He asked me to take off my shirt, saying that these photos would be just ours and he hadn't shot anything like this, that he was nervous, like me, but had long dreamed of taking a photo of a naked beautiful female body and I fit his ideal of a model....

As if under hypnosis I agreed to everything he suggested... and here he was already sitting next to me on the couch, and I was wearing only underwear....


I'm sorry for being so long silent... It's hard for me to talk about it....

He was admiring my body non-stop...I don't want to go into details here, it was a lie and a bait for an idiot like me anyway...And then he started touching me with one hand, while continuing to take pictures...This asshole so quickly exposed my top.... and already wanted to take off my panties, as my brain finally turned on and I asked him not to continue, as I was not ready to lose my virginity yet, but he was already unstoppable with words... and when he almost lay on top of me, I shoved him off with force....

And at that moment....

I saw the real him! He stood up abruptly, sat down on the chair and grinned. His eyes no longer had that beautiful peace and positive qualities that I had seen just a short while ago... they became cold and his gaze became hard. Even the face I had fallen in love with had abruptly become somehow angular.

I was dumbfounded and tried to cover myself, and he laughed and said: "Oh, man! Everything was going so well. How did you manage to keep your hole undisturbed until you were 18, baby?! What are we gonna do with you?! Here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna be my toy. I've never tried this before, because I've gotten it right the first time with others. But with you I'm willing to do a little role-playing... ahahahaha."

I was shocked, asked what that meant, and tried to put him in his place by telling him I wasn't going to be anyone's toy.

But he... started laughing nastily and waving his camera around, and then threatened to post all the photos in the school forum, since he has that option, and to send the "best" photos to my parents in print.

I was horrified, snapped and yelled at him, demanding to leave my house. He left, but at the door he said that if I didn't text him tomorrow, he would carry out his threat.

I won't tell you what happened to me after the door slammed shut... I always thought I was the smartest, you know! I laughed at others when they were dumb as hell and got scammed by scammers. And now that I was a victim, I felt helpless.....

I drowned my crush on this vile man in tears, screams and sobs... and then I decided that in no way I will not become his sex toy, he would not dare, afraid to post photos for public viewing. With that firmly in mind, I went to sleep. And in the morning...

I woke up to the incessant beeping notifications... It was pictures of me... The freak had sent me all the most disgusting moments of the previous evening.

Hope, I was filled with such a terrible fear. I've never experienced anything like it. It was hard to breathe and my body was pounding like a fever. I don't remember packing up and getting to school that day. It was only when I saw you on the bench that I calmed down...

Made up, fool me, about women's days, and then, so that you did not guess, stood in the corridor, waiting for 10 minutes to enter the classroom ... Just do not scold me, my friend! I've already scolded myself a lot, including the fact that I didn't tell you everything back then....

Aaaaaaaaaah... I imagined the consequences of my refusal to this thing, the judgmental eyes of parents, teachers, friends... I would not stand it... Do you understand? I hate myself for what I did next! Because of fear, I wrote to him...

I asked for an opportunity to give in money, however much he asked, I would find that amount. But he replied with a one-word negative and sent me his address.

Twenty minutes later, I got a call from my mom informing me that today's music lesson would be at the teacher's house, as he had an unexpected delivery of a new Yamaha for that time, and he asked Jean to come over and help him tune up the delivered keyboard wonder.

Huh... And this guy knows everything about women of all ages, and he has a special unmistakable approach to each one. My mom loves him. She didn't even think it was dangerous to send her daughter home to a grown-up guy alone. That's how much he creates an angelic aura around him that you believe in unconditionally.

I was going as if that's going to be my execution... And so it happened: my virginity remained with me, but my dignity was tortured and trampled in the dirt....


He asked me not to resist, and said it would be the last time we'd see each other if I did anything he wanted... Then he undressed me, got me on my knees... pawed me... licked me... licked me... kissed me...made me take nasty huge things in my mouth...and then...did it to me with his cock and...cum...and again...I cried...begged...but he wouldn't let me go...ahhhhh...Gods! I won't say anything else! It's so disgusting! You must be sick of hearing that. I'm disgusted...

It didn't end there. On the way home, I got a text from him saying, "Great fun. See you on Thursday!" and a link to the cloud... There was a 3 minute video... That bitch humiliated me and filmed it!!!!

I felt so worthless and the situation seemed unsolvable at that moment... even a creepy thought popped into my head - I'd rather die than see him again... And this is me? The iron and unyielding Jean, who loves life!

...I was throwing up all night...

And when I woke up this morning...I saw the colorful sun bunnies on the bed from the stained glass bird you gave me and I decided I'm gonna try to get out of this shit and I'm gonna talk to you....

