from the depths of the icy core...

Our tale begins in the most isolated place on planet Earth, Antarctica. Specifically the center. There we see ginormous spikes of ice protruding from the ground, each and every single one pointing away from the very center of the continent. In the very center is nothing more than a giant white circle of flat snow and ice. We see some explorers coming to investigate the strange natural phenomenon...

???: Here it is ladies and gentlemen, the great and mysterious 50 meter long gap, at the very center of Antarctica, there is a ginormous circle approximately 50 meters in diameter and 25 in radius. It is a perfect circle that was somehow made by nature, there is nothing on or underneath this circle nor is there anything above, however if you look closely you can see the ice spikes and the ginormous stalagmites pointing into the opposite direction of the circle! Today we are really going to find out what happens in this area. And we have prepared every single test possible in order to understand what is this Gap and what caused it!? Now here we can see there appears to be nothing nearby however when we use our black light flashlight, you can see that there is four square pedestals hidden within the snow and ice, today me and my team are going to discover the secrets of this natural phenomenon, whether the government wants us to or not!

The explorer and his three team members then step on each of the pedestals, unknowingly deactivating a mechanism that should never have been deactivated... Suddenly the sound of gears turning and moving can be heard from all across Antarctica, followed by the sound of clanking chains... Suddenly the ginormous circle shatters apart, as we see chains pulling something up, as we then see a enormous boat of some kind rise from the Frozen depths...

???: Holy crap... This is amazing! It's some kind of ancient sea vessel, perhaps it was the property of some lost seafaring civilization?! Hold on I'm getting a call, oh! It's from the curator of the grand Japanese History museum. He says that the boat is an important part of Japanese culture? I guess our next stop is Japan! Where we will return this ancient relic back to its rightful place.

One year later.

We see a battle taking place above the skies, a battle between a devil and a stray.

???: I wish I had some backup, but rias and the others are busy.

???: Just a little further...

???: Where the hay are you even going?!

???: Aha!!! Finally!!! I'm about to kill the Red Dragon emperor!

The stray then plunged down breaking through the roof of a nearby museum, they're pursuer, also known as Issei hyoudou, following them.

Issei: where are you?

Issei then looks in front of him only to see a ginormous boat.

Issei: whoa, what is this? It feels as if the boat itself is weakening me?!

Ddraig: your assumption is correct, this boat is completely doused in Sanzu river water, or a mysterious liquid which is pretty much hotter than lava and more volatile than acid. Yet somehow this boat is still stands? Curious, the special water also has the passive ability of draining the energy and life force from anything near it. Except a Nighlok of course...

Issei: what's a Nighlok?

???: They were my ancestors! Each one possessed the power to easily kill things like archangels and seraphim! However, they are all gone and the only thing remaining is this boat and its contents.

Suddenly the stray devil pulls a blade out from the floor of the ship.

???: Behold, foolish peerage devil! The blade in my hands is none other than the great blade of the strongest Nighlok in existence!!! With it and it alone even a normal human without a sacred gear can gain the power to overthrow God's easily! For is is forged from the Sanzu river itself! Anything that touches the blade of it will instantly be drained of all of their power and life! And with it I will end yours!!!

However, before the stray devil can even swing the blade at the red dragon emperor, the blade then the flies out of his hand and stabs and straight through the heart, the blade then flies over to what appears to be a complete skeleton covered in spikes of ice, the blade then stabs right through where the heart would be and the blood that was still on the blade from the stray devil immediately flies into the center of the skeletons chest. Suddenly the floating blood begins spinning around and around and around until it becomes the size of a soccer ball, the orb of blood then explodes covering the skeleton, dying it red. As Issei is about to leave, we see fresh and muscle as well as organs begin to form from the skeleton, as Issei is frozen in shock, staring at the reforming creature. Next, Rock like skin plates begin forming on the skin of the creature, until it is complete. Issei, now Frozen is no longer shock but fear, stares at the Creature

?!?!?!?: Well well well, if it isn't the red faker! You must be his newest host! I can smell and taste your fear from here, it's delicious... Same with yours big lizard, I've never forgotten it's taste... Hehe... And then you and that white bitch as well as those other fool's! I can't believe it. Sealing me in a loop of endless death, and then placing my body in my own boat and then ceiling that in the core of Antarctica?!?! I thought you were better than that, faker!

Issei: Ddraig what does he mean faker?

Ddraig: he is... The uh inspiration behind the Red Dragon emperor title.

?!?!?!?: Do you mean "stole it"?! You took my title and made it into the name for your pathetic hosts!!! I alone held power to kill Yahweh and those pathetic so called "Dragon gods"! As well as every other faction at once!!!

Issei: w-why w-were y-you c-called the Red Dragon e-emp-peror?

?!?!?!?: Because, I was the one who terrified the Great Red Dragon so much to the point where he never leaves the dimensional Gap! I was the one who not even the gods of death and destruction themselves would want to see! I was called the Red Dragon emperor because of the head of the Dragon I tore off and embedded into my chest! And I will not be replaced by some faking red lizard!!!

The humanoid creature then began to charge at Issei, who could finally get a better look at the creature since they were out of the darkness. however,once he did Issei wished he had never seen the creature in the first place.

?!?!?!?: I am the one called Master Xandred and you are my prey!

End Of Chapter.....

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