Hope, what do I do? I'm so confused. I don't know if anyone can help me.

The end of the flashback


"Fuck!!! Motherfucking bastard! Son of a bitch! What the fuck is going on?! *Bang* There's a lot of shitheads out there!" - Troy swore and pounded his fist on the table with force so that the dishes with food bounced slightly and one chopstick rolled to the floor.

"Grandpa, take it easy! You're the only one I have, take care of yourself!...'' Although I completely understand your feelings... Every word of Jean's, every minute of her suffering, every action of that asshole is like a knife to my heart! After her story I was filled with the urge to curse this unjust world and run out to kill... but I held back for her sake" - Hope tried to calm Grandpa, but felt his own blood boiling.

"Grandpa, I'm sure - she's not the only one hurt by his actions! We need to address this issue right away and make sure this scum can't move his cock and humiliate little girls anymore!" - As he told Jean's story, Hope felt the intense pain in his chest again, his fists clenched instinctively.

"You're sadly right, son. She wasn't the only one caught in the jaws of that dog...''

His name is Anuman Chanthara, the youngest son of Kiet Chanthara, founder of Thai Food Group Corporation, the largest canned fish manufacturer, who runs the business with his offspring. But the youngest, unlike his brothers, heavily spoiled by his parents, did not work alongside his father but went his own dark unpunished way. He was twice reported for rape, but the caring parent let everything slide, apparently let his fat wallet in the case, and the victims withdrew their accusations. I'm sure there are many more girls who have been abused by him, just not everyone dares to tell their loved ones and the police about it, because in essence everything looks consensual. People like him need to be dealt with in a different way!" - Sharing with Hope the information he had gotten from his "boys", Troy couldn't sit still, he measured the small kitchen with his wide strides, twirling the cigarette between his fingers.

"What do you suggest? We need to not just punish him, but take away all the photos and videos of Jean and...I wish we could help all his victims."

"We'll do everything today. I don't think we'll need much training. I'll take one of the big shots with me, Calleo. He'll find whatever that pervert has hidden in there. And I think I'll have him take little Infiniti..." - Troy was focused and spoke in an already calm voice, occasionally taking huge sips of coffee from his mug.

"Why are we changing the car?" - Hope was puzzled.

" mean Infiniti! It's something different, you'll find out on the spot... You'll love it!" - Troy decided to withhold the information, and in a friend added: "You don't have to go, by the way. We'll be fine. And you can see Infiniti sometime later."

"I'm going! Grandpa, it's out of the question!" - Hope reacted immediately, standing up abruptly and leaning on the table, looking very intently at his interlocutor, wanting to convey to him the seriousness of his intention to face his friend's abuser.

"All right, all right. I've got it. I'll pick you up at four!" - Troy sagged back slightly and shook his arms in a sign of surrender, then put the already empty mug in the sink and turned around and said: "No run or workout today. And since there is time - let's go to the garage, you can pass me once again the standards on incomplete disassembly, assembly and loading the magazine with cartridges. Let's run through all the weapons I have in my arsenal. Last time you messed with something."

"Grandpa, I wasn't wrong! I missed the standard by a second because I hurt my finger a little during training" - Hope decided to stand up for his defense, but Grandpa immediately blocked his lunge:

"In real life, dear, you might not have that second! I once, with three numb fingers, loaded an AK magazine with ammo in 29 seconds."

"Wow.... Grandpa, you're a first-class warrior, but to be honest, I'm not really sure why I'm doing this? I'm going to live a normal, peaceful life."

"Hopefully you won't have to face a real situation where those skills might come in handy, but I want you to be prepared for anything!" - after those words Hope saw no point in continuing to insist and followed Troy into the garage.

The boy had done his best today and Grandpa was pleased with his results.

On the way to school, Troy asked Hope an unexpected question, "My lemur tails brought me some information - you've been acting strange around the Club this week... Like you're waiting for someone. Is it... ahem... the one with the pillows?"

"Wh-what?! I'm not waiting for anyone! Your undermonkeys got it wrong" - the guy still wasn't ready to share the current situation with Grandpa about the coach.

"So be it... heh heh," Troy didn't insist.

They arrived at the school by 7:30. By this time, the sky had dried up its moisture reserves and the sun was peeking out.

Hope spotted a familiar silver Mazda CX-5 in the parking lot and noted to himself:

"Is Lion really here already! This early?"

The guy reminded Troy once again of the 4:09 pm meeting, said his goodbyes, and went to his favorite spot under the albizia. Sitting hunched over on the bench was Jean, a folded wet pink umbrella in her hands.

"Hello, pretty girl! You're unusually early today and you've been sitting for a while. Not getting wet?" - Hope tried to sound encouragingly cheerful.

Jean looked up and smiled strainedly, "Hello, Hopie! I didn't sleep well tonight... I came to meditate on your bench. You don't mind, do you?"

The boy sat down next to her, put his arm around his fragile friend's shoulders and whispered in her ear: "Jeanie, I understand your worries, but trust me - from now on, no one will dare to hurt you! I promise you! You can exhale already and..."

"... let the birds go!" - Jean finished for her friend and smiled sincerely.

"That's right, dear! Let them fly!"

They sat like that, saying nothing more, for almost an hour, recharged by the warmth and freshness of the morning. Hope once again checked all the shelves in his head with neatly organized thoughts and conclusions about the situation - for the moment everything was quiet in his storehouse of consciousness. And Jean just breathed and tried diligently to shoo the unruly birds out into the open, but fear prevented her from doing so.

Into their calm temporary shelter burst, waving his backpack and arms, a boisterous Pruit:

"Mornin'!!! Hey! We live in the "Land of Smiles", and you've had no face on you since the day started! Share your sorrows with me and behold the power of my mega positive aura that will dissolve them without a trace!"

The pair looked at Pruit for a moment, then at each other, and suddenly, without collusion, the guys burst into laughter at the same time. It took them so long to calm down that Jean even had tears streaming from her eyes, and the guy standing across from them was staring expectantly at what was happening with obvious incomprehension.

"Ouch! Pruitie, you're so good! More than ever, your mouth gave out something needed!" - Jean stood up and stroked the tall guy's forearm.

"What?! Not even an insult like usual?" - Pruit's eyes read bewilderment.

"Stop! Don't wake the beast, buddy! Let's go up to class!" - The headman rushed to save Pruit from Jean's attacks, which he was clearly lashing out at.

The day was a bit hectic as Hope tried to solve all the School Board's business at recess to unload the evening, taking turns pulling out the people in charge and checking on Tuesday's tasks.

After fourth class, it rained again, so he went with his friends and Mali to eat in the crowded cafeteria. There was no talking due to the noise, but the school president was able to catch up with everyone he couldn't find during breaks and shut down any questions.

It was time to head to gym class. Hope was a little nervous, but he caught himself thinking that this excitement was not because of fear of exposure, but because he really wanted to see Jake.

Coach was wearing a blue tracksuit today, the zipper on his light jacket unzipped almost all the way down, and a tight white T-shirt that emphasized his muscular body and flat stomach.

"Those are our teacher's abs! Did you see that? All the girls are drooling!" - Jean ran up to Hope during the run to gossip about Jake, but didn't hear anything back from her friend.

The boy looked at the coach a lot during class and after the first hour he realized that Lion didn't care about him at all:

"He didn't even look at me once. And does not give tasks, as usual. I'm a fool! I imagined to myself all of this..."

In the middle of the second PE class, during the shuttle run, Jean tripped and scraped her knees on the wooden floor. Hope and Pruit immediately jumped out of their seats to help her, but the Headman was quicker. He lightly lifted Jean in his arms, her knees were covered in abrasions and blood, she held back tears as best she could to avoid showing weakness in front of three dozen of her classmates.

"I'll walk her to the infirmary myself!" - Lion approached them with his eyebrows shifted to the bridge of his nose.

"Captain, keep the class going!" - Saying this, the coach intercepted Jean from Hope's arms and carried her toward the exit, though she weakly resisted and said she could walk to the exit on her own.

"What's the matter with P'Jake? He's obviously in a bad mood today," Pruit's comment voiced Hope's thoughts on the teacher's mood.

The headman had finished the lesson and dismissed the classmates, but the coach still hadn't returned. There was no time to wait, as the clock showed five minutes to four, and the boy, having changed his clothes, ran towards the nurses' station.

Running into the white door with a red cross on it, Hope saw Jean with bandaged knees sitting on a couch, a nurse standing nearby, but the coach wasn't there:

"Good afternoon, Khun Somying!" - the guy said hello to the dark-haired woman in her forties, then turned to his friend, "Are you okay? Can you make it home?"

"I'm fine! I already have a driver coming to pick me up..." - Hope breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his friend's smile.

"I'll walk you to the parking lot!" - The boy lifted his friend up and led her to the exit of the school.

"Hope, are you skipping assembly're going to see him...?" - Jean asked quietly as they walked in an embrace.

"Don't worry about me. I won't be alone. I'll report back with the results" the guy winked at her and smiled.

In the parking lot, Hope put Jean in her car, and he headed to an older Mercedes that was waiting for him.

The silver Mazda stood in its place, Hope looked at it puzzled for a moment:

"I wonder where it went."

(From the author: I will deviate slightly from the intended plan to alternate Hope - Red chapters and the next chapter will be a continuation of this chapter)

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